Results for 'Geraldine Gamburd'

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  1.  39
    Hyperactivity and creativity: The tacit dimension.Geraldine A. Shaw - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (2):157-160.
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  2. Du rôle Des «médecins cartésiens» dans la constitution Des matérialismes ultérieurs à Descartes.Géraldine Caps - 2011 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 61:49-67.
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  3. Condillac's Treatise on the Sensations.Geraldine Carr - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41:228.
  4. Shakespeare, Browning and the Self.Geraldine Wildon Carr - 1948 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 29 (4):391.
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  5. Some reflections on japanese landscape painting.Geraldine Carr - 1936 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 17 (1):32.
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    History and the Traumatic Narrative of Desire and Enjoyment in Althusser.Geraldine Friedman - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 7 (18):27-42.
    Among Marxists and Communists, Louis Althusser has long had a reputation for theoreticism and scientism, the factors most often cited to explain the eclipse of his work since the 1960’s. According to the standard account, the distinguishing characteristic and major flaw of his work is that it brings everything back to knowledge. In this essay, I interrogate this understanding of Althusser by reconsidering two cornerstones of Althusserian theory that seem most to exemplify his extreme privileging of epistemology: the symptom and (...)
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    Investigating ‘fame-inism’: The politics of popular culture.Geraldine Harris & Debra Ferreday - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (3):239-243.
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    Prêt-à-byzantiner:Moda, modi, mondi bizantini.Geraldine Leardi - 2015 - Convivium 2 (2):134-153.
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    Simona Moretti, Roma Bizantina. Opere d’arte dall’impero di Costantinopoli nelle collezioni romane, Roma: Campisano Editore 2014 ; Giovanni Gasbarri, Riscoprire Bisanzio. Lo studio dell’arte bizantina a Roma e in Italia tra Ottocento e Novecento, Roma: Viella 2015.Geraldine Leardi - 2016 - Convivium 3 (2):158-162.
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  10. Culture and cultural dilemmas.Geraldine S. Pearson - 2017 - In David B. Cooper, Ethics in mental-health substance use. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  11.  31
    Teachers’ Changing Subjectivities: Putting the Soul to Work for the Principle of the Market or for Facilitating Risk?Geraldine Mooney Simmie & Joanne Moles - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (4):383-398.
    Here we reconsider teachers’ changing subjectivities as autonomous agents whose practices acknowledge risk as an essential element in intellectual inquiry. We seek alternative descriptions to the limiting language of teachers’ current practices within the primacy of the market. We are convinced by Levinas’s claim that ethics is the first philosophy with its concomitant responsibility for the Other. This provides a valuable point of departure and our understanding of its relevance is expanded by Biesta and Todd. This perspective allows interruption of (...)
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  12.  43
    Could there have been nothing?: against metaphysical nihilism.Geraldine Coggins - 2010 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Could there have been nothing? is the first book-length study of metaphysical nihilism - the claim that there could have been no concrete objects. It critically analyses the debate around nihilism and related questions about the metaphysics of possible worlds, concrete objects and ontological dependence.
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  13. World and Object: Metaphysical Nihilism and Three Accounts of Worlds.Geraldine Coggins - 2003 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 103 (1):353-360.
    The study of metaphysical possibility involves two central questions: What are possible worlds? Is there an empty possible world? In looking at the first question we consider the different accounts of possible worlds—Lewisian realism, ersatzism, etc. In looking at the second question we consider the discussions of metaphysical nihilism, the modal ontological arguments, etc. In this paper I am drawing these two questions together in order to show how the position we hold on one of these issues affects the position (...)
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  14.  74
    From Peirce to Skolem: a neglected chapter in the history of logic.Geraldine Brady - 2000 - New York: North-Holland/Elsevier Science BV.
    This book is an account of the important influence on the development of mathematical logic of Charles S. Peirce and his student O.H. Mitchell, through the work of Ernst Schroder, Leopold Lowenheim, and Thoralf Skolem. As far as we know, this book is the first work delineating this line of influence on modern mathematical logic.
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    Ethical competency in nursing & allied health.Geraldine Hider - 2019 - Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. Edited by Don Hoepfer.
