Results for 'God History of doctrines'

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  1.  11
    Histories of the hidden God: concealment and revelation in Western Gnostic, esoteric, and mystical traditions.April D. De Conick & Grant Adamson (eds.) - 2013 - Durham [England]: Acumen Publishing.
    In Western religious traditions, God is conventionally conceived as a humanlike creator, lawgiver, and king, a being both accessible and actively present in history. Yet there is a concurrent tradition of a God who actively hides, leading to a tension between a God who is simultaneously accessible and yet inaccessible, both immanent and transcendent, present and absent. Western Gnostic, esoteric, and mystical thinking capitalizes on the hidden and hiding God. Histories of the Hidden God explores this tradition from antiquity (...)
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    A history of the concept of God: a process approach.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 2016 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    A history of the concept of God through the lens of process thought.
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    A history of God: the 4000-year quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.Karen Armstrong - 1993 - New York: Gramercy Books.
    Over 700,000 copies of the original hardcover and paperback editions of this stunningly popular book have been sold. Karen Armstrong's superbly readable exploration of how the three dominant monotheistic religions of the world—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—have shaped and altered the conception of God is a tour de force. One of Britain's foremost commentators on religious affairs, Armstrong traces the history of how men and women have perceived and experienced God, from the time of Abraham to the present. From classical (...)
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    History of the one God.John Milbank - 1997 - Heythrop Journal 38 (4):371–400.
    The article discusses the history of monotheism from the earliest times to the present. It begins with arguments against the notion of monotheists as an evolutionarily early stage in religion and then proceeds to characterize monotheism in the Old testament. The view that there was every a pre‐monotheistic phase of one ‘national God’ is called into question, along with the priority of the ‘God of history’ over the creator God. Association of the divine with social justice is shown (...)
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    The many faces of God: highways and byways on the route towards an orthodox image of God in the history of Christianity from the first to the seventeenth century.J. J. F. Durand - 2007 - Stellenbosch [South Africa]: Sun Press.
    LANDSCAPING THE HUMAN SOUL In 1996 Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with stage-four testicular cancer. Doctors gave him a forty percent chance of survival. ...
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    Doctrines of God and Christ in the early church.Everett Ferguson (ed.) - 1951 - New York: Garland.
    An integrated overview of history The volume in this series are arranged topically to cover biography, literature, doctrines, practices, institutions, worship, missions, and daily life. Archaeology and art as well as writings are drawn on to illuminate the Christian movement in its early centuries. Ample attention is also given to the relation of Christianity to pagan thought and life, to the Roman state, to Judaism, and to doctrines and practices that came to be judged as heretical or (...)
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  7. The doctrine of God and the crisis of modernity.Jared Michelson - 2025 - New York: T&T Clark.
    Michelson traces contemporary debates on the doctrine of God back in time to the philosophical critiques of Hume and Kant. Charnock, Schleiermacher and Barth each offered accounts of the doctrine of God. This book offers a critical evaluation of these accounts and demonstrates how they were responding to early modern critiques of the possibility of knowing God. Indeed, this work also highlights how these critics built their arguments on faulty interpretations of classical theological tradition. In doing so, this book carves (...)
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    Nature & nature's God: a philosophical and scientific defense of aquinas's unmoved mover argument.Daniel Shields - 2023 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America.
    Aquinas' first proof for God's existence is usually interpreted as a metaphysical argument immune to any objections coming from empirical science. Connections to Aquinas' own historical understanding of physics and cosmology are ignored or downplayed. Nature and Nature's God proposes a natural philosophical interpretation of Aquinas' argument more sensitive to the broader context of Aquinas' work and yielding a more historically accurate account of the argument. Paradoxically, the book also shows that, on such an interpretation, Aquinas' argument is not only (...)
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  9.  34
    The doctrine of the Trinity: God's being is in becoming.Eberhard Jüngel - 1976 - Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press.
    Well-known in Germany for its insightful contribution to the ongoing discussion among theologians today about the being of God, this creative effort by Professor Jüngel, now in translation, aims at recovering an authentically trinitarian statement of the issue, structured along the lines of Karl Barth's discussion in "Church dogmatics".
