Results for 'Guohua Cao'

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  1.  15
    Optimal Financing and Dividend Strategies with Time Inconsistency in a Regime Switching Economy.Yehong Yang & Guohua Cao - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-11.
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    Sun Guohua zi xuan ji.Guohua Sun - 2007 - Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she.
    本书内容涵盖执政党的政策与法律的关系,法的阶级性与社会性的关系,马克思主义关于法的概念和本质的基本原理,法是“理”与“力”的结合,法的作用与价值,民主与法制的关系,依法治国的治国方略以及对有关法学思潮 的评析等。.
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  3.  69
    Isolation and lattice embeddings.Guohua Wu - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):1055-1064.
    Say that (a, d) is an isolation pair if a is a c.e. degree, d is a d.c.e. degree, a < d and a bounds all c.e. degrees below d. We prove that there are an isolation pair (a, d) and a c.e. degree c such that c is incomparable with a, d, and c cups d to o', caps a to o. Thus, {o, c, d, o'} is a diamond embedding, which was first proved by Downey in [9]. Furthermore, (...)
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    Cao Yuanbi you peng shu zha.Yuanbi Cao - 2018 - Shanghai: Shanghai ren min chu ban she.
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    The Kierstead's Conjecture and limitwise monotonic functions.Guohua Wu & Maxim Zubkov - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (6):467-486.
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    Zhonghua mei de shu.Guohua Hu (ed.) - 2005 - Guangzhou Shi: Guangdong ren min chu ban she.
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    Fa de xing cheng yu yun zuo yuan li.Guohua Sun (ed.) - 2003 - Beijing: Fa lü chu ban she.
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    Fa xue ji chu li lun.Guohua Sun - 1988 - Tianjin Shi: Tianjin ren min chu ban she.
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    马克思主义法理学研究: 关于法的概念和本质的原理.Guohua Sun (ed.) - 1996 - Beijing: Qun zhong chu ban she.
  10.  8
    Wei xiao shi yi zhong li liang.Guohua Wang - 2006 - Ha'erbin Shi: Bei fang wen yi chu ban she.
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    Shang wen zhai zuan yan jiao bian: Cao Shangbin lun wen ji.Shangbin Cao - 2020 - Taibei Shi: Wan juan lou tu shu gu fen you xian gong si. Edited by Guanhong Wu.
    限制級小說,未成年請勿閱聽 身心俱虐的BL情深 YY耽美小說的極端, 「攻」與「受」間不可說的一片空白.
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    Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Field Theory.Tian Yu Cao (ed.) - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
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  13.  18
    Isolation and the Jump Operator.Guohua Wu - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (4):525-534.
    We show the existence of a high d. c. e. degree d and a low2 c.e. degree a such that d is isolated by a.
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    Unexpected Acceptance? Patients with Social Anxiety Disorder Manifest their Social Expectancy in ERPs During Social Feedback Processing.Jianqin Cao, Ruolei Gu, Xuejing Bi, Xiangru Zhu & Haiyan Wu - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Do financial performance and firm’s value affect the quality of corporate social responsibility disclosure: Moderating role of chief executive officer’s power in China.Cao Na, Gaoliang Tian, Fawad Rauf & Khwaja Naveed - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper investigates the correlation between the quality of corporate social responsibility disclosure and financial performance. It also investigates the moderating role of chief executive officer power in the relationship between the quality of CSR disclosure and firm value in Chinese listed companies. The evidential research used the up-to-date sample of unbalanced findings for the period of 2014–2020, from the registered Chinese firms in the Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchanges as samples for the study. As a starting point technique, the (...)
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  16.  40
    Independence: The Tibetan People's Right.Cao Changching - 1997 - Chinese Studies in History 30 (3):8-28.
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    Bi-Isolation in the D.C.E. Degrees.Guohua Wu - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (2):409 - 420.
