Results for 'Gregor Predel'

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    The European Spirit... Translated with an Introduction by Ronald Gregor Smith.Karl Jaspers & Ronald Gregor Smith - 1948 - Scm Press.
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  2. Conflicting Aims and Values in the Application of Smart Sensors in Geriatric Rehabilitation: Ethical Analysis.Christopher Predel, Cristian Timmermann, Frank Ursin, Marcin Orzechowski, Timo Ropinski & Florian Steger - 2022 - JMIR mHealth and uHealth 10 (6):e32910.
    Background: Smart sensors have been developed as diagnostic tools for rehabilitation to cover an increasing number of geriatric patients. They promise to enable an objective assessment of complex movement patterns. -/- Objective: This research aimed to identify and analyze the conflicting ethical values associated with smart sensors in geriatric rehabilitation and provide ethical guidance on the best use of smart sensors to all stakeholders, including technology developers, health professionals, patients, and health authorities. -/- Methods: On the basis of a systematic (...)
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    Social behavior and the evolution of neuropeptide genes: lessons from the honeybee genome.Reinhard Predel & Susanne Neupert - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (5):416-421.
    Honeybees display a fascinating social behavior. The structural basis for this behavior, which made the bee a model organism for the study of communication, learning and memory formation, is the tiny insect brain. Neurons of the brain communicate via messenger molecules. Among these molecules, neuropeptides represent the structurally most‐diverse group and occupy a high hierarchic position in the modulation of behavior. A recent analysis of the honeybee genome revealed a considerable number of predicted (200) and confirmed (100) neuropeptides in this (...)
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    Natural Philosophy Epitomised: A Translation of Books 8–11 of Gregor Reisch's Philosophical Pearl.Gregor Reisch - 2003 - Ashgate. Edited by Andrew Cunningham & Sachiko Kusukawa.
    Its author was a Carthusian monk. Offered here is a translation, with annotation and an important introduction, of the four books on natural philosophy, the predecessor of modern science.
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    Prediction or Prophecy?: The Boundaries of Economic Foreknowledge and Their Socio-Political Consequences.Gregor Betz - 2006 - DUV.
    Gregor Betz explores the following questions: Where are the limits of economics, in particular the limits of economic foreknowledge? Are macroeconomic forecasts credible predictions or mere prophecies and what would this imply for the way economic policy decisions are taken? Is rational economic decision making possible without forecasting at all?
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    The Collected Essays of Gregor Sebba: Truth, History, and the Imagination.Gregor Sebba - 1991
    This collection of essays by Gregor Sebba (1905-1985) reflects the curiosity and insight of his mind. The range of topics is wide, including philosophy and the history of ideas, literature and art; yet there is a single underlying theme - human creativity and the search for truth - pursued along paths as diverse as Greek tragedy, Eric Voegelin's concept of order in history, and the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke and T.S.Eliot.
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  7. Between Man and Man.Martin Buber & Ronald Gregor Smith - 1948 - Philosophy 23 (85):177-178.
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  8. Introduction.Gregor Damschen - 2009 - In Gregor Damschen, Robert Schnepf & Karsten Stüber (eds.), Debating Dispositions: Issues in Metaphysics, Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.
    Introduction to Debating Dispositions. Issues in Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Mind, ed. by Gregor Damschen, Robert Schnepf, and Karsten R. Stueber, Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009.
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    Genesis, Structure, and Ideas: Genetic Epistemology in Early Modern Philosophy.Gregor Kroupa - 2022 - In Jure Simoniti & Gregor Kroupa (eds.), Ideas and Idealism in Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 69-92.
    Although the idiom “genesis and structure” is usually associated with the rise of structuralism in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the two notions are arguably among the most persistent methods in the history of modern philosophy. This article outlines the emergence of “genetic epistemology” in the seventeenth century, when the seemingly antithetical character of the conceptual pair was reworked into a productive epistemological theory, especially in Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza, and Leibniz, who increasingly used diachronic (genetic) narratives to explain the (...)
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    The Postsecular Turn.Gregor McLennan - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (4):3-20.
