Results for 'Geetanjali Murari'

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  1.  34
    Clinical Research and its Condition in India.Geetanjali Murari - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 4 (2).
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    Gender-Based Violence, Law, Justice and Health: Some Reflections.Geetanjali Gangoli - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (1):29-33.
    This article is a response to the Lancet Commission on the Legal Determinants of Health from gendered perspectives and focusing on gender-based violence and abuse. The Lancet Commission sees the role of law as positive, indeed central in providing justice in global contexts, and this contribution explores and unpacks this assertion, drawing on some examples from India and elsewhere. Some feminists have argued that law and justice are incompatible for women, and this is sometimes borne out when we look at (...)
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    Solving for Pattern: An Ecological Approach to Reshape the Human Building Instinct.Geetanjali Date, Deborah Dutta & Sanjay Chandrasekharan - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (1):65-92.
    The human species’ adaptive advantage is driven by its ability to build new material structures and artefacts. Engineering is the modern manifestation of this building instinct, and its advent has made the construction and use of technologies the central pattern of human life. In parallel, efficiency, the overarching narrative driving technology and related life practices, has pervaded most occupations as a value, forming a cultural backdrop that implicitly guides decisions and behaviour. We examine the process through which this backdrop has (...)
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    Bāuls, Bhakti, Beats, and Bob: the Influence of Oral Indian Tradition in the Poetry of Allen Ginsberg and Its Connection with Bob Dylan.Geetanjali Joshi - 2019 - Journal of Dharma Studies 1 (2):241-258.
    The term Bāul is universally associated with singing. It is a form of folk music that emerges from Bengal in India. However, Bāul does not simply imply singing. It is more of a philosophy which is deeply rooted in the quest for self-realization. The raison d’être for the kind of attraction the music of Bāuls and the poetry of Kabir had for the West is that their music and poetry was essentially a poetry of simplicity, peace and celestial love. Since (...)
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  5. Francisco. Mithistoria. S50 Paulo.Murari Pires - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Cancer as a prospective sequela of long COVID‐19.Geetanjali Saini & Ritu Aneja - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (6):2000331.
    As the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) continues to surge worldwide, our knowledge of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) is rapidly expanding. Although most COVID‐19 patients recover within weeks of symptom onset, some experience lingering symptoms that last for months (“long COVID‐19”). Early reports of COVID‐19 sequelae, including cardiovascular, pulmonary, and neurological conditions, have raised concerns about the long‐term effects of COVID‐19, especially in hard‐hit communities. It is becoming increasingly evident that cancer patients are more susceptible to (...)
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    Protecting Victims of Forced Marriage: Is Age a Protective Factor? [REVIEW]Geetanjali Gangoli & Khatidja Chantler - 2009 - Feminist Legal Studies 17 (3):267-288.
    This paper explores the UK’s legal interventions in the arena of forced marriage. Three key initiatives have been considered in the last 5 years: creating a specific crime of forced marriage; civil rather than criminal protection for victims; and an increase in the age of entry for non-EU spouses, with a corresponding increase in age for sponsoring such spouses. Our key focus is on the last of these interventions and we draw upon a research study conducted in the UK in (...)
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    Farmers' definitions, goals, and bottlenecks of sustainable agriculture in the North-Central Region.Christoffel Biggelaar & Murari Suvedi - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (4):347-358.
    Since its inception in 1988, the SAREprogram has sponsored hundreds of projects to exploreand apply economically viable, environmentally sound,and socially acceptable farming systems. Recognizingthat researchers often collaborated with producers andthat producer interest in sustainable agriculture wasincreasing, SARE's North-Central Region began directlyfunding farmers and ranchers in 1992 to test their ownideas on sustainable agriculture. The present articleis based on data from the formative evaluation of thefirst five years (1992 to 1996) of the NCR-SAREProducer Grant Program. The evaluation used acombination of mail (...)
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    Farmers' definitions, goals, and bottlenecks of sustainable agriculture in the North-Central Region.Christoffel den Biggelaar & Murari Suvedi - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (4):347-358.
    Since its inception in 1988, the SAREprogram has sponsored hundreds of projects to exploreand apply economically viable, environmentally sound,and socially acceptable farming systems. Recognizingthat researchers often collaborated with producers andthat producer interest in sustainable agriculture wasincreasing, SARE's North-Central Region began directlyfunding farmers and ranchers in 1992 to test their ownideas on sustainable agriculture. The present articleis based on data from the formative evaluation of thefirst five years (1992 to 1996) of the NCR-SAREProducer Grant Program. The evaluation used acombination of mail (...)
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    Ser viuda.Ana Julia Murari de Amorim & Selma Aparecida Geraldo Benzoni - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:252-267.
    Widowhood goes beyond the physical loss and marital status, the person goes through a process of searching for meaning in the new reality. In this study, the objective was to analyze the thematic-story-drawing as a resource to understand the grief situation in widows due to the sudden death of their partner. The clinical-qualitative method was used. Six widows has participated, all of them having the sudden death of their partners in the last 2 years, age between 34 and 52 years (...)
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    Vikramān̄kābhyudayam: A Historical Sanskrit CampūVikramankabhyudayam: A Historical Sanskrit Campu.S. H. L. & Murari Lal Nagar - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):385.
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    Dharma-parakha.Krishna Murari Misra - 1965
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  13. Mithistória, São Paulo.Francisco Murari Pires - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Laukika-Nyāya-Ratnākara: an ocean of gems crystalized as the maxims of interpretation.Sarla Devi Raghunathavarma & Murari Lal Nagar - 1998 - Columbia, MO: International Library Center. Edited by Murari Lal Nagar & Sarla Devi Nagar.
