Results for 'Gabriele Weinberger'

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  1.  76
    The Neural Dynamics of Seeing-In.Gabriele Ferretti - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (6):1285-1324.
    Philosophers have suggested that, in order to understand the particular visual state we are in during picture perception, we should focus on experimental results from vision neuroscience—in particular, on the most rigorous account of the functioning of the visual system that we have from vision neuroscience, namely, the ‘Two Visual Systems Model’. According to the initial version of this model, our visual system can be dissociated, from an anatomo-functional point of view, into two streams: a ventral stream subserving visual recognition, (...)
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    Anti-intellectualist motor knowledge.Gabriele Ferretti - 2020 - Synthese 198 (11):10733-10763.
    Intellectualists suggest that practical knowledge, or ‘knowing- how’, can be reduced to propositional knowledge, or ‘knowing-that’. Anti-intellectualists, on the contrary, suggest, following the original insights by Ryle, that such a reduction is not possible. Rejection of intellectualism can be proposed either by offering purely philosophical analytical arguments, or by recruiting empirical evidence from cognitive science about the nature of the mental representations involved in these two forms of knowledge. In this paper, I couple these two strategies in order to analyze (...)
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    Solving the Interface Problem Without Translation: The Same Format Thesis.Gabriele Ferretti & Silvano Zipoli Caiani - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (1):301-333.
    In this article, we propose a new account concerning the interlock between intentions and motor representations (henceforth: MRs), showing that the interface problem is not as deep as previously proposed. Before discussing our view, in the first section we report the ideas developed in the literature by those who have tried to solve this puzzle before us. The article proceeds as follows. In Sections 2 and 3, we address the views by Butterfill and Sinigaglia, and Mylopoulos and Pacherie, respectively, and (...)
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    Pictures, action properties and motor related effects.Gabriele Ferretti - 2016 - Synthese 193 (12):3787-3817.
    The most important question concerning picture perception is: what perceptual state are we in when we see an object in a picture? In order to answer this question, philosophers have used the results of the two visual systems model, according to which our visual system can be divided into two streams, a ventral stream for object recognition, allowing one to perceive from an allocentric frame of reference, and a dorsal stream for visually guided motor interaction, thus allowing one to perceive (...)
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    Peirce's Account of Purposefulness: A Kantian Perspective.Gabriele Gava - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    This book presents a systematic interpretation of Charles S. Peirce’s work based on a Kantian understanding of his teleological account of thought and inquiry. Departing from readings that contrast Peirce’s treatment of purpose, end, and teleology with his early studies of Kant, Gabriele Gava instead argues that focusing on Peirce’s purposefulness as a necessary regulative condition for inquiry and semiotic processes allows for a transcendental interpretation of Peirce’s philosophical project. The author advances this interpretation through presenting original views on (...)
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  6. Modal truthmakers and two varieties of actualism.Gabriele Contessa - 2010 - Synthese 174 (3):341 - 353.
    In this paper, I distinguish between two varieties of actualism—hardcore actualism and softcore actualism—and I critically discuss Ross Cameron’s recent arguments for preferring a softcore actualist account of the truthmakers for modal truths over hardcore actualist ones. In the process, I offer some arguments for preferring the hardcore actualist account of modal truthmakers over the softcore actualist one.
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  7. Pride, shame, and guilt: emotions of self-assessment.Gabriele Taylor - 1985 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This discussion of pride, shame, and guilt centers on the beliefs involved in the experience of any of these emotions. Through a detailed study, the author demonstrates how these beliefs are alike--in that they are all directed towards the self--and how they differ. The experience of these three emotions are illustrated by examples taken from English literature. These concrete cases supply a context for study and indicate the complexity of the situations in which these emotions usually occur.
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    Socratis et Socraticorum reliquiae.Gabriele Giannantoni - 1990
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  9. Scientific Models and Representation.Gabriele Contessa - 2011 - In Steven French & Juha Saatsi (eds.), Continuum Companion to the Philosophy of Science. Continuum. pp. 120--137.
