Results for 'Gloria Perdomo'

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  1. Is Trust an Epistemological Notion?Gloria Origgi - 2004 - Episteme 1 (1):61-72.
    Although there is widespread agreement that our epistemic dependence on other people's knowledge is a key ingredient of our cognitive life, the role of trust in this dependence is much more open to debate. Is trust in epistemic authority—or “epistemic trust” for short—an epistemological notion in any sense, or is it simply a bridge-concept that connects our epistemological concerns to moral issues? Should we depict it in terms of the more familiar sociological notion of trust as a basis for cooperation?
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  2. El estatus ontológico de la psicopatología.Penélope Pereira-Perdomo & Bryan Zúñiga-Iturra - 2022 - Culturas Cientificas 3 (2):110-129.
    En el presente artículo realizamos un análisis del estatus ontológico de la noción de psicopatología que se deriva de cuatro aproximaciones metodológicas a su estudio, a saber: aproximación psiquiátrica, fenomenológico-existencial, constructivista-histórica y antipsiquiátrica. Por medio de una metodología de revisión bibliográfica sistematizada y siguiendo el marco de trabajo metaframework ReSiste-CHS (Revisiones Sistematizadas en Ciencias Humanas y Sociales), sostendremos que dicha noción presenta divergencias en al menos tres puntos: (i) la relevancia de la sintomatología como característica, (ii) la existencia o inexistencia (...)
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  3. “The Return of my Grandfather Napoleon”: Ancestor worship, impiety, and collective possession in North Honduras.Marcela Perdomo - forthcoming - Anthropology of Consciousness:e12245.
    This paper analyzes Dolores's case of collective spirit possession as a paroxysmic form of possession idiom, serving as a powerful and creative internal mechanism that both safeguards and revitalizes the core structure of ancestor worship. Drawing on my ethnographic research in North Honduras since 2009, my study reveals that rather than leading to the erosion of possession rituals, entropic forces, such as resistance, modernity, and impiety serve as vital resources, reinforcing the foundations of ancestor worship. This paper explores possession idioms (...)
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    Regímenes de neivanidad: orden, vigilancia y deseo en la fundación de Neiva.Diego Fernando Camelo Perdomo - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (131):373-403.
    En el presente artículo analizaremos las condiciones históricas de los procesos de subjetividad en Neiva durante su fundación en el siglo XVII a partir de discursos coloniales en cuyos juegos de verdad estos se fueron constituyendo. El objetivo es examinar de qué manera se conformaron esos juegos de verdad a través de cuales los sujetos se relacionaron con el saber, qué reglas controlaron dicho juego y de qué manera funcionan en él. Esto implica que entender la modernidad atravesada por la (...)
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  5. Corruption and business in present day venezuela.Rogelio Perez Perdomo - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (7):555 - 566.
    Venezuelan media present corruption as a major problem of the country and a research conducted by the author shows managers perceive it as business ethics' main issue. The corruption type addressed to in this article is the collusion between public officials and private managers for illegal or undue profits. Corruption in this form is related to the long-standing policy of State intervention and overregulation of the economy in order to industrialize the country. The issue analyzed is the perception of corruption (...)
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  6. [Book Chapter] (in Press).Gloria Origgi & Dan Sperber - 2000
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    Descolonizar no es desmodernizar: un diálogo crítico entre S. Castro-Gómez y E. Dussel.Diego Fernando Camelo Perdomo - 2021 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 42 (124).
    En este artículo nos disponemos desarrollar la tesis según la cual la crítica elaborada por Santiago Castro-Gómez a Enrique Dussel se trató de una desnaturalización del análisis del filósofo argentino sobre el proyecto moderno, en la cual Castro-Gómez puso de relieve las prácticas de las herencias coloniales como condición de posibilidad para la emergencia de la modernidad, sin necesidad de recurrir a la figura fundante del sujeto, aspecto que sí se encuentra presente en la propuesta del mendocino. Esta tesis se (...)
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  8. Bibliografía de Juan D. García Bacca.Mireya Perdomo de González - 1981 - Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Dirección de Bibliotecas, Información, Documentación y Publicaciones, Departamento de Orientación, Información y Documentación.
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    Discurso, política y verdad: Michel Foucault y la función del intelectual.Diego Fernando Camelo Perdomo - 2022 - Revista Filosofía Uis 22 (1):225-249.
