Results for 'Giulia Ceci'

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  1.  15
    Disappartenere: esistenza e mistica in Simone Weil.Giulia Ceci - 2019 - Milano: Jouvence.
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    A pragmatist approach to clinical ethics support: overcoming the perils of ethical pluralism.Giulia Inguaggiato, Suzanne Metselaar, Rouven Porz & Guy Widdershoven - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (3):427-438.
    In today’s pluralistic society, clinical ethics consultation cannot count on a pre-given set of rules and principles to be applied to a specific situation, because such an approach would deny the existence of different and divergent backgrounds by imposing a dogmatic and transcultural morality. Clinical ethics support (CES) needs to overcome this lack of foundations and conjugate the respect for the difference at stake with the necessity to find shared and workable solutions for ethical issues encountered in clinical practice. We (...)
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    The Mark of the Cognitive and the Coupling-Constitution Fallacy: A Defense of the Extended Mind Hypothesis.Giulia Piredda - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  4. Contextual variation and objectivity in olfactory perception.Giulia Martina - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12045-12071.
    According to Smell Objectivism, the smells we perceive in olfactory experience are objective and independent of perceivers, their experiences, and their perceptual systems. Variations in how things smell to different perceivers or in different contexts raise a challenge to this view. In this paper, I offer an objectivist account of non-illusory contextual variation: cases where the same thing smells different in different contexts of perception and there is no good reason to appeal to misperception. My central example is that of (...)
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  5. Genome editing and assisted reproduction: curing embryos, society or prospective parents?Giulia Cavaliere - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (2):215-225.
    This paper explores the ethics of introducing genome-editing technologies as a new reproductive option. In particular, it focuses on whether genome editing can be considered a morally valuable alternative to preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). Two arguments against the use of genome editing in reproduction are analysed, namely safety concerns and germline modification. These arguments are then contrasted with arguments in favour of genome editing, in particular with the argument of the child’s welfare and the argument of parental reproductive autonomy. In (...)
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  6. Lesbian motherhood and mitochondrial replacement techniques: reproductive freedom and genetic kinship.Giulia Cavaliere & César Palacios-González - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):835-842.
    In this paper, we argue that lesbian couples who wish to have children who are genetically related to both of them should be allowed access to mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRTs). First, we provide a brief explanation of mitochondrial diseases and MRTs. We then present the reasons why MRTs are not, by nature, therapeutic. The upshot of the view that MRTs are non-therapeutic techniques is that their therapeutic potential cannot be invoked for restricting their use only to those cases where a (...)
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  7. On Product‐based Accounts of Propositional Attitudes.Giulia Felappi - 2014 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):302-313.
    Propositional attitude sentences, such as "John believes that snow is white," are traditionally taken to express the holding of a relation between a subject and what ‘that’-clauses like ‘that snow is white’ denote, i.e. propositions. On the traditional account, propositions are abstract, mind- and language-independent entities. Recently, some have raised some serious worries for the traditional account and thought that we were mistaken about the kind of entities propositions are. Over the last ten years there has then been a boom (...)
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  8. Susanne Langer and the Woeful World of Facts.Giulia Felappi - 2017 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 5 (2).
    Susanne Langer is mainly known as the American philosopher who, starting from her famous Philosophy in a New Key, worked in aesthetics and famously saw art as the product of the human mind’s most important, distinctive and remarkable ability, i.e., the ability to symbolise. But Langer’s later consideration of the connection between art and symbol is propagated by an early interest in the logic of symbols themselves. This rather neglected early part of Langer’s thought and her early interests and lines (...)
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  9.  45
    The Contribution of Moral Case Deliberation to Teaching RCR to PhD Students.Giulia Inguaggiato, Krishma Labib, Natalie Evans, Fenneke Blom, Lex Bouter & Guy Widdershoven - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (2):1-18.
    Teaching responsible conduct of research (RCR) to PhD students is crucial for fostering responsible research practice. In this paper, we show how the use of Moral Case Deliberation—a case reflection method used in the Amsterdam UMC RCR PhD course—is particularity valuable to address three goals of RCR education: (1) making students aware of, and internalize, RCR principles and values, (2) supporting reflection on good conduct in personal daily practice, and (3) developing students’ dialogical attitude and skills so that they can (...)