    In this article, I engage with three overlapping expressions of the increasingly postsecular cast of social and cultural theory. These currents — guided, respectively, by genealogical critique, neo-vitalist social philosophy and postcolonial anti-historicism — seek to problematize the frame of previous radical theorizing by exposing definite connections between the epistemological and political levels of secular understanding, and by assuming that the nature of those linkages counts heavily against secularism. As well as offering an interpretive overview of these contributions, I suggest (...)
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    Die unbedingte Forderung: eine philosophisch -anthropologische Rekonstruktion sittlicher Imperative / Gregor Schmitt.Gregor Schmitt - 2020 - München: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Wie ist es philosophisch zu erklären, dass Menschen frei und selbstbestimmt Entscheidungen treffen, die durch das klassische Begründungsmuster der Eigennützlichkeit und Selbsterhaltung unverständlich bleiben? Der Autor rekonstruiert und erweitert mit seiner neuartigen Konzeption - der autoeidetischen Struktur - Möglichkeitsbedingungen der praktischen Vernunft. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die eigene Existenz. Das Streben nach Selbsttreue bedingt das Wollen des Gesollten. Urteil und Praxis werden hierdurch nachvollziehbar zu Bedingungen gelingenden Lebens."--Publisher's website.
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    Achämenidische Herrscherlegitimation.Gregor Ahn - 1993 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 45 (3):261-266.
  13.  25
    Eurozentrismen als Erkenntnisbarrieren in der Religionswissenschaft.Gregor Ahn - 1997 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 5 (1):41-58.
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    Rituale, Selbstdarstellung und kollektive Orientierung: Konturen der lebensweltlichen Wirklichkeit von Fußballfans / Rituals, Self-portrayed and Collective Orientation: Contours of the Lifeworld Reality of Soccer Fans.Gregor Balke - 2007 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 4 (1):3-28.
    Zusammenfassung Fußballfans bilden eine eigene Subkultur, die sich selbst noch einmal im Fußballstadion von den anderen Zuschauern als soziale Gruppierung unterscheidet. Ausgehend von Schütz’s Lebensweltbegriff wird die Fankultur als ein geschlossenes Sinngebiet mit einem eigenen Realitätsakzent sowie einem besonderen Erkenntnis- und Erlebnisstil aufgefasst. Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert die konstitutiven Elemente dieser fanspezifischen Lebenswelt am Beispiel der Fangemeinschaft des FC Energie Cottbus. Die dort beobachteten Rituale, symbolischen Darstellungsmittel, Selbstinszenierungen und Kollektivausdrücke stellen die Konstitutionsbedingungen für einen gemeinsamen Wirklichkeitsentwurf dar. Es wird gezeigt, (...)
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    Social neuropeptides in the human brain: Oxytocin and social behavior.Gregor Domes - 2013 - In Simon Baron-Cohen, Michael Lombardo & Helen Tager-Flusberg (eds.), Understanding Other Minds: Perspectives From Developmental Social Neuroscience. Oxford University Press. pp. 291.
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    Obsolescencia y tecnologías del cuerpo.Gregor Wolbring - 2010 - Dilemata 4.
    One of the most consequential advances in sciences and technology is the increasing generation of bodily enhancement products that enable a culture of, demand for, and acceptance of improving and modifying the human body (structure, function, abilities) beyond its species-typical boundaries. A lively discourse exists around the rights and wrongs of human genetic and other forms of enhancement. Many treat the species-typical human body as an obsolescent technology in need of serious improvements. This raises various questions. This paper addresses the (...)
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    The Dynamics of Neural Populations Capture the Laws of the Mind.Gregor Schöner - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1257-1271.
    The dynamics of neural populations capture the laws of the mindThis paper focuses on the level of neural networks. Examining the case of recurrent neural networks, the paper argues that the dynamics of neural populations form a privileged level of explanation in cognitive science. According to Schöner, this level is privileged, because it enables cognitive scientists to discover the laws governing organisms’ cognition and behaviour.
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    Hegel and Spinoza: substance and negativity.Gregor Moder - 2017 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. Edited by Mladen Dolar.
    Gregor Moder’s Hegel and Spinoza: Substance and Negativity is a lively entry into current debates concerning Hegel, Spinoza, and their relation. Hegel and Spinoza are two of the most influential philosophers of the modern era, and the traditions of thought they inaugurated have been in continuous dialogue and conflict ever since Hegel first criticized Spinoza. Notably, eighteenth- and nineteenth-century German Idealists aimed to overcome the determinism of Spinoza’s system by securing a place for the freedom of the subject within (...)
