Results for 'Guido Adler'

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  1.  17
    Der Stil in der Musik.Guido Adler - 1911 - Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel.
    Guido Adlers Studie über den Stil in der Musik bietet einen tiefgehenden Einblick in die musikalischen Strömungen vom Mittelalter bis zur Renaissance. Für alle, die ein tiefes Verständnis der Entwicklung von Europas Musikgeschichte gewinnen möchten. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, (...)
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    Music, Criticism, and the Challenge of History: Shaping Modern Musical Thought in Late Nineteenth Century Vienna.Kevin Karnes - 2008 - Oup Usa.
    More than a century after Guido Adler's appointment to the first chair in musicology at the University of Vienna, Music, Criticism, and the Challenge of History provides a first look at the discipline in this earliest period, and at the ideological dilemmas and methodological anxieties that characterized it upon its institutionalization. Author Kevin Karnes contends that some of the most vital questions surrounding musicology's disciplinary identities today-the relationship between musicology and criticism, the role of the subject in analysis (...)
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  3. On Translating Taiji.Joseph A. Adler - 2015 - In David Jones & Jinli He (eds.), Returning to Zhu Xi: Emerging Patterns Within the Supreme Polarity. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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  4. Solution of the Problem of Species.Mortimer J. Adler - 1941 - The Thomist 3:279-379.
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  5. Die Individualpsychologie.A. Adler - 1926 - Scientia 20 (39):409.
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  6. Testimony, Trust, Knowing.Jonathan Adler - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy 91 (5):264-275.
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    Rational behaviour: A comparison between the theory stemming from de Finetti's work and some other leading theories.Guido A. Rossi - 1994 - Theory and Decision 36 (3):257-275.
  8. Bart Van Kerkhove.Guido Vanackere - 2001 - Studia Logica 68:1-30.
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  9. On the limits of intercultural argumentation.Guido Melchior - 2006 - In Cultures: Conflict-Analysis-Dialogue. Papers of the 29th International Wittgenstein Symposium. pp. 195-197.
    I argue that intercultural argumentation can only succeed if the same views about rational argumentation dominate in the two cultures. Hence, I will show that the possibilities of successful intercultural argumentation are limited. I will proceed in the following way: First, I will define arguments and argumentation situations. Second, I will investigate the general cases of persons, who in fact are rational in argumentation situations and persons, who believe to be rational. Third, I will illustrate the consequences for both cases. (...)
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    Il testo e il mondo: elementi di teoria della letteratura.Guido Paduano - 2013 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
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    Sulla razionalità in Hobbes: deontologia e giustificazione politica.Guido Parietti - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
  12. Tot welke leeftijd een kind? Een ethische analyse van timing van ouderschap - Men kan van ouders verlangen dat zij redelijk uitzicht hebben op het kunnen voltooien van de opvoeding van het kind tot de volwassen leeftijd.Guido Pennings - 1996 - Filosofie En Praktijk 17:74-87.
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    Von der Erziehungswissenschaft zur Pädagogik?Guido Pollak, Helmut Heid & Lutz-Michael Alisch (eds.) - 1994 - Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.
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    Società, legge e ragione.Guido Fassò - 1974 - Milano,: Edizioni di Comunità.
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  15. Wittgenstein, regole e systema.Guido Frongia - 1985 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 175 (1):50-52.
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  16. Außenweltskeptizismus.Guido Melchior - 2019 - In Martin Grajner & Guido Melchior (eds.), Handbuch Erkenntnistheorie. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 305-315.
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    Ziel und Struktur der physikalischen Theorien.Pierre Duhem, Friedrich Adler & Ernst Mach - 1998 - Meiner, F.
    Pierre Duhem (1861-1916) gehörte zu jenen Wissenschaftlern, die im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert an der Umbildung der Physik im großen Stil arbeiteten und damit an der Vorbereitung der wissenschaftlichen Revolution beteiligt waren, die durch Planck und Einstein herbeigeführt wurde. Duhems klassisches Werk der modernen Wissenschaftstheorie hat auf die Entwicklung des logischen Empirismus nachhaltigen Einfluß ausgeübt. Das von Duhem beigezogene reichhaltige Material und seine konzisen Fallstudien stellen eine Fundgrube für jeden dar, der sich ernsthaft mit Wissenschaftstheorie beschäftigt.
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  18. Werden wir uns wiedererkennen? : zu einer möglichen Kontinuität über die Bruchlinie des Todes hinaus.Guido Bausenhart - 2019 - In Manfred Gerwing, Klaus Hedwig & Daniela Riel (eds.), Sed ipsa novitas crescat: Themen der Eschatologie, Transformation und Innovation: Festschrift für Manfred Gerwing. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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  19. Il concetto di progresso nella storia.Guido Bustico - 1916 - Acireale,: Tip. Orario delle ferrovie.
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  20. Saggi di etica e di teoria del diritto.Guido Calogero - 1947 - Bari,: G. Laterza..
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  21. La filosofia stoica nel secolo XVI in Francia.Guido Capitolo - 1931 - Napoli-Città di Castello,: F. Perrella.
