Results for 'Grant Fore'

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  1.  22
    Operationalizing Ethical Becoming as a Theoretical Framework for Teaching Engineering Design Ethics.Grant A. Fore & Justin L. Hess - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1353-1375.
    Ethical becoming represents a novel framework for teaching engineering ethics. This framework insists on the complementarity of pragmatism, care, and virtue. The dispositional nature of the self is a central concern, as are relational considerations. However, unlike previous conceptual work, this paper introduces additional lenses for exploring ethical relationality by focusing on indebtedness, harmony, potency, and reflective thought. This paper first reviews relevant contributions in the engineering ethics literature. Then, the relational process ontology of Alfred North Whitehead is described and (...)
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    Ethical Becoming and Ethical Inquiry Among Earth Sciences Faculty.Grant A. Fore, Samuel Cornelius Nyarko, Justin L. Hess, Martin A. Coleman, Mary F. Price, Brandon H. Sorge & Elizabeth A. Sanders - 2024 - Teaching Ethics 24 (1):25-51.
    This study examines the outcomes of a four-year faculty learning community (FLC) that aimed to transform departmental ethics curriculum by supporting Earth Sciences faculty members as they ethically inquired into their teaching of ethics and refined existing courses in alignment with an Integrated Community-Engaged Learning and Ethical Reflection (ICELER) framework. We present ethnographic case studies that unpack processes through which three faculty members transformed undergraduate courses. We assembled case studies by triangulating interview data, course artifacts, and faculty reflections. We examine (...)
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    A Systematic Literature Review of US Engineering Ethics Interventions.Justin L. Hess & Grant Fore - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):551-583.
    Promoting the ethical formation of engineering students through the cultivation of their discipline-specific knowledge, sensitivity, imagination, and reasoning skills has become a goal for many engineering education programs throughout the United States. However, there is neither a consensus throughout the engineering education community regarding which strategies are most effective towards which ends, nor which ends are most important. This study provides an overview of engineering ethics interventions within the U.S. through the systematic analysis of articles that featured ethical interventions in (...)
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  4.  18
    Transforming Ethics Education Through a Faculty Learning Community: “I’m Coming Around to Seeing Ethics as Being Maybe as Important as Calculus”.Justin L. Hess, Elizabeth Sanders, Grant A. Fore, Martin Coleman, Mary Price, Sammy Nyarko & Brandon Sorge - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (5):1-29.
    Ethics is central to scientific and engineering research and practice, but a key challenge for promoting students’ ethical formation involves enhancing faculty members’ ability and confidence in embedding positive ethical learning experiences into their curriculums. To this end, this paper explores changes in faculty members’ approaches to and perceptions of ethics education following their participation in a multi-year interdisciplinary faculty learning community (FLC). We conducted and thematically analyzed semi-structured interviews with 11 participants following the second year of the FLC. Qualitative (...)
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    Correction: Transforming Ethics Education Through a Faculty Learning Community: “I’m Coming Around to Seeing Ethics as Being Maybe as Important as Calculus”.Justin L. Hess, Elizabeth Sanders, Grant A. Fore, Martin Coleman, Mary Price, Samuel Cornelius Nyarko & Brandon Sorge - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (6):1-2.
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    The Honorary Ranks Granted by the Abbasids to the Vassal State Rulers in Khorasan and Transoxiana and Their Political Responses.Nuri KÖSE & Metin Yilmaz - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (2):661-678.
    We understand from the oldest sources that have reached us that according to their status, racial characteristics, culture, religion etc. people called their adressees with many different names besides their own names. The Arabic nicknames and titles, which are the main subject of our research result of this necessity. Before the formation of Islamic culture and civilization, different titles were used in all civilizations, especially in the Byzantine and Sassanid empires, for the members of the group, which were considered as (...)
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    The role of historical intuitions in children's and adults' naming of artifacts.Grant Gutheil, Paul Bloom, Nohemy Valderrama & Rebecca Freedman - 2004 - Cognition 91 (1):23-42.
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  8.  35
    Preschoolers’ use of spatiotemporal history, appearance, and proper name in determining individual identity.Grant Gutheil, Susan A. Gelman, Eileen Klein, Katherine Michos & Kara Kelaita - 2008 - Cognition 107 (1):366-380.
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  9. Infrapolitical Strategies for Preventing Hermeneutical Injustices Amidst the Global Trans Panic.Nick Clanchy - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    Previously proposed strategies for preventing hermeneutical injustices mostly take for granted the interests people have in various things about themselves being intelligible, and aim only to enable them to satisfy these interests. Historically, the pursuit of such strategies has been somewhat successful in preventing trans people from suffering hermeneutical injustices in their interactions with cis people. Yet the widespread anti-trans backlash of recent years has brought to the fore a number of limitations and previously unacknowledged downsides to trans people’s (...)
