Results for 'Genotype-environment interaction'

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  1. R. A. Fisher, Lancelot Hogben, and the Origin of GenotypeEnvironment Interaction.James Tabery - 2008 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (4):717-761.
    This essay examines the origin of genotype-environment interaction, or G×E. "Origin" and not "the origin" because the thesis is that there were actually two distinct concepts of G×E at this beginning: a biometric concept, or \[G \times E_B\], and a developmental concept, or \[G \times E_D \]. R. A. Fisher, one of the founders of population genetics and the creator of the statistical analysis of variance, introduced the biometric concept as he attempted to resolve one of the (...)
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  2.  32
    The Pathosome: A Dynamic Three‐Dimensional View of Disease–Environment Interaction.Peter Lenart, Martin Scheringer & Julie Bienertova-Vasku - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (6):1900014.
    Most contemporary models of disease development consider the interaction between genotype and environment as static. The authors argue that because time is a key factor in genotypeenvironment interaction, this approach oversimplifies the pathology analysis and may lead to wrong conclusions. In reviewing the field, the authors suggest that the history of genotypeenvironment interactions plays an important role in the development of diseases and that this history may be analyzed using the phenotype as (...)
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  3.  16
    Interaction between genotype and environment: Yes, but who truly demonstrates this kind of interaction?Michèle Carlier & Catherine Marchaland - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (1):123-124.
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    Interacting Effect of Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) and Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) Gene Polymorphisms, and Stressful Life Events on Aggressive Behavior in Chinese Male Adolescents.Meiping Wang, Hailei Li, Kirby Deater-Deckard & Wenxin Zhang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:355279.
    Numerous studies have demonstrated that both catechol- O -methyltransferase ( COMT ) gene and monoamine oxidase A ( MAOA ) gene have been involved in aggressive behavior, as have stressful life events (SLEs). However, most of available evidence was based upon single gene or single gene–environment design, which is limited in accounting for the variance of aggressive behavior, a complex phenotype. This study examined the possible gene × gene × environment interactions between SLE (interpersonal problems and academic pressure) (...)
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  5.  50
    A Gene-Free Formulation of Classical Quantitative Genetics Used to Examine Results and Interpretations Under Three Standard Assumptions.Peter J. Taylor - 2012 - Acta Biotheoretica 60 (4):357-378.
    Quantitative genetics (QG) analyses variation in traits of humans, other animals, or plants in ways that take account of the genealogical relatedness of the individuals whose traits are observed. “Classical” QG, where the analysis of variation does not involve data on measurable genetic or environmental entities or factors, is reformulated in this article using models that are free of hypothetical, idealized versions of such factors, while still allowing for defined degrees of relatedness among kinds of individuals or “varieties.” The gene (...)
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  6.  35
    Of genes, environment, and destiny.Simona Cabib & Stefano Puglisi-Allegra - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):519-520.
    The target article approaches individual differences in terms of phenotypic differences developing through the interaction between a specific genetic make up and environmental variables. This interaction is proposed to be cooperative and oriented toward a progressive stabilisation of the trait. However, experimental data from animal studies indicate that environmental pressure promotes dramatic changes in phenotypic expression in mature organisms. Indeed, environmental constraint not only promotes the phenotypic expression of facilitated VTA-NAS DA transmission in genotype-resistant individuals; it also (...)
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  7.  51
    The interaction of child abuse and rs1360780 of the FKBP5 gene is associated with amygdala resting-state functional connectivity in young adults.Christiane Wesarg, Ilya M. Veer, Nicole Y. L. Oei, Laura S. Daedelow, Tristram A. Lett, Tobias Banaschewski, Gareth J. Barker, Arun L. W. Bokde, Erin Burke Quinlan, Sylvane Desrivières, Herta Flor, Antoine Grigis, Hugh Garavan, Rüdiger Brühl, Jean-Luc Martinot, Eric Artiges, Frauke Nees, Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos, Luise Poustka, Sarah Hohmann, Juliane H. Fröhner, Michael N. Smolka, Robert Whelan, Gunter Schumann, Andreas Heinz & Henrik Walter - 2021 - Human Brain Mapping 42 (10):3269-3281.
