Results for 'Globalization Social aspects'

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  1. Globalisation: states, markets and class relations.Peter Burnham - 1997 - Historical Materialism 1 (1):150-160.
    The concept of ‘globalisation’ increasingly dominates economic and political debate in the 1990s. However, despite a profusion of commentaries and case studies on aspects of ‘globalisation’ such as ‘Japanisation', ‘Americanisation', ‘McDonaldisation’ and, of course, global information technologies, there are few radical interrogations of the notion of ‘globalisation/internationalisation’ and little discussion of the theoretical implications of recent changes in the global political economy. The central argument of this paper is that in order to make sense of these developments a broad (...)
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    Globalization and Education. The Internationalization of Access to Higher Education in Poland – Selected Legal Aspects.Łukasz Kierznowski - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 52 (1):133-142.
    Affecting many spheres of social life, globalization also inevitably affects the functioning of higher education and the legal status of individuals who intend to apply for admission in a country other than the one where they completed a previous stage of their education. The paper considers selected legal aspects of the access to higher education in Poland, primarily in the context of the internationalization of education, and, thus, the internationalization of the recruitment procedure where individual candidates apply (...)
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    Who is down on the farm? Social aspects of Australian agriculture in the 21st century.Margaret Alston - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (1):37-46.
    Globalization, international policymanipulations such as the US farm bill, andnational policy responses have received a greatdeal of media coverage in recent times. Theseinternational and national events are having amajor impact on agricultural production inAustralia. There is some suggestion that theyare, in fact, responsible for a downturn in thefortunes of agriculture. Yet, it is more likelythat these issues are acting to continue andexacerbate a trend towards reduced viabilityfor farm families evident in economic andsocial trends since at least the 1950s.Nevertheless, (...) and Australia's policy responses have left farm families morevulnerable in the global world. What then do weknow about their impact at farm gate level?Just who is doing the farming in Australia inthe 21st century and how are these peopleresponding to major world politics? This paperwill focus on the social aspects ofagricultural production in Australia notingsocial trends and drawing attention to thechanging social relations of agriculture. Thedominance of farm families, the role ofcorporate agriculture, ethnic diversity, theimportance of women, and the practice of farmtransfers will be canvassed in this paper. (shrink)
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  4. Globalization and consumer culture: social costs and political implications of the COVID-19 pandemic.Christopher Ryan Maboloc - 2020 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 30 (3):77-79.
    Using the available data and literature on pandemics, this investigation looks into the COVID-19 crisis from an economic as well as social aspect, and elaborates the political and moral implications of the outbreak. The paper argues that globalization and consumerism contribute to the impact of the pandemic to the millions of lives around the world. It counters the idea of property rights to address issues related to the affordability of future vaccines and access of the poor to modern (...)
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    Gendered aspects of social change.Natalija Micunovic - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (30):191-197.
    Gender roles are changing with the change of priorities and spheres of social influence in great historical upheavals. Transitional societies have undergone significant changes in social structure and gender roles have been influenced accordingly. Retraditionalization and globalization play important roles in that process.
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    Social Theory at Work.Marek Korczynski, Randy Hodson & Paul K. Edwards (eds.) - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Work is fundamental to human society and modern organizations, and consequently has been central to the thinking of major social theorists and social science disciplines. This book offers a 'one-stop-shop' guide to classical and contemporary perspectvies of work written by leading international experts. Schools covered include: Weberian, Marxian, Durkheimian, feminist, neo-classical economics, institutional economics, ethics, Foucauldian, postmodernist, organizational sociology and economic sociology. Each chapter traces the origins of the theoretical school, reviews seminal contributions,and considers major criticisms of the (...)
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    Cinema beyond territory: inflight entertainment and atmospheres of globalisation.Stephen Groening - 2014 - Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Global airspace, global cinemaspace -- Aerial perceptions: the visuality of the airplane -- Airborne cinema: the emergence of inflight entertainment -- Executive flight: attention, gender and the seatback screen -- Networked transport: neoliberalism and digital entertainments -- Disastrous speed: thrill rides, screens and fear of flying -- Live in air: aerial circuits of television -- Conclusion: cinema as infrastructure.
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    Critical theory, democratic justice and globalisation.Shane O'Neill - 2005 - Critical Horizons 6 (1):119-136.