    My two daughters would love to go tobogganing down the hill by themselves, but they are just toddlers and I am an apprehensive parent, so, before letting them do so, I want to ensure that the toboggan won’t go too fast. But how fast will it go? One way to try to answer this question would be to tackle the problem head on. Since my daughters and their toboggan are initially at rest, according to classical mechanics, their final velocity will (...)
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    On the content of Peripersonal visual experience.Gabriele Ferretti - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (3):487-513.
    In a recent paper, ‘Peripersonal perception in action’ (Synthese, 2018), Frédérique de Vignemont tackles the problem of defining what is peculiar to the visual perception of objects falling within the peripersonal space of the observer, i.e. the space immediately surrounding the body, and which is commonly described as the space in which action takes place. In this paper, I first discuss the proposal offered by de Vignemont about what characterizes peripersonal perception. Then, I suggest an extension of this account that (...)
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  11.  30
    Detrimental Effects of Workplace Bullying: Impediment of Self-Management Competence via Psychological Distress.Gabriele Giorgi, Milda Perminienė, Francesco Montani, Javier Fiz-Perez, Nicola Mucci & Giulio Arcangeli - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  12. Love.Gabriele Taylor - 1976 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 76:147 - 164.
    Gabriele Taylor; VIII*—Love, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 76, Issue 1, 1 June 1976, Pages 147–164,
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    A note on cut-elimination for classical propositional logic.Gabriele Pulcini - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (3):555-565.
    In Schwichtenberg, Schwichtenberg fine-tuned Tait’s technique so as to provide a simplified version of Gentzen’s original cut-elimination procedure for first-order classical logic. In this note we show that, limited to the case of classical propositional logic, the Tait–Schwichtenberg algorithm allows for a further simplification. The procedure offered here is implemented on Kleene’s sequent system G4. The specific formulation of the logical rules for G4 allows us to provide bounds on the height of cut-free proofs just in terms of the logical (...)
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  14. One's a Crowd: Mereological Nihilism without Ordinary‐Object Eliminativism.Gabriele Contessa - 2014 - Analytic Philosophy 55 (2):199-221.
    Mereological nihilism is the thesis that there are no composite objects—i.e. objects with proper material parts. One of the main advantages of mereological nihilism is that it allows its supporters to avoid a number of notorious philosophical puzzles. However, it seems to offer this advantage only at the expense of certain widespread and deeply entrenched beliefs. In particular, it is usually assumed that mereological nihilism entails eliminativism about ordinary objects—i.e. the counterintuitive thesis that there are no such things as tables, (...)
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  15. Powerful Qualities or Pure Powers?Gabriele Contessa - 2019 - Metaphysica 20 (1):5-33.
    This paper explores the debate between those philosophers who take (fundamental, perfectly natural) properties to be pure powers and those who take them to be powerful qualities. I first consider two challenges for the view that properties are powerful qualities, which I call, respectively, ‘the clarification challenge’ and ‘the explanatory challenge’. I then examine a number of arguments that aim to show that properties cannot be pure powers and find them all wanting. Finally, I sketch what I take to be (...)
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  16. Kant, Wolff and the Method of Philosophy.Gabriele Gava - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 8:271-303.
    Both in his pre-critical writings and in his critical works, Kant criticizes the Wolffian tradition for its use of the mathematical method in philosophy. The chapter argues that the apparent unambiguousness of this opposition between Kant and Wolff notwithstanding, the problem of ascertaining the relationship between Kant’s and Wolff’s methods in philosophy cannot be dismissed so quickly. Only a close consideration of Kant’s different remarks on Wolff’s approach and a comparison of the methods that Wolff and Kant actually used in (...)
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  17.  67
    Through the forest of motor representations.Gabriele Ferretti - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 43:177-196.