    Extensive research has demonstrated that rs1360780, a common single nucleotide polymorphism within the FKBP5 gene, interacts with early-life stress in predicting psychopathology. Previous results suggest that carriers of the TT genotype of rs1360780 who were exposed to child abuse show differences in structure and functional activation of emotion-processing brain areas belonging to the salience network. Extending these findings on intermediate phenotypes of psychopathology, we examined if the interaction between rs1360780 and child abuse predicts resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) between (...)
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  8.  13
    The Complexity of the Genotype-Phenotype Relationship and the Limitations of Using Genetic “Markers” at the Individual Level.Alan R. Templeton - 1998 - Science in Context 11 (3-4):373-389.
    The ArgumentMany associations have recently been discovered between phenotypic variation and genetic loci, causing some to advocate what Robert Sinsheimer has called “a new eugenics” that would treat genetic “defects” in individuals prone to a disease. The first premise of this vision is that genetic association studies reveal the biological cause of the phenotypic variation. Once the responsible genes are known, the second premise is that we should focus upon changing “nature” rather than “nurture” by correcting the “defective” genes.The first (...)
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    Heritability and Causality.Neven Sesardic - 1993 - Philosophy of Science 60 (3):396-418.
    The critics of "hereditarianism" often claim that any attempt to explain human behavior by invoking genes is confronted with insurmountable methodological difficulties. They reject the idea that heritability estimates could lead to genetic explanations by pointing out that these estimates are strictly valid only for a given population and that they are exposed to the irremovable confounding effects of genotype-environment interaction and genotype-environment correlation. I argue that these difficulties are greatly exaggerated, and that we would (...)
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  10.  78
    Generalized norms of reaction for ecological developmental biology.Sahotra Sarkar & Trevon Fuller - unknown
    A standard norm of reaction (NoR) is a graphical depiction of the phenotypic value of some trait of an individual genotype in a population as a function of an environmental parameter. NoRs thus depict the phenotypic plasticity of a trait. The topological properties of NoRs for sets of different genotypes can be used to infer the presence of (non-linear) genotype-environment interactions. While it is clear that many NoRs are adaptive, it is not yet settled whether their evolutionary (...)
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  11.  67
    Behavioral genetics and development: Historical and conceptual causes of controversy.Paul Griffiths & James Tabery - 2008 - New Ideas in Psychology 26 (3):332-352.
    Traditional, quantitative behavioral geneticists and developmental psychobiologists such as Gilbert Gottlieb have long debated what it would take to create a truly developmental behavioral genetics. These disputes have proven so intractable that disputants have repeatedly suggested that the problem rests on their opponents' conceptual confusion; whilst others have argued that the intractability results from the non-scientific, political motivations of their opponents. The authors provide a different explanation of the intractability of these debates. They show that the disputants have competing interpretations (...)
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  12.  46
    “Genetics” and DNA polymorphisms.Robert Plomin - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):570-570.
    Four questions are raised about Mealey's genetic argument: (1) Where is the evidence that secondary sociopathy is less heritable than primary sociopathy? (2) What is the genetic correlation between the two types of sociopathy? (3) How does genotype-environment interaction relate? (4) How strong are the links between our evolutionary past and current heritability?
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  13.  53
    Difference mechanisms.James Tabery - unknown
    In recent years, philosophers of science have found a renewed interest in mechanisms. The motivation is the thought that the elucidation of a mechanism generates a causal explanation for the phenomenon under investigation. For example, a question such as, How do rats form spatial memories of their environments?, is answered by elucidating the regular causal mechanisms responsible for the individual development of spatial memory in rats. But consider a slightly different question: How do some rats come to have better spatial (...)
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  14.  32
    Heritability estimates provide a crumbling foundation.Scott F. Stoltenberg - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):525-525.
    When Genotype × Environment (G × E) interactions are present, heritability estimates are not interpretable. Mealey cites abundant evidence for G × E interactions in the etiology of sociopathy, thereby completely undermining estimates of the heritability of sociopathy which form the foundation of her model. Without proper evidence for a genetic basis of sociopathy, Mealey's sociobiological model collapses under its own great weight.