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    Der moralische Status menschlicher Embryonen. Pro und contra Spezies-, Kontinuums-, Identitäts- und Potentiali­tätsargument.Gregor Damschen & Dieter Schönecker (eds.) - 2003 - Berlin & New York: de Gruyter.
    In the debate about the moral status of human embryos, it is not always clear which arguments are actually disputed. This book offers students and researchers, but also laypersons interested in the current debate, the opportunity to inform themselves about the current state of discussion and to learn about the most important arguments in a clear and concise form. These arguments are as follows: Since embryos as members of the species homo sapiens sapiens are human beings, they possess dignity (species (...)
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    3.5 Emotionalität.Gregor Babelotzky - 2017 - In Hans-Gerd Winter, Inge Stephan & Julia Freytag (eds.), J.M.R.-Lenz-Handbuch. De Gruyter. pp. 341-353.
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  21. Gottes notwendige Existenz stiftet Sinn. Versuch eines transzendental-modallogischen Beweises.Gregor Damschen - 2014 - In Martina Bär & Maximilian Paulin (eds.), Macht Glück Sinn? Theologische und philosophische Erkundungen. Matthias Grünewald Verlag. pp. 96-111.
    God's necessary existence makes sense. Attempt at a transcendental modal proof. - In this essay I outline a novel three-stage proof of God's necessary existence using transcendental and deductive methods. In the first step of the proof, by retorsion, it is proved that there is at least one sentence that is necessary and inescapable. In the second step, the inescapability of the modal logic supposed in the proof is shown. This step also contains a new argument in favour of epistemic (...)
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  22. Aristotle's notion of experience.Pavel Gregorić & Filip Grgić - 2006 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 88 (1):1-30.
    Aristotle's notion of experience plays an important role in his epistemology as the link between perception and memory on the one side, and higher cognitive capacities on the other side. However, Aristotle does not say much about it, and what he does say seems inconsistent. Notably, some passages suggest that it is a non-rational capacity, others that it is a rational capacity and that it provides the principles of science. This paper presents a unitary account of experience. It explains how (...)
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    From Credit Risk to Social Impact: On the Funding Determinants in Interest-Free Peer-to-Peer Lending.Gregor Dorfleitner, Eva-Maria Oswald & Rongxin Zhang - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (2):375-400.
    Based on a unique data set on US direct microloans, we study the funding determinants of interest-free peer-to-peer crowdlending aimed at borrowers in the US. By performing logistic regressions on funding success and Tobit regressions on the reversed funding time, the existence of a social underwriting by a third-party trustee and information in the description texts fostering the investors’ trust are shown to be the main predictors of successful funding. Regarding social impact, the possibility to empower women and groups of (...)
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  24.  21
    Descartes’s Creation of the World: The Birth of Genetic Epistemology.Gregor Kroupa - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 43 (1).
    The article describes a rarely mentioned and discussed method of explication first found in Chapter six of Descartes’s posthumously published _The World_ (_Le Monde_), where he uses a fictitious cosmological narrative to develop an account of our material universe and its laws. The assumption of such an approach is that the thing’s structure (nature) can be revealed by its genesis (its producibility), even if the latter is fictitious, or rather, precisely _because_ it is fictitious. This method of “genetic epistemology” turns (...)
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  25.  11
    Aspects of Confucianism: A Study of the Relationship Between Rationality and Humaneness.Gregor Paul - 1990 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    The highest goal of classic Confucianism was to contribute to the realization of a humane world. As means toward such a realization, it advocated rational methods, particularly logic, experience, and critically rational discourse. Thus, classic Confucianism reflected the view that rationality is more favorable to humanity than non-rationality. Today, classic Confucianism would belong to those schools which argue against the popular inclination toward mysticism and sectarianism, - an inclination widespread in the «West» and often defended by hinting at alleged evidence (...)
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  26.  15
    (1 other version)Verkörperung Als Paradigma Theologischer Anthropologie.Gregor Etzelmüller & Annette Weissenrieder (eds.) - 2016 - De Gruyter.
