Results for 'Geneviève Xhayet'

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  1. Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage de D. Cardon: La Draperie au Moyen Age. Essor d'une grande industrie européenne.Geneviève Xhayet - 2002 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 55 (4).
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    Robert Halleux; Geneviève Xhayet; Pascal Pirot; Rik Raedschelders; Jan Vandersmissen. Tant qu’il y aura des chercheurs: Science et politique en Belgique de 1772 à 2015. 340 pp., bibl. Liège: Éditions Luc Pire, 2015. €24. [REVIEW]Joris Vandendriessche - 2016 - Isis 107 (4):827-829.
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    Interview by Genevieve Pollock of ZENIT, with Newman Scholar Joseph Pearce.Genevieve Pollock & Joseph Pearce - 2010 - The Chesterton Review 36 (3/4):269-270.
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    No Such Thing as Terroir?: Objectivities and the Regimes of Existence of Objects.Geneviève Teil - 2012 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 37 (5):478-505.
    The sociology of science has shown that the scientific quest for truth, framed by the search for objectivity was granting objects of knowledge the form of independent and autonomous things, “data” already given and preexisting their observation. But do “real” objects only fit the form of data or things? If not, to which other form and objectivity do they fit? The author considers the question by examining the dispute between scientists and vintners on the issue of terroir, a complex combination (...)
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    (1 other version)The Man of Reason: Male and Female in Western Philosophy.Genevieve Lloyd - 1984 - Minneapolis: Routledge.
    This new edition of Genevieve Lloyd's classic study of the maleness of reason in philosophy contains a new introduction and bibliographical essay assessing the book's place in the explosion of writing and gender since 1984.
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  6. The man of reason.Genevieve Lloyd - 1979 - Metaphilosophy 10 (1):18–37.
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  7. The Power of Spinoza: Feminist Conjunctions: Susan James Interviews.Genevieve Lloyd & Moira Gatens - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (2):40 - 58.
    As a constructive alternative to the exclusionary binaries of Cartesian philosophy, Genevieve Lloyd and Moira Gatens turn to Spinoza. Spinoza's understanding of the body as "in relation" takes the focus of philosophical thought from the homogeneous subject to the heterogeneity of the social, and the focus of politics from individual rights to collective responsibility. The implications for feminism are radical; Spinoza enables a reconceptualization of the imaginary and the possibility of a sociability of inclusion.
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    The Man of Reason: "Male" and "Female" in Western Philosophy.Genevieve Lloyd, Joan Kelly & Judith Hicks Stiehm - 1986 - Ethics 96 (3):652-654.
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    Momentary Assessment of Adults’ Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior: Feasibility and Validity.Genevieve Fridlund Dunton, Yue Liao, Keito Kawabata & Stephen Intille - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Discursive Democracy in the Transgenerational Context and a Precautionary Turn in Public Reasoning.Genevieve Fuji Johnson - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (1):67-85.
    We should seek to justify, from a moral perspective, policies associated with serious and irreversible risks to the health of human beings, their societies, and the environment for these risks may have great impacts on the autonomy of both existing and future persons. The ideal of discursive democracy provides a way of morally justifying such policies to both existing and future persons. It calls for the inclusive, informed, and uncoerced deliberation toward an agreement of both existing and future persons, which (...)
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  11. Modern Slavery in Business: The Sad and Sorry State of a Non-Field.Genevieve LeBaron, Stefan Gold, Andrew Crane & Robert Caruana - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (2):251-287.
    “Modern slavery,” a term used to describe severe forms of labor exploitation, is beginning to spark growing interest within business and society research. As a novel phenomenon, it offers potential for innovative theoretical and empirical pathways to a range of business and management research questions. And yet, development into what we might call a “field” of modern slavery research in business and management remains significantly, and disappointingly, underdeveloped. To explore this, we elaborate on the developments to date, the potential drawbacks, (...)
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    Effects of Premium Increases on Enrollment in SCHIP: Findings from Three States.Genevieve Kenney, R. Andrew Allison, Julia F. Costich, James Marton & Joshua McFeeters - 2006 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 43 (4):378-392.
