Results for 'Geneviève Gendreau'

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  1.  18
    Nicolas Piqué. L’histoire discrète. Époque, catastrophe, révolution, Paris, Hermann, coll. « Philosophie », 2019, 350 pages. [REVIEW]Geneviève Gendreau - 2020 - Philosophiques 47 (1):230.
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    Interview by Genevieve Pollock of ZENIT, with Newman Scholar Joseph Pearce.Genevieve Pollock & Joseph Pearce - 2010 - The Chesterton Review 36 (3/4):269-270.
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    Valuing out of Context.Megs S. Gendreau - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (4):381-396.
    While many aspects of human life are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, values related to selfhood and community are among the most challenging to preserve. In what follows, I focus on the importance of values and valuing in climate change adaptation. To do so, I will first discuss two alternate approaches to valuing, both of which fail to recognise the loss of valued objects and practices that both of which help to generate a sense of self and deserve (...)
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    Environmental Injustice, Political Agency and the Challenge of Creating Healthier Communities.Megs S. Gendreau - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (6):707-728.
    I argue that our current understanding of the philosophical dimensions of environmental injustice neglects an important component of those injustices. Specifically, by focusing on distributive, participatory and recognitional injustice, we fail to respond to the ways that environmental exposures, even in the absence of physiological harms, can impact upon a person's experience of herself as a political agent. This has important implications for interventions in cases of environmental injustice, but also for how we understand what is required for full participation (...)
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    Reclaiming wonder: after the sublime.Genevieve Lloyd - 2018 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Genevieve Lloyd illuminates and challenges some perplexing aspects of contemporary attitudes to wonder. She draws especially on Flaubert, who influenced the thought of Jean-Paul Sartre, Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Derrida. She also reaches into contemporary debates on refugees, secularisation and climate change.
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    The Idea of the Common Heritage of Humankind and its Political Uses.Monique Chemillier–Gendreau - 2002 - Constellations 9 (3):375-389.
  7.  67
    Who? Moral Condemnation, PEDs, and Violating the Constraints of Public Narrative.Megs S. Gendreau - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (3):515-528.
    Despite the numerous instances of PED use in professional sports, there continues to be a strong negative moral response to those athletes who dope. My goal is to offer a diagnosis of this response. I will argue that we do not experience such disdain because these athletes have broken some constitutive rule of sport, but because they have lied about who they are. In violating the constraints of their own public narratives, they make both themselves and their choices unintelligible. This (...)
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    Mitigating Loss for Persons Displaced by Climate Change through the Framework of the Warsaw Mechanism.Megs S. Gendreau - 2017 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 20 (2):168-183.
    Despite the substantial research into the peculiar political and legal status of climate migrants, there is comparatively little exploration of the particular forms of loss such migrants might face or how efforts might mitigate such loss. This paper aims to begin filling that void by characterizing such loss, using the framework of the UNFCC’s Warsaw Mechanism, as agential harm. Using existing models for thinking about the preservation of values and links with the past, I aim to use this idea of (...)
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  9. Modern Slavery in Business: The Sad and Sorry State of a Non-Field.Genevieve LeBaron, Stefan Gold, Andrew Crane & Robert Caruana - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (2):251-287.
    “Modern slavery,” a term used to describe severe forms of labor exploitation, is beginning to spark growing interest within business and society research. As a novel phenomenon, it offers potential for innovative theoretical and empirical pathways to a range of business and management research questions. And yet, development into what we might call a “field” of modern slavery research in business and management remains significantly, and disappointingly, underdeveloped. To explore this, we elaborate on the developments to date, the potential drawbacks, (...)
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    Value-Able Valuers: Anthropogenic Climate Change and Expanding Community to the “Radically Other”.Megs S. Gendreau - 2024 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 37 (3):1-15.
    Anthropogenic climate change creates unique challenges for policy and ethics, but also new opportunities for conceptualizing moral community. Through the lens of valuing, I develop a framework for approaching climate change through the lens of expanding those whom we consider relevant to our own lives and evaluative processes. Distant humans are an important to this expansion, but the ultimate goal includes non-humans in our moral community. In becoming more receptive to the interests of those very unlike ourselves, we create opportunities (...)