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    Health Anxiety and Mental Health Outcome During COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy: The Mediating and Moderating Roles of Psychological Flexibility.Giulia Landi, Kenneth I. Pakenham, Giada Boccolini, Silvana Grandi & Eliana Tossani - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  11. Peer-review practices of psychological journals: The fate of published articles, submitted again.Douglas P. Peters & Stephen J. Ceci - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):187-255.
    A growing interest in and concern about the adequacy and fairness of modern peer-review practices in publication and funding are apparent across a wide range of scientific disciplines. Although questions about reliability, accountability, reviewer bias, and competence have been raised, there has been very little direct research on these variables.The present investigation was an attempt to study the peer-review process directly, in the natural setting of actual journal referee evaluations of submitted manuscripts. As test materials we selected 12 already published (...)
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    Mind-wandering and negative mood: Does one thing really lead to another?Giulia L. Poerio, Peter Totterdell & Eleanor Miles - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1412-1421.
  13.  31
    Clinical Ethics Expertise as the Ability to Co-Create Normative Recommendations by Guiding a Dialogical Process of Moral Learning.Giulia Inguaggiato, Suzanne Metselaar, Guy Widdershoven & Bert Molewijk - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (11):71-73.
    Volume 19, Issue 11, November 2019, Page 71-73.
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  14. What is an affective artifact? A further development in situated affectivity.Giulia Piredda - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (3):549-567.
    In this paper I would like to propose the notion of “affective artifact”, building on an analogy with theories of cognitive artifacts and referring to the development of a situated affective science. Affective artifacts are tentatively defined as objects that have the capacity to alter the affective condition of an agent, and that in some cases play an important role in defining that agent’s self. The notion of affective artifacts will be presented by means of examples supported by empirical findings, (...)
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    “It is quite conceivable that judgment is a very complicated phenomenon”: Dorothy Wrinch, nonsense and the multiple relation theory of judgement.Giulia Felappi - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (2):250-266.
    ABSTRACT In her paper “On the Nature of Judgment”, published in 1919 in Mind, Dorothy Wrinch aimed at understanding how Russell’s multiple relation theory of judgement might be made to work. In this paper we will focus on Wrinch’s claim that on the theory it is impossible, as it should be, to judge nonsense. After having presented the prima facie objection to the theory created by nonsense and what we can take her solution to such a problem to imply, we (...)
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    Gammadiae, simbolo di santità e autorevolezza: cambiamenti morfologici dall’antichità al Medioevo.Giulia Abbatiello & Cristina Cumbo - 2022 - Augustinianum 62 (1):205-235.
    The so-called gammadiae are symbols similar to letters whose specific meaning is unknown. It is currently believed that they could have originated among Hellenistic Jews, and been inherited by Christians, who adapted them to own needs. They seem to have indicated the holiness of the characters marked by them. Building on previous analysis and on the recent systematic cataloguing of the Early Christian catacombs of Rome, as well as a range of other artefacts, we examine two lesser known archaeological finds, (...)
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    Age‐Specific Effects of Lexical–Semantic Networks on Word Production.Giulia Krethlow, Raphaël Fargier & Marina Laganaro - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (11):e12915.
    The lexical–semantic organization of the mental lexicon is bound to change across the lifespan. Nevertheless, the effects of lexical–semantic factors on word processing are usually based on studies enrolling young adult cohorts. The current study aims to investigate to what extent age‐specific semantic organization predicts performance in referential word production over the lifespan, from school‐age children to older adults. In Study 1, we conducted a free semantic association task with participants from six age‐groups (ranging from 10 to 80 years old) (...)
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    La disputa intorno alla beatitudine come atto riflessivo tra il 1293 e il 1320.Giulia Sossi - 2011 - Quaestio 11:474-478.
  19.  19
    babilili-Ritual from Hattusa (CTH 718). By Gary Beckman.Giulia Torri - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (3).
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  20. The Task of Political Philosophy.Giulia Bistagnino - 2013 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 9 (1):14-24.
    In Th e Order of Public Reason, Gerald Gaus defends an innovative and sophisticated convergence version of public reason liberalism. Th e crucial concept of his argumentative framework is that of “social morality”, intended as the set of rules apt to organize how individuals can make moral demands over each other. I claim that Gaus’s characterization of social morality and its rules is unstable because it rests on a rejection of the distinction between the normative and the descriptive. I argue (...)