    El objetivo del siguiente artículo es identificar los elementos que componen la función del intelectual en Michel Foucault y explicar el modo cómo ellos actúan. La tesis que se desarrollará es que dicha función se entiende a partir de los efectos políticos producidos por discursos de verdad. Se argumentará que en ella se concatenan estos tres elementos (Discurso, política y verdad) siendo atravesados por las relaciones de poder. Finalmente, se demostrará que su campo de acción se encuentra articulado con el (...)
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  10. Hacia una iglesia humanista doxológica.Edgar Alan Perdomo - 2007 - Kairos (misc) 41:29-42.
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  11. Inclusión social: Experiencias de Vida de tres personas con baja visión.Clara Eugenia Peña Perdomo, Martha Janeth Sanabria Guerrero & Jaime Alberto Tapias Peñaloza - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (1):164 - 192.
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    Modernidad, historia y lenguaje. Actualidad del pensamiento ilustrado.Miguel Perdomo - 2018 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 12:35-50.
    This work is an exploration of the concept of Enlightenment. First, the historiographical construction of the Enlightenment is examined to distinguish topics that characterized the ruptures and continuities in the sucessive interpretations. Subsequently, the issue is discussed in the context of the debate between Modernity and Postmodernity. Finally, question about the Enlightenment is discussed in relation to the possibilities of the philosophy of history and language. It concludes the need to recover the philosophy of history as legacy of the Enlightenment, (...)
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  13. The Characterization of Epistemology in Philip Kitcher: A Critical Reflection from New Empiricism.Inmaculada Perdomo - 2012 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 101 (1):113-138.
    While the earlier work of Philip Kitcher, in particular The Advancement of Science (1993), continues to inform his more recent studies, such as Science, Truth, and Democracy (2001), there are significant "changes of opinion" from those articulated in the 1990s. One may even speak of two different stages in the configuration of epistemological proposals. An analysis, from an empiricist standpoint, of the shifts between one and the other indicates further evolution towards realist positions but much more modest ones than those (...)
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    Trauma, memória e transmissão: a incidência da política na clínica psicanalítica.Maria Cristina Perdomo & Marta Cerruti (eds.) - 2011 - São Paulo, SP: Sedes Sapientiae.
    Essa publicação requer esclarecimentos: os trabalhos escritos ou transcritos são o resultado de um evento com algumas peculiaridades. A primeira por ser um evento que convocou psicanalistas a refletir sobre o campo social, promovendo uma interlocução entre a psicanálise e a política. A segunda, e essa talvez a principal razão da singularidade, é que tal convocação se deu a partir do testemunho vivo de um evento traumático. Os diferentes textos que compõem esse livro procuram fazer um verdadeiro diálogo, tendo como (...)
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  15. Un mundo y una ciencia sin leyes.Immaculada Perdomo Reyes - 2000 - Laguna 7:271-290.
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    Worrying about China: the language of Chinese critical inquiry.Gloria Davies - 2007 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    In Worrying about China, Gloria Davies pursues this inquiry through a wide range of contemporary topics, including the changing fortunes of radicalism, the ...
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  17. Mind the notebook.Gloria Andrada - 2019 - Synthese (5):4689-4708.
    According to the Extended knowledge dilemma, first formulated by Clark (Synthese 192:3757–3775, 2015) and subsequently reformulated by Carter et al. (in: Carter, Clark, Kallestrup, Palermos, Pritchard (eds) Extended epistemology, Oxford Univer- sity Press, Oxford, pp 331–351, 2018a), an agent’s interaction with a device can either give rise to knowledge or extended cognition, but not both at the same time. The dilemma rests on two substantive commitments: first, that knowledge by a subject requires that the subject be aware to some extent (...)
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  18. Varieties of transparency: exploring agency within AI systems.Gloria Andrada, Robert William Clowes & Paul Smart - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (4):1321-1331.
    AI systems play an increasingly important role in shaping and regulating the lives of millions of human beings across the world. Calls for greater _transparency_ from such systems have been widespread. However, there is considerable ambiguity concerning what “transparency” actually means, and therefore, what greater transparency might entail. While, according to some debates, transparency requires _seeing through_ the artefact or device, widespread calls for transparency imply _seeing into_ different aspects of AI systems. These two notions are in apparent tension with (...)
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    Adam Smith and the Classics: The Classical Heritage in Adam Smith's Thought.Gloria Vivenza - 2001 - Oxford University Press.
    This book defines the relationship between the thought of Adam Smith and that of the ancients---Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, and the Stoics. Vivenza offers a complete survey of all Smith's writings with the aim of illustrating how classical arguments shaped opinions and scholarship in the eighteenth century.