    One way of providing a focus for critical theory today is to articulate those substantive and robust norms of egalitarian justice that would appear to be presupposed by the idea of a republican and democratic constitutional order. It is suggested here that democratic justice requires the equalisation of effective communicative freedom among all structurally constituted social groups (SCSGs) and that this will have far-reaching implications that entail the deconstruction of all social hierarchies in both domestic and global orders. (...)
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  9. Care, gender and global social justice: Rethinking 'ethical globalization'.Fiona Robinson - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (1):5 – 25.
    This article develops an approach to ethical globalization based on a feminist, political ethic of care; this is achieved, in part, through a comparison with, and critique of, Thomas Pogge's World Poverty and Human Rights. In his book, Pogge makes the valid and important argument that the global economic order is currently organized such that developed countries have a huge advantage in terms of power and expertise, and that decisions are reached purely and exclusively through self-interest. Pogge uses an (...)
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    The Babylonian planet: culture and encounter under globalization.Sonja Neef - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Martin Neef & Jason Groves.
    What is astro-culture? In The Babylonian Planet it is unfolded as an aesthetic, an idea, a field of study, a position, and a practice. It helps to engineer the shift from a world view that is segregated to one that is integrated - from global to planetary; from distance to intimacy and where closeness and cosmic distance live side-by-side. In this tour de force, Sonja Neef takes her cue from Edouard Glissant's vision of multilingualism and reignites the myth of the (...)
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    Globalizations from below: the normative power of the world social forum, ant traders, Chinese migrants, and Levantine cosmopolitanism.Theodor Tudoroiu - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Globalizations from Below uses a Constructivist International Relations approach that emphasizes the centrality of normative power to analyze and compare the four globalizations 'from below'. These are: (1) the counter-hegemonic globalization represented by the 'movement of movements' of alter-globalization transnational social activists, who try to put an end to the Neoliberal nature of the Western-centered globalization 'from above;' (2) the non-hegemonic globalization enacted by 'ant traders' that are part of the transnational informal economy; (3) the (...)
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  12. Religion in Relation to Globalization Processes.Ivana Gegoska - 2024 - Religious dialogue and cooperation 5 (5):17-22.
    Rational the relationship of globalization with social institutions, focusing on the termof globalization of modernity, religion and religious phenomena are of unavoidable interest. Interestin religious phenomena is on the rise, and globalization as such is multifaceted. Never beforehave there been so many nonreligious people in human history, as well as never before in humanhistory has there been so much religious population on the planet. Globalization and religion arelinked through the following aspects: religious diversity is (...)
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    Globalization and the posthuman.William S. Haney - 2009 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Globalization and the Posthuman argues that by globalizing posthumanism through biotechnology, particularly through the invasive interface of humans and machines, we may well interfere with and even undermine the innate quality of human psycho-physiology and the experience of the internal observer, the non-socially constructed self or pure consciousness. Furthermore, many features of globalization in-and-of itselfâ "such as the fall of public man, the exterritorialization of capital, the loss of an impersonal public world to localized communities based on emotively (...)
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    Globalization and economic ethics: distributive justice in the knowledge economy.Albino Barrera - 2007 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    What is the appropriate criterion to use for distributive justice? Is it efficiency, need, contribution, entitlement, equality, effort, or ability? Globalization and Economic Ethics maintains that far from being rival principles of distributive justice, efficiency and need satisfaction are, in fact, complementary norms in our emerging knowledge economy. After all, human capital plays the central role in effecting and sustaining long-term efficiency in the Digital Age. This book explores the vital link between human capital formation and allocative efficiency using (...)
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    Structural cultural globalization: A threat to positive and sustainable peace.Samreen Bari & Nabeel A. Zubairi - 2018 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 57 (1):77-86.
    Globalization refers to more and more interdependence and Integration of relations among people, trade, capital flows, and migration, ideas and culture, religion and customs. Scholars and experts have been disagreeing about the denotation and effect of globalization. For some it is the salvation of humanity, the only way to promote universal prosperity and peace. But some Scholars also realize the fact that as a result of globalization states and its citizens faces the problems of social fragmentation: (...)
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    Globalization and Public Attitudes towards the State in the Asia-Pacific Region.Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, Po-san Wan & Timothy Ka-Ying Wong - 2010 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 11 (1):21-49.