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  15. Developmental Reaction Norms: the interactions among allometry, ontogeny and plasticity.Massimo Pigliucci, Carl Schlichting, Cynthia Jones & Kurt Schwenk - 1996 - Plant Species Biology 11:69-85.
    How micro- and macroevolutionary evolutionary processes produce phenotypic change is without question one of the most intriguing and perplexing issues facing evolutionary biologists. We believe that roadblocks to progress lie A) in the underestimation of the role of the environment, and in particular, that of the interaction of genotypes with environmental factors, and B) in the continuing lack of incorporation of development into the evolutionary synthesis. We propose the integration of genetic, environmental and developmental perspectives on the evolution (...)
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  16.  35
    Understanding genetic justice in the post-enhanced world: a reply to Sinead Prince.Jon Rueda - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics (4):287-288.
    In her recent article, Prince has identified a critical challenge for those who advocate genetic enhancement to reduce social injustices. The gene–environment interaction prevents genetic enhancement from having equitable effects at the phenotypic level, even if enhancement were available to the entire population. The poor would benefit less than the rich from their improved genes because their genotypes would interact with more unfavourable socioeconomic environments. Therefore, Prince believes that genetic enhancement should not be used to combat social inequalities, (...)
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    An immunoreactive theory of selective male affliction.Thomas Gualtieri & Robert E. Hicks - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (3):427-441.
    Males are selectively afflicted with the neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders of childhood, a broad and virtually ubiquitous phenomenon that has not received proper attention in the biological study of sex differences. The previous literature has alluded to psychosocial differences, genetic factors and elements pertaining to male “complexity” and relative immaturity, but these are not deemed an adequate explanation for selective male affliction. The structure of sex differences in neurodevelopmental disorders is hypothesized to contain these elements: Males are more frequently afflicted, (...)
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    Être humain, pleinement.Axel Kahn - 2016 - Paris: Stock.
    Dewi et Eka sont de vraies jumelles nées dans la province sud du Kalimantan, à Bornéo. La première est sauvée d’un effroyable incendie dans lequel tout le monde pense qu’a péri Eka. En fait, cette dernière a été récupérée par une femelle orang-outan qui l’élèvera. Dewi, elle, sera l’une des femmes les plus brillantes de sa génération, et recevra le prix Nobel de physiologie et médecine. Eka, quant à elle, bien que recueillie dans une société humaine à dix ans, restera (...)
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    The thrifty epigenotype: An acquired and heritable predisposition for obesity and diabetes?Reinhard Stöger - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (2):156-166.
    Obesity and type 2 diabetes arise from a set of complex gene–environment interactions. Explanations for the heritability of these syndromes and the environmental contribution to disease susceptibility are addressed by the “thrifty genotype” and the “thrifty phenotype” hypotheses. Here, the merits of both models are discussed and elements of them are used to synthesize a “thrifty epigenotype” hypothesis. I propose that: (1) metabolic thrift, the capacity for efficient acquisition, storage and use of energy, is an ancient, complex trait, (...)
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  20.  77
    Causal mechanisms of evolution and the capacity for niche construction.Ward B. Watt - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (5):757-766.
    Ernst Mayr proposed a distinction between “proximate”, mechanistic, and “ultimate”, evolutionary, causes of biological phenomena. This dichotomy has influenced the thinking of many biologists, but it is increasingly perceived as impeding modern studies of evolutionary processes, including study of “niche construction” in which organisms alter their environments in ways supportive of their evolutionary success. Some still find value for this dichotomy in its separation of answers to “how?” versus “why?”questions about evolution. But “why is A?” questions about evolution necessarily take (...)
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  21.  80
    Reinforcement gradient, response inhibition, genetic versus experiential effects, and multiple pathways to ADHD.Joel Nigg - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3):437-438.
    Major contributions emanating from Sagvolden et al.'s theory include elucidation of the role in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) of temporal information processing, social learning, and response extinction learning. Key issues include a need for clearer explanation of the relative role of impulsivity versus response suppression/inhibition in the dual process model, and delineation of genotype-environment correlations versus interactions in the social and experiential mechanisms posited.
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  22.  63
    Gene–environment interaction: why genetic enhancement might never be distributed fairly.Sinead Prince - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (4):272-277.