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    An empirical study of ethical predispositions.F. Neil Brady & Gloria E. Wheeler - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (9):927-940.
    Using a two-part instrument consisting of eight vignettes and twenty character traits, the study sampled 141 employees of a mid-west financial firm regarding their predispositions to prefer utilitarian or formalist forms of ethical reasoning. In contrast with earlier studies, we found that these respondents did not prefer utilitarian reasoning. Several other hypotheses were tested involving the relationship between people's preferences for certain types of solutions to issues and the forms of reasoning they use to arrive at those solutions; the nature (...)
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  21.  27
    Reputation: What It Is and Why It Matters.Gloria Origgi - 2017 - Princeton University Press.
    A compelling exploration of how reputation affects every aspect of contemporary life Reputation touches almost everything, guiding our behavior and choices in countless ways. But it is also shrouded in mystery. Why is it so powerful when the criteria by which people and things are defined as good or bad often appear to be arbitrary? Why do we care so much about how others see us that we may even do irrational and harmful things to try to influence their opinion? (...)
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  22. Fernand Brunner: Etudes Sur La Signification Historique De La Philosophie De Leibnitz.José Perdomo & Staff - 1953 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 12 (46):449.
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  23. Hacia una iglesia como institución sierva de los seres humanos.Edgar Alan Perdomo - 2008 - Kairos (misc) 42:31-52.
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  24. Pragmatismo y empirismo. Acerca de W. James y Bas C. Van Fraassen.Inmaculada Perdomo Reyes - 2003 - Laguna 13:115-127.
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    References: Feminism and the Environment (from page 8).Gloria Pierce - 1990 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 5 (4):13-13.
  26. Communities that behave as Information systems.Eliseo Luis Vilalta-Perdomo & Rebecca Herron - forthcoming - Journal of Research Practice.
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    Evolution, communication and the proper function of language.Gloria Origgi & Dan Sperber - 2000 - In Gloria Origgi & Dan Sperber (eds.), [Book Chapter] (in Press). pp. 140--169.
    Language is both a biological and a cultural phenomenon. Our aim here is to discuss, in an evolutionary perspective, the articulation of these two aspects of language. For this, we draw on the general conceptual framework developed by Ruth Millikan (1984) while at the same time dissociating ourselves from her view of language.
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  28. Epistemic Injustice and Epistemic Trust.Gloria Origgi - 2012 - Social Epistemology 26 (2):221-235.
    Miranda Fricker has introduced the insightful notion of epistemic injustice in the philosophical debate, thus bridging concerns of social epistemology with questions that arise in the area of social and cultural studies. I concentrate my analysis of her treatment of testimonial injustice. According to Fricker, the central cases of testimonial injustice are cases of identity injustice in which hearers rely on stereotypes to assess the credibility of their interlocutors. I try here to broaden the analysis of that testimonial injustice by (...)
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    Discovering indigenous science: Implications for science education.Gloria Snively & John Corsiglia - 2001 - Science Education 85 (1):6-34.
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    Conjuring Hands: The Art of Curious Women of Color.Gloria J. Wilson, Joni Boyd Acuff & Vanessa López - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (3):566-580.
    The verb “to conjure” is a complex one, for it includes in its standard definition a great range of possible actions or operations, not all of them equivalent, or even compatible. In its most common usage, “to conjure” means to perform an act of magic or to invoke a supernatural force, by casting a spell, say, or performing a particular ritual or rite. But “to conjure” is also to influence, to beg, to command or constrain, to charm, to bewitch, to (...)
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  31.  18
    Ilustrar la tiranía: paratextos ícono-verbales en Crímenes ejemplares, de Max Aub.Gloria Ramírez Fermín - 2022 - Escritos 30 (64):6-24.
    This work studies an artistic way of narrating an exile without having to resort to direct words such as violence or crime. Max Aub, a Spanish exile in Mexico, published his personal magazine Sala de Espera in Aztec lands. In the section called “Zarzuela,” he compiled a series of short stories entitled Crímenes, which later, for its edition in book format, he called Crímenes ejemplares. The short stories are a series of humorous confessions about various types of murders narrated by (...)
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  32. Menelas (plate IV).Gloria Ferrari Pinney - 1987 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 107:180-182.
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  33. Las falsificaciones granadinas del siglo XVIII: nacionalismo y arqueología.Gloria Mora Rodríguez & Joaquín Alvarez Barrientos - 2003 - Al-Qantara 24 (2):533-545.
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    Sacred symbol as theological text.Gloria L. Schaab - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):58-73.
