Results for 'Giambattista Albertini'

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  1. Da Brez a Innsbruck l'Itinerario di Giambattista Albertini, Prete "Illuminato" Del '700 Trentino'.Marcello Farina & Giambattista Albertini - 1998 - Trento: Civis. Edited by Giovanni Battista Albertini.
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    The New Science of Giambattista Vico.Giambattista Vico - 1984 - New Vico Studies 2 (2):164-164.
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    Autobiografia di Giambattista Vico (1723-1728).Giambattista Vico & Fausto Nicolini - 1947 - V. Bompiani.
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    The autobiography of Giambattista Vico.Giambattista Vico, Carlo Antonio de Rosa di Villarosa, Max Harold Fisch & Thomas Goddard Bergin - 1944 - Ithaca, N.Y.,: Cornell University Press. Edited by Carlo Antonio de Rosa Villarosa, Max Harold Fisch & Thomas Goddard Bergin.
    The Autobiography of Giambattista Vico is significant both as a source of insight into the influences on the eighteenth-century philosopher's intellectual development and as one of the earliest and most sophisticated examples of philosophical autobiography. Referring to himself in the third person, Vico records the course of his life and the influence that various thinkers had on the development of concepts central to his mature work. Beyond its relevance to the development of the New Science, the Autobiography is also (...)
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    (3 other versions)The new science of Giambattista Vico.Giambattista Vico - 1948 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Edited by Thomas Goddard Bergin.
    BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE The standard edition of Vico's works is by Fausto Nicolini (8 vols. in 11; Ban, 1911-41). For a bibliography, see Benedetto Croce, ...
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    Opere di Giambattista Vico.Giambattista Vico & Giuseppe Ferrari - 1982 - Napoli: Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Centro di studi vichiani.
    Giambattista Vico was an Italian philosopher, historian and jurist of the Age of Enlightenment. He was the first exhibitor of the fundamentals of social sciences and seminotics. He inaugurated the modern field of the philosophy of history.
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    Giambattista Vico nel terzo centenario della nascita.Giambattista Vico & Fulvio Tessitore (eds.) - 1971 - [Napoli]: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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  8. The New Science of Giambattista Vico Translated From the Third Edition.Giambattista Vico, Thomas Goddard Bergin & Max Harold Fisch - 1948 - Cornell University Press.
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  9. Vie de Giambattista Vico écrite par lui-même.Giambattista Vico & Alain Pons - 1983 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 173 (1):121-121.
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  10. Giambattista Vico's "Science of Humanity".Giambattista Vico, Giorgio Tagliacozzo & Donald Phillip Verene - 1976 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 9 (4):247-251.
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    The New Science of Giambattista Vico: Unabridged Translation of the Third Edition (1744) with the Addition of "Practic of the New Science".Giambattista Vico - 2018 - Cornell University Press.
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  12. The Autobiography of Giambattista Vico.Giambattista Vico, Max Harold Fisch & Thomas Goddard Bergin - 1946 - Philosophy 21 (80):280-280.
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  13. Opere di Giambattista Vico, cioe: De universi juris, uno principio et fine uno, liber unus.Giambattista Vico - 1944 - Napoli: G. Jovene.
  14.  8
    Marsilio Ficino: das Problem der Vermittlung von Denken und Welt in einer Metaphysik der Einfachheit.Tamara Albertini - 1997 - München: W. Fink Verlag.
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    Opere di Giambattista Vico.Giambattista Vico & Roberto Parenti - 1982 - Napoli: Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Centro di studi vichiani.
    Giambattista Vico was an Italian philosopher, historian and jurist of the Age of Enlightenment. He was the first exhibitor of the fundamentals of social sciences and seminotics. He inaugurated the modern field of the philosophy of history.
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  16. De antiquissima Italorum sapientia di Giambattista Vico: indici e ristampa anastatica.Giovanni Adamo & Giambattista Vico - 1998 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki. Edited by Giambattista Vico.
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  17. Il pensiero di Giambattista Vico: una antologia dagli scritti.Giambattista Vico - 1974 - Torino: Loescher. Edited by Paolo Rossi.
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  18. Tutte le Opere di Giambattista Vico.Giambattista Vico & Francesco Flora - 1957 - A. Mondadori.
