Results for 'Greta Andersen-Bergdall'

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  1. (2 other versions)Ecofeminism: Toward Global Justice and Planetary Health.Greta Gaard & Lori Gruen - unknown - Society and Nature 2 (1):1-35.
  2.  40
    Taking politics seriously: A prudential justification of political realism.Greta Favara - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (6):904-928.
    Political realists have devoted much effort to clarifying the methodological specificity of realist theorising and defending its consistency as an approach to political reasoning. Yet the question of how to justify the realist approach has not received the same attention. In this article, I offer a prudential justification of political realism. To do so, I first characterise realism as anti-moralism. I then outline three possible arguments for the realist approach by availing myself of recent inquiries into the metatheoretical basis of (...)
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    Political realism as reformist conservatism.Greta Favara - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (1):326-344.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 1, Page 326-344, March 2022.
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    A song of teaching with free software in the Anthropocene.Greta Goetz - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (5):545-556.
    Bernard Stiegler highlights many of the problems faced by education with respect to the ‘bringing forth’ of knowledge on an individual, collective, and technical level in the Anthropocene. These problems include the short-circuiting of dreams, automatization of thought, and toxic digital networks. Stiegler’s φάρμακον seeks to treat the toxicity of the Anthropocene with a care-ful hermeneutic approach that is directed towards the disautomatized, inventive, co-individuating knowledge act. This paper first explores Stiegler’s Anthropocene and his development of Heideggerian ποίησις in terms (...)
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  5. Tools for a Cross-Cultural Feminist Ethics: Exploring Ethical Contexts and Contents in the Makah Whale Hunt.Greta Gaard - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (1):1-26.
    Antiracist white feminists and ecofeminists have the tools but lack the strategies for responding to issues of social and environmental justice cross-culturally, particularly in matters as complex as the Makah whale hunt. Distinguishing between ethical contexts and contents, I draw on feminist critiques of cultural essentialism, ecofeminist critiques of hunting and food consumption, and socialist feminist analyses of colonialism to develop antiracist feminist and ecofeminist strategies for cross-cultural communication and cross-cultural feminist ethics.
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    Imágenes de destrucción: actos iconoclastas en la cultura visual digital. Un episodio del conflicto bélico entre Ucrania y Rusia.Greta Winckler - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 13 (25):e139.
    Este trabajo toma como punto de partida un video difundido a modo de propaganda por el parlamento ucraniano en el marco del conflicto armado contra Rusia (2022). En él, se observa un falso ataque a la Torre Eiffel, entendida como ícono no solamente francés sino de relevancia internacional. De este modo, la destrucción (simulada) de este símbolo puede pensarse como un acto iconoclasta dentro de la cultura visual digital que permitirá reflexionar sobre el estatus de la imagen en la virtualidad, (...)
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    L'Imagination poétique.Greta Dexter - 1975 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 37 (1):49-62.
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    Skill and intelligence: The functions of play.Greta G. Fein - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):163-164.
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    Maternal-Fetal Conflict: A Study of Physician Concerns in Court-Ordered Cesarean Sections.H. Frank Andersen, Mel Barclay, Douglas Brown & Thomas E. Elkins - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (4):316-319.
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    On Kuhn.Hanne Andersen - 2001 - Wadsworth.
    This brief text assists students in understanding Kuhn's philosophy and thinking so they can more fully engage in useful, intelligent class dialogue and improve their understanding of course content. Part of the Wadsworth Notes Series, (which will eventually consist of approximately 100 titles, each focusing on a single "thinker" from ancient times to the present), ON KUHN is written by a philosopher deeply versed in the philosophy of this key thinker. Like other books in the series, this concise book offers (...)
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    RECkoning with the Stakes in Overcoming Representation-Hungry Problem Domains.Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen - 2021 - Acta Analytica 36 (4):517-532.
    The paper reviews the current state of play around anti-representationalist attempts at countering Clark and Toribio’s representation-hunger thesis. It introduces a distinction between different approaches to Chemero’s Radical embodied cognition thesis in the form of, on the one hand, those pushing a hard line and, on the other, those who are more relaxed about their anti-representationalist commitments. In terms of overcoming Clark and Toribio’s thesis, hardliners seek to avoid any mentioning of mental content in the activity they purport to explain. (...)
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    Comforting thoughts about death that have nothing to do with God.Greta Christina - 2015 - Durham, North Carolina: Pitchstone Publishing.
    A unique take on death and bereavement without a belief in God or an afterlife Accepting death is never easy, but we don't need religion to find peace, comfort, and solace in the face of death. In this inspiring and life-affirming collection of short essays, prominent atheist author Greta Christina offers secular ways to handle your own mortality and the death of those you love.
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  13. On the nature and role of peer review in mathematics.Line Edslev Andersen - 2017 - Accountability in Research 24 (3):177-192.