    Globalization has led to a redefinition of the functions and roles of the state. Based on data drawn from a cross-national social survey, this article examines the influences of globalization on the public's attitudes towards their state in Australia, China, India, Japan, Russia, and the United States, by focusing on satisfaction with government performance and demands on the government. The six countries differ extensively in their sociopolitical and technological situations, as well as in the experiences of their (...)
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    Globalización, riesgo, reflexividad: tres temas de la teoría social contemporánea.Ramâon Ramos Torre, Fernando Garcâia Selgas & Antoni Ariäno Villarroya (eds.) - 1999 - Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas Instituto de Demografia.
    Este libro recoge una veintena de estudios que, desde el punto de vista de la teoría social abordan aspectos variados de la Globalización, el Riesgo y la Reflexividad, considerados como los retos fundamentales con los que ha de enfrentarse la sociología actual.
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    Macrohistory and Globalization.Leonid Grinin - 2012 - Volgograd: Uchitel Publishing House. Edited by I. V. Ilʹin.
    The present monograph considers some macrohistorical trends along with the aspects of globalization. Macrohistory is history on the large scale that tells the story of the entire world or of some major dimensions of historical process. For the present study three aspects of macrohistory have been chosen. These are technological and political aspects, as well as the one of historical personality. Taken together they give a definite picture of unfolding historical process which is described from the (...)
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    Globalization and Cosmopolitanism: Some Challenges.Vihren Bouzov - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (2):236-243.
    This paper covers views on certain major challenges to the justification of ethical cosmopolitanism `s existence. They could be understood in the context of effects of the global economy on human life and values, due its social imbalances and inequalities. The foremost, guiding idea of ethical cosmopolitanism is the one that all humans must be considered as equal However, this postulate is way too much questioned today in the Globalization era. Forced migration is the first challenge in topicality (...)
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    Globalización, riesgo, reflexividad: tres temas de la teoría social contemporánea.Ramón Ramos Torre, Fernando García Selgas & Antoni Ariño Villarroya (eds.) - 1999 - Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.
    Este libro recoge una veintena de estudios que, desde el punto de vista de la teoría social abordan aspectos variados de la Globalización, el Riesgo y la Reflexividad, considerados como los retos fundamentales con los que ha de enfrentarse la sociología actual.
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    Science, social theory and public knowledge.Alan Irwin - 2003 - Philadelphia: Open University Press. Edited by Mike Michael.
    How might social theory, public understanding of science and science policy best inform one another? What have been the key features of science-society relations in the modern world? How are we to re-think science-society relations in the context of globalization, hybridity and changing patterns of governance? This topical and unique book draws together the three key perspectives on science-society relations: public understanding of science, scientific and public governance, and social theory. The book presents a series of case (...)
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  22. Globalization, Capitalism, and Collapse in Prehistory and the Present.Louise Hitchcock - 2021 - In C. Ronald Kimberling & Stan Oliver, Libertarianism: John Hospers, the Libertarian Party’s 50th Anniversary, and Beyond. Jameson Books. pp. 292-297.
    As a libertarian studying, embracing, and teaching a philosophy of individual freedom, John Hospers, like many of us, was heavily influenced by the philosophical writings of Ayn Rand. Rand’s major novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged continue to delight and empower readers through embracing the heroic creator or inventor, technological and scientific progress, and the competent individual. These are some of the archetypes of the Randian hero. At the other end of the scale were the incompetent looters and moochers who (...)
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    Transformation of Sovereignty and Globalization.Leonid Grinin - 2008 - In Leonid Grinin, Dmitry Beliaev & Andrey Korotayev, Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilisations: Political Aspects of Modernity. Librocom.
    . In our opinion, the processes of changing of sovereignty nowadays are among those of much significance. Presumably, if such processes (of course with much fluctuation) gain strength it will surely affect all spheres of life, including change of ideology and social psychology (the moment which is still underestimated by many analysts). Generally speaking, notwithstanding an avalanche of works devoted to the transformation of sovereignty, some topical aspects of the problem mentioned appear to have been disregarded. The present (...)
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    Postmodernism and Globalization.Omar Lizardo & Michael Strand - 2009 - ProtoSociology 26:36-70.
