Results for 'Good and evil in literature'

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  1.  8
    Good and evil in the garden of art: discrimination as the guarantor of civilization.Anthony Daniels - 2016 - New York, New York: Criterion Books.
    Anthony Daniels tackles the complex relation between good and bad art on the one hand and good and bad ideas on the other. He contrasts authors or artists whom he considers good with those he considers bad, and tries to explain why his opinion is not merely a matter of individual taste but is based upon reason as well. He argues judgment and discrimination (between good and bad, beautiful and ugly) are intrinsic to any conceivable human (...)
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    Moira: Fate, Good, and Evil in Greek Thought.William Chase Greene - 1944 - Harvard University Press.
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    Systematizing evil in literature: twelve models for the analysis of narrative fiction.Daniel Candel - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (242):141-168.
    While there are interesting connections between literature and evil, there is as of yet no systematic collection of models of evil to study literature. This is problematic, since literature is among other things an evaluative discourse and the most basic evaluative category is the polarity of good versus evil. In addition, evil shows important affinities with basic narratological principles. To initiate a discussion of models of evil for the analysis of (...), this article organizes a dozen models of evil into four groups. The first consists of a core model which coincides with basic narratological elements in character analysis and narrative tension. The second group contains two pre-modern models of evil, defilement and moral-natural evil. The third group takes its cue from personality theory and proposes the five-factor model of personality and an enriched “dark triad,” and, to balance description against narration, a model which categorizes kinds of murder. The last group organizes six models around the thematic opposition between nature and society, an opposition which forms the backbone of Western philosophy and narrative. To test their validity, the models are applied to a series of literary examples/characters, above all Grendel, Browning’s “My Last Duchess,” and Carol Oates’ short story “Heat.”. (shrink)
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    The Dialectics of Good and Evil as the Main Problem of Philosophical-Ethical Cognition.L. M. Arkhangel'skii - 1984 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 22 (4):54-71.
    Good and evil are the most general ethical categories from which we can get our bearings in the fundamental philosophical and normative problems of ethics. In the contemporary scholarly literature the interpretation of the good is multifunctional. Good is regarded as a model of morality, as the most general moral requirement or most general moral evaluation, and finally as a practical norm, i.e., a requirement embodied in moral experience, as a unity of the objective and (...)
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    Return to Good and Evil: Flannery O'connor's Response to Nihilism.Henry T. Edmondson & Marion Montgomery - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    Return to Good and Evil: Flannery O'Connor's Response to Nihilism is a superb guide to the works of Flannery O'Connor; and like O'Connor's stories themselves, it is captivating, provocative, and unsettling. Edmondson organizes O'Connor's thought around her principal concern, that with the nihilistic claim that "God is dead" the traditional signposts of good and evil have been lost. Edmondson's book demonstrates that the combination of O'Connor's artistic brilliance and philosophical genius provide the best response to the (...)
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    Evil in contemporary French and francophone literature.Scott M. Powers (ed.) - 2011 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Evil remains a primary source of inquiry in contemporary literature of French expression, even among its most secular writers. In considering French-speaking authors from France, Belgium, the United States, the Maghreb, and Sub-Saharan Africa, this collection delineates a rich international perspective on some of the most disturbing events of our time. Each essay testifies to the urgency expressed in works of fiction to give an account of human catastrophes, from the Shoah and the Rwandan genocide to the terrorist (...)
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  7. Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil: A Reader's Guide.Keith Ansell-Pearson & Christa Davis Acampora - unknown
    This book presents a student-friendly introduction to one of Nietzsche's most widely-read and studied texts. "Beyond Good and Evil" contains Nietzsche's mature philosophy of the free spirit. Although it is one of his most widely read texts, it is a notoriously difficult piece of philosophical writing. The authors demonstrate in clear and precise terms why it is to be regarded as Nietzsche's philosophical masterpiece and the work of a revolutionary genius. This "Reader's Guide" is the ideal companion to (...)
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    Worldview guide: Beyond good and evil.Brian Brown - 2021 - Moscow, Idaho: Canon Press.
    "Nietzsche is infuriatingly difficult to comprehend as he sets to tearing down every scaffold left from the old world. Beyond Good and Evil represents Nietzsche in his maturity, being written later in life. It is also some of his clearest writing since it is intentionally polemical. None of his writing is known particularly for its moderation, but Beyond Good and Evil is written as an assault on half-hearted philosophers who are still playing about with the old (...)
