Results for 'Giulia Rignano'

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  1.  16
    Cavarero’s Muse: The Troubling Power of Mimetic Inclinations.Giulia Ulla Rignano - 2023 - Critical Horizons 24 (2):131-146.
    This article engages with Adriana Cavarero’s analysis of the Muse of Greek oral poetry to rethink the relationship between mimesis and narration, and the shaping power of the act of narration on the subject. I suggest that Cavarero’s reading of the Muse provides an understanding of mimesis that moves beyond representation to a form of contagion between embodied and temporal subjectivities. To clarify this, I show how Cavarero’s Muse anticipates her critique of rectitude in Inclinations and makes it clear that (...)
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    Dei mezzi e dei sapori o breve riflessione sui mezzi sapori.Giulia Rignano - 2017 - Nóema 8 (1).
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    Inclining Mimesis: Continuing the Dialogue with Adriana Cavarero.Nidesh Lawtoo & Adriana Cavarero - 2023 - Critical Horizons 24 (2):195-213.
    In this article, Adriana Cavarero and Nidesh Lawtoo resume a dialogue on mimetic inclinations in view of furthering a relational, embodied and affective conception of subjectivity that challenges homo erectus from the immanent perspective of homo mimeticus. If a dominant philosophical tradition tends to restrict mimesis to an illusory representation of reality, Plato was the first to know that mimesis also operates as an affective force, or pathos, that dispossesses the subject. While Plato tended to emphasize the pathological implications of (...)
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    A pragmatist approach to clinical ethics support: overcoming the perils of ethical pluralism.Giulia Inguaggiato, Suzanne Metselaar, Rouven Porz & Guy Widdershoven - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (3):427-438.
    In today’s pluralistic society, clinical ethics consultation cannot count on a pre-given set of rules and principles to be applied to a specific situation, because such an approach would deny the existence of different and divergent backgrounds by imposing a dogmatic and transcultural morality. Clinical ethics support (CES) needs to overcome this lack of foundations and conjugate the respect for the difference at stake with the necessity to find shared and workable solutions for ethical issues encountered in clinical practice. We (...)
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  5. Norms of Truth and Logical Revision.Giulia Terzian - 2015 - Topoi 34 (1):15-23.
    Many take the lesson of the paradoxes to be that we ought to impose some form of logical revision. It is argued here that this kind of move should not be taken lightly.
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    Rignano's Theory of Acquired Characteristics. [REVIEW]E. Rignano - 1911 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 21 (3):432-437.
  7.  73
    The wheelchair as a full-body tool extending the peripersonal space.Giulia Galli, Jean Paul Noel, Elisa Canzoneri, Olaf Blanke & Andrea Serino - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  8. The hyperbolic way to the truth from Balzac to Descartes : "toute hyperbole tend là, de nous amener à la vérité par l'excès de la vérité, c'est-à-dire par la mensonge".Giulia Belgioioso - 2009 - In Maia Neto, José Raimundo, Gianni Paganini & John Christian Laursen (eds.), Skepticism in the modern age: building on the work of Richard Popkin. Boston: Brill.
  9. Les facteurs de la guerre et le problème de la paix.E. Rignano & La RedacciÓn - 1915 - Scientia 9 (18 Supplement):15-62.
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    Fare metafore e fare scienza.Giulia Frezza & Elena Gagliasso - 2014 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 7 (2):25-42.
    The analysis of the status of the constitutive metaphor in science is considered along with the examination of some principal models of metaphors among biology, medicine and neurosciences. This allows to highlight the two ages of the scientific metaphor, the crossover between metaphors and models, and some open questions about the hidden ideologies concealed in the scientific theoretical terms that come from the use of metaphors.
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    Fondazione della realtà e uscita dalla storia nel sermo “De Urbis excidio”.Giulia Piccaluga - 1995 - Augustinianum 35 (2):497-510.
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    (1 other version)A new theory of sleep and dreams.Eugenio Rignano - 1920 - Mind 29 (115):313-322.
  13. Le Congrès international de psychologie de Groningue.E. Rignano - 1927 - Scientia 21 (41):127.
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  14. Les facteurs de la guerre et le problème de la paix.E. Rignano - 1915 - Scientia 9 (18):15.
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    La psychologie dans ses rapports avec la philosophie et avec la science.Eugenio Rignano - 1926 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 33 (4):455 - 467.
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    La rénovation de l'école.Eugenio Rignano - 1917 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 24 (6):711 - 722.
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    The concept of purpose in biology.Eugenio Rignano - 1931 - Mind 40 (159):335-340.
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    The Psychology of Reasoning.Eugenio Rignano - 1999 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Une nouvelle théorie du sommeil et Des rèves.Eugenio Rignano - 1921 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 28 (3):525 - 535.
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  20. Zur Gestalttheorie. Antwort auf Herrn Köhlers kritische Erwiderung.E. Rignano - 1928 - Scientia 22 (43):323.
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  21.  13
    Enrico Piergiacomi, Storia delle antiche teologie atomiste.Giulia Scalas - 2019 - Philosophie Antique 19:196-198.