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    The role of trust in reflective practice.Leon Benade - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (2):123-132.
    Trust, as a philosophical concept in education, seems largely taken for granted, either because it is embedded in other discourses, or is self-evidently assumed to be one on which there is general agreement and understanding. Its associated notions, such as confidence and belief, have counters in such concepts as disappointment and betrayal. These various notions come to the fore in interpersonal relations that require openness and self-critique. Critically reflective practice in professional teaching contexts is one such example, where openness (...)
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    The Reasonable in Justice as Fairness.Jon Mandle - 1999 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):75 - 107.
    The publication of Political Liberalismhas allowed John Rawls to bring to the fore issues that remained in the background of A Theory of Justice. His explicit attention to the concept of ‘the reasonable’ is a welcome development. In a more recent publication, he affirms the importance of this concept, ‘while [granting] that the idea of the reasonable needs a more thorough examination than Political Liberalism offers.’ In this paper, I will present a critical exposition of the senses of the (...)
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  12.  36
    La nuova costellazione. Gli orizzonti etico/politici del moderno/postmoderno. Traduzione di Sergio Cremaschi.Richard J. Bernstein - 1994 - Milano, Italy: Feltrinelli.
    The philosophy presented in this book is the philosophy of the age of the collapse of the Wall: of the Stone Wall of recent political history and of the many Walls of prejudice in the intellectual history from our century. Bernstein is considered, with Rorty and MacIntyre, one of the three emblematic figures of post-analytical philosophy. He shared with Rorty both the 'rediscovery' of European philosophy and the revival of pragmatism. Unlike From Rorty and the neophytes of deconstructionism, however, Bernstein (...)
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    Russell versus the Happiness Industry [review of Tim Phillips, Bertrand Russell’s The Conquest of Happiness; a Modern-Day Interpretation of a Self-Help Classic ].Chad Trainer - 2013 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 33 (1):72-75.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:72 Reviews RUSSELL VERSUS THE HAPPINESS INDUSTRY Chad Trainer 1006 Davids Run Phoenixville, pa 19460, usa Tim Phillips. Bertrand Russell’sThe Conquest of Happiness; a Modern-Day Interpretation of a Self-Help Classic. Oxford: Infinite Ideas, 2010. Pp. 118. 978-1906821 -27-2 (pb). us$11.95. German translation as Bertrand Russells Eroberung des Glücks in a “Business Classics” series (gabal Verlag, 2012). he popular writing Bertrand Russell undertook to make money has long roused (...)
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  14. The Voting Rights of Senior Citizens: Should All Votes Count the Same?Andreas Bengtson & Andreas Albertsen - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-17.
    In 1970, Stewart advocated disenfranchising everyone reaching retirement age or age 70, whichever was earlier. The question of whether senior citizens should be disenfranchised has recently come to the fore due to votes on issues such as Brexit and climate change. Indeed, there is a growing literature which argues that we should increase the voting power of non-senior citizens relative to senior citizens, for reasons having to do with intergenerational justice. Thus, it seems that there are reasons of justice (...)
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    Empirical ethics and the duty to extend the “biological warranty period”.Colin Farrelly - 2013 - Social Philosophy and Policy 30 (1-2):480-503.
    The world's aging populations face novel health challenges never experienced before in human history. The moral landscape thus needs to adapt to reflect this novel empirical reality. In this paper I take for granted one basic moral principle advanced by Peter Singer and explore the implications that empirical considerations from demography, evolutionary biology, and biogerontology have for the way we conceive of fulfilling this principle at the operational level. After bringing to the fore a number of considerations that Singer (...)
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  16. A New Foundation for the Propensity Interpretation of Fitness.Charles H. Pence & Grant Ramsey - 2013 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 64 (4):851-881.
    The propensity interpretation of fitness (PIF) is commonly taken to be subject to a set of simple counterexamples. We argue that three of the most important of these are not counterexamples to the PIF itself, but only to the traditional mathematical model of this propensity: fitness as expected number of offspring. They fail to demonstrate that a new mathematical model of the PIF could not succeed where this older model fails. We then propose a new formalization of the PIF that (...)