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    Die Vision eines anderen Judentums: ausgewählte Schriften.Francesca Yardenit Albertini - 2014 - Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich Verlag. Edited by Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf.
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    O homem capaz de deus: Perspectivas de Viktor Frankl E do catecismo.Rafael Zanata Albertini - 2010 - Revista de Teologia 4 (5):62-70.
    This article discusses the human capacity to seek meaning and more, feeling last for life. For this, serves up a double contribution: the Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, founder of Logotherapy, and statements voiced in the first chapter of the new Catechism of the Catholic Church. Both have several points of convergence.
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    The Generational Contract and Its Public and Private Dimensions: Balances and Imbalances among Generations in Italy.Marco Albertini - 2008 - Polis 22 (2):221-242.
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    The New Science.Giambattista Vico - 1948 - Yale University Press.
    _A fresh translation of _The New Science_, with detailed footnotes that will help both the scholar and the new reader navigate Vico’s masterpiece_ _The New Science_ is the major work of Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico. First published in 1725 and revised in 1730 and 1744, it calls for a reinterpretation of human civilization by tracing the stages of historical development shared by all societies. Almost unknown during his lifetime, the work had a profound influence on later thinkers, from Montesquieu (...)
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  23. Crisis and certainty of knowledge in al-ghazali (1058-1111) and Descartes (1596-1650).Tamara Albertini - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (1):1-14.
    : In his autobiographical account, the Munqidh min al-Dalāl, al-Ghazālī reflects on his conversion from skepticism to faith. Previous scholarship has interpreted this text as an anticipation of Cartesian positions regarding epistemic certainty. Although the existing similarities between al-Ghazālī and Descartes are striking, the focus of the present essay lies on the different philosophical aims pursued by the two thinkers. It is thus argued that al-Ghazālī operates with a broader notion of the Self than Descartes, because it is inclusive of (...)
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  24. Charles de Bovelles' Enigmatic Liber de Sapiente: A Heroic Notion of Wisdom.Tamara Albertini - 2011 - Intellectual History Review 21 (3):297-306.
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  25. La fondazione dell'esperienza in 's-Gravesande.Giambattista Gori - 1972 - Firenze,: La nuova Italia.
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    Malebranche e la ricerca dell’identità perduta. Fortuna e incerti della sua filosofia tra Otto e Novecento.Giambattista Gori - unknown
    Malebranche and the Search after Lost Identity. Legacy and Uncertainty of His Philosophy between the Eighteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Starting from the Œuvres complètes edited by Robinet, the article summarizes the vicissitudes through which the French historical scholarship with its leading figure Victor Cousin have restored the imagine and the correspondence of Malebranche, beginning with the dissemination of the original documents, conserved throughout the eighteenth century by P. Lelong, P. André, and finally P. Adry. In spite of his great historical (...)
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  27. Miscella.Giambattista Volta - 1971 - [Treviso,: Grafiche Vianello].
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    Diritto Universale: A Translation From Latin Into English of Giambattista Vico's Il Diritto Universale: Universal Law: Together with an Introduction and Notes.Giambattista Vico - 2011 - The Edwin Mellen Press. Edited by John D. Schaeffer.
    A translation that provides a complete picture of Vico as a forerunner of constructivist epistemology. It demonstrates that he was a critic of the enlightenment, a significant humanist and culture theorist who influenced Karl Marx and James Joyce.
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    Ville et violence: l'irruption de nouveaux acteurs.Tamara Albertini (ed.) - 1993 - Peter Lang.
    Im Bemühen darum, das philosophische und wissenschaftliche Werk des Jubilars zu würdigen, entstand ein thematisch und methodisch geschlossener Sammelband mit 34 Beiträgen zur Philosophie und Geistesgeschichte der Renaissance. Epochenübergreifend wird darin aufgezeigt, wie philosophische Probleme transformiert werden: sei es, daß sie neuen systematischen Zusammenhängen angepaßt werden oder daß sie sich in diesen neu stellen. Darüber hinaus bietet der Festschriftband eine Reihe von Aufsätzen zur Renaissancephilosophie. Insbesondere jene Beiträge, die neues Licht auf den Zusammenhang von Mathematik und Methodenproblem in der Philosophie (...)
