Results for 'Geoffrey Ribbans'

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  1. Temporal Experience and the Temporal Structure of Experience.Geoffrey Lee - 2014 - Philosophers' Imprint 14.
    I assess a number of connected ideas about temporal experience that are introspectively plausible, but which I believe can be argued to be incorrect. These include the idea that temporal experiences are extended experiential processes, that they have an internal structure that in some way mirrors the structure of the apparent events they present, and the idea that time in experience is in some way represented by time itself. I explain how these ideas can be developed into more sharply defined (...)
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  2. Experiences and their Parts.Geoffrey Lee - 2014 - In David Bennett, David J. Bennett & Christopher Hill, Sensory Integration and the Unity of Consciousness. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    I give an account of the difference between "Holistic" and "Atomistic" views of conscious experience. On the Holistic view, we enjoy a unified "field" of awareness, whose parts are mere modifications of the whole, and therefore owe their existence to the whole. There is some tendency to saddle those who reject the Holistic field model with a (perhaps) implausible "building block" view. I distinguish a number of different theses about the parts of an experience that are suggested by the "building (...)
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  3. Resolving the paradox of common, harmful, heritable mental disorders: Which evolutionary genetic models work best?Matthew C. Keller & Geoffrey Miller - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):385-404.
    Given that natural selection is so powerful at optimizing complex adaptations, why does it seem unable to eliminate genes (susceptibility alleles) that predispose to common, harmful, heritable mental disorders, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder? We assess three leading explanations for this apparent paradox from evolutionary genetic theory: (1) ancestral neutrality (susceptibility alleles were not harmful among ancestors), (2) balancing selection (susceptibility alleles sometimes increased fitness), and (3) polygenic mutation-selection balance (mental disorders reflect the inevitable mutational load on the thousands (...)
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  4. The feasibility issue.Geoffrey Brennan & Philip Pettit - 2005 - In Frank Jackson & Michael Smith, The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 258--279.
  5. Alien subjectivity and the importance of consciousness.Geoffrey Lee - 2018 - In Adam Pautz & Daniel Stoljar, Blockheads! Essays on Ned Block’s Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness. new york: MIT Press.
  6. The classical continuum without points.Geoffrey Hellman & Stewart Shapiro - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (3):488-512.
    We develop a point-free construction of the classical one- dimensional continuum, with an interval structure based on mereology and either a weak set theory or logic of plural quantification. In some respects this realizes ideas going back to Aristotle,although, unlike Aristotle, we make free use of classical "actual infinity". Also, in contrast to intuitionistic, Bishop, and smooth infinitesimal analysis, we follow classical analysis in allowing partitioning of our "gunky line" into mutually exclusive and exhaustive disjoint parts, thereby demonstrating the independence (...)
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    Do iconic hand gestures really contribute anything to the semantic information conveyed by speech? An experimental investigation.Geoffrey Beattie & Heather Shovelton - 1999 - Semiotica 123 (1-2):1-30.
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  8. The Grounds of Moral Judgement.Geoffrey Russell Grice - 1967 - Philosophy 44 (169):253-254.
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    Lyotard: writing the event.Geoffrey Bennington - 1988 - New York: Columbia University Press.
  10.  55
    Experimental Approaches to Moral Standing.Geoffrey P. Goodwin - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (12):914-926.
    Moral patients deserve moral consideration and concern – they have moral standing. What factors drive attributions of moral standing? Understanding these factors is important because it indicates how broadly individuals conceptualize the moral world, and suggests how they will treat various entities, both human and non-human. This understanding has recently been advanced by a series of studies conducted by both psychologists and philosophers, which have revealed three main drivers of moral standing: the capacity to suffer, intelligence or autonomy, and the (...)
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    Illustrating natural history: images, periodicals, and the making of nineteenth-century scientific communities.Geoffrey Belknap - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Science 51 (3):395-422.
    This paper examines how communities of naturalists in mid-nineteenth-century Britain were formed and solidified around the shared practices of public meetings, the publication and reading of periodicals, and the making and printing of images. By focusing on communities of naturalists and the sites of their communication, this article undermines the distinction between amateur and professional scientific practice. Building on the notion of imagined communities, this paper also shows that in some cases the editors and illustrators utilized imagery to construct a (...)
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  12. How Newton Solved the Mind-Body Problem.Geoffrey A. Gorham - 2011 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 28 (1):21-44.
  13. Cartesian causation: Continuous, instantaneous, overdetermined.Geoffrey Gorham - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (4):389-423.