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    La obra de arte literaria: aproximaciones teóricas.Gloria Vergara, Leal Viera & Hilda Rocío (eds.) - 2011 - México, D.F.: Praxis.
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    Thomas Aquinas on Truths About Nonbeings.Gloria Wasserman - 2006 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 80:101-113.
    In De veritate I.2, Thomas Aquinas claims that “to every true act of understanding there must correspond some being and likewise to every being there corresponds a true act of understanding.” For Aquinas, the ratio of truth consists in a conformity between intellect and being. This account of truth, however, doesnot appear to allow for a certain class of truths, namely those that are about nonbeings. Many think that it is true that ‘no chimeras exist,’ that ‘blindness can becaused by (...)
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    Aquinas and Scotus on the Source of Contingency.Gloria Frost - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 2 (1).
    Both Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus were committed to the view that effects with a contingent modality exist in the created world. This is to say that there are things that could have been otherwise. This chapter explores their respective accounts of the ontological reason for why there are effects with a contingent modality. Leibniz considered Aquinas’s and Scotus’s views on this issue, concluding that they were in fundamental disagreement about the ‘root of contingency.’ This chapter first makes a (...)
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    The capacity theory of sentence comprehension: Critique of Just and Carpenter (1992).Gloria S. Waters & David Caplan - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (4):761-772.
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    Aquinas on Efficient Causation and Causal Powers.Gloria Ruth Frost - 2022 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    In this innovative book, Gloria Frost reconstructs and analyses Aquinas's theories on efficient causation and causal powers, focusing specifically on natural causal powers and efficient causation in nature. Frost presents each element of Aquinas's theories one by one, comparing them with other theories, as well as examining the philosophical and interpretive ambiguities in Aquinas's thought and proposing fresh solutions to conceptual difficulties. Her discussion includes explanations of Aquinas's technical scholastic terminology in jargon-free prose, as well as background on medieval (...)
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    What's in my common sense?Gloria Origgi - 2008 - Philosophical Forum 39 (3):327-335.
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    Afropessimism.Gloria Wekker - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (1):86-97.
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  42. Transparency and the Phenomenology of Extended Cognition.Gloria Andrada - 2020 - Límite: Revista de Filosofía y Psicología 15 (20).
    Extended cognition brings with it a particular phenomenology. It has been argued that when an artifact is integrated into an agent’s cognitive system, it becomes transparent in use to the cognizing subject. In this paper, I challenge some of the assumptions underlying how the transparency of artifacts is described in extended cognition theory. To this end, I offer two arguments. First, I make room for some forms of conscious thought and attention within extended cognitive routines, and I question the close (...)
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  43. Roig gironella : "La filosofía de la acción".J. Perdomo - 1944 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 3:537.
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    Jogadores de roleta e amores.Glória Carneiro do Amaral - 2011 - Bakhtiniana 6 (1):95-110.
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    El mejoramiento mental: ¿nuevo objetivo de la psicofarmacología? Una mirada desde la bioética.Gloria Inés Martínez Domínguez - 2016 - Escritos 24 (53):293-306.
    The end of the 20th century became a milestone for the progress of Neurosciences and their contribution to a better understanding of the physiological mechanisms involved in cognition, mood and human behavior. Because of this, it was possible not only to intervene some of the aforementioned aspects with therapeutic purposes, but more recently they became objects of study in researches with a more pragmatic nature, such as clinical researches involving persons with no mental or physical disorders, but who require to (...)
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    Analyzing Global Components in Developmental Dyscalculia and Dyslexia.Gloria Di Filippo & Pierluigi Zoccolotti - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    David Martin-Jones and William Brown Deleuze and Film, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 248 pp.Gloria Galindo - 2015 - Film-Philosophy 19 (1).
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  48. Comments on Paul Dumouchel.Gloria Origgi - unknown
    I discuss Dumouchel's defense of a notion of trust as an action.
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  49. Hans Heinz Holz: Jean-paul Sartre.José Perdomo & Staff - 1953 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 12 (46):452.
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    Should coronavirus policies remain in place to prevent future paediatric influenza deaths?Dianela Perdomo - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):794-796.
    The 2019–2020 to 2020–2021 influenza seasons in the USA saw a dramatic 99.5% decrease in paediatric mortality, with only one influenza death recorded during the latter season. This decrease has been attributed to a substantial reduction in transmission, resulting from the various restrictive measures enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, onset March 2020. The relative disappearance of influenza raises specific policy questions, such as whether these measures should be kept in place after COVID-19 transmission reaches acceptable levels or herd immunity is (...)
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