Results for 'Günter Hoffmann-Loerzer'

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  1.  34
    (1 other version)Zur Wirkungsgeschichte des Naturrechts in Deutschland: Friedrich Julius Stahl Julius Hermann v. Kirchmann Wilhelm Dilthey als Grotius-Interpreten.Günter Hoffmann-Loerzer - 1975 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 27 (1-4):305-329.
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    Main Developments in Recent Scholarship on the Critique of Pure Reason.Guenter Zoeller - 1993 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53 (2):445-466.
    The paper is a critical discussion of scholarship on the "Critique of Pure Reason" published during the past ten years. The emphasis is on Anglo-American authors. I identify and discuss three main trends in the field: a shift from the general discussion of transcendental arguments to the analysis and evaluation of particular proofs in Kant; a renewed interest in the doctrine of transcendental idealism and the distinction between things in themselves and appearances; and the emergence of an entire body of (...)
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  3. Thomas Sören Hoffmann, "«La filosofía es, como el universo, circular en sí». Saber enciclopédico y autofundamentación de la filosofía en Hegel".Thomas Sören Hoffmann & Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2017 - In Hardy Neumann, Óscar Cubo & Agemir Bavaresco (eds.), Hegel y El Proyecto de Una Enciclopedia Filosófica: Comunicaciones Del II Congreso Germano-Latinoamericano Sobre la Filosofía de Hegel. Editora Fi. pp. 827-848.
  4.  69
    Ethical considerations in international HIV vaccine trials: summary of a consultative process conducted by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).D. Guenter - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (1):37-43.
    Research that is initiated, designed or funded by sponsor agencies based in countries with relatively high social and economic development, and conducted in countries that are relatively less developed, gives rise to many important ethical challenges. Although clinical trials of HIV vaccines began ten years ago in the US and Europe, an increasing number of trials are now being conducted or planned in other countries, including several that are considered “developing” countries. Safeguarding the rights and welfare of individuals participating as (...)
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    Addenda to the Hume Bibliography.Guenter Heismann - 1980 - Hume Studies 6 (2):168-170.
  6.  87
    Plato's Cave Revisited: Science at the Interface.Guenter Mahler & George Ellis - 2008 - Mind and Matter 7 (1):9-36.
    Scientific exploration and thus our knowledge about the outside world is subject to the conditions of our experience.These conditions are condensed here into an interface model which,besides being physical,has an additional interface structure not reducible to physics. We suggest that this structure can dynamically be characterized by separate modes.Their selection and operation presupposes free will and a rudimentary concept of time and space. Based on some analogies with quantum networks it is argued that the 'observed' gets 'dressed'as a consequence of (...)
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    The Royal Protomedicato: The Regulation of the Medical Profession in the Spanish Empire. John Tate Lanning, John Jay TePaske.Guenter Risse - 1986 - Isis 77 (3):537-538.
  8.  21
    Zeitzeichen: Bilanz e. Ära.Guenter Rohrmoser & Günter Rohrmoser - 1978
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  9. Intelligence in faith". The obscure fundament in the knowledge of the'Dottrina della Scienza 1805.Guenter Zoeller - 2007 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 62 (1):27-40.
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  10.  78
    Heidegger and laozi: Wu (nothing)—on chapter 11 of the daodejing.Guenter Wohlfart & Translated by Marty Heitz - 2003 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 30 (1):39–59.
  11. Problems with Peirce's concept of abduction.Michael Hoffmann - 1999 - Foundations of Science 4 (3):271-305.
    Abductive reasoning takes place in forming``hypotheses'''' in order to explain ``facts.'''' Thus, theconcept of abduction promises an understanding ofcreativity in science and learning. It raises,however, also a lot of problems. Some of them will bediscussed in this paper. After analyzing thedifference between induction and abduction (1), Ishall discuss Peirce''s claim that there is a ``logic''''of abduction (2). The thesis is that this claim can beunderstood, if we make a clear distinction between inferential elements and perceptive elements of abductive reasoning. For (...)
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    Secondary matters: On disturbances, contamination, and waste as objects of research.Christoph Hoffmann & Jutta Schickore - 2001 - Perspectives on Science 9 (2):123-125.