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  22. Buscando un nuevo "piso" para el derecho: el giro de Gustav Radruch en la filosofía alemana: de los campos de exterminio alemanes al abandono del positivismo jurídico. Constitucionalismo y democracia. De la tensión al falso dilema.Guido Leonardo Croxatto - 2017 - In Robert Alexy (ed.), Argumentación, derechos humanos y justicia. Buenos Aires: Astrea.
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  23. Genesi storica e genesi logica delia filosofia delia Scienza Nuova.Guido Fassò - 1948 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 25:319-36.
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  24. Guida alla literatura su Wittgenstein: storia e analisi della critica.Guido Frongia - 1981 - Urbino: Argalìa editore.
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  25. Introduction.Guido Giglioni - 2013 - In Anna Akasoy & Guido Giglioni (eds.), Renaissance Averroism and its aftermath: Arabic philosophy in early modern Europe. New York: Springer.
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  26. La deriva parassitaria della critica filmica.Guido Oldrini - 2012 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 8 (3):538-555.
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  27. The parasitic deviation of film critics.Guido Oldrini - 2012 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 8 (2):538-556.
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  28. I grandi pensatori del mezzogiorno d'Italia.Guido Della Valle - 1949 - Napoli,: Libreria scientifica editrice.
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  29. Metafísica.Guido Fernández Parmo - 2019 - In María Cecilia Colombani & Guido Fernández Parmo (eds.), Impurezas: trazos de una antropología filosófica. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo Libros.
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    Person and non-person as basic concepts underlying alternative discourses about reality-an analysis based on the social-psychological relation-pattern model and greimas semiotic square.Guido Peeters - 1989 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 12 (2):113-132.
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    Science and our effort to find meaning in our world-reflections on a symposium held during the 2nd biennial meeting of uram in europe, 1987.Guido Peeters - 1988 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 11 (2):150-156.
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    Leib und Subjekt: phänomenologische Beiträge zu einem erweiterten Menschenbild.Guido Rappe - 2012 - Bochum: Projektverlag.
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    Il concetto dello stile: saggio di una fenomenologia dell'arte.Guido Morpurgo Tagliabue - 1951 - Milano: Fratelli Bocca.
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  34. Republiek 2: Geschiedenisfilosofie als articulatie.Guido Vanheeswijck - 1995 - de Uil Van Minerva 11.
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    Traditie en vernieuwing hoeveel werkelijkheid Kan de mens verdragen?Guido Vanheeswijck - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (3):559 - 571.
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  36. A privileged access to other minds.Guido Melchior - 2009 - In Volker A. Munz, Klaus Puhl & Joseph Wang (eds.), Language and World – Papers of the XXXII International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 274-276.
    It is widely hold view that persons have privileged access to their own minds, although there are numerous different views, how it exactly looks like. One possible interpretation of this privilege of first-person-perspective is to regard reference to own mental states as privileged in comparison to reference to mental states of others. I will argue for the existence of an additional privilege of third-person-perspective: Other persons can refer to all mental states of a person in way the person herself cannot. (...)
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  37. Cultures: Conflict-Analysis-Dialogue. Papers of the 29th International Wittgenstein Symposium.Guido Melchior (ed.) - 2006
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  38. Mind, Language and Action. Papers of the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium.Guido Melchior (ed.) - 2013
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    Mood effects on cooperation in small groups: Does positive mood simply lead to more cooperation?Guido Hertel, Jochen Neuhof, Thomas Theuer & Norbert L. Kerr - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (4):441-472.
  40. An overlooked argument for epistemic conservatism.J. E. Adler - 1996 - Analysis 56 (2):80-84.
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    Impartiality and particularity.Owen J. Flanagan Jr & Jonathan E. Adler - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Effort Gains in Occupational Teams – The Effects of Social Competition and Social Indispensability.Guido Hertel, Christoph Nohe, Katrin Wessolowski, Oliver Meltz, Justina C. Pape, Jonas Fink & Joachim Hüffmeier - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  43. Italienische Arbeiten zur Antike I.Guido Calogero - 1931 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 40:136.
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  44. La filosofia di Bernardino Varisco.Guido Calogero - 1950 - Messina,: G. d'Anna.
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  45. La metodologia del naturalismo giuridico.Guido Calogero - 1940 - Pisa: Arti grafiche Pacini Mariotti.
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  46. (1 other version)La scuola dell'uomo.Guido Calogero - 1939 - Firenze: G.C. Sansoni.
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  47. La scuola dell'uomo.Guido Calogero - 1941 - Philosophical Review 50:454.
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  48. Studisull' Eleatiemo.Guido Calogero - 1934 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 41 (2):15-15.
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    The Closed Commercial State.J. G. Fichte & Anthony Curtis Adler (eds.) - 2012 - State University of New York Press.
    Critical scholarly edition of J. G. Fichte's Closed Commercial State.
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    Weihrauch Goes Brouwerian.Vasco Brattka & Guido Gherardi - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (4):1614-1653.
    We prove that the Weihrauch lattice can be transformed into a Brouwer algebra by the consecutive application of two closure operators in the appropriate order: first completion and then parallelization. The closure operator of completion is a new closure operator that we introduce. It transforms any problem into a total problem on the completion of the respective types, where we allow any value outside of the original domain of the problem. This closure operator is of interest by itself, as it (...)
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