Results for 'H. Grosse'

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  1.  34
    Perceptual similarity of mirror images in infancy.Marc H. Bornstein, Charles G. Gross & Joan Z. Wolf - 1978 - Cognition 6 (2):89-116.
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  2. The Bakke Case: The Politics of Inequality.Joel Dreyfuss, Charles Lawrence, Alan H. Goldman, Barry R. Gross, John C. Livingston & Allan P. Sindler - 1980 - Ethics 91 (1):138-150.
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    Orientation of shear bands for a rigid plastic frictional material in simple shear.A. Papon, X. Liu, H. Muhlhaus & L. Gross - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (28-30):3564-3588.
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    Is It Appropriate to Pray in the Operating Room?H. Phil Gross - 1995 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 6 (3):273-274.
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  5. Philosophical discussion of violence.H. Gross - 1978 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 85 (2):380-393.
  6. Concerning the possibilities of futurology as a science.H. Gross - 1980 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 87 (2):378-396.
  7. Commentary on: Two functional components of the hippocampal memory system. Authors' reply.M. Colombo, Cg Gross, M. Moscovitch, Dg Mumby, F. Toates, H. Eichenbaum, T. Otto & Nj Cohen - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):766-776.
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    Pronunciation difficulty, temporal regularity, and the speech-to-song illusion.Elizabeth H. Margulis, Rhimmon Simchy-Gross & Justin L. Black - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:122027.
    The speech-to-song illusion ( Deutsch et al., 2011 ) tracks the perceptual transformation from speech to song across repetitions of a brief spoken utterance. Because it involves no change in the stimulus itself, but a dramatic change in its perceived affiliation to speech or to music, it presents a unique opportunity to comparatively investigate the processing of language and music. In this study, native English-speaking participants were presented with brief spoken utterances that were subsequently repeated ten times. The utterances were (...)
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    Is it appropriate to pray in the operating room?H. P. Gross - 1995 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 6 (3):273.
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  10. For an ontology of the well-worn path.H. Gross - 1991 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 98 (1):48-61.
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    Solitons in solid state physics.H. Grosse - 1984 - In Heinrich Mitter & Ludwig Pittner (eds.), Stochastic methods and computer techniques in quantum dynamics. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 393--399.
  12.  28
    Pastoralism and Personality: An Andean Replication.Charlene Bolton, Ralph Bolton, Lorraine Gross, Amy Koel, Carol Michelson, Robert L. Munroe & Ruth H. Munroe - 1976 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 4 (4):463-481.
  13. E. Grosse, Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien.H. H. Donaldson - 1885 - Mind 10:399.
  14.  23
    Physics for PoetsRobert H. March.Walter E. Gross - 1972 - Isis 63 (2):261-262.
  15. The #MeToo Movement, the Repression of Rape, and Otto Gross.Philip Højme - 2018 - Clio’s Psyche 25 (1):47-50.
    This paper briefly describes the life of Otte Gross and his thoughts on sexuality, society, and repression. This provides the basis to interpret the #MeToo movement as functioning in the same way as a repressed memory that breaks through to consciousness. Gross' suggestion that society "rapes" individuals and his assertion of a primordial matriarchal society are useful insights in understanding the #Metoo movement.
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  16.  53
    Sugarcoated isolation: evidence that social avoidance is linked to higher basal glucose levels and higher consumption of glucose.Tsachi Ein-Dor, James A. Coan, Abira Reizer, Elizabeth B. Gross, Dana Dahan, Meredyth A. Wegener, Rafael Carel, Claude R. Cloninger & Ada H. Zohar - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  17. W. Dilthey, Die grosse Phantasiedichtung.H. Gadamer - 1954 - Philosophische Rundschau 2 (3/4):236.
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  18. Unger-1," The Rich and the Rest of Us: Gross Inequality Versus Democracy.H. Stephen - forthcoming - Ends and Means.