    : The contributions to this volume originate from the workshop "Hauptsachen und Nebendinge—Pure Science and its Impurities," organized by Christoph Hoffmann, which took place at the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science (Berlin) in July 2000. We wish to thank all participants for rich and stimulating talks and discussions.
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  13. (1 other version)What might philosophy of science look like if chemists built it?Roald Hoffmann - 2007 - Synthese 155 (3):321 - 336.
    Had more philosophers of science come from chemistry, their thinking would have been different. I begin by looking at a typical chemical paper, in which making something is the leitmotif, and conjecture/refutation is pretty much irrelevant. What in fact might have been, might be, different? The realism of chemists is reinforced by their remarkable ability to transform matter; they buy into reductionism where it serves them, but make no real use of it. Incommensurability is taken without a blink, and actually (...)
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  14. Inner Sense and the Leningrad Reflexion.Guenter Zoeller - 1989 - International Philosophical Quarterly 29 (3):271-279.
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  15.  37
    Two basic ethical problems of incidental findings in population‐based, non‐intervening magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research.Martin Hoffmann - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (3):427-432.
  16.  37
    The primacy of the noematic. On the methodological relevance of art for phenomenology.Guenter Figal - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (2):171-181.
    As Husserl already noticed, artworks themselves have a phenomenological character. This means, however, that to experience artworks as phenomena no “epoché” and no “phenomenological reduction” is necessary. The leading question of my essay is whether, and possibly how, this observation can be methodologically generalized for understanding phenomena. I discuss if, and possibly how, a phenomenological reflection on art allows and even demands a general conception of phenomenology that nevertheless does not confuse artworks with phenomena in general. My intention is to (...)
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  17. Between need and permission : the role of hope in Kant's critical foundation of moral faith.Guenter Zoeller - 2023 - In Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel (eds.), Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism. London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Bloomsbury Academic. Translated by Anna Ezekiel & Katerina Mihaylova.
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  18. Sinn und Sein im Gegenstande der Erkenntnis.Guenter Ralfs - 1933 - Philosophical Review 42:235.
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  19.  41
    Ancient Egyptian Medicine. John F. Nunn.Guenter Risse - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):800-800.
  20.  41
    Andreas Roschlaub und die Romantische Medizin: Die philosophischen Grundlagen der modernen Medizin. Nelly Tsouyopoulos.Guenter Risse - 1983 - Isis 74 (4):599-600.
  21. Narodziny tragedii Nietzschego.Guenter Wohlfart - 1998 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 15:254.
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    Comments on Professor Kitcher’s “Connecting Intuitions and Concepts at B 160n”.Guenter Zoeller - 1986 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 25 (S1):151-155.
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  23. The Austrian Way of Ideas: Contents and Objects of Presentation in the Brentano School.Guenter Zoeller - 1992 - In Phillip D. Cummins (ed.), Minds, Ideas, and Objects: Essays on the Theory of Representation in Modern Philosophy. Ridgeview Publishing Company.
  24.  46
    Existentially closed fields with finite group actions.Daniel M. Hoffmann & Piotr Kowalski - 2018 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 18 (1):1850003.
    We study algebraic and model-theoretic properties of existentially closed fields with an action of a fixed finite group. Such fields turn out to be pseudo-algebraically closed in a rather strong sense. We place this work in a more general context of the model theory of fields with a group scheme action.
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  25.  53
    Heidegger and Laozi: Wu (Nothing) — on Chapter 11 of the Daodejing.Guenter Wohlfart & Marty Heitz - 2003 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 30 (1):39-59.
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  26.  33
    essay: Thoughts on Aesthetics and Visualization.Roald Hoffmann - 2003 - Hyle 9 (1):7 - 10.
  27.  43
    Meaning and Mortality in Kierkegaard and Heidegger: Origins of the Existential Philosophy of Death by Adam Buben.Susan-Judith Hoffmann - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (1):181-182.
    Buben undertakes the ambitious project of providing "a compelling framework for understanding the ways in which philosophy has discussed death". This is a tall order for 136 pages of text, all the more so since he argues that the thinkers of western philosophy before Kierkegaard's and Heidegger's innovative existential philosophy of death can be broadly categorized into a Platonic strain, and an Epicurean strain. The Platonic strain suggests that death should not be feared, as the soul will survive the death (...)
