Results for 'Ḥayyim Joseph David Azulai'

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  1. Sefer "Lev Daṿid": 32 peraḳim umi-tokham 6 peraḳim le-mo. ha-r. Ḥ.Ṿ...Hayyim Joseph David Azulai - 1789 - Yerushalayim: Or ṿa-derekh. Edited by Ḥayyim ben Joseph Vital.
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  2. Sefer Lev Daṿid: pirḳe musar ; ʻim heʻarot u-veʼurim Meḳor ḥayim.Hayyim Joseph David Azulai - 2011 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon ha-Meʻir le-hotsaʼat kitve ha-Ḥida, z.y.ʻa. Edited by Ḥayyim ben Joseph Vital.
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  3. Sefer Orot ha-Ḥida: otsar balum shel imrot musar, tokhaḥah ṿe-hadrakhah, hanhagot ḥayim..Hayyim Joseph David Azulai - 2002 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L.]. Edited by Shimʻon Ṿanunu.
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  4. Lev David.Hayyim Joseph David Azulai - 1962 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. mo. l.]. Edited by Ḥayyim ben Joseph Vital.
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  5. Ḳuntres Zahav sagur: yotse le-or ba-paʻam ha-rishonah mitokh ketav yado shel Maran ha-Ḥida. Ṿe-nilṿeh elaṿ sefer Lev Daṿid.Hayyim Joseph David Azulai - 2015 - Bene Beraḳ: Yuval Ivgi. Edited by Yuval Ivgi & Hayyim Joseph David Azulai.
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  6. Sefer Lev Daṿid: 32 pirḳe tokheḥot musar meʻorere ha-levavot la-ʻavodat H.Hayyim Joseph David Azulai - 1794 - Yerushala[y]im: Hotsaʼat Ahavat Shalom, Yad Shemuʼel Franḳo. Edited by Ḥayyim ben Joseph Vital & Hayyim Joseph David Azulai.
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  7. Sefer Otsrot Harḥida: musar--ṿe-hanhagot.Hayyim Joseph David Azulai - 1975 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat "Or Torat ha-Ḥida".
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  8. Shene sefarim niftaḥim: Sefer Yosef la-Ḥok: leḳeṭ divre musar me-rabotenu ha-ḳedoshim, z.y. ʻa. a.Hayyim Joseph David Azulai & Shemuʼel Kohen (eds.) - 1992 - Yerushalayim: Sh. Kohen, Y. Naḳi.
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  9. Lev David: derushim be-derekh musar haskel ; gam derashot ʻal moʻade ha-shanah.Hayyim Joseph David Azulai - 1924 - [Berlin,:
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  10. Sefer Lev Daṿid: yakhil be-ḳirbo 32 peraḳim... ʻim haḳdamot me-rabotenu ha-rishonim... gam derashot ʻal moʻade ha-shanah.Hayyim Joseph David Azulai - 1924 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L.]. Edited by Ḥayyim ben Joseph Vital.
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    Sefer Lev David.Ḥayyim Joseph David Azulai - 1973 - Edited by Ḥayyim ben Joseph Vital.
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  12. Mitsvot ha-bayit.Joseph David Epstein - 1966
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    Proposing Abolition Theory for Carceral Medical Education.Joseph David DiZoglio & Kate Telma - 2022 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (2):335-342.
    Medical schools, like all institutions, are conservative since they seek to maintain and expand on their accomplishments. Stakes are high in carceral medicine given the risks of replicating the inhumane social conditions that exist within prisons and allow prisons to exist. Given the increasing number of partnerships between state and municipal carceral systems with academic medical centers, medical schools must consider which guiding theory they will use to teach carceral medicine. The interdisciplinary theory of prison abolition is best fit for (...)
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  14. Confidentiality.David I. Joseph, [Joseph Onek] & Melissa Goldstein - 1981 - In Sidney Bloch & Stephen A. Green, Psychiatric ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  15. Sefer Mitsvot ha-bayit.Joseph David Epstein - unknown
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  16. Ethics as a work of charity: Thomas Aquinas and pagan virtue.Joseph David Decosimo - 2014 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    Thomas and his outsiders -- God, good, and the desire of all things -- The perfection of habit -- Pagan virtue : perfect, unified, and true -- "The virtue of many gentiles" -- Boundaries and ends -- Honest goods -- Infidelitas and final end conceptions -- Sin and the limits of virtue -- The other face of grace.
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  17. (1 other version)Mitsvat ha-musar.Joseph David Epstein - 1947 - Nyu-Yorḳ,: "Yiśraʼel ha-Tsaʻir,".
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    Historical Thinking in the Post-Talmudic Halakhah.Louis Jacobs - 1988 - History and Theory 27 (4):66-77.
    Investigation into the history of the Talmud was sparked by the Karaite rebellion against the authority of the Talmud at the beginning of the eighth century. The most influential work of Talmudic chronology is the Iggeret de-Rav Sherira Gaon , composed in 986, which sought to explain how the Mishnah and the Talmud were compiled, and demonstrate the unbroken chain of the tradition. Maimonides gives a summary of the history of the tradition in his Commentary to the Mishnah. Although Maimonides' (...)
