Results for 'Guido Salazar-Sepulveda'

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  1.  13
    A Scientometric Systematic Review of Entrepreneurial Wellbeing Knowledge Production.Nicolás Contreras-Barraza, Juan Felipe Espinosa-Cristia, Guido Salazar-Sepulveda, Alejandro Vega-Muñoz & Antonio Ariza-Montes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This article presents a scientometric study regarding entrepreneurship and its relationship with wellbeing. The study presents a systematic review and measures impact and relational character to identify the relevance of countries, research organizations, and authors in the field of entrepreneurial wellbeing. The study poses the following research questions: What is the nature of the evolution of scientific knowledge in the entrepreneurial wellbeing field? What is the nature of the concentration in terms of geographical distribution and co-authorship level of knowledge production (...)
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    Ontology and the logistic analysis of language.Guido KÜNG - 1967 - Dordrecht,: D. Reidel.
  3.  33
    The Impact of Four Types of Corporate Social Performance on Reputation and Financial Performance.Yijing Wang & Guido Berens - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (2):337-359.
    The goal of this paper was to investigate whether and how a firm that engages in different kinds of corporate social performance can create a favorable corporate reputation among its stakeholders, and as a result achieve a good financial performance. Building on stakeholder theory, we distinguish two types of reputation—reputation among public stakeholders and reputation among financial stakeholders. We argue that CSP activities affect these two reputations differently. In addition, we empirically test the relationship among different types of CSP, reputation (...)
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    Ioanna Bartsidi, "Discurso y saber absoluto: la lectura de Gérard Lebrun de la lógica hegeliana como respuesta al antihegelianismo francés de los años 1960-1970".Ioanna Bartsidi & Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2024 - Characteristica Universalis Journal 2 (1):173-196. Translated by Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano.
    Author: Ioanna Bartsidi (Université Paris Nanterre). Translated by Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano (UCSH). Gérard Gérard Lebrun (1930-1999) fue un historiador de la filosofía francés y estudioso de Hegel influido por el estructuralismo y la epistemología histórica francesa. Su libro de 1972 La patience du concept marcó el campo de los estudios hegelianos y se convirtió en un referente para las lecturas «no metafísicas» contemporáneas de Hegel en Francia. Insistiendo en la oposición entre discurso representacional y especulativo, Lebrun presenta el pensamiento de (...)
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    Socratic Proofs and Paraconsistency: A Case Study.Andrzej Wiśniewski, Guido Vanackere & Dorota Leszczyńska - 2005 - Studia Logica 80 (2):431-466.
    This paper develops a new proof method for two propositional paraconsistent logics: the propositional part of Batens' weak paraconsistent logic CLuN and Schütte's maximally paraconsistent logic Φv. Proofs are de.ned as certain sequences of questions. The method is grounded in Inferential Erotetic Logic.
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    Changing legal systems: legal abrogations and annulments in Defeasible Logic.Guido Governatori & Antonino Rotolo - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (1):157-194.
    In this paper we investigate how to represent and reason about legal abrogations and annulments in Defeasible Logic. We examine some options that embed in this setting, and in similar rule-based systems, ideas from belief and base revision. In both cases, our conclusion is negative, which suggests to adopt a different logical model. This model expresses temporal aspects of legal rules, and distinguishes between two main timelines, one internal to a given temporal version of the legal system, and another relative (...)
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    The concept of identity in naturalism.Guido Imaguire - 2021 - Filosofia Unisinos 7 (1).
    Naturalism in philosophy is characterized by the assumption that nature is the whole of reality. Thus, the naturalist must try to show how concepts considered irreducible and trans-natural by traditional transcendental philosophy can be reduced to categories of natural science. In this article I analyze two strategies of reducing the notion of identity in naturalism proposed respectively by Quine and Wittgenstein. Key words: Naturalism, Identity, Quine, Wittgenstein.
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  8.  20
    Die Form der Externalität in Russells und die Ursprünge Seiner Relationstheorie.Guido Imaguire - 2001 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 61 (1):225-247.
    It is a well known fact that the beginning of analytic philosophy is grounded in Moore's and Russell's rebellion against the idealism of 19 century England. Despite of Russell's sharp criticism of his own idealistic phase, some important theses of his later realistic philosophy can only be understood in the context of a critical discussion of his own earlier idealistic philosophy. In this paper I will analyse the concept of the. This is the central logical and philosophical concepts of Russell's (...)
