Results for 'Giuliano Borghi'

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  1.  14
    Abstract Words as Social Tools: Which Necessary Evidence?Anna M. Borghi, Claudia Mazzuca, Federico Da Rold, Ilenia Falcinelli, Chiara Fini, Arthur-Henri Michalland & Luca Tummolini - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Recent theories on abstract concepts and words (ACs), such as Words As social Tools (WAT) (Borghi et al., 2019b) and Language is an Embodied Neuroenhancement and Scaffold (LENS) (Dove, 2019) have underlined the crucial role of both sensorimotor experience and language for ACs representation and use [see Dove et al. (2020), for a comparison]. Here we focus on the WAT view. WAT highlights the role of language, sociality, and inner grounding (interoception, metacognition) for ACs. Furthermore, WAT seeks to integrate (...)
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  2. Tenseless Cross-temporal Relations.Giuliano Torrengo - 2006 - Metaphysica 7 (2).
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    Counterfactuals as modal conditionals, and their probability.Giuliano Rosella, Tommaso Flaminio & Stefano Bonzio - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 323 (C):103970.
    In this paper we propose a semantic analysis of Lewis' counterfactuals. By exploiting the structural properties of the recently introduced boolean algebras of conditionals, we show that counterfactuals can be expressed as formal combinations of a conditional object and a normal necessity modal operator. Specifically, we introduce a class of algebras that serve as modal expansions of boolean algebras of conditionals, together with their dual relational structures. Moreover, we show that Lewis' semantics based on sphere models can be reconstructed in (...)
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  4. Anton Marty and Contemporary Philosophy.Giuliano Bacigalupo & Hélène Leblanc (eds.) - 2019 - Cham: Palgrave.
    This edited collection of eight original essays pursues the aim of bringing the spotlight back on Anton Marty. It does so by having leading figures in the contemporary debate confront themselves with Marty’s most significative contributions, which span from philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and ontology to meta-metaphysics and meta-philosophy. -/- The book is divided in three parts. The first part is dedicated to themes in philosophy of language, which were at the centre of Marty’s philosophical thinking throughout his (...)
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    Nietzsches persönliche Bibliothek.Giuliano Campioni, Paolo D'Iorio, Maria Christina Fornari, Francesco Fronterotta & Andrea Orsucci (eds.) - 2003 - De Gruyter.
    Der Band verzeichnet erstmals sämtliche Werke und Noten aus Nietzsches persönlicher Bibliothek (BN) bis Anfang Januar 1889. Er listet sowohl die Bestände der Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek als auch die des Goethe- und Schiller-Archivs in Weimar auf. Die kritische Analyse anderer Bestandslisten ermittelte zudem zahlreiche heute nicht mehr vorhandene Titel. Ferner wurden sämtliche Bücherrechnungen und -quittungen von Buchhändlern und Buchbindern ausgewertet, die im Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv aufbewahrt werden. Neben den ca. 2.200 Titeln aus Nietzsches rekonstruierter Bibliothek enthält der Band auch (...)
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  6.  60
    Stable and variable affordances are both automatic and flexible.Anna M. Borghi & Lucia Riggio - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  7.  52
    Explanation, persistence, and location.Giuliano Torrengo & Valerio Buonomo - 2022 - Theoria 37 (2):137-148.
    According to the “received view” the disagreement between endurantism and perdurantism is ontological and concerns the existence of temporal parts of continuants. In a recent paper, argues that the ontological conception of these theories does not address the crucial point: explaining the way things persist. According to Wasserman, perdurantism is not just the view that things have temporal parts; it is the view that things persist by having temporal parts. Moreover, in the last decade an alternative understanding of the dispute (...)
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    Le langage de la révélation en phénoménologie radicale.Giuliano Sansonetti - 2014 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 5:229-239.
    Cet article est consacré à la philosophie henryenne de la religion. « Pas de révélation sans langage, pas de langage sans révélation ». Avant Michel Henry, c’est ce qu’avait on ne peut mieux dit Heidegger. Mais de quelle révélation s’agit-il et de quel langage? Plus encore : de quel langage pour quelle révélation? Voilà la question. C’est sur ce plan que la pensée de Michel Henry croise inévitablement la pensée de Heidegger qui, dès les premières lignes de L’essence de la (...)
