Results for 'Günter Feuerstein'

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  1.  70
    Ethical considerations in international HIV vaccine trials: summary of a consultative process conducted by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).D. Guenter - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (1):37-43.
    Research that is initiated, designed or funded by sponsor agencies based in countries with relatively high social and economic development, and conducted in countries that are relatively less developed, gives rise to many important ethical challenges. Although clinical trials of HIV vaccines began ten years ago in the US and Europe, an increasing number of trials are now being conducted or planned in other countries, including several that are considered “developing” countries. Safeguarding the rights and welfare of individuals participating as (...)
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  2. The Object Takes on a Life of its Own: A Conversation Between Thomas Feuerstein and Graham Harman.Thomas Feuerstein & Graham Harman - 2015 - In Beate Ermacora, Franziska Nori & Matthia Löbke, Psychoprosa: Thomas Feuerstein. Snoeck. pp. 222-230.
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    The philosophy of classical yoga.Georg Feuerstein - 1980 - Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions International.
    This is the first comprehensive and systematic analytical study of the major philosophical concepts of classical yoga. The book consists of a series of detailed discussions of the key concepts used by Pata-jali in his Yoga-Sutra to describe and explain the enigma of human existence and to point a way beyond the perpetual motion of the wheel of becoming. Feuerstein's study differs from previous ones in that it seeks to free Pata-jali's aphoristic statements from the accretions of later interpretations; (...)
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  4.  18
    Huit dessins.Thomas Feuerstein - 2004 - Multitudes 1 (1):141-152.
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    The concept of God (īśvara) in classical yoga.Georg Feuerstein - 1987 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 15 (4):385-397.
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    The matrix of yoga: teachings, principles and questions.Georg Feuerstein - 2014 - Chino Valley, Arizona: Hohm Press.
    A straightforward, authoritative introduction to the authentic teachings of Yoga. While Yoga traditionally included physical postures, this was only one aspect of yoga practice. Mental discipline was deemed far more important.
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    The primacy of the noematic. On the methodological relevance of art for phenomenology.Guenter Figal - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (2):171-181.
    As Husserl already noticed, artworks themselves have a phenomenological character. This means, however, that to experience artworks as phenomena no “epoché” and no “phenomenological reduction” is necessary. The leading question of my essay is whether, and possibly how, this observation can be methodologically generalized for understanding phenomena. I discuss if, and possibly how, a phenomenological reflection on art allows and even demands a general conception of phenomenology that nevertheless does not confuse artworks with phenomena in general. My intention is to (...)
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    Addenda to the Hume Bibliography.Guenter Heismann - 1980 - Hume Studies 6 (2):168-170.
  9.  37
    The persisting heritage of the 1960s in West German higher education.Guenter Lewy - 1980 - Minerva 18 (1):1-28.
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    Plato's Cave Revisited: Science at the Interface.Guenter Mahler & George Ellis - 2008 - Mind and Matter 7 (1):9-36.
    Scientific exploration and thus our knowledge about the outside world is subject to the conditions of our experience.These conditions are condensed here into an interface model which,besides being physical,has an additional interface structure not reducible to physics. We suggest that this structure can dynamically be characterized by separate modes.Their selection and operation presupposes free will and a rudimentary concept of time and space. Based on some analogies with quantum networks it is argued that the 'observed' gets 'dressed'as a consequence of (...)
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  11. Between need and permission : the role of hope in Kant's critical foundation of moral faith.Guenter Zoeller - 2023 - In Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel, Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism. London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Bloomsbury Academic. Translated by Anna Ezekiel & Katerina Mihaylova.
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  12.  56
    Heidegger and Laozi: Wu (Nothing) — on Chapter 11 of the Daodejing.Guenter Wohlfart & Marty Heitz - 2003 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 30 (1):39-59.
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    Heidegger and laozi: Wu (nothing)—on chapter 11 of the daodejing.Guenter Wohlfart & Translated by Marty Heitz - 2003 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 30 (1):39–59.
  14. Ethik der Psyche: Normative Fragen im Umgang mit psychischer Abweichung.G. Feuerstein & T. Schramme (eds.) - 2015 - Campus Verlag.
  15.  76
    The Yoga-Sūtra of Patañjali: A New Translation and Commentary.Georg Feuerstein - 1982 - Philosophy East and West 32 (1):113-117.
  16.  12
    Irreführende Leitbilder: Zum Mythos der Individualisierung durch pharmakogenetische Behandlungskonzepte. Eine kritische Anmerkung.Günter Feuerstein, Regine Kollek, Mechtild Schmedders & Jan Aken - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (2):77-86.
