Results for 'Gary Bowman'

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  1.  13
    Essential Quantum Mechanics.Gary Bowman - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Quantum mechanics - central not only to physics, but also to chemistry, materials science, and other fields - is notoriously abstract and difficult. Essential Quantum Mechanics is a uniquely concise and explanatory book that fills the gap between introductory and advanced courses, between popularizations and technical treatises.By focusing on the fundamental structure, concepts, and methods of quantum mechanics, this introductory yet sophisticated work emphasizes both physical and mathematical understanding. A modern perspective is adopted throughout - the goal, in part, being (...)
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    On the Classical Limit in Bohm’s Theory.Gary E. Bowman - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (4):605-625.
    The standard means of seeking the classical limit in Bohmian mechanics is through the imposition of vanishing quantum force and quantum potential for pure states. We argue that this approach fails, and that the Bohmian classical limit can be realized only by combining narrow wave packets, mixed states, and environmental decoherence.
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  3. Einstein and mysticism.Gary E. Bowman - 2014 - Zygon 49 (2):281-307.
    Albert Einstein deliberately and repeatedly expressed his general religious views. But what were his views of mysticism? His statements on the subject were few, relatively obscure, and often misunderstood. A coherent answer requires setting those statements in historical, cultural, and theological context, as well as examining Einstein's philosophical and religious views. Though the Einstein that emerges clearly rejected supernatural mysticism, his views of “essential” mysticism were—though largely implicit—more nuanced, more subtle, and ultimately more sympathetic than “mere appearance” suggests.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Zeno Vendler, M. Glouberman, Gary Jason, George N. Schlesinger, Roberto Torretti, Bowman L. Clarke, Richard T. De George, Avner Cohen, Tecla Mazzarese, A. Modal Logician & J. Gellman - 1987 - Philosophia 17 (2):211-216.
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    The Algebraic Mind: Integrating Connectionism and Cognitive Science.Gary F. Marcus - 2001 - MIT Press.
    1 Cognitive Architectures 2 Multilayer Perceptrons 3 Relations between Variables 4 Structured Representations 5 Individuals 6 Where does the Machinery of Symbol Manipulation Come From? 7 Conclusions.
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    Birth of the Mind: How a Tiny Number of Genes Creates the Complexity of Human Thought.Gary Marcus - 2004 - Basic Books.
    A psychologist offers a detailed study of the genetic underpinnings of human thought, looking at the small number of genes that contain the instructions for building the vastly complex human brain to determine how these genes work, common misconceptions about genes, and their implications for the future of genetic engineering. 30,000 first printing.
  7.  62
    Kant's practical philosophy: from critique to doctrine.Gary Banham - 2003 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The discussion of Kant's Practical Philosophy has been marred by viewing it as purely formalist and centered only on the categorical imperative. This important new study sets out a much more vivid account of the nature and range of Kant's concerns demonstrating his commitment to the notion of rational religion and including extensive discussion of his treatment of evil. Culminating with accounts of property, the nature of right and virtue, this work presents Kant as a vital revolutionary thinker.
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  8.  25
    The simultaneous type, serial token model of temporal attention and working memory.Howard Bowman & Brad Wyble - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (1):38-70.
  9.  52
    ‘Is it better not to know certain things?’: views of women who have undergone non-invasive prenatal testing on its possible future applications.Hilary Bowman-Smart, Julian Savulescu, Cara Mand, Christopher Gyngell, Mark D. Pertile, Sharon Lewis & Martin B. Delatycki - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (4):231-238.
    Non-invasive prenatal testing is at the forefront of prenatal screening. Current uses for NIPT include fetal sex determination and screening for chromosomal disorders such as trisomy 21. However, NIPT may be expanded to many different future applications. There are a potential host of ethical concerns around the expanding use of NIPT, as examined by the recent Nuffield Council report on the topic. It is important to examine what NIPT might be used for before these possibilities become consumer reality. There is (...)
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  10. Moderating Racism: The Attempt to Restrain Anti-Japanese Racism in World War II Propaganda Films.Gary James Jason - 2024 - Reason Papers 44 (1):92-106.
    In this essay, I want to explore one of the most ironic episodes in the history of propaganda, the attempt by various federal agencies to moderate American WWII anti-Japanese propaganda films. My texts will be four films, two produced by the military, and two by Hollywood: December 7th (1943), directed by Gregg Toland and revised by John Ford; Air Force (1943), directed Howard Hawks; Know Your Enemy: Japan (1945), directed by Frank Capra; and Betrayal for the East (1945), directed by (...)
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    The Sociology of Radical Commitment: Kurt H. Wolff's Existential Turn.Gary Backhaus & George Psathas (eds.) - 2007 - Lexington Books.