    : Descartes provides an original and puzzling argument for the traditional theological doctrine that the world is continuously created by God. His key premise is that the parts of the duration of anything are "completely independent" of one another. I argue that Descartes derives this temporal independence thesis simply from the principle that causes are necessarily simultaneous with their effects. I argue further that it follows from Descartes's version of the continuous creation doctrine that God is the instantaneous and total (...)
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  14. Descartes on God's relation to time.Geoffrey Gorham - 2008 - Religious Studies 44 (4):413-431.
    God and time play crucial, intricately related roles in Descartes' project of grounding mathematical physics on metaphysical first principles. This naturally raises the perennial theological question of God's precise relation to time. I argue, against the strong current of recent commentary, that Descartes' God is fully temporal. This means that God's duration is successive, with parts ordered 'before and after', rather than permanent or 'all at once'. My argument will underscore the seamless connection between Descartes' theology and his physics, and (...)
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  15.  47
    Hobbes on the Reality of Time.Geoffrey Gorham - 2014 - Hobbes Studies 27 (1):80-103.
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    Mind-body dualism and the Harvey-Descartes controversy.Geoffrey Gorham - 1994 - Journal of the History of Ideas 55 (2):211-234.
    Descartes and William Harvey engaged in a polite dispute about the cause of the heart's motion. Descartes saw the heart's motion of passive; Harvey saw it as active. I criticize three prominent explanations for Descartes' opposition to Harvey's theory. I argue that Descartes found Harvey's model to be inconsistent with mind-body dualism and this was the reason he opposed it.
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    Legislations: the politics of deconstruction.Geoffrey Bennington - 1994 - New York: Verso.
    Introduction Someone comes and says something. Without really needing to think, I understand what is said, refer it without difficulty to familiar codes, ...
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    Conceptual illusions.Geoffrey P. Goodwin & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2010 - Cognition 114 (2):253-265.
  19. Descartes’s Dilemma of Eminent Containment.Geoffrey Gorham - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (1):3-.
    In his recent survey of the “dialectic of creation” in seventeenth-century philosophy, Thomas Lennon has suggested that Descartes’s assumptions about causality encourage a kind of “pantheistic emanationism”. Lennon notes that Descartes regularly invokes the principle that there is nothing in the effect which was not previously present, either formally or eminently, in the cause. Descartes also believes that God is the continuous, total, and efficient cause of everything. From these assumptions it should follow that everything that exists in the created (...)
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    ‘The Twin-Brother of Space’: Spatial Analogy in the Emergence of Absolute Time.Geoffrey Gorham - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (1):23-39.
    Seventeenth-century authors frequently infer the attributes of time by analogy from already established features of space. The rationale for this can be traced back to Aristotle's analysis of time as ?the number of movement?, where movement requires a prior understanding of spatial magnitude. Although these authors are anti-Aristotelian, they were concerned, contra Aristotle, to establish the existence of ?empty space?, and a notion of absolute space which fit this idea. Although they had no independent rationale for the existence of absolute (...)
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    Transitive and pseudo-transitive inferences.Geoffrey P. Goodwin & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2008 - Cognition 108 (2):320-352.
  22. J.L. Austin.Geoffrey James Warnock - 1989 - New York: Routledge.
    This book is available either individually, or as part of the specially-priced Arguments of the Philosphers Collection.
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    Waking up from transhumanist dreams: reframing cancer in an evolving universe.Geoffrey Woollard - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 7 (2):139-164.
    Technological dystopias incarnate transhumanist dreams of a this-worldly blissful immortality. Underlying these and others is a globalized technocratic paradigm, the loss of an overarching cosmic world view, rise in consumerism, a gnostic repudiation of the body, and a neo-pelagian aspiration to individualistic self-sufficiency. One response to these transhumanist dreams is to remind ourselves of how nature actually works, its origins, constrains, and future. Our relationship with nature spills over to how we feel standing face-to-face with pain and suffering. In this (...)
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  24. Semiotics 2017: The Play of Musement.Jamin Pelkey & Geoffrey Ross Owens Pelkey & Owens (ed.) - 2017 - Puebla - Mexico: Semiotic Society of America.
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    Métaphore, méta-force.Geoffrey Bennington - 2017 - Rue Descartes N° 89-90 (2):13-20.
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    Does Plato Argue Fallaciously at Cratylus 385b–c?Geoffrey Bagwell - 2011 - Apeiron 44 (1):13-21.
