Results for 'Gustavo Cantini'

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  1. Cornelio Musso dei Frati Minori Conventuali (1511-1574).Gustavo Cantini - 1941 - Miscellanea Francescana 41:145-174.
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  2. On the relation of free bodies, inertial sets and arbitrariness.Hernán Gustavo Solari & Mario Alberto Natiello - 2021 - Science and Philosophy 9 (2):7-26.
    We present a fully relational definition of inertial systems based in the No Arbitrariness Principle, that eliminates the need for absolute inertial frames of reference or distinguished reference systems as the ``fixed stars'' in order to formulate Newtonian mechanics. The historical roots of this approach to mechanics are discussed as well. The work is based in part in the constructivist perspective of space advanced by Piaget. We argue that inertial systems admit approximations and that what is of practical use are (...)
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    O Corpo e sua relação com o Sagrado.Luiz Gustavo Santos Teixeira - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):213-221.
    In the current secularization of religion nowadays, particularly of Christianity, we see that in the celebrations of the sacraments, specially Baptism and Eucharist, people are looking for something to give their lives sense, that they even don’t know for sure what is, but through the liturgical rites, expressed by the body language, try to make life in accordance with faith, even though still in a superficial way. Through the theology of the sacraments, theology of revelation and anthropology we realize that (...)
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    COVID-19 Health Passes: Practical and Ethical Issues.Gustavo Ortiz-Millán - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (1):125-138.
    Several countries have implemented COVID-19 health passes or certificates to promote a safer return to in-person social activities. These passes have been proposed as a way to prove that someone has been vaccinated, has recovered from the disease, or has negative results on a diagnostic test. However, many people have questioned their ethical justification. This article presents some practical and ethical problems to consider in the event of wishing to implement these passes. Among the former, it is questioned how accurate (...)
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    (2 other versions)Cristóbal Balbontín. Husserl y la aporía de la constitución de lo social.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 72:241-243.
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    Sociocybernetics and Political Theory in a Complex World: Recasting Constitutionalism.Roberto Gustavo Mancilla Castro - 2020 - Boston: BRILL.
    In _Sociocybernetics and Political Theory in a Complex World_, Roberto Mancilla offers new takes on known ideas of political and constitutional theory; the advent of information technology and globalization puts them in crisis, as many stem from centuries past.
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    Biónica: eficacia versus eficiencia en la tecnología natural y artificial.Mónica Miralles & Gustavo Giuliano - 2008 - Scientiae Studia 6 (3):359-369.
  8. Editorial: The Hobbesian Revolution.Gustavo Castel de Lucas & Diego A. Fernández Peychaux - 2016 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 5 (9):9-29.
    Proponemos una lectura de la obra de Hobbes como revolución, como ruptura radical con el pensamiento de la tradición dominante: ruptura, que lo es en casi todos los ámbitos, pero sobre todo en el del pensamiento político, moral y jurídico. Sugerimos, además, que esa radical ruptura sigue manteniendo elementos vivos y útiles para pensar la política hoy.
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  9. Algunas precisiones sobre la idea de" holización".Gustavo Fernando Bueno Sánchez - forthcoming - El Basilisco.
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  10. Filosofía en sentido cosmopolita. Reflexiones sobre el cosmopolitismo en la filosofía con énfasis en la propuesta kantiana.Gustavo Leyva Martínez - 2009 - In Immanuel Kant, Granja Castro, Dulce María, Gustavo Leyva & James Bohman (eds.), Cosmopolitismo: democracia en la era de la globalización. México [D.F.]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humandidades.
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    El legado de Popper y la filosofía analítica.Gustavo Fernández Díez - 2001 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22:143-148.
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    Un singolare pluralismo: indagine sul pluralismo morale e religioso degli Italiani.Franco Garelli, Gustavo Guizzardi & Enzo Pace (eds.) - 2003 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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    El Faktum de la razón como actividad autoconstitutiva. Sobre la fundamentación de la moralidad kantiana.Gustavo Macedo Rodríguez - 2018 - Dianoia 63 (80):53-69.
    Resumen En el § 7 de la Crítica de la razón práctica Kant expone su primera definición de la ley moral universal. Ahí afirma que la conciencia de ella es un “Faktum de la razón”. La ambigüedad de esta expresión ha hecho que algunos autores argumenten que Kant no deduce la ley moral satisfactoriamente ni aclara cómo llegamos a ser conscientes de ella. Sin embargo estos críticos olvidan en sus análisis un aspecto relevante de la filosofía moral kantiana y que (...)