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    A 14-day limit for bioethics: the debate over human embryo research.Giulia Cavaliere - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):38.
    BackgroundThis article explores the reasons in favour of revising and extending the current 14-day statutory limit to maintaining human embryos in culture. This limit is enshrined in law in over a dozen countries, including the United Kingdom. In two recently published studies, scientists have shown that embryos can be sustained in vitro for about 13 days after fertilisation. Positive reactions to these results have gone hand in hand with calls for revising the 14-day rule, which only allows embryo research until (...)
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    Regulating Genome Editing: For an Enlightened Democratic Governance.Giulia Cavaliere, Katrien Devolder & Alberto Giubilini - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (1):76-88.
    How should we regulate genome editing in the face of persistent substantive disagreement about the moral status of this technology and its applications? In this paper, we aim to contribute to resolving this question. We first present two diametrically opposed possible approaches to the regulation of genome editing. A first approach, which we refer to as “elitist,” is inspired by Joshua Greene’s work in moral psychology. It aims to derive at an abstract theoretical level what preferences people would have if (...)
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    Indeterminacy and Normativity.Giulia Pravato - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (5):2119-2141.
    This paper develops and defends the view that substantively normative uses of words like “good”, “right” and “ought” are irresolvably indeterminate: any single case of application is like a borderline case for a vague or indeterminate term, in that the meaning-fixing facts, together with the non-linguistic facts, fail to determine a truth-value for the target sentence in context. Normative claims, like vague or indeterminate borderline claims, are not meaningless, though. By making them, the speaker communicates information about the precisifications that (...)
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  24.  42
    Wittgensteinian Facts as Ultimate Items of Tractarian Ontology?Giulia Felappi - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (3):338-342.
    ABSTRACTAccording to Zalabardo, Wittgenstein in TLP solves the metaphysical problem of the unity of facts by holding that facts are the only ultimate items of Tractarian ontology. With his intrigui...
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    Wrist Position Sense in Two Dimensions: Between-Hand Symmetry and Anisotropic Accuracy Across the Space.Giulia A. Albanese, Michael W. R. Holmes, Francesca Marini, Pietro Morasso & Jacopo Zenzeri - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    A deep investigation of proprioceptive processes is necessary to understand the relationship between sensory afferent inputs and motor outcomes. In this work, we investigate whether and how perception of wrist position is influenced by the direction along which the movement occurs. Most previous studies have tested Joint Position Sense through 1 degree of freedom wrist movements, such as flexion/extension or radial/ulnar deviation. However, the wrist joint has 3-DoF and many activities of daily living produce combined movements, requiring at least 2-DoF (...)
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    “The Greatest Sculptor”: Bertel Thorvaldsen According to Kierkegaard.Giulia Longo - 2021 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 26 (1):405-428.
    The common ground where Thorvaldsen and Kierkegaard meet is Copenhagen. This essay focuses on the places—both physical and theoretical—in which the comparison between the two is made possible. First of all, the Vor Frue Kirke, where some of Thorvaldsen’s most important sculptures are displayed, as well as where Kierkegaard used to go both as a member of the community and as a preacher. This article presents a perspective on the intersection that exists in a horizontal sense for Thorvaldsen, and for (...)
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    Recensione di M. Di Franscesco, M. Marraffa, A. Tomasetta, Filosofia della mente. Corpo, coscienza, pensiero.Giulia Piredda - 2017 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 8 (3):327-329.
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    Il De laudibus divinae sapientiae di Egidio Romano e la possibilità per l’uomo di conoscere Dio.Giulia Sossi - 2015 - Quaestio 15:619-628.
    In the book De laudibus divinae sapientiae, according to Gilles, two opposite motors are at work in the human soul, sense and reason: the first one leads the man to evil; the second one to good. However Gilles gets the Thomist argument back to warn the reader that man, to reach the knowledge of the eternal truth and his own salvation, needs a third motor, which compensates for the limits of human reason.Therefore the human reason arranges the soul lower powers, (...)
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  29. Materia e forma nella narrativa di Alessandro Spina.Giulia Sterpilla - 2009 - Studium 105 (6):923-928.