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    Kant & the Gita.Krishna Murari Prasad Verma - 1980 - New Delhi: distributors, Classical Publishers & Distributors.
    Comparative study of the philosophical concepts of the Bhagavadgītā and Immanuel Kant, 1724-1804.
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    Crossmodal Correspondences in Art and Science: Odours, Poetry, and Music.Nicola Di Stefano, Maddalena Murari & Charles Spence - 2021 - In Nicola Di Stefano & Maria Teresa Russo, Olfaction: An Interdisciplinary Perspective From Philosophy to Life Sciences. Springer Verlag. pp. 155-189.
    Odour-sound correspondences provide some of the most fascinating and intriguing examples of crossmodal associations, in part, because it is unclear from where exactly they originate. Although frequently used as similes, or figures of speech, in both literature and poetry, such smell-sound correspondences have recently started to attract the attention of experimental researchers too. To date, the findings clearly demonstrate that the majority of non-synaesthetic individuals associate orthonasally-presented odours with various different sound properties, e.g., pitch, instrument type, and timbre, in a (...)
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  17.  26
    Additional Food Supplements as a Tool for Biological Conservation of Biosystems in the Presence of Inhibitory Effect of the Prey.D. K. K. Vamsi, Deva Siva Sai Murari Kanumoori & Bishal Chhetri - 2019 - Acta Biotheoretica 68 (3):321-355.
    Provision of additional food supplements for the purpose of biological conservation has been widely researched both theoretically and experimentally. The study of these biosystems is usually done using predator–prey models. In this paper, we consider an additional food provided predator–prey system in the presence of the inhibitory effect of the prey. This model is analyzed in the control parameter space using the control parameters, quality and quantity of additional food. The findings suggest that with appropriate choice of additional food to (...)
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    A normal coordinate analysis of AMoO4crystals.Ruby Jindal, Hem Chandra Gupta & Murari Mohan Sinha - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (2):208-220.
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    Illuminating Music: Impact of Color Hue for Background Lighting on Emotional Arousal in Piano Performance Videos.James McDonald, Sergio Canazza, Anthony Chmiel, Giovanni De Poli, Ellouise Houbert, Maddalena Murari, Antonio Rodà, Emery Schubert & J. Diana Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study sought to determine if hues overlayed on a video recording of a piano performance would systematically influence perception of its emotional arousal level. The hues were artificially added to a series of four short video excerpts of different performances using video editing software. Over two experiments 106 participants were sorted into 4 conditions, with each viewing different combinations of musical excerpts and hue combinations. Participants rated the emotional arousal depicted by each excerpt. Results indicated that the overall arousal (...)
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  20.  23
    Core Competencies of a Veterinary Graduate.Subhash Verma, Yashpal Singh Malik, Geetanjali Singh, Prasenjit Dhar & Amit Kumar Singla - 2024 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    This book is an essential guide for veterinarians, veterinary faculty and policymakers for understanding the core competencies of a fresh veterinarian. The book briefly covers competencies in preclinical, paraclinical, and clinical subjects including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, veterinary jurisprudence, animal management & welfare including nutrition and breeding, infectious and non-infectious diseases, disease epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment, prevention, control and zoonoses, surgical and other clinical interventions. The book further includes other competencies, including biologicals, anti-mortem, and post-mortem inspection, certifications, applied one health aspects, (...)
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  21. Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas.Câmpus de Rio Claro, Maria Rita Caetano Chang, Conselho do Programa, Marcelo de Carvalho Borba, Miriam Godoy Penteado, Claudemir Murari, Maria Lucia Lorenzetti Wodewotzki, Heloísa da Silva Representante Discente, Antonio Vicente Marafioti Garnica & Rosa Lucia Sverzut Baroni - 1913 - Tópicos 18 (19).
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    Book Review: Geetanjali Gangoli, Indian Feminisms: Law, Patriarchies and Violence in India. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 162 pp. (incl. index). ISBN 978—0—7546—4604—4, £55.00 (hbk). [REVIEW]Srila Roy - 2009 - Feminist Theory 10 (2):268-269.
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    Verses Attributed to MurāriVerses Attributed to Murari.Ernest Bender & Ludwik Sternbach - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):544.
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    Visnubhattaviracita Anargharaghavapancika: The Commentary of Visnubhatta on the Anargharaghava of Murari. Critical edition, Vol I: The Commentary of Visnubhatta; Vol. II: The Anargharraghava of Murari as Read by Visnubhatta, Notes, Appendices.Judit Torzsok & Harinarayana Bhat - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (2):431.
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    Los tratados silogísticos de Boecio: sus fuentes, historia e influencia en la cristiandad latina.Manuel Correia - 2007 - Teología y Vida 48 (2-3).
    En este artículo se describen los contenidos de un tratado sobre lógica aristotélica escrito por Boecio en el VI d. C, llamado por nuestras ediciones modernas De syllogismo categórico. A través de sus contenidos, es posible mostrar: la importancia de este tratado en el proceso de transmisión de la lógica de Aristóteles al medioevo latino; su relación con otro tratado monográfico similar, titulado por la crítica moderna Introductio ad syllogismos categóricos y su relación temática con DSC; las fuentes más probables (...)
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    Amitav Ghosh's culture chromosome: anthropology, epistemology, ethics, space.Asis De & Alessandro Vescovi (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    An Indian Bengali by birth, Amitav Ghosh has established himself as a major voice in what is often called world literature, addressing issues such as the post-colonial and neo-colonial predicaments, the plight of the subalterns, the origin of globalisation and capitalism, and lately ecology and migration. The volume is therefore divided according to the four domains that lie at the heart of Ghosh's writing practice: anthropology, epistemology, ethics and space. In this volume, a number of scholars from all over the (...)
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