Results for 'Giovanni Torres'

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  1.  20
    Aseguramiento del proceso de diseño y desarrollo en un taller metalmecánico.Giovanni Torres Charry - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Direma, semillero de investigación en diseño y reconversión de máquinas.Giovanni Torres Charry - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  3. Products dissection: a tool for the engineer's formation.Giovanni Torres - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Validity of the Italian Code of Ethics for everyday nursing practice.Paola Gobbi, Maria Grazia Castoldi, Rosa Anna Alagna, Anna Brunoldi, Chiara Pari, Annamaria Gallo, Miriam Magri, Lorena Marioni, Giovanni Muttillo, Claudia Passoni, Anna La Torre, Debora Rosa & Franco A. Carnevale - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (7):906-917.
    Background: The research question for this study was as follows: Is the Code of Ethics for Nurses in Italy (Code) a valid or useful decision-making instrument for nurses faced with ethical problems in their daily clinical practice? Method: Focus groups were conducted to analyze specific ethical problems through 11 case studies. The analysis was conducted using sections of the Code as well as other relevant documents. Each focus group had a specific theme and nurses participated freely in the discussions according (...)
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    Su Giovanni Vailati.Maria Assunta Del Torre, Mauro De Zan & Lucia Ronchetti - forthcoming - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia.
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  6. Pace e diritti umani nell'insegnamento di Giovanni Paolo II.Giuseppe Dalla Torre - 2004 - Studium 100 (1):13-27.
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    God, Religion and Society in Ancient Thought: From Early Greek Philosophy to Augustine.Giovanni Giorgini & Elena Irrera (eds.) - 2022 - Academia – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
    Der Beziehung zwischen Religion, sozialen Strukturen und politischen Institutionen kam in menschlichen Gesellschaften seit jeher eine fundamentale Rolle zu. Die hier versammelten Aufsätze erkunden mögliche Wege, wie die philosophischen Konzeptualisierungen von Gott, Göttern und dem Göttlichen in der antiken Welt mit traditionellen religiösen Praktiken und Institutionen interagieren, ebenso wie mit nicht-philosophischen Ansichten des Göttlichen. Dabei wird ein Bogen von der „Rationalisierung“ des Göttlichen durch die frühen griechischen Philosophen bis hin zur Konzeption der Toleranz gespannt, die sich bei Augustinus finden lässt. (...)
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    Dietro al velo del diritto positivo.Giovanni Bisogni - 2022 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 55.
    Detrás del velo del derecho positivo. Sobre Il diritto contro se stesso. Saggio sul positivismo giuridico e la sua crisi, por Massimo La Torre En su última obra –Il diritto contro se stesso. Saggio sul positivismo giuridico e la sua crisi-– Massimo La Torre sostiene una tesis muy precisa: si no queremos que el derecho sea sólo violencia organizada, es oportuno distanciarse del positivismo jurídico. El riesgo, sin embargo, es que el antipositivismo acabe “tirando el bebé con el agua de (...)
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    La medicina social y las experiencias de atención primaria de salud (APS) en Latinoamérica: historia con igual raíz.Giovanni Apráez Ippolito - 2010 - Polis 27.
    Los orígenes de la APS y de la Política de SALUD PARA TODOS se remontan al siglo XVIII y al movimiento de Medicina Social de 1848. Del siglo XX se destacan las experiencias pioneras de los años 30-50s. Entre ellas, Chile, Saskachewa (Canadá), EUA, Suráfrica, con Henry Sigerist, Sidney Kark, Salvador Allende, Gustavo Molina, trabajos pioneros de la medicina y la epidemiologia social vinculados a los del antropólogo Benjamin Paul. Así como personajes menos reconocidos en APS especialmente el italiano Franco (...)
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    Antonio Gramsci y la reforma educativa de Giovanni Gentile. La revolución pasiva como criterio de interpretación histórico-educativo.Sebastián Gómez - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (2):149-159.
    A partir de la fórmula revolución pasiva, el artículo aborda teóricamente la cuestión educativa en los Cuadernos de la Cárcel. Central en los nuevos estudios gramscianos, la fórmula revolución pasiva no ha tenido un papel significativo en las indagaciones educativas de los escritos de Gramsci. En lugar de aislar el tópico educativo de la trama conceptual de los Cuadernos, se busca articular la cuestión pedagógica con nudos temáticos centrales del corpus gramsciano a luz del oxímoron revolución pasiva. En esta línea, (...)
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    Kant: Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason: And Other Writings.Allen W. Wood & George Di Giovanni (eds.) - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason is a key element of the system of philosophy which Kant introduced with his Critique of Pure Reason, and a work of major importance in the history of Western religious thought. It represents a great philosopher's attempt to spell out the form and content of a type of religion that would be grounded in moral reason and would meet the needs of ethical life. It includes sharply critical and boldly constructive discussions on topics (...)
