Results for 'Gabriel Nahas'

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    Distance structures for generalized metric spaces.Gabriel Conant - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (3):622-650.
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    Nice Guys Finish First: Xenophon on Exhortations and Their Limits.Gabriel Danzig - 2024 - American Journal of Philology 145 (2):181-207.
    In chapter 3.3 of Cyropaedia, Xenophon offers a wide-ranging meditation on the role of speech in arousing enthusiasm for battle. He emphasizes the uselessness of general exhortations, arguing that being prepared in body and mind is the crucial factor not only for being capable of fighting but also for stirring the right emotions. Although pre-battle exhortations have little utility, however, Cyrus does not condemn their use altogether: he only denies that they are a substitute for rigorous training. The very need (...)
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    The Uniqueness of Elementary Embeddings.Gabriel Goldberg - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (4):1430-1454.
    Much of the theory of large cardinals beyond a measurable cardinal concerns the structure of elementary embeddings of the universe of sets into inner models. This paper seeks to answer the question of whether the inner model uniquely determines the elementary embedding.
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  4. Artificial Intelligence, Values, and Alignment.Iason Gabriel - 2020 - Minds and Machines 30 (3):411-437.
    This paper looks at philosophical questions that arise in the context of AI alignment. It defends three propositions. First, normative and technical aspects of the AI alignment problem are interrelated, creating space for productive engagement between people working in both domains. Second, it is important to be clear about the goal of alignment. There are significant differences between AI that aligns with instructions, intentions, revealed preferences, ideal preferences, interests and values. A principle-based approach to AI alignment, which combines these elements (...)
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  5. (2 other versions)Homo Viator.Gabriel Marcel - 1948 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138:124-126.
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  6. Equilibrium semantics.Gabriel Sandu & Merlijn Sevenster - forthcoming - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic.
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  7. Apontamentos acerca do conceito de modernidade nos escritos de Kierkegaard.Gabriel Guedes Rossatti - 2014 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 2 (1):54-71.
    Busca-se neste artigo fazer alguns breves apontamentos acerca do conceito de modernidade na obra do pensador dinamarquês Søren Kierkegaard. Com efeito, argumentarei que ainda que tal conceito não esteja presente em sua produção enquanto tal, sua presença, não obstante, se faz sentir de diversas maneiras, o que, por sua vez, faz de sua produção um dos constructos teóricos mais importantes em termos de uma reflexão crítica acerca desse mesmo tema.
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  8. Compositional Semantics.Gabriel Sandu - 2006 - ProtoSociology 23.
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  9. Five Flies in the Ointment.Gabriel Segal - unknown
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  10. Content and Target in Pictorial Representation.Gabriel Greenberg - 2018 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 5.
    This essay argues for a model of pictorial representation which aims to explain the relationship between pictorial content and pictorial accuracy. Focusing on cases where pictures are intended to convey accurate information, the model distinguishes between two fundamental representational relations: on one hand, a picture expresses a content; on the other, it aims at a target scene. Such a picture is accurate when the content it expresses fits the target scene it aims at. In addition, the model follows the traditional (...)
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  11. (2 other versions)Ethical perceptions of business students in a new zealand university: Do gender, age and work experience matter?Gabriel Eweje & Margaret Brunton - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (1):95-111.
    Ethical issues at the workplace have once again become topical and important due to considerable adverse publicity surrounding reports of unethical business practices by corporate managers. Accordingly, this paper re-visits the question of whether gender, age and work experience do have an effect on ethical judgement, using 655 business students as respondents. This is necessary as business students are likely to become managers during their career and will face complex ethical concerns and dilemmas in their daily, routine affairs. The findings (...)
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    A deterministic worldview promotes approval of state paternalism.Ivar Hannikainen, Gabriel Cabral, Edouard Machery & Noel Struchiner - 2017 - Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 70:251-259.
    The proper limit to paternalist regulation of citizens' private lives is a recurring theme in political theory and ethics. In the present study, we examine the role of beliefs about free will and determinism in attitudes toward libertarian versus paternalist policies. Throughout five studies we find that a scientific deterministic worldview reduces opposition toward paternalist policies, independent of the putative influence of political ideology. We suggest that exposure to scientific explanations for patterns in human behavior challenges the notion of personal (...)