    ZusammenfassungDie prospektive Analyse der ethischen Implikationen medizinisch-technischer Innovationen läuft immer auch Gefahr, sich in den Wunschbildern von Marketingexperten zu verfangen. Vor diesem Hintergrund könnte es durchaus nützlich sein, die Erkenntnisse der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung zur Genese und Entwicklung neuer Techniken auszuschöpfen. Dies erscheint gerade auch für die ins Phantastische weisende Zukunft der Individualisierung medikamentöser Therapie, wie man ihr häufig in der Beschreibung pharmakogenetischer Behandlungskonzepte begegnet, angebracht. Techniken, die sich noch im Entwicklungsstadium befinden und deren breite Anwendung noch einige Jahre auf (...)
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    Response to Klaus Klostermaier, "dharmamegha samādhi: Comments on yogasūtra IV. 29".Georg Feuerstein - 1987 - Philosophy East and West 37 (3):341 - 342.
  18.  32
    Sankara on the Yoga-sutra-s. Vol. I: Samadhi: The Vivarana Sub-Commentary to Vyasa-bhasya on the Yoga-sutra-s of Patanjali: samadhi-pada.G. Feuerstein & Trevor Leggett - 1983 - Philosophy East and West 33 (1):96.
  19.  42
    Ancient Egyptian Medicine. John F. Nunn.Guenter Risse - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):800-800.
  20.  50
    Alma y enfermedad en la obra de Galeno. Luis Garcia Ballester.Guenter Risse - 1975 - Isis 66 (1):126-127.
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    City of Plagues: Disease, Poverty, and Deviance in San Francisco. Susan Craddock.Guenter Risse - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):413-414.
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    "Philosophical" medicine in nineteenth-century germany: An episode in the relations between philosophy and medicine.Guenter B. Rlsse - 1976 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 1 (1):72-92.
  23. Narodziny tragedii Nietzschego.Guenter Wohlfart - 1998 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 15:254.
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    Comments on Professor Kitcher’s “Connecting Intuitions and Concepts at B 160n”.Guenter Zoeller - 1986 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 25 (S1):151-155.
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  25. Intelligence in faith". The obscure fundament in the knowledge of the'Dottrina della Scienza 1805.Guenter Zoeller - 2007 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 62 (1):27-40.
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  26.  47
    Makkreel on Imagination and Interpretation in Kant: Questions and Criticisms.Guenter Zoeller - 1992 - Philosophy Today 36 (3):266-275.
  27.  28
    The yoga tradition: its history, literature, philosophy, and practice.Georg Feuerstein - 1998 - Chino Valley, Arizona: Hohm Press.
    PART ONE: FOUNDATIONS: Building blocks -- The wheel of yoga -- Yoga and the other Hindu traditions -- PART TWO: PRE-CLASSICAL YOGA: Yoga in ancient times -- The whispered wisdom of the early Upanishads -- Jaina Yoga: the teachings of the victorious ford-makers -- Yoga in Buddhism -- The flowering of yoga -- PART THREE: CLASSICAL YOGA: The history and literature of Patanjala-Yoga -- The philosophy and practice of Patanjala-Yoga -- PART FOUR: POST-CLASSICAL YOGA: The nondualist approach to God among (...)
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  28.  43
    The essence of yoga: a contribution to the psychohistory of Indian civilisation.Georg Feuerstein - 1974 - New York: Grove Press : distributed by Random House.
    Voyage is the first part of The Coast of Utopia , Tom Stoppard's long-awaited and monumental trilogy that explores a group of friends who came of age under the Tsarist autocracy of Nicholas I, and for whom the term intelligentsia was coined. Among them are the anarchist Michael Bakunin, who was to challenge Marx for the soul of the masses; Ivan Turgenev, author of some of the most enduring works in Russian literature; the brilliant, erratic young critic Vissarion Belinsky; and (...)
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  29.  84
    Main Developments in Recent Scholarship on the Critique of Pure Reason.Guenter Zoeller - 1993 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53 (2):445-466.
    The paper is a critical discussion of scholarship on the "Critique of Pure Reason" published during the past ten years. The emphasis is on Anglo-American authors. I identify and discuss three main trends in the field: a shift from the general discussion of transcendental arguments to the analysis and evaluation of particular proofs in Kant; a renewed interest in the doctrine of transcendental idealism and the distinction between things in themselves and appearances; and the emergence of an entire body of (...)
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  30.  51
    Filosofía sistemática de la libertad.Guenter Zoeller - 2018 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 55:251-274.