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  14. Toward a Queer Ecofeminism.Greta Gaard - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (1):114-137.
    Although many ecofeminists acknowledge heterosexism as a problem, a systematic exploration of the potential intersections of ecofeminist and queer theories has yet to be made. By interrogating social constructions of the "natural," the various uses of Christianity as a logic of domination, and the rhetoric of colonialism, this essay finds those theoretical intersections and argues for the importance of developing a queer ecofeminism.
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  15. The Development of the ‘Specious Present’ and James’ Views on Temporal Experience.Holly Andersen - 2014 - In Dan Lloyd Valtteri Arstila (ed.), Subjective Time: The Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience of Temporality. Cambridge, MA: Mit Press. pp. 25-42.
    This chapter examines the philosophical discussion concerning the relationship between time, memory, attention, and consciousness, from Locke through the Scottish Common Sense tradition, in terms of its influence on James' development of the specious present doctrine. The specious present doctrine is the view that the present moment in experience is non punctate, but instead comprises some nonzero amount of time; it contrasts with the mathematical view of the present, in which the divide between past and future is merely a point (...)
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  16. The unconscious relational self.Susan M. Andersen, Inga Reznik & Noah S. Glassman - 2005 - In Ran R. Hassin, James S. Uleman & John A. Bargh (eds.), The New Unconscious. Oxford Series in Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 421-481.
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    But language too is material!Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (1):169-183.
    Language is infused with materiality and should therefore not be considered as an abstract system that is isolated from socio-material reality. Expressions materialise language in social practices, thus providing the necessary basis for languaging activities. For this reason, it makes sense to challenge proponents of orthodox linguistics and others who hold that language can be studied in isolation from its concrete manifestations. By exploring the relation between materiality and linguistic activity, the article extends Malafouris’ Material Engagement Theory while clarifying the (...)
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    Transcending the Situation: On the Context-dependence of Practice-based Cognition.Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen - 2021 - In Tadeusz Ciecierski & Paweł Grabarczyk (eds.), Context Dependence in Language, Action, and Cognition. De Gruyter. pp. 209-228.
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  19. The Pragmatist Challenge: Pragmatist Metaphysics for Philosophy of Science.H. K. Andersen & Sandra D. Mitchell (eds.) - 2023 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    This volume offers a collection of in-depth explorations of pragmatism as a framework for discussions in philosophy of science and metaphysics. Each chapter involves explicit reflection on what it means to be pragmatist, and how to use pragmatism as a guiding framework in addressing topics such as realism, unification, fundamentality, truth, laws, reduction, and more. -/- .
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    Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies.Gøsta Esping-Andersen - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Golden Age of postwar capitalism has been eclipsed, and with it seemingly also the possibility of harmonizing equality and welfare with efficiency and jobs. Most analyses believe that the emerging postindustrial society is overdetermined by massive, convergent forces, such as tertiarization, new technologies, or globalization, all conspiring to make welfare states unsustainable in the future. Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies takes a second, more sociological and more institutional, look at the driving forces of economic transformation. What, as a result, (...)
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    Power and Distributional Regimes.Gosta Esping-Andersen - 1985 - Politics and Society 14 (2):223-256.
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  22. Occupazioni o classi sociali: esiste un proletariato postindustriale?G. Esping-Andersen - 1993 - Polis 3.
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    Quantitative cross-national research methods.Gøsta Esping-Andersen & Adam Przeworski - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 18--12649.
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    Practice-dependent political theory and the boundaries of political imagination.Greta Favara - unknown
    It is often claimed that in normative political theory political imagination should remain unaffected by real-world contingencies: our idea of how the world “ought to be” should be independent from how the world “actually is”. According to the practice-dependent thesis, instead, “[t]he content, scope, and justification of a conception of justice depends on the structure and form of the practices that the conception is intended to govern”. This methodological approach conceives the relationship between theory and practice as an interplay: normative (...)
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    Ideography in interaction.Greta Gandolfi & Martin J. Pickering - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e243.
    The standardization account predicts short message service (SMS) interactions, allowed by current technology, will support the use and conventionalization of ideographs. Relying on psycholinguistic theories of dialogue, we argue that ideographs (such as emoji) can be used by interlocutors in SMS interactions, so that the main contributor can use them to accompany language and the addressee can use them as stand-alone feedback.
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    Contested Territories: Alfred Cort Haddon, Progressive Evolutionism and Ireland.Greta Jones - 1998 - History of European Ideas 24 (3):195-211.
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    Al principio era el delirio... Reflexiones en torno a lo sagrado y lo divino en la filosofía de María Zambrano.Greta Rivara Kamaji - 2003 - Signos Filosóficos 9:61-79.
