Results for 'Greek nationalism'

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  1.  27
    Alexander, my forefather: Nationalism and Archaeology in the Greek Macedonia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.Rosalind MacDonald - 2015 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 6 (1).
    Classical archaeology in the service of the state and national identity is not a new concept, although it is one that is seen less, or at least less blatantly, in modern Europe. This particular use of the classical past is still very much in use in the region of Macedonia, both the Greek province and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Nationalism uses archaeology and the imagery of the ancient world to claim legitimacy in the modern world. By (...)
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    ‘We are all greeks’: Shelley'shellasand romantic nationalism.L. M. Findlay - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (1-3):281-286.
  3.  38
    Plato Goes to China: The Greek Classics and Chinese Nationalism.Shadi Bartsch - 2023 - Princeton University Press.
    The surprising story of how Greek classics are being pressed into use in contemporary China to support the regime’s political agenda As improbable as it may sound, an illuminating way to understand today’s China and how it views the West is to look at the astonishing ways Chinese intellectuals are interpreting—or is it misinterpreting?—the Greek classics. In Plato Goes to China, Shadi Bartsch offers a provocative look at Chinese politics and ideology by exploring Chinese readings of Plato, Aristotle, (...)
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    The Making of a Modern Greek Identity: Education, Nationalism, and the Teaching of a Greek National Past.Roderick Beaton - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (2):184-185.
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    The “Woman Question” in the Greek (post)-ottoman transition period.Haris Exertzoglou - 2018 - Clio 48:69-90.
    L’article aborde la construction de la « question des femmes » au sein des espaces socio-culturels interconnectés du Royaume grec et des communautés grecques ottomanes. Le contexte est celui de la transition (post)-ottomane, la destruction des structures impériales et la montée de l’État-nation. Durant cette période, de nouvelles divisions sociales et culturelles s’affirment, notamment celle entre public et privé. Les discours nationalistes grecs construisent une représentation des femmes dans la sphère publique qui insiste sur leur contribution aux objectifs et stratégies (...)
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    Nationalism, Globalization, Eastern Orthodoxy: `Unthinking' the `Clash of Civilizations' in Southeastern Europe.Victor Roudometof - 1999 - European Journal of Social Theory 2 (2):233-247.
    Although the historical process of globalization has promoted the nation-state as a universal cultural form, national ideologies are far from uniform. This article explores how the competing discourses of citizenship and nation-hood evolved in Southeastern Europe throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. By comparing the articulation of Serb, Greek and Bulgarian identities, the essay examines how regional historical factors led to the concept of nationhood becoming central to the formation of national identity among the region's Eastern Orthodox Christians. It (...)
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    Bartsch, Shadi, Plato Goes to China: The Greek Classics and Chinese Nationalism.Carl Mitcham - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (3):491-494.
  8.  14
    Plato Goes to China: The Greek Classics and Chinese Nationalism. By Shadi Bartsch.Peter Vernezze - 2023 - Ancient Philosophy 43 (2):551-555.
  9.  29
    Mass communication and nationalism: the politics of belonging and exclusion in contemporary Greece'.Roza Tsagarousianou - 1997 - Res Publica 39 (2):271-280.
    This article focuses on the ways in which the prevalence of nationalist discourse in the communication process has affected political and cultural life in Greece after the end of the Cold War. It is argued that through the emergence of scientific nationalism, the enactment of public rituals, and the creation of moral panics based on media representations of ethnic/religious difference, the 'political' is simplified allowing no room for diversity and difference within the framework of national politics. The Greek (...)
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    Plato Goes to China: The Greek Classics and Chinese Nationalism[REVIEW]Yu Liu - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (8):903-906.
    Written by a noted classicist at a major U.S. university but about a situation having little to do with scholarship on the European classics and involving Greek antiquity only in an ulteriorly moti...