    Interest in postmodernity has stagnated over the past decade and has come to be partially replaced by a concern with globalization. While the two terms are often considered to be divergent there is continuity as theoretical discourse transfers from one to the other. In what follows, we first distill the heuristic models employed by various knowledge-geographical traditions of social thought in conceptualizing postmodernism. We then transpose these models into recent debates on globalization. Globalization theory has become (...)
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    Mitos, hechos y razones: cuatro estudios sociales.Mario Bunge - 2004 - Buenos Aires: Sudamericana.
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    Origins of the Concept of “Libertarian Paternalism” in Scientific Literature: Social and Philosophical Aspect.A. Kravchenko & S. Bezrukov - 2021 - Philosophical Horizons 45:8-17.
    In the article, the authors attempt to analyze the various origins of libertarian paternalism - political, social, cultural, and try to explore the essence of this social and social phenomenon. Libertarian paternalism has both positive and negative features, which are actualized, in turn, by modern planetary challenges.The aim and the tasks: analysis of the essence of the social phenomenon of libertarian paternalism, and the study of its origins - political, social, cultural. Research methods are historical, (...)
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  27. Globalization and economic sovereignty.John Quiggin - 2001 - Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (1):56–80.
    In this paper, attention will focus primarily on economic and financial aspects of the globalization debate, and on their implications for public policy. Nevertheless, these issues cannot be separated from their historical and political context. The current discussion of globalization can only be understood in relation to the development of economic and political institutions over the past century. Globalization is frequently discussed as a counterpoint to national sovereignty. It is commonly asserted that globalization has eroded (...)
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    Globalizaciones: la nueva Edad media y el retorno de la diferencia.Joseba Gabilondo - 2019 - Tres Cantos, Madrid-España: Siglo XXI España.
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    Literacy, play and globalization: converging imaginaries in children's critical and cultural performances.Carmen Liliana Medina - 2014 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Karen E. Wohlwend.
    This book takes on current perspectives on transnationalism and children's relationships to media, childhood, and markets in converging global worlds. It introduces the idea of multi-sited imaginaries to explain how children's media and literacy performances shape and are shaped by shared visions of communities that we collectively imagine, including play, media, gender, family, school, or cultural worlds. It draws upon elements of ethnographies of globalization to examine the convergences of such imaginaries across multiple sites: early childhood and elementary classrooms (...)
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    Science in the modern world polity: institutionalization and globalization.Gili S. Drori (ed.) - 2003 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This book presents empirical studies of the rise, expansion, and influence of scientific discourse and organization throughout the world, over the past century. Using quantitative cross-national data, it shows the impact of this scientized world polity on national societies. It examines how this world scientific system and national reflections of it have influenced a wide variety of institutional spheres—the economy, political systems, human rights, environmentalism, and organizational reforms. The authors argue that the triumph of science across social domains and (...)
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    Gender, ‘race’, poverty, health and discourses of health reform in the context of globalization: a postcolonial feminist perspective in policy research.Joan M. Anderson - 2000 - Nursing Inquiry 7 (4):220-229.
    Gender, ‘race’, poverty, health and discourses of health reform in the context of globalization: a postcolonial feminist perspective in policy researchIn this paper, I draw on extant literature and my empirical work to discuss the impact of globalization and healthcare reform on the lives of women — those from countries of the South as well as of the North. First, I review briefly the economic hardships identified in different sectors of the population that have been attributed to how (...)
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    The social life of nanotechnology.Barbara Herr Harthorn & John Mohr (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume shows how nanotechnology takes on a wide range of socio-historically specific meanings in the context of globalization, across multiple localities, institutions and collaborations, through diverse industries, research labs, and government agencies and in a variety of discussions within the public sphere itself. It explores the early origins of nanotechnologies; the social, economic, and political organization of the field; and the cultural and subjective meanings ascribed to nanotechnologies in social settings.
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    Taiwan Education at the Crossroad: When Globalization Meets Localization.Zhuying Zhou - 2011 - Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Gregory S. Ching.
    Taiwan Education at the Crossroad examines the processes of schooling in Taiwan amidst the social, cultural, economic, and political conflicts resulting from local and global dilemmas and issues. The book opens with an introductory chapter detailing the recent world-wide phenomenon in education, i.e. globalization and localization, followed by parts one through five to showcase the different perspectives of Taiwan's education. Collectively these sections offer a panoramic and in-depth glimpse from the past to the future of educational trends in (...)