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  17. Challenging the philosophical foundations of modeling organizational reality: the case of process modeling.Kai Riemer, Robert Johnston, Dirk Hovorka & Marta Indulska - unknown
    Representing organizational reality in conceptual models is an important part of IS practice. In this paper we expose and challenge the taken-for-granted ontological and epistemological assumptions that underpin common accounts of conceptual modeling, using process modeling as an example. We argue that, due to an implicit commitment to a dualist ontology and representationalist epistemology, much literature regards the elicitation and representation of reality in the course of modeling as largely unproblematic. We draw on Martin Heidegger's holistic philosophy to give an (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Speculative Realism.Ray Brassier, Iain Hamilton Grant, Graham Harman & Quentin Meillassoux - 2007 - Collapse:306-449.
  19.  44
    Liberty, Equality, Honor.William Kristol - 1984 - Social Philosophy and Policy 2 (1):125.
    As today's battles rage between those who march under the banner of liberty and those who unfurl the flag of equality, even an engaged partisan might be forgiven for occasionally wondering whether the game is, after all, worth the candle. For one thing, neither party simply rejects the other's principle – properly understood. Egalitarians routinely emphasize that their concern for equality is, also, a concern for true liberty; thus Michael Walzer, writing “In Defense of Equality,” finds it “worth stressing that (...)
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    Rhetoric Reclaimed: Aristotle and the Liberal Arts Tradition (review).Lawrence William Rosenfield - 2000 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 33 (1):94-96.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 33.1 (2000) 94-96 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Rhetoric Reclaimed: Aristotle and the Liberal Arts Tradition Rhetoric Reclaimed: Aristotle and the Liberal Arts Tradition. Janet M. Atwill. London: Cornell University Press, 1998. Pp. xvi + 235. $35.00 hard cover. Much like Weimar, Germany, American civil society has been buffeted for a half-century by both the lunatic right, hiding behind the mask of religious freedom, and (...)
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  21.  95
    Do houseflies think? Patterns of induction and biological beliefs in development. [REVIEW]Grant Gutheil, Alonzo Vera & Frank C. Keil - 1998 - Cognition 66 (1):33-49.
  22.  10
    The Hero in the Mirror: From Fear to Fortitude.Sue Grand - 2009 - Routledge.
    In times of stress, trauma and crisis—whether on a personal or global scale—it can be all too easy for us to externalize a larger-than-life figure who can assuage our suffering, a Hero who comes to the fore even as we recede into the background. In taking on our collective burden, however, such an omnipotent Hero can actually undermine us, representing as it does the very same characteristics we fail to note in one another. By granting the Hero to power (...)
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  23. Embedded EthiCS: Integrating Ethics Across CS Education.Barbara J. Grosz, David Gray Grant, Kate Vredenburgh, Jeff Behrends, Lily Hu, Alison Simmons & Jim Waldo - 2019 - Communications of the Acm 62 (8):54-61.
    The particular design of any technology may have profound social implications. Computing technologies are deeply intermeshed with the activities of daily life, playing an ever more central role in how we work, learn, communicate, socialize, and participate in government. Despite the many ways they have improved life, they cannot be regarded as unambiguously beneficial or even value-neutral. Recent experience shows they can lead to unintended but harmful consequences. Some technologies are thought to threaten democracy through the spread of propaganda on (...)
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  24.  85
    Corporations and Citizenship Arenas in the Age of Social Media.Glen Whelan, Jeremy Moon & Bettina Grant - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (4):777-790.
    Little attention has been paid to the importance of social media in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature. This deficit is redressed in the present paper through utilizing the notion of ‘citizenship arenas’ to identify three dynamics in social media-augmented corporate–society relations. First, we note that social media-augmented ‘corporate arenas of citizenship’ are constructed by individual corporations in an effort to address CSR issues of specific importance thereto, and are populated by individual citizens as well as (functional/formally organized) stakeholders. Second, (...)
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  25.  81
    The proximate-ultimate distinction and the active role of the organism in evolution.Bendik Hellem Aaby & Grant Ramsey - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (4):1-20.
    The validity and utility of the proximate-ultimate distinction in biology have recently been under debate. Opponents of the distinction argue that it rules out individual-level organismic processes from evolutionary explanations, thereby leading to an unfounded separation between organismic causation and evolutionary causation. Proponents of the proximate-ultimate distinction, on the other hand, argue that it serves an important epistemological role in forming different kinds of explanation-seeking questions in biology. In this paper we offer an interpretation the proximate-ultimate distinction not only as (...)
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  26.  42
    Factor structure and validation of the attentional control scale.Matt R. Judah, DeMond M. Grant, Adam C. Mills & William V. Lechner - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (3):433-451.