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    The struggle in man between good and evil: an inquiry into the origin of the Rabbinic concept of yeṣer haraʾ.Cohen Stuart & H. G. - 1984 - Kampen: J.H. Kok.
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    Messiahs and Machiavellians: Depicting Evil in the Modern Theatre.Paul Corey - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    _Messiahs and Machiavellians_ is an innovative exploration of “modern evil” in works of early- and late-modern theatre, raising issues about ethics, politics, religion, and aesthetics that speak to our present condition. Paul Corey examines how theatre—which expressed a key political dynamic both in the Renaissance and the twentieth century—lays open the impulses that instigated modernity and, ultimately, unparalleled levels of violence and destruction. Starting with Albert Camus’ _Caligula_ and Samuel Beckett’s _Waiting for Godot_, then turning to Machiavelli’s _Mandragola_ and (...)
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    Emotions, norms, and consequences as the forces of good and evil: An investigation on sales professionals.Mücahid Yıldırım & Şuayıp Özdemir - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (4):828-846.
    Traditionally, the consequences of employees' behavior (teleology) and the norms attributed to the behavior (deontology) have been two familiar determinants of ethical decision making (EDM). More recently, emotions have also gained considerable attention for their ability to affect EDM. Marketing ethics literature overlooks how emotions are related with norms and consequences. Hence, this study investigates how normative, consequentialist, and emotional factors interactively influence EDM in a sales ethics context. Using scenarios with a 2 × 2 between-groups factorial design, we (...)
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    Thinking in literature: on the fascination and power of aesthetic ideas.Günter Blamberger - 2021 - Paderborn: Brill / Wilhelm Fink. Edited by Joel Golb.
    M'illumino/d'immenso - I'm lit/with immensity is Geoffrey Brock's translation of Giuseppe Ungaretti's poem Mattina. In the poem's minimalism, Ungaretti points to the maximal: the richness of poetry's expressive possibilities and the power of thinking in literature. This book addresses the fascination of readers to transcend the boundaries of their own in fiction, and literature's capacity, according to Kant, even to evoke, with the help of the development of aesthetic ideas, representations that exceed what is empirically and conceptually graspable (...)
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    Good and evil in the garden of democracy.Rodney Wallace Kennedy - 2023 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Democracy faces threats from an emerging right-wing movement in democratic governments around the world. This may be even more prevalent in the United States because there is an evil that uses rhetorical tropes to undermine the anchor institutions of democracy: press, courts, universities, and Congress. This evil has a personification--former President Donald Trump. All the rhetorical critiques of Trump, that he is a demagogue, an authoritarian, a serial liar, a populist on steroids, fail to take into account the (...)
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    Confronting Evil: the psychology of secularization in modern French literature.Scott M. Powers - 2016 - West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press.
    Cover -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Chapter One: Writing against Theodicy: Secularization in Baudelaire's Poetry and Critical Essays -- Chapter Two: The Mourning of God and the Ironies of Secularization in Baudelaire's Le Spleen de Paris -- Chapter Three: Sublimation and Conversion in Zola and Huysmans -- Chapter Four: The Staging of Doubt: Zola and Huysmans on Lourdes -- Chapter Five: Religious and Secular Conversions: Transformations in Céline's Medical Perspective on Evil -- Conclusion (...)
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    Mis/representing evil: evil in an interdisciplinary key.Charlene P. E. Burns (ed.) - 2009 - Freeland: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
  16. Good and Evil in Human Acts.Daniel Westberg - 2002 - In Stephen J. Pope (ed.), The Ethics of Aquinas. Georgetown University Press. pp. 90--102.
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  17.  27
    Does computing need to go beyond good and evil impacts?Randy Connolly & Alan Fedoruk - 2015 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 13 (3/4):190-204.
    Purpose– This paper aims to demonstrate that computing social issues courses are often being taught by articulating the social impacts of different computer technologies and then applying moral theories to those impacts. It then argues that that approach has a number of serious drawbacks.Design/methodology/approach– A bibliometric analysis of ETHICOMP papers is carried out. Papers from early in the history of ETHICOMP are compared to recent years, so as to determine if papers are more or less focused on social scientific examinations (...)