    La idea de lo sagrado constituye uno de los puntos fundamentales del proyecto filosófico de María Zambrano. Para ella, la religiosidad es la dimensión originaria de lo humano y desde ahí se pregunta por las condiciones de posibilidad de la existencia y cobra sentido una reflexión que abarca a la ..
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    The Organization of Disorganization in Agricultural Labor Markets.Greta R. Krippner - 2001 - Politics and Society 29 (3):363-383.
    This article examines the organizational prerequisites of competitive labor markets through an account of the restructuring of Mexico's export tomato industry in the 1980s and 1990s. Agricultural labor markets are typically taken as paradigm cases of competitive labor markets, the closest real-world approximation to the spot market of economic theory. Yet, this case demonstrates that such markets are deeply structured through the activities of producer associations and the state, suggesting that disorganization in a labor market can only be sustained through (...)
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  29. Erasmus and Luther : free will and tradition.Greta Kroeker - 2023 - In Eric MacPhail (ed.), A companion to Erasmus. Boston: Brill.
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    Perception and acceptance of robots in dairy farming—a cluster analysis of German citizens.Greta Langer & Sarah Kühl - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):249-267.
    Societal attitude acceptance can influence the digital transformation in agriculture. Digital technologies, such as robots in dairy farming, can lead to more sustainable, animal welfare-friendly and consumer-oriented milk production. This study used the example of the milking and feeding robots to investigate whether society accepts the use of robots in dairy farming and whether there are differences in society based on perceived risks and opportunities of digitalization in dairy farming and acceptance. To this end, an online-based study was conducted with (...)
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    Black Rights/White Wrongs: The critique of racial liberalism.Greta Fowler Snyder - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (3):1-4.
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    Ludwiga Wittgensteina krytyka pierwszego twierdzenia Godla.Greta Wierzbińska - 2010 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 58 (2):207-234.
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    The person of the category: the pricing of risk and the politics of classification in insurance and credit.Greta R. Krippner & Daniel Hirschman - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (5):685-727.
    In recent years, scholars in the social sciences and humanities have turned their attention to how the rise of digital technologies is reshaping political life in contemporary society. Here, we analyze this issue by distinguishing between two classification technologies typical of pre-digital and digital eras that differently constitute the relationship between individuals and groups. In class-based systems, characteristic of the pre-digital era, one’s status as an individual is gained through membership in a group in which salient social identities are shared (...)
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    Enacting Practices: Perception, Expertise and Enlanguaged Affordances.Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen - 2024 - Social Epistemology 38 (1):70-82.
    The paper thematizes basic content-free cognition in human social practices. It explores the enlanguaged dimension of skilled practical doings and expertise by taking the minimal case of concept-based perception as its starting point. Having made a case for considering such activity as free of mental content, I argue in favor of the abolishment of the distinction between truth-telling and social consensus, thus questioning the assumption held by proponents of Radical Enactivism, namely that truth and accuracy conditions are restricted to content-involving (...)
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    The Hardier You Are, the Healthier You Become. May Hardiness and Engagement Explain the Relationship Between Leadership and Employees’ Health?Greta Mazzetti, Michela Vignoli, Gerardo Petruzziello & Laura Palareti - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Detecting Errors that Result in Retractions.Line Edslev Andersen & K. Brad Wray - 2019 - Social Studies of Science 46 (6):942-954.
    We present a taxonomy of errors in the scientific literature and an account of how the errors are distributed over the categories. We have developed the taxonomy by studying substantial errors in the scientific literature as described in retraction notices published in the journal Science over the past 35 years. We then examine how the sorts of errors that lead to retracted papers can be prevented and detected, considering the perspective of collaborating scientists, journal editors and referees, and readers of (...)
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  37. Permissivism, Underdetermination, and Evidence.Elizabeth Jackson & Margaret Greta Turnbull - 2023 - In Maria Lasonen-Aarnio & Clayton Littlejohn (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evidence. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 358–370.
    Permissivism is the thesis that, for some body of evidence and a proposition p, there is more than one rational doxastic attitude any agent with that evidence can take toward p. Proponents of uniqueness deny permissivism, maintaining that every body of evidence always determines a single rational doxastic attitude. In this paper, we explore the debate between permissivism and uniqueness about evidence, outlining some of the major arguments on each side. We then consider how permissivism can be understood as an (...)
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  38. Trueing.Holly Andersen - 2023 - In H. K. Andersen & Sandra D. Mitchell (eds.), The Pragmatist Challenge: Pragmatist Metaphysics for Philosophy of Science. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Even in areas of philosophy of science that don’t involve formal treatments of truth, one’s background view of truth still centrally shapes views on other issues. I offer an informal way to think about truth as trueing, like trueing a bicycle wheel. This holist approach to truth provides a way to discuss knowledge products like models in terms of how well-trued they are to their target. Trueing emphasizes: the process by which models are brought into true; how the idealizations in (...)