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  30. Diabolical devil’s advocates and the weaponization of illocutionary force.Giulia Terzian & María Inés Corbalán - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (4):1311–1337.
    A standing presumption in the literature is that devil’s advocacy is an inherently beneficial argumentative move; and that those who take on this role in conversation are paradigms of argumentative virtue. Outside academic circles, however, devil’s advocacy has acquired something of a notorious reputation: real-world conversations are rife with self-proclaimed devil’s advocates who are anything but virtuous. Motivated by this observation, in this paper we offer the first in-depth exploration of non-ideal devil’s advocacy. We draw on recent analyses of two (...)
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  31. Introduction: Affectivity and Technology - Philosophical Explorations.Giulia Piredda, Richard Heersmink & Marco Fasoli - 2024 - Topoi 43 (3):1-6.
    In connecting embodied, embedded, extended, and enactive (4E) cognition with affectivity and emotions, the framework of “situated affectivity” has recently emerged. This framework emphasizes the interactions between the emoter and the environment in the unfolding of our affective lives (Colombetti and Krueger 2015; Griffiths and Scarantino 2009; Piredda 2022; Stephan and Walter 2020). In the last decades, there has also been a growing interest in the philosophical analysis of technology and artifacts (Houkes and Vermaas 2010; Margolis and Laurence 2007; Preston (...)
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    Representational constraints on the development of memory and metamemory: A developmental–representational theory.Stephen J. Ceci, Stanka A. Fitneva & Wendy M. Williams - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (2):464-495.
  33. Perceived legitimacy of normative expectations motivates compliance with social norms when nobody is watching.Giulia Andrighetto, Daniela Grieco & Luca Tummolini - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    Three main motivations can explain compliance with social norms: fear of peer punishment, the desire for others' esteem and the desire to meet others' expectations. Though all play a role, only the desire to meet others' expectations can sustain compliance when neither public nor private monitoring is possible. Theoretical models have shown that such desire can indeed sustain social norms, but empirical evidence is lacking. Moreover it is unclear whether this desire ranges over others' “empirical” or “normative” expectations. We propose (...)
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    Midnight reckonings: On a question of knowledge and nursing.Christine Ceci - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (1):61–76.
    The paper contrasts understandings of knowledge grounded in Enlightenment norms with the departures from those norms taken by some strands of feminism and hermeneutics, as well as the contributions made by the writing of Michel Foucault. A reading of Foucault's writings on knowledge, power and the discursive constitution of self and world is offered as a potentially useful frame within which to raise questions about nursing, nurses and knowledge.
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    Caring for Critically Ill Patients: Clinicians’ Empathy Promotes Job Satisfaction and Does Not Predict Moral Distress.Giulia Lamiani, Paola Dordoni, Elena Vegni & Isabella Barajon - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    EEG Correlates of Moral Decision-Making: Effect of Choices and Offers Types.Giulia Fronda, Laura Angioletti & Michela Balconi - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (3):191-205.
    Background Moral decision-making consists of a complex process requiring individuals to evaluate potential consequences of personal and social decisions, including applied organizational contexts.Methods This research aims to investigate the behavioral (offer responses and reaction times, RTs) and electrophysiological (EEG) correlates underlying moral decision-making during three different choice conditions (professional fit, company fit, and social fit) and offers (fair, unfair, and neutral).Results An increase of delta and theta frontal activity (related to emotional behavior and processes) and beta frontal and central activity (...)
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    Headache and Alexithymia in Children and Adolescents: What Is the Connection?Giulia Natalucci, Noemi Faedda, Dario Calderoni, Rita Cerutti, Paola Verdecchia & Vincenzo Guidetti - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  38. Practicing and performing sovereignty abroad : alternative diplomacy.Giulia Prelz Oltramonti - 2023 - In Hannes Černy & Janis Grzybowski, Variations on sovereignty: contestations and transformations from around the world. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  39. Machiavelli, montaigne, charron: Modelli antropologici e sviluppi politici.Giulia Oskian - 2004 - Rinascimento 44:251-272.
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    The “Negation Problem” for Metaethical Error Theory.Giulia Pravato - 2020 - American Philosophical Quarterly 57 (2):171-180.