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    Addressing the COVID-19 Mental Health Crisis: A Perspective on Using Interdisciplinary Universal Interventions.Geraldine Przybylko, Darren Peter Morton & Melanie Elise Renfrew - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Mental health is reaching a crisis point due to the ramifications of COVID-19. In an attempt to curb the spread of the virus and circumvent health systems from being overwhelmed, governments have imposed regulations such as lockdown restrictions and home confinement. These restrictions, while effective for infection control, have contributed to poorer lifestyle behaviors. Currently, Positive Psychology and Lifestyle Medicine are two distinct but complimentary disciplines that offer an array of evidence-based approaches for promoting mental health and well-being across a (...)
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  17.  23
    Gwénael Murphy, « Mauvais ménages ». Histoire des désordres conjugaux en France, xviie-.Géraldine Ther - 2020 - Clio 52.
    Gwénael Murphy est spécialiste de l’histoire des religieuses et des couvents pendant la Révolution française. Ayant rencontré de nombreuses épouses maltraitées réfugiées dans des couvents dans les sources consultées, il a décidé de consacrer ses recherches à l’histoire des rapports conflictuels entre hommes et femmes dans le cadre conjugal. L’ouvrage publié est le résultat de dix-huit années de recherches. L’auteur place sa réflexion dans le temps long, en analysant des sources issues des xvi...
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    Operações de estabilização e prolongamento dos conflitos armados: estudo de caso do retorno do M23 na República Democrática do Congo.Geraldine Rosas Duarte & Letícia Carvalho - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (55).
    Neste artigo, discutiremos os limites do modelo de estabilização empregado nas operações da Organização das Nações Unidas para construção da paz de longo prazo. Nosso argumento é que a estratégia política da estabilização, por ser baseada no uso robusto da força para combater grupos armados e apoiar governos no restabelecimento da autoridade estatal, acaba perdendo de vista os esforços de resolução dos conflitos, o que, no limite, contribui para o prolongamento da violência. Metodologicamente, o artigo se baseia no estudo do (...)
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  19. Geographic metaphors in feminist theory.Geraldine Pratt - 1998 - In Susan Hardy Aiken, Making worlds: gender, metaphor, materiality. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. pp. 13--30.
  20.  28
    Yoga and western psychology: a comparison.Geraldine Coster - 1934 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The author divides this work into three parts entitled: analytical therapy; yoga; and a comparison.
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  21.  15
    Teilhard de Chardin: in quest of the perfection of man.Geraldine O. Browning, Joseph L. Alioto & Seymour M. Farber (eds.) - 1973 - Rutherford [N.J.]: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
    A printed record of the symposium held in 1971 that was sponsored by the University of California's medical campus in San Francisco and the City and County of San Francisco to examine man's destiny and moral development.
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    Normes de santé dans la médecine cartésienne du second xviie siècle.Géraldine Caps - 2008 - Philosophia Scientiae 12 (2):159-175.
    À l’intérieur même de la mouvance cartésienne du second xviie siècle, la notion de santé est loin d’être univoque. À l’aide des œuvres des trois « médecins cartésiens », Regius, Louis de La Forge et Daniel Duncan, auxquelles nous conférons une valeur heuristique, nous souhaitons mettre en évidence que ce foisonnement s’enracine dans l’œuvre même de René Descartes et qu’il révèle une pluralité d’orientations métaphysiques.
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  23.  40
    The Place of Dance in General Education.Geraldine Dimondstein - 1985 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 19 (4):77.
  24.  48
    What Environment? Whose Canada? Which Women?Geraldine Finn - 2001 - International Studies in Philosophy 33 (4):29-44.
  25.  28
    Transformative unlearning: safety, discernment and communities of learning.Geraldine Macdonald - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (3):170-178.
    Transformative unlearning: safety, discernment and communities of learningThis paper aims to stimulate awareness about the intellectual and emotional work of ‘unlearning’ in knowledge workers in the emerging learning age. The importance of providing a safe space for dialogue to promote transformative learning, through building ‘communities of learning’, is highlighted. Unlearning is conceptualized within a transformative education paradigm, one whose primary orientation is discernment, a personal growth process involving the activities of receptivity, recognition and grieving. The author utilizes the metaphor of (...)
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  26.  41
    Performing Nanay in Winnipeg: Filipino Labour Migration to Canada.Geraldine Pratt, Sarah Zell, Caleb Johnston & Hazel Venzon - 2020 - Studies in Social Justice 2020 (14):55-66.
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  27. Quantitative techniques and humanistic-historical materialist perspectives.Geraldine Pratt - 1989 - In Audrey Lynn Kobayashi & Suzanne Mackenzie, Remaking human geography. Boston: Unwin Hyman. pp. 101--15.
