Results for 'Genetics and Reproduction'

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  1.  99
    Genetic and reproductive technologies in the light of religious dialogue.Stephen M. Modell - 2007 - Zygon 42 (1):163-182.
    Abstract.Since the gene splicing debates of the 1980s, the public has been exposed to an ongoing sequence of genetic and reproductive technologies. Many issue areas have outcomes that lose track of people's inner values or engender opposing religious viewpoints defying final resolution. This essay relocates the discussion of what is an acceptable application from the individual to the societal level, examining technologies that stand to address large numbers of people and thus call for policy resolution, rather than individual fiat, in (...)
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  2. Genetics and reproductive risk : Can having children be immoral?Laura M. Purdy - 2010 - In Craig Hanks, Technology and values: essential readings. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  3.  30
    Feminist perspectives on human genetics and reproductive technologies.Donna Dickenson - 2016 - eLS (Formerly Known as the Encyclopedia of Life Sciences).
    Feminism offers three separate but equally important insights about human genetics and the new reproductive technologies. First, feminism is concerned with ways in which these new technologies have the potential to exploit women, particularly in the treatment of their reproductive tissue, while seeming to offer both sexes greater reproductive freedom. This risk has been largely ignored by much bioethics, which has concentrated on choice and autonomy at the expense of justice, giving it little to say about the concept of (...)
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  4. Reasons and Reproduction: Gene Editing and Genetic Selection.Jeff McMahan & Julian Savulescu - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (8):9-19.
    Many writers in bioethics, science, and medicine contend that embryo selection is a morally better way of avoiding genetic disorders then gene editing, as the latter has risks that the former does not. We argue that one reason to use gene editing is that in many cases it would be better for the person who would develop from the edited embryo, so that not to have done it would have been worse for that person. By contrast, embryo selection is never (...)
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    Freedom, Genetics and the Law: Comment on 'Genetic Equality and Freedom of Reproduction".Richard T. De George - 1977 - Journal of Value Inquiry 11 (3):208.
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    What Are Society's Interests in Human Genetics and Reproductive Technologies?John C. Fletcher - 1988 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 16 (1-2):131-137.
  7.  45
    Freedom, genetics and the law: Comment on “genetic equality and freedom of reproduction”.Richard T. George - 1977 - Journal of Value Inquiry 11 (3):208-212.
  8.  64
    Public deliberation and private choice in genetics and reproduction.M. Parker - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (3):160-165.
    The development of human genetics raises a wide range of important ethical questions for us all. The interpersonal dimension of genetic information in particular means that genetics also poses important challenges to the idea of patient-centredness and autonomy in medicine. How ought practical ethical decisions about the new genetics be made given that we appear, moreover, no longer to be able to appeal to unquestioned traditions and widely shared communitarian values? This paper argues that any coherent ethical (...)
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  9. Stocking the Genetic Supermarket: Reproductive Genetic Technologies and Collective Action Problems.Chris Gyngell & Thomas Douglas - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (4):241-250.
    Reproductive genetic technologies allow parents to decide whether their future children will have or lack certain genetic predispositions. A popular model that has been proposed for regulating access to RGTs is the ‘genetic supermarket’. In the genetic supermarket, parents are free to make decisions about which genes to select for their children with little state interference. One possible consequence of the genetic supermarket is that collective action problems will arise: if rational individuals use the genetic supermarket in isolation from one (...)
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  10. Creation Ethics: Reproduction, Genetics, and Quality of Life.David DeGrazia - 2012 - , US: Oup Usa.
    The overarching aim of this book is to illuminate a broad array of issues connected with reproduction and ethics through the lens of moral philosophy. With novel frameworks for understanding prenatal moral status and human identity, DeGrazia sheds new light on the ethics of abortion and embryo research, genetic enhancement and prenatal genetic interventions, procreation and parenting, and decisions that affect the quality of life of future generations.
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  11.  41
    Reproductive Genetics and the Law.R. M. Clayton - 1988 - Journal of Medical Ethics 14 (2):108-108.
  12.  24
    Reproductive Genetics and the Law. [REVIEW]Philip Reilly, Sherman Elias & George J. Annas - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (2):39.
    Book reviewed in this article: Reproductive Genetics and the Law. By Sherman Elias and George J. Annas.
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  13.  56
    Genetic Dilemmas: Reproductive Technology, Parental Choices, and Children's Futures, by Dena Davis. London: Routledge, 2000. 224 pp. $22.95. [REVIEW]Jeffrey R. Botkin - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11 (1):102-105.
