Results for 'Giovanni Averroës'

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    Averroè.Matteo Di Giovanni - 2017 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Averroes and philosophy in islamic Spain.Matteo di Giovanni - 2011 - In John Marenbon (ed.), The Oxford Handbook to Medieval Philosophy. Oxford Up.
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  3. Averroes philosopher of Islam.Matteo Di Giovanni - 2018 - In Peter Adamson & Matteo Di Giovanni (eds.), Interpreting Averroes: Critical Essays. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Interpreting Averroes: Critical Essays.Peter Adamson & Matteo Di Giovanni (eds.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume brings together world-leading scholars on the thought of Averroes, the greatest medieval commentator on Aristotle but also a major scholar of Islam. The collection situates him in his historical context by emphasizing the way that he responded to the political situation of twelfth-century Islamic Spain and the provocations of Islamic theology. It also sheds light on the interconnections between aspects of his work that are usually studied separately, such as his treatises on logic and his legal writings. Advanced (...)
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  5. How a Rehabilitated Notion of Latin Averroism Could Help in Understanding Jewish Averroism.Giovanni Licata - 2024 - In Racheli Haliva, Yoav Meyrav & Daniel Davies (eds.), Averroes and Averroism in Medieval Jewish Thought. Leiden ; Boston: BRILL.
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  6. Secundum Avenroem: Pico della Mirandola, Elia del Medigo e la "seconda rivelazione" di Averroè.Giovanni Licata - 2022 - Palermo: Officina di studi medievali.
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    Atributos divinos y el problema de la unicidad en Averroes.Joen Laureth Delgado Gómez & Diego Giovanni Castellanos - 2020 - Praxis Filosófica 50:65-88.
    El artículo aborda la discusión acerca de la unicidad divina y la existencia de atributos, tanto en la filosofía como en la teología islámica medieval, haciendo énfasis en la obra de Averroes. Se analiza cómo en el pensamiento Islámico, al tiempo que se afirma el dogma de la unicidad divina se sostiene la existencia de atributos reales, apuntando directamente a conceptos dialecticos como unidad y multiplicidad, identidad y diferencia, o igualdad y alteridad. Así mismo, partiendo del análisis de su obra, (...)
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    Interpreting Averroes: Critical Essays ed. by Peter Adamson and Matteo Di Giovanni[REVIEW]Stephen Ogden - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (4):751-752.
    For a philosopher whose moniker became "the Commentator" in recognition of his work on Aristotle, it is unfortunate how relatively few book-length commentaries and collections exist on Averroes. This volume is thus a welcome and overall excellent scholarly offering on Averroes's own significant intellectual achievements—from logic to law, and medicine to metaphysics, all expounded by major experts. The editors pursue the laudable goal to furnish "a well-rounded portrait of Averroes's thought" within its proper context of Andalusian Islam, rather than its (...)
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    Il manoscritto della Destructio destructionum di Averroè appartenuto a Giovanni Pico della Mirandola.Giovanna Murano - 2018 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 60:67-80.
    The Tahāfut al-tahāfut is Averroes' response to the Tahāfut al-falāsifa written by Abū Hāmid al-Ghazālī. The work in its Latin translation from the Arabic was entitled Destructio destructionum, and an incomplete edition of this translation was published by Agostino Nifo in 1497.The MS. Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale, VIII E 31, unknown until now to scholars, belonged to Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. It is a manuscript of the Destructio destructionum, translated into Latin in 1328 by Calonymos ben Calonymos ben Meir of (...)
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    Averroes' Quaesitum on Assertoric (Absolute) Propositions.Nicholas Rescher - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (1):80-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:80 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY AVERROES' Quaesitum ON ASSERTORIC (ABSOLUTE) PROPOSITIONS UNTIL 1962 ONLY ONE logical work of Averroes existed in print in the original Arabic? At this late date, D. M. Dunlop published the Arabic text of the short tract by Averroes on the modality of propositions with which we shall be concerned here.' The text published by Professor Dunlop forms part of a collection of treatises by Averroes (...)
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  11. Il problema dello statuto ontologico del tempo nelle Quaestiones super Physicam di Thomas Wylton e di Giovanni di Jandun.Cecilia Trifogli - 1990 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 1 (2):491-548.
    L'A. analizza i problemi principali che caratterizzarono la polemica tra Wylton e Jandun sulla dottrina di Averroè relativa allo statuto ontologico del tempo. Rispetto alla posizione di Jandun, l'A. sottolinea l'importanza della distinzione fra tempo formale, inteso come atto mentale, e tempo materiale, identificato con il movimento, e individua nella teoria della realtà extra-mentale del tempo un motivo di originalità rispetto alla posizione soggettivizzante di Averroè. La posizione di Wylton, che l'A. definisce «realista», scaturisce invece dalla negazione degli elementi aristotelico-averroisti, (...)