    Cet ouvrage, Storia delle antiche teologie atomiste, est le fruit de la réélaboration d’une thèse de doctorat en philosophie rédigée et soutenue en 2016 par son auteur, Enrico Piergiacomi, à l’Université de Trente. L’objectif principal de ce travail transparaît déjà dans son titre : il s’agit, en effet, de chercher si et en quels termes il est légitime de parler de « théologies atomistes », et d’en reconstituer l’histoire. Cette étude vise à démontrer non seulement que la réflexion atomiste s...
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  22. 1998-2008: Una década de avances y desafíos en el combate contra la impunidad.Giulia Tamayo - 2008 - Critica 58 (954):27-30.
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  23. What is an affective artifact? A further development in situated affectivity.Giulia Piredda - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (3):549-567.
    In this paper I would like to propose the notion of “affective artifact”, building on an analogy with theories of cognitive artifacts and referring to the development of a situated affective science. Affective artifacts are tentatively defined as objects that have the capacity to alter the affective condition of an agent, and that in some cases play an important role in defining that agent’s self. The notion of affective artifacts will be presented by means of examples supported by empirical findings, (...)
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  24.  57
    Mind-wandering and negative mood: Does one thing really lead to another?Giulia L. Poerio, Peter Totterdell & Eleanor Miles - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1412-1421.
  25.  63
    Love is the triumph of the imagination: Daydreams about significant others are associated with increased happiness, love and connection.Giulia L. Poerio, Peter Totterdell, Lisa-Marie Emerson & Eleanor Miles - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:135-144.
  26.  27
    Neural correlates of attention to emotional facial expressions in dysphoria.Giulia Buodo, Giovanni Mento, Michela Sarlo & Daniela Palomba - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (4):604-620.
  27.  66
    A 14-day limit for bioethics: the debate over human embryo research.Giulia Cavaliere - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):38.
    BackgroundThis article explores the reasons in favour of revising and extending the current 14-day statutory limit to maintaining human embryos in culture. This limit is enshrined in law in over a dozen countries, including the United Kingdom. In two recently published studies, scientists have shown that embryos can be sustained in vitro for about 13 days after fertilisation. Positive reactions to these results have gone hand in hand with calls for revising the 14-day rule, which only allows embryo research until (...)
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  28.  42
    The Contribution of Moral Case Deliberation to Teaching RCR to PhD Students.Giulia Inguaggiato, Krishma Labib, Natalie Evans, Fenneke Blom, Lex Bouter & Guy Widdershoven - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (2):1-18.
    Teaching responsible conduct of research (RCR) to PhD students is crucial for fostering responsible research practice. In this paper, we show how the use of Moral Case Deliberation—a case reflection method used in the Amsterdam UMC RCR PhD course—is particularity valuable to address three goals of RCR education: (1) making students aware of, and internalize, RCR principles and values, (2) supporting reflection on good conduct in personal daily practice, and (3) developing students’ dialogical attitude and skills so that they can (...)
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    Optimism’s Explicative Role for Chronic Diseases.Giulia Avvenuti, Ilaria Baiardini & Anna Giardini - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  30. Genome editing and assisted reproduction: curing embryos, society or prospective parents?Giulia Cavaliere - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (2):215-225.
    This paper explores the ethics of introducing genome-editing technologies as a new reproductive option. In particular, it focuses on whether genome editing can be considered a morally valuable alternative to preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). Two arguments against the use of genome editing in reproduction are analysed, namely safety concerns and germline modification. These arguments are then contrasted with arguments in favour of genome editing, in particular with the argument of the child’s welfare and the argument of parental reproductive autonomy. In (...)
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    Health Anxiety and Mental Health Outcome During COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy: The Mediating and Moderating Roles of Psychological Flexibility.Giulia Landi, Kenneth I. Pakenham, Giada Boccolini, Silvana Grandi & Eliana Tossani - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Helping the heart grow fonder during absence: Daydreaming about significant others replenishes connectedness after induced loneliness.Giulia L. Poerio, Peter Totterdell, Lisa-Marie Emerson & Eleanor Miles - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (6).
  33.  16
    The epistemic dangers of journalistic balance.Giulia Terzian - forthcoming - Episteme:1-21.
    The newsroom routine prescribing that public interest disagreements be covered in a balanced fashion is a cornerstone of informative journalism, particularly in the Anglo-American world. Balanced reporting has been frequently criticised by journalism and communication scholars on multiple grounds; most notoriously, for its tendency to devolve into false balance, whereby a viewpoint conflict is improperly portrayed as a dispute between epistemic equals. Moreover, a widely shared intuition is that peddlers of false balance are deserving of blame. This seems right; if (...)
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    Natural Goods in the Eudemian Ethics.Giulia Bonasio - 2021 - Ancient Philosophy 41 (1):123-142.
  35. Etichette e routine artistica.Giulia Alberti - 2011 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 4 (2).
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    Il disaccordo nella scienza e in politica: conflitti e dispute tra esperti e cittadini.Giulia Bistagnino (ed.) - 2022 - Pisa: Pisa University Press.
