Results for 'Gábor Elek'

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  1.  60
    Taming vagueness: the philosophy of network science.Gábor Elek & Eszter Babarczy - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-31.
    In the last 20 years network science has become an independent scientific field. We argue that by building network models network scientists are able to tame the vagueness of propositions about complex systems and networks, that is, to make these propositions precise. This makes it possible to study important vague properties such as modularity, near-decomposability, scale-freeness or being a small world. Using an epistemic model of network science, we systematically analyse the specific nature of network models and the logic behind (...)
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  2. Imre Lakatos' Hungarian dissertation. A documentation arranged by Gábor Kutrovátz.Gábor Kutrovátz - 2002 - In G. Kampis, L: Kvasz & M. Stöltzner (eds.), Appraising Lakatos: Mathematics, Methodology and the Man. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 353--374.
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    Effects of a partner's task on memory for content and source.Fruzsina Elekes & Natalie Sebanz - 2020 - Cognition 198 (C):104221.
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  4. Distinguishing two kinds of fictionalism: metaphor, autism, and the imagination.Elek Lane - 2024 - Synthese 204 (128):1-23.
    Fictionalist theories of metaphor hold that metaphorical utterances aim at fictionality. Fictionalism successfully explains speaker judgments about the truth and aptness of metaphorical utterances, and it also accurately predicts the data around metaphor and autistic individuals (who have deficits in both imaginative play and metaphor comprehension). But fictionalism is not a viable theory of metaphor, despite these merits, because of (what I call) the problem of semantic entailment: semantic entailments that are normally valid fail under metaphorical interpretation, but fictionalism predicts (...)
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    The Derveni Papyrus: Cosmology, Theology and Interpretation.Gábor Betegh - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a comprehensive study of the Derveni Papyrus. The papyrus, found in 1962 near Thessaloniki, is not only one of the oldest surviving Greek papyri but is also considered by scholars as a document of primary importance for a better understanding of the religious and philosophical developments in the fifth and fourth centuries BC. Gábor Betegh aims to reconstruct and systematically analyse the different strata of the text and their interrelation by exploring the archaeological context; the interpretation of (...)
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  6. Semantic dispositionalism and the rule‐following paradox.Elek Lane - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (5):685-695.
    In virtue of what does a sign have meaning? This is the question raised by Wittgenstein's rule-following considerations. Semantic dispositionalism is a (type of) theory that purports to answer this question. The present paper argues that semantic dispositionalism faces a heretofore unnoticed problem, one that ultimately comes down to its reliance on unanalyzed notions of repeated types of signs. In the context of responding to the rule-following paradox—and offering a putative solution to it—this amounts to simply assuming a solution to (...)
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  7. Resolution in §201 of the Philosophical Investigations.Elek Lane - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (2):393-402.
    It is widely thought that, in §201 of the Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein reveals himself to oppose a definite view or theory of rule-following. I argue that, due to the self-undermining character of that section, no such interpretation should be accepted. Then I sketch a reading of Wittgenstein’s method that accounts for the paradoxical nature of §201, and I show how this methodology is realized in his remarks on following a rule.
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  8. Skeptical Remarks on “Divided Memories”.Gabor Rittersporn - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2000 (118):109-114.
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  9. Metaphor and ambiguity.Elek Lane - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (11):3059-3087.
    What is the status of metaphorical meaning? Is it an input to semantic composition or is it derived post-semantically? This question has divided theorists for decades. Griceans argue that metaphorical meaning/content is a kind of implicature that is generated through post-semantic processing. Others, such as the contextualists, argue that metaphorical meaning is an input to semantic composition and thus part of “what is said” by an utterance. I think both sides are right: metaphorical meaning is an input to semantic composition (...)
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  10. Excursus on Wittgenstein's Rule-Following Considerations.Elek Lane - 2017 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 6 (1):53-83.
    In this essay, I seek to demonstrate the interplay of philosophical voices – particularly, that of a platonist voice and a community-agreement-view voice – that drives Wittgenstein’s rule-following dialectic forward; and I argue that each voice succumbs to a particular form of dialectical oscillation that renders its response to the problem of rule-following philosophically inadequate. Finally, I suggest that, by seeing and taking stock of the dilemma in which these responses to the skeptical problem are caught, we can come to (...)