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  12.  10
    Kant Und Die Frage Nach Gott: Gottesbeweise Und Gottesbeweiskritik in den Schriften Kants.Giovanni B. Sala - 1989 - De Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
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    (1 other version)The Renaissance philosophy of man.Ernst Cassirer - 1948 - Chicago,: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Paul Oskar Kristeller & John Herman Randall.
    Francesco Petrarca, translated by H. Nachod: Introduction. A self-portrait. The ascent of Mont Ventoux. On his own ignorance and that of many others. A disapproval of an unreasonable use of the discipline of dialectic. An Averroist visits Petrarca. Petraca's aversion to Arab science. A request to take up the fight against Averroes.--Lorenzo Valla, translated by C.E. Trinkaus, Jr.: Introduction by C.E. Trinkaus, Jr. Dialogue on free will.--Marsilio Ficino, translated by J.L. Burroughs: Introduction, by J.L. Burroughs. Five questions concerning the mind.-- (...)
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  14. L'interpretazione Dei Fenomeni Della Vita.Giovanni Azzone, Enrico Berti, Giovanni Federspil, Pietro Omodeo & Mario Sala - 1983 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 1 (4):56-66.
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  15. Gli studi herderiani di Valerio Verra.Giovanni Bonacina - 2008 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 4 (2):361-370.
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    Valerio Verra e il giudizio di Hegel sulla filosofia moderna.Giovanni Bonacina - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (2).
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    Electroencephalographic Correlates of Sensorimotor Integration and Embodiment during the Appreciation of Virtual Architectural Environments.Giovanni Vecchiato, Gaetano Tieri, Andrea Jelic, Federico De Matteis, Anton G. Maglione & Fabio Babiloni - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Sul problema della crisi del diritto.Giovanni Tarello - 1957 - Torino,: G. Giappichelli.
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    Between Kant and Hegel: Texts in the Development of Post-Kantian Idealism.George Di Giovanni & Henry Silton Harris (eds.) - 1985 - State University of New York Press.
    Born from the combination of two projects--a presentation of the important essays from the Critical Journal of Schelling and Hegel that were still untranslated and an anthology of excerpts from the works of the generation of German thinkers ...
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    The Discourse of Revelation as Source for the Gnostic Process of Individuation.Giovanni Filoramo - 2013 - In Jörg Rüpke (ed.), The Individual in the Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean. Oxford University Press. pp. 435.
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  21. On the ancestry of Reid's inquiry : Stewart, Fearn, and Reid's early manuscripts.Giovanni B. Grandi - 2018 - In Charles Bradford Bow (ed.), Common Sense in the Scottish Enlightenment. [Oxford, United Kingdom]: Oxford University Press.
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  22. Christian Affirmations in a Secular Age.Giovanni Miegge - 1958
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    La “posizione” di Jakob Wyrsch ed il progetto di una psichiatria antropologica”.Giovanni Stanghellini - 1992 - Comprendre 6:135-150.
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    Good parenting. On the normative implications of indication in reproductive medicine.Giovanni Rubeis - 2020 - Ethik in der Medizin 32 (3):255-266.
    Definition of the problemThe options of reproductive medicine are expanding. In some cases, it is unclear whether there is a medical indication for applying procedures of assisted reproduction or whether this application is wish-fulfilling. The distinction between medical indication and wish fulfilment depends on the concept of indication. Thus, the concept of indication has a special status in reproductive medicine. The distinction between medical indication and wish-fulfilling treatment is mostly based on implicit or explicit normative judgements, rather than on mere (...)
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    Dynamics in Foundations: What Does It Mean in the Practice of Mathematics?Giovanni Sambin - 2019 - In Stefania Centrone, Deborah Kant & Deniz Sarikaya (eds.), Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics: Univalent Foundations, Set Theory and General Thoughts. Springer Verlag. pp. 455-494.
    The search for a synthesis between formalism and constructivism, and meditation on Gödel incompleteness, leads in a natural way to conceive mathematics as dynamic and plural, that is the result of a human achievement, rather than static and unique, that is given truth. This foundational attitude, called dynamic constructivism, has been adopted in the actual development of topology and revealed some deep structures that had remained hidden under other views. After motivations for and a brief introduction to dynamic constructivism, an (...)
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    Introduzione a Descartes.Giovanni Crapulli - 1988 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Filosofie del mito nel Novecento.Giovanni Leghissa & Enrico Manera (eds.) - 2015 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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  28. Scritti di filosofia.Giovanni Vailati - 1911 - Sala Bolognese: A. Forni. Edited by Mario Quaranta.
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    Local disentanglement in relativistic quantum field theory.Giovanni Valente - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (4):424-432.
