Results for 'Greek prosody'

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  1.  77
    Greek Prosody A. M. Devine, L. D. Stephens: The Prosody of Greek Speech . Pp. xvii + 565. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. $60/£42. ISBN: 0-19-508546-. [REVIEW]Philomen Probert - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (01):87-.
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    The Prosody of Greek Proper Names in -A in Plautus and Terence.R. H. Martin - 1955 - Classical Quarterly 5 (3-4):206-.
    Editors and writers on the prosody of Plautus and Terence disagree about the prosody of the final -a in the nominative and vocative of proper names taken from the Greek First Declension. The fact that they are often quoted as examples of syllaba anceps either at the diaeresis of longer iambic lines or at loci Iacobsohniani would seem to imply that they normally scan as Latin First Declension nouns with short -a in the nominative and vocative singular. (...)
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  3.  23
    The Prosody of Greek Proper Names—a Reply.R. H. Martin - 1956 - Classical Quarterly 6 (3-4):197-.
    Professor Skutsch has convicted me of one error—the inclusion of Eun. 465 in my list on p. 208. I do not feel, however, that he has proved that Phaedria is a dactyl in Terence. The essence of his argument, as I see it, depends on the figures in the last two rows of the first two columns on p. 90, and may be stated as follows: ‘Forms undeniably dactylic, such as Pamphile, are always followed by a disyllabic thesis. The thesis (...)
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  4.  17
    The Prosody of Greek Proper Names–A Reply to a Reply.O. Skutsch - 1957 - Classical Quarterly 7 (1-2):52-.
    MR. MARTIN seems to have misread my table. He professes to summarize its last two rows, but he has got the last but one all wrong, and the last he omits altogether. My last row but one signifies: In the matter of a following disyllabic thesis Phaedria, Pamphilĕ, and Parmenō behave exactly alike: no argument here either for or against Phaedriā. The last row speaks plainly: If Phaedria were a cretic, we should expect to find it used as a cretic (...)
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  5.  90
    Prosody and versification systems of ancient verse.Maria-Kristiina Lotman - 2001 - Sign Systems Studies 29 (2):535-560.
    The aim of the present study is to describe the prosodic systems of the Greek and Latin languages and to find out the versification systems which have been realized in the poetical practice. The Greek language belongs typologically among the mora-counting languages and thus provides possibilities for the emergence of purely quantitative verse, purely syllabic verse, quantitative-syllabic verse and syllabic-quantitative verse. There is no purely quantitative or purely syllabic verse in actual Greek poetry; however, the syllabic-quantitative versification (...)
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  6. Arbeitsbibliographie zur antiken Prosodie und Metrik und ihrer Behandlung im Unterricht.Magnus Frisch - 2018 - In Metrik im altsprachlichen Unterricht (Ars Didactica - Marburger Beiträge zu Studium und Didaktik der Alten Sprachen; Bd. 4). Speyer: Kartoffeldruck-Verlag Kai Broderse. pp. 379-383.
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  7. Beobachtungen zur Behandlung von Prosodie und Metrik im altsprachlichen Unterricht.Magnus Frisch - 2018 - In Metrik im altsprachlichen Unterricht (Ars Didactica - Marburger Beiträge zu Studium und Didaktik der Alten Sprachen; Bd. 4). Speyer: Kartoffeldruck-Verlag Kai Broderse. pp. 21-43.
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    (1 other version)Magie des sons et de la prosodie, et apprentissage de la phonétique par la poésie : « Le Pont Mirabeau ».Monique Kakoyianni-Doa Monville-Burston - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Nous présentons dans cet article une expérimentation touchant à l’enseignement/apprentissage de la phonétique dans laquelle étaient engagés des étudiants chypriotes hellénophones de niveau B2-C1, inscrits dans un Master en didactique du français langue étrangère. Cette expérimentation était centrée sur un texte littéraire, le poème de Guillaume Apollinaire « Le Pont Mirabeau », et avait pour but de sensibiliser les participants à l’importance d’enseigner la phonétique dans leurs futures classes de FLE et à l’attrait que peut avoir l’apprentissage de ce domaine (...)