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  11. The Problem of Modern Greek Identity: from the Εcumene to the Nation-State.Georgios Steiris, Sotiris Mitralexis & George Arabatzis - 2016 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The question of Modern Greek identity is certainly timely. The political events of the previous years have once more brought up such questions as: What does it actually mean to be a Greek today? What is Modern Greece, apart from and beyond the bulk of information that one would find in an encyclopaedia and the established stereotypes? This volume delves into the timely nature of these questions and provides answers not by referring to often-cited classical Antiquity, nor by (...)
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    Greek Origins and Organic Metaphors: Ideals of Cultural Autonomy in Neohumanist Germany from Winckelmann to Curtius.Brian E. Vick - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (3):483-500.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.3 (2002) 483-500 [Access article in PDF] Greek Origins and Organic Metaphors: Ideals of Cultural Autonomy in Neohumanist Germany from Winckelmann to Curtius Brian Vick That the educated classes of late eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Germany were increasingly captivated by images of both nationality and Greek antiquity is a fact long noted and long puzzled over. This seemingly strange confluence of cultural (...)
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    Hate speech mainstreaming in the Greek virtual public sphere: A quantitative and qualitative approach.Yannis Tsirbas & Lina Zirganou-Kazolea - forthcoming - Communications.
    This study delves into the manifestation and characteristics of hate speech in the Greek online public sphere, specifically exploring its most prominent forms, namely racism, anti-immigrant sentiment, nationalism, sexism, and homophobia/transphobia. Combining quantitative and qualitative methods, the research analyzes popular Greek online news media. It aims to uncover the visibility and operational patterns of hate speech, addressing key questions about its prevalence and presentation on these platforms. Findings reveal the normalization of discriminatory speech, particularly sexism and (...), in the digital landscape. Moreover, distinct themes and linguistic elements associated with different forms of hate speech highlight the intertwined nature of these discriminatory expressions. This research sheds light on the pervasive nature of hate speech in Greece’s online realm, emphasizing its implications for democratic principles. (shrink)
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    ‘Disciplining’ the Neohellenic Character:Records of Anglo-Greek Encounters and the Development of Ethnologicalhistorical Discourse.Rodanthi Tzanelli - 2003 - History of the Human Sciences 16 (3):21-50.
    The article examines the development of anthropological discourse in British travel accounts of modern Greece, and the Greek response. The study has several aims. First, it argues that in British travel accounts ethnographic remarks are encountered which point to a genealogy of the British discipline of anthropology. These remarks on the modern Greek character formulated problÈmatiquesin which history and ethnography, as well as Romanticism and Enlightenment ideas, merged. Second, the article examines Greek peasantreaction to British observation and (...)
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    Bentham, Byron, and Greece: constitutionalism, nationalism, and early liberal political thought.F. Rosen - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Exploring the connection between Bentham and Byron forged by the Greek struggle for independence, this book focuses on the activities of the London Greek Committee, supposedly founded by disciples of Jeremy Bentham, which mounted the expedition on which Lord Byron ultimately met his death in Greece. Rosen's penetrating study provides a new assessment of British philhellenism and examines for the first time the relationship between Bentham's theory of constitutional government and the emerging liberalism of the 1820s. Breaking new (...)
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  16. "Racism" versus "Intersectionality"? Significations of Interwoven Oppressions in Greek LGBTQ+ Discourses.Anna Carastathis - 2019 - Feminist Critique: East European Journal of Feminist and Queer Studies 1 (3).
    This paper seeks to make “racism” strange, by exploring its invocation in the sociolinguistic context of LGBTQI+ activism in Greece, where it is used in ways that may be jarring to anglophone readers. In my ongoing research on the conceptualisation of interwoven oppressions in Greek social movement contexts, I have been interested in understanding how the widespread use of the term “racism” as a superordinate category to reference forms of oppression not only based on “race,” “ethnicity,” and “citizenship” (e.g., (...)
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  17. The Quest for a Global Age of Reason. Part I: Asia, Africa, the Greeks, and the Enlightenment Roots.Dag Herbjørnsrud - 2021 - Dialogue and Universalism 31 (3):113-131.