    Imagine a genetic counselor working with a young couple pregnant with their first child. The explosion of genetic knowledge and technology in recent years is complicating this professional relationship as a host of new choices brings a few clients with atypical needs. This couple is deaf. They seek not to avoid a child with their disability but rather to assure that the child too will be deaf—a child to share their culture and perspectives on the world. If prenatal diagnosis indicates (...)
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  14.  96
    Frozen embryos, genetic information and reproductive rights.Sarah Chan & Muireann Quigley - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (8):439–448.
    Recent ethical and legal challenges have arisen concerning the rights of individuals over their IVF embryos, leading to questions about how, when the wishes of parents regarding their embryos conflict, such situations ought to be resolved. A notion commonly invoked in relation to frozen embryo disputes is that of reproductive rights: a right to have (or not to have) children. This has sometimes been interpreted to mean a right to have, or not to have, one's own genetic children. But can (...)
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  15.  70
    Making Babies: Reproductive Decisions and Genetic Technologies.Human Genetics Commission - 2006 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 11 (1).
  16.  23
    Human Genetics Commission calls for tougher rules on use and storage of genetic data.Human Genetics Commission - 2003 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 9 (1):3.
  17. Reconciling the disability critique and reproductive liberty: The case of negative genetic selection.Melinda C. Hall - 2013 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 6 (1):121-143.
    The disability critique of negative genetic selection is frequently accused of threatening reproductive liberty. This paper describes the disability critique and defends it against that objection. It also contends that the critique can work to deflate belief in genetic determinism. Recognizing the influence of genetic determinism helps advocate for existing persons in the disability community and protects reproductive liberty. The disability critique can point to genetic determinism but does not suggest a ban or obstacles to the choice of negative genetic (...)
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  18.  26
    Creation ethics: reproduction, genetics and quality of life.David DeGrazia - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (5):415-416.
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  19.  49
    Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, Reproductive Freedom, and Deliberative Democracy.C. Farrelly - 2009 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 34 (2):135-154.
    In this paper I argue that the account of deliberative democracy advanced by Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson (1996, 2004) is a useful normative theory that can help enhance our deliberations about public policy in morally pluralistic societies. More specifically, I illustrate how the prescriptions of deliberative democracy can be applied to the issue of regulating non-medical uses of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), such as gender selection. Deliberative democracy does not aim to win a philosophical debate among rival first-order theories, (...)
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  20.  49
    Creation Ethics: Reproduction, Genetics, and the Quality of Life, by David DeGrazia.David Benatar - 2014 - Mind 123 (490):585-588.
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  21. Chapter 5 Parents, Special Obligations and Reproductive Genetics.Wojciech Lewandowski - 2018 - In Marta Soniewicka, The Ethics of Reproductive Genetics - Between Utility, Principles, and Virtues. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  22.  78
    Prenatal Genetic Screening, Epistemic Justice, and Reproductive Autonomy.Amber Knight & Joshua Miller - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (1):1-21.
    Noninvasive prenatal testing promises to enhance women's reproductive autonomy by providing genetic information about the fetus, especially in the detection of genetic impairments like Down syndrome. In practice, however, NIPT provides opportunities for intensified manipulation and control over women's reproductive decisions. Applying Miranda Fricker's concept of epistemic injustice to prenatal screening, this article analyzes how medical professionals impair reproductive decision-making by perpetuating testimonial injustice. They do so by discrediting positive parental testimony about what it is like to raise a child (...)
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  23.  78
    Deafness, Genetics and Dysgenics.Rui Nunes - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (1):25-31.
    It has been argued by some authors that our reaction to deaf parents who choose deafness for their children ought to be compassion, not condemnation. Although I agree with the reasoning proposed I suggest that this practice could be regarded as unethical. In this article, I shall use the term “dysgenic” as a culturally imposed genetic selection not to achieve any improvement of the human person but to select genetic traits that are commonly accepted as a disabling condition by the (...)
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  24. Neugenics: Genetically Informed Reproductive Decision Making.Michael J. Selgelid - 2001 - Dissertation, University of California, San Diego
    People are worried that advances in genetics will lead to a revival of eugenics. Such worries are often associated with eugenic practices carried out early in the 20th century---the forcible sterilization of feebleminded persons in the United States and the Nazi program of Racial Hygiene. A "new eugenics" involving prenatal genetic testing and the selective abortion of fetuses diagnosed with severe genetic disorders might, nonetheless, be acceptable. In chapter one I examine the history of eugenics and discuss what might (...)
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  25.  8
    (1 other version)Ethics, Reproduction, and Genetic Control.Ruth F. Chadwick (ed.) - 1987 - Routledge.