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    Martin Grajner/Adolf Rami (Hgg.), Wahrheit, Bedeutung, Existenz.Guido Imaguire - 2014 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 121 (1):178-181.
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    Ontological Categories and the Transversality Requirement.Guido Imaguire - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (4):619-639.
    Which categories of entities qualify as ontological categories? Which combinations of categories qualify as adequate systems of ontological categories? These are the two questions the author focuses on in this article. Contrary to the usual praxis in contemporary ontological literature, he addresses both questions conjointly. First, the author presents some problems of characterizing ontological categories in purely extensional terms, i.e. as widely inclusive natural classes. Second, he introduces the transversality requirement: ontological categories should be individually and naturally domain-transversal, i.e. ontological (...)
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  11. Varieties of Explanation.Guido Imaguire - 2018 - In Priority Nominalism: Grounding Ostrich Nominalism as a Solution to the Problem of Universals. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    How Incomputable Is the Separable Hahn-Banach Theorem?Guido Gherardi & Alberto Marcone - 2009 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 50 (4):393-425.
    We determine the computational complexity of the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem. To do so, we investigate some basic connections between reverse mathematics and computable analysis. In particular, we use Weak König's Lemma within the framework of computable analysis to classify incomputable functions of low complexity. By defining the multivalued function Sep and a natural notion of reducibility for multivalued functions, we obtain a computational counterpart of the subsystem of second-order arithmetic WKL0. We study analogies and differences between WKL0 and the class (...)
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  13.  38
    Logic of Violations: A Gentzen System for Reasoning with Contrary-To-Duty Obligations.Guido Governatori & Antonino Rotolo - 2006 - Australasian Journal of Logic 4:193-215.
    In this paper we present a Gentzen system for reasoning with contrary-to-duty obligations. The intuition behind the system is that a contrary-to-duty is a special kind of normative exception. The logical machinery to formalise this idea is taken from substructural logics and it is based on the definition of a new non-classical connective capturing the notion of reparational obligation. Then the system is tested against well-known contrary-to-duty paradoxes.
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    Learning to Read Nature.Guido Giglioni - 2013 - Early Science and Medicine 18 (4-5):405-434.
    Francis Bacon’s elusive notion of experience can be better understood when we relate it to his views on matter, motion, appetite and intellect, and bring to the fore its broader philosophical implications. Bacon’s theory of knowledge is embedded in a programme of disciplinary redefinition, outlined in the Advancement of Learning and De augmentis scientiarum. Among all disciplines, prima philosophia plays a key foundational role, based on the idea of both a physical parallelism between the human intellect and nature and a (...)
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    The role of goals in belief selection.Guido Boella, Célia da Costa Pereira, Gabriella Pigozzi, Andrea Tettamanzi & Leendert van der Torre - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (4):559-578.
    In this paper we consider the relation between beliefs and goals in agent theory. Beliefs play three roles in reasoning about goals: they play a role in the generation of unconditional desires from conditional ones, they play a role in adoption of desires as goals, and they play a role in the selection of plans to achieve goals. In this paper we consider the role of goals in reasoning about beliefs. Though we assume that goals do not play a role (...)
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  16.  9
    1. Homer.Guido Rappe - 1995 - In Archaische Leiberfahrung: der Leib in der Frühgriechischen Philosophie und in Außereuropäischen Kulturen. De Gruyter. pp. 35-95.
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    Icons of Beauty: A Suite of Three Women with Ancient Vases from the Workshop of Marcantonio Raimondi.Guido Rebecchini - 2016 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 92 (2):129-144.
    Working in collaboration with others, Agostino Veneziano produced three remarkable prints representing nude women seated or standing beside spectacular allantica vases and set before ruinous landscapes. This article investigates the authorship and origin of these unusual images. It suggests that the vases are presented as a metaphor for female beauty, and relates the visual rhetoric of these three prints to the writings of contemporary writers, including Agnolo Firenzuola, who described the beauty of women in relation to the elegant proportions of (...)
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    Nominalistische Logik heute.Guido Küng - 1977 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 2 (1):29-52.