    Ethical debates around genetic enhancement tend to include an argument that the technology will eventually be fairly accessible once available. That we can fairly distribute genetic enhancement has become a moral defence of genetic enhancement. Two distribution solutions are argued for, the first being equal distribution. Equality of access is generally believed to be the fairest and most just method of distribution. Second, equitable distribution: providing genetic enhancements to reduce social inequalities. In this paper, I make two claims. I first (...)
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    Is plant breeding science objective truth or social construction? The case of yield stability.David A. Cleveland - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (3):251-270.
    This article presents a holistic framework for understanding the scienceof plant breeding, as an alternative to the common objectivist andconstructivist approaches in studies of science. It applies thisapproach to understanding disagreements about how to deal with yieldstability. Two contrasting definitions of yield stability are described,and concomitant differences in the understanding and roles ofsustainability and of selection, test, and target environments areexplored. Critical questions about plant breeding theory and practiceare posed, and answers from the viewpoint of the two contrastingdefinitions of yield (...)
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  24.  37
    Gene × Environment Interaction in Developmental Disorders: Where Do We Stand and What’s Next?Gianluca Esposito, Atiqah Azhari & Jessica L. Borelli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:394502.
    Although the field of psychiatry has witnessed the proliferation of studies on Gene x Environment (GxE) interactions, still limited is the knowledge we possess of GxE interactions regarding developmental disorders. In this perspective paper, we discuss why GxE interaction studies are needed to broaden our knowledge of developmental disorders. We also discuss the different roles of hazardous versus self-generated environmental factors and how these types of factors may differentially engage with an individual’s genetic background in predicting a resulting (...)
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  25. Modeling Environments: Interactive Causation and Adaptations to Environmental Conditions.Bruce Glymour - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (3):448-471.
    I argue that a phenotypic trait can be an adaptation to a particular environmental condition, as against others, only if the environmental condition and the phenotype interactively cause fitness. Models of interactive environmental causes of fitness generally require that environments be individuated by explicit representation rather than by measures of environmental quality, although the latter understanding of ‘environment’ is more prominent in the philosophy of biology. Hence, talk of adaptations to some but not other environmental conditions relies on conceptions (...)
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  26.  61
    The Origins and Development of the Idea of Organism-Environment Interaction.Trevor Pearce - 2014 - In Gillian Barker, Eric Desjardins & Trevor Pearce (eds.), Entangled Life: Organism and Environment in the Biological and Social Sciences. Dordrecht: Springer.
    The idea of organism-environment interaction, at least in its modern form, dates only to the mid-nineteenth century. After sketching the origins of the organism-environment dichotomy in the work of Auguste Comte and Herbert Spencer, I will chart its metaphysical and methodological influence on later scientists and philosophers such as Conwy Lloyd Morgan and John Dewey. In biology and psychology, the environment was seen as a causal agent, highlighting questions of organismic variation and plasticity. In philosophy, organism- (...) interaction provided a new foundation for ethics, politics, and scientific inquiry. Thinking about organism-environment interaction became indispensable, for it had restructured our view of the biological and social world. (shrink)
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    Agent-environment interaction perspectives to embodied skilled action: driving beyond information-processing models.Pankaj Singh & A. V. Ravishankar Sarma - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-19.
    The idea of representation is central to many theories for embodied skillful action. Representation-centric cognition has been questioned in light of the prominence of E-cognition in the past two decades, including ecological psychology, sensorimotor theory, dynamical systems, and 4E cognition. The paper expands on the critique by offering alternate explanations for the information processing model of skill learning and embodied action. Mental representation plays a fundamental role in information processing explanations of embodied skillful action. The skilled activity is considered discretely (...)
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  28.  46
    Biometric and developmental Gene-environment interaction: Looking back, moving forward.James Tabery - unknown
    I provide a history of research on G×E in this article, showing that there have actually been two distinct concepts of G×E since the very origins of this research. R. A. Fisher introduced what I call the biometric concept of G×E, or G×EB, while Lancelot Hogben introduced what I call the developmental concept of G×E, or G×ED. Much of the subsequent history of research on G×E has largely consisted in the separate legacies of these separate concepts, along with the (sometimes (...)
