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Gianni Paganini [110]G. Paganini [6]Giovanni Paganini [1]
  1.  13
    Skepsis: le débat des modernes sur le scepticisme : Montaigne, Le Vayer, Campanella, Hobbes, Descartes, Bayle.Gianni Paganini - 2008 - Vrin.
    Comment les modernes ont-ils ete amenes a considerer sous un nouveau jour le probleme de la certitude et de la connaissance? L'etude proposee ici vise a mettre en evidence le role joue par la renaissance du scepticisme et a montrer comment et par quels detours le phenomene du scepticisme pyrrhonien est devenu l'apparence des modernes. Dans cette histoire, les sceptiques declares n'ont pas seul opere ce travail de reprise et de transformation: une part decisive revient aussi aux adversaires du scepticisme (...)
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  2.  20
    Clandestine philosophy: new studies on subversive manuscripts in early modern Europe, 1620-1823.Gianni Paganini, Margaret C. Jacob & John Christian Laursen (eds.) - 2020 - London: University of Toronto Press in association with the UCLA Center for Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Studies and the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.
    Clandestine philosophical manuscripts, made up of forbidden works including erotic texts, political pamphlets, satires of court life, forbidden religious texts, and books about the occult, had an avid readership in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, becoming objects of historical research by the twentieth century. The purveyors of the clandestine could be found in the Dutch Republic, Switzerland, Denmark, Spain, and not least in Paris or London. Despite the heavy risks, including prison, the circulation of these manuscripts was a prosperous venture. (...)
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  3.  25
    Elisabeth and Descartes Read Machiavelli in the Time of Hobbes.Gianni Paganini - 2021 - In Sabrina Ebbersmeyer & Sarah Hutton (eds.), Elisabeth of Bohemia (1618–1680): A Philosopher in Her Historical Context. Springer Verlag. pp. 109-126.
    While most scholars who have discussed the letters of Elisabeth and Descartes exchanged in 1646 on the subject of the Prince focused on Descartes, whether he was Machiavellian or not, I shall deal here more in depth with the position of Elisabeth. I shall address then four main points: the so-called “methodological” question raised by Descartes about the Prince and quickly dismissed by Elisabeth; the issue of political realism, that is one of the great themes of Machiavelli’s thought; the problem (...)
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  4. Hobbes, Gassendi and the tradition of political Epicureanism.Gianni Paganini - 2001 - Hobbes Studies 14 (1):3-24.
  5.  36
    How Far Can a “Radical” Philosopher Go? Thomas Hobbes’s Paradox of Gender Relations, and One Possible Solution.Gianni Paganini - 2020 - Hobbes Studies 33 (1):29-53.
    This article challenges the idea that Hobbes presents a negative anthropology and shows, to the contrary, that there is a thick web of social relations in his state of nature and laws of nature. It considers the contradiction between human natural equality claimed by Hobbes, and female subjection that de facto characterizes most of his passages on gender relations. The key to this puzzle is found in comparison of the notions of conquest and consent, and of acquisition and institution, comparisons (...)
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    Le moment machiavélien de Pierre Bayle.Gianni Paganini - 2018 - Archives de Philosophie 81 (4):709-728.
    À travers l’analyse des articles « florentins » du Dictionnaire historique et critique (Machiavel, Guichardin, Savonarole) l’auteur essaie de voir comment Bayle a lu Le Prince et les Discours de Machiavel sur des sujets cruciaux pour sa pensée : le rapport religion-politique, mais aussi la réflexion sur la république et la démocratie, la relation entre morale et société, la figure du prophète « armé » ou « désarmé ». Avec son anti-conformisme intellectuel coutumier, Bayle se distingue tant de l’appréciation libertine (...)
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  7.  23
    Where are the female radicals?Sabrina Ebbersmeyer & Gianni Paganini - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (1):1-6.
    If one is interested in studying the role women played in radical circles and in the development of radical thought during the early modern period, one is confronted with the curious fact that ther...
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  8.  28
    Sexual desire, gender equality and radical free-thinking: Theophrastus redivivus(1659) as a proto-feminist text.Gianni Paganini - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (1):27-49.
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  9. Thomas Hobbes Against the Aristotelian Account of the Virtues and His Renaissance Source Lorenzo Valla.Gianni Paganini - 2016 - In Gianni Paganini & Cecilia Muratori (eds.), Early Modern Philosophers and the Renaissance Legacy. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  10. Descartes and Renaissance skepticism : the Sanches case.Gianni Paganini - 2009 - In Maia Neto, José Raimundo, Gianni Paganini & John Christian Laursen (eds.), Skepticism in the modern age: building on the work of Richard Popkin. Boston: Brill.