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    On the spherically symmetric field in relativity..Banesh Hoffmann - 1932 - [London,: Printed at the Oxford University Press by J. Johnson.
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    X. Die Lehre von der Bildung des Universums bei Descartes.A. Hoffmann - 1904 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 17 (2):237-272.
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    The persisting heritage of the 1960s in West German higher education.Guenter Lewy - 1980 - Minerva 18 (1):1-28.
  31.  5
    From How Do You Do, Dolores.Yoel Hoffmann & Michael Shkodnikov - 2024 - Common Knowledge 30 (2):213-223.
    Sometimes I think: I'm flying. And why am I flying? Because of the dress. The flesh, I think, is multiplying itself. Here are the children, I think, going away from me and coming to me. If all is one, I think, why this split?My body of thought is likewise made of a womb of wombs. Whatever it begets begets its own body [in this sense I may be said to be multiparous].I am beautiful like a snip of ivory. My face (...)
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  32.  78
    Interventionism and Non-Causal Dependence Relations: New Work for a Theory of Supervenience.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss - 2022 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 100 (4):679-694.
    ABSTRACT Causes must be distinct from their effects. If the temperature in a room is 15°F, this can cause water pipes to freeze. However, the temperature’s being 15°F is not a cause of the temperature’s being below the freezing point. In general, conceptual, logical, mathematical, and other non-causal dependence relations should not be misclassified as causal. In this paper, I discuss how interventionist theories of causation can meet the challenge of distinguishing between (direct or indirect) causal relations and dependence relations (...)
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  33.  23
    Roald Hoffmann on the philosophy, art, and science of chemistry.Roald Hoffmann - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Jeffrey Kovac & Michael Weisberg.
    Roald Hoffmann's contributions to chemistry are well known; this Nobel laureate has published more than 500 articles and two books. As an "applied theoretical chemist," he has made significant contributions to our understanding of chemical bonding and reactivity, and taught two generations of chemists how to use molecular orbitals for real chemistry. Less well known, however, are Hoffmann's important and insightful contributions to the areas of scholarship surrounding chemistry. Over a career that spans nearly fifty years, Roald (...) has thought and written copiously about the broader context of chemistry and its relationship to the arts and poetry. This book contains Hoffmann's essays and is organized around several major themes: chemical reasoning and explanation, writing and communicating in science, ethics, art and science, and chemical education. A few are unpublished lectures that are valuable additions to the volume. The editors have the full cooperation of Roald Hoffmann in this project. Most of the published work will be reprinted verbatim, but a few of the essays will be revised to eliminate redundancy. The unpublished lectures will also be edited since they were originally intended to be delivered orally at specific occasions. The editors will provide an introduction to the book, and some introductory material for each section. In introducing the material, they will highlight the intrinsic importance and interest of the ideas, as well as the places where Hoffmann's thought makes novel contributions to cognate areas. (shrink)
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  34. Das Recht Als Form der "Gemeinschaft Freier Wesen Als Solcher". Fichtes Rechtsphilosophie in Ihren Aktuellen Bezügen, Ed. By Thomas S. Hoffmann.Thomas Sören Hoffmann (ed.) - 2014 - Duncker&Humblot.
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  35. (1 other version)„Unsere Zutat”. Zum näheren Verständnis eines methodologischen Motivs aus der „Einleitung” zu Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes.Thomas Sören Hoffmann - 2007 - Synthesis Philosophica 22 (1):87-105.
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    Managing the persistent patient with chronic pain.Diane E. Hoffmann - 1997 - HEC Forum 9 (4):365-372.
  37.  20
    Spontane Geschichten, spontane Philosophien. Wissenschaftskonzepte im akademischen Unterricht.Christoph Hoffmann - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (4):375-378.
    Spontaneous Histories, Spontaneous Philosophies: Concepts of Science in Academic Training. Science studies and history of science usually focus on exploring scientific research activities. Academic training does not garner much attention by contrast. However, what scientists think and do in the course of research activities is not completely independent of what they once have learned. I suggest that in academic training, beneath everything else, a kind of ‘spontaneous philosophy of the scientists’ (Louis Althusser) is established. Textbooks mark one entry point to (...)
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  38. The metaphor, unchained.Roald Hoffmann - 2012 - In Roald Hoffmann on the philosophy, art, and science of chemistry. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Pain Management and Palliative Care in the Era of Managed Care: Issues for Health Insurers.Diane E. Hoffmann - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (4):267-289.