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    Zur Erkenntnistheorie von Franz Brentano.Guido Küng - 1978 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 5 (1):169-181.
    Brentano hat in seinen Analysen der Wahrnehmung zwei wichtige Punkte hervorgehoben: (a) daß die innere Wahrnehmung nur ein Bewußtsein "nebenbei" sei; und (b) daß die äußere Wahrnehmung ein räumlich Ausgedehntes (und nicht eine Idee) zum Objekt habe. Er ging aber nicht weit genug, sondern blieb dem Kartesianismus verhaftet, indem er die innere Wahrnehmung immer noch ein Erkennen nannte, und andererseits vom Objekt der äußeren Wahrnehmung sagte, daß es in Wahrheit gar nicht bestehe. Wenn man aber weiter geht und zugesteht, daß (...)
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  20.  18
    Felicità, potere e finitezza dell'uomo secondo Descartes.Guido Canziani - 1996 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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  21. Le Edizioni Dei Testi Filosofici E Scientifici Del '500 E Del '600 Problemi di Metodo E Prospettive di Ricerca.Guido Canziani, Mario Dal Pra, Gianni Paganini & Michela Pereira - 1986 - Franco Angeli.
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  22. La nozione di vincolo in biologia - Intervista a Elena Gagliasso.Guido Caniglia - 2008 - Humana Mente 2 (6).
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    Potentia dei: l'onnipotenza divina nel pensiero dei secoli XVI e XVII.Guido Canziani, Miguel Angel Granada & Yves Charles Zarka - 2000 - Franco Angeli.
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    Some aspects of eloquence in Descartes's works.Guido Canziani - 1990 - Argumentation 4 (1):53-68.
    In Descartes's philosophy, communicating scientific and philosophical truth does not represent a problem that can be traced back to humanistic “rhetoric”, meant as “the art of persuasion”. Descartes states his belief in the “eloquence” of reason: a clear, precise, and adequately expressed thought cannot fail to “convince” the listener. This is the measure of the distance between the level of truth and the level of opinion. However, the moment of confrontation with the public is also the very moment when the (...)
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    I fondamenti della logica aristotelica.Guido Calogero - 1968 - Firenze,: La nuova Italia. Edited by Gabriele Giannantoni & Giovanna Sillitti.
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    Aporie etiche in Epicuro.Guido Bonelli - 1979 - Bruxelles: Latomus.
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  27. La leggenda storiografica di Hume.Guido Bonino - 1996 - Rivista di Filosofia 87:241-265.
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    L'essere nella spontaneità creativa e nella riffessione razionale.Guido Boni - 1953 - Roma,: C. Colombo.
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    Reply to Plourde.Guido Bonino - 2011 - Dialectica 65 (2):317-326.
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    Russell: un filosofo analitico?Guido Bonino - 1998 - Rivista di Filosofia 89 (3):501-508.
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    T.H. Green E Il Mito Dell'empirismo Britannico.Guido Bonino - 2003 - [Firenze]: Olschki.
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  32. Lo stato e la dottrina corporativa.Guido Bortolotto - 1931 - Bologna,: N. Zanichelli.
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  33. Synchronization Gauges and the Principles of Special Relativity.Guido Rizzi, Matteo Luca Ruggiero & Alessio Serafini - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (12):1835-1887.
    The axiomatic bases of Special Relativity Theory (SRT) are thoroughly re-examined from an operational point of view, with particular emphasis on the status of Einstein synchronization in the light of the possibility of arbitrary synchronization procedures in inertial reference frames. Once correctly and explicitly phrased, the principles of SRT allow for a wide range of “theories” that differ from the standard SRT only for the difference in the chosen synchronization procedures, but are wholly equivalent to SRT in predicting empirical facts. (...)
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  34.  10
    5. Accursius' Grabschrift.Guido Kisch - 1968 - In Gestalten Und Probleme Aus Humanismus Und Jurisprudenz: Neue Studien Und Texte. Berlin,: De Gruyter. pp. 75-78.
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    Backmatter.Guido Kisch - 1968 - In Gestalten Und Probleme Aus Humanismus Und Jurisprudenz: Neue Studien Und Texte. Berlin,: De Gruyter. pp. 339-364.