    This is the first volume to present commentaries on the existential sociology of Kurt H. Wolff_including autobiographical, biographical, exegetic, and creative developmental articulation of his radical thought. The theme of the book connects Wolff to the sociological tradition while at the same time explicates his profound departure from the tradition.
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    The Religious Significance of Ricoeur’s Post-Hegelian Kantian Ethics.Gary B. Herbert & Patrick L. Bourgeois - 1991 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 65:133-144.
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  13. Living bioethics, theories and children’s consent to heart surgery.Priscilla Alderson, Deborah Bowman, Joe Brierley, Nathalie Dedieu, Martin J. Elliott, Jonathan Montgomery & Hugo Wellesley - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (4):418-426.
    Background This analysis is about practical living bioethics and how law, ethics and sociology understand and respect children’s consent to, or refusal of, elective heart surgery. Analysis of underlying theories and influences will contrast legalistic bioethics with living bioethics. In-depth philosophical analysis compares social science traditions of positivism, interpretivism, critical theory and functionalism and applies them to bioethics and childhood, to examine how living bioethics may be encouraged or discouraged. Illustrative examples are drawn from research interviews and observations in two (...)
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  14. A Conceptualist Reply to Hanna’s Kantian Non-Conceptualism.Brady Bowman - 2011 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19 (3):417 - 446.
    Hanna proposes a version of non-conceptualism he closely associates with Kant. This paper takes issue with his proposal on two fronts. First, there are reasons to dispute whether any version of non-conceptualism can be rightly attributed to Kant. In addition to pointing out passages that conflict with Hanna's interpretation, I also suggest ways in which the Kant of the Opus Postumum could integrate key insights of non-conceptualism into a basically conceptualist framework. In Part Two of the paper, I turn to (...)
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  15.  27
    Of algorithms and Mimesis—GAFA, digital personalization, and freedom as nondomination.Jonathan Bowman - 2021 - Constellations 28 (2):159-175.
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    Ethics Versus Outcomes: Managerial Responses to Incentive-Driven and Goal-Induced Employee Behavior.Gary M. Fleischman, Eric N. Johnson, Kenton B. Walker & Sean R. Valentine - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):951-967.
    Management plays an important role in reinforcing ethics in organizations. To support this aim, managers must use incentive and goal programs in ethical ways. This study examines experimentally the potential ethical costs associated with incentive-driven and goal-induced employee behavior from a managerial perspective. In a quasi-experimental setting, 243 MBA students with significant professional work experience evaluated a hypothetical employee’s ethical behavior under incentive pay systems modeled on a business case. In the role of the employee’s manager, participants evaluated the ethicality (...)
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  17. Artists, Propagandists, Political Masters.Gary James Jason - 2024 - Liberty 3.
  18.  18
    Due vedute di Roma.B. R. Brinkman - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37 (2):176–192.
    Books reviewed in this article: The Anchor Bible Dictionary. Edited by David Noel Freedman with Gary A. Herion, David F. Graf, John David Pleins. The Gospel of Matthew. By Daniel J. Harrington. Paul: An Introduction to his Thought. By C. K. Barrett. A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identiy. By Daniel Boyarin. New Testament Theology. By G. B. Caird, completed and edited by L. D. Hurst. The Fatherhood of God from Origen to Athanasius. By Peter Widdicombe. Dieu (...)
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  19. Kant's refutations of idealism.Gary Banham - manuscript
  20.  27
    International Relations in the Ancient near East, 1600-1100 BC.Gary Beckman & Mario Liverani - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4):873.
  21.  34
    Possessors and Possessed: Museums, Archaeology, and the Visualization of History in the Late Ottoman Empire.Gary Beckman & Wendy M. K. Shaw - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (1):203.
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  22.  31
    The Ethics of Motivational Neuro-Doping in Sport: Praiseworthiness and Prizeworthiness.Bowman-Smart, Hilary, Savulescu & Julian - 2020 - Neuroethics 14 (2):205-215.
    Motivational enhancement in sport – a form of ‘neuro-doping’ – can help athletes attain greater achievements in sport. A key question is whether or not that athlete deserves that achievement. We distinguish three concepts – praiseworthiness, prizeworthiness, and admiration – which are closely related. However, in sport, they can come apart. The most praiseworthy athlete may not be the most prizeworthy, and so on. Using a model of praiseworthiness as costly commitment to a valuable end, and situating prizeworthiness within the (...)
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  23.  10
    Martial Arts Studies: Disrupting Disciplinary Boundaries.Paul Bowman - 2015 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book disrupts disciplinary boundaries to make a case for the future direction and growth of martial arts studies as a unique field.
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  24.  51
    The relationship between the objective identification threshold and priming effects does not provide a definitive boundary between conscious and unconscious perceptual processes.Gary D. Fisk & Steven J. Haase - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1221-1231.