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    Social Studies of Science and Science Teaching.Gábor Kutrovátz & Gábor Áron Zemplén - 2014 - In Michael R. Matthews (ed.), International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Springer. pp. 1119-1141.
    If any nature of science perspective is to be incorporated in science-related curricula, it is hard to imagine a satisfactory didactic toolkit that neglects the social studies of science, the academic field of study of the institutional structures and networks of science. Knowledge production takes place in a world populated by actors, instruments, and ideas, and various epistemic cultures are responsible for providing the concepts, abstractions, and techniques that slowly trickle down the information pathways to become stabilized in university curricula (...)
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    Polysemy does not exist, at least not in the relevant sense.Gabor Brody & Roman Feiman - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (2):179-200.
    Based on the existence of polysemy (e.g., lunch can refer to both food and events), it is argued that central tenets of externalist semantics and Fodorian concept atomism, an externalist theory on which words lack semantic structure, are unsound. We evaluate the premise that these arguments rely on—that polysemous words have separate, finer‐grained senses. We survey the evidence across psychology and linguistics and argue that it shows that polysemy does not exist, at least not in this “sense”. The upshot is (...)
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    Múltba zárt jelen, avagy, A történelem hermeneutikája.György Gábor - 2016 - [Budapest]: L'Harmattan.
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    Political Uses of Tradition in Postcommunist East Central Europe.Gabor Gyani - 1993 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 60:893-914.
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    Történelmi ismeret, szocialista tudat.Elekes Lajos - 1968 - Budapest,: Akadémiai Kiado.
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  16. Accommodation to a new centre: Albert Szent-Györgyi's trip to the Soviet Union.Gábor Palló - 2003 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 233:329-344.
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  17. Die ungarischen Pauliner und die devotio moderna.Gábor Sarbak - 1993 - In Fokke Akkerman, Gerda C. Huisman & Arie Johan Vanderjagt (eds.), Wessel Gansfort (1419-1489) and northern humanism. New York: E.J. Brill. pp. 40--170.
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  18. Non-Turing Computations via Malament-Hogarth space-times.Gábor Etesi & István Németi - 2002 - International Journal of Theoretical Physics 41:341--70.
  19. Archelaus on Cosmogony and the Orignis of Social Institutions.Gábor Betegh - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 51:1-40.
  20. Brandom on Two Problems of Conceptual Role Semantics.Gabor Forrai - 2009 - In Barbara Merker (ed.), Verstehen: Nach Heidegger und Brandom. Meiner.
    The paper examines how Brandom can respond to two objections raised against another sort of inferentialism, conceptual role semantics. After a brief explanation of the difference between the motivations and the nature of the two accounts (I), I argue that externalism can be accommodated within Brandomian inferentialism (II). Then I offer a reconstruction of how Brandom tries to explain mutual understanding (III-IV). Finally I point out a problem in Brandom’s account, which is this. Brandom’s inferential roles are social and normative, (...)
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    In vivo.Gabor Csepregi & Pierrot Lambert - 2019 - Chicago: Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    In vivo explore des questions fondamentales et des moments cruciaux de l’existence humaine – l’entrée en interaction avec une culture étrangère, la décision de se sortir d’une condition de vie routinière ou malheureuse, une action généreuse posée dans un contexte quotidien ordinaire – en fonction de leur potentiel de transformation de l’existence. En recourant à des illustrations tirées de la vie réelle et d’œuvres de fiction, Gabor Csepregi révèle le rôle primordial des sentiments personnels dans le façonnement de la vie (...)
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  22. Plato's Cosmic Teleology.Gábor Betegh - 2005 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:255-269.
    A Critical Notice of Thomas KjellerJohansen, Plato’s Natural Philosophy. A Study of the Timaeus-Critias.
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  23. Freedom in nature, freedom of the mind in Spinoza.Gabor Boros - 2018 - In Christian Krijnen (ed.), Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Boston: Brill.
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    Módszer, metafizika, emóciók: megújuló alapvetés, affektív közösségalkotás a 17. századi filozófiában.Gábor Boros - 2020 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    Albert Einstein ismeretelméleti koncepciójáról és a relativitáselmélet filozófiai tartalmáról.Tibor Elek - 1961 - Budapest,:
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    A történelem felfogása korunk polgári tudományában.Lajos Elekes - 1975 - [Budapest]: Kossuth Könyvkiadó.