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    Theories of embodied knowledge: New directions for cultural and cognitive sociology?Gabriel Ignatow - 2007 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 37 (2):115–135.
    Sociological propositions about the workings of cognition are rarely specified or tested, but are of central relevance to studies of culture, social judgment, and social movements. This paper draws out lessons of recent work from sociological theory, cognitive science, psychology, and neuroscience on the embodied nature of knowledge and thought, and develops implications of these lessons for cultural and cognitive sociology. Knowledge ought to be conceived of as fundamentally embodied, because sensory information is a fundamental component of experience as it (...)
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    Logique de l'histoire: pour une analytique des pratiques philosophiques.Gabriel Rockhill - 2010 - Editions Hermann.
    Philosopher, c’est, pense-t-on, faire de l’histoire de la philosophie ; c’est lire et interpréter les textes canoniques des grands penseurs de la tradition européenne en suivant l’enchaînement des idées depuis les Grecs anciens. Cette manière de pratiquer la philosophie est devenue tellement naturelle qu’elle en a oublié sa propre historicité. D’où la nécessité de la mettre en évidence en examinant de près ses multiples conséquences. C’est justement un des objectifs de l’analytique des pratiques philosophiques entreprise dans le présent ouvrage. -/- (...)
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    Form and meaning in music: Revisiting the affective character of the major and minor modes.Timothy Justus, Laura Gabriel & Adela Pfaff - 2018 - Auditory Perception and Cognition 1 (3–4):229–247.
    Musical systems develop associations over time between aspects of musical form and concepts from outside of the music. Experienced listeners internalize these connotations, such that the formal elements bring to mind their extra-musical meanings. An example of musical form-meaning mapping is the association that Western listeners have between the major and minor modes and happiness and sadness, respectively. We revisit the emotional semantics of musical mode in a study of 44 American participants (musicians and non-musicians) who each evaluated the relatedness (...)
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    Addiction and Choice: Rethinking the Relationship.Nick Heather & Gabriel Segal (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press.
    Views on addiction are often polarised - either addiction is a matter of choice, or addicts simply can't help themselves. But perhaps addiction falls between the two? This book contains views from philosophy, neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, and the law exploring this middle ground between free choice and no choice.
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    Reinforcement with iterative punishment.Jeffrey A. Barrett & Nathan Gabriel - 2022 - Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 36 (7):1361-1383.
    We consider the efficacy of various forms of reinforcement learning with punishment in evolving linguistic conventions in the context of Lewis-Skyrms signalling games. We show that the learning strategy of reinforcement with iterative punishment is highly effective at evolving optimal conventions in even complex signalling games. It is also robust and can be easily extended to a self-tuning variety of reinforcement learning. We briefly discuss some of the virtues of reinforcement with iterative punishment and how it may be related to (...)
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  18. Receptacles.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2006 - Philosophical Perspectives 20 (1):427–451.
    This paper looks at the question of what regions of space are possibly exactly occupied by a material object.
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  19. Présence et immortalité.Gabriel Marcel - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (3):387-388.
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    Frege als Neukantianer.Gottfried Gabriel - 1986 - Kant Studien 77 (1-4):84-101.
  21.  52
    A unity of the self or a multiplicity of locations? How the graphesthesia task sheds light on the role of spatial perspectives in bodily self-consciousness.Gabriel Arnold, Charles Spence & Malika Auvray - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 56:100-114.
  22.  57
    Medical ethics and the trolley problem.Gabriel Andrade - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 12.
    The so-called Trolley Problem was first discussed by Philippa Foot in 1967 as a way to test moral intuitions regarding the doctrine of double effect, Kantian principles and utilitarianism. Ever since, a great number of philosophers and psychologists have come up with alternative scenarios to further test intuitions and the relevance of conventional moral doctrines. Given that physicians routinely face moral decisions regarding life and death, the Trolley Problem should be considered of great importance in medical ethics. In this article, (...)
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    (1 other version)Position et approches concrètes du mystère ontologique.Gabriel Marcel & Marcel de Corte - 1949 - Louvain,: E. Nauwelaerts. Edited by Marcel de Corte.