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    Globalization and self-regulation: the crucial role that corporate codes of conduct play in global business.S. Prakash Sethi (ed.) - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    It is imperative for the business community to act now to create global, industry-wide standards of conduct. Corporate strategy expert S. Prakash Sethi along with notable experts on issues of global codes of conduct take an in-depth look at global structures and how regulation works from a corporate perspective, providing case studies of several industries and governments who have begun implementing voluntary codes of conducts, including Equator Principles, ICMM, and The Kimberly Process._ He assesses the many types of self-regulations that (...)
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    Impact of Globalization on African Culture.Adefarasin Vo - 2023 - Philosophy International Journal 6 (2):1-11.
    The process of globalization is inevitable because it is part of human nature. Man by nature is a social being with an irresistible urge to associate with his fellow human beings. Man cannot survive without associating with his fellow human beings. Globalization is a manifestation of this natural urge in man to associate with his fellow human beings and it is irresistible. I understand globalization to mean the process by which mankind gets closer together. This process (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility in Agribusiness: Literature Review and Future Research Directions.Henrike Luhmann & Ludwig Theuvsen - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (4):673-696.
    Changes in social framework conditions, accelerated by globalization or political inventions, have created new societal demands and requirements on companies. The concept of corporate social responsibility is often considered a potential tool for meeting societal demands and criticism as a company voluntarily takes responsibility for society. The spotlight of public attention has only recently come to focus on agribusiness-related aspects of CSR. It is therefore the objective of this paper to provide an overview and a critical (...)
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    Making human: world order and the global governance of human dignity.Matthew S. Weinert - 2015 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.
    Differences between human beings have long been used to justify a range of degrading, exclusionary, and murderous practices that strip people of their humanity and dignity. While considerable scholarship has been devoted to such dehumanization, Matthew S. Weinert asks how we might conceive its reverse—humanization, or what it means to “make human.” Weinert proposes an account of making human centered on five mechanisms: reflection, recognition, resistance, replication of dominant mores, and responsibility. Examining cases such as the UN Security Council’s engagements (...)
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    The Dynamics of Migrant Communication in the Age of Globalization. Part 2.Wioleta Danilewicz - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 52 (1):31-39.
    One of the aspects of modern migration is transnationality. Such a community is characterized by physical mobility and economic, cultural, and social transfers; by the functioning of migrants “here and there”, multilateral contacts – both family and more often professional contacts – as well as others. The ways of communicating with the country have changed. These changes are due to, inter alia, the progress of telecommunications and communication, the development of new media. Never before in the history of (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility as Subsidiary Co-Responsibility: A Macroeconomic Perspective. [REVIEW]Michael S. Aßländer - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (1):115 - 128.
    Recent discussion on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mainly focuses on two aspects of CSR: from a technical perspective, CSR aims to improve ethical standards in the organizational decision-making process, and should guarantee that management practices are in accordance with commonly accepted standards of behavior. From a political perspective, CSR describes corporate engagement with ecological and social issues that extend beyond the firm's economic activities. The latter perspective in particular leaves unclear whether such corporate contributions to solve environmental (...)
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    L'anthropologue et le monde global.Marc Augé - 2013 - Paris: Armand Colin.
    Dans un monde en transformation accélérée, un changement d'échelle affecte et réoriente nos existences individuelles et collectives. Dans ce nouvel environnement, l'anthropologie a dorénavant la tâche immense de critiquer l'ensemble encore protéiforme que nous appelons le monde global. Marc Augé revient ici sur les catégories de l'espace et du temps, notamment à travers la notion de temps mort dans sa relation à celle de non-lieu, pour s'interroger sur les rapports entre sens social et liberté individuelle dans le monde contemporain. (...)
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    Designs of Learning and the Formation and Transformation of Knowledge in an Era of Globalization.Staffan Selander - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (4):267-281.
    In this article, the formation and transformation of knowledge and the role of designs for learning will be elaborated and discussed in relation to the introduction of national curricula and school textbooks during the beginning of the industrialized era vs. the introduction of individual curricula and new digital learning resources in the post-industrialized era of globalization and multiculturalism. Quite different teaching and learning strategies have been emphasized, which I will call here “designed information and teaching” vs. “designs for learning”. (...)