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  9.  16
    Manwoman and the Neuterity of Being in Greek Statuary.Michael Arvanitopoulos - 2023 - Studia Heideggeriana 12:187-201.
    A combination of uncritical interpretations of Greek art maintained since antiquity, together with Heidegger’s failed attempt to connect Being with Dasein through the Greeks, has misled the feminist agenda into dismissing both Heidegger and the Greeks. The bad blood left by Irigaray has revitalized scholarship which wants to know why the world-disclosive nullity of Being cannot be primordially transgenderous in essence prior to its worldly dispersal into the two sexes. It takes a radical, phenomenological reduction which applies suprasegmental theory (...)
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  10.  16
    Muta cum liquida in Epicharmus.Federico Favi - 2022 - Hermes 150 (3):258.
    This paper aims to collect and discuss the evidence for muta cum liquida in the fragments of Epicharmus. Such an analysis is important on multiple levels. For a start, it shows that in Epicharmean comedy, unlike in Attic comedy, the heterosyllabic and the tautosyllabic treatments alternate on the basis of metrical convenience. Further, by comparing the treatment of muta cum liquida with a number of other linguistic features of Epicharmus’ fragments, it can be demonstrated that Epicharmus’ language is indeed a (...)
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  11.  15
    English Classical: The Reform of Poetry in Elizabethan England.Stephen Orgel - 2019 - Arion 27 (2):43-63.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:English Classical: The Reform of Poetry in Elizabethan England STEPHEN ORGEL Roger ascham, writing in the 1560s, in the course of a treatise on education, urged the reform of English poetry on classical models: “Our English tongue, in avoiding barbarous rhyming, may as well receive right quantity of syllables, and true order of versifying... as either Greek or Latin....”1 He cites as an example of right quantity of (...)
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  12.  12
    La teoria darwiniana sulla musica e la retorica.Winfried Menninghaus - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 54:135-156.
    This essay offers a new perspective on Darwin’s evolutionary theorizing on the human arts of music, poetry and rhetoric. It argues that Darwin’s theory of the human arts is primarily a theory of their effects on our emotions. Contrary to the topical understanding Darwin nowhere claimed that the music of homo sapiens sapiens used to be performed, let alone still is performed in the service of sexual success. He exclusively stipulated that some such evolutionary attractor might have shaped the vocal (...)
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  13.  14
    Terga Fatigamvs Hasta.W. M. Lindsay - 1916 - Classical Quarterly 10 (02):97-.
    When we read the Latin Grammarians' Rules of Prosody, we are puzzled now and then. One thing that puzzles us is their silence about the features of difference between Latin Prosody and Greek. They often seem to take it for granted that Virgil's Prosody is identical with Homer's. This point of view is perhaps not surprising, since these Grammatici often speak of Latin as a mere dialect of Greek . But it has its disadvantages. Every (...)
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  14.  13
    Schulübungen oder Kalenderblätter? Zur Interpretation einer Gruppe spätantiker Kulthymnen in der Appendix Claudianea.Martin M. Bauer - 2022 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 166 (1):134-149.
    Until now, the short cult hymns to Liber, Mars and Juno in the Appendix Claudianea have mostly been seen as rhetorical school exercises. Yet a philological-historical analysis shows that they could be remains of occasional poetry from everyday life. The hymns are structured according to the Roman festival calendar and, on the basis of language and content, should probably be dated to the final phase of public non-Christian cult practice in the fourth century. The anonymous poet was familiar with classical (...)
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  15.  30
    Adhvc) virginevsqve helicon: A subtextual rape in ovid's catalogue of mountains (met. 2.219.Brian D. McPhee - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (2):769-775.
    In his lengthy survey of the cosmic devastation wrought by Phaethon's disastrous chariot ride, Ovid includes two catalogues detailing the scorching of the world's mountains and rivers. Ovid enlivens these lists through his usual play with sound patterns and revels in the opportunity to adapt so many Greek names to Latin prosody; for instance the opening line of the catalogue of mountains masterfully illustrates both of these features. The lists are also brimming with playful erudition. To take but (...)