    This paper will contend that we, in the first quarter of the 21st century, need an enhanced Age of Reason based on global epistemology. One reason to legitimize such a call for more intellectual enlightenment is the lack of required information on non-European philosophy in today’s reading lists at European and North American universities. Hence, the present-day Academy contributes to the scarcity of knowledge about the world’s global history of ideas outside one’s ethnocentric sphere. The question is whether we genuinely (...)
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    Byzantine Philosophers of the 15th Century on Identity and Otherness.Georgios Steiris - 2016 - In Georgios Steiris, Sotiris Mitralexis & George Arabatzis, The Problem of Modern Greek Identity: from the Εcumene to the Nation-State. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 173-199.
    Those who work with topics related to Modern Greek identity usually start discussing these issues by quoting the famous Georgios Gemistos Pletho (c.1360-1454): we, over whom you rule and hold sway, are Hellenes by genos (γένος), as is witnessed by our language and ancestral education. Although Woodhouse thought of Pletho as the last of the Hellenes, others prefer to denounce him the last of the Byzantines and the first and foremost Modern Greek. During the 14th and 15th centuries, (...)
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    “Go to hell fucking faggots, may you die!” framing the LGBT subject in online comments.Fabienne Baider - 2018 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14 (1):69-92.
    This paper reports on a manual monitoring of online representations of LGBT persons in the Republic of Cyprus for the period April 2015–February 2016. The article contextualizes the prevalence of “hate speech” in online Greek Cypriot comments against LGBT individuals, and, more generally, against non-heterosexuals. Adopting a Foucauldian position vis-à-vis the social and discursive construction of sexuality, we outline, first, the socio-historical context with a focus on LGBT rights in the Republic of Cyprus and the nationalistic project construing sexualities. (...)
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    Narrating hostility, challenging hostile narratives.Fabienne Baider & Monika Kopytowska - 2018 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14 (1):1-24.
    This paper reports on a manual monitoring of online representations of LGBT persons in the Republic of Cyprus for the period April 2015–February 2016. The article contextualizes the prevalence of “hate speech” in online Greek Cypriot comments against LGBT individuals, and, more generally, against non-heterosexuals. Adopting a Foucauldian position vis-à-vis the social and discursive construction of sexuality, we outline, first, the socio-historical context with a focus on LGBT rights in the Republic of Cyprus and the nationalistic project construing sexualities. (...)
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  21.  31
    Einführung in ein künftiges Denken. [REVIEW]D. C. J. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (2):349-349.
    Kostos Axelos, Greek-born Professor of Philosophy at the Sorbonne and author of a trilogy in French, Le Déploiement de l'errance, and of several French translations of Lucás and Heidegger, attempts an important confrontation of the two thinkers whom many regard as the major thinkers in European thought today: Marx and Heidegger. To some this is a confrontation of the left and the right, but Axelos moves in an entirely different range altogether. Heidegger himself remarks that a confrontation with Marx (...)
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    In the eyes of God: a study on the culture of suffering.Fernando Escalante Gonzalbo - 2006 - Austin: University of Texas Press, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies.
    "Every culture needs to appropriate the universal truth of human suffering," says Fernando Escalante, ". . . to give its own meaning to this suffering, so that human existence is bearable." Originally published in Spanish as La mirada de Dios: Estudios sobre la cultura del sufrimiento, this book is a remarkable study of the evolution of the culture of suffering and the different elements that constitute it, beginning with a reading of Rousseau and ending with the appearance of the Shoah (...)
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    History and Religion as Sources of Hellenic Identity in Late Byzantium and the Post-Byzantine Era.Georgios Steiris - 2020 - Genealogy 4 (1):1-16.
    Recently, seminal publications highlighted the Romanitas of the Byzantines. However, it is not without importance that from the 12th century onwards the ethnonym Hellene (Ἓλλην) became progressively more popular. A number of influential intellectuals and political actors preferred the term Hellene to identify themselves, instead of the formal Roman (Ρωμαῖος) and the common Greek (Γραικός). While I do not intend to challenge the prevalence of the Romanitas during the long Byzantine era, I suggest that we should reevaluate the emerging (...)