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  19. Jesus and the Hidden Bible: A Study of Gospel Sources.Joseph Hayyim Krimsky - 1951
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    A doctor's soliloquy.Joseph Hayyim Krimsky - 1953 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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    Thinking with Whitehead and the American Pragmatists: Experience and Reality.Brian G. Henning, William T. Myers & Joseph David John (eds.) - 2015 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Despite there being deep lines of convergence between the philosophies of Alfred North Whitehead, C. S. Peirce, William James, John Dewey, and other classical American philosophers, it remains an open question whether Whitehead is a pragmatist, and conversation between pragmatists and Whitehead scholars have been limited. Indeed, it is difficult to find an anthology of classical American philosophy that includes Whitehead’s writings. These camps began separately, and so they remain. This volume questions the wisdom of that separation, exploring their connections, (...)
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  22. Horizons of a Philosopher Essays in Honor of David Baumgardt.Joseph Frank & David Baumgardt - 1963 - Brill.
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    Applying Civil Rights Law to Clinical Research: Title VI’s Equal Access Mandate.Joseph Liss, David Peloquin, Mark Barnes & Barbara E. Bierer - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (1):101-108.
    Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its implementing regulations prohibit federally-funded educational institutions and healthcare centers from engaging in disparate impact discrimination “on the ground of race, color, or national origin” in all of their operations.
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    The Authority of Law: Essays on Law and Morality.David Lyons & Joseph Raz - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (3):461.
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    In Praise of the Humanities in Academic Medicine.Joseph J. Fins, Barbara Pohl & David J. Doukas - 2013 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 22 (4):355-364.
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    An 'epidemic' model of adolescent sexual intercourse: applications to national survey data.David C. Rowe & Joseph L. Rodgers - 1991 - Journal of Biosocial Science 23 (2):211-219.
    This paper applies models of the onset of adolescent sexual intercourse using national data from Denmark and the USA. The model gave excellent fits to data on Danish Whites and a good fit to American Whites, but the model-fits for American Blacks and Hispanics were not as good. The weakness of the latter model fits may reflect either real processes that the model does not capture or problems in the reliability of adolescent sexuality data.
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  27. Meaning and Truth: Investigations in Philosophical Semantics.Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O'Rourke & David Shier (eds.) - 2002 - Seven Bridges Press.
    This work presents essays on topics of philosophy of language. The text is organized around themes such as the nature of truth and meaning, the semantic nature of quantifiers, and the distinction between semantics and pragmatics.
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    The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew, Vol. III: ז-טThe Dictionary of Classical Hebrew, Vol. III: -.Joseph A. Fitzmyer & David J. A. Clines - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):152.
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  29. Debate: What is Personhood in the Age of AI?David J. Gunkel & Jordan Joseph Wales - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (2):473–486.
    In a friendly interdisciplinary debate, we interrogate from several vantage points the question of “personhood” in light of contemporary and near-future forms of social AI. David J. Gunkel approaches the matter from a philosophical and legal standpoint, while Jordan Wales offers reflections theological and psychological. Attending to metaphysical, moral, social, and legal understandings of personhood, we ask about the position of apparently personal artificial intelligences in our society and individual lives. Re-examining the “person” and questioning prominent construals of that (...)
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    Essays on Argumentation in Antiquity.Joseph Andrew Bjelde, David Merry & Christopher Roser (eds.) - 2021 - Cham: Springer.
    This book provides a collection of essays representing the state of the art in the research into argumentation in classical antiquity. It contains essays from leading and up and coming scholars on figures as diverse as Parmenides, Gorgias, Seneca, and Classical Chinese "wandering persuaders." The book includes contributions from specialists in the history of philosophy as well as specialists in contemporary argumentation theory, and stimulates the dialogue between scholars studying issues relating to argumentation theory in ancient philosophy and contemporary argumentation (...)
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  31. Cultural hermeneutics.Joseph Flanagan, Bernard Lonergan, Thomas Owens, Paul Ricoeur, Jacques Taminiaux & David Tracy - 1970 - Foundations of Language 21 (3):441.
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    Identity, Morality, and Threat: Studies in Violent Conflict.David G. Alpher, Sandra I. Cheldelin, Rom Harre, S. Ayse Kadayifici-Orellana, Joseph V. Montville, Marc H. Ross, Dennis J. D. Sandole, Peter N. Stearns, Lena Tan & Edward A. Tiryakian (eds.) - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    Identity, Morality, and Threat offers a critical examination of the social psychological processes that generate outgroup devaluation and ingroup glorification as the source of conflict. Daniel Rothbart and Karyna Korostelina bring together essays analyzing the causal relationship between escalating violence and opposing images of the Self and Other.
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    A developmental perspective on visual proprioception.David I. Anderson, Joseph J. Campos & Marianne A. Barbu-Roth - 2003 - In Gavin Bremner & Alan Slater, Theories of Infant Development. Blackwell. pp. 30--69.
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    Variability of irrelevant discriminative stimuli.David Zeaman & Joseph Denegre - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (4p1):574.