    This paper discusses a claim by Clifton and Halvorson (2001) that, contrary to non-relativistic quantum mechanics, local operations can never destroy entanglement in relativistic quantum field theory. The impossibility of achieving local disentanglement would raise a threat for the mutual independence between microscopic subsystems. Here, we observe that Clifton and Halvorson no-go result rests on an unnecessarily strong notion of local operations, which we label absolutely local operations, and we argue that a weaker notion, namely that of relatively local operations, (...)
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    Crtica o probavnom realizmu.Giovanni Tuzet - 2015 - Revus 25:7-10.
    Prema najekstremnijem obliku pravnoga realizma sudske odluke ovise o tome što su suci jeli za doručak. Nejasno je je li itko od američkih pravnih realista takvo što zaista i tvrdio. Ponekad se to ekstremno stajalište pripisuje Jeromeu Franku, što nije iznenađujuće s obzirom da se Franka obično smatra najradikalnijim, najskeptičnijim i najciničnijim među tim realistima. Tvrdi se zapravo da su kritičari američkog pravnog realizma promovirali «frankifikaciju» toga pokreta upravo kako bi ga učini..
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    Intentional strategies that make co-actors more predictable: the case of signaling.Giovanni Pezzulo & Haris Dindo - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):371-372.
    Pickering & Garrod (P&G) explain dialogue dynamics in terms of forward modeling and prediction-by-simulation mechanisms. Their theory dissolves a strict segregation between production and comprehension processes, and it links dialogue to action-based theories of joint action. We propose that the theory can also incorporate intentional strategies that increase communicative success: for example, signaling strategies that help remaining predictable and forming common ground.
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    Sulle emozioni: filosofia e neuroscienze.Giovanni Coglitore - 2012 - Cosenza, Italy: L. Pellegrini.
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    Giovanni Gentile: il pensiero dell'Italia.Aldo Di Lello, Gerardo Picardo & Giovanni Gentile (eds.) - 2004 - Roma: Pantheon.
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    Sur Les idées généraLes.Giovanni Marchesini - 1893 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 35:489 - 498.
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    F.W. Förster e la crisi dell'anima contemporanea.Giovanni Modugno - 1931 - Roma: GLF editori Laterza.
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  36. Ateismo, laicismo, secolarizzazione: la diagnosi di Cornelio Fabro.Giovanni Turco - 2012 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 89 (2):183-237.
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  37. The Schools of the Imperial Age.Giovanni REALE - 1990
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    Documents sur la vie de Jules-César Vanini de Taurisano (review).Paul J. W. Miller - 1971 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 9 (2):249-250.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 249 Girolamo Balduino: Ricerche sulla logica della Scuola di Padova nel Rinascimento. By Giovanni Papuli. (Bark Lacerta, Universith di Bari, Pubblicazioni dell'lstituto di filosofia, 12, 1967. Pp. 313. no price.) The philosophers at the University of Padua during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance arc attracting much renewed interest. This study makes accessible again the logical philosophy of Girolamo Balduino, professor at Padua during the second (...)
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  39. Cognitive fictions.Giovanni Tuzet - 2006 - In L. Magnani (ed.), Model Based Reasoning in Science and Engineering. College Publications. pp. 215--226.
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  40. Lettere inedite a Mario Calderoni.Giovanni Vailati - 1982 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 37 (1):82.
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  41. Neuere Schriften über Hegels Ästhetik.Giovanni Vecchi - 1963 - Hegel-Studien 2:352-360.
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  42. Quali sarebbero le novita della dottrina tomista dei trascendentali? Osservazioni sullo studio di Jan A. Aertsen.Giovanni Ventimiglia - 1997 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 89 (2-3):407-427.
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    Il nome della cosa: linguaggio e realtà negli ultimi dialoghi di Platone.Giovanni Casertano - 1996 - Napoli: Loffredo.
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    Strumenti per ragionare.Giovanni Boniolo - 2002 - Milano: B. Mondadori. Edited by Paolo Vidali & Claudio Piga.
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  45. The Reason of State and the Greatness of Cities.Giovanni Botero & P. J. Waley - 1958 - Philosophy 33 (127):372-373.
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    Platonici salentini del tardo Rinascimento.Giovanni Papuli - 2001 - Nardò (Lecce): Besa.
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    Quale ragione?Giovanni Reale - 2001 - Milano: R. Cortina. Edited by Dario Antiseri.
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    La riforma della scuola in Italia (rist. anast.).Giovanni Gentile & Hervâe A. Cavalera - 2003 - Le Lettere.
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  49. L'essenza dello Stato.Giovanni Ambrosetti - 1973 - Brescia,: La scuola.
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    Tomás Maldonado intellettuale politecnico.Giovanni Anceschi - 2020 - Milano: Edizioni del Verri.
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