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    Ancient and Non-Western International Thought.Antony Black - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (1):2-12.
    SummaryIn early and prehistoric times, human groups cooperated among themselves and competed viciously with other groups. Concepts of international relations, notably universal hegemony and exclusive nationalism, go back to the earliest recorded history. Only the ancient Greeks experienced inter-state relations somewhat analogous to those of modern Europe; and the first reflections on these may be found in Thucydides. The Greeks, and later the Romans, above all Cicero, developed a notion of cosmopolitanism. During the Latin Middle Ages, the papacy perpetuated (...)
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  25. Tyranny and Revolution: Rousseau to Heidegger.Waller R. Newell - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Philosophy of Freedom from Rousseau to Heidegger launched a great protest against modern liberal individualism, inspired by the virtuous political community of the ancient Greeks. Hegel argued that the progress of history was gradually bringing about greater freedom and restoring our lost sense of community. But his successors Marx, Nietzsche and Heidegger rejected Hegel's version of the end of history with its legitimization of the bourgeois nation-state. They sought to replace it with ever more utopian, apocalyptic and illiberal visions (...)
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    China and contemporary millenarianism--something new under the sun.Benjamin Isadore Schwartz - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (2):193-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:China and Contemporary Millenarianism—Something New under the SunBenjamin I. SchwartzOne of the most obvious remarks one can make about contemporary China is that China has no reason to be excited about contemporary Western millenarianism. If by "millenarianism" one refers to an apocalyptic transformation of the entire human condition based on the Christian calendar, then there is no reason for Chinese, Jews, and Moslems, who have their own historic visions, (...)
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    Politics, Order and History: Essays on the Work of Eric Voegelin.Stephen McKnight, Glenn Hughes & Geoffrey Price - 2001 - A&C Black.
    This volume brings together critical review papers, many specially commissioned, on key themes and questions in the work of the political scientist, philosopher and religious thinker Eric Voegelin (1901-1985). Areas covered include: (1) Political science: 'Political Religions': manifestations in Nazi Germany and in contemporary European and North American nationalism; (2) International relations: the 'Cold War' in critical perspective; (3) Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle in the reading of Eric Voegelin: contemporary assessments; (4) Sociology: Correspondence of Voegelin and Alfred Schütz; (5) (...)
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    Freud between Oedipus and the Sphinx.Miriam Leonard - 2021 - Arion 28 (3):131-155.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Freud between Oedipus and the Sphinx MIRIAM LEONARD Areproduction of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres’s neo-classical painting Oedipus and the Sphinx famously hung over Freud’s couch in his consulting room at Berggasse 19 [figure 1]. Nobody doubts the significance of the figure of Oedipus to the development of Freud’s thought, arion 28.3 winter 2021 Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, (1780–1867). Oedipus and the Sphinx, 1808. Oil on canvas. Photo Credit : Scala/ Art Resource, NY. (...)
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    Poetic Artistry and Dynastic Politics: Ovid at the Ludi Megalenses ( Fasti 4. 179–372).R. J. Littlewood - 1981 - Classical Quarterly 31 (02):381-.
    Aetiological poetry tends to be mature poetry in both a literary and a political sense. Interest in antiquarian lore belongs in general to a poet's middle and later years when youthful and audacious quests for what is avant-garde and anti-establishment have yielded to conservatism and a desire to preserve the past. Propertius and Ovid both turned to aetiological poetry after a long apprenticeship in amatory ‘nugae’ which enabled them, like their predecessor, Callimachus, to embellish their work with a diversity of (...)
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    Creating Global Civilization.Martha C. Beck - 2025 - Dialogue and Universalism 35 (1):149-175.