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    1. Bonifacius Amerbachs „Defensio interpretum iuris civilis".Guido Kisch - 1968 - In Gestalten Und Probleme Aus Humanismus Und Jurisprudenz: Neue Studien Und Texte. Berlin,: De Gruyter. pp. 101-112.
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    Die deutsch-jüdische Bibliographie seit dem 19. Jahrhundert.Guido Kisch - 1970 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 22 (2):143-152.
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    Humanistic Tradition in the Romania.Guido Kisch - 1969 - Philosophy and History 2 (1):72-72.
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    4. Text der Laudatio Basileae urbis mit deutscher Übersetzu.Guido Kisch - 1968 - In Gestalten Und Probleme Aus Humanismus Und Jurisprudenz: Neue Studien Und Texte. Berlin,: De Gruyter. pp. 268-280.
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    7. Unabhängigkeit der Amerbachschen Gedankenführung.Guido Kisch - 1968 - In Gestalten Und Probleme Aus Humanismus Und Jurisprudenz: Neue Studien Und Texte. Berlin,: De Gruyter. pp. 152-166.
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    2. Zur Biographie des Accursius.Guido Kisch - 1968 - In Gestalten Und Probleme Aus Humanismus Und Jurisprudenz: Neue Studien Und Texte. Berlin,: De Gruyter. pp. 26-35.
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  42.  55
    An Introduction to Many-valued Logics.Guido Küng - 1968 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 17:236-237.
    A philosopher who has mastered the standard two-valued propositional calculus and who is curious to find out what the systems of many-valued logic, strict implication and modal logic are all about, should reach for this small booklet from the series Monographs in Modern Logic It explains in a compact but remarkably lucid way the rationale of these non-standard logics and gives access to the literature of the field. There are numerous references to a selected bibliography, the most recent titles of (...)
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    Fate, Logic and Time.Guido Küng - 1968 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 17:237-245.
    These books are telling examples which demonstrate that at least some contemporary philosophers have again attained the high level of ‘scholastic’ sophistication which was typical of men like Aristotle, Diodorus Cronus, Chrysippus, Aquinas or Ockham. It can even be said that in an important respect this classical level has been surpassed: Prior’s presentation of the different calculi of tense logic in Past, Present and Future documents the recent progress of symbolic formalization in a domain where the classics had to struggle (...)
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  44. Gehört die Logik zur Ontologie oder zur Mathematik?Guido KÜng - 1984 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 31:21-34.
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  45. Introduction.Guido Küng - 1962 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 3:5.
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    Logic and Reality in Leibniz’s Metaphysics.Guido Küng - 1967 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 16:299-303.
  47. Ontologie und logistische Analyse der Sprache. Eine Untersuchung zur zeitgenössischen Universaliendiskussion.Guido Küng - 1967 - Foundations of Language 3 (2):195-200.
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    The Role of Language in Phenomenological Analysis.Guido Küng - 1969 - American Philosophical Quarterly 6 (4):330 - 334.
  49.  12
    Understanding and its Rational Justification.Guido Kung - 1979 - Dialectica 33 (3‐4):217-232.
    SummaryThis paper states the belief that both an “irrationalist” conception of the humanities which is hostile to any theory construction, as well as a “positivist” one which tries to reduce all knowledge to the scientific model of deduction and induction must be avoided. This leads to Chisholm's notion of epistemic consequence. The Chisholmian reconstruction of epistemology is then viewed as an explication of the phenomenologi‐cal program, and it is discussed in how far this program can meet the objection of those (...)
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  50. Katharsis. La morte dell'ego e il divino come apertura al mondo nella prospettiva di Max Scheler.Guido Cusinato - 1999 - Napoli: ESI.
    Dalla Prefazione di Manfred Frings: «Il libro di Guido Cusinato non solo riesce a mettere in evidenza la molteplice rilevanza della filosofia di Scheler […], ma illumina anche nuovi aspetti e apre nuove prospettive di indagine. Questo obiettivo viene raggiunto da Cusinato con rigore metodologico e attraverso uno sforzo teso a verificare tutta una serie di affermazioni che erano state fatte finora in modo forse un po’ troppo affrettato. Per es. dimostra che Scheler non era né un dualista né (...)
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