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  29.  20
    Accounting for Complexity: Gene–environment Interaction Research and the Moral Economy of Quantification.Janet K. Shim, Robert A. Hiatt, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Katherine Weatherford Darling & Sara L. Ackerman - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (2):194-218.
    Scientists now agree that common diseases arise through interactions of genetic and environmental factors, but there is less agreement about how scientific research should account for these interactions. This paper examines the politics of quantification in gene–environment interaction research. Drawing on interviews and observations with GEI researchers who study common, complex diseases, we describe quantification as an unfolding moral economy of science, in which researchers collectively enact competing “virtues.” Dominant virtues include molecular precision, in which behavioral and social (...)
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  30. Organism-Environment Interactions in Evolutionary Theory.Bendik Hellem Aaby - 2021 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    This dissertation concerns the active role of the organism in evolutionary theory. In particular, it concerns how our conception of the relationship between organism and environment, and the nature of natural selection, influences the causal and explanatory role of organismic activity and behavior in evolutionary explanations. The overarching aim is to argue that the behaviors and activities of organisms can serve both as the explananda (that which is explained) and the explanantia (that which explains) in evolutionary explanations. I attempt (...)
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    The ends of a continuum: genetic and temperature-dependent sex determination in reptiles.Stephen D. Sarre, Arthur Georges & Alex Quinn - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (6):639-645.
    Two prevailing paradigms explain the diversity of sex-determining modes in reptiles. Many researchers, particularly those who study reptiles, consider genetic and environmental sex-determining mechanisms to be fundamentally different, and that one can be demonstrated experimentally to the exclusion of the other. Other researchers, principally those who take a broader taxonomic perspective, argue that no clear boundaries exist between them. Indeed, we argue that genetic and environmental sex determination in reptiles should be seen as a continuum of states represented by species (...)
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  32.  82
    Picturing Organisms and Their Environments: Interaction, Transaction, and Constitution Loops.Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  33.  38
    Cognitive Strategies and Natural Environments Interact in Influencing Executive Function.Stefan C. Bourrier, Marc G. Berman & James T. Enns - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  34.  88
    The Impact of Gene–Environment Interaction and Correlation on the Interpretation of Heritability.Omri Tal - 2011 - Acta Biotheoretica 60 (3):225-237.
    The presence of gene–environment statistical interaction and correlation in biological development has led both practitioners and philosophers of science to question the legitimacy of heritability estimates. The paper offers a novel approach to assess the impact of GxE and rGE on the way genetic and environmental causation can be partitioned. A probabilistic framework is developed, based on a quantitative genetic model that incorporates GxE and rGE, offering a rigorous way of interpreting heritability estimates. Specifically, given an estimate of (...)
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  35.  25
    Biodynamic Interfaces Are Essential for Human–Environment Interactions.Manish Arora, Alessandro Giuliani & Paul Curtin - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (11):2000017.
    The environment impacts human health in profound ways, yet few theories define the form of the relationship between human physiology and the environment. It is conjectured that such complex systems cannot interact directly, but rather their interaction requires the formation of an intermediary “interface.” This position contrasts with current epidemiological constructs of causation, which implicitly assume that two complex systems transfer information directly while remaining separate entities. Further, it is contended that dynamic, process‐based interfaces incorporate components from (...)
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    Hippocampal theta and organism-environment interaction.W. Ross Adey - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):322-322.
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    Evaluation of gene–environment interaction requires more precise description of both environment and behavior.Lawrence V. Harper - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):24-25.
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    Gene and environment interactions in autism risk: Reflections on the carnitine deficiency hypothesis by Beaudet.Keith Fluegge - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (10):1700127.
  39. Cognition as Organism-Environment Interaction.Simone Pinna - 2017 - In Extended Cognition and the Dynamics of Algorithmic Skills. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    From 'Circumstances' to 'Environment': Herbert Spencer and the Origins of the Idea of Organism–Environment Interaction.Trevor Pearce - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (3):241-252.