    The Objective Threshold/Strategic Model proposes that strong, qualitative inferences of unconscious perception can be made if the relationship between perceptual sensitivity and stimulus visibility is nonlinear and nonmonotonic. The model proposes a nadir in priming effects at the objective identification threshold . These predictions were tested with masked semantic priming and repetition priming of a lexical decision task. The visibility of the prime stimuli was systematically varied above and below the objective identification threshold. The obtained relationship between prime visibility and (...)
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  25.  37
    Ecoscapes: Geographical Patternings of Relations.Gary Backhaus, John Murungi, Jose-Hector Abraham, Azucena Cruz, Benjamin Hale, Jessica Hayes-Conroy, John E. Jalbert, Eduardo Mendieta, Troy Paddock, Christine Petto, Dennis E. Skocz & Alex Zukas (eds.) - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    This volume presents the concept of Ecoscape as spatial interrelations, or spatially patterned processes, that are constitutive of an environment_an ecosystem. Contributors investigate environmental issues concerning the human impact on geohistory, food distribution, genetically modified biota, waste management, scientific mapping, and the rethinking of human identity.
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  26. Cinders: Derrida with Beckett.Gary Banham - 2002 - In Richard J. Lane, Beckett and philosophy. New York: Palgrave. pp. 55--67.
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  27. Transcendental philosophy and artificial life.Gary Banham - 2001 - CultureMachine 3.
  28.  31
    Midasstadt in Phrygien: Eine Sagenumwobene Statte im anatolischen Hochland.Gary Beckman & Dietrich Berndt - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (3):706.
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  29. Mental Simulation: the Old-Fashioned Dispute.Gary Fuller - unknown
    We attribute psychological states and intentional actions to others. We also predict such states and actions and explain them. I attribute to Fred the belief that that mountain in the distance is the Schneeberg as well as the thought that it would be pleasant to climb it. I predict that later in the week when there is some free time Fred will form the intention to climb the mountain that very afternoon. And when one morning later in the week Fred (...)
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  30.  39
    Some genres of post-Hegelian philosophy.Gary Shapiro - 1982 - Metaphilosophy 13 (3-4):267-276.
  31.  37
    Information warfare and security.Gary Gocek - 1999 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 29 (3):36-37.
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    Zubiriy, Post-Modernism, and Plato.Gary M. Gurtler - 2000 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 56 (3/4):559 - 572.
    Zubiri presents a critique of modernism and return to phenomena in primordial apprehension. Only 'notes' are apprehended; as real they need to be repossessed by logos or reason, related to other notes in the field or unified as the world. Zubiri seeks to overcome the dualism of sensing and knowing and introducing transcendent objects. His target extends to ancient and medieval philosophy, charged with introducing the problem. So he reads Plato's Sophist as positing being, known independent of the senses, and (...)
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    Editorial introduction: Authorizing culture interdisciplinarity and its discontents.Gary Hall & Simon Wortham - 1997 - Angelaki 2 (2):5-7.
  34.  49
    Temporal changes in acoustic and semantic confusion effects.Gary A. Klein - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (2):236.
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    Two Nations Under God: The Deuteronomistic History of Solomon and the Dual Monarchies: Volume 1: The Reign of Solomon and the Rise of Jeroboam.Gary N. Knoppers (ed.) - 1993 - Brill.
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    Postmodern readings of Piaget's genetic epistemology.Gary Kose & Gary Fireman - 2000 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 20 (1):52-60.
    This paper examines several contemporary readings of Piaget's texts: M. Chapman's Constructive Evolution provides a wide-ranging exegesis of Piaget's entire body of work; F. Vidal's Piaget before Piaget focuses on Piaget's earliest writings; and H. Beilin's Piaget's New Theory concentrates on Piaget's very last projects. All three contend that in contrast to accepted versions of Piaget's theory, there is a relatively unknown Piaget and a markedly differently way to understand Genetic Epistemology. This brief review attempts to bracket such readings within (...)
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    Disaster and the social order.Gary A. Kreps - 1985 - Sociological Theory 3 (1):49-64.
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    Quine, evidence, and our science.Gary Kemp - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (5):961-976.
    As is reasonably well-appreciated, Quine struggled with his definition of the all-important notion of an observation sentence; especially in order to make them bear out his commitment to language’s being a ‘social art’. In an earlier article (_Mind_ 131(523):805–825, 2022), I proposed a certain repair, which here I will explain, justify and articulate further. But it also infects the definition of observation categoricals, and furthermore makes it a secondary matter, a seeming afterthought, that evidence, science and knowledge generally are shared—are (...)