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  16. Musik und wort in der antiken tragödie und la gaya scienza: Nietzsches fröhliche wissenschaft.Babette E. Babich - 2007 - Nietzsche Studien 36:230-257.
    Nietzsche's discovery of the "breath" or spirit of music in the words of Greek tragedy was his testament to oral culture in antiquity and it is significant that his theoretical account of the prosody of ancient Greek endures to this day. Drawing little emaphatic resonance from his readers , Nietzsche reprised yet another tradition of poetic song composition, namely the art of the troubadours in order to rearticulate his argument in The Gay Science. I here explore the (...)
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  17.  47
    Assessing the Role of Experimental Evidence for Interface Judgment: Licensing of Negative Polarity Items, Scalar Readings, and Focus.Anastasia Giannakidou & Urtzi Etxeberria - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:279225.
    This paper reviews a series of experimental studies that address what we call ‘interface judgement’, which is the complex judgment involving integration from multiple levels of grammatical representation such as the syntax-semantics and prosody-semantics interface. We first discuss the results from the ERP literature connected to NPI licensing in different languages, paying particular attention to the N400 and the P600 as neural correlates of this specific phenomenon and focusing on the study by Xiang et al. (2016). The results of (...)
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  18. Gadamer – Cheng: Conversations in Hermeneutics.Andrew Fuyarchuk - 2021 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 48 (3):245-249.
    1 Introduction1 In the 1980s, hermeneutics was often incorporated into deconstructionism and literary theory. Rather than focus on authorial intentions, the nature of writing itself including codes used to construct meaning, socio-economic contexts and inequalities of power,2 Gadamer introduced a different perspective; the interplay between effects of history on a reader’s understanding and the tradition(s) handed down in writing. This interplay in which a reader’s prejudices are called into question and modified by the text in a fusion of understanding and (...)
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  19.  12
    Neo-Orthodox Epistemology: Three Steps Away from Greece.Michael Arvanitopoulos - 2022 - Philotheos 22 (1):63-94.
    If there is one pivotal epistemological issue the Eastern and the Western Christian churches have agreed upon, this must be the understanding that God’s essence is inherently and conclusively unavailable to humans. This settlement is based on the shared assumption that there is no possible mode of accessing this or any essence, other than either from objective or subjective knowl­edge. Neo-Orthodoxy has preserved the heritage of Pateric apophaticism and has built upon the shared assumption its own, ecclesial accessibility instead to (...)
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  20.  31
    Repetition in Latin Poetry: Figures of Allusion (review).Michael C. J. Putnam - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (2):295-300.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Repetition in Latin Poetry: Figures of AllusionMichael C. J. PutnamJeffrey Wills. Repetition in Latin Poetry: Figures of Allusion. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. xvi 1 506 pp. Cloth, $90.Wills offers the first fully systematic codification of repetition in Latin poetry. The introduction deals with the various means, such as morphological or lexical markings, word order, position and the like, that can help the reader distinguish allusion in an act (...)
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  21. Metrik im altsprachlichen Unterricht (Ars Didactica - Marburger Beiträge zu Studium und Didaktik der Alten Sprachen; Bd. 4).Magnus Frisch (ed.) - 2018 - Speyer: Kartoffeldruck-Verlag Kai Broderse.
    Metrisch gebundene Texte sind aus dem altsprachlichen Unterricht nicht wegzudenken: Vergil, Ovid, Horaz, Catull und Martial sind nur einige typische Autoren für die Dichtungslektüre im Lateinunterricht; Homer, Sophokles und Euripides sind typische Beispiele für den Griechischunterricht. Die Curricula schlagen eine Vielzahl poetischer Texte als mögliche Lektüren vor. Allein diese unvollständige Autorenauswahl zeigt schon, dass man allein mit der Behandlung von daktylischem Hexameter und elegischem Distichon nicht besonders weit kommt, will man nicht die Textauswahl nach solchen rein formalen Kriterien unnötig und (...)
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  22.  15
    Who founded the indo-greek era of 186/5 BcE?Dated Indo-Greek Inscriptions - 2009 - Classical Quarterly 59:505-510.
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  23. The Nuremberg Code subverts human health and safety by requiring animal modeling.Ray Greek, Annalea Pippus & Lawrence A. Hansen - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):1-17.