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    Karl Barth's dialogue with Catholicism in Göttingen and Münster: its significance for his doctrine of God.Amy Marga - 2010 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Amy Marga studies Karl Barth's early encounter with Roman Catholic theology during the 1920s, especially seen in his seminal set of dogmatic lectures given in..
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    God in process thought: a study in Charles Hartshorne's concept of God.Santiago Sia - 1985 - Boston: M. Nijhoff.
    One of the controversial issQes which have recently come into prominence among philosophers and theologians is how one should understand the term l God. It seems that, despite the fact that a certain idea of God is assumed by not most, people, there is a degree of disagreement over the meaning many, if of the term. "God" is generally taken to refer to a supreme Being, the Creator, who is perfect and self-existent, holy, personal and loving. This understanding of "God" (...)
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  12.  7
    The Philosophy of Hegel as a Doctrine of the Concreteness of God and Humanity: Volume One: The Doctrine of God.Philip T. Grier (ed.) - 2010 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    This translation from Russian of The Philosophy of Hegel as a Doctrine of the Concreteness of God and Humanity marks the first appearance in English of any of the works of Russian philosopher Ivan Aleksandrovich Il’in. Originally published in 1918, on the eve of the Russian civil war, this two- volume commentary on Hegel marked both an apogee of Russian Silver Age philosophy and a significant manifestation of the resurgence of interest in Hegel that began in the early twentieth century. (...)
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    The doctrine of God in reformed orthodoxy, Karl Barth, and the Utrecht School: a study in method and content.Roelf T. Te Velde - 2013 - Boston: Brill.
    In The Doctrine of God Dolf te Velde examines the interaction of method and content in three historically important accounts of the doctrine of God.
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  14.  7
    History of Christian Dogma.Peter C. Hodgson (ed.) - 2014 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume a translation of a mid-nineteenth century work on the history of Christian dogma by Ferdinand Christian Baur, who brilliantly applied Hegelian categories to his historical studies in New Testament, church history, and history of Christian dogma. "Dogma" for him is the rational articulation of the Christian "idea" or principle-the idea that God and humanity are united in Christ and reconciled through the faith of the spiritual community. Baur offers a unique perspective on the whole of (...)
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  15.  3
    To gaze upon God: the beatific vision in doctrine, tradition, and practice.Samuel Parkison - 2024 - Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic an imprint of InterVarsity Press.
    In this volume Samuel Parkison explores the significance of the doctrine of the beatific vision for the life of the church. Engaging in close readings of biblical texts and ancient, medieval, early modern, and modern theologians, Parkison shows that the beatific vision - that ultimate hope of seeing and being in the presence of God - is a central Christian conviction shared across the history of the church. Parkison not only invites readers into the wide-ranging developments of the doctrine, (...)
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  16. God and Greek philosophy: studies in the early history of natural theology.Lloyd P. Gerson - 1990 - New York: Routledge.
    THE PRE-SOCRATIC ORIGINS OF NATURAL THEOLOGY § INTRODUCTION St Augustine informs us that pagan philosophers divided theology into three parts: () civic ...
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    The logic of God.William Clark - 2004 - New York: Hudson Books.
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    Repentance and God's Pardon in Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise: On the Truth of Doctrine 7 of Universal Faith.Dylan Shaul - 2022 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 60 (4):591-608.
    Abstractabstract:This article argues for an interpretation of doctrine 7 of universal faith in Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise—that God pardons the sins of those who repent—that renders it true in the terms set by Spinoza's Ethics. Though categorized in the Ethics as a vice, repentance nevertheless has a positive political function as the lesser of two evils, supplanting the greater evils of unrepentant pride and shamelessness. The philosopher can understand God's pardon as the natural advantage conferred by repentance itself insofar as it (...)
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  19.  58
    Review of The Word Speaks to the Faustian Man, by Som Raj Gupta ; A History of Indian Buddhism, From Samacrkyamuni to Early Mahamacryamacrna, by Hirakawa Akira, trans. and ed. Paul Groner ; The Doctrine of the Upanisads and the Early Buddhism, by Hermann Oldenberg, trans. Shridhar B. Shrotri ; and Evil and the Mystics' God: Towards a Mystical Theodicy, by Michael Stoeber. [REVIEW]A. Herman, Roger Jackson, D. Killingley & Roger Gallie - 1993 - Asian Philosophy 3 (1):55-66.