  18.  37
    Do Trompe l'oeils Look Right When Viewed from the Wrong Place?Gabriele Ferretti - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (3):319-330.
    Picture perception and ordinary perception of real objects differ in several respects. Two of their main differences are: Depicted objects are not perceived as present and We cannot perceive significant spatial shifts as we move with respect to them. Some special illusory pictures escape these visual effects obtained in usual picture perception. First, trompe l'oeil paintings violate : the depicted object looks, even momentarily, like a present object. Second, anamorphic paintings violate : they lead to appreciate spatial shifts resulting from (...)
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  19.  25
    AI and Swedish Heritage Organisations: challenges and opportunities.Gabriele Griffin, Elisabeth Wennerström & Anna Foka - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (5):2359-2372.
    This article examines the challenges and opportunities that arise with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) methods and tools when implemented within cultural heritage institutions (CHIs), focusing on three selected Swedish case studies. The article centres on the perspectives of the CHI professionals who deliver that implementation. Its purpose is to elucidate how CHI professionals respond to the opportunities and challenges AI/ML provides. The three Swedish CHIs discussed here represent different organizational frameworks and have different types of collections, while (...)
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  20.  35
    Frank Ramsey: A Biographical Sketch.Gabriele Taylor - 2006 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 12:1-18.
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    Visual phenomenology versus visuomotor imagery: How can we be aware of action properties?Gabriele Ferretti - 2019 - Synthese 198 (4):3309-3338.
    Here is a crucial question in the contemporary philosophy of perception: how can we be aware of action properties? According to the perceptual view, we consciously see them: they are present in our visual phenomenology. However, this view faces some problems. First, I review these problems. Then, I propose an alternative view, according to which we are aware of action properties because we imagine them through a special form of imagery, which I call visuomotor imagery. My account is to be (...)
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  22.  33
    On Niccolò Machiavelli: The Bonds of Politics.Gabriele Pedullà - 2023 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Five hundred years after his death, Niccolò Machiavelli still draws an astonishing range of contradictory characterizations. Was he a friend of tyrants? An ardent republican loyal to Florence’s free institutions? The father of political realism? A revolutionary populist? A calculating rationalist? A Renaissance humanist? A prophet of Italian unification? A theorist of mixed government? A forerunner to authoritarianism? The master of the dark arts of intrigue? This book provides a vivid and engaging introduction to Machiavelli’s life and works that sheds (...)
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  23.  49
    (1 other version)Why the Pictorial Needs the Motoric.Gabriele Ferretti - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):1-35.
    Does action play any crucial role in our perception of pictures? The standard literature on picture perception has never explicitly tackled this question. This is for a simple reason. After all, objects in a picture seem to be static objects of perception. Thus, it might sound extremely controversial to say that action is crucial in picture perception. Contrary to this general intuitive stance, this paper defends, for the first time, the apparently very controversial claim, never addressed in the literature, that (...)
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  24.  86
    Pride Shame and Guilt.Gabriele Taylor - 1989 - Noûs 23 (2):253-254.
  25. What do numerical models really represent?Gabriele Gramelsberger - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (2):296-302.
  26. The Worldly Infrastructure of Causation.Naftali Weinberger, Porter Williams & James Woodward - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
  27. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and the Method of Metaphysics.Gabriele Gava - 2023 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    In two often neglected passages of the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant submits that the Critique is a 'treatise' or a 'doctrine of method'. These passages are puzzling because the Critique is only cursorily concerned with identifying adequate procedures of argument for philosophy. In this book, Gabriele Gava argues that these passages point out that the Critique is the doctrine of method of metaphysics. Doctrines of method have the task of showing that a given science is indeed a science (...)
  28.  6
    The light of Krishnamurti.Gabriele Blackburn - 1996 - Ojai Valley, CA: Idylwild Books.