    The requirement that animals be used in research and testing in order to protect humans was formalized in the Nuremberg Code and subsequent national and international laws, codes, and declarations. We review the history of these requirements and contrast what was known via science about animal models then with what is known now. We further analyze the predictive value of animal models when used as test subjects for human response to drugs and disease. We explore the use of animals for (...)
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  24. Archaeology and the bible.Greek Terracottas, Museums In Crete & Antiquities Sales - 1990 - Minerva 1.
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    Complex systems, evolution, and animal models.Ray Greek & Niall Shanks - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (4):542-544.
  26.  89
    Is the use of sentient animals in basic research justifiable?Ray Greek & Jean Greek - 2010 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 5:14.
    Animals can be used in many ways in science and scientific research. Given that society values sentient animals and that basic research is not goal oriented, the question is raised.
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    Animal models of human disease in light of Darwin and DNA.Ray Greek & Jean Greek - 2002 - Human Rights Review 4 (1):74-85.
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    Exile theatre.Greek Prison Islands - unknown - The Classical Review 62 (1).
  29.  61
    The History and Implications of Testing Thalidomide on Animals.Ray Greek, Niall Shanks & Mark J. Rice - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law 11:1-32.
    The current use of animals to test for potential teratogenic effects of drugs and other chemicals dates back to the thalidomide disaster of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Controversy surrounds the following questions: 1. What was known about placental transfer of drugs when thalidomide was developed? 2. Was thalidomide tested on animals for teratogenicity prior to its release? 3. Would more animal testing have prevented the thalidomide disaster? 4. What lessons should be learned from the thalidomide disaster regarding animal (...)
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  30.  18
    Eurhythmia in Isocrates.Greek Prose Rhythm - 2010 - Classical Quarterly 60:82-95.
  31.  29
    An analysis of the Bateson Review of research using nonhuman primates.Ray Greek, Lawrence A. Hansen & Andre Menache - 2011 - Medicolegal and Bioethics 1 (1):3-22.
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  32. Are animal models predictive for humans?Niall Shanks, Ray Greek & Jean Greek - 2009 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 4:2.
    It is one of the central aims of the philosophy of science to elucidate the meanings of scientific terms and also to think critically about their application. The focus of this essay is the scientific term predict and whether there is credible evidence that animal models, especially in toxicology and pathophysiology, can be used to predict human outcomes. Whether animals can be used to predict human response to drugs and other chemicals is apparently a contentious issue. However, when one empirically (...)
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  33. Letter to the Editor.Ray Greek - 2014 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 35 (5):389-394.
    Dear Editor,The April 2014 issue of Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics [1] presented eight essays regarding the use of nonhuman animals in biomedical research. While I appreciate the essays concerning contemporary research—which were well written and offered new thinking from the fields of ethics and ethology—I believe the journal, via the topics and the authors chosen, failed to communicate the most important fact regarding the current science pertinent to the use of nonhuman animals in research.The foundational reason for using chimpanzees and (...)
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    The Development of Deep Brain Stimulation for Movement Disorders.Ray Greek - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 3 (3).
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  35. Internationaldissociation of (Dealers in Ancient Art.Galerie Fuer Antike Kunst, Roman Greek, Egyptian Antiquities, Galerie Arete & Herbert A. Cahn - 1996 - Minerva 7.
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  36.  73
    Human Stakeholders and the Use of Animals in Drug Development.Lisa A. Kramer & Ray Greek - 2018 - Business and Society Review 123 (1):3-58.
    Pharmaceutical firms seek to fulfill their responsibilities to stakeholders by developing drugs that treat diseases. We evaluate the social and financial costs of developing new drugs relative to the realized benefits and find the industry falls short of its potential. This is primarily due to legislation-mandated reliance on animal test results in early stages of the drug development process, leading to a mere 10 percent success rate for new drugs entering human clinical trials. We cite hundreds of biomedical studies from (...)