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  24. Präzision und Prägnanz.Gottfried Gabriel - 2019
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    The ethics of positive thinking in healthcare.Gabriel Andrade - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 12.
    In continuation with the New Thought movement that arose in the United States in the 19th Century, there is now a massive self-help industry that markets books and seminars. This industry has also extended to healthcare in the form of positive thinking, i.e., the idea that happy thoughts are essential for health. While some of these claims may seem reasonable and commonsensical, they are not free of problems. This article posits that positive thinking has some ethical underpinnings. Extreme positive thinking (...)
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    Somatosensory Loss Influences the Adoption of Self-Centered Versus Decentered Perspectives.Gabriel Arnold, Fabrice R. Sarlegna, Laura G. Fernandez & Malika Auvray - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  27.  18
    Capitalism & ethics.Gabriel Flynn, Michael Aßländer & Daryl Koehn - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (S1):1-3.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, Volume 32, Issue S1, Page 1-3, April 2023.
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  28. Memory, Imprinting, and the Brain: An Inquiry Into Mechanisms.Gabriel Horn - 1985 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Ranging from behavioral to molecular levels of analysis, this informative study presents the results of recent research into the biochemistry and neural mechanisms of imprinting. Horn discusses some of the difficulties that researchers have encountered in analyzing the neural basis of memory and describes ways in which these difficulties have been overcome through the analysis of memories underlying habituation and imprinting. He also considers the biochemical consequences of imprinting and its cerebral localization, and examines the relationships between human and animal (...)
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  29. Environmental Costs and Responsibilities Resulting from Oil Exploitation in Developing Countries: The Case of the Niger Delta of Nigeria.Gabriel Eweje - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (1):27-56.
    Interest shown on the environmental impact of operations of multinational enterprises in developing countries has grown significantly recently, and has fuelled a heated public policy debate. In particular, there has been interest in the environmental degradation of host communities and nations resulting from the operations of multinational oil companies in developing countries. This article examines the issue of environmental costs and responsibilities resulting from oil exploitation and production in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The case study is based, in (...)
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  30. A Revolution In Logic?Jaakko Hintikka & Gabriel Sandu - 1996 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 1:169-183.
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    A Semiotic Interpretation of the Innate Releasing Mechanism Concept and Other Ethological Triadic Relations.Gabriel Francescoli - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (3):461-468.
    This paper tries to link Ethology to Biosemiotics by analysing the similarities between some triadic relationships like biosemiotics’ Object—Representamen—Interpretant and the one established in Ethology between Sign-stimuli— Innate Releasing Mechanism—Modal Action Pattern, or the one potentially established in communication networks comprising Sender—Receiver—Eavesdropper. I argue here that a collaborative relationship is supported by the fact that the observational method used by Ethology is based on the triadic relationship Sender—Receiver—Eavesdropper. This method, by introducing the human observer at the Interpreter/Eavesdropper place, is not (...)
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  32. Men against humanity.Gabriel Marcel - 1952 - London,: Harvill Press.
  33. Sein und haben.Gabriel Marcel - 1953 - Paderborn,: F. Schöningh.
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    Public Sexuality and the Intimate Public (Postmodern Reflections on Sexuality).Gabriel Bianchi - 2003 - Human Affairs 13 (1):59-75.
  35. (1 other version)La dignité humaine et ses assises existentielles.Gabriel Marcel - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (1):97-97.
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  36. La dignité humaine.Gabriel Marcel - 1965 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 70 (1):124-126.
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    Limits in sexual interaction: A liminality hotspot, rather than an explicit boundary? (the subjectivity of the boundary between wanted and unwanted sex).Gabriel Bianchi & Jana Fúsková - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (2):187-195.
    Recent studies have used methods designed to obtain a precise quantitative assessment of sexual aggression, but these are based on the presumption of a normative psychological understanding of what the questionnaire items mean to respondents. This article takes a novel approach that is appropriate for analysing the ‘grey zone’ between wanted and unwanted sex as the key to obtaining a deeper understanding of the data on sexual violence. Stenner and Clinch (2013) developed the concept of “liminal hotspots”, which refer to (...)