    This article compares Kant and Fichte from the double stand- point of identity and difference with regard to two thinkers who were at first united by a master-student relation but who later on drifted apart from each other due to mutual defamation. At the center of the present discussion stands the relationship between spirit of freedom and system’s form which binds Kant and Fichte beyond methodological divergences and doctrinal differ- ences. The critical comparison between Kant and Fichte will be developed (...)
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    The deeper dimension of Yoga: theory and practice.Georg Feuerstein - 2003 - Boston: Shambhala.
    Here is a comprehensive survey of the full breadth and depth of the 5,000-year-old Yoga tradition, emphasizing its potent philosophy and spiritual vision. Georg Feuerstein demonstrates that Yoga is much more than a system of physical exercises–it is a profound path of self-transformation that encompasses a range of teachings, practices, and sacred texts that can help us cultivate wisdom, balance, and inner freedom, as well as physical health. Feuerstein is one of the few Western scholar-teachers of Yoga whose (...)
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  32.  28
    Quantifier elimination for Stone algebras.Switgard Feuerstein - 1989 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 28 (2):75-89.
  33.  14
    Teachings of yoga.Georg Feuerstein (ed.) - 1997 - [New York]: Distributed in the U.S. by Random House.
    An introductory anthology to the wide range of knowledge and wisdom of the Yoga tradition edited, with many new translations, by the leading writer on Yoga today. Millions of Americans have taken up the practice of yoga as a way of reducing stress, increasing flexibility, and improving overall health. But Yoga is more than a physical discipline it is a four-thousand-year-old tradition with a rich philosophical and spiritual heritage. The readings in this book offer an inspirational introduction to this vast (...)
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  34.  27
    La anatomía española en la primera mitad del siglo XIX. Juan Arechaga Martínez.Guenter Risse - 1979 - Isis 70 (1):179-180.
  35.  15
    The Concept of Heart Failure from Avicenna to Albertini Saul Jarcho.Guenter Risse - 1982 - Isis 73 (1):129-130.
  36.  55
    The House of Life: Magical and Medical Science in Ancient Egypt. Paul Ghalioungui.Guenter Risse - 1976 - Isis 67 (2):304-306.
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    The Royal Protomedicato: The Regulation of the Medical Profession in the Spanish Empire. John Tate Lanning, John Jay TePaske.Guenter Risse - 1986 - Isis 77 (3):537-538.
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    Wholeness Or Transcendence?: Ancient Lessons for the Emerging Global Civilization.Georg Feuerstein - 1992 - Larson Publications.
    A cross-sectional view of the entire complex of Indian spirituality, with special reference to the omnipresent and ramifying tradition of yoga.
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    Yoga and beyond.Georg Feuerstein - 1971 - New York,: Schocken Books. Edited by Jeanine Miller.
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  40. Yoga.Georg Feuerstein - 1969 - Schopfheim,: Schwab.
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  41.  15
    Encyclopedic dictionary of Yoga.Georg Feuerstein - 1990 - New York: Paragon House.
    Entries provide detailed explanations of basic yoga concepts, identify important teachers, and include information on the history of yoga.
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    The Yoga-sūtra of Patañjali: an exercise in the methodology of textual analysis.Georg Feuerstein - 1979 - New Delhi: Arnold-Heinemann.
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  43. Inner Sense and the Leningrad Reflexion.Guenter Zoeller - 1989 - International Philosophical Quarterly 29 (3):271-279.
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  44.  29
    Fiat : individus radicaux-camarades sociaux.Thomas Feuerstein - 2004 - Multitudes 1 (1):135-140.
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  45. Sinn und Sein im Gegenstande der Erkenntnis.Guenter Ralfs - 1933 - Philosophical Review 42:235.
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    Andreas Roschlaub und die Romantische Medizin: Die philosophischen Grundlagen der modernen Medizin. Nelly Tsouyopoulos.Guenter Risse - 1983 - Isis 74 (4):599-600.
  47.  29
    A Summer Plague: Polio and Its Survivors. Tony Gould.Guenter Risse - 1997 - Isis 88 (1):165-166.
  48.  54
    Imperial Medicine and Indigenous SocietiesDavid ArnoldDisease, Medicine, and Empire: Perspectives on Western Medicine and the Experience of European ExpansionRoy MacLeod Milton Lewis.Guenter Risse - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):748-749.
  49.  21
    Zeitzeichen: Bilanz e. Ära.Guenter Rohrmoser & Günter Rohrmoser - 1978
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  50. The Austrian Way of Ideas: Contents and Objects of Presentation in the Brentano School.Guenter Zoeller - 1992 - In Phillip D. Cummins, Minds, Ideas, and Objects: Essays on the Theory of Representation in Modern Philosophy. Ridgeview Publishing Company.
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