    Indonesia has 240 million Muslims, 220 million of whom are committed to democracy. Indonesian scholars publish extensively on the religious tolerance of Muhammad and the pluralistic nature of Islam. The five points of Indonesia’s political philosophy listed in the Preamble to their Constitution are: 1) Belief in God that includes Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Protestantism, Catholicism, Islam and animism; 2) Humanitarianism; 3) Unity in diversity, nationalism; 4) Achieving wisdom through deliberation; and 5) Social justice. These principles are compatible with Aristotle, (...)
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    The once and future language: Communication, terminology and the practice of science in nineteenth and early twentieth century Greece.Kostas Tampakis - 2015 - History of Science 53 (4):438-455.
    Science appeared in modern Greece in the first decades after its establishment as a sovereign state in 1828. The University of Athens, the Royal Observatory, the Botanical Garden, and the Natural History Museum were quickly established as spaces of scientific activity. Greek scientists were enthusiastic participants in the emerging Greek public sphere, often not only as science experts, but also as poets, intellectuals and political personae. In a space whose cultural, intellectual and historical boundaries were still being negotiated, (...)
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    The Question of Identity in a Divided Media Landscape : The Case of Cyprus.Gary Gumpert & Susan J. Drucker - 1997 - Res Publica 39 (2):281-292.
    The military operations of 1974 in Cyprus led to the formation of two autonomous areas houding Turkish Cypriots in the north and the Greek Cypriots in the south. The island is divided by the "Green Line", patrolled by U.N. peace keeping forces.Movement is blocked and communication severed. There are multiple and conflicting Cypriot identities and feelings of nationalism ranging from pride in being Cypriots, to feelings of connection to Hellenic heritage, and cultural along with political and economic ties (...)
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  33.  53
    African Athena: New Agendas ed. by Daniel Orrells, Gurminder K. Bhambra, Tessa Roynon (review).Mary R. Lefkowitz - 2013 - American Journal of Philology 134 (2):347-350.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:African Athena: New Agendas ed. by Daniel Orrells, Gurminder K. Bhambra, Tessa RoynonMary R. LefkowitzDaniel Orrells, Gurminder K. Bhambra, and Tessa Roynon, eds., African Athena: New Agendas. Classical Presences. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. xiv + 469 pp. 6 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $160.The inspiration for this book derives from a 2008 conference at the University of Warwick that was held in recognition of the twentieth anniversary of the (...)
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    Enlightenment and revolution: the making of modern Greece.Paschalis Kitromilides - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Introduction to the American edition -- Prologue : the political meaning of the Enlightenment -- The long road to Enlightenment -- The formation of modern Greek historical consciousness -- The geography of civilization : from adulation to revolution -- Enlightened absolutism as a path to change -- Ancients and moderns : cultural criticism and the origins of republicanism -- The revolution in France: the glow and the shadow -- The Enlightenment's political alternative -- The Enlightenment as social criticism -- (...)
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    Іван франко про природу і функціональність релігії.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 77:31-38.
    Recognizing free-thinking with atheism, we often do not recognize the existence of religious free-thinking. The fact is that the Church somehow perceive freedom of religion, freedom of religion, but each of them does not allow itself freedom In religion, freedom In its religion. Any deviation from the dogmas or canons, the arbitrary interpretation of certain provisions of the doctrine, and especially the anti-clericalism, is perceived as heresy, and ultimately qualifies as atheism. That is why Ivan Franko was uncomfortable with the (...)
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  36. The Rise of Inclusionary Populism in Europe: The Case of SYRIZA.G. Markou - 2017 - Contemporary Southeastern Europe 4 (1):54-71.
    In recent years, and especially after the outbreak of the global financial crisis, right-wing and left-wing populist parties and movements have enjoyed significant political success in Europe. One of these parties is SYRIZA in Greece. In this paper, we explore some of the particular characteristics of the political discourse articulated by SYRIZA in power. The core argument of the paper is that the Greek radical left party continues to express an inclusionary populist discourse after its rise to power. We (...)
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    Ivan Muzychka in his service to the Church and Ukraine.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 68:149-167.