    In this paper, we study the bi-isolation phenomena in the d.c.e. degrees and prove that there are c.e. degrees c₁ < c₂ and a d.c.e. degree d ∈ (c₁, c₂) such that (c₁, d) and (d, c₂) contain no c.e. degrees. Thus, the c.e. degrees between c₁ and c₂ are all incomparable with d. We also show that there are d.c.e. degrees d₁ < d₂ such that (d₁, d₂) contains a unique c.e. degree.
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  18. Makalianke jiao yu si xiang yan jiu.Guohua He - 1986 - Changsha Shi: Hunan sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Guocai Yan.
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    Fusing Tradition and Modernity: A Strategic Marketing Approach for TCCEC Brand.Cao Shuran, Farah Akmar Anor Salim & Xu Ying - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:372-381.
    This paper examines the TCCEC (Traditional Chinese Culture Element Clothing) brand's challenges in integrating traditional Chinese cultural elements within a modern fashion context. Despite a unique artistic appeal, TCCEC faces market performance issues due to unclear positioning, misaligned product development, unengaging marketing, and subpar customer service. The study identifies these shortcomings using qualitative research methods and proposes strategies to enhance brand resonance, product relevance, marketing creativity, and customer satisfaction. The recommendations aim to improve TCCEC's market adaptability and serve as a (...)
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  20.  6
    Fa li xue.Guohua Sun & Jingwen Zhu (eds.) - 2000 - Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she.
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    Makesi zhu yi fa li xue yan jiu: guan yu fa di gai nian he ben zhi di yuan li.Guohua Sun (ed.) - 1996 - Beijing: Qun zhong chu ban she.
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    Intervals containing exactly one c.e. degree.Guohua Wu - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 146 (1):91-102.
    Cooper proved in [S.B. Cooper, Strong minimal covers for recursively enumerable degrees, Math. Logic Quart. 42 191–196] the existence of a c.e. degree with a strong minimal cover . So is the greastest c.e. degree below . Cooper and Yi pointed out in [S.B. Cooper, X. Yi, Isolated d.r.e. degrees, University of Leeds, Dept. of Pure Math., 1995. Preprint] that this strongly minimal cover cannot be d.c.e., and meanwhile, they proposed the notion of isolated degrees: a d.c.e. degree is isolated (...)
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  23.  8
    Wen xue yu quan li: wen xue he fa xing de pi pan xing kao cha = Wenxueyuquanli: wenxuehefaxingde pipanxingkaocha.Guohua Zhu - 2006 - Shanghai Shi: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    Conceptual Development of 20th Century Field Theories.Tian Yu Cao - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    From reviews of the hardback edition: a deep study of 20th century field ... of the conceptual origins and development of twentieth century field theories, ...
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    Modernization Theory and China's Road to Modernization.Cao Fangjun - 2009 - Chinese Studies in History 43 (1):7-16.
  26.  26
    Confucius’s doctrine of the rectification of names.Cao Xuan Long & Nguyen Quoc Viet - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):219-226.
    Confúcio (551 aC - 479 aC) - foi um filósofo, professor e estadista bem conhecido, bastante influente durante os períodos de Primavera-Outono dos Estados Combatentes na China. Somados a esses atributos, destaca-se o fato de ele ter sido um pensador que transmitiu à humanidade numerosos conceitos perspicazes, dentre os quais a doutrina da "retificação de nomes" (正名 - zhèng míng). Esta doutrina, que tem caráter profundo, abrangente e metódico, procura resgatar a sociedade de um estado de caos para um estado (...)
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  27. Jen sheng zhe xue ABC.Xianwen Cao - 1982 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Value and Limitations: Significance and Value of Excavated Texts for Intellectual History.Cao Feng - 2013 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 44 (4):10-45.
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    Jump Operator and Yates Degrees.Guohua Wu - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (1):252 - 264.
    In [9]. Yates proved the existence of a Turing degree a such that 0. 0′ are the only c.e. degrees comparable with it. By Slaman and Steel [7], every degree below 0′ has a 1-generic complement, and as a consequence. Yates degrees can be 1-generic, and hence can be low. In this paper, we prove that Yates degrees occur in every jump class.