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    The God of Spinoza: A Philosophical Study.Richard Mason - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is the fullest study in English for many years on the role of God in Spinoza's philosophy. Spinoza has been called both a 'God-intoxicated man' and an atheist, both a pioneer of secular Judaism and a bitter critic of religion. He was born a Jew but chose to live outside any religious community. He was deeply engaged both in traditional Hebrew learning and in contemporary physical science. He identified God with nature or substance: a theme which runs through (...)
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  21.  11
    Becoming and being: the doctrine of God in Charles Hartshorne and Karl Barth.Colin E. Gunton - 1978 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This study presents an analysis and comparison of two influential modern approaches to the doctrine of God that, although in many aspects diametrically oppose each other, have numerous points of contact.
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  22.  10
    The doctrine of God: a global introduction.Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen - 2017 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic.
    In recent years, the doctrine of God has once again become a central focus of theological discussion and debate. Internationally respected scholar Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen offers a global survey of understandings of God in Scripture, Christian history, and contemporary theology. This new edition incorporates developments in theological research over the past decade and has been substantially updated throughout.
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  23.  14
    A Brief History of Skeptical Responses to Evil.T. M. Rudavsky - 2014 - In Justin P. McBrayer & Daniel Howard-Snyder, The Blackwell Companion to The Problem of Evil. Wiley. pp. 377–395.
    In this chapter I trace the historical development of various skeptical responses to the problem of evil, including a position that has come to be known in contemporary circles as “skeptical theism.” Skeptical theists are theists who are skeptical about a human being's ability to make informed judgments about God's intentions based on events/actions in the natural order. I sketch the whole range of skeptical‐type responses to arguments from evil, concentrating upon two interrelated strands in the history of philosophy: (...)
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  24.  22
    The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy (review).Donald Rutherford - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (1):165-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy by Daniel Garber, Michael AyersDonald RutherfordDaniel Garber, Michael Ayers, editors. The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy. 2 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. xii + 1616. Cloth, $175.Over a decade in preparation, this latest addition to the Cambridge History of Philosophy is an enormous achievement—both in its size and the contribution it makes to redefining [End Page 165] (...)
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  25.  18
    The philosophy of Hegel as a doctrine of the concreteness of God and humanity.Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilʹin - 2010 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. Edited by Philip T. Grier.
    Foreword Philip T. Grier The attempt to retrieve a work of scholarship buried under as much historical debris as was IA Il'in's original two-volume commentary on the philosophy of Hegel presented distinct challenges, as well as possible ...
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  26.  13
    God hidden and revealed: the interpretation of Luther's deus absconditus and its significance for religious thought.John Dillenberger - 1953 - Philadelphia: Muhlenberg Press. Edited by Martin Luther.
    Excerpt from God Hidden and Revealed: The Interpretation of Luther's Deus Absconditus and Its Significance for Religious Thought In a conversation with William Adams Brown shortly before his death, he said to me: We have lost the first person of the trinity in contemporary Protestantism and only the second person is left. This statement was surprising, since it came from the lips of one of the leading representatives of the theological school which was largely responsible for the situation he described. (...)
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  27.  36
    God in early Christian thought: essays in memory of Lloyd G. Patterson.L. G. Patterson, Andrew Brian McGowan, Brian E. Daley & Timothy J. Gaden (eds.) - 2009 - Boston: Brill.
    These essays use particular issues, thinkers and texts to engage the question of God in early Christianity.
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  28.  9
    The non-existence of God.Howard R. Burkle - 1969 - [New York]: Herder & Herder.
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  29.  13
    A short history of Islamic thought.Fitzroy Morrissey - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    While much has been written about Islam, particularly over the twenty-five years, few books have explored the full range of the ideas that have defined the faith over a millennium and a half. Fitzroy Morrissey provides a clear and concise introduction to the origins and sources of Islamic thought, from its beginnings in the 7th century to the current moment. He explores the major ideas and introduces the major figures--those who over the centuries have broached life's major questions, from the (...)