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    Slurs and Semantic Indeterminacy.Giuliano Torrengo - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (4):1617-1627.
    The analysis of the derogatory aspect of slurs has recently aroused interest among philosophers of language. A puzzling element of it is its erratic behaviour in embeddings, for instance negation or belief reports. The derogatory aspect seems sometimes to “scope out” from the embedding to the context of utterance, while at other times it seems to interact with the linguistic constructions in which the slur is implanted. I argue that slurs force us to maintain a kind of semantic indeterminacy which, (...)
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  10. Words as tools and the problem of abstract words meanings.Anna M. Borghi & Felice Cimatti - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 31--2304.
  11.  8
    L'educazione e i suoi problemi.Lamberto Borghi - 1953 - Firenze,: Nuova Italia.
  12.  9
    Presente e divenire.Claudio Borghi - 2023 - Vicenza: Neri Pozza editore.
  13.  18
    Revisitando o início da racionalidade filosófico-científica.Giorgio Borghi - 2016 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 14 (2):244-259.
    O presente artigo analisa a física pré-socrática como origem comum de filosofia e ciência, destacando que o esquecimento desta origem comum pode prejudicar tanto a filosofia como a ciência. A física pré-socrática envolve, em uma única busca, o que nos acostumamos a considerar como próprio da reflexão filosófica, e que tem uma dimensão essencialmente metafísica, e aquela investigação empírica que caracteriza o conhecimento científico. Mas a peculiaridade da física originária consiste na junção inextricável destas duas dimensões: antes da reflexão filosófica (...)
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  14. Expanding the use of empiricism in nursing: can we bridge the gap between knowledge and clinical practice?Karen K. Giuliano - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (1):44-52.
    The philosophy of Aristotle and its impact on the process of empirical scientific inquiry has been substantial. The influence of the clarity and orderliness of his thinking, when applied to the acquisition of knowledge in nursing, can not be overstated. Traditional empirical approaches have and will continue to have an important influence on the development of nursing knowledge through nursing research. However, as nursing is primarily a practice discipline, the transition from empirical and syllogistic reasoning is problematic. Other types of (...)
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  15. Aspetti sistematici della società civile hegeliana.Giuliano Marini - 1977 - Torino: Edizioni di Filosofia.
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  16.  32
    The “extent of reaction”: a powerful concept to study chemical transformations at the first-year general chemistry courses.Giuliano Moretti - 2014 - Foundations of Chemistry 17 (2):107-115.
    The concept of extent of reaction was discussed many times in physical chemistry journals and books. This contribution strongly suggests the use of the extent of reaction as standard basic tool in teaching stoichiometry. The same idea was suggested several times in the past without success because the concept of extent of reaction is still not presented in the first-year general chemistry textbooks. It is also remarked that the concept of extent of reaction represents a simple example of the way (...)
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  17. Flow Fragmentalism.Giuliano Torrengo & Samuele Iaquinto - 2019 - Theoria 85:185-201.
    In this paper, we articulate a version of non-standard A-theory—which we call Flow Fragmentalism—in relation to its take on the issue of supervenience of truth on being. According to the Truth Supervenes on Being (TSB) Principle, the truth of past- and future-tensed propositions supervenes, respectively, on past and future facts. Since the standard presentist denies the existence of past and future entities and facts concerning them that do not obtain in the present, she seems to lack the resources to accept (...)
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  18. Perspectival Tenses and Dynamic Tenses.Giuliano Torrengo - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (5):1045-1061.
    As far as our experience goes, we live in a dynamic present. Those two phenomenal features of experience—presentness and dynamism—are obviously connected. However, how they are connected is not obvious at all. In this paper, I criticise the view according to which the former can explain the latter, which I call sophisticated representationalism. My criticism will be based on an ambiguity in the notion of tense found in the philosophical literature, that between the perspectival understanding and the dynamic understanding of (...)
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  19.  68
    Affordances, context and sociality.Anna M. Borghi - 2018 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12485-12515.
    Affordances, i.e. the opportunity of actions offered by the environment, are one of the central research topics for the theoretical perspectives that view cognition as emerging from the interaction between the environment and the body. Being at the bridge between perception and action, affordances help to question a dichotomous view of perception and action. While Gibson’s view of affordances is mainly externalist, many contemporary approaches define affordances as the product of long-term visuomotor associations in the brain. These studies have emphasized (...)