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    Good and Evil in Human Nature.C. Athanasopoulos - 2000 - Philosophical Inquiry 22 (3):103-115.
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  19. Good and Evil in Chinese Philosophy.C. Chan - 1997 - The Philosopher 85 (2).
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    Good and evil in Jewish thought.Shalom Rosenberg - 1989 - Tel Aviv: MOD Books.
    This discussion of Jewish philosophy, covers the complex issue of good and evil in the context of classical Jewish thought.
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  21. Good and evil in The Green Knight.Newton Garver - 2005 - In Elizabeth D. Boepple (ed.), Sui generis: essays presented to Richard Thompson Hull on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.
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    Good and Evil in Recent Discussions - Good and Evil in Virtue Ethics.Katja Maria Vogt & Jens Haas - 2022 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 5 (1):83-88.
    Talk about evil resonates in ways that are culturally inherited. Historical and religious dimensions of “evil” often seem to be front and center. Nevertheless, we argue that it would be too quick to dismiss the study of evil within secular ethics. We defend an outlook that is inspired by ancient ethics—also called virtue ethics—which accepts the so-called Guise of the Good account of motivation. For an agent to be motivated to perform an action, something about the (...)
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    Good and Evil in Recent Discussion: The Priority of Good and the Rationality of Evil.Jörg Noller - 2022 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 5 (1):89-92.
    This paper develops a critical account of evil. By referring to Kant’s moral philosophy, I argue that evil actions have reasons and cannot be explained in terms of a lack of reason. However, these reasons of evil are not obvious but rather forms of rational self-deception. I therefore argue that the phenomenon of evil is complex and involves three dimensions: activity, reasons, and deception.
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    Philosophical Parallelisms in Six English Novelists: The Conception of Good, Evil, and Human Nature.George Rogers Swann - 1929 - R. West.
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    Don Quijote and the Law of Literature.Carl Good - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (2):44-67.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Don Quijote and the Law of LiteratureCarl Good (bio)The part is one of these beings, the whole minus this part the other. But the whole minus a part is not the whole and as long as this relationship persists, there is no whole, only two unequal parts.—Rousseau, Social Contract, cited by Paul de Man in Allegories of ReadingBut it is not just that, because it is also a (...)
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    Philosophical conceptualization of evil in the ethical space of Confucianism.Ковалев А.А Александров А.И. - 2021 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 1:30-41.
    The subject of this research is the philosophical conceptualization of evil in the Confucianism. This goal is achieved by solving the following tasks: 1) assessment of Confucianism as a synthesis of the philosophical views of Confucius and Mencius; 2) determination of good and evil as the contrasting concepts in the ethical space, which is based on the ideal of a “person of high nature” Junzi and the real world of a “petty person"; 3) evaluation of evil (...)
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    Good and Evil in the Life and Work of Edith Stein.Freda Mary Oben - 2000 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 3 (1):177-196.
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    Shadows and the dark: the problems of suffering and evil.John Cowburn - 1979 - London: SCM Press.
    Those daunted by the massive theology of the classic modern treatment of the problem of evil, John Hick's Evil and the God of Love, will find here a compelling alternative. With a wealth of vivid imagery, and illustrations from experience and literature, as well as theology and history, John Cowburn explores the problems caused by the existence of pain, suffering and evil and suggests how they may be understood and countered. Crucial to his argument is a (...)
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    Evil children in the popular imagination.Karen J. Renner - 2016 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Focusing on narratives with supernatural components, Karen J. Renner argues that the recent proliferation of stories about evil children demonstrates not a declining faith in the innocence of childhood but a desire to preserve its purity. From novels to music videos, photography to video games, the evil child haunts a range of texts and comes in a variety of forms, including changelings, ferals, and monstrous newborns. In this book, Renner illustrates how each subtype offers a different explanation for (...)
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    The problem of good and evil in the philosophy of I.A. Ilyiin.V. A. Tsvyk - 2017 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):293-304.
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    Moira — Fate, Good and Evil in Greek Thought By William Chase Greene.William Richard Tongue - 1964 - Franciscan Studies 6 (1):126-129.
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    Moira. Fate, Good, and Evil in Greek Thought.Kurt von Fritz & William Chase Greene - 1945 - American Journal of Philology 66 (4):417.