    This paper investigates an objection often raised against metaethical error theory. The challenge runs as follows. Metaethical error theory says that all substantive ethical sentences are false. But if a sentence p is false, then given a standard semantics for “not,” ¬p must be true, and vice versa. On the face of it, one can’t hold that p and ¬p are both false. After presenting a more refined version of the challenge (in the form of a set of initially plausible (...)
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    The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 in Italy: Worry Leads to Protective Behavior, but at the Cost of Anxiety.Giulia Prete, Lilybeth Fontanesi, Piero Porcelli & Luca Tommasi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The World Health Organization defined COVID-19 as a pandemic on March 11, due to the spread of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in all continents. Italy had already witnessed a very fast spread that brought the Government to place the entire country under quarantine on March 11, reaching more than 30,700 fatalities in 2 months. We hypothesized that the pandemic and related compulsory quarantine would lead to an increase of anxiety state and protective behaviors to avoid infections. We aimed to investigate (...)
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    Examining effects of preconscious mere exposure: An inattentional blindness approach.Giulia Pugnaghi, Daniel Memmert & Carina Kreitz - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 75:102825.
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    Bilateral Patterns of Repetitive Movements in 6- to 12-Month-Old Infants with Autism Spectrum Disorders.Giulia Purpura, Valeria Costanzo, Natasha Chericoni, Maria Puopolo, Maria Luisa Scattoni, Filippo Muratori & Fabio Apicella - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The inhabiting body. A pedagogical proposal to give value to the cultural heritage through the performing arts.Giulia Schiavone - 2021 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 25 (60):121-139.
    The contribution attests a research project coordinated by the Department of Human Sciences for Education “Riccardo Massa” and led in Mantova and Sabbioneta UNESCO sites. The project aims at accompanying citizens and visitors along a participative, sensorial and emotional path towards the cultural heritage’s enhancement and interpretation. Inspired by the desire to promote experiences helpful for an encounter between human beings and the environment, the body and the mind, the scientific and poetic dimension, we wanted to investigate and further explore (...)
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    Overcoming the Past-endorsement Criterion: Toward a Transparency-Based Mark of the Mental.Giulia Piredda & Michele Di Francesco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Starting from the discussion on the original set of criteria advanced by Clark and Chalmers (1998) meant to avoid the overextension of the mind, or the so-called “cognitive bloat”, we will sketch our solution to the problem of criteria evaluation, by connecting it to the search for a mark of the mental. Our proposal is to argue for a “weak conscientialist” mark of the mental based on transparent access, which vindicates the role of consciousness in defining what is mental without, (...)
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    Human Flourishing, Human Nature, and Practices: MacIntyre’s Ethics Still Requires a More Thomistic Metaphysics.Giulia Codognato - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (3):319-333.
    My aim in this paper is to investigate what enables human flourishing from a Thomistic perspective by considering Aquinas’ natural inclinations. I will argue that human beings flourish in different ways, depending on their practices. However, not every practice contributes to human flourishing, but only those that are consistent with human nature, which agents grasp through their natural inclinations. To support this argument, I will critically analyze MacIntyre’s account, referring mainly to his latest work (2016). MacIntyre has the merit of (...)
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    The spatial logic of fear.Giulia Ellena, Francesca Starita, Patrick Haggard & Elisabetta Làdavas - 2020 - Cognition 203 (C):104336.
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    Prima di Platone: Plotino e gli inizi della filosofia greca.Giulia Guidara - 2020 - Pisa: Pisa University Press.
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    Involuntary Childlessness, Suffering, and Equality of Resources: An Argument for Expanding State-funded Fertility Treatment Provision.Giulia Cavaliere - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (4):335-347.
    Assessing what counts as infertility has practical implications: access to (state-funded) fertility treatment is usually premised on meeting the criteria that constitute the chosen definition of infertility. In this paper, I argue that we should adopt the expression “involuntary childlessness” to discuss the normative dimensions of people’s inability to conceive. Once this conceptualization is adopted, it becomes clear that there exists a mismatch between those who experience involuntary childlessness and those that are currently able to access fertility treatment. My concern (...)
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    The wheelchair as a full-body tool extending the peripersonal space.Giulia Galli, Jean Paul Noel, Elisa Canzoneri, Olaf Blanke & Andrea Serino - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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