    Doctor of theology, father-professor Ivan Muzychka. As for him, and many scholars, writers, artists, and clerics who liked him in exile, many of them, talented and faithful to Ukraine, have not long been "only" aware that they are in the overwhelming majority of them, like "Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists ", is supposedly the worst enemies of his people. However, the first meetings and conversations with them completely disperse these versions of the communist era. There is an aversion to what was written (...)
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    Notes on Heidegger's authoritarian pedagogy.Thomas E. Peterson - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (4):599–623.
    To examine Heidegger's pedagogy is to be invited into a particular era and cultural reality—starting in Weimar Germany and progressing into the rise and fall of the Third Reich. In his attempt to reform the German university in a strictly hierarchical, authoritarian and nationalistic mold, Heidegger addressed one group of students and professors and not another. The petit‐bourgeois student and the future philosophers he invited with his ‘logic of recruitment’ into the corps of instructors, would share his coded language with (...)
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    Public beliefs and perceptions related to ecofascism.Zoe Gareiou, Sofia Giannarou, Efi Drimili, Leonidas Vatikiotis & Efthimios Zervas - 2024 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 24:47-59.
    The concept of ecofascism describes the distortion of ecology for the purpose of gaining greater and wider audience, popularising ideologies and fulfilling xenophobic and nationalistic goals by regimes such as the far-right agenda and the radical ecological groups. This study investigates the issue of ecofascism in Europe, using the example of Greece, by examining the views of the citizens of Greece on the links between the political parties and ecology and environment. A survey of 600 people was conducted in Greece, (...)
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    Gods, German Scholars, and the Gift of Greece.Claudia Breger - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (7-8):111-134.
    This article argues that the abundance of Greek figures and scenarios in Kittler’s recent work points to a shift in his oeuvre, which, however, does not represent a radical break with his ‘hardware studies’. At the turn of the 21st century, Kittler champions an emphatic notion of culture as a necessary supplement to science and technology. This conceptual marriage mediates grand historical narratives of cultural identity. Specifically, Kittler’s texts provide us with narratives of Greek origin which serve to (...)
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    Environment change, economy change and reducing conflict at source.A. Cottey - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (2):215-228.
    At a time when fossil fuel burning, nationalism, ethnic and religious intolerance, and other retrograde steps are being promoted, the prospects for world peace and environmental systems stability may appear dim. Exactly because of this is it the more important to continue to examine the sources of conflict. A major obstacle to general progress is the currently dominant economic practice and theory, which is here called the economy-as-usual, or economics-as-usual, as appropriate. A special obstacle to constructive change is the (...)
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    Ideology, Politics, and Religion in the Work of the Historian Silviu Dragomir.Sorin Sipos - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (21):79.
    In 1962, after insisting upon the Vienna moment and comparing the points in the second Leopold Diploma, the author believed that the union was fulfilled in Vienna where the imperial authorities played an essential role. The Jesuits, who were considered the artisans of the union up to that moment, were reduced to the role of negotiators and forgers of the documents of 1697, 1698 and 1700. Because of the resentments against the “traitors” of the nation, S. Dragomir could not or (...)
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    Cicero's first readers: epistolary evidence for the dissemination of his works.T. Murphy - 1998 - Classical Quarterly 48 (02):492-505.
    The study of the circulation of literary texts in ancient Rome has taken on new significance lately. Recent work on Roman books and their readers has emphasized the difference between the dissemination of texts in the ancient world and publication as we moderns know it, and we have come to see that our understanding of Roman culture and their politics can benefit from a closer examination of how the Romans composed, recited, and released their books. Take, for example, Cicero and (...)
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    Entitled opinions: doxa after digitality.Caddie Alford - 2024 - Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press.
    Many of our most urgent contemporary issues-demagoguery, disinformation, white ethno-nationalism-compel us to take opinions seriously. And social media has taught us that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But what constitutes an opinion, and how do those definitions change? In "Entitled Opinions: Doxa After Digitality," Caddie Alford has fashioned an expansive and affirmative theory of opinions for the age of social media. To address these issues, "Entitled Opinions" recuperates the ancient Greek term for opinion: doxa. While doxa (...)