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    Political realism and the relationship between ideal and non-ideal theory.Greta Favara - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (3):376-397.
    When interest in political realism started to resurge a few years ago, it was not uncommon to interpret realist political theory as a form of non-ideal theorising. This reading has been subjected to extensive criticism. First, realists have argued that political realism cannot be interpreted as merely a form of applied political theory. Second, realists have explained that political realism can defend a role for unfeasible normative prescriptions in political theory. I explain that these developments, besides allowing us to reject (...)
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    Essential Tensions in Twenty-First-Century Science.Hanne Andersen - 2024 - In K. Brad Wray (ed.), Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions at 60. Cambridge University Press. pp. 197-214.
    This chapter revisits Thomas Kuhn’s argument about an essential tension between tradition and innovation as a driver of scientific progress. It shows that Kuhn’s argument builds on a number of assumptions about the practices of science that held for past science conducted by individuals working within isolated disciplines, and argues that it does therefore not necessarily hold for the increasingly collaborative and interdisciplinary science we see today. Examining different types of organization into teams, the chapter discusses how changes in the (...)
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    Speaking of Animal Bodies.Greta Gaard - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (2):n/a-n/a.
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    : How the Clinic Made Gender: The Medical History of a Transformative Idea.Greta LaFleur - 2024 - Isis 115 (2):437-438.
  43. (1 other version)The Representation of Time in Agency.Holly Andersen - 2013 - In Adrian Bardon & Heather Dyke (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to the Philosophy of Time. Wiley-Blackwell.
    This paper outlines some key issues that arise when agency and temporality are considered jointly, from the perspective of psychology, cognitive neuroscience, phenomenology, and action theory. I address the difference between time simpliciter and time as represented as it figures in phenomena like intentional binding, goal-oriented action plans, emulation systems, and ‘temporal agency’. An examination of Husserl’s account of time consciousness highlights difficulties in generalizing his account to include a substantive notion of agency, a weakness inherited by explanatory projects like (...)
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    Seeming autonomy, technology and the uncanny valley.Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):595-603.
    This paper extends Mori’s (IEEE Robot Autom Mag 19:98–100, 2012) uncanny valley-hypothesis to include technologies that fail its basic criterion that uncanniness arises when the subject experiences a discrepancy in a machine’s human likeness. In so doing, the paper considers Mori’s hypothesis about the uncanny valley as an instance of what Heidegger calls the ‘challenging revealing’ nature of modern technology. It introduces seeming autonomy and heteronomy as phenomenological categories that ground human being-in-the-world including our experience of things and people. It (...)
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    Learning by ostension: Thomas Kuhn on science education.Hanne Andersen - 2000 - Science & Education 9 (1-2):91-106.
    Significant claims about science education form an integral part of Thomas Kuhn's philosophy. Since the late 1950s, when Kuhn started wrestling with the ideas of ‘normal research’ and ‘convergent thought’, the nature of science education has played an important role in his argument. Hence, the nature of science education is an essential aspect of the phase-model of scientific development developed in his famous The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, just as his later work on categories and conceptual structures takes its starting (...)
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  46. Believing in Default Rules: Inclusive Default Reasoning.Frederik J. Andersen & Rasmus K. Rendsvig - forthcoming - Synthese.
    This paper argues for the reasonableness of an inclusive conception of default reasoning. The inclusive conception allows untriggered default rules to influence beliefs: Since a default “from φ, infer ψ” is a defeasible inference rule, it by default warrants a belief in the material implication φ → ψ, even if φ is not believed. Such inferences are not allowed in standard default logic of the Reiter tradition, but are reasonable by analogy to the Deduction Theorem for classical logic. Our main (...)
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    On the constitutional relevance of non‑discursive enlanguaged doings to sociomaterial practices.Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen - 2024 - Pragmatics and Society 15 (5):661-681.
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    Matrilineal Succession in Greek Myth.Greta Hawes & Rosemary Selth - 2024 - Classical Quarterly 74 (1):1-23.
    This article presents a systematic examination of matrilineal succession in Greek myth. It uses MANTO, a digital database of Greek myth, to identify kings who succeed their fathers-in-law, maternal grandfathers, step-fathers, or wives’ previous husbands. Analysis of the fifty-four instances identified shows that the prominence of the ‘succession via widow’ motif in archaic epic is not typical of the broader tradition. Rather, civic mythmaking more commonly relies on succession by sons-in-law and maternal grandsons to craft connections between cities and lineages, (...)
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    The Unsettled Settler: Herakles the Colonist and the Labours of Marian Maguire.Greta Hawes - 2015 - Arion 23 (2):11.
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  50. Sense and Thought: A Study in Mysticism.Greta Hort - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (47):368-369.
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