    Menschliches Bewusstein findet sich immer schon als verkörpertes vor. Diese Einsicht steht im Zentrum des kognitionswissenschaftlichen Paradigmas der embodied cognition: Der Geist ist „innig an einen Körper gebunden und innig in seine Welt eingebettet“. Der Geist ist kein in einem vermeintlichen Innenraum verborgenes und von der Welt weitgehend gelöstes neuronales Netzwerk, sondern als eine dynamische Weise des leiblichen In-der-Welt-Seins zu verstehen. Mit der Philosophie der Verkörperung gewinnt die Theologie einen Gesprächspartner, der ihr hilft, ihre eigene Körpervergessenheit zu überwinden und Anschluss (...)
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    Forcing with finite conditions.Gregor Dolinar & Mirna Džamonja - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (1):49-64.
    We give a construction of the square principle by means of forcing with finite conditions.
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  28. Aristotle on the common sense.Pavel Gregoric - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    I. The framework. 1, Aristotle's project and methods. 2, The perceptual capacity of the soul. 3, The sensory apparatus. 4, The common sense and the related capacities -- II. The terminology. 1, Overlooked occurrences of the phrase 'common sense'. 2, De anima III.1 425a27. 3, De partibus animalium IV.10 686a31. 4, De memoria et reminiscentia 1 450a10. 5, De anima III.7 431b5. 6, Conclusions on the terminology -- III. Functions of the common sense. 1, Simultaneous perception and cross-modal binding. 2, (...)
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    Neue Perspektiven der Altpersisch-Forschung.Gregor Ahn - 1993 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 45 (1):71-75.
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  30. Buddhistische Philosophie in Japan.Gregor Paul - 2002 - In Christian Steineck, Guido Rappe, Kåogaku Arifuku & Dåogen (eds.), Dôgen als Philosoph. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag.
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    Die Aktualität der klassischen chinesischen Philosophie: Rationalitätskonzepte im frühen Konfuzianismus, im Neo-Mohismus und im Legalismus.Gregor Paul - 1987
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  32. Zur Methodologie interkultureller Logik-Studien.Gregor Paul - 2015 - Bochumer Jahrbuch Zur Ostasienforschung 38:129-144.
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    Naldini’s Corografia Ecclesiastica: A Chronicle of the Koper Bishopric or a Local History?Gregor Pobežin - 2024 - Clotho 6 (1):81-99.
    The Bishop of Koper Paolo Naldini, who took office in 1686, published the work Corografia ecclesiastica o sia descrittione della città e della di­ocesi di Giustinopoli detto volgarmente Capo d’Istria (Ecclesiastic Local History or Description of the City and Diocese of Justinopolis, popularly Koper) in Venice in 1700. It is one of the most comprehensive studies of the area of the Koper Diocese. The work, which runs to just over 500 pages, is not the only local history of Istria, but (...)
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  34. Justifying inference to the best explanation as a practical meta-syllogism on dialectical structures.Gregor Betz - 2013 - Synthese 190 (16):3553-3578.
    This article discusses how inference to the best explanation can be justified as a practical meta - argument. It is, firstly, justified as a practical argument insofar as accepting the best explanation as true can be shown to further a specific aim. And because this aim is a discursive one which proponents can rationally pursue in — and relative to — a complex controversy, namely maximising the robustness of one’s position, IBE can be conceived, secondly, as a meta - argument. (...)
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    Das lateinische Akrostichon.Gregor Damschen - 2004 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 148 (1):88-115.
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  36. Der »Krieg gegen den Terrorismus«: Menschenrechte zwischen Wirtschaft, Recht und Ethik.Gregor Paul - 2005 - Polylog.
    Gregor Paul, Philosoph an der Universität Karlsruhe, will zeigen, “dass ein Krieg gegen den Terrorismus unmöglich wäre, wenn man gültiger Argumentation folgte”. Die Frage ist, ob es einen „gerechten Krieg“ überhaupt gibt – eine alte Frage, auf die nicht nur in der abendländischen Philosophie unterschiedliche Antworten gegeben worden sind. Paul lässt hier die alte chinesische Philosophie zu Wort kommen. An den Beispielen der Kriege in Afghanistan und Irak wie dem sogenannten Krieg gegen den Terrorismus zeigt Paul, wie für deren (...)