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  30.  22
    The problem of God, yesterday and today.John Courtney Murray - 1964 - New Haven,: Yale University Press.
    In an urbane and persuasive tract for our time, the distinguished Catholic theologian combines a comprehensive metaphysics with a sensitivity to contemporary existentialist thought. Father Murray traces the “problem of God” from its origins in the Old Testament, through its development in the Christian Fathers and the definitive statement by Aquinas, to its denial by modern materialism. Students and nonspecialist intellectuals may both benefit by the book, which illuminates the problem of development of doctrine that is now, even more than (...)
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  31.  11
    God's being is in becoming: the trinitarian being of God in the theology of Karl Barth: a paraphrase.Eberhard Jüngel - 2001 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans.
    This volume presents an entirely new translation of Eberhard Jungel's Gottes Sein ist im Werden, published twenty-five years ago as The Doctrine of the Trinity, a brilliant interpretation of Karl Barth's exposition of God's being. This work by Jungel is central to fully appreciating Barth's thought, and it remains of enduring significance for constructive trinitarian theology. Building on a paraphrase of Barth's discussion of the Trinity in Church Dogmatics, Jungel first explores God's being as "self-revelation" -- for Barth the only (...)
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  32.  36
    Hegel’s Concept of God,.Quentin Lauer - 1982 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    ...If one takes a panoramic view of Hegel’s entire philosophical endeavor, the endeavor to come to grips with and to be committed to reality in the concrete, one is struck by one inescapable idea: the Hegelian enterprise is an extraordinarily unified and grandiose attempt to elaborate one concept, which Hegel sees as the root of all intelligibility, the concept of God, whatever that term is going to turn out to mean.......The question with which we are neither whether Hegel is (...)
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  33.  22
    Trinity and temporality: the Christian doctrine of God in the light of process theology and the theology of hope.John Joseph O'Donnell - 1983 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Jung's thoughts on God: religious depths of the psyche.Donald R. Dyer - 2000 - York Beach, Me.: Distributed to the trade by Samuel Weiser.
    Jung said that all human beings have a religious instinct, a longing for wholeness, and that God is a part of every human being. This volume organizes more than 6,000 references to "God" in Jung's work and contains a chronology of his writing on the subject.
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    When God becomes goddess: the transformation of American religion.Richard Grigg - 1995 - New York: Continuum.
    When God Becomes Goddess suggests that one way in which Americans may keep the traditional Western idea of God alive - paradoxically - is to embrace the Goddess of feminist theologies under the rubric of "enactment theology", Grigg demonstrates how these cutting edge theologies offer much more than critique of patriarchy; indeed, her gender aside, Grigg suggests that the Goddess may create an avenue through which the concept of God might be rescued from the pressing forces of secularization.
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  36.  21
    The idea of God: a Whiteheadian critique of St. Thomas Aquinas' concept of God.Burton Z. Cooper - 1974 - The Hague: M. Nijhoff.
    Thinking about God is historical thinking and that in two senses : the idea of God has a history, and those who think about God think through an historically formed mind. The task of the theologian, is not the attempt to move outside his historicity - such an attempt constitutes a fallacy and not a virtue - but to accept its implications and limitations. Methodologically this means that the theologian must point to the historical perspectives that underlie the idea (...)
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  37.  47
    The Oxford illustrated history of Western philosophy.Anthony Kenny (ed.) - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Written by a team of distinguished scholars, this is an authoritative and comprehensive history of Western philosophy from its earliest beginnings to the present day. Illustrated with over 150 color and black-and-white pictures, chosen to illuminate and complement the text, this lively and readable work is an ideal introduction to philosophy for anyone interested in the history of ideas. From Plato's Republic and St. Augustine's Confessions through Marx's Capital and Sartre's Being and Nothingness, the extraordinary philosophical dialogue between (...)