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  37. La dimensione intersoggettiva della scelta nell’etica husserliana friburghese. Status Quaestionis.Giulia Cabra - 2023 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica (Online from 12-2023).
    The paper examines the ethically relevant category of choice in Edmund Husserl’s ethics and asks whether a choice is a purely individual moment or whether it is not characterized by an intersubjective dimension. To this end, the centrality of the category of choice in Husserlian ethical reflection is considered, and its structural elements are highlighted: the subject of choice, the situation of choice, and the values in relation to which the choice is made. By analyzing these elements, especially in the (...)
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  38. La vie dans son aspect finaliste.E. Rignano - 1926 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 101:190.
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    I volti della musica: allegoria, spirito, realtà.Giulia Ferraro, Ivana Valotti & Claudia Ferrari (eds.) - 2017 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    The Finalism of Psychical Processes: Its Nature and Its Origin.Eugenio Rignano - 1927 - The Monist 37 (3):321-327.
  41.  68
    The School of To-Morrow.Eugenio Rignano - 1918 - The Monist 28 (3):379-393.
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    Une nouvelle théorie mnémonique du développement.Eugenio Rignano - 1906 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 62:482 - 489.
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  43.  65
    Ectogenesis and gender‐based oppression: Resisting the ideal of assimilation.Giulia Cavaliere - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (7):727-734.
    In a recent article in this journal, Kathryn MacKay advances a defence of ectogenesis that is grounded in this technology’s potential to end—or at least mitigate the effects of—gender‐based oppression. MacKay raises important issues concerning the socialization of women as ‘mothers’, and the harms that this socialization causes. She also considers ectogenesis as an ethically preferable alternative to gestational surrogacy and uterine transplantation, one that is less harmful to women and less subject to being co‐opted to further oppressive ends. In (...)
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    Gestation, equality and freedom: ectogenesis as a political perspective.Giulia Cavaliere - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (2):76-82.
    The benefits of full ectogenesis, that is, the gestation of human fetuses outside the maternal womb, for women ground many contemporary authors’ arguments on the ethical desirability of this practice. In this paper, I present and assess two sets of arguments advanced in favour of ectogenesis: arguments stressing ectogenesis’ equality-promoting potential and arguments stressing its freedom-promoting potential. I argue that although successfully grounding a positive case for ectogenesis, these arguments have limitations in terms of their reach and scope. Concerning their (...)
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  45.  5
    ‘Musical Reflections’ An experience with public engagement.Giulia Lorenzi - 2024 - Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12 (1):17-26.
    In this short piece, I reflect on my experience in organising and convening a public engagement event after submitting my PhD Thesis. I explain how my initial motivations to put together a seminar series on the philosophy of music were centred on the idea of distributing the finding of my doctoral work. Yet, I conclude showing how the two-way relationship with a small, motivated and enthusiastic audience ended up being the inspiration for further research.
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    Unpleasant stimuli differentially modulate inhibitory processes in an emotional Go/NoGo task: an event-related potential study.Giulia Buodo, Michela Sarlo, Giovanni Mento, Simone Messerotti Benvenuti & Daniela Palomba - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (1):127-138.
  47.  48
    The problem with reproductive freedom. Procreation beyond procreators’ interests.Giulia Cavaliere - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (1):131-140.
    Reproductive freedom plays a pivotal role in debates on the ethics of procreation. This moral principle protects people’s interests in procreative matters and allows them discretion over whether to have children, the number of children they have and, to a certain extent, the type of children they have. Reproductive freedom’s theoretical and political emphasis on people’s autonomy and well-being is grounded in an individual-centred framework for discussing the ethics of procreation. It protects procreators’ interests and significantly reduces the permissible grounds (...)
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  48.  58
    Two Faces of Responsibility for Beliefs.Giulia Luvisotto - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 52 (7):761-776.
    The conception of responsibility for beliefs typically assumed in the literature mirrors the practices ofaccountabilityfor actions. In this paper, I argue that this trend leaves a part of what it is to be responsible unduly neglected, namely the practices ofattributability.After offering a diagnosis for this neglect, I bring these practices into focus and develop a virtue-theoretic framework to vindicate them. I then investigate the specificity of the belief case and conclude by resisting two challenges, namely that attributability cannot amount to (...)
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  49.  25
    Caring for Critically Ill Patients: Clinicians’ Empathy Promotes Job Satisfaction and Does Not Predict Moral Distress.Giulia Lamiani, Paola Dordoni, Elena Vegni & Isabella Barajon - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  50.  67
    A Pragma-Enactivist Approach to the Affectively Extended Self.Giulia Piredda & Laura Candiotto - 2019 - Humana Mente 12 (36).
    In this paper we suggest an understanding of the self within the conceptual framework of situated affectivity, proposing the notion of an affectively extended self and arguing that the construction, diachronic re-shaping and maintenance of the self is mediated first by affective interactions. We initially consider the different variations on the conception of the extended self that have been already proposed in the literature. We then propose our alternative, contextualising it within the current debate on situated affectivity. While the idea (...)
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