  27.  57
    Working as Equals: Relational Egalitarianism and the Workplace.Julian David Jonker & Grant J. Rozeboom (eds.) - 2023 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Are hierarchical arrangements in the workplace, including the employer-employee relationship, consistent with the ideal of relating to one another as moral equals? With this question at its core, this volume of essays by leading moral and political philosophers explores ideas about justice in the workplace, contributing to both political philosophy and business ethics. Relational egalitarians propose that the ideal of equality is primarily an ideal of social relationships and view the equality of social relationships as having priority over the distributive (...)
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  28.  55
    Retractions in the medical literature: how can patients be protected from risk?R. Grant Steen - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (4):228-232.
    Background Medical research so flawed as to be retracted may put patients at risk by influencing treatments. Objective To explore hypotheses that more patients are put at risk if a retracted paper appears in a journal with a high impact factor (IF) so that the paper is widely read; is written by a ‘repeat offender’ author who has produced other retracted research; or is a clinical trial. Methods English language papers (n=788) retracted from the PubMed database between 2000 and 2010 (...)
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    ‘No Strings Attached’: Welcoming the Existential Gift in Business.Sandrine Frémeaux & Grant Michelson - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (1):63-75.
    Social relations are predominantly influenced by an exchange paradigm whereby the logic of reciprocity shapes behaviour. If the notion of exchange instrumentalism is common across different business disciplines, this does not deny attempts – such as through gift exchange theory – to present different conceptions of traditional exchange-based relations. Gift exchange theory appears promising as it seeks to establish more meaning and significance to the nature and context of exchange relations between human actors or parties. The underlying processes may be (...)
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  30.  92
    What the ravens really teach us : the intrinsic contextuality of evidence.Hasok Chang & Grant Fisher - 2011 - In Philip Dawid, William Twining & Mimi Vasilaki, Evidence, Inference and Enquiry. Oxford: Oup/British Academy.
    This chapter advances a contextual view of evidence, through a reconsideration of Hempel's paradox of confirmation. The initial view regarding Hempel's paradox is that a non-black non-raven does confirm ‘All ravens are black’, but only in certain contexts. The chapter begins by reformulating the paradox as a puzzle about how the same entity can have variable evidential values for a given proposition. It then offers a three-stage solution to the reformulated paradox. The situation makes better sense when we reach a (...)
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  31.  59
    Legal Protection, Corruption and Private Equity Returns in Asia.Douglas Cumming, Grant Fleming, Sofia Johan & Mai Takeuchi - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (S2):173 - 193.
    This article examines how private equity returns in Asia are related to levels of legal protection and corruption. We utilize a unique data set comprising over 750 returns to private equity transactions across 20 developing and developed countries in Asia. The data indicate that legal protections are an important determinant of private equity returns in Asia, but also that private equity managers are able to mitigate the potential for corruption. The quality of legal system (including legal protections) is positively related (...)
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  32. Is Corporate Social Responsibility Performance Associated with Tax Avoidance?Roman Lanis & Grant Richardson - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):439-457.
    This study examines whether corporate social responsibility performance is associated with corporate tax avoidance. Employing a matched sample of 434 firm-year observations from the Kinder, Lydenberg, and Domini database over the period 2003–2009, our logit regression results show that the higher the level of CSR performance of a firm, the lower the likelihood of tax avoidance. Our results indicate that more socially responsible firms are likely to display less tax avoidance. Finally, the results from our additional analysis show that the (...)
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  33.  37
    Working memory load moderates late attentional bias in social anxiety.Matt R. Judah, DeMond M. Grant, William V. Lechner & Adam C. Mills - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (3):502-511.
  34.  33
    Delay of positive reinforcement in instrumental eyelid conditioning.Louise E. Cerekwicki & David A. Grant - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (3):360.
  35.  30
    Memory types of colorado pupils.Will Grant Chambers - 1906 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 3 (9):231-234.
  36.  24
    Augustus to Constantine: The Thrust of the Christian Movement into the Roman World.Erich S. Gruen & Robert M. Grant - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (1):190.
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    Rethinking metalinguistic awareness: representing and accessing knowledge about what counts as a word.Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Julia Grant, Kerry Sims, Marie-Claude Jones & Pat Cuckle - 1996 - Cognition 58 (2):197-219.
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    Moral insanity and practical reason.Carl Elliott & Grant Gillett - 1992 - Philosophical Psychology 5 (1):53 – 67.
    The psychopathic personality disorder historically has been thought to include an insensitivity to morality. Some have thought that the psychopath's insensitivity indicates that he does not understand morality, but the relationship between the psychopath's defects and moral understanding has been unclear. We attempt to clarify this relationship, first by arguing that moral understanding is incomplete without concern for morality, and second, by showing that the psychopath demonstrates defects in frontal lobe activity which indicate impaired attention and adaptation to environmental conditions (...)