    In this revised edition with a new preface from the editor, leading scientists explain the nature and goals of `test tube' reproduction and genetic engineering, and their eugenic implications. In contrast to the Warnock report, the extended commentary considers the issues in the context of a social ethic rather than the individualist viewpoint.
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  26.  43
    Genetics and the ethics of community.Gerard Mannion - 2006 - Heythrop Journal 47 (2):226–256.
    At times decisions are made in the field of genetics that are presented as if the ethical debates have been adequately treated and so all moral considerations have been addressed, when the truth is very different. Nor is it always easy or desirable to separate the ethical, legal and social questions posed by new developments. The impact of developments in genetic science upon communities is one field of enquiry that envelops each of these areas.This paper explores the impact of (...)
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  27. From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice: A Buchanan, D W Brock, N Daniels, et al. Cambridge University Press, 2000, pound17.95, $US29.95, pp 398. ISBN 0521660017. [REVIEW]A. J. Newson - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (1):60-60.
    With over 10 000 bases of DNA being sequenced around the world per minute, it is vital that ethical discussion continues to keep pace with genetic research. This contribution by four top theorists in bioethics carefully considers the implications of the many ways genetic information will influence human health and reproduction, by considering “the most basic moral principles that would guide public policy and individual choice concerning the use of genetic interventions in a just and humane society” (4–5). Proceeding (...)
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  28. New reproductive technologies in the treatment of human infertility and genetic disease.Lee M. Silver - 1990 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 11 (2).
    In this paper I will discuss three areas in which advances in human reproductive technology could occur, their uses and abuses, and their effects on society. First is the potential to drastically increase the success rate and availability of in vitro fertilization and embryo freezing. Second is the ability to perform biopsies on embryos prior to the onset of pregnancy. Finally, I will consider the adding or altering of genes in embryos, commonly referred to as genetic engineering.As new reproductive technologies (...)
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  29. Human Enhancement and Reproductive Ethics on Generation Ships.Steven Umbrello & Maurizio Balistreri - 2024 - Argumenta 10 (1):453-467.
    The past few years has seen a resurgence in the public interest in space flight and travel. Spurred mainly by the likes of technology billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, the topic poses both unique scientific as well as ethical challenges. This paper looks at the concept of generation ships, conceptual behemoth ships whose goal is to bring a group of human settlers to distant exoplanets. These ships are designed to host multiple generations of people who will be born, (...)
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  30. Wayward Modeling: Population Genetics and Natural Selection.Bruce Glymour - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (4):369-389.
    Since the introduction of mathematical population genetics, its machinery has shaped our fundamental understanding of natural selection. Selection is taken to occur when differential fitnesses produce differential rates of reproductive success, where fitnesses are understood as parameters in a population genetics model. To understand selection is to understand what these parameter values measure and how differences in them lead to frequency changes. I argue that this traditional view is mistaken. The descriptions of natural selection rendered by population (...) models are in general neither predictive nor explanatory and introduce avoidable conceptual confusions. I conclude that a correct understanding of natural selection requires explicitly causal models of reproductive success. *Received May 2006; revised December 2006. †To contact the author, please write to: Department of Philosophy, Kansas State University, 201 Dickens Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506; e‐mail: . (shrink)
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  31. The ethics of complexity. Genetics and autism, a literature review.Kristien Hens, Hilde Peeters & Kris Dierickx - 2016 - American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 171 (3).
    -/- It is commonly believed that the etiology of autism is at least partly explained through genetics. Given the complexity of autism and the variability of the autistic phenotype, genetic research and counseling in this field are also complex and associated with specific ethical questions. Although the ethics of autism genetics, especially with regard to reproductive choices, has been widely discussed on the public fora, an in depth philosophical or bioethical reflection on all aspects of the theme seems (...)
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  32.  75
    Reproductive cloning and a (kind of) genetic fallacy.Dr Neil Levy & Dr Mianna Lotz - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (3):232–250.
    ABSTRACT Many people now believe that human reproductive cloning – once sufficiently safe and effective – should be permitted on the grounds that it will allow the otherwise infertile to have children that are biologically closely related to them. However, though it is widely believed that the possession of a close genetic link to our children is morally significant and valuable, we argue that such a view is erroneous. Moreover, the claim that the genetic link is valuable is pernicious; it (...)
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  33.  27
    Deliberation and Public Bioethics: A Test Case in Reproductive Genetics.Virginia Sanchini, Davide Disalvatore, Sarah Songhorian, Paolo Spada & Pier Paolo Di Fiore - 2020 - Phenomenology and Mind 19 (19):150.