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  33. Between Good And Evil. Agathology In The Context Of Faith And Reason.Jan Wadowski - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 7 (2):101-122.
    The article is an attempt to outline a new paradigm of thinking, contained in the dialogical “you are.” Józef Tischner creatively developed ideas of Buber and Levinas. He claimed that in the face of “death of a man” there is a need to search for new ways of rescuing our humanity. The philosophy of drama starts from a question, which is a “cry of pain” in the presence of evil. A man — according to Nietzsche’s discovery — looks for (...)
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    Moira. Fate, Good and Evil, in Greek Thought. William Chase Greene.Aubrey Diller - 1947 - Isis 37 (1/2):98-99.
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    Good and Evil in Recent Discussion: Defending the Concept of Evil.Luke Russell - 2022 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 5 (1):77-82.
    This paper addresses the question of whether the concept of evil is philosophically adequate. It sets out a secular conception of evil that is sufficiently clear to be used in philosophical theorising. Evil, so conceived, is not merely a fiction or an illusion, but is a moral property possessed by some actions and some persons in the real world. While several philosophers have claimed that it is inescapably dangerous to use the concept of evil, the reality (...)
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    Moral and Criminal Responsibilities for Free Choice between Good and Evil in the Philosophy of Chŏng Yakyong, with Reference to Matteo Ricci.Jongwoo Yi - 2023 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 15 (3):195-207.
    Humans must take moral and criminal responsibility for making a free choice between good and evil, according to Chŏng Yakyong, and this view was influenced by Matteo Ricci. Choosing to commit an evil action means committing a willful crime, so one must take responsibility for this action in the form of punishment. However, unintentional wrongdoings can be forgiven. For example, a man stealing to survive or killing a robber in order to live should not be punished, because (...)
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  37. Good and evil in indian buddhism: The five sins of immediate retribution. [REVIEW]Jonathan A. Silk - 2007 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 35 (3):253-286.
    Indian Buddhist sources speak of five sins of immediate retribution: murder of mother, father, an arhat, drawing the blood of a buddha, and creating a schism in the monastic community. This category provides the paradigm for sinfulness in Buddhism. Yet even these sins can and will, be expiated in the long run, demonstrating the overwhelmingly positive nature of Buddhist ethics.
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  38. Good and Evil: An Absolute Conception.Raimond Gaita - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    Raimond Gaita's _Good and Evil_ is one of the most important, original and provocative books on the nature of morality to have been published in recent years. It is essential reading for anyone interested in what it means to talk about good and evil. Gaita argues that questions about morality are inseparable from the preciousness of each human being, an issue we can only address if we place the idea of remorse at the centre of moral life. Drawing (...)
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    Kant, Schopenhauer, Saul Bellow: Evil in Mr. Sammler's Planet.Sukhbir Singh - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (1A):280-316.
    “In evil as in art there was illumination.”Evil has been an enchanting subject with writers since time immemorial. For the Romans and Greeks, miasma or moral contamination in society was an anathema. They therefore ardently contested evil in their social life and literary works as an unnatural pollutant in an otherwise unblemished creation of the Almighty. Their vision of society was exclusive of evil and hence Oedipus and Medea were banished from their respective states for posing (...)
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    Good and Evil in Recent Discussion – Introductory Comments.Martin Hähnel - 2022 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 5 (1):75-76.
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    In search of goodness.Ruth Weissbourd Grant (ed.) - 2011 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    The recent spate of books and articles reflecting on the question of evil might make one forget that the question of just what constitutes goodness is no less urgent or perplexing. Everyone wants to think of him- or herself as good. But what does a good life look like? And how do people become good? Are there multiple, competing possibilities for what counts as a good life, all equally worthy? Or, is there a unified and (...)
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  42. Beyond Good and Evil / on the Genealogy of Morality: Volume 8.Keith Ansell-Pearson (ed.) - 2014 - Stanford University Press.
    _Beyond Good and Evil_ is Nietzsche's first sustained philosophical treatment of issues important to him. Unlike the expository prose of the essayistic period, the stylized forays and jabs of the aphoristic period, and the lyrical-philosophical rhetoric of the Zarathustra-period, _Beyond Good and Evil_ inscribes itself boldly into the history of philosophy, challenging ancient and modern notions of philosophy's achievements and insisting on a new task for "new philosophers." This is a watershed book for Nietzsche and for philosophy in (...)