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  37. Naturen im Kopf. Aristoteles' Seelenlehre als Gegenentwurf zu Descartes' Auffassung des Mentalen.Gregor Schiemann - 2003 - In Karafyllis N. (ed.), Biofakte – Versuch über den Menschen zwischen Artefakt und Lebewesen. Mentis.
    Im ersten Teil(Abschnitte 2 und 3) rekapituliere ich einige grundlegende Bestimmungen des Dualismus von Natur und Geist, wie er auf Rene Descartes' Philosophie im 17. Jahrhundert zurückgeht. Damit soll nicht nur die bis heute anhaltende berechtigte Kritiken diesem Dualismus, sondern auch ihre unverkennbare Wirkungslosigkeit besser verständlich werden. Der bis in die Gegenwart reichende Einfluß der Natur-Geist-Entgegensetzung läßt vermuten, daß auch die Kritik noch in seinem Bann steht. In dieser Situation empfiehlt es sich, Abstand durch eine Besinnung auf die vorangehende aristotelische (...)
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    Paralympians Outperforming Olympians: An Increasing Challenge for Olympism and the Paralympic and Olympic Movement.Gregor Wolbring - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (2):251-266.
    Non-therapeutic performance enhancement in sport is a contentious issue for some time but the issue of therapeutic enhancements has only recently entered the sport vernacular. The purpose of therapeutic assistive devices so far is widely seen as lifting as impaired perceived people back to species-typical norms. However, ?therapeutic? body devices developed to mimic species-typical body structures and expected body functioning, as a side effect, increasingly allow the wearer to outperform the species-typical body in various functions. Unsurprisingly, then, this brings the (...)
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    Dwindling Probability. Mathematical and Philosophical Notes in Margin.Gregor Nickel - 2015 - In Dieter Schönecker (ed.), Plantinga's Warranted Christian Belief: Critical Essays with a Reply by Alvin Plantinga. De Gruyter. pp. 213-236.
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    Practical Philosophy.Mary J. Gregor (ed.) - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 1997 book was the first English translation of all of Kant's writings on moral and political philosophy collected in a single volume. No other collection competes with the comprehensiveness of this one. As well as Kant's most famous moral and political writings, the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, the Critique of Practical Reason, the Metaphysics of Morals, and Toward Perpetual Peace, the volume includes shorter essays and reviews, some of which have never been translated before. The volume has (...)
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    Kaiser, Träume und Visionen in Prinzipat und Spätantike.Gregor Weber - 2000 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Die Traume und Visionen aus der antiken Literatur, die die romischen Kaiser und ihr Umfeld betreffen, wurden bislang noch nicht auf ihre Bedeutung hin untersucht. Die vorliegende Arbeit schliesst diese Lucke, indem sie das Material von Caesar bis Maurikios analysiert. Dabei ergeben sich spezifische Motive, die besonders mit Traumen und Visionen verbunden sind: Geburt und Kindheit, Verheissung der Herrschaft, Erringung eines Sieges und gottliches Eingreifen, Ausubung der Herrschaft, besondere Befahigung und gottliche Begunstigung, nahendes Ende. Durch den breiten zeitlichen Ansatz gelingt (...)
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    Descartesovo stvarjenje sveta: rojstvo genetične epistemologije.Gregor Kroupa - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 43 (1).
    Članek opisuje redko komentirano metodo razlage, ki jo pri Descartesu prvič srečamo v šestem poglavju njegovega posmrtno objavljenega spisa Svet (Le monde), kjer s pomočjo fiktivne kozmologije skuša razložiti zakonitosti dejanskega materialnega univerzuma. Predpostavka tega pristopa je, da je strukturo ali naravo objekta spoznanja najbolje razviti skozi prikaz njegove geneze ali proizvedljivosti, pa čeprav ta ni dejanska, ampak fiktivna, ali bolje, prav zato, ker je fiktivna. Ta Descartesova metoda »genetične epistemologije« pa se izkaže za presenetljivo vplivno: najdemo jo na primer (...)
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    Laws of freedom.Mary J. Gregor - 1963 - Oxford,: Blackwell.