    At Cratylus 385b–c, Plato appears to argue that names have truth-value. Critics have almost universally condemned the argument as fallacious. Their case has proven so compelling that it has driven editors to recommend moving or removing the argument from its received position in the manuscripts. I argue that a close reading of the argument reveals it commits no fallacy, and its purpose in the dialogue justifies its original position. I wish to vindicate the manuscript tradition, showing that the argument establishes (...)
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  27. The Truth in Painting.Geoffrey Bennington & Ian McLeod (eds.) - 1987 - University of Chicago Press.
    "The four essays in this volume constitute Derrida's most explicit and sustained reflection on the art work as pictorial artifact, a reflection partly by way of philosophical aesthetics, partly by way of a commentary on art works and art scholarship. The illustrations are excellent, and the translators, who clearly see their work as both a rendering and a transformation, add yet another dimension to this richly layered composition. Indispensable to collections emphasizing art criticism and aesthetics."—Alexander Gelley, _Library Journal_.
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    The Continence of Virtue.Geoffrey Scarre - 2012 - Philosophical Investigations 36 (1):1-19.
    Many recent writers in the virtue ethics tradition have followed Aristotle in arguing for a distinction between virtue and continence, where the latter is conceived as an inferior moral condition. In this paper I contend that rather than seeking to identify a sharp categorical difference between virtue and continence, we should see the contrast as rather one of degree, where virtue is a continence that has matured with practice and habit, becoming more stable, effective and self-aware.
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    (1 other version)Causation and similarity in Descartes.Geoffrey Gorham - 1999 - In Gennaro Rocco & Huenemann Charles, New Essays on the Rationalists. Oxford University Press. pp. 296--309.
  30.  30
    Classification and Framing of the Curriculum in Evangelical Christian and Muslim Schools in England and The Netherlands.Geoffrey Walford - 2002 - Educational Studies 28 (4):403-419.
    This article examines some of the ways that Muslim and evangelical Christian schools in England and The Netherlands deal with religious education. Various schools take different views about how aspects of religious belief should be taught and how Christian or Muslim belief should be related to the wider curriculum of the school. While some of the schools have attempted to integrate, for example, evangelical Christianity throughout the whole of the curriculum, others have been content to have the religious teaching as (...)
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    Moral Values in Menander.Geoffrey Arnott - 1981 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 125 (1-2):215-227.
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  32. Economics and Ethics.Geoffrey Brennan & Daniel Moseley - 2021 - In Hugh LaFollette, International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    We identify three points of intersection between economics and ethics: the ethics of economics, ethics in economics and ethics out of economics. These points of intersection reveal three types of conversation between economists and moral philosophers that have produced, and may continue to produce, fruitful exchange between the disciplines.
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    (1 other version)Esteem, ldentifiability and the Internet.Geoffrey Brennan & Philip Pettit - 2004 - Analyse & Kritik 26 (1):139-157.
    The desire for esteem, and the associated desire for good reputation, serve an important role in ordinary social life in disciplining interactions and supporting the operation of social norms. The fact that many Internet relations are conducted under separate dedicated e-identities may encourage the view that Internet relations are not susceptible to these esteem-related incentives. We argue that this view is mistaken. Certainly, pseudonyms allow individuals to moderate the effects of disesteem-either by changing the pseudonym to avoid the negative reputation, (...)
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    Possible unconscious bias in recruitment and promotion and the need to promote equality.Geoffrey Beattie & Patrick Johnson - 2012 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 16 (1):7-13.
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  35. In the event.Geoffrey Bennington - 2008 - In Simon Glendinning & Robert Eaglestone, Derrida's Legacies: Literature and Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
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    Cartesian temporal atomism: A new defence, a new refutation.Geoffrey Gorham - 2008 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (3):625 – 637.
  37.  37
    Economizing on virtue.Geoffrey Brennan & Alan Hamlin - unknown
    Our central aim is to explore the ideas involved in the claim that certain institutional structures economize on virtue and, in particular, to explore the widely held idea that reliance on institutions that economize on virtue may undermine virtue itself. We explore these ideas both by discussing alternative conceptions of virtue and economizing, and by constructing a simple model of the relationship between a specific institutional structure that may be said to economize on virtue and the emergence of virtue. "There (...)
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    Copernicus's Development in Context: Politics, Astrology, Cosmology and a Prince-Bishopric.Geoffrey Blumenthal - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (1):1-32.
    ArgumentDuring the two decades before the turning point in Copernicus's personal and scientific development in 1510, he had experience of political activity which has been largely ignored by the existing Copernicus literature but part of which is reconstructed in outline in this paper. Given the close linkage between politics and astrology, Copernicus's likely reaction to astrology is re-examined here. This reconstruction also suggests that the turning point in 1510, when Copernicus left his post as secretary to his uncle Lucas Watzenrode (...)
