Results for 'Gerald Rubin'

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  1.  15
    Learning and integration of component movements in a pattern of motion.Gerald Rubin & Karl U. Smith - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 44 (5):301.
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    Colloquy.Gerald P. Koocher, Thomas G. Plante, James M. DuBois, Simon Shimshon Rubin, Armin Paul Thies & Mary Marple Thies - 2004 - Ethics and Behavior 14 (1):65-87.
    This article examines the clergy sexual abuse crisis in the Roman Catholic Church from an ethical point of view. The article uses the RRICC values model of ethical decision making (i.e., responsibility, respect, integrity, competence, concern) to review the behavior of Catholic bishops and other religious superiors as they have tried to manage clergy sex offenders and their victims. Hopefully, the recent press attention and resulting policy changes on these matters from the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops will increase the (...)
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    Strokes of Luck: A Study in Moral and Political Philosophy.Gerald Lang - 2021 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Strokes of Luck provides a detailed and wide-ranging examination of the role of luck in moral and political philosophy. The first part tackles debates in moral luck, which are concerned with the assignment of blameworthiness to individuals who are separated only by lucky differences. ‘Anti-luckists’ think that an agent who, for example, attempts and succeeds in an assassination and an agent who attempts and fails are equally blameworthy. This book defends an ‘anti-anti-luckist’ argument, according to which the successful assassin is (...)
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    Strategies for the control of voluntary movements with one mechanical degree of freedom.Gerald L. Gottlieb, Daniel M. Corcos & Gyan C. Agarwal - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):189-210.
    A theory is presented to explain how accurate, single-joint movements are controlled. The theory applies to movements across different distances, with different inertial loads, toward targets of different widths over a wide range of experimentally manipulated velocities. The theory is based on three propositions. (1) Movements are planned according to “strategies” of which there are at least two: a speed-insensitive (SI) and a speed-sensitive (SS) one. (2) These strategies can be equated with sets of rules for performing diverse movement tasks. (...)
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    Discovery strategies in the psychology of action.Gerald Phillip Ginsburg, Marylin Brenner & Mario von Cranach (eds.) - 1985 - Orlando: Academic Press.
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    The Physicists: The History of a Scientific Community in Modern America.Gerald Holton & Daniel J. Kevles - 1978 - Hastings Center Report 8 (3):42.
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    Organization, Products, and Marketing in Pasteur's Scientific Enterprise.Gerald Geison - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (1):37 - 51.
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  8. John Smith Roskell, 1913-1998.Gerald Harriss - 2005 - In Harriss Gerald (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 130, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, IV. pp. 157-174.
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  9. The return to ritual.Gerald Heard - 1945 - In Christopher Isherwood (ed.), Vedanta for the Western world. Hollywood: The Marcel Rodd Co..
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    On the cultural relationship between Niels Bohr and Harald HØffding.Roberto Angeloni - 2010 - Nuncius 25 (2):317-356.
    It is this paper’s aim to shed some light on the debate about the cultural debt of Niels Bohr towards his mentor and teacher of philosophy, Harald Høffding. The debate began at the end of seventies between two Danish scholars, Jan Faye and David Favrholdt, and in a broader sense it stands for way to show how philosophical influences may shape the scientist’s outlook on the world and consequently the approach to his field of studies. In my view, Edgar (...), the famous psychologist and Bohr’s friend, is the key person to reconsider the Bohr-Høffding’s relationship. I shall adopt Gerald Holton’s thematic analysis for enucleating the possible thematic concept that supports the claim of a common line of thought emerging from Høffding, Rubin and Bohr’s conceptions with respect to their own field of study. Such a line of thought, i.e. the concept of unity, moulded Bohr’s view on the world and exerted its heuristic power in the formulation of the first atomic theory. (shrink)
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  11. Responsibility.Gerald McKenny - 2005 - In Gilbert Meilaender & William Werpehowski (eds.), The Oxford handbook of theological ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Doctrina In Augustine'S De Doctrina Christiana.Gerald A. Press - 1984 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 17 (2):98-120.
  13.  10
    Human Morality.Gerald F. Gaus - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (172):380-383.
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    The advancement of science, and its burdens: the Jefferson lecture and other essays.Gerald James Holton - 1986 - New York: Cambridge University.
    In this book Professor Holton continues his analysis of how modem science works and what its influences are on our world, with particular emphasis on the role of the thematic elements - those often unconscious presuppositions that guide scientific work to success or failure. The foundation of the book is provided by the author's research on the work of Albert Einstein, which is then contrasted with other styles of research in the advancement of science. The author deals directly with the (...)