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    Christine Overall, ed., Pets and People: The Ethics of Our Relationships with Companion Animals: Oxford University Press, New York, New York, 2017, 295 pp., ISBN: 978-0-19-045607-8, $36.95.Gary L. Francione - 2018 - Journal of Value Inquiry 52 (4):491-516.
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    Quine’s Tarskian Angle on Truth: Immanence, Semantic Ascent and the Importance of Generality.Gary Kemp - 2024 - Philosophers' Imprint 24 (1).
    There are two main parts to this article: (1) Quine's view of truth is substantive in a way that is not generally recognized. There are elements in the view of deflationism, minimalism, and of course disquotationalism to be sure, but from Quine's perspective the capacity for generalization - ascribing truth not to explicitly given sentences but to kinds of sentences - requires a full-bore Tarskian apparatus. This is necessary in order for truth to play what for Quine are its vital (...)
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    Caring for Liberalism: Dependency and Liberal Political Theory, edited by Asha Bhandary and Amy Baehr.Mercer Gary - 2024 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 21 (3-4):480-483.
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    The Evolution of Mind, Brain, and Culture.Gary Hatfield & Holly Pittman (eds.) - 2013 - University of Pennsylvania Press.
    Descartes boldly claimed: "I think, therefore I am." But one might well ask: Why do we think? How? When and why did our human ancestors develop language and culture? In other words, what makes the human mind human? _Evolution of Mind, Brain, and Culture_ offers a comprehensive and scientific investigation of these perennial questions. Fourteen essays bring together the work of archaeologists, cultural and physical anthropologists, psychologists, philosophers, geneticists, a neuroscientist, and an environmental scientist to explore the evolution of the (...)
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  43.  37
    Popular Cultural Pedagogy, in Theory; Or: What can cultural theory learn about learning from popular culture?☆.Paul Bowman - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (6):601-609.
    Central to politicized academic projects such as cultural studies and politicized work in cultural theory and philosophy is a critique of the cultural power of institutions—pedagogical institutions...
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  44.  65
    Rumor, Trust and Civil Society: Collective Memory and Cultures of Judgment.Gary Alan Fine - 2007 - Diogenes 54 (1):5-18.
    Contemporary societies are awash in rumor. Truth claims may have an uncertain provenance, but we tend to incorporate them into our belief system, act upon them, and recall them through collective memory. The question becomes who, what, where and when do we trust. The analysis of rumor belongs to the sociology of action. This paper sketches a brief analysis of the intersection of trust and rumors through the concepts of plausibility, credibility, frequency, diffusion, boundaries, divisiveness and stability or rumor. The (...)
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  45.  26
    Evidence law.Gary Edmond & David Hamer - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer, The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article reviews contemporary response to several contrasting strands of recent empirical work. It begins with discussing the scope and rationale of evidence law. Experimental studies on eyewitness memory and testimony illustrate the potential value of empirical studies to the practice of investigations, prosecutions, and appeals. This article discusses several lines of empirical inquiry employing diverse methodologies, experiments, surveys, and approaches and reviews their limitations, and implications and significance for the understanding and practice of law. Many of the contributions from (...)
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  46. On the Defense of Literary Value.Brady Bowman - 2014 - In Dalia Nassar, The Relevance of Romanticism: Essays on German Romantic Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Identifying cognition in general with propositional knowledge exposes the cognitive value of literature to abiding skepticism. This chapter argues that German romanticism has generated two competing views of the relation between literature and the overtly truth-seeking disciplines. One is a legacy of skepticism and antirealism that is powerless to give a positive account of literary value. The other is a complementarist legacy emphasizing literature’s cognitive priority to and its role as the cognitive fulfillment of discursive knowledge. This tradition offers important (...)
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  47.  36
    The "Villain" of Set Theory [review of Shaughan Levine, Understanding the Infinite ].Gary N. Curtis - 1995 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 15 (1):87-89.
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    The Development of the Doctrine of the Agent Intellect in the Franciscan School of the Thirteenth Century.Leonard J. Bowman - 1973 - Modern Schoolman 50 (3):251-279.
  49. Concepts, correlations, and some challenges for connectionist cognition.Gary F. Marcus & Frank C. Keil - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):722-723.
    Rogers & McClelland's (R&M's) précis represents an important effort to address key issues in concepts and categorization, but few of the simulations deliver what is promised. We argue that the models are seriously underconstrained, importantly incomplete, and psychologically implausible; more broadly, R&M dwell too heavily on the apparent successes without comparable concern for limitations already noted in the literature.
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    Fair Shares and Decent Lives.Paul Bowman - 2014 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 17 (1):24-26.
    Christian Baatz argues that individuals have a moral duty to reduce their emissions ‘as far as can be reasonably demanded of them’. In this commentary, I argue that Baatz fails to establish...
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