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    Social Identities as Pathways into and out of Addiction.Genevieve A. Dingle, Tegan Cruwys & Daniel Frings - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Burden of Democracy: The Claims of Cultures and Public Culture.Geneviève Souillac - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    The burden of difference: pluralist justice and the public sphere -- Moral conversations and democratic hermeneutics -- Particularism versus universalism: a false debate? -- Secularism, culture, and critique -- Laïcité and the memory of public culture -- The ties that bind: public culture and the debt to the past -- Normative solidarity and public hermeneutics -- From intersubjectivity to encounter -- Exit of religion, debt of meaning.
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    Alix Cléo et Jacques Roubaud : l'amour, la mort.Geneviève Guétemme - 2013 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 10 (2):11-25.
    Résumé Alix Cléo Roubaud, gravement asthmatique et hantée par la mort, photographiait son corps. Ce corps, après sa mort, est saisi par son époux Jacques Roubaud, et transformé – notamment dans Quelque chose noir – en poésie. Nous proposons ici, grâce à une étude croisée de quelques images et de textes, d’observer la dimension spectrale d’un corps amoureux disparaissant, ramené à un souffle, posé entre ce qui fait et défait le corps. Ceci nous permettant d’envisager la rencontre intime entre poésie (...)
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    Simone de beauvoir's adieux: A funeral rite and a literary challenge.Genevieve Idt - 1997 - In William Leon McBride (ed.), Sartre's French contemporaries and enduring influences. New York: Garland. pp. 8--251.
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    Entre “civismo” Y “civilidad”. La educación de la ciudadanía.Geneviève Koubi - 2004 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 38:47-70.
    La asociación entre educación y democracia es insepar a b le del pensamiento democrá tico. La escuela es una institución fundamental que resultan tener a su c a r go, en la m a y oría de los Estados mode r nos, los poderes pú b licos. Esta b lecida sobre el principio de iguald a d , la instrucción pú b lica pr e vé el aprendizaje y la profundización en la ciudadanía política y social. P er mite tanto (...)
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    Sur les méfaits de la colonisation.Geneviève Koubi - 2009 - Cités 36 (4):63-76.
    La colonisation n’est faite que de commencements. Ces commencements font les passages de temps vers la décolonisation. Mais l’histoire de la colonisation et des décolonisations se raconte dans les balancements qui évoluent, selon les points de vue adoptés, pour les uns, les « colonisés », entre conquête et établissement, exploration et exploitation,..
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    The circumstances of migrant families raising children with disabilities in five European countries.Geneviève Piérart, Melissa Arneton, Alida Gulfi, Elena Albertini-Früh, Hilde Lidén, Tamar Makharadze, Eliso Rekhviashvili & Roberto Dainese - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-4 (14-4):286-298.
    En 2017, des spécialistes de différentes disciplines (santé, éducation et travail social) issus de cinq pays européens (France, Géorgie, Italie, Norvège et Suisse) ont créé un réseau afin de poursuivre leurs recherches sur le handicap et la migration. Le présent article expose les principaux résultats d’un premier workshop qu’ils ont réalisé et les pistes qui en découlent pour de futures recherches. D’une part, les enfants migrants en situation de handicap restent invisibles sur le plan statistique dans plusieurs pays. Leurs besoins (...)
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    Sharing freedom: republicanism and exclusion in revolutionary France.Geneviève Rousselière - 2024 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Sharing Freedom presents the development of French republicanism from an older elitist theory of freedom into an inclusive theory of emancipation. Retracing the struggles of republicans during the French Revolution, it lays out the paradoxes that unwittingly led them to justify exclusions despite fervently embracing an expansion of freedom to all.
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    Amateurs’ Exploration of Wine: A Pragmatic Study of Taste.Geneviève Teil - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (5):137-157.
    Amateurs are neither regular consumers nor professionals. What makes them distinctive? To answer that question, this ethnographic study focuses on wine amateurs who show a distinctive feature compared to regular consumers: for them, wine is not a straightforward reality but a world to explore. Wine exploration drives an evolution that transforms both wine and amateurs’ disposition towards it. Amateurs usually start with the discovery of the wines and their tastes, which may turn into an ability to attune to and finally (...)