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  28. Autonoetic consciousness in alzheimer's disease: Neuropsychological and PET findings using an episodic learning and recognition task.Géraldine Rauchs, Pascale Piolino, Florence Mézenge, Brigitte Landeau, Catherine Lalevée, Alice Pélerin, Fausto Viader, Vincent de la Sayette, Francis Eustache & Béatrice Desgranges - 2007 - Neurobiology of Aging 28 (9):1410-1420.
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    (1 other version)Resonance and/as Responsibility (How are We to Hear this Sounding?).Geraldine Finn - 2013 - PhaenEx 8 (1):1-27.
    This paper has been explicitly composed for oral presentation: written by ear to be (read as) heard. It stages an experiment/experience ( expérience ) with sound—and in the written text with the “sight” of sound—in order to solicit and engage the becoming sens (e) of sound in the space between resonance and response-ability it seeks to explicate and explore. The presentation begins with the sound of the first few bars of a popular song (whose identity I am withholding in this (...)
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    Early Child Grammars: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Morphosyntactic Production.Géraldine Legendre - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (5):803-835.
    This article reports on a series of 5 analyses of spontaneous production of verbal inflection (tense and person–number agreement) by 2‐year‐olds acquiring French as a native language. A formal analysis of the qualitative and quantitative results is developed using the unique resources of Optimality Theory (OT; Prince & Smolensky, 2004). It is argued that acquisition of morphosyntax proceeds via overlapping grammars (rather than through abrupt changes), which OT formalizes in terms of partial rather than total constraint rankings. Initially, economy of (...)
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  31.  14
    Rousseau: une politique de la vérité.Géraldine Lepan - 2015 - [Paris]: Belin.
    La quatrième de couverture indique : "Rousseau a exploré de nombreux domaines - l'histoire, la morale, la politique, la liberté individuelle - et sous des formes variées : discours, roman, traité, lettre. Ce livre fait voir comment, sous une diversité d'écriture où le littéraire et le philosophique se confortent mutuellement, Rousseau a réfléchi sur des problèmes majeurs de la philosophie moderne pour construire une oeuvre profondément une et cohérente, organisée autour de la théorie politique et dominée par la recherche de (...)
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  32.  21
    Woman's Mysteries, Ancient and Modem.:Woman's Mysteries, Ancient and Modem.Geraldine McNelly - 1991 - Anthropology of Consciousness 2 (3-4):27-28.
  33.  23
    Inhibit My Disinhibition: The Role of the Inferior Frontal Cortex in Sexual Inhibition and the Modulatory Influence of Sexual Excitation Proneness.Geraldine Rodriguez, Alexander T. Sack, Marieke Dewitte & Teresa Schuhmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  34.  52
    Understanding Death in Custody: A Case for a Comprehensive Definition.Géraldine Ruiz, Tenzin Wangmo, Patrick Mutzenberg, Jessica Sinclair & Bernice Simone Elger - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (3):387-398.
    Prisoners sometimes die in prison, either due to natural illness, violence, suicide, or a result of imprisonment. The purpose of this study is to understand deaths in custody using qualitative methodology and to argue for a comprehensive definition of death in custody that acknowledges deaths related to the prison environment. Interviews were conducted with 33 experts, who primarily work as lawyers or forensic doctors with national and/or international organisations. Responses were coded and analysed qualitatively. Defining deaths in custody according to (...)
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    Unconscious influences of, not just on, decision making.Géraldine Coppin - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1):24-25.
    This commentary focuses on the bidirectional links between unconscious influences and decision making. In particular, it examines the extent to which awareness is (not) necessary to the impact of decisions on psychological processes such as preferences. This analysis might help researchers to gain an extended perspective of Newell & Shanks' (N&S's) concerns regarding the role of unconscious influences in theories of decision making.
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    Bodies that Sing Mutilation, Morality, and Music.Geraldine Finn - 1999 - International Studies in Philosophy 31 (1):47-60.
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    Nobodies Speaking: Subjectivity, Sex, and the Pornography Effect.Geraldine Finn - 1989 - Philosophy Today 33 (2):174-182.
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    The Politics of Spirituality: The Spirituality of Politics.Geraldine Finn - 2003 - Feminist Theology 11 (3):333-345.