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  29. Dar luogo al formarsi su idee di valore. Saggio breve sulla convivenza civile.Gabriele Boselli - 2005 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 17:23-38.
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    2. Vom Experiment zum Computerexperiment.Gabriele Gramelsberger - 2010 - In Computerexperimente: Zum Wandel der Wissenschaft Im Zeitalter des Computers. Transcript Verlag. pp. 39-84.
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    Infinità e vaghezza.Gabriele Pulli - 2023 - Napoli: Liguori editore.
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    Goethe und Kant.Gabriele Rabel & Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - 1927 - Selbstverlag.
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    Kant and Crusius on Belief and Practical Justification.Gabriele Gava - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (1):53-75.
    Kant’s account of practical justification for belief has attracted much attention in the literature, especially in recent years. In this context, scholars have generally emphasized the originality of Kant’s thought about belief (Glaube), and Kant indeed offers a definition of belief that is very different from views that were prevalent in eighteenth-century Germany. In this article, however, I argue that it is very likely that Christian August Crusius exerted influence on Kant’s definition of belief and his account of practical justification. (...)
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    Complementary Proof Nets for Classical Logic.Gabriele Pulcini & Achille C. Varzi - 2023 - Logica Universalis 17 (4):411-432.
    A complementary system for a given logic is a proof system whose theorems are exactly the formulas that are not valid according to the logic in question. This article is a contribution to the complementary proof theory of classical propositional logic. In particular, we present a complementary proof-net system, $$\textsf{CPN}$$ CPN, that is sound and complete with respect to the set of all classically invalid (one-side) sequents. We also show that cut elimination in $$\textsf{CPN}$$ CPN enjoys strong normalization along with (...)
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  35.  16
    Etiological Models in Psychiatry.Paul J. Harrison & Daniel R. Weinberger - 2008 - In Kenneth S. Kendler & Josef Parnas (eds.), Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry: Explanation, Phenomenology, and Nosology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 48.
  36. On the mitigation of inductive risk.Gabriele Contessa - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-14.
    The last couple of decades have witnessed a renewed interest in the notion of inductive risk among philosophers of science. However, while it is possible to find a number of suggestions about the mitigation of inductive risk in the literature, so far these suggestions have been mostly relegated to vague marginal remarks. This paper aims to lay the groundwork for a more systematic discussion of the mitigation of inductive risk. In particular, I consider two approaches to the mitigation of inductive (...)
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  37.  50
    Two visual systems in Molyneux subjects.Gabriele Ferretti - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (4):643-679.
    Molyneux’s question famously asks about whether a newly sighted subject might immediately recognize, by sight alone, shapes that were already familiar to her from a tactile point of view. This paper addresses three crucial points concerning this puzzle. First, the presence of two different questions: the classic one concerning visual recognition and another one concerning vision-for-action. Second, the explicit distinction, reported in the literature, between ocular and cortical blindness. Third, the importance of making reference to our best neuroscientific account on (...)
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  38. Under Pressure: Political Liberalism, the Rise of Unreasonableness, and the Complexity of Containment.Gabriele Badano & Alasia Nuti - 2018 - Journal of Political Philosophy 26 (2):145-168.
  39. Only Powers Can Confer Dispositions.Gabriele Contessa - 2015 - Philosophical Quarterly 65 (259):160-176.
    According to power theorists, properties are powers—i.e. they necessarily confer on their bearers certain dispositions. Although the power theory is increasingly gaining popularity, a vast majority of analytic metaphysicians still favors what I call ‘the nomic theory’—i.e. the view according to which what dispositions a property confers on its bearers is contingent on what the laws of nature happen to be. This paper argues that the nomic theory is inconsistent, for, if it were correct, then properties would not confer any (...)
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    Ein husserlmanuskript über ästhetik.Gabriele Scaramuzza & Karl Schuhmann - 1990 - Husserl Studies 7 (3):165-177.