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  19.  39
    Managing Coastal Resource in the 21st Century.M. P. Weinstein, R. C. Baird, D. O. Conover, M. Gross, F. W. J. Keulartz, D. K. Loomis, Z. Naveh, S. B. Peterson, D. J. Reed, E. Roe, R. L. Swanson, J. A. A. Swart, J. M. Teal, H. J. Turner & H. J. Windt - unknown
    Coastal ecosystems are increasingly dominated by humans. Consequently, the human dimensions of sustainability science have become an integral part of emerging coastal governance and management practices. But if we are to avoid the harsh lessons of land management, coastal decision makers must recognize that humans are one of the more coastally dependent species in the biosphere. Management responses must therefore confront both the temporal urgency and the very real compromises and sacrifices that will be necessary to achieve a sustainable coastal (...)
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    Semi-Analytical Solutions for the Diffusive Kaldor–Kalecki Business Cycle Model with a Time Delay for Gross Product and Capital Stock.H. Y. Alfifi - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    This paper discusses the stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of the diffusive Kaldor–Kalecki model with a delay included in both gross product and capital stock functions. The reaction-diffusion domain is considered, and the Galerkin analytical method is used to derive the system of ordinary differential equations. The methodology used to determine the Hopf bifurcation points is discussed in detail. Furthermore, full diagrams of the Hopf bifurcation regions considered in the stability analysis are shown, and some numerical simulations of the limit (...)
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  21. Causation Outside the Law.Hyman Gross & Ross Harrison - unknown
    In their important book, Causation in the Law, H. L. A. Hart and Tony Honore argue that causation in the law is based on causation outside the law, that the causal principles the courts rely on to determine legal responsibility are based on distinctions exercised in ordinary causal judgments. A distinction that particularly concerns them is one that divides factors that are necessary or sine qua non for an effect into those that count as causes for purposes of legal responsibility (...)
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  22.  75
    Der grosse Aias. By Peter von Der Mühll. Pp. 42. Basel: Reinhardt, 1930.H. J. Rose - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (04):151-.
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  23. Humor als lebensgefühl (Der grosse humor).Harald Høffding - 1930 - Leipzig,: O. R. Reisland. Edited by Heinrich Goebel.
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  24. (1 other version)K. Jaspers, Schelling. Grösse und Verhängnis. [REVIEW]H. Fuhrmans - 1956 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 48:565.
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  25. A Classical Explanation of Quantization.Gerhard Grössing, Johannes Mesa Pascasio & Herbert Schwabl - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (9):1437-1453.
    In the context of our recently developed emergent quantum mechanics, and, in particular, based on an assumed sub-quantum thermodynamics, the necessity of energy quantization as originally postulated by Max Planck is explained by means of purely classical physics. Moreover, under the same premises, also the energy spectrum of the quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator is derived. Essentially, Planck’s constant h is shown to be indicative of a particle’s “zitterbewegung” and thus of a fundamental angular momentum. The latter is identified with quantum (...)
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  26.  44
    Voltaire Nonconformist. By Rebecca H. Gross. New York: Philosophical Library, 1965. pp. v, 162. $4.50. - Helvétius a Study in Persecution. By D. W. Smith. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1965. pp. viii, 248. $6.50. [REVIEW]Berkley B. Eddins - 1966 - Dialogue 5 (1):106-108.
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    THE TORTURE DOCTORS: Human Rights Crimes and the Road to JusticeSteven H.Miles (Ed.) Georgetown University Press: Washington, DC, 2020. ISBN-13: 978-1626167520. [REVIEW]Michael L. Gross - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (8):874-875.
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    Reviews : Alexander der Grosse: Ingenium und macht by Fritz Schachermeyr. Graz-salzburgh-wien: Anton pustet, i949. Pp. 535, with i5 illustrations and 7 maps. [REVIEW]H. Fichtenau - 1953 - Diogenes 1 (3):126-130.
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    Moral Dilemmas of Modern War: Torture, Assassination, and Blackmail in an Age of Asymmetric Conflict, by Michael Gross. [REVIEW]H. Frowe - 2011 - Mind 120 (480):1258-1262.