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    On the Personal, Intersubjective, and Metaphysical Senses of Death: An Inquiry into Edmund Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenological Approach to Death.Gábor Toronyai - 2023 - Husserl Studies 40 (1):67-88.
    In this short study, I attempt to reconstruct the main conceptual components of Edmund Husserl’s concept of death following the leading clue of his late transcendental phenomenological methodology. First, I summarise his thoughts on death, from the point of view of “the natural attitude”, as an event in the world. Then, I try and explore the manifold senses of the limit phenomenon of death as a multidimensional transcendental phenomenological problem in all of its intersubjective-world constitutive, personal-primordial, and metaphysical-constructive layers of (...)
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  28. Tale, Theology, and Teleology in the Phaedo.Gabor Betegh - 2009 - In Catalin Partenie (ed.), Plato’s Myths. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Love as a Guiding Principle of Descartes's Late Philosophy.Gábor Boros - 2003 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 20 (2):149 - 163.
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    Machiavelli's scientific method: a common understanding of his novelty in the sixteenth century.Gábor Almási - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (8):1019-1045.
    ABSTRACTThis paper argues that Machiavelli's method, his inductive and comparative use of history and experience for political analysis, and his fashioning of historical-political analysis as ‘science’, played an important and still unrecognised role in his reception in the sixteenth century. It makes the case that Machiavelli's inductive reasoning and stress on historia and experientia offered a model for scientific method that open-minded sixteenth-century scholars, eager to understand, organise and augment human knowledge, could fit to their own epistemology. By focusing on (...)
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    Der Einfluss des Hellenismus auf die Philosophie der Frühen Neuzeit.Gábor Boros (ed.) - 2005 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz in Kommission.
    Eine aus der Zusammenarbeit der Herzog August Bibliothek mit der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften hervorgegangene Tagung beschaftigte sich mit einem sehr komplexen Traditionszusammenhang, der unter der Leitmetapher Einfluss thematisiert wurde. Ausgehend von Philosophen wie Hegel und Dilthey, die insbesondere die philosophiegeschichtliche Rolle des Stoizismus eingehender untersucht hatten, setzen sich die zehn Beitrager dieses Bandes mit dem Wesen einer sich wiederholenden Geschichte, mit bestimmten geschichtsphilosophischen Schemata auseinander. Sie legen Grenzen des zu untersuchenden Feldes fest und beziehen neue Stromungen in die Untersuchung (...)
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    Şerîat-Tarîkat-Hakîkat-Marifet Dörtlüsünde Şerîatın Yeri ve Önemi.Hasan Elek - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 5):249-249.
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    Az elveszíthető múlt: a tapasztalat mint emlékezet és történelem.Gábor Gyáni - 2010 - Budapest: Nyitott Könyvműhely.
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    A short proof for the completeness of paramodulacion.Gábor Sági - 2010 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 39 (3/4):147-152.
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    Absolutely ubiquitous structures and ℵ0-stability.Gábor Sági - 2010 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 39 (1/2):43-51.
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    Kuhn, Scheler and the Revolutionary Genesis of Modern Science. A hermeneutical approach to the question of an existential significance of the scientific attitude.Gabor Toronyai - 1999 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 206:59-74.
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    Cosmological Ethics in the Timaeus and Early Stoicism.Gábor Betegh - 2003 - In David Sedley (ed.), Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume Xxiv: Summer 2003. Oxford University Press. pp. 273-302.
  38.  27
    Natural Numbers, Natural Shapes.Gábor Domokos - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (5):743-763.
    We explain the general significance of integer-based descriptors for natural shapes and show that the evolution of two such descriptors, called mechanical descriptors (the number _N_(_t_) of static balance points and the Morse–Smale graph associated with the scalar distance function measured from the center of mass) appear to capture (unlike classical geophysical shape descriptors) one of our most fundamental intuitions about natural abrasion: shapes get monotonically _simplified_ in this process. Thus mechanical descriptors help to establish a correlation between subjective and (...)
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    Plato’s Error and a Mean Field Formula for Convex Mosaics.Gábor Domokos & Zsolt Lángi - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (5):889-905.