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  22.  26
    Temporal updating, behavioral learning, and the phenomenology of time-consciousness.Genevieve Hayman & Bryce Huebner - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Hoerl & McCormack claim that the temporal updating system only represents the world as present. This generates puzzles regarding the phenomenology of temporal experience. We argue that recent models of reinforcement learning suggest that temporal updating must have a minimal temporal structure; and we suggest that this helps to clarify what it means to experience the world as temporally structured.
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    The Man of Reason: "Male" and "Female" in Western Philosophy.Genevieve Lloyd & Prudence Allen - 1986 - Philosophy 61 (237):414-418.
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    Saturation, nonmonotonic reasoning and the closed-world assumption.Genevieve Bossu & Pierre Siegel - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 25 (1):13-63.
  25. Beheading the Saint: Nationalism, Religion, and Secularism in Quebec.Geneviéve Zubrzycki - unknown
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    Part of nature: self-knowledge in Spinoza's Ethics.Genevieve Lloyd - 1994 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
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    A study in transborder ethics: justice, citizenship, civility.Geneviève Souillac - 2012 - New York: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
    A renewed approach to democratic ethics is needed, one that takes into consideration the management of complexity and memory in a global world. The expansion of democratic ethics for the stewardship of a postnational, postmetaphysical, and postsecular world is the object of this book. It takes as its point of departure current proposals for global democratic justice, but extends these by incorporating contemporary European ideas on border and existential ethics. The privilege of democratic citizenship includes our conscious involvement with our (...)
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    Über die Geschicklichkeit der Geschlechterdifferenz.Geneviève Fraisse - 1993 - Die Philosophin 4 (7):19-22.
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    Brenda judge, 1928-1985.Genevieve Lloyd - 1986 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 64 (1):123.
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    The status of artificially procreated children: International disparities.Genevieve Delaisi de Parseval & Anne Fagot-Largeault - 1988 - Bioethics 2 (2):136-150.
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    André Bazin, Film Critic for Le Parisien libéré : An Enlightened Defender of French Cinema.Geneviève Sellier - 2013 - Paragraph 36 (1):118-132.
    This article examines a neglected dimension of Bazin's work, namely his writings for the daily newspaper Le Parisien libéré. Four key points emerge from this corpus. First, Bazin goes beyond the film-reviewing norms of the day to analyse the intentions and achievements of the film-makers. Second, Bazin foregrounds the capacity of cinema to address the concerns of contemporary society. Third, as a result, he ascribes a particular value to films that actively engage with the new social realities of post-war France. (...)
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    The Burden of Democracy: The Claims of Cultures, Public Culture, and Democratic Memory.Geneviève Souillac - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    The burden of difference: pluralist justice and the public sphere -- Moral conversations and democratic hermeneutics -- Particularism versus universalism: a false debate? -- Secularism, culture, and critique -- Laïcité and the memory of public culture -- The ties that bind: public culture and the debt to the past -- Normative solidarity and public hermeneutics -- From intersubjectivity to encounter -- Exit of religion, debt of meaning.
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    Gifts and Infant Games: Implications for Epistemology.Vaughan Genevieve - 2017 - Philosophy Study 7 (10).
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    Why Do Experts and Amateurs Diverge in Their Tastings? A Pragmatic Analysis of Perception.Geneviève Teil - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    This pragmatic study addresses the question of the plural realities that emerge from perception, based on an empirical analysis of the tasting activity of wine amateurs and olfactory experts. Though they share the same requirement of rooting taste in the product under scrutiny, they also significantly differ regarding the constraints with which their tasting results have to comply: repeatability for experts’ tasting results, and activity contiunuation for amateurs. Both therefore foster the emergence of two contrasting realities: a stabilized one for (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Spinoza and the Ethics.Genevieve Lloyd - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (3):585-585.
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  36. Geneviève Fondane: Une vie vouée au Mystère d'Israël.Michel Cagin & Geneviève Fondane - 2003 - Nova et Vetera 78 (1-2):103-122.
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  37. Providence lost.Genevieve Lloyd - 2008 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Genevieve Lloyd.
    Introduction -- Euripides, philosopher of the stage -- The world of men and gods -- Agreeing with nature : fate and providence in stoic ethics -- Augustine : divine justice and the "ordering" of evil -- The philosopher and the princess : Descartes and the philosophical life -- Living with necessity : Spinoza and the philosophical life -- Designer worlds -- Providence as progress -- Providence lost.
