Results for 'Giorgio Chiosso'

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    La questione educativa nel neokantismo italiano.Giorgio Chiosso - 1988 - Idee 7:41-54.
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    Giorgio Chiosso (a cura di), Educazione, pedagogia e scuola dall’Umanesimo al Romanticismo. [REVIEW]Fernando Pascual - 2014 - Alpha Omega 17 (2):349-349.
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    The Coming Community.Fran Bartkowski & Giorgio Agamben - 1997 - Substance 26 (2):125.
  4. Proof analysis for Lewis counterfactuals.Sara Negri & Giorgio Sbardolini - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (1):44-75.
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    Reflexive-insensitive modal logics.David R. Gilbert & Giorgio Venturi - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (1):167-180.
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    Perspective taking as virtual navigation? Perceptual simulation of what others see reflects their location in space but not their gaze.Eleanor Ward, Giorgio Ganis, Katrina L. McDonough & Patric Bach - 2020 - Cognition 199 (C):104241.
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    Neighborhood Semantics for Logics of Unknown Truths and False Beliefs.David Gilbert & Giorgio Venturi - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Logic 14 (1).
    This article outlines a semantic approach to the logics of unknown truths, and the logic of false beliefs, using neighborhood structures, giving results on soundness, completeness, and expressivity. Relational semantics for the logics of unknown truths are also addressed, specically the conditions under which sound axiomatizations of these logics might be obtained from their normal counterparts, and the relationship between refexive insensitive logics and logics containing the provability operator as the primary modal operator.
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    Electrophysiological Potentials Reveal Cortical Mechanisms for Mental Imagery, Mental Simulation, and Grounded Cognition.Haline E. Schendan & Giorgio Ganis - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Diseño y emprendimiento en ecosistemas socio culturales, económicos y espaciales.Enrique D'Amico & Federico Del Giorgio Solfa - 2024 - In Liliana Beatríz Sosa Compeán, Sonia Guadalupe Rivera Castillo, Sofía Alejandra Luna Rodríguez & Marta Nydia Molina González (eds.), Diseño moviendo al mundo. Interacciones, interrelaciones, interconexiones. Nuevo León: Labyrinthos editores - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. pp. 137-157.
    This chapter deals with the ways in which entrepreneurships driven by industrial design and the strategies for interconnecting design for innovation are articulated. In the first instance, current practices are recognized in order to analyze the different processes that entrepreneurial dynamics go through. This analysis is carried out from a systemic perspective, at three levels of abstraction: designer, entrepreneurship and ecosystem. The theoretical and conceptual framework will be structured based on the innovations driven by design, which occur around the designer, (...)
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  10. (2 other versions)Filosofía del derecho.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1929 - Barcelona,: Bosch. Edited by Luis Recaséns Siches.
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    Sulla positività come carattere del diritto.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1911 - Modena,: A.F. Formiggini.
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    (1 other version)The State of Exception.Giorgio Agamben - 2005 - In Andrew Norris (ed.), Politics, Metaphysics, and Death: Essays on Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer. Durham: Duke University Press. pp. 284-298.
  13. In Defense of the Loss of Bodily Integrity as a Criterion for Death: A Response to the Radical Capacity Argument.Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco - 2009 - The Thomist 73 (4):647-659.
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  14. Conflict between empiricism and idealism 277 the homo juridicus and the inadequacy of law as a Norm of life.Giorgio Del Vecchio & L. L. Zarrilli - 1938 - In Jerome Hall (ed.), Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt.
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    The road from evidence to policies and the erosion of the standards of democratic scrutiny in the COVID-19 pandemic.Davide Vecchi & Giorgio Airoldi - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-5.
    The COVID-19 pandemic poses extraordinary public health challenges. In order to respond to such challenges, most democracies have relied on so-called ‘evidence-based’ policies, which supposedly devolve to science the burden of their justification. However, the biomedical sciences can only provide a theory-laden evidential basis, while reliable statistical data for policy support is often scarce. Therefore, scientific evidence alone cannot legitimise COVID-19 public health policies, which are ultimately based on political decisions. Given this inevitable input on policy-making, the risk of arbitrariness (...)
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    To the Sickest or to the Healthiest?Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco - 2020 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 20 (3):455-462.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has raised questions about the just allocation of limited medical resources. In this essay, I consider four pressing moral questions raised by the scarcity of mechanical ventilators, using the guiding principle that the primary criterion should be the conviction that each and every human being has equal moral status because each has an intrinsic dignity that makes him or her inestimable and inviolable. I propose that any legitimate criteria for ventilator allocation cannot discriminate among patient populations on (...)
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  17. Wittgenstein: la filosofia come analisi delle possibilità.Aldo Giorgio Gargani - 2008 - Il Pensiero 2:5-34.