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  12.  13
    O Autocuidado Sob Um Enfoque Trágico.Israel Simplicio Torres - 2023 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 13 (25):69-95.
    The purpose of this essay is to tackle the concerns brought up by Schopenhauer in his aesthetics and demonstrate a necessary relationship between human activity and the work of art, as well as how the latter might reframe and "rescue" man from his suffering condition, at least for some time. In this regard, we will start with his examination of the concept of the Idea, which was inspired by Plato's mold as a depiction of the Essence – or the Will (...)
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    La guerre civile perpétuelle: aux origines modernes de la dissociété.Bernard Dumont, Gilles Dumont & Christophe Réveillard (eds.) - 2012 - Perpignan: Artège.
    Au-dela des idees convenues, comment penser les fondements d'une crise sociale inscrite dans le temps long? La guerre civile perpetuelle evalue dans plusieurs domaines les ravages politiques de la philosophie de la modernite. Cette etude examine d'abord sa capacite a detruire a la racine la possibilite du lien social naturel, pour tenter par la suite de le recreer au moyen de divers artifices. Loin de se limiter au simple constat d'echec, l'originalite et la force de cet ouvrage resident dans l'analyse (...)
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    Thirty years of Artificial Intelligence and Law: the second decade.Giovanni Sartor, Michał Araszkiewicz, Katie Atkinson, Floris Bex, Tom van Engers, Enrico Francesconi, Henry Prakken, Giovanni Sileno, Frank Schilder, Adam Wyner & Trevor Bench-Capon - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 30 (4):521-557.
    The first issue of Artificial Intelligence and Law journal was published in 1992. This paper provides commentaries on nine significant papers drawn from the Journal’s second decade. Four of the papers relate to reasoning with legal cases, introducing contextual considerations, predicting outcomes on the basis of natural language descriptions of the cases, comparing different ways of representing cases, and formalising precedential reasoning. One introduces a method of analysing arguments that was to become very widely used in AI and Law, namely (...)
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    Il dilemma matematico di Bruno tra atomismo e infinitismo.Giovanni Aquilecchia - 1992 - Napoli: Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa.
  16. The Ethics of Ethnic Identity: Jorge Portilla versus Christine Korsgaard.Juan Garcia Torres - forthcoming - Res Philosophica.
    From the thought of mid-twentieth century Mexican philosopher Jorge Portilla, I develop an account of what I call ‘ethics of ethnic identity,’ which include: a) a set of norms of agency grounded in ethnic identity, or ethnic norms of agency—reasons for action and obligations that spring from a given ethnic identity, and b) a type of normativity governing these ethnic norms of agency. I argue that one of the theoretical advantages of this account is that it fares well with respect (...)
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    The Intertwining of Culture and Nature: Franz Boas, John Dewey, and Deweyan Strands of American Anthropology.Gabriel Alejandro Torres Colόn & Charles A. Hobbs - 2015 - Journal of the History of Ideas 76 (1):139-162.
  18.  55
    Complexes, rule-following, and language games: Wittgenstein’s philosophical method and its relevance to semiotics.Sergio Torres-Martínez - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (242):63-100.
    This paper forges links between early analytic philosophy and the posits of semiotics. I show that there are some striking and potentially quite important, but perhaps unrecognized, connections between three key concepts in Wittgenstein’s middle and later philosophy, namely, complex, rule-following, and language games. This reveals the existence of a conceptual continuity between Wittgenstein’s “early” and “later” philosophy that can be applied to the analysis of the iterability of representation in computer-generated images. Methodologically, this paper clarifies to at least some (...)
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    Indigestion?: An Apology for Ties.Cesar R. Torres & Douglas W. McLaughlin - 2003 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 30 (2):144-158.
  20.  72
    Animal Ethics Based on Friendship: An Aristotelian Perspective.Jorge Torres - 2022 - Journal of Animal Ethics 12 (1):76-88.
    This article examines Aristotle's views concerning the possibility of friendship between human beings and nonhuman animals. The suggestion that he denies this possibility is rejected. I reassess the textual evidence adduced by scholars in support of this reading, while adding new material for discussion. Central to the traditional reading is the assumption that animals, in Aristotle's view, cannot be friends in virtue of their cognitive limitations. I argue that Aristotle's account of animal cognition is perfectly consistent with the possibility of (...)
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    Design and Validation of an Observational Instrument for the Technical-Tactical Actions in Singles Tennis.Gema Torres-Luque, Ángel Iván Fernández-García, David Cabello-Manrique, José María Giménez-Egido & Enrique Ortega-Toro - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  22. Agential Risks: A Comprehensive Introduction.Phil Torres - 2016 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 26 (2):31-47.