  30.  63
    Sleep Deprivation and Sustained Attention Performance: Integrating Mathematical and Cognitive Modeling.Glenn Gunzelmann, Joshua B. Gross, Kevin A. Gluck & David F. Dinges - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (5):880-910.
    A long history of research has revealed many neurophysiological changes and concomitant behavioral impacts of sleep deprivation, sleep restriction, and circadian rhythms. Little research, however, has been conducted in the area of computational cognitive modeling to understand the information processing mechanisms through which neurobehavioral factors operate to produce degradations in human performance. Our approach to understanding this relationship is to link predictions of overall cognitive functioning, or alertness, from existing biomathematical models to information processing parameters in a cognitive architecture, leveraging (...)
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  31.  23
    Hellenika: Griechisch - Deutsch.H. G. Xenophon - 1918 - Akademie Verlag.
    Das grosse Geschichtswerk des Thukydides bricht ab um das Jahr 411. Hier setzt Xenophon, ein Schuler des Sokrates, ein. Seine "Hellenika" in sieben Buchern, die einzige vollstandig erhaltene Fortsetzung des Thukydides, ist die Darstellung der griechischen Geschichte vom letzten Teil des Peleponnesischen Krieges bis zur Schlacht von Mantinea im Jahre 362. Leitgedanke des Werkes ist der Aufstieg Spartas zur Hegemonialmacht und sein Niedergang. Die objektive Form des Berichterstattung des Thukydides wird zwar beibehalten, jedoch ohne strenge Chronologie und mit einer (...)
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    Monika Boll/Raphael Gross : „Ich staune, dass Sie in dieser Luft atmen können“. Jüdische Intellektuelle in Deutschland nach 1945, Frankfurt a. M.: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 2013, 396 S. [REVIEW]Joachim H. Knoll - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 65 (3):306-309.
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    Gedichte: Griechisch - Deutsch.H. G. Theokrit - 2013 - De Gruyter.
    Von Theokrits Leben wissen wir wenig. Geboren wohl zu Beginn des 3. Jh.s. v. Chr. im sizilischen Syrakus, hat ihn das landliche Lebensumfeld gepragt. Eine Reise nach Alexandreia, der Metropole des Ptolemaerreiches, fuhrte ihn vermutlich mit Kallimachos und Apollonios Rhodios sowie dem Lehrdichter Arat zusammen; belegt ist das freundschaftliche Verhaltnis zu dem in Milet praktizierenden Arzt und Epigrammdichter Nikias. Als Todesdatum kommen die 60er Jahre in Frage, aber auch ein erheblich spaterer Zeitpunkt. Die politischen und wirtschaftlichen Veranderungen seit dem 4. (...)
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    Zur analyse Des grössenbegriffs.H. König - 1957 - Dialectica 11 (1‐2):70-87.
    ZusammenfassungViele Schwierigkeiten in Diskussionen über Grössen, speziell elektro‐magnetische Grossen, rühren davon her, dass man den Begriff Grösse auf verschiedene Weise anwendet oder anzuwenden gezwungen ist. Auf der einen Seite möchte man die Grösse als Produkt aus Masszahl und Einheit als etwas betrachten, das invariant gegenüber Skalenwechsel ist, und auf der andern Seite ist die Grosse gewissermassen der Spiegel dimensioneller cberlegungen und kann im allgemeinen nicht identisch bleiben beim übergang von einem Masssystem zu einem andern. Der Autor weist nach, dass (...)
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  35.  16
    Historien: 2 Bände. Griechisch - Deutsch.H. G. Herodot - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    Herodots grosses Geschichtswerk Herodot wird mit Recht der Vater der Geschichtsschreibung genannt. Er verfasste eine Urgeschichte der alten Kulturen des Vorderen Orients, Agyptens und Griechenlands. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Auseinandersetzung zwischen den Persern und Griechen mit den beruhmten Schlachten von Marathon, an den Thermopylen, bei Salamis und Plataa. Motive wie das Schicksal des Krosus oder der Ring des Polykrates sind in die Weltliteratur eingegangen. Ubersetzt und herausgegeben von Josef Feix.".