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  18. More than Fitness. A Robustness-based Proposal of a Logical Space to Classify Processes Behind Evolutionary Phenomena.Giorgio Airoldi - 2018 - Kairos 20 (1):89-112.
    The assumption that natural selection alone is sufficient to explain not only which traits get fixed in a population/species, but also how they develop, has been questioned since Darwin’s times, and increasingly in the last decades. Alternative theories, linked to genetic and phenotypic processes, or to the theory of complex systems, have been proposed to explain the rise of the phenotypic variety upon which natural selection acts. In this article, we illustrate the current state of the issue and we propose (...)
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    General principles of law.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1956 - Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman.
    Roscoe Pound, in the introduction, gives a panorama of the various schools of legal philosophy, & places natural law in its proper perspective relative to ...
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    Law and Opera.Filippo Annunziata & Giorgio Fabio Colombo (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book explores the various connections between Law and Opera, providing a comprehensive, multinational, and multidisciplinary resource on the subject. Further, it makes a valuable contribution to studies on law and the humanities. While, for example, the relationship between law and literature has been extensively researched, the relationship between Law and Opera remains largely overlooked. The book approaches the topic from three perspectives in three main sections: Law in Opera, Law on Opera, and Law around Opera.
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  21. Il concetto del diritto.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1912 - Bologna,: Presso N. Zanichelli.
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  22. (1 other version)Il concetto della natura e il principio del diritto.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1908 - Milano: Fratelli Bocca.
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    A Structural Grammar of BabylonianA Grammar of AkkadianKey to a Grammar of Akkadian.Walter Farber, Giorgio Buccellati & John Huehnergard - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (2):315.
  24. The extended mind hypothesis: an anti-metaphysical vaccine.Giorgio Airoldi - 2019 - Sofia 8 (1):10-29.
    Discussions about the extended mind have ‘extended’ in various directions in the last decades. While applied to other aspects of human cognition and even consciousness, the extended-mind hypothesis has also been criticized, as it questions fundamental ideas such as the image of a dual world, divided between an external and an internal domain by the border of ‘skin and skull’, the idea of a localized and constant decision center, and the role of internal representations. We suggest that the main virtue (...)
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    PRDM proteins: Important players in differentiation and disease.Cathrine K. Fog, Giorgio G. Galli & Anders H. Lund - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (1):50-60.
    The PRDM family has recently spawned considerable interest as it has been implicated in fundamental aspects of cellular differentiation and exhibits expanding ties to human diseases. The PRDMs belong to the SET domain family of histone methyltransferases, however, enzymatic activity has been determined for only few PRDMs suggesting that they act by recruiting co‐factors or, more speculatively, confer methylation of non‐histone targets. Several PRDM family members are deregulated in human diseases, most prominently in hematological malignancies and solid cancers, where they (...)
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    Dewey, logica della ricerca: la conoscenza deve essere definita in termini di ricerca.Donato Giorgio Muci - 2009 - Pozzuoli (Napoli): Boopen.
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  27. Immanuel Kants Menschenkunde. Im Anhang : Immanuel Kants Anweisung zur Menschen-und Weltkenntniβ.Fr Ch Starke & Giorgio Tonelli - 1980 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 42 (3):611-613.
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    Social welfare relations and irregular sets.Ram Sewak Dubey & Giorgio Laguzzi - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (9):103302.
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  29. Is violence always cruel?Wendy Hamblet & Giorgio Baruchello - 2004 - Appraisal 5.
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    The complex link between neuroanatomy and consciousness.Giorgio A. Ascoli - 2000 - Complexity 6 (1):20-26.
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    What is Sentience? From Definitions to Metaphors.Giorgio Airoldi - 2024 - Global Philosophy 35 (1):1-22.
    Despite the growing interest in sentience, especially regarding sentience in non-human animals, there is little agreement around its evolutionary origin and distribution, ontological status or ethical relevance. One aspect of this work-in-progress situation is a panoply of definitions of sentience to be found in the literature, from intensional ones appealing to ontological features (such as awareness, agency, consciousness) to implicit extensional ones based on physiological, morphological or behavioural features. We review and classify some of the most common definitions of sentience (...)
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  32. Il sentimento giuridico.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1908 - Roma [etc.]: Fratelli Bocca.
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    Cities and Nations of Ancient Syria: An Essay on Political Institutions with Special Reference to the Israelite Kingdoms.Y. Lynn Holmes & Giorgio Buccellati - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (2):301.
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  34. The neural mind debate proceedings.Lluis Oviedo, Giorgio Innocenti, Rufina Gutierrez, Rasmus Winther, Jose Maria Gomez Gomez & Juni Guerra - 2011 - Pensamiento 67 (254):631-639.
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  35. Is it already time to give up on a science of consciousness?Giorgio A. Ascoli - 1999 - Complexity 5 (1):25-34.