    The greatest existential threats to humanity stem from increasingly powerful advanced technologies. Yet the “risk potential” of such tools can only be realized when coupled with a suitable agent who; through error or terror; could use the tool to bring about an existential catastrophe. While the existential risk literature has provided many accounts of how advanced technologies might be misused and abused to cause unprecedented harm; no scholar has yet explored the other half of the agent-tool coupling; namely the agent. (...)
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    Legal validity: An inferential analysis.Giovanni Sartor - 2008 - Ratio Juris 21 (2):212-247.
    . I will argue that the concept of law is a normative notion, irreducible to any factual description. Its conceptual function is that of relating certain properties a norm may possess to the conclusion that the norm is legally binding, namely, that it deserves to be endorsed and applied in legal reasoning. Legal validity has to be distinguished from other, more demanding, normative ideas, such as moral bindingness or legal optimality.
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    Factors Related to the Differential Development of Inter-Professional Collaboration Abilities in Medicine and Nursing Students.Nancy Berduzco-Torres, Begonia Choquenaira-Callañaupa, Pamela Medina, Luis A. Chihuantito-Abal, Sdenka Caballero, Edo Gallegos, Montserrat San-Martín, Roberto C. Delgado Bolton & Luis Vivanco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  25. Il Candide nel pensiero di Voltaire.Giovanni Gullace - 1985 - Società Editrice Napoletana.
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    Sound symbolic associations in Spanish emotional words: affective dimensions and discrete emotions.Rocío Calvillo-Torres, Juan Haro, Pilar Ferré, Claudia Poch & José A. Hinojosa - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Sound symbolism refers to non-arbitrary associations between word forms and meaning, such as those observed for some properties of sounds and size or shape. Recent evidence suggests that these connections extend to emotional concepts. Here we investigated two types of non-arbitrary relationships. Study 1 examined whether iconicity scores (i.e. resemblance-based mapping between aspects of a word’s form and its meaning) for words can be predicted from ratings in the affective dimensions of valence and arousal and/or the discrete emotions of happiness, (...)
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    Roots and Branches: Reflections on the Origin Points of the Anthropology of Consciousness.Nicole Torres - 2021 - Anthropology of Consciousness 32 (2):124-128.
    Anthropology of Consciousness, Volume 32, Issue 2, Page 124-128, Autumn 2021.
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    The Data on Gender Inequality in Philosophy: The Spanish Case.Obdulia Torres González - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (4):646-666.
    This article examines gender imbalance in philosophy using statistical analysis of philosophy professionals and students in Spain. It is the only study on an international scope that provides complete, real data of an entire national system. This analysis shows that among teaching and research personnel, women make up 25% of the total, among full professors they represent 12%, and the glass-ceiling index in the field is the same as that in engineering. For the study, I resorted to a normalization of (...)
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    Multinational Firms’ Leadership Role in Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America.Gladys Torres-Baumgarten & Veysel Yucetepe - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S1):217-224.
    This paper explores the commitment to corporate citizenship on the part of the largest U.S.-based multinationals in the emerging market region of Latin America. The websites of the largest U.S.-based firms - according to the 2007 Fortune 500 list - are reviewed and their CSR efforts in Latin America are noted. The firms' positions on corporate citizenship in Latin America are mapped onto a three-by-three matrix in which firms' commitment to corporate citizenship ranges from profitmaking motivations to a more holistic (...)
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    The approach towards equilibrium in Lanford’s theorem.Giovanni Valente - 2014 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 4 (3):309-335.
    This paper develops a philosophical investigation of the merits and faults of a theorem by Lanford , Lanford , Lanford for the problem of the approach towards equilibrium in statistical mechanics. Lanford’s result shows that, under precise initial conditions, the Boltzmann equation can be rigorously derived from the Hamiltonian equations of motion for a hard spheres gas in the Boltzmann-Grad limit, thereby proving the existence of a unique solution of the Boltzmann equation, at least for a very short amount of (...)
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    Family Loneliness: Its Effects in the Development of Empathy, Teamwork and Lifelong Learning Abilities in Medical Students.Nancy Berduzco-Torres, Pamela Medina, Begonia Choquenaira-Callañaupa, Montserrat San-Martín, Roberto C. Delgado Bolton & Luis Vivanco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  32. Leibniz on free and responsible wrongdoing.Juan Garcia Torres - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (1):23-43.
    According to intellectualists, the will is a rational inclination towards apprehended goodness. This conception of the will makes its acts intelligible: they are explained by (i) the nature of the will as a rational inclination, and (ii) the judgement of the intellect that moves the will. From this it follows that it is impossible for an agent to will evil as such or for its own sake. In explaining wrongdoing intellectualists cite cognitive error or the disruptive influences of the passions; (...)