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  41. Scientific models and fictional objects.Gabriele Contessa - 2010 - Synthese 172 (2):215-229.
    In this paper, I distinguish scientific models in three kinds on the basis of their ontological status—material models, mathematical models and fictional models, and develop and defend an account of fictional models as fictional objects—i.e. abstract objects that stand for possible concrete objects.
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  42.  79
    Anti-Realist Truth and Truth-Recognition.Gabriele Usberti - 2012 - Topoi 31 (1):37-45.
    I will be concerned with the following question: are there compelling arguments for postulating a distinction between the truth of a statement and the recognition of its truth, when truth is conceived along the lines of a suitable generalization of the intuitionistic idea that it should be characterized as the existence of a proof? I will argue that the distinction is not necessary within the conceptual framework of intuitionism by replying to two arguments to the contrary, one based on the (...)
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  43. Rescuing Public Reason Liberalism’s Accessibility Requirement.Gabriele Badano & Matteo Bonotti - 2020 - Law and Philosophy 39 (1):35-65.
    Public reason liberalism is defined by the idea that laws and policies should be justifiable to each person who is subject to them. But what does it mean for reasons to be public or, in other words, suitable for this process of justification? In response to this question, Kevin Vallier has recently developed the traditional distinction between consensus and convergence public reason into a classification distinguishing three main approaches: shareability, accessibility and intelligibility. The goal of this paper is to defend (...)
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  44.  65
    (Un)Ethical Behavior and Performance Appraisal: The Role of Affect, Support, and Organizational Justice.Gabriele Jacobs, Frank D. Belschak & Deanne N. Den Hartog - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (1):63-76.
    Performance appraisals are widely used as an HR instrument. This study among 332 police officers examines the effects of performance appraisals from a behavioral ethics perspective. A mediation model relating justice perceptions of police officers’ last performance appraisal to their work affect, perceived supervisor and organizational support and, in turn, their ethical (pro-organizational proactive) and unethical (counterproductive) work behavior was tested empirically. The relationship between justice perceptions and both, ethical and unethical behavior was mediated by perceived support and work affect. (...)
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  45.  33
    Inequality in Educational Opportunities in Italy, 1930-1980: Trends and Causes.Gabriele Ballarino & Hans Schadee - 2008 - Polis 22 (3):373-402.
  46. Pedagogia e politica. Evoluzioni nel profilo epistemologico.Gabriele Boselli - 2002 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 12:59-69.
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  47. Per una teoria del riformare.Gabriele Boselli - 2004 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 15:123-140.
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  48. Sulla pedagogia fenomenologica come scienza valutabile: i rischi dell'omologazione, l'avventura della diversità.Gabriele Boselli - 2009 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 13 (26):127-132.
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  49. It Takes a Village to Trust Science: Towards a (Thoroughly) Social Approach to Public Trust in Science.Gabriele Contessa - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (7):2941-2966.
    In this paper, I distinguish three general approaches to public trust in science, which I call the individual approach, the semi-social approach, and the social approach, and critically examine their proposed solutions to what I call the problem of harmful distrust. I argue that, despite their differences, the individual and the semi-social approaches see the solution to the problem of harmful distrust as consisting primarily in trying to persuade individual citizens to trust science and that both approaches face two general (...)
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    Post‐Transcriptional Noise Control.Maike M. K. Hansen & Leor S. Weinberger - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (7):1900044.
    Recent evidence indicates that transcriptional bursts are intrinsically amplified by messenger RNA cytoplasmic processing to generate large stochastic fluctuations in protein levels. These fluctuations can be exploited by cells to enable probabilistic bet‐hedging decisions. But large fluctuations in gene expression can also destabilize cell‐fate commitment. Thus, it is unclear if cells temporally switch from high to low noise, and what mechanisms enable this switch. Here, the discovery of a post‐transcriptional mechanism that attenuates noise in HIV is reviewed. Early in its (...)
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