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    Hengxian and Self‐Generation.Cao Feng 曹峰 - 2019 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 46 (1-2):58-77.
    Journal of Chinese Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  31. A critique to the significance of Gettier counter-examples.Cao Jianbo - 2006 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 1 (4):675-687.
    Usually, people think that Gettier counter-examples challenged the traditional tripartite definition of knowledge and fundamentally changed the characteristic of the contemporary epistemology. This paper argues that regard for Gettier counter-examples is exaggerated, because (i) the JTB definition is neither an important nor a comprehensive one that covers all knowledge. Moreover, the significance of Gettier counter-examples is limited. (ii) The source of Gettier counter-examples lies in one arbitrary judgment, two mix-ups, three false assumptions, and a misunderstanding about the JTB definition.
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    Nonisolated degrees and the jump operator.Guohua Wu - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 117 (1-3):209-221.
    Say that a d.c.e. degree d is nonisolated if for any c.e. degree a
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  33. New Labels for Old Ideas: Predictive Processing and the Interpretation of Neural Signals.Rosa Cao - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (3):517-546.
    Philosophical proponents of predictive processing cast the novelty of predictive models of perception in terms of differences in the functional role and information content of neural signals. However, they fail to provide constraints on how the crucial semantic mapping from signals to their informational contents is determined. Beyond a novel interpretative gloss on neural signals, they have little new to say about the causal structure of the system, or even what statistical information is carried by the signals. That means that (...)
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  34. Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Field Theory.Tian Yu Cao - 2002 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 33 (1):174-181.
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  35.  16
    Hengxian and Self‐Generation.Cao Feng - 2019 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 46 (1-2):58-77.
    The abstruse phrase “Qi 氣is self-generating; constancy categorically does not engender Qi. Qi is self-generating and self-arising” in Hengxian 《恒先》 should be put in the context of the “self-generating” 自生 idea of Daoism. The cosmology depicted in the first part of Hengxian serves the political philosophy in the second part. “Qi is self-generating” serves the political philosophy of “non-action.” “Self-generating” is an important opinion in the philosophy of Daoism. However, the idea in ancient Daoist literature hasn’t been clearly analyzed. Hengxian (...)
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    A Study of Body Metaphors in Philosophy.Cao Lin & Chen Hongjun - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (3).
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    Enhancing Cultural Heritage Tourism through Market Innovation and Technology Integration.Cao Shuran, F. A. Anor Salim & Xu Ying - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:122-131.
    Integrating the preservation of cultural heritage with the development of tourism is essential for fostering sustainable economic growth and honoring historical and cultural values. This abstract outlines the pivotal findings from an action research project in an urban setting within the Yangtze River Delta region, emphasizing the role of market innovation and the strategic use of emerging technologies to align cultural heritage conservation with tourism economic growth. The project was approached through a multifaceted methodology, including a literature review, field research, (...)
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    A Brief Discussion of Marx's Theory of Alienation.Cao Tianyu - 1984 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 16 (1):78.
    In the article "A Few Problems Regarding the Theory of Man" , Comrade Huang Tongsen argued that Marx's theory of alienation 1) "comprehends the essence of man" from "the starting point of individual person" or "isolated, abstract individual"; 2) "turns upside down the true relationship between alienated labor and private ownership" and "sums up the problem of economic system as the alienation of man's essence"; and 3) ascribes the driving force behind alienation and sublation to "the requirement of the negation (...)
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  39. The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Volume 10: Philosophy of Science.Tian Yu Cao (ed.) - 2001 - Philosophy Doc Ctr.
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  40.  9
    Literature and power: a critical investigation of literary legitimacy.Guohua Zhu - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    With references to the theoretical framework of Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu, this book offers a critical investigation into such epic issues as the end of art and the inherent laws of literature's evolution, while conflating the two into one major argumentation. The book proceeds from Hegel's claim of "the end of art" to tackle the universal yet essential problem of literature: its legitimacy in a sociological sense. It invests Bourdieu's sociological terms -- power, capital, habitus, field, etc. into the (...)