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    Who is my brother's keeper?M. H. Kottow - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (1):24-27.
    Clinical and research practices designed by developed countries are often implemented in host nations of the Third World. In recent years, a number of papers have presented a diversity of arguments to justify these practices which include the defence of research with placebos even though best proven treatments exist; the distribution of drugs unapproved in their country of origin; withholding of existing therapy in order to observe the natural course of infection and disease; redefinition of equipoise to a more bland (...)
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  37.  8
    Dramen: Griechisch Und Deutsch.H. G. Sophokles - 2007 - De Gruyter.
    Sophokles, der zweite der drei grossen Tragiker, fuhrte die griechische Tragodie zu ihrem Hohepunkt. Seine Dramen haben die am strengsten komponierte Form, seine Neuerungen lassen die Handlung auf der Buhne starker hervortreten: Er fuhrt den dritten Schauspieler ein, schrankt die Chorlieder ein, erweitert dagegen den Chor von 12 auf 15 Manner und verwendet als erster Buhnenmalerei. Er lost sich von der gewohnten Trilogie und stellt jede der drei zusammen aufgefuhrten Tragodien nach Stoff und Handlung abgerundet auf sich selbst. Mit diesen (...)
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  38.  50
    Amatory Persuasion Nicholas P. Gross: Amatory Persuasion in Antiquity. Studies in Theory and Practice. Pp. 192; 1 illustration. London and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1985. £20.95. [REVIEW]A. H. F. Griffin - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (01):56-57.
  39.  35
    Does informed consent exempt Japanese doctors from reporting therapeutic deaths?H. Ikegaya - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (2):114-116.
    The Japanese Medical Act section 21 states that doctors must report unnatural deaths to the police, even though the term “unnatural death” is not defined by law. However, many doctors are reluctant to report potential therapeutic deaths . The Japanese Society of Legal Medicine has submitted guidelines for unnatural death, including PTD. These define a PTD as an unexpected death, the cause of which is unknown, but which is potentially related to medical practice. Such deaths are “reportable” to the coroner (...)
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  40.  27
    Tenax Propositi.F. H. Colson - 1926 - Classical Quarterly 20 (2):101-102.
    I have never read the two great stanzas of Odes III. 3 without a feeling that the above phrase was rather inadequate, according to what I suppose to be the accepted translation. I base the word ‘accepted’ on Forcellini, and Lewis and Short, who give the reference under the head of propositum, ‘purpose,’ ‘intention,’ ‘resolution,’ ‘design.’ But the capacity of sticking to some particular purpose is not a very noble quality, and if we take the phrase in the wider sense (...)
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    But how does it develop? Adopting a sociocultural lens to the development of intergroup bias among children.Niamh McLoughlin & Kathleen H. Corriveau - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    We argue that adopting a sociocultural lens to the origins of intergroup bias is important for understanding the nature of attacking and defending behavior at a group level. We specifically propose that the potential divergence in the development of in-group affiliation and out-group derogation supports De Dreu and Gross's framework but does indicate that more emphasis on early sociocultural input is required.
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    Recent Developments in Health Law.Sean H. Gralton & Ashley Stanley - 1995 - Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics 23 (3):295-296.
    On March 30, 1995, the Supreme Court of Nevada, in Greco v. United States, determined that medical professionals who fail to make a timely diagnosis of gross and disabling fetal defects, thereby denying a pregnant woman her right to terminate a pregnancy, had acted negligently, and a malpractice claim could be brought against them. The court supported the plaintiff's claim of “wrongful birth,” but determined that the disabled child born to the plaintiff has no personal cause of action for “wrongful (...)
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  43. A Comparison of Islam and Christianity as Frame Work for Religious Life.G. S. H. Marshall - 1960 - Diogenes 8 (32):49-74.