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    Knowledge utilization in hazard mitigation planning.J. Geoffrey Gregory - 1988 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 1 (4):28-39.
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    Le mal et la symbolique: Ricœur lecteur de Freud.Azadeh Thiriez-Arjangi, Geoffrey Dierckxsens, Michael Funk Deckard & Andrés Bruzzone (eds.) - 2022 - De Gruyter.
    The contributions in this book address the relation between evil, symbolism and psychoanalysisc by focusing on the two works of Riœur in which these topics play the most prominent role: The Symbolism of Evil and Freud and Philosophy. Furthermore, the bilingual book includes contributions that examine the relation between evil, symbolism and psychoanalysis in Ricœur’s work in a more general fashion, by investigating his philosophy as a whole. It brings together both French and English chapters from leading Ricœur scholars from (...)
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    For the sake of argument (up to a point).Geoffrey Bennington - 2000 - Ratio 13 (4):332–354.
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    Identity and distinction in Petrus Thomae, O.F.M.Geoffrey G. Bridges - 1959 - St. Bonaventure, N.Y.,: Franciscan Institute.
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    Mining Plato’s Cave: Silver Mining, Slavery, and Philosophical Education.Geoffrey Bakewell - 2023 - Polis 40 (3):436-456.
    The Allegory of the Cave (Pl. Resp. 514a1–520e2) is often analyzed in terms of metaphysical, epistemological, political, and psychic hierarchies that are clarified and reinforced by philosophical education. But the Allegory also contains an important historical allusion to the silver mining that took place in classical Attica. Examining the Cave in light of the enslaved miners around Lavrio leads us to reconsider the philosophical ‘liberation’ (λύσιν … τῶν δεσμῶν, 515c4) at the Allegory’s heart in the context of Athenian slavery and (...)
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    Kant’s Open Secret.Geoffrey Bennington - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (7-8):26-40.
    It is argued that Kant’s claimed reconciliation of politics and ethics in the Appendix to ‘Perpetual Peace’ founders on an irreducible element of secrecy that no amount of ‘publicity’ could ever dissipate. This shows up figuratively in images of veiling, and more especially in the paradoxical ‘very transparent veil’ associated with British politics in a footnote to ‘The Contest of Faculties’. This figure suggests that the structure of the ‘public’ itself involves a kind of transcendental secrecy that cannot be ‘publicly’ (...)
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    Preface: Resilience in an Age of Relation.Elvira K. Katic & Geoffrey Ross Owens - 2018 - Semiotics 2018:v-xi.
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  46. On the relevance of ignorance to the demands of morality.Geoffrey Sayre-McCord - 2002 - In Rationality, Rules, and Ideals: Critical Essays on Bernard Gert’s Moral Theory. Rowman and Littlefield. pp. 51-70.
    In Morality, Bernard Gert argues that the fundamental demands of morality are well articulated by ten distinct, and relatively simple, rules. These rules, he holds, are such that any person, no matter what her circumstances or interests, would be rational in accepting, and guiding her choices by, them. The rules themselves are comfortably familiar (e.g. “Do not kill,” “Do not deceive,” “Keep your promises”) and sit well as intuitively plausible. Yet the rules are not, Gert argues, to be accepted merely (...)
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    Preface: New Frontiers in Semiotics.Donna E. West & Geoffrey Ross Owens - forthcoming - Semiotics:v-ix.
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    Files: Law and Media Technology.Geoffrey Winthrop-Young (ed.) - 2008 - Stanford University Press.
    _Quod non est in actis, non est in mundo_. Once files are reduced to the status of stylized icons on computer screens, the reign of paper files appears to be over. With the epoch of files coming to an end, we are free to examine its fundamental influence on Western institutions. From a media-theoretical point of view, subject, state, and law reveal themselves to be effects of specific record-keeping and filing practices. Files are not simply administrative tools; they mediate and (...)
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  49. Subjective Duration.Geoffrey Lee - manuscript
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    The Division of Epistemic Labour.Geoffrey Brennan - 2010 - Analyse & Kritik 32 (2):231-246.
    The paper mobilizes Adam Smith’s treatment of the division of labour in relation to the production, consumption and exchange of knowledge. One aspect of this mobilization deals with the epistemic demands that exchange makes on its participants. The other deals with increasing returns in the provision of knowledge itself, treating knowledge creation as just another example of specialization and exchange. These two aspects come together in relation to the epistemic demands associated with assessing knowledge quality. These demands differ according to (...)
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