    Background. Since the nineties, policymakers and theorists working across several disciplines started to entertain the notion of directly engaging the public in matters of public concern. Accompanying this was the attempt to resort to deliberative democracy in order to make such an involvement effective. Seizing on its intrinsic dialogic nature, some scholars proposed the application of public deliberation to the realm of public bioethics. Drawing upon the theory and practice of deliberative public bioethics, the purpose of this paper is to (...)
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  34.  36
    Law and policy in the era of reproductive genetics.T. Caulfield - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (4):414-417.
    The extent to which society utilises the law to enforce its moral judgments remains a dominant issue in this era of embryonic stem cell research, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, and human reproductive cloning. Balancing the potential health benefits and diverse moral values of society can be a tremendous challenge. In this context, governments often adopt legislative bans and prohibitions and rely on the inflexible and often inappropriate tool of criminal law. Legal prohibitions in the field of reproductive genetics are not (...)
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  35.  91
    Gender Equality and Reproductive Decision-Making.Sally Sheldon - 2004 - Feminist Legal Studies 12 (3):303-316.
    In Evans, both the U.K. High Court and Court of Appeal upheld Howard Johnston’s right to refuse Natallie Evans access to the stored embryos which represented her only hope of having a child which was genetically her own. In this note, I focus on claims of gender (in)equality in the resolution of Evans. My argument is that such claims are often made all too easily, without full consideration of the problems of advancing them in the context of procreative decision-making, where (...)
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  36.  85
    Reproductive Cloning and a (Kind of) Genetic Fallacy.Neil Levy & Mianna Lotz - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (3):232-250.
    ABSTRACT Many people now believe that human reproductive cloning – once sufficiently safe and effective – should be permitted on the grounds that it will allow the otherwise infertile to have children that are biologically closely related to them. However, though it is widely believed that the possession of a close genetic link to our children is morally significant and valuable, we argue that such a view is erroneous. Moreover, the claim that the genetic link is valuable is pernicious; it (...)
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  37.  49
    Born Well: Prenatal Genetics and the Future of Having Children.Megan A. Allyse & Marsha Michie (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book brings together an international collection of experts in reproductive ethics, law, disability studies, and medicine to explore the challenging future of reproduction and children. From the medical to the social and from the financial to the legal, the authors explore the expanding impact of reproductive genetics on our society. New advances in genetic technologies are revolutionizing the practice of reproductive medicine. We have expanded our ability to detect genetic changes in embryos and fetuses in ways that (...)
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  38.  10
    The Value of Life and Reproductive and Professional Autonomy.Lucy Frith - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-12.
    This article considers John Harris’ work on autonomy, specifically reproductive autonomy, outlined in The Value of Life and developed throughout his career. Harris often used the concept of reproductive autonomy to make the case for liberal approaches to developments in reproductive and genetic technologies. Harris argued that reproductive autonomy should be highly valued, and therefore we need compelling arguments to justify limiting it in anyway. When discussing reproductive autonomy, Harris focused mainly on restrictions on the potential users of reproductive technologies (...)
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  39.  91
    The Hyle of Imagination and Reproductive Consciousness: Husserl’s Phenomenology of Phantasy Reconsidered.Ka-yu Hui - 2022 - Husserl Studies 38 (3):273–292.
    The validity of Husserl’s early apprehension/content of apprehension schema (_Auffassung/Auffassungsinhalt Schema_) of intentionality has long been a subject of dispute. In the case of phantasy (_Phantasie_), commentators often assert that the talk of “non-intentional content,” i.e. the phantasm, is abandoned in Husserl’s mature phenomenology of phantasy, and his subsequent theory of reproductive consciousness aims precisely to replace the previous schema. Against the current dismissive stance in the literature, this paper argues for the centrality of the concept of phantasm in the (...)
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  40.  24
    From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice.A. J. Newson - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (1):60-1.
    With over 10 000 bases of DNA being sequenced around the world per minute, it is vital that ethical discussion continues to keep pace with genetic research. This contribution by four top theorists in bioethics carefully considers the implications of the many ways genetic information will influence human health and reproduction, by considering “the most basic moral principles that would guide public policy and individual choice concerning the use of genetic interventions in a just and humane society” (4–5). Proceeding (...)
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  41.  29
    The case against sex selection.Genetics Alert Human - 2005 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 11 (1):3.
  42.  46
    In vitro gametogenesis and reproductive cloning: Can we allow one while banning the other?Seppe Segers, Guido Pennings, Wybo Dondorp, Guido de Wert & Heidi Mertes - 2018 - Bioethics 33 (1):68-75.