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  11. Geneviève Fondane: Une vie vouée au Mystère d'Israël.Michel Cagin & Geneviève Fondane - 2003 - Nova et Vetera 78 (1-2):103-122.
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    Why we care about who athletes are: on the peculiar nature of athletic achievement.Megs S. Gendreau - 2022 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 49 (2):278-291.
    The private lives of elite athletes are frequently subject to the curiosity, scrutiny, and judgment of the general public. While this interest in life ‘off the field’ is not unique to athletes, this paper argues that our focus on athletes’ lives results, in part, from the fact that athletic achievement is deeply tied to the person. I will argue that athletic performance is distinct because it is both embodied and does not issue in an artifact. These features inextricably tie athletic (...)
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    Reconsidering Spinoza’s ‘Rationalism’.Genevieve Lloyd - 2020 - Australasian Philosophical Review 4 (3):196-215.
    ABSTRACT Spinoza has often been cited as a classic example of the philosophical category of ‘rationalism’; and there is indeed much about his philosophy that can seem to warrant that classification. This essay will argue that it is nonetheless a simplification, which can cloud some of the most important and interesting insights that can be gained from reading Spinoza now. Although it is true that his treatment of human knowledge emphasized the exercise of reason, his crucial—and frequently misunderstood—concept of ratio (...)
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    Commentary “What Does the Theologian Expect of the Philosopher”.Bernard A. Gendreau - 1967 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 41:121-123.
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    Gayle L. Ormiston and Alan D. Schrift (eds.), The Hermeneutic Tradition: From Ast to Ricoeur.Bernard Gendreau - 1990 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 2 (3):152-156.
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  16. The Integral Humanism of Jacques Maritain and the Personalism of John Paul II in Jacques Maritain philosophe dans la cité.Ba Gendreau - 1985 - Philosophica.(Ottawa) 28:43-52.
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    The Role of Jacques Maritain and Emmanuel Mounier in the Creation of French Personalism.Bernard A. Gendreau - 1992 - The Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement):97-108.
  18.  27
    Brenda judge, 1928-1985.Genevieve Lloyd - 1986 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 64 (1):123.
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    Légitimation démocratique et souveraineté méta-juridictionnelle de l’État.Geneviève Nootens - 2019 - ThéoRèmes 15 (15).
    The idea that liberal democratic legitimacy presupposes the final authority of the state in solving the juridictional boundary question depends upon the argument according to which Westphalian sovereignty has evolved in a liberal democratic direction. From this point of view, sovereignty is internally limited by liberal democratic principles. However, I argue that it is rather public politics, more than Westphalian sovereignty, that has been transformed, in liberal states, and that hence, there is an enduring tension between democratic legitimacy and state (...)
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    Gilbert Boss, Introduction aux techniques de la philosophie. Analyse de l'idée de justice.Geneviève Warland - 1991 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 89 (83):519-520.
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    Saturation, nonmonotonic reasoning and the closed-world assumption.Genevieve Bossu & Pierre Siegel - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 25 (1):13-63.
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    The Man of Reason: "Male" and "Female" in Western Philosophy.Genevieve Lloyd, Joan Kelly & Judith Hicks Stiehm - 1986 - Ethics 96 (3):652-654.
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    Part of nature: self-knowledge in Spinoza's Ethics.Genevieve Lloyd - 1994 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  24. Beheading the Saint: Nationalism, Religion, and Secularism in Quebec.Geneviéve Zubrzycki - unknown
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  25. The Power of Spinoza: Feminist Conjunctions: Susan James Interviews.Genevieve Lloyd & Moira Gatens - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (2):40 - 58.
    As a constructive alternative to the exclusionary binaries of Cartesian philosophy, Genevieve Lloyd and Moira Gatens turn to Spinoza. Spinoza's understanding of the body as "in relation" takes the focus of philosophical thought from the homogeneous subject to the heterogeneity of the social, and the focus of politics from individual rights to collective responsibility. The implications for feminism are radical; Spinoza enables a reconceptualization of the imaginary and the possibility of a sociability of inclusion.