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  20. Feeling the Passing of Time.Giuliano Torrengo - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (4):165-188.
    There seems to be a "what it is like" to the experience of the flow of time in any conscious activity of ours. In this paper, I argue that the feeling that time passes should be understood as a phenomenal modifier of our mental life, in roughly the same way as the blurred or vivid nature of a visual experience can be seen as an element of the experience that modifies the way it feels, without representing the world as being (...)
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  21.  48
    Truth, Verisimilitude and Criticism in Lorenzo Valla: Dialectics and Historiography.Giuliano Mori - 2021 - Quaestio 20:417-438.
    This article analyses Valla’s historiographical stance in the light of his dialectical assumptions about possibility, verisimilitude, and truth. I argue that, at variance with most humanists, Valla believed that historical truth should satisfy the requirements of logical necessity, being therefore incompatible with verisimilar reconstructions of past events. However, Valla also realized that a critical method of assessment grounded in verisimilitude was indispensable to the analysis of doubtful accounts and traditions. In order to explore these matters, Valla developed a genre distinct (...)
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  22. The Invisible Thin Red Line.Giuliano Torrengo & Samuele Iaquinto - 2020 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 101:354-382.
    The aim of this paper is to argue that the adoption of an unrestricted principle of bivalence is compatible with a metaphysics that (i) denies that the future is real, (ii) adopts nomological indeterminism, and (iii) exploits a branching structure to provide a semantics for future contingent claims. To this end, we elaborate what we call Flow Fragmentalism, a view inspired by Kit Fine (2005)’s non-standard tense realism, according to which reality is divided up into maximally coherent collections of tensed (...)
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  23.  62
    The embodied mind extended: using words as social tools.Anna M. Borghi, Claudia Scorolli, Daniele Caligiore, Gianluca Baldassarre & Luca Tummolini - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
    The extended mind view and the embodied-grounded view of cognition and language are typically considered as rather independent perspectives. In this paper we propose a possible integration of the two views and support it proposing the idea of “Words As social Tools” (WAT). In this respect, we will propose that words, also due to their social and public character, can be conceived as quasi-external devices that extend our cognition. Moreover, words function like tools in that they enlarge the bodily space (...)
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  24.  79
    The Role of Fear (Bhaya) in the Nikāyas and in the Abhidhamma.Giuliano Giustarini - 2012 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 40 (5):511-531.
    According to Buddhist soteriology, fear is a direct cause of suffering and one of the main obstacles in the path to liberation. Pāli Suttas and Abhidhamma present a number of sophisticated strategies to deal with fear and to overcome it. Nevertheless, in the Nikāyas and in the Abhidhamma there are also consistent instructions about implementing fear in meditative practices and considering it as a valuable ally in the pursuit of nibbāna By means of a lexicographical study of selected passages and (...)
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  25.  8
    The algebras of Lewis’s counterfactuals: axiomatizations and algebraizability.Giuliano Rosella & Sara Ugolini - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-27.
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    Il καυχάομαι nella Lettera ai Romani: un contributo aggiornato per la soteriologia paolina.Anna Maria Borghi - 2024 - Isidorianum 33 (2):173-205.
    Nell’articolata analisi della tesi di dottorato (2021), l’autrice era pervenuta a rintracciare nel καυχάομαι l’inscrizione del profilo fondativo dell’identità credente, che Paolo dispone in una sorta di percorso testuale lungo Rm 1‒5. L’articolo presenta la sintesi della ricerca precedente, riaprendo il confronto con i contributi successivi alla sua stesura ed in particolare con quelli della prospettiva di Paul within Judaism. Il dialogo con il recente studio di John M.G. BARCLAY, Paul and the Power of Grace, in sede conclusiva conferma il (...)
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  27.  11
    Geografie di genere.Rachele Borghi & Antonella Rondinone (eds.) - 2009 - Milano: UNICOPLI.
  28.  27
    Le basi sociali della cooperazione: ri-politicizzare le forme del legame sociale.Vando Borghi - 2014 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 26 (50).