    The problem of inadequate pain management for both terminally ill patients and patients with chronic pain has recently been documented by a number of authors and studies. A 1997 report by the Institute of Medicine, for example, states that “a significant proportion of dying patients and patients with advanced disease experience serious pain, despite the availability of effective pharmacological and other options for relieving most pain.” There are particularly impressive data that pain associated with cancer is not adequately treated.The problem (...)
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  40. Philosophy of and as interdisciplinarity.Michael Hg Hoffmann, Jan C. Schmidt & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2013 - Synthese 190 (11):1857-1864.
  41.  17
    The biopolitics of feeling: race, sex, and science in the nineteenth century by Kyla Schuller. [REVIEW]Eva Hoffmann - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (4):522-524.
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    Filosofía sistemática de la libertad.Guenter Zoeller - 2018 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 55:251-274.
    This article compares Kant and Fichte from the double stand- point of identity and difference with regard to two thinkers who were at first united by a master-student relation but who later on drifted apart from each other due to mutual defamation. At the center of the present discussion stands the relationship between spirit of freedom and system’s form which binds Kant and Fichte beyond methodological divergences and doctrinal differ- ences. The critical comparison between Kant and Fichte will be developed (...)
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  43. It's not the end of the world: when a subtraction argument for metaphysical nihilism fails.A. Hoffmann - 2011 - Analysis 71 (1):44-53.
    Metaphysical nihilism is the thesis that there could have been no concrete objects. Thomas Baldwin (1996) offers an argument for metaphysical nihilism. The premisses of the argument purport to provide a procedure of subtraction that can be iterated until we reach a world where no concrete objects exist. Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra (1997) finds fault with Baldwin’s argument, modifies it, and claims to have proved metaphysical nihilism. My primary aim is to show that Rodriguez-Pereyra’s alleged proof rests on a false assumption. The (...)
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  44. Conscious control over the content of unconscious cognition.Wilfried Kunde, Andrea Kiesel & Joachim Hoffmann - 2003 - Cognition 88 (2):223-242.
  45.  53
    Koselleck, Arendt, and the anthropology of historical experience.Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann - 2010 - History and Theory 49 (2):212-236.
    This essay is the first attempt to compare Reinhart Koselleck's Historik with Hannah Arendt's political anthropology and her critique of the modern concept of history. Koselleck is well-known for his work on conceptual history as well as for his theory of historical time. It is my contention that these different projects are bound together by Koselleck's Historik, that is, his theory of possible histories. This can be shown through an examination of his writings from Critique and Crisis to his final (...)
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    Philosophy of and as interdisciplinarity.Michael H. G. Hoffmann, Jan C. Schmidt & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2013 - Synthese 190 (11):1857-1864.
  47. What Can the Capabilities Approach Learn from an Ubuntu Ethic? A Relational Approach to Development Theory.Nimi Hoffmann & Thaddeus Metz - 2017 - World Development 97 (September):153–164.
    Over the last two decades, the capabilities approach has become an increasingly influential theory of development. It conceptualises human wellbeing in terms of an individual's ability to achieve functionings we have reason to value. In contrast, the African ethic of ubuntu views human flourishing as the propensity to pursue relations of fellowship with others, such that relationships have fundamental value. These two theoretical perspectives seem to be in tension with each other; while the capabilities approach focuses on individuals as the (...)
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  48. Die Seele der Natur.Gustav Hoffmann - 1955 - Aschenstedt über Wildeshausen: (Oldb) Burginsel-Verlag-Delmenhorst.
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    Model theoretic dynamics in Galois fashion.Daniel Max Hoffmann - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (7):755-804.
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  50. (1 other version)Representation in Chemistry.R. Hoffmann & P. Laszlo - 1989 - Diogenes 37 (147):23-51.
    Chemical structures are among the trademarks of our profession, as surely chemical as flasks, beakers and distillation columns. When someone sees one of us busily scribbling formulas or structures, he or she has no trouble identifying a chemist. Yet these familiar objects, which accompany our work from start to end, from the initial doodlings (Fig. I) to the final polished artwork in a publication (Fig. II), are deceptively simple. They raise interesting and difficult questions about representation. It is the intent (...)
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