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  26.  78
    Conditions Conducive to Peace in Gabriel Marcel.Bernard Gendreau - 1996 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 8 (1):69-79.
  27.  32
    Commentary on Joseph Lanigan.Bernard A. Gendreau - 1957 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 31:187-192.
  28.  86
    Gabriel Marcel’s Personalist Ontological Approach to Technology.Bernard Gendreau - 1999 - The Personalist Forum 15 (2):229-246.
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  29. L'lstituto Italiano Per Gli Studi Filosofici.Michele Gendreau-Masaloux & Yves Hersant - 1995 - Nouvelles de la République des Lettres 1:121-128.
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    Les langues, ni anges, ni démons.Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux - 2004 - Hermes 40:275.
    Avec le réveil d'une conscience de la richesse que chaque culture apporte au monde, le danger de la possible disparition des langues est apparu et a suscité de nombreux plaidoyers et de nouvelles orientations de recherche. Pourtant, la mort des langues à faible diffusion n'est pas liée à l'extension des grandes langues de communication. L'évolution des langues peut s'analyser selon les politiques des États mais elle dépend surtout de choix individuels qui expriment d'abord des liens communautaires : les langues locales (...)
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    The Cautionary Ontological Approach To Technology of Gabriel Marcel.Bernard A. Gendreau - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 39:1-12.
    I present the arguments of Gabriel Marcel which are intended to overcome the potentially negative impact of technology on the human. Marcel is concerned with forgetting or rejecting human nature. His perspective is metaphysical. He is concerned with the attitude of the "mere technician" who is so immersed in technology that the values which promote him as an authentic person with human dignity are discredited, omitted, denied, minimized, overshadowed, or displaced. He reviews the various losses in ontological values which curtail (...)
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    The Burden of Democracy: The Claims of Cultures and Public Culture.Geneviève Souillac - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    The burden of difference: pluralist justice and the public sphere -- Moral conversations and democratic hermeneutics -- Particularism versus universalism: a false debate? -- Secularism, culture, and critique -- Laïcité and the memory of public culture -- The ties that bind: public culture and the debt to the past -- Normative solidarity and public hermeneutics -- From intersubjectivity to encounter -- Exit of religion, debt of meaning.
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    (1 other version)The Man of Reason: Male and Female in Western Philosophy.Genevieve Lloyd - 1984 - Minneapolis: Routledge.
    This new edition of Genevieve Lloyd's classic study of the maleness of reason in philosophy contains a new introduction and bibliographical essay assessing the book's place in the explosion of writing and gender since 1984.
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    ARIE: A Health Equity Framework for Public Health Interventions Informed by Critical Race Theory and Critical Gerontology.Lester Darryl Geneviève, Tenzin Wangmo, Helene Seaward, Mohamed Amine Bouchlaghem, Sarah Blacker & Félix Pageau - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-16.
    Older racialized minorities were particularly vulnerable during the last pandemic due to the interlocking influences of structural racism and ageism, which are often disregarded in public health planning. This oversight not only compromises the social justice and health equity goals of public health efforts but it also calls for a more inclusive approach that systematically addresses these deficiencies at every stage of a public health response. To achieve this, we propose Age- and Race-conscious Interventions done Equitably (ARIE), a novel analytical (...)
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    Enlightenment shadows.Genevieve Lloyd - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Genevieve Lloyd presents a new study of the place of Enlightenment thought in intellectual history and of its continued relevance. She offers original readings of a range of key texts, which highlight the ways in which Enlightenment thinkers enacted in their writing--and reflected on--the interplay of intellect, imagination, and emotion.
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  36.  76
    Being in Time: Selves and Narrators in Philosophy and Literature.Genevieve Lloyd - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    Being in Time examines philosophical treatments of time and self-consciousness in relation to concepts of narrative, focusing on the literary aspects of philosophical writing. Lloyd shows how philosophy bears on the human and emotional aspects of the experience of time which are often neglected by the history of philosophy. Starting with Augustine's treatment of the ways in which time makes him a 'problem to himself', the book traces the themes of unity and the experience of fragmentation and loss as expressed (...)
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    Teachers’ engagement in professional diary writing: A biographical approach to a plural activity.Geneviève Tschopp - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (2):13.