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  30. Tradizione epicurea e convenzionalismo giuridico in Gassendi.Giambattista Gori - 1978 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 33 (1):137.
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    Anatomia di un gruppo senza storia: i domestici a Firenze (1800-1875).Giambattista Salinari - 2004 - Polis 18 (1):47-76.
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  32. The seductiveness of certainty: The destruction of Islam's intellectual legacy by the fundamentalists.Tamara Albertini - 2003 - Philosophy East and West 53 (4):455-470.
    : This essay highlights how contemporary Muslim fundamentalists reduce Islam's rich and complex intellectual legacy to a set of authoritarian rules. The three branches of classical Islamic education-theology, jurisprudence, and ethics-are particularly targeted. The reductionist pattern applied to these areas is designed to eliminate both the scholarly space of inquiry and the room for individual reflection traditionally granted to its followers by Islamic religion. The essay ends with an analysis of the language used by Osama bin Laden in various documents (...)
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  33. DE L'ESPRIT HÉROÏQUE: Le huitième discours de Giambattista Vico.Georges Navet & Giambattista Vico - 1988 - le Cahier (Collège International de Philosophie) 5:7-27.
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    New science: principles of the new science concerning the common nature of nations.Giambattista Vico - 1999 - New York: Penguin Books.
    This powerful new translation makes it clear why this work marked a turning-point in humanist thinking as significance as Newton's contemporary revolution in ...
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    Machine Learning to Assess Relatedness: The Advantage of Using Firm-Level Data.Giambattista Albora & Andrea Zaccaria - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    The relatedness between a country or a firm and a product is a measure of the feasibility of that economic activity. As such, it is a driver for investments at a private and institutional level. Traditionally, relatedness is measured using networks derived by country-level co-occurrences of product pairs, that is counting how many countries export both. In this work, we compare networks and machine learning algorithms trained not only on country-level data, but also on firms, which is something not much (...)
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    A Descriptive Analysis of Environmental Disclosure: A Longitudinal Study of French Companies.Elisabeth Albertini - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (2):233-254.
    For the last 15 years, companies have extensively increased their environmental disclosure relative to their environmental strategy in response to institutional pressures. Based on a computerized content analysis of the annual reports of the 55 largest French industrial companies, we describe environmental disclosure with respect to the different strategies implemented by companies over a period of 6 years. The results show that environmental disclosure becomes more and more technical and precise for all the companies. Environmental innovations are presented as a (...)
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  37.  13
    Die Konzeption des Messias Bei Maimonides Und Die Frühmittelalterliche Islamische Philosophiemaimonides' Concept of the Messiah and Early Medieval Islamic Philosophy.Francesca Albertini - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Die Autorin analysiert die politische Konzeption des Messias als König und Gesetzgeber bei Maimonides in seinen Briefen, in Pereq Heleq sowie in Mishneh Torah. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf folgenden Schwerpunkten: a) die Konzeption des König-Philosophen bei Platon und Aristoteles; b) die karäischen Einflüsse auf Pereq Heleq sowie die Einflüsse der Mu'taziliten und der Ash'ariten durch die karäische Vermittlung; c) die individuelle und gemeinschaftliche Dimension des ́olam ha-ba im Werk Maimonides'; d.) die Beziehung zwischen Philosophie und Gesetz im Mishneh Torah und (...)
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    Islamic Philosophy: An Overview.Tamara Albertini - 1991 - In Eliot Deutsch & Ronald Bontekoe, A Companion to World Philosophies. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 99–133.
    Islamic philosophy developed within a highly diversified doctrinal and religious tradition, and consequently represents a very complex phenomenon encompassing many different political, intellectual, dogmatic, and spiritual movements. Insight into the historical circumstances that shaped Islamic thought is necessary for an understanding of Arabic philosophical concerns in the early period of Islam and for subsequent Muslim intellectual interests. It also helps, of course, in approaching topics, themes and genres of Islamic philosophy that cannot be appreciated by applying only the standards set (...)
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    4. Kapitel. Die frühmittelalterliche islamische Philosophie und der Messias in den Hilkhot Melakhim U’Milhamotehem.Francesca Yardenit Albertini - 2009 - In Francesca Albertini, Die Konzeption des Messias Bei Maimonides Und Die Frühmittelalterliche Islamische Philosophiemaimonides' Concept of the Messiah and Early Medieval Islamic Philosophy. Walter de Gruyter.