    This article examines the relationship between spirituality and politics. The author states her frustration at spirituality which is deployed against ethics in the service of politics, this she believes is inherent in many discourses and practices of spirituality. The article asks us to look again at many of the liberation theologies not because they are believed to be wrong, simply disappointing, that is to say they seem to end in concrete identities rather than pushing the very boundaries of meaning and (...)
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    Why Althusser killed his wife: essays on discourse and violence.Geraldine Finn - 1996 - Atlantic Highland, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    This selection of essays represents a continuous and coherent developing work which integrates philosophical (abstract) and political (concrete) concerns. The essays draw on an extensive knowledge of and familiarity with 20th-century European philosophy.
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    Introduction.Géraldine Lepan - 2020 - Astérion 22 (22).
    L’époque contemporaine est dominée par l’injonction à « produire du lien social », laissant supposer que le lien social est en crise, qu’il s’est perdu, à tout le moins s’est affaibli, morcelé et diversifié, sous le coup de l’individualisme, de l’accroissement des inégalités, de la perte des sentiments collectifs et d’une forme de consensus moral. L’urgence sanitaire dans laquelle nous sommes plongés nous exhorte soudainement au confinement généralisé en faisant résonner le concept nouveau de...
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    « Nœud social » et « rapport civil » chez Rousseau.Géraldine Lepan - 2020 - Astérion 22 (22).
    The article explores the different modalities of the notion of bond in Rousseau’s philosophy (social, civil, political) according to the main axes of his thinking. We begin with the criticism of the sociability of Enlightenment developed in the Discourse on the Origins and Basis of Inequality among Men in order to compare it with the political remedy that emerges in the Social Contract, as well as the analysis that is conducted in the Émile around “the abstract man” cultivating his capacity (...)
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  42.  62
    Hannah Arendt and the Liberal Tradition: Heritage and Differences.Geraldine Muhlmann - 2007 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 28 (2):117-138.
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  43. Verse: Certitude.Geraldine L. Sherwood - 1965 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 46 (2):192.
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    The Moral Resilience of Young People Who Care.Geraldine Boyle - 2020 - Ethics and Social Welfare 14 (3):266-281.
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  45. History and Sociology of Science.Géraldine Delley & Sébastien Plutniak - 2018 - In Sandra L. López Varela, The Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences.
    The relationship between archaeology and other sciences has only recently become a research topic for sociologists and historians of science. From the 1950s to the present day, different approaches have been taken and the aims of research studies have changed considerably. Besides methodological textbooks, which aim at advancing archaeological knowledge, historians of archaeology have tackled this question by exploring the development of archaeology as a scientific discipline. More recently, collaborations between archaeologists and other scientists have been examined as a general (...)
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  46. Yoga and Western Psychology; A Comparison.Geraldine Coster - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (36):501-502.
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    Working feminism.Geraldine Pratt - 2004 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    Working Feminism looks at key concepts and debates within feminist theory and puts them to work concretely in relation to the real problems faced by Filipina ...
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    Nouvelles (?) temporalités patrimoniales.Géraldine Leclerc Djament - 2024 - Temporalités 39.
    Pour une théorisation explicite des temporalités patrimoniales en SHS Les études patrimoniales constituent un champ de recherches interdisciplinaires particulièrement fécond pour la théorisation des temporalités en sciences humaines et sociales. En effet, le patrimoine est un construit social caractérisé par un rapport spécifique aux temporalités, résultat de la patrimonialisation, l’« ensemble des processus de collecte et de valorisation par lesquels un groupe social sort un objet – au sens le plus large du terme – du cours ordinaire du temps pour (...)
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    Affective and cognitive brain-networks are differently integrated in women and men while experiencing compassion.Geraldine Rodríguez-Nieto, Roberto E. Mercadillo, Erick H. Pasaye & Fernando A. Barrios - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Different theoretical models have proposed cognitive and affective components in empathy and moral judgments encompassing compassion. Furthermore, gender differences in psychological and neural functions involving empathic and moral processing, as well as compassionate experiences, have been reported. However, the neurobiological function regarding affective and cognitive integration underlying compassion and gender-associated differences has not been investigated. In this study, we aimed to examine the interaction between cognitive and emotional components through functional connectivity analyzes and to explore gender differences for the recruitment (...)
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  50. Fostering life commitment in today's world.Geraldine Klein - 1972 - Humanitas 8 (1):37-55.
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