    Informed Christians have learned in our day that Islâm is not a primitive desert religion spread by the sword, for which faith is reduced to fatalism and women have no souls. Yet Christian historians of religion who avoid such gross errors still tend to present Islâm as at best an imperfect and parochial version of Christian truth, lacking any distinctive genius truly worthy of its independent dignity among the world religions. But until modern times, when the Christianity (and Judaism) of (...)
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  44. Human Motives and History.Georges Duveau & James H. Labadie - 1958 - Diogenes 6 (22):27-38.
    During the past century and a half historians and sociologists have often shown signs of considerable simplicity of mind when assessing the motivating forces behind the men whose deeds they are studying, and those attaining the most flattering notoriety in the intellectual world have been among the simplest. From the early nineteenth century, beginning with the fall of Napoleon, there is a tendency to present the historical disciplines as sciences: the re-creative anecdote is greeted with increasing disdain, and sociology undergoes (...)
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  45. In Affirming Them, He Affirms Himself.S. H. Kim - 2000 - Political Theory 28 (2):197-229.
    But with the member of a Nonconforming or self-made religious community, how different! The sectary's eigene grosse Erfindungen, as Goethe calls them,—the precious discoveries of himself and his friends for expressing the inexpressible and defining the undefinable in peculiar forms of their own,—cannot but, as he has voluntarily chosen them and is personally responsible for them, fill his whole mind. He is zealous to do battle for them and affirm them; for in affirming them, he affirms himself, and that (...)
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  46.  86
    An Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the Passions and Affections, with Illustrations on the Moral Sense. [REVIEW]Mark H. Waymack - 2004 - Hume Studies 30 (1):208-209.
    With the reintroduction of Hume’s philosophical works in the form of the Green and Gross editions, and the concomitant decline of the British Hegelians about a century ago, respect for Hume’s philosophical talent rose enormously. Our respect and admiration for Hume’s genius, whether we entirely agree with his work or not, has been a sustained, perhaps ever growing, philosophical attitude throughout the time since. However, we have been much slower to recapture and appreciate the philosophical discourse that helped to shape (...)
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  47.  13
    Grice, HP 105,114 Gross, J. 82 Guillaume, P. 36, 49 Gussenhoven, C. 139, 151 H.G. A. de Laguna, F. B. M. deWaal, G. Dell, E. Deloria, J. L. Dessalles, G. Deutscher, E. A. DiPaolo, R. Dixon, R. I. M. Dunbar & G. Duyk - 2010 - In M. Arbib D. Bickerton (ed.), The Emergence of Protolanguage: Holophrasis Vs Compositionality. John Benjamins. pp. 175.
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  48.  34
    The political complexity of attack and defense.Talbot M. Andrews, Leonie Huddy, Reuben Kline, H. Hannah Nam & Katherine Sawyer - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    De Dreu and Gross's distinction between attack and defense is complicated in real-world conflicts because competing leaders construe their position as one of defense, and power imbalances place status quo challengers in a defensive position. Their account of defense as vigilant avoidance is incomplete because it avoids a reference to anger which transforms anxious avoidance into collective and unified action.
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    Color, qualia, and psychophysical constraints on equivalence of color experience.Vincent A. Billock & Brian H. Tsou - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):164-165.
    It has been suggested that difficult-to-quantify differences in visual processing may prevent researchers from equating the color experience of different observers. However, spectral locations of unique hues are remarkably invariant with respect to everything other than gross differences in preretinal and photoreceptor absorptions. This suggests a stereotyping of neural color processing and leads us to posit that minor differences in observer neurophysiology may be irrelevant to color experience.
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  50.  90
    Holmes, H. B., B. B. Hoskins and M. Gross (eds.): 1980, Birth Control and Controlling Birth: Women-Centered Perspectives, Humana Press, Clifton, N.J.; Holmes, H. B., B. B. Hoskins and M. Gross (eds.): 1981, The Custom-Made Child? Women-Centered Perspectives Humana Press, Clifton, N.J. [REVIEW]Maureen A. Flannery - 1982 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 7 (2):229-232.
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