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    How has Australia significantly been affected by globalization? A critical realist explanatory analysis.Cheryl Livock & Yahna Richmond - 2019 - Journal of Critical Realism 18 (3):303-313.
    This article discusses whether and how globalization has had a significant effect on Australia, by referencing normative concepts of good or bad, of presence or absence and whether normative truth questions can be asked. These questions are answered by employing Bhaskar’s most recent iteration of the RRREI(C) schema for explanatory analysis. Viewed generally, the essential or necessary component of globalization is the ideology of neo-liberalism from which has emerged the more radical neo-conservatism. Overall these ideologies, which underpin (...), are having a detrimental effect economically and socially: economically because of widening wealth inequalities both in Australia and globally; and socially because of growing push for protectionism in wealthier countries like Australia. These emerging social and economic ontologically real phenomena are causing consternation and fuelling divisiveness worldwide. Nevertheless, by conducting this explanatory analysis, we were able to identify feasible interventions that would, if implemented, possibly absent the negative aspects of globalization. (shrink)
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    The end of tradition?Nezar AlSayyad (ed.) - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    Rooted in real world observations, this book questions the concept of tradition In his introduction, Nezar AlSayyad discusses the meanings of the word 'tradition' and the current debates about the 'end of tradition'. Thereafter the book is divided into three parts. The three chapters in Part I explore the inextricable link between 'tradition' and 'modern', revealing the geopolitical implications of this link. Part II looks at tradition as a process of invention and here the three chapters are all concerned with (...)
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    Plural and shared: the sociology of a cosmopolitan world.Vincenzo Cicchelli - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    How are individuals socialized today? To answer these questions, a unique investigation has been carried out using two scales of analysis: the scale of the cosmopolitan world as well as the scale of everyday life and socialization to otherness.
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    Heads up sociology.Chris Yuill - 2018 - New York: DK Publishing. Edited by Christopher Thorpe & Megan Todd.
    From gender and identity to welfare and consumerism, sociology is the study of how societies are organized and what helps them function or go wrong. Questions posed include: What is my "tribe"? Why do people commit crimes? Who decides if someone has a mental illness? What's work for? Does aid do any good? Heads Up Sociology explores these fascinating questions and more.
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    Les crises, un retour sur l'essentiel: Entre ruptures et opportunités.Gabriel-Ph Widmer - 2012 - Paris: Éditions Dervy. Edited by Charles Ricq & Gabrielle Ricq-Chappuis.
    Dans une société comme la nôtre, ébranlée par de multiples crises, et dans un monde en voie de globalisation générale, il semble manifeste, aux yeux de certains philosophes, sociologues ou théologiens, que nous assistons à une crise de la conscience collective. Or il ne fait aucun doute que les crises, de quelque ordre qu'elles soient, nous appellent à des remises en question et à des transformations, parfois radicales. Dans ce livre-entretien à trois voix, chaque interlocuteur partage ses interprétations "positives" de (...)
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    Gurōbarizēshon no kenriron: minshu shugi to nashonarizumu to jinken.Toshimasa Usui - 2007 - Tōkyō: Akashi Shoten.
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    International Conference on Religion and Globalization.Ruben L. F. Habito - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):241-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 24.1 (2004) 241-243 [Access article in PDF] International Conference on Religion and Globalization Ruben Habito Perkins School of Theology The International Conference on Religion and Globalization, with over two hundred participants from thirty-one countries, was hosted by Payap University and its Institute for the Study of Religion and Culture in Chiang Mai, Thailand, from 27 July to 2 August 2003, with the Society for Buddhist-Christian (...)
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  49. The Social and the Private.James Mensch - unknown
    Since the close of the cold war, there seems to be a certain constant in the conflicts that have marked multi-national conferences. Again and again, we see the smaller states opposing the efforts of the larger to determine the structures of their relations. One of the factors of this opposition is their fear of losing their identity. In a world increasingly determined by global interests, cultural and economic particularity seems to be a luxury that few can afford. For many, the (...)
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  50.  8
    Nepovabljeni: globalizacija, nacionalizem in migracije.Ana Kralj - 2008 - Koper: Založba Annales.
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