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    In search of a periodic table of the neurons: Axonal‐dendritic circuitry as the organizing principle.Giorgio A. Ascoli & Diek W. Wheeler - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (10):969-976.
    No one knows yet how to organize, in a simple yet predictive form, the knowledge concerning the anatomical, biophysical, and molecular properties of neurons that are accumulating in thousands of publications every year. The situation is not dissimilar to the state of Chemistry prior to Mendeleev's tabulation of the elements. We propose that the patterns of presence or absence of axons and dendrites within known anatomical parcels may serve as the key principle to define neuron types. Just as the positions (...)
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    A Darwinian Left: Politics, Evolution and Cooperation.Giorgio Baruchello - 2002 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 76 (2):356-360.
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  38. Attualità di Marx Atti Del Convegno, Urbino, 22-25 Novembre 1983.Giorgio Baratta, Emilia Giancotti & Laura Piccioni - 1986
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  39. Cesare Beccaria and the cruelty of liberalism: An essay on liberalism of fear and its limits.Giorgio Baruchello - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (3):303-313.
    In this paper I outline and criticize Judith Shklar’s and Richard Rorty’s ‘liberalism of fear’. Both political thinkers believe liberalism to be characterized by a fundamental opposition to cruelty , which they regard as the least liberal of the features that may distinguish any given human community. In order to demonstrate the limits of the Shklar–Rorty thesis, I make use, in the first place, of John Kekes’s critique of liberalism as to show that liberalism allows for cruelty in so far (...)
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  40. Can existence be cruel?Giorgio Baruchello & Wendy Hamblet - 2005 - Appraisal 5.
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    (1 other version)Laughing Matters: Prolegomena.Giorgio Baruchello & Ársæll Már Arnarsson - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    The present book addresses the background, rationale, general structure, and particular aims and arguments characterizing our third and last volume about "humor" and "cruelty". A guiding foray is provided into the vast expert literature that can be retrieved in the Western humanities and social sciences on these two terms. Pivotal thinkers and crucial notions are duly identified, highlighted, and examined. Apposite subsidiary references are also included, especially with regard to psychodynamics and clinical psychology, existentialism, feminism, liberalism, Marxism, and representative recent (...)
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    Giorgio Levi Della Vida: Remembered Ghosts(Extracts).Giorgio Dellaa Vida - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (4):59-79.
    Giorgio Levi Della Vida (1886-1967) was not only an eminent Islamologist, belonging to that tradition of Italian Oriental studies that stretches from Ignazio Guidi to Leone Caetani, Carlo Alfonso Nallino and Francesco Gabrieli - he was also a man with solid roots in his own time. He taught in Naples and Rome, then for the ten years 1939-1948 at the University of Pennsylvania. He was one of the few university teachers who, when the oath of loyalty to the Italian (...)
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    The signature of all things: on method.Giorgio Agamben - 2009 - Cambridge: the MIT Press.
    What is a paradigm? -- Theory of signatures -- Philosophical archeology.
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  44. "What is an Apparatus?" and Other Essays.Giorgio Agamben - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    What is an apparatus? -- The friend -- What is the contemporary?
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    Infancy and history: the destruction of experience.Giorgio Agamben - 1993 - New York: Verso.
    How and why did experience and knowledge become separated? Is it possible to talk of an infancy of experience, a "dumb" experience? For Walter Benjamin, the "poverty of experience" was a characteristic of modernity, originating in the catastrophe of the First World War. For Giorgio Agamben, the Italian editor of Benjamin's complete works, the destruction of experience no longer needs catastrophes: daily life in any modern city will suffice. Agamben's profound and radical exploration of language, infancy, and everyday life (...)
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  46.  22
    The Use of Bodies.Giorgio Agamben - 2015 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited by Adam Kotsko.
    Giorgio Agamben's Homo Sacer was one of the seminal works of political philosophy in recent decades. It was also the beginning of a series of interconnected investigations of staggering ambition and scope, investigating the deepest foundations of Western politics and thought. The Use of Bodies represents the ninth and final volume in this twenty-year undertaking, breaking considerable new ground while clarifying the stakes and implications of the project as a whole. It comprises three major sections. The first uses Aristotle's (...)
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    Kant und sein Jahrhundert: Gedenkschrift für Giorgio Tonelli.Giorgio Tonelli, Claudio Cesa, Norbert Hinske & Sonia Carboncini - 1993 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    English, French, German, and Italian, with summaries in the same languages.
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    Giorgio Baruchello tries to distinguish between thaw and meltdown.Giorgio Baruchello - 2009 - The Philosophers' Magazine 47 (47):43-46.
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  49. Studi Filosofico-Giuridici Dedicati a Giorgio Del Vecchio Nel Xxv Anno di Insegnamento. --.Giorgio del Vecchio - 1930
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  50. Giorgio Tagliacozzo.(una Memoria).Giorgio A. Pinton - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:11-20.
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