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    1. Kapitel. Moses Maimonides’ Briefe und der Messias.Francesca Yardenit Albertini - 2009 - In Francesca Albertini, Die Konzeption des Messias Bei Maimonides Und Die Frühmittelalterliche Islamische Philosophiemaimonides' Concept of the Messiah and Early Medieval Islamic Philosophy. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Schluss.Francesca Yardenit Albertini - 2009 - In Francesca Albertini, Die Konzeption des Messias Bei Maimonides Und Die Frühmittelalterliche Islamische Philosophiemaimonides' Concept of the Messiah and Early Medieval Islamic Philosophy. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Umschrift des hebräischen Alphabets.Francesca Yardenit Albertini - 2009 - In Francesca Albertini, Die Konzeption des Messias Bei Maimonides Und Die Frühmittelalterliche Islamische Philosophiemaimonides' Concept of the Messiah and Early Medieval Islamic Philosophy. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Comparison, Fusion, and Bricolage: How to Integrate Islamic Philosophy within Comparative Philosophy.Tamara Albertini - 2024 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 51 (1):3-15.
    The launching of philosophical pursuits undertaken in an East-West trajectory at the first East-West Philosophers’ Conference in 1939 represents a turning point in philosophy. However, as groundbreaking as this approach was, it left out all philosophical cultures that did not fit the initial framework. Islamic philosophy, being viewed as neither Western nor Eastern (Asian), was thus marginalized from the start. I introduce “Bricolage” – a method emphasizing curiosity, humility, and playfulness – as a more nuanced way of engaging with diverse (...)
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    La scienza nuova.Giambattista Vico & Fausto Nicolini - 1928 - Bari,: G. Laterza & figli. Edited by Fausto Nicolini.
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    In the Footsteps of Hilbert: The Andréka-Németi Group’s Logical Foundations of Theories in Physics.Giambattista Formica & Michèle Friend - 2021 - In Judit Madarász & Gergely Székely, Hajnal Andréka and István Németi on Unity of Science: From Computing to Relativity Theory Through Algebraic Logic. Springer. pp. 383-408.
    Hilbert’s axiomatic approach to the sciences was characterized by a dynamic methodology tied to scientific and mathematical fields under investigation. In particular, it is an analytic art for choosing axioms but, at the same time, it has to include dynamically synthetic procedures and meta-theoretical reflections. Axioms have to be useful, or capture something, or help as part of explanations. The Andréka-Németi group use several formal axiomatic theories together to re-capture, predict, recover or explain the phenomena of special relativity, general relativity (...)
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  46. Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) : The Aesthetic of the One in the Soul.Tamara Albertini - 2010 - In Paul Richard Blum, Philosophers of the Renaissance. Catholic University of America Press. pp. 82-91.
    Introduction to Marsilio Ficino's Philosophy (English translation): Intellectual Development: The Discovery of a Philosophical Gift. The Organic Worldview: Man as "Intellectual Hero." Psychology: The Soul as "the Midpoint of Everything." Epistemology: The Mind as "Infinite Power." Metaphysics: The Mind-Soul as "Intellect and Will." Aesthetics: The Soul as "Artist." Reception and Updated Bibliography (selection).
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  47. Actio und Passio in der Renaissance. Das Weibliche und das Männliche bei Agrippa, Postel und Bovelles.Tamara Albertini - 2000 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 47 (1/2):126-149.
    English translation of paper title: Action and Passion in the Renaissance. The Womanly and the Manly in Agrippa, Postel, and Bovelles. This paper uses the philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa and the Querelle des Femmes as historic backgrounds for how Agrippa of Nettesheim, Guillaum Postel, and Charles de Bovelles reconcile the notions of "male" and "female" in their respective philosophies.
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  48. A uniform tableau method for intuitionistic modal logics I.Giambattista Amati & Fiora Pirri - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (1):29 - 60.
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    Women’s Contributions to Comparative Philosophy.Tamara Albertini - 2024 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 50 (4):345-348.
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    Il filosofo e la sua famiglia. Contributo alla storia diMalebranche vivant.Giambattista Gori - 2015 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 140 (4):457.
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