    Plato claimed that the regular solids are the building blocks of all matter. His views, commonly referred to as the geometric atomistic model, had enormous impact on human thought despite the fact that four of the five Platonic solids can not fill space without gaps. In this paper we quantify these gaps, showing that the errors in Plato’s estimates were quite small. We also develop a mean field approximation to convex honeycombs using a generalized version of Plato’s idea. This approximation (...)
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    Games Characterizing Limsup Functions and Baire Class 1 Functions.Márton Elekes, János Flesch, Viktor Kiss, Donát Nagy, Márk Poór & Arkadi Predtetchinski - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (4):1459-1473.
    We consider a real-valued function f defined on the set of infinite branches X of a countably branching pruned tree T. The function f is said to be a limsup function if there is a function $u \colon T \to \mathbb {R}$ such that $f(x) = \limsup _{t \to \infty } u(x_{0},\dots,x_{t})$ for each $x \in X$. We study a game characterization of limsup functions, as well as a novel game characterization of functions of Baire class 1.
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    Reichenbachian common cause systems.Gábor Hofer-Szabó & Miklos Redei - 2004 - International Journal of Theoretical Physics 43:1819-1826.
    A partition $\{C_i\}_{i\in I}$ of a Boolean algebra $\cS$ in a probability measure space $(\cS,p)$ is called a Reichenbachian common cause system for the correlated pair $A,B$ of events in $\cS$ if any two elements in the partition behave like a Reichenbachian common cause and its complement, the cardinality of the index set $I$ is called the size of the common cause system. It is shown that given any correlation in $(\cS,p)$, and given any finite size $n>2$, the probability space (...)
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  42.  22
    Attention in naïve psychology.Fruzsina Elekes & Ildikó Király - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104480.
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    On Weak and Strong Interpolation in Algebraic Logics.Gábor Sági & Saharon Shelah - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (1):104 - 118.
    We show that there is a restriction, or modification of the finite-variable fragments of First Order Logic in which a weak form of Craig's Interpolation Theorem holds but a strong form of this theorem does not hold. Translating these results into Algebraic Logic we obtain a finitely axiomatizable subvariety of finite dimensional Representable Cylindric Algebras that has the Strong Amalgamation Property but does not have the Superamalgamation Property. This settles a conjecture of Pigozzi [12].
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    The Clever Body.Gabor Csepregi - 2006 - University of Calgary Press.
    "In this book, Gabor Csepregi describes in detail the nature and scope of the body's innate abilities and reflects on their significance in human life."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Kalandok, lehetőségek.Gábor Berényi - 1988 - Budapest: Gondolat.
  46.  12
    Protagoras the Atheist.Gábor Bolonyai - 2007 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:247-269.
    By following up step by step the formation of the legend of Protagoras’ trial and death in the ancient biographic tradition, this paper provides internal arguments against accepting it as a historical fact. There are several reasons for taking these anecdotes, which are far from being uniform and unambiguous, as unauthentic; two features of the story formation are discussed in more detail. First, certain narrative elements make their appearance not in the order as they would be expected on the basis (...)
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    Seventeenth-century theories of emotion and their contemporary relevance.Gábor Boros - 2006 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 2 (1):125-142.
    This paper takes a look at seventeenth-century theories of emotion, and their influence on contemporary philosophical and psychological approaches to the subject. Although at a first glance some of these seventeenth-century theories may seem to be outdated, this is often a result of a simplistic reading, and in fact there are promising ways to “update” these theories. Reading seventeenth-century theories from our own perspective reveals new aspects of the work of our predecessors, which, in turn, can inspire further contemporary developments.
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    In Vivo: A Phenomenology of Life-Defining Moments.Gabor Csepregi - 2019 - Chicago: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    The course of human life, punctuated by unexpected and transformative moments, is never uniform. What are the characteristics of such life-defining moments, what responses do they evoke, and how do they transform the lives of those who experience them? In Vivo explores foundational questions and pivotal moments of the human experience – engagement with a foreign culture, the decision to break free from unfortunate experiences, a generous action undertaken in the context of an otherwise regular day – in terms of (...)
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    Images and Reality: Proceedings of the 1996 Miskolc Conference.Gábor Forrai - 1997 - Miskolci Egyetem Tarsadalom.
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  50. Cosmic and Human Cognition in the Timaeus.Gábor Betegh - 2018 - In John E. Sisko (ed.), Philosophy of mind in antiquity. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 120-140.
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