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  14.  19
    Husserl e a filosofia.Gustavo de Fraga - 1994 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 50 (1):133-141.
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    ¿Existe el orden?: la norma, la ley y la transgresión.Ramón Alvarado, Gustavo Leyva, Sergio Pérez Cortés & Ricardo Espinoza Toledo (eds.) - 2010 - México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
    La presencia del orden se nos impone con singular insistencia. La reflexión sobre el orden, las posibilidades de su emergencia y las condiciones de su articulación y de su crítica, al igual que de su transgresión o transformación, ha constituido un eje central en el pensamiento filosófico y social continental a lo largo del siglo XX. Los trabajos que aparecen en este libro proceden de pensadores provenientes de Alemania, Francia y México y se proponen contribuir a una reflexión amplia, sistemática (...)
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    Ética para matador. Savater, los toros y la ética.Gustavo Ortiz-Millán - 2014 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 46:205-236.
    En este artículo analizo los principales argumentos del libro Tauroética de Fernando Savater. Él afirma que existen argumentos morales a favor de las corridas de toros, por lo que ser taurino es una opción ética legítima. Aquí sostengo que está en un error y que los argumentos morales no tienen la fuerza que él les adjudica; puede haber razones económicas, políticas o de otro tipo a favor de las corridas, pero no hay razones morales. Afirmo, en cambio, que sí hay (...)
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    What is Aesthetic Justice Pedagogy?Randall Everett Allsup & Gustavo Hessmann Dalaqua - 2024 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 32 (2):112-129.
    This submission explores the concept of aesthetic justice pedagogy, and advocates on behalf of it. In contrast to aesthetic injustice, which denotes any harm done to a person’s aesthetic capacities, aesthetic justice pedagogy aims at facilitating the development of students’ imagination, perception, and feelings, wherein narrative and story-making are prime locations to contest coloniality and oppression. We emphasize the practice of this philosophy, refusing to see it as only as metaphor or theory. In our attempt to build a praxis of (...)
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    50 ans de déconstruction: vitalité et pertinence de l'oeuvre de Derrida.Filipe Ceppas, Gustavo Chataignier & Louise Ferté (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Issues d'un colloque de 2017, les contributions abordent l'oeuvre de Derrida à travers des thèmes variés tels que l'écriture, l'éducation, la chance ou encore le végétal.
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    Filosofía Mitomórfica del chamanismo.Gustavo Flores Quelopana - 2017 - Lima, Perú: Fondo Editorial IIPCIAL.
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    Homo-lógicas.Gustavo Martín - 1990 - Caracas, Venezuela: Universidad Cantral de Venezuela, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales.
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    Tamboética: ética y miedo.Gustavo Ocando Yamarte - 2009 - [Maracibo, Venezuela]: Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta.
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    Juicios Evaluativos, Verdad y Objetividad.Gustavo Ortiz-Millán - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica:7-27.
    En este ensayo discuto si deberíamos entender la objetividad que predicamos de juicios evaluativos en los mismos términos en que lo hacemos de juicios epistémicos. Argumento a favor de un entendimiento de dominio específico de la objetividad, según el cual deberíamos ver a la verdad como central para la objetividad epistémica, pero no para la objetividad evaluativa. Sin embargo, esta posición tradicionalmente ha conducido a ver los juicios evaluativos como subjetivos. Aquí argumento que la carencia de valores de verdad no (...)
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  23. El marco metódico y sistemático. Segunda sección.Alejandro Gustavo Vigo Pacheco - 2015 - In Ramón Rodríguez & Francisco de Lara (eds.), Ser y tiempo de Martin Heidegger: un comentario fenomenológico. Madrid: Tecnos.
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    Ethical and cognitive challenges in the COVID-19 emergency.Chiara Lucifora & Gustavo Cevolani - 2020 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 11 (3):327-340.
    The global emergency caused by the spread of COVID-19 raises critical challenges for individuals and communities on many different levels. In particular, politicians, scientists, physicians, and other professionals may face new ethical dilemmas and cognitive constraints as they make critical decisions in extraordinary circumstances. Philosophers and cognitive scientists have long analyzed and discussed such issues. An example is the debate on moral decision making in imaginary scenarios, such as the famous “Trolley Problem”. Similarly, dramatic and consequential decisions are realized daily (...)