    The word ‘environment’ has a history. Before the mid-nineteenth century, the idea of a singular, abstract entity—the organism—interacting with another singular, abstract entity—the environment—was virtually unknown. In this paper I trace how the idea of a plurality of external conditions or circumstances was replaced by the idea of a singular environment. The central figure behind this shift, at least in Anglo-American intellectual life, was the philosopher Herbert Spencer. I examine Spencer’s work from 1840 to 1855, demonstrating that (...)
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    Extensions of the causal framework to Mendelian randomisation and gene–environment interaction.Claire M. A. Haworth & Robyn E. Wootton - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e192.
    In our commentary we ask whether we should ultimately endeavour to find the deep causes of behaviours? Then we discuss two extensions of the proposed framework: (1) Mendelian randomisation and (2) hypothesis-free gene–environment interaction (leveraging heterogeneity in genetic associations). These complementary methods help move us towards second-generation causal knowledge, ultimately understanding mechanistic pathways and identifying more effective intervention targets.
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    Target tissue sensitivity, testosterone– social environment interactions, and lattice hierarchies.Kathleen C. Chambers - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (3):366-367.
    The following three points are made. One must consider not only the levels of circulating hormone but the target tissue upon which the hormone acts. Increased testosterone levels alone do not account for differences in displayed intermale aggression, because testosterone and social environment interact in complex ways to influence behavior. A given behavior can be triggered by multiple motivational systems.
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    Who do gene-environment interactions appear more often in laboratory animal studies than in human behavioral genetic research?Norman D. Henderson - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (1):136-137.
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  44. A dynamical systems perspective on agent-environment interaction.Randall D. Beer - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 72 (1-2):173-215.
  45.  54
    Insensitivity of the analysis of variance to heredity-environment interaction.Douglas Wahlsten - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (1):109-120.
  46.  28
    The E(NK) model: Extending the NK model to incorporate gene‐by‐environment interactions and epistasis for diploid genomes.Mark Cooper & Dean W. Podlich - 2002 - Complexity 7 (6):31-47.
  47. From a Genetic Predisposition to an Interactive Predisposition: Rethinking the Ethical Implications of Screening for Gene-Environment Interactions.James Tabery - 2009 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 34 (1):27-48.
    In a widely acclaimed study from 2002, researchers found a case of gene-environment interaction for a gene controlling neuroenzymatic activity (low vs. high), exposure to childhood maltreatment, and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Cases of gene-environment interaction are generally characterized as evincing a genetic predisposition; for example, individuals with low neuroenzymatic activity are generally characterized as having a genetic predisposition to ASPD. I first argue that the concept of a genetic predisposition fundamentally misconstrues these cases of gene- (...) interaction. This misconstrual will be diagnosed, and then a new concept—interactive predisposition—will be introduced. I then show how this conceptual shift reconfigures old questions and raises new questions for genetic screening. Attempts to screen embryos or fetuses for the gene associated with low neuroenzymatic activity with an eye towards selecting against the low-activity variant fall prey to the myth of pre-environmental prediction; attempts to screen newborns for the gene associated with low neuroenzymatic activity with an eye towards early intervention will have to face the interventionist’s dilemma. (shrink)
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    (1 other version)RNA as the substrate for epigenome‐environment interactions.John S. Mattick - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (7):548-552.
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  49. Uncertainties of Nutrigenomics and Their Ethical Meaning.Michiel Korthals & Rixt Komduur - 2010 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23 (5):435-454.
    Again and again utopian hopes are connected with the life sciences (no hunger, health for everyone; life without diseases, longevity), but simultaneously serious research shows uncertain, incoherent, and ambivalent results. It is unrealistic to expect that these uncertainties will disappear. We start by providing a not exhaustive list of five different types of uncertainties end-users of nutrigenomics have to cope with without being able to perceive them as risks and to subject them to risk-analysis. First, genes connected with the human (...)
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    GWASs and polygenic scores inherit all the old problems of heritability estimates.Sahotra Sarkar - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e227.
    Polygenic score (PGS) computations assume an additive model of gene action because associations between phenotypes and alleles at different loci are compounded, ignoring interactions between alleles or loci let alone between genotype and environment. Consequently, PGSs are subject to the same objections that invalidated traditional heritability analyses in the 1970s. Thus, PGSs should not be used in the social sciences.
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