    L’articolo analizza il campo di tensione tra cooperazione come principio intrinseco all’azione sociale e cooperazione come prodotto storico-sociale. Dopo aver richiamato le concezioni utilitariste e "contrattualiste" dell’azione sociale il nesso tra cooperazione e azione sociale viene presentato analiticamente nel contesto del capitalismo neoliberale. Muovendo da una coattiva estrazione di cooperazione che caratterizza tale quadro, vengono discussi i rischi di erosione delle basi sociali della cooperazione e del legame sociale che l’estrazione di cooperazione comporta. Nel solco del concetto di contromovimento delineato (...)
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    La casa e il cosmo: il ritornello e la musica nel pensiero di Deleuze e Guattari.Simone Borghi - 2008 - Verona: Ombre corte.
  30.  8
    Maestri e problemi dell'educazione.Lamberto Borghi - 1987 - Scandicci, Firenze: La Nuova Italia.
  31.  8
    Se volessimo vederci chiaro: note per una possibile teoria delle scienze.Carlo Borghi - 1976 - Milano: Jaca book.
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    The freedom of words: abstractness and the power of language.Anna M. Borghi - 2023 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume explores how language, and particularly abstract language, shapes our thought. Academic researchers and graduate students in philosophy of language and cognitive sciences will benefit.
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    Sul tema dell'eroismo in Friedrich Nietzsche.Giuliano Campioni - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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    Antigone o Creonte: etica e politica nell'era atomica.Giuliano Pontara - 1990 - Roma: Riuniti.
  35.  97
    Counterfactuals 2.0: Logic, Truth Conditions, and Probability.Giuliano Rosella - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Turin
    The present thesis focuses on counterfactuals. Specifically, we will address new questions and open problems that arise for the standard semantic accounts of counterfactual conditionals. The first four chapters deal with the Lewisian semantic account of counterfactuals. On a technical level, we contribute by providing an equivalent algebraic semantics for Lewis' variably strict conditional logics, which is notably absent in the literature. We introduce a new kind of algebra and differentiate between local and global versions of each of Lewis' variably (...)
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  36.  21
    La cognizione sociale in Ray Jackendoff.Giuliano Torrengo - 2003 - Rivista di Estetica 43 (23):220-237.
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    Jack Sargeant (2008) Deathtripping: The Extreme Underground.Giuliano Vivaldi - 2008 - Film-Philosophy 12 (2):157-164.
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  38. Time and Simple Existence.Giuliano Torrengo - 2012 - Metaphysica 13 (2):125-130.
    Sceptics about substantial disputes in ontology often argue that when two philosophers seem to disagree on a quantified claim, they are actually equivocating on the notion of existence that they are using. When temporal elements play a central role, as in the debate between presentists and eternalists, the hypothesis of an equivocation with respect to existence acquires more plausibility. However, the anti-sceptic can still argue that this hypothesis is unjustified.
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  39. Fragmenting Reality: An Essay on Passage, Causality and Time Travel.Samuele Iaquinto & Giuliano Torrengo - 2022 - London: Bloomsbury.
    The growing interest in fragmentalism is one of the most exciting trends in philosophy of time and is gradually reshaping the contemporary debate. Providing an extensive interpretation of this view, Samuele Iaquinto and Giuliano Torrengo articulate a novel theory of the passage of time and argue that it is the most effective in vindicating the inherent dynamism of reality. Iaquinto and Torrengo offer the first full-range application of fragmentalism to a number of metaphysical topics, including the open future, causation, (...)
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  40.  30
    An Interview with Giuliano Toraldo Di Francia.Giuliano Toraldo di Francia - 1997 - Foundations of Science 2 (1):177-182.
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    Mathematical subtleties and scientific knowledge: Francis Bacon and mathematics, at the crossing of two traditions.Giuliano Mori - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Science 50 (1):1-21.
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  42.  35
    Liberation(s): The Notion of Release (vimokkha) in the Paṭisambhidāmagga.Giuliano Giustarini - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (2):241-266.
    The Vimokkhakathā, a section of the Paṭisambhidāmagga, expounds the longest list of vimokkhas found in Pali; it also finely elaborates on the notion of vimokkha through a crucial shift in Theravāda exegesis. In order to explore the meaning and nuances of vimokkha in the Paṭisambhidāmagga, this article focuses on its classifications and definitions, discussing their relation to the standard lists found in the Nikāyas. This examination highlights a multifaceted soteriology that supplies meditative practice with a consistent wholesome attitude; I will (...)