    In vitro gametogenesis (IVG) is believed to be the next big breakthrough in reproductive medicine. The prima facie acceptance of this possible future technology is notable when compared to the general prohibition on human reproductive cloning. After all, if safety is the main reason for not allowing reproductive cloning, one might expect a similar conclusion for the reproductive application of IVG, since both technologies hold considerable and comparable risks. However, safety concerns may be overcome, and are presumably not the sole (...)
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  43. Reproductive cloning, genetic engineering and the autonomy of the child: the moral agent and the open future.Matteo Mameli - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (2):87-93.
    Some authors have argued that the human use of reproductive cloning and genetic engineering should be prohibited because these biotechnologies would undermine the autonomy of the resulting child. In this paper, two versions of this view are discussed. According to the first version, the autonomy of cloned and genetically engineered people would be undermined because knowledge of the method by which these people have been conceived would make them unable to assume full responsibility for their actions. According to the second (...)
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  44.  27
    Making Reproductive Choices in the Face of Genetic Uncertainty.Sigal Klipstein - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (2):42-43.
    In the engaging and thought-provoking book The Gene Machine: How Genetic Technologies Are Changing the Way We Have Kids and the Kids We Have, Bonnie Rochman addresses the question of choice in human reproduction through the lens of knowledge. Asserting that the desire for knowledge is the central theme of modern-day reproduction, she asks, “Is genetic knowledge empowering or fear-inducing or both?” Yet the question at the heart of the book goes beyond knowledge. Rochman delves into whether genetic (...)
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    A scoping review of genetics and genomics research ethics policies and guidelines for Africa.Joseph Ochieng, Nelson K. Sewankambo, John Barugahare, Betty Kwagala, Juli M. Bollinger, Erisa Mwaka, Betty Cohn & Joseph Ali - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundGenetics and genomics research (GGR) is increasingly being conducted around the world; yet, researchers and research oversight entities in many countries have struggled with ethical challenges. A range of ethics and regulatory issues need to be addressed through comprehensive policy frameworks that integrate with local environments. While important efforts have been made to enhance understanding and awareness of ethical dimensions of GGR in Africa, including through the H3Africa initiative, there remains a need for in-depth policy review, at a country-level, to (...)
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    Individual responsibility and reproduction.Rachel A. Ankeny - 2007 - In Rosamond Rhodes, Leslie P. Francis & Anita Silvers, The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 38–51.
    The prelims comprise: Why Is Reproductive Choice Important? Is There a Right to Reproduce? Is There a Duty to Reproduce? Are There Duties Not to Reproduce? Responsibilities in Reproductive Decisions Are There Rights to Rear Children? Conclusions References.
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  47.  61
    Of maize and men: Reproductive control and the threat to genetic diversity.David B. Resnik - 2000 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25 (4):451 – 467.
    The genetic diversity argument (GDA) is one of the most commonly voiced objections to advances in reproductive and genetic technologies. According to the argument, scientific and technological developments in the realm of genetics and human reproduction will lead to lower genetic diversity, which will threaten the health and survivability of the human population. This discussion explicates and analyzes the GDA and challenges its empirical assumptions. It also discusses the possible significance of the GDA in our overall thinking about (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Therapeutic Cloning and Reproductive Liberty.Robert Sparrow - 2008 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 33 (2):1-17.
    Concern for “reproductive liberty” suggests that decisions about embryos should normally be made by the persons who would be the genetic parents of the child that would be brought into existence if the embryo were brought to term. Therapeutic cloning would involve creating and destroying an embryo, which, if brought to term, would be the offspring of the genetic parents of the person undergoing therapy. I argue that central arguments in debates about parenthood and genetics therefore suggest that therapeutic (...)
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    Reproductive autonomy rights and genetic disenhancement: Sidestepping the argument from backhanded benefit.Martin Harvey - 2004 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 21 (2):125–140.
    abstract John Robertson has famously argued that the right to reproductive autonomy is exceedingly broad in scope. That is, as long as a particular reproductive preference such as having a deaf child is “determinative” of the decision to reproduce then such preferences fall under the protective rubric of reproductive autonomy rights. Importantly, the deafness in question does not constitute a harm to the child thereby wrought since unless the child could be born deaf he or she would otherwise never have (...)
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    Understanding risks and benefits in research on reproductive genetic technologies.Janet Malek - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (4):339 – 358.
    Research protocols must have a reasonable balance of risks and anticipated benefits to be ethically and legally acceptable. This article explores three characteristics of research on reproductive genetic technologies that complicate the assessment of the risk-benefit ratio for such research. First, a number of different people may be affected by a research protocol, raising the question of who should be considered to be the subject of reproductive genetic research. Second, such research could involve a wide range of possible harms and (...)
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