  44. Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals.Mary Gregor & Jens Timmermann (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Published in 1785, Immanuel Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals ranks alongside Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics as one of the most profound and influential works in moral philosophy ever written. In Kant's own words, its aim is to identify and corroborate the supreme principle of morality, the categorical imperative. He argues that human beings are ends in themselves, never to be used by anyone merely as a means, and that universal and unconditional obligations must be understood as (...)
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    Der Umgang mit Zukunftswissen in der Klimapolitikberatung. Eine Fallstudie zum Stern Review.Gregor Betz - 2008 - Philosophia Naturalis 45 (1):95-129.
    The Stern Review on The Economics of Climate Change is a highly influential welfare analysis of climate policy measures which has been published in 2006. This paper identifies and systematically assesses the long-term socioeconomic and climatic predictions the Stern Review relies on, and reflects them philosophically. Being a cost-benefit analysis, the Stern Review has to predict the benefits of climate mitigation policies, i.e.the damaging consequences of climate change which might be avoided, as well as the costs of implementing such policies. (...)
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    Sociology, Eurocentrism and Postcolonial Theory.Gregor McLennan - 2003 - European Journal of Social Theory 6 (1):69-86.
    Postcolonial theory, particularly in its poststructuralist variant, presents important challenges to sociology's self-image, and open debate on these attempts to `unsettle' the modernist, Westernized disciplines is both conceptually and politically interesting. However, the postcolonial unsettling of sociology has to be actively extracted and reconstructed from the key texts of postcolonial theory - it is not transparently available as such - and this is the first main goal of the article. Particular attention is paid to the framings of these issues by (...)
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  47. Logik und Kultur: Allgemeingültige und nicht-allgemeingültige Prinzipien logischer Form.Gregor Paul - 2008 - Polylog.
    Im vorliegenden Artikel geht Gregor Paul von einer Redeweise aus, die gerade im Zusammenhang mit interkulturellen Themen ziemlich häufig anzutreffen, in sehr vielen Fällen wohl wenig überlegt, in ihren Konsequenzen aber alles andere als harmlos ist – von der Rede über eine “andere Logik” in “anderen Kulturen” oder insbesondere über eine “östliche Logik”. Diese Rede hält Paul für unbegründet, für verhängnisvoll, und für falsch. Er identifiziert gängige Argumente und versucht, diese zu widerlegen. Im Folgenden bringt Paul einerseits Argumente für (...)
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    Ist der LHC eine Weltuntergangsmaschine?Gregor Betz - 2015 - In Gregor Betz, Dirk Koppelberg, David Löwenstein & Anna Wehofsits (eds.), Weiter Denken - Über Philosophie, Wissenschaft Und Religion. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 23-40.
    Im Herbst des Jahres 20– breiten sich Gerüchte aus, dass am Genfer Kernforschungszentrum CERN, den gegenteiligen Versicherungen führender Teilchenphysiker zum Trotz, stabile schwarze Löcher erzeugt wurden. Daraufhin kommt es vielerorts zu Plünderungen. Auch vermelden zahlreiche Firmen und öffentliche Arbeitgeber, dass ein erheblicher Anteil der Belegschaft nicht am Arbeitsplatz erschienen ist. Rund um den Globus fragen sich Menschen ob der Hiobsbotschaften aus Genf: Steht nun der Weltuntergang tatsächlich kurz bevor? In der Sendung „Kontrovers“ im Deutschlandfunk diskutieren ein Teilchenphysiker, eine Juristin, ein (...)
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  49.  50
    Mehr Besonnenheit, bitte! Über Prognosegrenzen und Politikberatung.Gregor Betz - 2011 - Ökologisches Wirtschaften 2011 (2):35-38.
    In einer Welt, in der der Umgang mit Komplexität und Unsicherheit an Bedeutung gewinnt, sind politische Entscheidungsträger immer stärker auf eine wissenschaftliche Beratung angewiesen. Trotz des Bedarfs der politischen Akteure nach konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen sollte seriöse Politikberatung die grundlegenden Werte wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens nicht aus den Augen verlieren.
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  50.  33
    Warum erfolgreiche Prognosen neuartiger Phänomene methodologisch wertvoll sind.Gregor Betz - 2010 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (2):329-332.
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