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    S. Radhakrishnan: ‘Saving the Appearances’ in East-West Academy.Purushottama Bilimoria - 2019 - Sophia 58 (1):31-47.
    Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, clearly one of the early modern doyens of Indian Philosophy, remained much enamored of Western thought—of which he took the ancient to classical tradition as his model—and he spent a good part of his speculative life attempting to reconfigure Indian thought to fit the vesture, maybe the toga, of his Greek heroes, namely Plato and Plotinus, and to an extent of Hegelianism that came across via F. H. Bradley: Occidental in form, and Indian in content. It (...)
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    The Lost Italian Renaissance: Humanists, Historians, and Latin's Legacy (review).Paul Richard Blum - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (4):485-487.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Lost Italian Renaissance: Humanists, Historians, and Latin’s LegacyPaul Richard BlumChristopher S. Celenza. The Lost Italian Renaissance: Humanists, Historians, and Latin’s Legacy. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004. Pp. xx + 210. Cloth, $45.00This is a programmatic book about why and how philosophy should care about Renaissance texts. Celenza starts with an assessment of the neglect of the wealth of Latin Renaissance [End Page 485] sources by (...)
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    Mikhail Bakhtin, Vyacheslav Ivanov, and the rhetorical culture of the Russian third renaissance.Filipp Sapienza - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (2):123-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mikhail Bakhtin, Vyacheslav Ivanov, and the Rhetorical Culture of the Russian Third RenaissanceFilipp SapienzaAlthough Mikhail Bakhtin figures centrally in multiculturalism, community, pedagogy, and rhetoric (Bruffee 1986; Welch 1993; Zebroski 1994; Zappen, Gurak, and Doheney-Farina 1997; Mutnick 1996; Halasek 2001, 182; see also Bialostosky 1986) many of his major ideas remain enigmatic and controversial. The elusive aspects of Bakhtin's theories exist in part because rhetoricians know little about Bakhtin's own (...)
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    Architectural Theory, Volume 1: An Anthology From Vitruvius to 1870 (review).Peg Rawes - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (2):111-115.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Architectural Theory, Volume 1: An Anthology from Vitruvius to 1870Peg RawesArchitectural Theory, Volume 1: An Anthology from Vitruvius to 1870, edited by Harry Francis Mallgrave. Malden MA, Oxford, Victoria: Blackwell Publishing, 2006, 590 pp., $49.95.This anthology is a rich and comprehensive documentation of the key stages that construct Western architectural theory, from Vitruvius's classical writing to Gottfried Semper's theories in late-nineteenth-century Europe. Comprised of 229 texts by these (...)
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    Martin Heidegger’s Metaphysical Question of 1929-1930: Genesis and Consequences.Юрій Андрійович МАРИНЧУК - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (1):31-42.
    The article examines the foundations that constitute the formulation of the metaphysical question in Martin Heidegger’s philosophy. The article focuses in detail on the period of 1929-1930, which includes the report “Was ist Metaphysik?” and the lecture course “Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik. Welt–Endlichkeit–Einsamkeit”. The introduction to the article and the main problem are three prejudices from Being and Time that make it impossible to ask a clear question about being. The main material is presented on the basis of primary sources: (...)
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    Nietzsche: an anthology of his works.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1964 - New York,: Washington Square Press. Edited by Otto Manthey-Zorn.
    "Nietzsche versus Wagner", sometimes translated "Nietzsche against Wagner", is a critical examination of the composer Richard Wagner, whom Nietzsche praised in his early years and later declared his enemy. Nietzsche was close to the entire Wagner family, even Wagner's wives, but later had a falling out and spent a significant amount of energy attacking him. In this work, Nietzsche distances himself from Wagner's music and ideology, criticizing the composer's embrace of German nationalism and his turn to Christianity. Nietzsche contrasts (...)
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