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    La postmodernidad un laberinto de respuestas.Gustavo Pinto Mosqueira - 2001 - Cochabamba, Bolivia: Universidad Católica Boliviana.
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    Procedimiento para medir ángulos de contacto en sólidos partículados finos.Gustavo Neira Arenas, M. Cañas & Luz Adriana - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  27. Contributors' Biographies.Marvin W. Berkowitz, Gustavo Carlo, Mary Danes & Stephan Ellenwood - 1991 - In William M. Kurtines & Jacob L. Gewirtz (eds.), Handbook of moral behavior and development. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum.
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    The aesthetic recapitulation for a democratic future.Gustavo Andrés Celedón Bórquez - 2013 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 15 (2):91-98.
    Un vínculo necesario entre estética y socialización explica la profundidad sensible que debe construir todo cambio de paradigma y toda re-socialización. La democracia no funciona sin una apropiación individual y colectiva del sentir y de la producción de sentir. Es a partir entonces del trabajo artístico y de la instrospección y exteriorización de la dimensión sensible, que toda transformación puede ser aplicada. Se recorren parcialmente los pensamientos de Alain Badiou y Bernard Stiegler. A required link between aesthetic and socialization explains (...)
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  29. Neuroimágenes en Epilepsia.Consalvo Damián, Rugilo Carlos, Schuster Gustavo & Kochen Silvia - 1998 - Krisis 3 (4):18-34.
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  30. La llama azul.Gustavo Martín Garzo - 2011 - Minerva: Evidence-Based Medicine pour la première ligne 4 (18):8-10.
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    Changes of mind: beliefs and value judgments/Mudanças de opinião: crenças e juízos de valor.Gustavo Ortiz-millán - 2007 - Manuscrito 30 (2):569-597.
    In this paper I argue that the way in which we revise and change our beliefs is different from that in which we revise and change our judgments of value; this is due to the fact that judgments of value, unlike beliefs, have no truth-values. Changes of judgments of value do not answer in the same way to the restrictions that apply to changes of beliefs and that are determined by the norms that govern beliefs. I argue that, first when (...)
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    Dream Peace.Gustavo Wilches-Chaux - 2006 - Polis 14.
    Con el recibo del agua llegó un cartón impreso y plastificado, en cuyo interior estaba adherida una cápsula verde, de esas de material digerible en que suelen venir los antibióticos. El cartón promocionaba “la nueva maravilla” que traía la cápsula: Dream Peace (la paz soñada).Dream Peace, de acuerdo con la propaganda, pone en nuestras manos “secretos pertenecientes a antiguas culturas milenarias” y sirve, entre otras muchas virtudes, para combatir el stress, mejorar la concentración, agudizar..
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  33. La posición filosófica del Padre Félix Varela.Gustavo Amigó Jansen - 1991 - Miami: Editorial Cubana.
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  34. Ellos o nosotros?: la disputa por la verdad.Gustavo Agüero - 2006 - In Carlos Balzi & César Marchesino (eds.), Hostilidad/hospitalidad. [Córdoba, Argentina]: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Area de Filosofía del Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades.
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    Is the Unified List System for Organ Transplants Fair? Analysis of Opinions from Different Groups in Brazil.Gustavo Noronha de Vila, Gabriel JosÉ ChittÓ Gauer & Gerson AntÔnio de Vila - 2003 - Bioethics 17 (5‐6):425-431.
    ABSTRACT In the 1960s, when Dr. Belding Scribner discovered how to accomplish the process of dialysis in a repeated way, he could not imagine that in solving such a problem others as or more difficult would appear. Given the technological progress and the impossibility of assisting all patients through the most modern methods, the medical doctor often finds himself faced with the moral dilemma of choosing which patient in the waiting list will receive the treatment. This same dilemma is amplified (...)
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  36. Ficción real: el metraje encontrado y las formas de lo real en el cine.Carlos Gustavo Román Echeverri - 2010 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 17:145-157.
    Some initial considerations on film in documentary form are discussed, along with its relationships with reality and fiction in cinema language. Found footage genre is explained, pointing its most important technical and aesthetical characteristics. The text points the importance of the movie camera in documentary and found footage, not only as a technical device that objectivizes the information in a static manner, but also as an axis that configures dynamism and subjectivity on films. Redacted (2007) by Brian De Palma is (...)