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  37.  76
    Pleasure in Ancient Greek Philosophy.David Wolfsdorf - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Key Themes in Ancient Philosophy series provides concise books, written by major scholars and accessible to non-specialists, on important themes in ancient philosophy that remain of philosophical interest today. In this volume Professor Wolfsdorf undertakes the first exploration of ancient Greek philosophical conceptions of pleasure in relation to contemporary conceptions. He provides broad coverage of the ancient material, from pre-Platonic to Old Stoic treatments; and, in the contemporary period, from World War II to the present. Examination of the (...)
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  38.  52
    Greek Particles.J. D. Denniston & W. L. Lorimer - 1935 - The Classical Review 49 (01):12-14.
  39.  19
    Conceptualising Concepts in Greek Philosophy.Gábor Betegh & Voula Tsouna (eds.) - 2024 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Concepts are basic features of rationality. Debates surrounding them have been central to the study of philosophy in the medieval and modern periods, as well as in the analytical and Continental traditions. This book studies ancient Greek approaches to the various notions of concept, exploring the early history of conceptual theory and its associated philosophical debates from the end of the archaic age to the end of antiquity. When and how did the notion of concept emerge and evolve, what (...)
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  40.  77
    Greek Theories of Elementary Cognition: From Alcmaeon to Aristotle.John I. Beare - 1906 - Oxford,: Martino.
  41.  22
    Contemporary athletics & ancient Greek ideals.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 2009 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The ancient background -- Weiss and the pursuit of bodily excellence -- Huizinga and the homo ludens hypothesis -- Feezell, moderation, and irony -- The process of becoming virtuous.
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  42.  29
    The Greek Atomists and Epicurus.Richard Robinson & Cyril Bailey - 1931 - Philosophical Review 40 (1):89.
  43.  25
    (1 other version)Greek foundations of traditional logic.Ernst Kapp - 1967 - New York,: AMS Press.
  44.  32
    Greek Science and Philosophy: Ten Recent Books in ReviewThe Physical World of the Greeks.The Philosophy of Plato.Der Dialog "Kratylos" im Rahmen der Platonischen Sprach- und Erkenntnisphilosophie.Protagoras.The Evaluation of Pleasure in Plato's Ethics.Plato's Philosophy of Mathematics.Aristotle's Philosophy of Mathematics.Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's `Timaeus'.Aristotelesstudien: Philologische Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Aristotelischen Ethik.Ronald B. Levinson - 1957 - Journal of Philosophy 54 (25):813-822.
  45. Greek Philosophy in the New Millennium.James Lesher (ed.) - 2004 - Berlin: Akademia Verlag.
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  46. " Late Greek philosophy and Christian belief. The notion of transcendance"-6th International Congress of Greek Philosophy in the French Language.P. Verdeau - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de L Etranger 130 (1):71-76.
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    Santayana and Greek Philosophy.John P. Anton - 1993 - Overheard in Seville 11 (11):15-29.
    The article explores Santayana's views on Greek philosophy and his evaluation of the Greek thinkers that best represent the classical mind: Heraclitus, Democritus, Plato, and Aristotle. His early views on Greek philosophy, traceable in the 1889 Dissertation on Lotze, were revised and formalized in "The Life of Reason", and finalized in his "Apologia pro mente sua" (1951). The principles that figure dominantly in Santayana's philosophy, materialism, scepticism, and the theory of essences, also pervade his interpretation and critical (...)
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  48. Greek Law and the Presocratics.Michael Gagarin - 2002 - In Alexander P. D. Mourelatos, Victor Miles Caston & Daniel W. Graham (eds.), Presocratic philosophy: essays in honour of Alexander Mourelatos. Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate. pp. 19--24.
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    Greek Wisdom Literature in Arabic Translation: A Study of the Graeco-Arabic Gnomologia.Georg Krotkoff & Dimitri Gutas - 1978 - American Journal of Philology 99 (2):273.
  50.  19
    A History of Greek Philosophy: Volume 5, the Later Plato and the Academy.William Keith Chambers Guthrie - 1978 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    All volumes of Professor Guthrie's great history of Greek philosophy have won their due acclaim. The most striking merits of Guthrie's work are his mastery of a tremendous range of ancient literature and modern scholarship, his fairness and balance of judgement and the lucidity and precision of his English prose. He has achieved clarity and comprehensiveness.
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