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  43. Good and evil.Richard Taylor - 1984 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    The discussion of good and evil must not be confined to the sterile lecture halls of academics but related instead to ordinary human feelings, needs, and desires, says noted philosopher Richard Taylor. Efforts to understand morality by exploring human reason will always fail because we are creatures of desire as well. All morality arises from our intense and inescapable longing. The distinction between good and evil is always clouded by rationalists who convert the real problems of (...)
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  44. Silencing Theodicy with Enthusiasm: Aesthetic Experience as a Response to the Problem of Evil in Shaftesbury, Annie Dillard, and the Book of Job.John McAteer - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (5):788-795.
    The problem of evil is not only a logical problem about God's goodness but also an existential problem about the sense of God's presence, which the Biblical book of Job conceives as a problem of aesthetic experience. Thus, just as theism can be grounded in religious experience, atheism can be grounded in experience of evil. This phenomenon is illustrated by two contrasting literary descriptions of aesthetic experience by Jean-Paul Sartre and Annie Dillard. I illuminate both of these literary (...)
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    On the search for sources of good and evil in the Lvov-Warsaw School of Philosophy.Stefan Konstańczak - 2019 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 9 (1-2):37-45.
    In this article, the author attempts to identify the sources of good and evil as undertaken by the Lvov-Warsaw School of Philosophy (LWSP) founded by Kazimierz Twardowski. Such attempts were undertaken by both Twardowski himself and his closest students and associates; Władysław Witwicki, Tadeusz Kotarbiński. Tadeusz Czeżowski, and Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz. The best-known approach is Kotarbiński’s independent ethics in which the author refers to Aristotle perceiving such potential in the characteristics of each individual as to distinguish elementary qualities in (...)
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  46. Discernment of Good and Evil in Dostoevsky’s Novels: The Madman and the Saint.Christoph Schneider - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (4):117-137.
    This article discusses madness and saintliness in Dostoevsky’s novels and investigates how the madman and the saint discern between good and evil. I first explore the metaphysical, spiritual, and moral universe of Dostoevsky’s characters by drawing on William Desmond’s philosophy of the between. Second, I argue that the madman’s misconstrual of reality can be grasped as an idolatrous, divisive, and parodic imitation of the good. Third, I reflect on disembodied discernment. In some cases, due to the weakness (...)
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    "A World Against Itself": The Dynamics of Good Nature and Virtue in Henry Fielding's Plays.Amel Ben Ahmed - 2019 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 21 (2):177-196.
    In the eighteenth-century England, the aesthetic vision of most contemporary writers of the time was closely related to the social, political and religious system of belief. Augustan writers, satirists particularly, sought to reclaim for literature the morally privileged status, they thought, it supposedly held in the context of the Latitudinarian system of thought; the very rationale behind the ethic of good nature that distinguishes major writings of the time, namely the dramatic, journalistic and fictional works of the major (...)
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    A Dialogue on the Good and Evil Bivalence in the Study of Ethics: On François Flahault and Nishida Kitarō.Dennis Stromback - 2022 - Journal of World Philosophies 7 (1):29-42.
    pThis article seeks to demonstrate how a dialogue between literary theorist and psychoanalyst François Flahault and Kyoto School philosopher Nishida Kitarō can be mutually beneficial in the service of building an account of good and evil that contributes to discourses in ethics. Although Flahault and Nishida share a similar commitment to disrupt the dichotomy between good and evil in the effort to liberate subjectivity, they diverge in terms of how their accounts relate subjectivity to the processes (...)
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    Good and Evil: Quaker Perspectives.Jackie Leach Scully & Pink Dandelion - 2007 - Routledge.
    In this multi-disciplinary collection, we ask the question, 'What did, and do, Quakers think about good and evil?' There are no simple or straightforwardly uniform answers to this, but in this collection, we draw together contributions that for the first time look at historical and contemporary Quakerdom's approach to the ethical and theological problem of evil and good. Within Quakerism can be found Liberal, Conservative, and Evangelical forms. This book uncovers the complex development of metaethical thought (...)
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  50. Moira: Fate, Good, and Evil in Greek Thought. [REVIEW]Philip Wheelwright - 1945 - Philosophical Review 54 (3):282-285.
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