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    Rousseau on reason, nature and women.Genevieve Lloyd - 1983 - Metaphilosophy 14 (3-4):308-326.
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    On Sandewall's paper: Nonmonotonic inference rules for multiple inheritance with exceptions.Geneviève Simonet - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 86 (2):359-374.
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    Reclaiming wonder: after the sublime.Genevieve Lloyd - 2018 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Genevieve Lloyd illuminates and challenges some perplexing aspects of contemporary attitudes to wonder. She draws especially on Flaubert, who influenced the thought of Jean-Paul Sartre, Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Derrida. She also reaches into contemporary debates on refugees, secularisation and climate change.
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    Surveying the population biobankers.Genevieve Cardinal & Mylene Deschenes - 2003 - In Bartha Maria Knoppers (ed.), Populations and genetics: legal and socio-ethical perspectives. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 37--94.
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    Pour une théologie pratique du dialogue inter-religieux.Geneviève Comeau - 2012 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 43 (2):242-256.
    Il est temps aujourd’hui de réfléchir au dialogue inter-religieux du point de vue d’une théologie pratique du dialogue . L’article aborde donc le dialogue à partir des questions de nos contemporains, liées pour une grande part aux effets de la mondialisation: quel vivre-ensemble dans des sociétés plurielles? quels liens entre religieux, politique et juridique? Des pistes sont ensuite proposées pour vivre les rencontres de manière féconde: entrer dans la dynamique des identités, être enraciné dans sa tradition, pouvoir entendre des résonances (...)
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    Influences of visual and action information on object identification and action production.Geneviève Desmarais, Pamela Hudson & Eric D. Richards - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 34:124-139.
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    CaM kinase II as frequency decoder of Ca2+ oscillations.Geneviève Dupont & Albert Goldbeter - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (8):607-610.
  45.  31
    Les paraboles du Christ aveugle (C. Murray) sous les feux croisés de l’exégèse, la christologie de la libération et la philosophie de la déconstruction.Geneviève Fabry - 2019 - ThéoRèmes 14 (14).
    The starting point of this study is the observation of a new importance of philosophy « in the post-metaphysical era » (according to the expression of J.-L. Schlegel) in the analysis of the religious fact and the significance of the Bible in Western culture, including the most contemporary. The recent Chilean film El Cristo ciego/Blind Christ by director Christopher Murray (2016) offers an emblematic example of the problems posed by the interpretation of a work that questions the mystery of transcendence (...)
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  46. Prendre soin en temps de crise : une opportunité pour refonder les liens. Réflexion à deux voix.Geneviève Guillaume & Catherine Bert - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (2-3):100-106.
    The Covid-19 pandemic represented an unprecedented crisis. In the world of health care, it highlighted the limits of a logic that favours decisions based on management and accounting. It also highlighted the difficulties faced by caregivers in applying the logic of care. Viewing the crisis as an opportunity to open up new possibilities, this ethical analysis brings together the voices of a physician and a philosopher to propose some forward-looking avenues for reflection. The aim of these reflections is to consider (...)
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    Variation in Medicaid Eligibility and Participation among Adults: Implications for the Affordable Care Act.Genevieve M. Kenney, Victoria Lynch, Jennifer Haley & Michael Huntress - 2012 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 49 (3):231-253.
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    La querelle des universaux : analyse comparative de l’Isagôgè et du Commentaire aux Catégories d’Aristote de Porphyre.Geneviève Lachance - 2011 - Ithaque 9:1-22.
    Le présent article propose une analyse comparative de l’Isagôgè et du Commentaire aux Catégories d’Aristote de Porphyre. Il s’agira de déterminer si le Commentaire aux Catégories d’Aristote permet de jeter quelque lumière sur le questionnaire porphyrien ou de trancher le débat qui a mené à la célèbre querelle des universaux.
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    Les Jeux de Sens de l'identité linguistique en France.Geneviève Vermes - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (4-6):385-389.
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    Mother sense and the image schema of the gift.Genevieve Vaughan - 2013 - Semiotica 2013 (196):57-77.
    Journal Name: Semiotica - Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies / Revue de l'Association Internationale de Sémiotique Volume: 2013 Issue: 196 Pages: 57-77.
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