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  38.  13
    The freedom of God for us: Karl Barth's doctrine of divine aseity.Brian D. Asbill - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This volume provides an analysis of divine aseity in Karl Barth's thought and appreciates the vital role that this doctrine can play in contemporary theology. Brian D. Asbill begins by setting the general theological context, first through a broad sketch of the development of Barth's understanding of the relationship between the life of God pro nobis (pronobeity) and a se (aseity), and secondly through the examination of the basic theological convictions that guide his approach to the divine being in Church (...)
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  39.  60
    The Doctrine of the Imitation of God in Plato.John J. Rolbiecki - 1947 - New Scholasticism 21 (3):341-342.
  40.  47
    Aquinas: God and action.David B. Burrell - 1979 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    First published 30 years ago and long out of print, _Aquinas: God and Action_ appears here for the first time in paperback. This classic volume by eminent philosopher and theologian David Burrell argues that Aquinas’s is not the god of Greek metaphysics, but a god of both being and activity. Aquinas’s plan in the _Summa Theologiae_, according to Burrell, is to instruct humans how to find eternal happiness through acts of knowing and loving. Featuring a new foreword by the author, (...)
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    The Lord of history: Christocentrism and the philosophy of history.Eugene Kevane - 1980 - Boston: St. Paul Editions.
    Revelation tells of a creating and redeeming God, whose Son has come among us in our flesh, and enters into each individual's personal history and also into human history itself, becoming its Center. Therefore, Jesus Christ is the Lord of History, of concern to every Christian in all the Churches.
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  42.  21
    The Case for God: Based on Reason and Evidence, Not Groundless Faith: A Collection of Writings.Tariq Mustafa - 2009 - Mr. Books.
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    God and History: Aspects of British Theology, 1875-1914.Peter Bingham Hinchliff - 1992 - Oxford University Press UK.
    It is well known that the scientific discoveries of the nineteenth century posed problems for Christian theology. Less well known is the fact that the new understanding of history, developed in the same period, also created a number of difficulties. The realization that Christianity possessed a history of its own, and had changed and developed, raised numerous important questions for theologians and Christians alike. Newman's revised Essay on the Development of Doctrine provides the starting-point for this new and (...)
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  44.  44
    The conception of God in the philosophy of Josiah Royce: a critical exposition of its epistemological and metaphysical development.George Dykhuizen - 1934 - Chicago,: Chicago University Press.
  45.  9
    Knowledge of God in Philo of Alexandria.Jang Ryu - 2015 - Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck.
    4.5 Initiation Language in Philo's Secondary Mode of Exegesis -- 4.5.1 Excursus: Philo and Enoch Traditions -- 4.5.2 De gigantibus 50-55 -- 4.5.3 A Mixed Economy: Active and Passive Attitudes of Mind -- 4.5.4 Proximate Jewish Perspectives -- 4.6 Conclusion -- Chapter 5: Scriptural Exegesis and the Language of Divine Inspiration in the Allegorical Commentary -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.1.1 Chapter Preview -- 5.2 Approaches to Divine Inspiration in Antiquity -- 5.2.1 Perspectives on Divine Inspiration in Plato -- 5.2.2 Perspectives (...)
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    The vision of God: the Christian doctrine of the summum bonum.Kenneth E. Kirk - 1934 - New York [etc.]: Longmans, Green and co..
    These, Bishop Kirk's Bampton Lectures of 1928, have been recognised as amongst the most important and readable works of moral theology published in the ...
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    De bewijzen voor Gods bestaan.Harmen de Vos - 1971 - Groningen,: Wolters-Noordhoff.
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    God and man in the thought of Hamann.Walter Leibrecht - 1966 - Philadelphia,: Fortress Press.
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    The God of the beginnings.Robert Aron - 1966 - London,: H. Hamilton.
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    Metaphysical personalism: an analysis of Austin Farrer's metaphysics of theism.Charles Carl Conti - 1995 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    How can we, or should we, talk about God? What concepts are involved in the concept of a Supreme Being? This book is about the search to reconcile modern metaphysics with traditional theism--focusing on the seminal work of Austin Farrer who was Warden of Keble College, Oxford until his death in 1968, and one of the most original and important philosophers of religion of this century. Conti traces the evolution of Ferrar's thought and shows why he preferred a "personalist" approach (...)
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