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    Apocrifi gnostici.Giovanni Filoramo - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (1-2):123-130.
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    Cristianesimo e Chiesa nel pensiero religioso di Martinetti.Giovanni Filoramo - 2022 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3:453-463.
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    Diventare Dio.Giovanni Filoramo - 1989 - Augustinianum 29 (1-3):81-121.
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    Polemiche gnostiche e anti-gnostiche sul Dio dell’Antico Testamento.Giovanni Filoramo & Claudio Gianotto - 1982 - Augustinianum 22 (1-2):35-51.
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    Pneuma e luce in alcuni testi gnostici.Giovanni Filoramo - 1980 - Augustinianum 20 (3):595-613.
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    Pneuma e photismos in Clemente Alessandrino.Giovanni Filoramo - 1981 - Augustinianum 21 (2):329-337.
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    Pluralisme religieux et crises identitaires.Giovanni Filoramo - 2002 - Diogène 199 (3):34-51.
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    Rivelazione ed escatologia nello gnosticismo cristiano dei II secolo.Giovanni Filoramo - 1978 - Augustinianum 18 (1):75-88.
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    Un aspetto di religione popolare nella “Vita di Cipriano” del diacono Ponzio.Giovanni Filoramo - 1981 - Augustinianum 21 (1):91-98.
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    Language as a Threat: Multimodal Evaluation and Interventions for Overwhelming Linguistic Anxiety in Severe Aphasia.María José Torres-Prioris, Diana López-Barroso, José Paredes-Pacheco, Núria Roé-Vellvé, Marc S. Dawid-Milner & Marcelo L. Berthier - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Plato’s Anthropocentrism Reconsidered.Jorge Torres - 2021 - Environmental Ethics 43 (2):119-141.
    Plato’s ideas on the value of nature and humankind are reconsidered. The traditional suggestion that his thought is ethically anthropocentric is rejected. Instead “Ethical Ratiocentrism” (ER) is the environmental worldview found in the dialogues. According to ER, human life is not intrinsically valuable, but only rational life is. ER is consistent with Plato’s holistic axiological outlook but incompatible with ethical anthropocentrism.
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    Objective and personalized longitudinal assessment of a pregnant patient with post severe brain trauma.Elizabeth B. Torres & Brian Lande - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  45.  32
    Quantitative assessment of organism–environment couplings.J.-L. Torres, O. Pérez-Maqueo, M. Equihua & L. Torres - 2009 - Biology and Philosophy 24 (1):107-117.
    The evolutionary implications of environmental change due to organismic action remain a controversial issue, after a decades—long debate on the subject. Much of this debate has been conducted in qualitative fashion, despite the availability of mathematical models for organism–environment interactions, and for gene frequencies when allele fitness can be related to exploitation of a particular environmental resource. In this article we focus on representative models dealing with niche construction, ecosystem engineering, the Gaia Hypothesis and community interactions of Lotka–Volterra type, and (...)
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    Autonomie et autotransformation de la Société : La philosophie militante de Cornelius Castoriadis.Giovanni Busino & Cornelius Castoriadis - 1989 - Librairie Droz.
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  47. Between Kant and Hegel. Texts in the Development of Post-Kantian Idealism.George Di Giovanni & H. S. Harris - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (2):370-370.
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  48. Ruth Garrett Millikan: O cómo la biosemántica revolucionó la filosofía de la mente.Erika Torres - 2022 - In Aurora Georgina Bustos Arellano & Jocelyn Martínez (eds.), Las filósofas que nos formaron. Injusticias, retos y propuestas en la filosofía. Nuevo Leon, Mexico: Centro de Estudios Humanísticos, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. pp. 24-40.
    In this chapter I will present, in a general way, Millikan's biosemantic theory of the phenomenon of intentionality. For this purpose, the text will take the following path. First, I will present the problem of intentionality and an overview of the dominant theories of intentional content during the twentieth century and part of the twenty-first century. Then, I will present a general version of Millikan's biosemantic theory, appearing in 1984, which will allow us to see what the relevance and originality (...)
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    Theories and models in economics: an empirical approach to methodology (2024).Miguel M. Torres - forthcoming - Journal of Economic Methodology:1-5.
  50.  41
    Local disentanglement in relativistic quantum field theory.Giovanni Valente - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (4):424-432.
    This paper discusses a claim by Clifton and Halvorson (2001) that, contrary to non-relativistic quantum mechanics, local operations can never destroy entanglement in relativistic quantum field theory. The impossibility of achieving local disentanglement would raise a threat for the mutual independence between microscopic subsystems. Here, we observe that Clifton and Halvorson no-go result rests on an unnecessarily strong notion of local operations, which we label absolutely local operations, and we argue that a weaker notion, namely that of relatively local operations, (...)
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