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  39.  29
    Learning from Greek Philosophers: The Foundations and Structural Conditions of Ethical Training in Business Schools.Sandrine Frémeaux, Grant Michelson & Christine Noël-Lemaitre - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):231-243.
    There is an extensive body of work that has previously examined the teaching of ethics in business schools whereby it is hoped that the values and behaviours of students might be provoked to show positive and enduring change. Rather than dealing with the content issues of particular business ethics courses per se, this article explores the philosophical foundations and the structural conditions for developing ethical training programs in business schools. It is informed by historical analysis, specifically, an examination of Platonic (...)
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  40.  52
    Ethical considerations for performing decompressive craniectomy as a life-saving intervention for severe traumatic brain injury.Stephen Honeybul, Grant Gillett, Kwok Ho & Christopher Lind - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (11):657-661.
    In all fields of clinical medicine, there is an increasing awareness that outcome must be assessed in terms of quality of life and cost effectiveness, rather than merely length of survival. This is especially the case when considering decompressive craniectomy for severe traumatic brain injury. The procedure itself is technically straightforward and involves temporarily removing a large section of the skull vault in order to provide extra space into which the injured brain can expand. A number of studies have demonstrated (...)
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  41. Alternative Funding Models Might Perpetuate Black-White Funding Gaps.Carole J. Lee, Sheridan Grant & Elena A. Erosheva - 2020 - The Lancet 396:955-6.
    The White Coats for Black Lives and #ShutDownSTEM movements have galvanised biomedical practitioners and researchers to eliminate institutional and systematic racism, including barriers faced by Black researchers in biomedicine and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. In our study on Black–White funding gaps for National Institutes of Health Research Project grants, we found that the overall award rate for Black applicants is 55% of that for white applicants. How can systems for allocating research grant funding be made more fair while (...)
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  42.  51
    Representation, Meaning, and Thought.Kent Bach & Grant Gillett - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (3):544.
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    NIH Peer Review: Criterion Scores Completely Account for Racial Disparities in Overall Impact Scores.Elena A. Erosheva, Sheridan Grant, Mei-Ching Chen, Mark D. Lindner, Richard K. Nakamura & Carole J. Lee - 2020 - Science Advances 6 (23):DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz4868.
    Previous research has found that funding disparities are driven by applications’ final impact scores and that only a portion of the black/white funding gap can be explained by bibliometrics and topic choice. Using National Institutes of Health R01 applications for council years 2014–2016, we examine assigned reviewers’ preliminary overall impact and criterion scores to evaluate whether racial disparities in impact scores can be explained by application and applicant characteristics. We hypothesize that differences in commensuration—the process of combining criterion scores into (...)
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  44. Impugning Randomness, Convincingly.Yuri Gurevich & Grant Olney Passmore - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (1-2):193-222.
    John organized a state lottery and his wife won the main prize. You may feel that the event of her winning wasn’t particularly random, but how would you argue that in a fair court of law? Traditional probability theory does not even have the notion of random events. Algorithmic information theory does, but it is not applicable to real-world scenarios like the lottery one. We attempt to rectify that.
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  45. The state of nature, prehistory, and mythmaking.Karl Widerquist & Grant S. McCall - 2022 - In Mark Somos & Anne Peters, The state of nature: histories of an idea. Boston: Brill Nijhoff. pp. 399-421.
    Abstract: The State of Nature, Prehistory, and Mythmaking Karl Widerquist This chapter provide an overview of two books, in which Grant S. McCall and I name, define, and debunk the following false claims that still play important roles in contemporary political theories although they are not always defined and defended explicitly: 1. The Hobbesian hypothesis: sovereign states and/or the liberal private property rights system benefits everyone (or at least harms no one) relative to how well they could reasonably expect (...)
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  46. Aquinas on How God Causes the Act of Sin without Causing Sin Itself.W. Matthews Grant - 2009 - The Thomist 73 (3):455-496.
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  47. Moral responsibility, consciousness and psychiatry.John McMillan & Grant R. Gillett - 2005 - Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 39 (11):1018-1021.
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    Nervous Disorders and Character: A Study in Pastoral Psychology and Psychotherapy.John Grant McKenzie - 1999 - Routledge.
    First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  49. Consent as Empowerment: The Roles of Postmodern and Narrative Ethics.John Mcmillan & Grant Gillett - 2002 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Donna Dickenson & Thomas H. Murray, Healthcare Ethics and Human Values: An Introductory Text with Readings and Case Studies. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Integrated biosystems for resource conservation in rural industries: an Australian experience.J. McNeill, R. G. Grant & A. van der Meulen - 2005 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 9:23-31.
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