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    Wollaston and Swift: A Source for the Houyhnhnms?David Joseph Leigh - 1980 - Philosophy and Literature 4 (1):92-106.
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    Virtual Commemoration: The Iraqi Memorial Project.Joseph DeLappe & David Simpson - 2011 - Critical Inquiry 37 (4):615-626.
    Except under extraordinary circumstances, most of us do not look forward with any eagerness to our own deaths. That said, one of the few positive thoughts that can accompany the prospect of dying is the possibility of being remembered with affection or respect. Those of us living ordinary lives out of the public eye would expect to be lamented by our loved ones and commemorated in their living memories and perhaps by some modest headstone or plaque in a place that (...)
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    Elster on self-realization in politics: A critical note.Joseph Chan & David Miller - 1991 - Ethics 102 (1):96-102.
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    (1 other version)Tolstoy and Wittgenstein: The Life Outside of Time.David Joseph Woodruff - 2002 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 40 (3):421-435.
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    Empiricism and Rights Justify the Allocation of Health Care Resources to Persons with Disorders of Consciousness.Joseph T. Giacino, Yelena G. Bodien, David Zuckerman, Jaimie Henderson, Nicholas D. Schiff & Joseph J. Fins - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (2-3):169-171.
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    Where is the material of the emperor's mind?David L. Gilden & Joseph S. Lappin - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):665-666.
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    An evaluation of Mealey's hypotheses based on psychopathy checklist: Identified groups.David S. Kosson & Joseph P. Newman - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):562-563.
    Although Mealey's account provides several interesting hypotheses, her integration across disparate samples renders the value of her explanation for psychopathy ambiguous. Recent evidence on Psychopathy Checklist-identified samples (Hare, 1991) suggests primary emotional and cognitive deficits inconsistent with her model. Whereas high-anxious psychopaths display interpersonal deficits consistent with Mealey's hypotheses, low-anxious psychopaths' deficits appear more sensitive to situational parameters than predicted.
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    A Theory of Bioethics.David DeGrazia & Joseph Millum - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Joseph Millum.
    This volume offers a carefully argued, compelling theory of bioethics while eliciting practical implications for a wide array of issues including medical assistance-in-dying, the right to health care, abortion, animal research, and the definition of death. The authors' dual-value theory features mid-level principles, a distinctive model of moral status, a subjective account of well-being, and a cosmopolitan view of global justice. In addition to ethical theory, the book investigates the nature of harm and autonomous action, personal identity theory, and the (...)
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    R eflections on I ntellectual H istory S tatements 2010.David Katz, Michael Hunter, Theo Verbeek, Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann, Donald R. Kelley, Joseph Levine, Marta Fattori, Charles Webster & Constance Blackwell - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 16 (1):5-14.
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    Scientific Growth: Essays on the Social Organization and Ethos of Science.Joseph Ben-David & Gad Freudenthal (eds.) - 1991 - University of California Press.
    "Here, for the first time, we have the work of a key pioneer presented in all its depth and range. The pragmatic and prophetic voice of Joseph Ben-David speaks with a power and a clarity that will win the attention of a new generation of scholars."--Arnold Thackray, University of Pennsylvania "A superb collection of brilliant papers by a pioneering mind of international fame, who did much to shape the sociology of science. In organizing this major work, its knowing (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Masekheth tevaʻ he-adam.David Hume & Joseph Ur - 1941 - [Jerusalem,: The University press. Edited by Ur, Joseph & [From Old Catalog].
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    Classical conditioning of the rabbit eyelid response with mossy fiber stimulation as the conditioned stimulus.Joseph E. Steinmetz, David G. Lavond & Richard F. Thompson - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (3):245-248.
  47. Tractarian Mysticism: Moral Transformation Through Aesthetic Contemplation in Wittgenstein's Early Philosophy.David Joseph Woodruff - 1999 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Chicago
    Since Wittgenstein's Tractatus first appeared in 1921 two interpretations of it have been offered. The received view emphasizes the book's philosophy of mathematics, logic, and language. The alternative view stresses its philosophy of religion, ethics, and aesthetics; it thereby takes seriously Wittgenstein's assertion that the "point" of the Tractatus is ethical. The aim of my dissertation is to build upon and improve the alternative interpretation in three ways. First I show through examination of the Western mystical canon that Wittgenstein's axiology (...)
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    The rise and decline of France as a scientific centre.Joseph Ben-David - 1970 - Minerva 8 (1-4):160-179.
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  49. Summary and conclusions.David Martel Johnson & Joseph Agassi - unknown
    As a new field, cognitivism began with the total rejection of the old, traditional views of language acquisition and of learning ─ individual and collective alike. Chomsky was one of the pioneers in this respect, yet he clouds issues by excessive claims for his originality and by not allowing the beginner in the art of the acquisition of language the use of learning by making hypotheses and testing them, though he acknowledges that researchers, himself included, do use this method. The (...)
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    Influence of noun imagery on speed of naming nouns.David A. Grant, Jeffrey A. Kadlac, Michael J. Zajano, Joseph B. Hellige, Louise C. Perry & Kenneth B. Solberg - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (6):433-434.
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