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  37. Cognitivism poetics: Who knows through poetry?Gustavo Ortiz-Millan - 2010 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 23:189-207.
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  38. Entre la moral y la prudencia: el comportamiento hacia uno mismo [Between Morality and Prudence: Self-Regarding Behavior].Gustavo Ortiz-millán - 2008 - Dianoia 53 (60):175-185.
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  39. Los enemigos y los efectos racionales del odio. Variaciones sobre temas de Plutarco [Enemies and the Rational Effects of Hatred. Variations on Themes by Plutarch].Gustavo Ortiz-millán - 2004 - Dianoia 49 (53):33-56.
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    Exemplarist Moral Theory By Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski Oxford University Press, 2017, xiv + 274 pp. £19.99 ISBN: 9780190072254 DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190655846.001.0001. [REVIEW]Gustavo Ortiz-Millán - 2019 - Philosophy 94 (4):694-699.
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  41. Review. [REVIEW]Gustavo Ortiz-millán - 2005 - Dianoia 50 (54):176-183.
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  42. A theory of formal truth arithmetically equivalent to ID.Andrea Cantini - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):244 - 259.
    We present a theory VF of partial truth over Peano arithmetic and we prove that VF and ID 1 have the same arithmetical content. The semantics of VF is inspired by van Fraassen's notion of supervaluation.
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    The undecidability of grisin's set theory.Andrea Cantini - 2003 - Studia Logica 74 (3):345 - 368.
    We investigate a contractionless naive set theory, due to Grisin [11]. We prove that the theory is undecidable.
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    Scientific Philosophy.Gustavo E. Romero - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This textbook presents the basics of philosophy that are necessary for the student and researcher in science in order to better understand scientific work. The approach is not historical but formative: tools for semantical analysis, ontology of science, epistemology, and scientific ethics are presented in a formal and direct way. The book has two parts: one with the general theory and a second part with application to some problems such as the interpretation of quantum mechanics, the nature of mathematics, and (...)
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    (1 other version)Notes on Formal Theories of Truth.Andrea Cantini - 1989 - Zeitshrift für Mathematische Logik Und Grundlagen der Mathematik 35 (1):97--130.
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    On the relation between choice and comprehension principles in second order arithmetic.Andrea Cantini - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (2):360-373.
    We give a new elementary proof of the comparison theorem relating $\sum^1_{n + 1}-\mathrm{AC}\uparrow$ and $\Pi^1_n -\mathrm{CA}\uparrow$ ; the proof does not use Skolem theories. By the same method we prove: a) $\sum^1_{n + 1}-\mathrm{DC} \uparrow \equiv (\Pi^1_n -CA)_{ , for suitable classes of sentences; b) $\sum^1_{n+1}-DC \uparrow$ proves the consistency of (Π 1 n -CA) ω k, for finite k, and hence is stronger than $\sum^1_{n+1}-AC \uparrow$ . a) and b) answer a question of Feferman and Sieg.
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    A note on three-valued logic and Tarski theorem on truth definitions.Andrea Cantini - 1980 - Studia Logica 39 (4):405 - 414.
    We introduce a notion of semantical closure for theories by formalizing Nepeivoda notion of truth. [10]. Tarski theorem on truth definitions is discussed in the light of Kleene's three valued logic (here treated with a formal reinterpretation of logical constants). Connections with Definability Theory are also established.
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    Elementary Constructive Operational Set Theory.Andrea Cantini & Laura Crosilla - 2010 - In Ralf Schindler (ed.), Ways of Proof Theory. De Gruyter. pp. 199-240.
    We introduce an operational set theory in the style of [5] and [16]. The theory we develop here is a theory of constructive sets and operations. One motivation behind constructive operational set theory is to merge a constructive notion of set ([1], [2]) with some aspects which are typical of explicit mathematics [14]. In particular, one has non-extensional operations (or rules) alongside extensional constructive sets. Operations are in general partial and a limited form of self{application is permitted. The system we (...)
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    La filosofía de Gustavo Bueno.Gustavo Bueno (ed.) - 1992 - Madrid: Editorial Complutense.
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    Paradoxes, self-reference and truth in the 20th century.Andrea Cantini - 2009 - In Dov Gabbay (ed.), The Handbook of the History of Logic. Elsevier. pp. 5--875.
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