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  43.  16
    Guiding Undergraduates Through the Process of First Authorship.Traci A. Giuliano - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Echoes of myth and magic in the language of Artificial Intelligence.Roberto Musa Giuliano - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (4):1009-1024.
    To a greater extent than in other technical domains, research and progress in Artificial Intelligence has always been entwined with the fictional. Its language echoes strongly with other forms of cultural narratives, such as fairytales, myth and religion. In this essay we present varied examples that illustrate how these analogies have guided not only readings of the AI enterprise by commentators outside the community but also inspired AI researchers themselves. Owing to their influence, we pay particular attention to the similarities (...)
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  45. Flow and presentness in experience.Giuliano Torrengo & Daniele Cassaghi - 2024 - Analytic Philosophy 65 (2):109-130.
    In the contemporary landscape about temporal experience, debates concerning the “hard question” of the experience of the flow—as opposed to debates concerning more qualitative aspects of temporality, such as change, movement, succession and duration—are gaining more and more attention. The overall dialectics can be thought of in terms of a debate between the realists (who take the phenomenology of the flow of time seriously, and propose various account of it) and deflationists (who take our description of temporal phenomenology as “flowy” (...)
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    Notes on the satipat.t.hānas in the Mūlat.īkā.Giuliano Giustarini - 2023 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 51 (1):77-95.
    The Vibhaṅga Mūlaṭīkā, attributed to Ānanda, is a sub-commentary of one of the seven books of the Pāli Abhidhamma-piṭaka, the Vibhaṅga, and the direct commentary of its commentary, Buddhaghosa’s Sammohavinodanī. In the section on the _satipaṭṭhāna_ method, Ānanda proposes exegetical strategies to solve some seeming contradiction between Buddhaghosa’s interpretation of the Vibhaṅga and the Sutta’s framework that the Satipaṭṭhānavibhaṅga refers to. An examination of exemplary passages from the Satipaṭṭhānavibhaṅga of the Vibhaṅga Mūlaṭīkā will shed light upon the originality of Ānanda’s (...)
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    The Algebras of Lewis Counterfactuals.Giuliano Rosella & Sara Ugolini - manuscript
    The logico-algebraic study of Lewis's hierarchy of variably strict conditional logics has been essentially unexplored, hindering our understanding of their mathematical foundations, and the connections with other logical systems. This work aims to fill this gap by providing a comprehensive logico-algebraic analysis of Lewis's logics. We begin by introducing novel finite axiomatizations for varying strengths of Lewis's logics, distinguishing between global and local consequence relations on Lewisian sphere models. We then demonstrate that the global consequence relation is strongly algebraizable in (...)
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    On a Categorical Theory for Emergence.Giuliano G. La Guardia & Pedro Jeferson Miranda - forthcoming - Axiomathes:1-45.
    Emergent phenomena are quite interesting and amazing, but they present two main scientific obstacles: to be rationally understood and to be mathematically modelled. In this paper we propose a powerful mathematical tool for modelling emergent phenomena by applying category theory. Furthermore, since great part of biological phenomena are emergent, we present an essay of how to access an emergence from observational data. In the mathematical perspective, we utilize constructs (categories whose objects are structured sets), their operations and their corresponding generalized (...)
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    Copyright and Truth.Maurizio Borghi - 2011 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 12 (1):1-27.
    This Article calls into question the primary meaning of copyright law. It argues that copyright is not primarily a legal instrument, but rather a fundamental mode of human existence. The starting point of the analysis is Kant’s definition of a book as a "public address" and of author’s rights as ultimately being grounded in the furtherance and maintenance of truth. Building on Kant’s argument, the Article defines the copyright primary subject matter as the act of speaking publicly in one’s own (...)
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  50.  78
    Towards a New Brentanian Theory of Judgment.Giuliano Bacigalupo - 2018 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 95 (2):245-264.
    _ Source: _Volume 95, Issue 2, pp 245 - 264 In the last few decades, the interest in Brentano’s philosophical psychology, especially in his theory of judgment, has been steadily growing. What, however, has remained relatively unexplored are the modifications that have been introduced over the years into this theory by Brentano himself and by his student Anton Marty. These amendments constitute the focus of the present paper. As will be argued, only by making such changes can the weaknesses of (...)
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