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    La nuit des Olympica: Descartes tel quel.Gérald Hervé & Hervé Baudry - 1999 - Paris: Editions L'Harmattan. Edited by Hervé Baudry.
    Ce premier volume de La Nuit des Olympica. Essai sur le national cartésianisme (deux livres en quatre tomes) inaugure l'une des plus saines entreprises de la pensée contemporaine : que cesse le mythe Descartes! Finissons-en avec l'imagerie nationale. Suivons René Descartes dans les moments clés de sa vie, ancrons-le dans son époque de reconquête catholique et de consolidation de l'absolutisme. Traquons en ses feintes le premier de ces hommes en qui Nietzsche dénonçait un " prêtre masqué ", le philosophe. Multipliant (...)
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    The Place of Animals in Christian America.Gerald E. Jones - 1985 - Between the Species 1 (2):5.
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  17. Law's rule : reflexivity, mutual accountability, and the rule of law.Gerald Postema - 2014 - In Xiaobo Zhai & Michael Quinn (eds.), Bentham's Theory of Law and Public Opinion. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    The case against God.Gerald Priestland - 1984 - London: Collins.
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    L'inconnaissable est la question: étude sur l'inhumanité: essai.Gérald Quitaud - 2023 - Paris: Les Impliqués éditeur.
    L'origine du Mal chez l'être humain demeure toujours une question sans véritable réponse officielle! Ainsi, à partir de l'expérience vécue de Gaston, un grand-père résistant, déporté et victime, l'auteur s'est efforcé de circonscrire une réflexion personnelle à cet inconnaissable-là, qui n'en finit pas de hanter la conscience des hommes. Pour y parvenir, il a fallu relier des pensées d'ordre utile dans les domaines aussi variés que la psychologie, la philosophie, l'anthropologie, l'ontologie et la spiritualité. Puis, les confronter à celles en (...)
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    Ethical decision making during a healthcare crisis: a resource allocation framework and tool.Keegan Guidolin, Jennifer Catton, Barry Rubin, Jennifer Bell, Jessica Marangos, Ann Munro-Heesters, Terri Stuart-McEwan & Fayez Quereshy - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (8):504-509.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has strained healthcare resources the world over, requiring healthcare providers to make resource allocation decisions under extraordinary pressures. A year later, our understanding of COVID-19 has advanced, but our process for making ethical decisions surrounding resource allocation has not. During the first wave of the pandemic, our institution uniformly ramped-down clinical activity to accommodate the anticipated demands of COVID-19, resulting in resource waste and inefficiency. In preparation for the second wave, we sought to make such ramp down (...)
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  21. Monismo e dualismo entre estado e direito: breves considerações acerca do conceito de estado de direito em Habermas.Rubin Souza - 2017 - Revista INQUIETUDE, GOIÂNIA 8 (2):34-50.
    Habermas frequentemente adota o termo Estado de direito na sua obra Direito e democracia: entre facticidade e validade. O objetivo deste artigo, então, consiste na investigação da possibilidade desse conceito, no seu fundamento e na apresentação dos problemas dele decorrentes, contrapondo-o especificamente a sua antítese, isto é, ao monismo entre Estado e direito de Kelsen. Ocorre que a filosofia habermasiana, conforme entendimento do artigo, implica a adoção de uma teoria dualista entre os conceitos de Estado e de direito. Observa-se, assim, (...)
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  22. Virtù e Fortuna em Maquiavel a partir da obra 'O Príncipe'.Rubin Souza - 2012 - Jus Navigandi 1 (1):1-15.
    O trabalho busca esclarecer dois pontos centrais da Filosofia política de Maquiavel – as figuras da Virtù e da Fortuna. A virtú deve ser vista como uma forma do livre-arbítrio do governante, sendo a principal variável na condução do principado.Destaca-se, também, a utilização da variável nacontestação aos valorestradicionais. Já a Fortuna constitui-se na indeterminabilidade de parte dos resultadosdo governo: ela deve ser dominada, conquistada para o benefício do príncipe.
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  23. Does democracy reveal the voice of the people? Four takes on Rousseau.Gerald Gaus - 1997 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 75 (2):141 – 162.