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  41.  52
    Isolation and the high/low hierarchy.Shamil Ishmukhametov & Guohua Wu - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (3):259-266.
    Say that a d.c.e. degree d is isolated by a c.e. degree b, if bMathematics Subject Classification (2000): 03D25, 03D30, 03D35 RID=""ID="" Key words or phrases: Computably enumerable (...)
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  42.  19
    1-Generic splittings of computably enumerable degrees.Guohua Wu - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 138 (1):211-219.
    Say a set Gω is 1-generic if for any eω, there is a string σG such that {e}σ↓ or τσ↑). It is known that can be split into two 1-generic degrees. In this paper, we generalize this and prove that any nonzero computably enumerable degree can be split into two 1-generic degrees. As a corollary, no two computably enumerable degrees bound the same class of 1-generic degrees.
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    Q -measures on Q κ λ.Guohua Wu - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (2):201-204.
    We give a characterization of strongly compact cardinals in terms of Q κ λ. We also prove that weakly normal Q-measures on Q κ λ are ⊂κ-normal.
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    Quasi-complements of the cappable degrees.Guohua Wu - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (2):189.
    Say that a nonzero c. e. degree b is a quasi-complement of a c. e. degree a if a ∩ b = 0 and a ∪ b is high. It is well-known that each cappable degree has a high quasi-complement. However, by the existence of the almost deep degrees, there are nonzero cappable degrees having no low quasi-complements. In this paper, we prove that any nonzero cappable degree has a low2 quasi-complement.
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  45.  27
    Regular reals.Guohua Wu - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (2):111-119.
    Say that α is an n-strongly c. e. real if α is a sum of n many strongly c. e. reals, and that α is regular if α is n-strongly c. e. for some n. Let Sn be the set of all n-strongly c. e. reals, Reg be the set of regular reals and CE be the set of c. e. reals. Then we have: S1 ⊂ S2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Sn ⊂ · · · ⊂ ⊂ Reg (...)
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    《恒先》專題導論.Cao Feng - 2018 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 45 (3-4):136-139.
    Journal of Chinese Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    PROJECTA: An Art-Based Tool in Trauma Treatment.Marián López Fernández-Cao, Celia Camilli-Trujillo & Laura Fernández-Escudero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:568948.
    Artistic images, of a universal nature and validated by global culture, are carriers of an emotional potential that can be used for therapeutic purposes in cultural centers as well as in clinical spaces. Esthetic studies reveal the mobilizing power in their contemplation and the capacity to bring out personal stories with healing potential. The general objective of this paper is to design and validate the PROJECTA instrument, consisting of the therapeutic use of artistic images to approach trauma or difficult conditions (...)
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  48. Signaling in the Brain: In Search of Functional Units.Rosa Cao - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (5):891-901.
    What are the functional units of the brain? If the function of the brain is to process information-carrying signals, then the functional units will be the senders and receivers of those signals. Neurons have been the default candidate, with action potentials as the signals. But there are alternatives: synapses fit the action potential picture more cleanly, and glial activities (e.g., in astrocytes) might also be characterized as signaling. Are synapses or nonneuronal cells better candidates to play the role of functional (...)
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  49.  39
    The Independent and Shared Mechanisms of Intrinsic Brain Dynamics: Insights From Bistable Perception.Teng Cao, Lan Wang, Zhouyuan Sun, Stephen A. Engel & Sheng He - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  50. Corporate Competing Culture and Environmental Investment.Jinfang Tian, Wei Cao, Qian Cheng, Yikun Huang & Shiyang Hu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Using Chinese listed companies as research setting, this paper constructs a measure of corporate competing culture through textual analysis on firms’ management discussion and analysis disclosures, and examines the impact of corporate competing culture on environmental investment. The results show that competing culture has a significant and positive impact on firms’ environmental investment, and the results remain robust to a battery of robustness tests. Moreover, the mediating analysis indicates that competing culture promotes corporate environmental investment through enhancing firms’ internal control (...)
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