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    Resolving Family-Clinician Disputes in the Context of Contested Definitions of Futility.Gabriel T. Bosslet, Bernard Lo & Douglas B. White - 2018 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (3):314-318.
    We appreciate the opportunity to respond to Schneiderman and colleagues’ opinions on the recent Multiorganization Policy Statement, “An Official ATS/AACN/ACCP/ESICM/SCCM Policy Statement: Responding to Requests for Potentially Inappropriate Treatments in Intensive Care Units”. We will first point out three areas in which Schneiderman and colleagues seem to perceive a disagreement where there is none, then we will respond to their main criticisms of the Multiorganization Policy Statement. In doing so, we will point out areas in which we believe Schneiderman and (...)
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  39. Philosophy 2: Further Through the Subject.Ned Block & Gabriel Segal - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Ukryty oblubieniec. św. Jana od Krzyża nauka o Bogu.Zbigniew Gabriel Wiszowaty - 2003 - Lublin: Wydawn. KUL.
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    Intimacy: From Transformation to Transmutation.Gabriel Bianchi - 2010 - Human Affairs 20 (1):1-8.
    Intimacy: From Transformation to Transmutation The paper reflects the historical and current dynamism of the concept of intimacy. Besides differences between scientific disciplines in understanding what the substance of intimacy is, the recent discourse on change in intimacy has been dominated by the transformation theme introduced by Anthony Giddens (1992). Led by reflections of Richard Sennett (1986) the author draws attention to the opposite aspect of change in intimacy—the change in content, or the "transmutation" of intimacy. Transmutation of intimacy—the substitution (...)
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    Nikias, Epimenides and the Question of Omissions in Thucydides.Gabriel Herman - 1989 - Classical Quarterly 39 (01):83-.
    Our starting point is a somewhat obscure incident which has lately attracted some attention. The year is 429 B.C., and the place is Athens in the third year of the Peloponnesian war. The plague, which had broken out only a year before, was still claiming its victims. Yet military operations were in full swing, and the general Phormio operating in the Corinthian gulf against a Peloponnesian fleet was able to score an impressive victory. The Lacedaemonians were deeply dissatisfied. This was (...)
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  43. Histoire de la philosophie. — Les Problèmes et les Écoles.Paul Janet & Gabriel Séailles - 1889 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 28:203-204.
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    Carl Schmitt en la segunda República española.Gabriel Guillén Kalle - 2018 - Madrid: Editorial Reus.
    En Carl Schmitt en la Segunda República Española Gabriel Guillén Kalle analiza aspectos particulares de Carl Schmitt en ese periodo de nuestra nación en entreguerras. El autor reconoce que la recepción republicana fue primordialmente jurídica, mas esta perspectiva conlleva observar ese concepto de lo polítíco que atraviesa su obra entera. Guillén propone una estrategia para la relectura de Schmitt en ese periodo y para ello analiza a los principales autores que se ocuparon de él, sin desdeñar a algunos menos (...)
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    The immorality of bombing abortion clinics as proof that abortion is not murder.Gabriel Andrade - 2024 - Monash Bioethics Review 42 (2):220-233.
    The Roe v. Wade decision was overturned in the United States in 2022. This implies that while abortion remains legal in most jurisdictions, it is no longer a constitutional right, thus paving the way for making it illegal. Ever since the Roe v. Wade decision, there have been bombings and other violent attacks against abortion providers and abortion clinics, claiming some fatal victims. The overwhelming majority of anti-abortion activists condemn such violence. At the same time, most anti-abortion activists consider the (...)
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  46. L'initiation philosophique d'Amédée Ponceau.Gabriel Marcel - 1964 - Kant Studien 55 (4):488.
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  47. (1 other version)Man against mass society.Gabriel Marcel - 1962 - Chicago,: Regnery.
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  48. Phenomenologie et dialectique de la tolerance.Gabriel Marcel - 1939 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 1 (3):511-523.
  49. (1 other version)Royce's metaphysics.Gabriel Marcel - 1956 - Chicago,: H. Regnery Co..
  50. Searchings.Gabriel Marcel - 1967 - New York,: Newman Press.
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