  24. O sentido das normas para Kelsen.Rubin Souza - 2017 - Revista PERI 9 (1):158-176.
    O artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o problema da determinação do sentido das normas para o Kelsen considerando a flexibilidade do quadro de interpretações. Expõe, primeiramente, a suposta transição do conceito de interpretação normativa, passando de um formalismo-normativismo restritivo para um realismo jurídico a partir das suas últimas obras; em um segundo momento apresenta o decorrente conflito ainda atual constituído por essas reformulações. Finalmente, defende a hipótese de superação da dicotomia formalismo-normativismo versus realismo jurídico através de uma leitura realista normativista.
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    Contrasting corporate profiles: Women and minority representation in top management positions.Gerald E. Fryxell & Linda D. Lerner - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (5):341 - 352.
    This paper investigates the characteristics of firms which have underrepresented groups in top management positions and those which do not. It is argued that profiles of these characteristics will be different for firms with minorities vs. women and that these profiles will be different depending on whether representation is by board membership or through officerships. A discriminant analysis found both similarities and differences in variables that were associated with these different forms of representation. It was found, for example, that size (...)
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  26. Emphasis given evolution and creationism by Texas high school biology teachers.Ganga Shankar & Gerald D. Skoog - 1993 - Science Education 77 (2):221-233.
  27. Thucydides and political thought.Gerald Mara - 2009 - In Stephen G. Salkever (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Political Thought. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    L’Arbre du Bœuf. Motifs mythiques dans un conte folklorique pyrénéenL’Arbre du Bœuf. Myth Motifs in a Pyrenean Folk Tale.Gerald Unterberger - 2020 - Iris 40.
    Das Volksmärchen L’Arbre du Bœuf vom Typ ATU 511 [Ein-, Zwei-, Dreiäuglein] ist nach P. Delarue und M.-L. Tenèze das einzige französische Märchen, welches dem Subtyp AT 511 A [Kleiner Roter Ochse] angehört. L’Arbre du Bœuf ist darüber hinaus aufgrund einiger Motive besonders interessant, weil sie vermutlich aus archaischen Glaubensvorstellungen stammen: So ist die mystische „Reise zur Sonne“ ein bestimmendes Thema, welches seinen Ursprung im indoeuropäischen Mythos findet. Der Weltbaum als Axis Mundi und die Seelenbrücke sind Verbindungen zwischen dem Dies- (...)
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  29. Técnicas pedagógicas passo-a-passo de ensino de filosofia para o jurista desocupado.Rubin Souza - 2014 - Captura Criptica: Direito, Política E Atualidade 1 (4):9-19.
    O objetivo do trabalho é auxiliar o jurista desocupado responsável pelo ensino da cadeira de filosofia do direito. A situação mais frequente nas faculdades de direito são as aulas de filosofia e de outras cadeiras do eixo fundamental serem tapeadas por qualquer bacharel sem nada melhor para fazer. Ocorre que tais ociosos juristas muitas vezes se veem receosos quando instituídos nos seus cargos, isso porque não possuem qualquer conhecimento na matéria em que lecionam, ao mesmo tempo em que são lançados (...)
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    Vorwort der Reihenherausgeber.Gerald Posselt & Andreas Hetzel - 2017 - In Gerald Posselt & Andreas Hetzel (eds.), Handbuch Rhetorik Und Philosophie. De Gruyter.
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    Diversity and homophily in group inquiry.Sina Fazelpour & Hannah Rubin - unknown
    How do social factors affect group learning in diverse populations? Evidence from cognitive science gives us some insight into this question, but is generally limited to showing how social factors play out in small groups over short time periods. To study larger groups and longer time periods, we argue that we can combine evidence about social factors from cognitive science with agent-based models of group learning. In this vein, we demonstrate the usefulness of idealized models of inquiry, in which the (...)
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  32. Respect for Persons and Environmental Values.Gerald F. Gaus - 1998 - In Jane Kneller & Sidney Axinn (eds.), Autonomy and Community: Readings in Contemporary Kantian Social Philosophy. State University of New York Press.
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  33. Taking the Bad with the Good: Some Misplaced Worries about Pure Retribution.Gerald Gaus - unknown
    ∗ This paper has been presented to the Philosophy Departments of Tulane University and the University of Arizona and, originally, to the 1999 Sociedad Filosofica Ibero Americana (SOFIA) Conference on Legal and Political Philosophy, in Mazatlan, Mexico. I am most thankful to all the participants. I am especially grateful for discussions with Julia Annes, Tom Christiano, Eric Mack, Geoff Sayre-McCord, David Schmidtz and Michael Smith.
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  34. Joachim Fischer-Philosophische Anthropologie.Gerald Hartung - 2009 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 62 (1):39.