    La recherche à l’origine de ce texte vise la description et la compréhension de l’engagement d’enseignantes et d’enseignants dans l’écriture d’un journal de bord quotidien. À partir d’entretiens biographiques et de leurs analyses, ce texte décrit cette activité et son évolution, identifie les facteurs d’engagement. Cette activité d’écriture impliquée et réflexive se dévoile plurielle et évolutive. L’engagement s’explique par un jeu d’influences réciproques entre facteurs personnels, facteurs exogènes et facteurs énactifs. Cet article présente des recommandations pour accompagner et reconnaître l’écriture (...)
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  38.  18
    A study in transborder ethics: justice, citizenship, civility.Geneviève Souillac - 2012 - New York: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
    A renewed approach to democratic ethics is needed, one that takes into consideration the management of complexity and memory in a global world. The expansion of democratic ethics for the stewardship of a postnational, postmetaphysical, and postsecular world is the object of this book. It takes as its point of departure current proposals for global democratic justice, but extends these by incorporating contemporary European ideas on border and existential ethics. The privilege of democratic citizenship includes our conscious involvement with our (...)
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  39.  39
    Le modèle visuel de la connaissance chez Berkeley.Geneviève Brykman - 1983 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 173 (4):427 - 441.
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    Integral Personalism and the Dialectic Between Person and Culture.Bernard A. Gendreau - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 4:406-412.
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    Western Heritage: Man's Encounter with Himself and the World: A Journey for Meaning.Francis R. Gendreau & Angelo Caranfa - 1984 - Upa.
    Focuses on the enduring side of philosophical positions from the viewpoints of theology, science, literature, and social and political philosophy. Emphasizes the conflict and continuity of human values.
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    La critique leibnizienne du dualisme cartésien.Geneviève Lewis - 1946 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 136 (10/12):473 - 485.
  43. L''me Et La Durée, D'après Une Controverse Cartésienne.Geneviève Lewis - 1950 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 4 (12):190-219.
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    Group-based identity and Kantian 'orientation'.Genevieve Lloyd - 1997 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 75 (4):463 – 473.
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    Romulus, my father and the "virtues of truth".Genevieve Lloyd - 2011 - In Christopher Cordner (ed.), Philosophy, Ethics and a Common Humanity: Essays in Honour of Raimond Gaita. New York: Routledge.
  46. Disjunction of the Feminine Oedipus.Genevieve Morel & Megan Williams - 1996 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 7:100.
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    Sensibles communs et sens commun chez Locke et Berkeley.Geneviève Brykman - 1991 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 96 (4):515 - 529.
  48.  49
    Pourquoi les enseignants débutants ne se sentent-ils pas assez soutenus?Geneviève Carpentier, Joséphine Mukamurera, Mylène Leroux & Sawsen Lakhal - 2019 - Revue Phronesis 8 (3-4):5-18.
    An increasing number of studies about teacher’s induction issues mention that it is essential to take into account the types of support needs of beginning teachers to offer them adequate support. Few researchers have accurately portrayed the types of support needs felt by novice teachers and focused on the degree of agreement between the type of support needs felt and the perceived support received. This research used data drawn from a French-language survey (n = 156) and semi-directed interviews (n = (...)
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  49.  20
    Gender at the Crossing: Ideological Travelings of US and French Thought in Montreal Feminism.Geneviève Pagé - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (3):575.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 42, no. 3. © 2016 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 575 Geneviève Pagé Gender at the Crossing: Ideological Travelings of US and French Thought in Montreal Feminism This article recounts a story about Montreal feminism using the narrative thread of its conceptual language. It is a story of language as a political choice that guides our actions, but also language as a political issue, a barrier, a (...)
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  50. Providence lost.Genevieve Lloyd - 2008 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Genevieve Lloyd.
    Introduction -- Euripides, philosopher of the stage -- The world of men and gods -- Agreeing with nature : fate and providence in stoic ethics -- Augustine : divine justice and the "ordering" of evil -- The philosopher and the princess : Descartes and the philosophical life -- Living with necessity : Spinoza and the philosophical life -- Designer worlds -- Providence as progress -- Providence lost.
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