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  35. Philosophie im deutschsprachigen Raum 1800-1830.Gerald Hartung (ed.) - 2020
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  36. Social substance of religion.Gerald Heard - 1931 - New York,: Harcourt, Brace & company.
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  37. (1 other version)Social Substance of Religion.Gerald Heard - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (25):109-111.
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    The eternal gospel.Gerald Heard - 1946 - New York and London,: Harper & brothers.
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  39. The Source of Civilization.Gerald Heard - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (42):244-245.
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    “Protestant” interpretation and social practices.Gerald Postema - 1987 - Law and Philosophy 6 (3):283 - 319.
    In general, offers a good discussion of Dworkin's theory of interpretation. Postema is critically concerned with whether Dworkin commits himself to individualistic and privatistic sense of interpretation and how Dworkin articulates the logical independency of pre-interpretive paradigm instances or social facts which form the object of interpretation and the end which is interpretively posited in the act of interpretation. Criticisms, for the most part, appear to be compatible with Dworkin's overall theory and may simply be additional explication of the character (...)
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    A tese defende o antiplatonismo presente na obra do jusfilósofo Hans Kelsen como núcleo argumentativo da sua teoria do direito. Sustenta que a melhor definição da sua filosofia não é como neokantiana, mas como antiplatônica. Isso porque há significativas inconsistências na sua interpretação de Kant, o que a impossibilita de ser classificada como tal. Além, encontra-se na sua leitura sobre Platão referências mais sólidas e conceitos mais claros. Nesse sentido, advoga a hipótese de que a obra de Kelsen tem como (...)
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    The Database of Classical Bibliography (review).Gerald A. Press - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (4):619-619.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Database of Classical Bibliography ed. by Dee. L. ClaymanGerald A. PressDee. L. Clayman, editor. The Database of Classical Bibliography. CD-ROM and manual. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997. Pp. xvi + 120. $85 (individual); $340-2400 (institutional).L ’Annee Philologique (APh) has long been one of the most important scholarly resources for students of the history of ancient philosophy. Even though in print form it contains errors and omissions, has become (...)
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    The Life Principle: a (metaethical) rejection.Gerald H. Paske - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 6 (2):219-225.
    In Respect for Nature Paul W. Taylor argues that there is a moral obligation to respect all living things. I argue that there is no such obligation. Taylor presents three basic premises for his position. The first two are shown to be mistaken but not necessary for Taylor's argument. The third, that being a nonsentient teleological centre of life confers moral significance, while necessary, fails to be rationally compelling. I argue: (1) The relevant concept of teleology as readily applies to (...)
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  44. La justicia autocrática y la teoría jurídica pura.Boris Guzmán Rubin - 1961 - México,:
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    Report on the Activities of the North American Chapter.Kent F. Moors & Leslie G. Rubin - 1991 - Polis 10 (1-2):169-172.
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    Santayana 75 and 100 Years Ago.Charles Padrón & Richard M. Rubin - 2017 - Overheard in Seville 35 (35):5-7.
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  47. Marxism and philosophical anthropology.Heinz Paetzold, Hermann Schweppenhäuser & Capers Rubin - 1989 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 15 (1):17-36.
  48. Interests, universal and particular: Bentham's utilitarian theory of value.Gerald J. Postema - 2006 - Utilitas 18 (2):109-133.
    The basic concept of Bentham's moral and political philosophy was public utility. He linked it directly with the concept of the universal interest, which comprises a distinctive partnership of the interests of all members of the community. The ultimate end of government and aim of all of morality is ‘the advancement of the universal interest’. This essay articulates the structure of Bentham's notion of universal interest and locates it in his theory of value.
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    Beyond the Sterility of a Distinct African Bioethics: Addressing the Conceptual Bioethics Lag in Africa.Gerald M. Ssebunnya - 2016 - Developing World Bioethics 17 (1):22-31.
    In the current debate on the future of bioethics in Africa, several authors have argued for a distinct communitarian African bioethics that can counter the dominancy of Western atomistic principlism in contemporary bioethics. In this article I examine this rather contentious argument and evaluate its validity and viability. Firstly, I trace the contextual origins of contemporary bioethics and highlight the rise and dominance of principlism. I particularly note that principlism was premised on a content-thin notion of the common morality that (...)
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    Politiken des Performativen Butlers Theorie politischer Performativität1.Gerald Posselt - 2018 - In Sergej Seitz, Tatjana Schönwälder-Kuntze & Gerald Posselt (eds.), Judith Butlers Philosophie des Politischen: Kritische Lektüren. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 45-70.
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