  11.  19
    Hobbes, the “Natural Seeds” of Religion and French Libertine Discourse.Gianni Paganini - 2019 - Hobbes Studies 32 (2):125-158.
    Hobbes surely spent the ten years of greatest significance for his philosophical career on the Continent, in France, above all, in Paris. It was during this period that he published De cive; wrote the De motu, loco et tempore; produced a draft of the entire Leviathan as well as most of De corpore. His complicated relationship with Descartes has been studied closely, and Mersenne’s role has become clearer. There remains however the task of more carefully delineating the contours of Hobbes’s (...)
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  12.  33
    “Passionate Thought”: reason and the passion of curiosity in Thomas Hobbes.Gianni Paganini - 2012 - In Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (ed.), Emotional Minds: The Passions and the Limits of Pure Inquiry in Early Modern Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 227.
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  13.  46
    Hobbes, valla and the trinity.Gianni Paganini - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (2):183 – 218.
  14.  38
    Enlightenment before the Enlightenment: Clandestine Philosophy.Gianni Paganini - 2018 - Etica E Politica 20 (3):183-200.
    In the 17th century not all manuscripts were clandestine because there also existed manuscripts written for public circulation (first and foremost the correspondences that were semi-public, or certain collections of poems that circulated first in manuscript and then in printed form), but it is undeniable that most of the resolutely “heterodox” authors found it useful to entrust their ideas to manuscripts both to protect themselves against the retaliation of the authorities and to circumvent the censorship to which printed books were (...)
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  15.  15
    Ethics for the age of enlightenment-from psychology to morality in the works of condillac.Gianni Paganini - 1992 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 47 (4):647-688.
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  16.  21
    Early Modern Philosophers and the Renaissance Legacy.Gianni Paganini & Cecilia Muratori (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    When does Renaissance philosophy end, and Early Modern philosophy begin? Do Renaissance philosophers have something in common, which distinguishes them from Early Modern philosophers? And ultimately, what defines the modernity of the Early Modern period, and what role did the Renaissance play in shaping it? The answers to these questions are not just chronological. This book challenges traditional constructions of these periods, which partly reflect the prejudice that the Renaissance was a literary and artistic phenomenon, rather than a philosophical phase. (...)
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  17.  27
    Early modern atheism and Renaissance philosophy: the play of paratexts inTheophrastus redivivusand Pomponazzi'sDe immortalitate.Gianni Paganini - 2016 - Intellectual History Review 26 (1):25-31.
  18. Hobbes's Galilean Project: Its Philosophical and Theological Implications.Gianni Paganini - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 7:1-46.
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  19.  18
    Renaissance and Early Modern Philosophy: Mobile Frontiers and Established Outposts.Gianni Paganini & Cecilia Muratori - 2016 - In Gianni Paganini & Cecilia Muratori (eds.), Early Modern Philosophers and the Renaissance Legacy. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Difficulties with periodization are often symptoms of internal diseases affecting the history of philosophy. Renaissance scholars and historians of early modern philosophy represent two scholarly communities that do not communicate with each other, as if an abrupt change of scenery had taken place from the sixteenth to the seventeenth century, from the age of Campanella to the age of Descartes. The assumption of an arbitrary division between these two periods continues to have unfortunate effects on the study of the history (...)
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  20.  7
    Analisi della fede e critica della ragione nella filosofia di Pierre Bayle.Gianni Paganini - 1980 - Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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  21. Introduction.John Christian Laursen & Gianni Paganini - 2015 - In John Christian Laursen & Gianni Paganini (eds.), Skepticism and political thought in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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  22. Epicurisme et philosophie au XVIIéme siècle. Convention, Utilité et Droit selon Gassendi.Gianni Paganini - 1989 - Studi Filosofici 12:5.
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  23. Hobbes and the "continental" tradition of skepticism.Gianni Paganini - 2004 - In Maia Neto, José Raimundo & Richard H. Popkin (eds.), Skepticism in Renaissance and post-Renaissance thought: new interpretations. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
  24. Hobbes and the French Skeptics.Gianni Paganini - 2015 - In John Christian Laursen & Gianni Paganini (eds.), Skepticism and political thought in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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  25. Hume, Bayle e i Dialogues concerning Natural Religion.Gianni Paganini - 2002 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 22 (2):234-263.
  26.  37
    Réflexions sur l’activité de l’historien de la philosophie, entre Bayle, Kant et Musil.Gianni Paganini & Paolo Quintili - 2016 - Rue Descartes 4 (4):12-26.
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  27.  15
    Cartesianismi, scetticismi, filosofia moderna: studi per Carlo Borghero.Lorenzo Bianchi, Antonella Del Prete, Gianni Paganini & Carlo Borghero (eds.) - 2019 - Firenze: Le lettere.
  28.  9
    Philosophie et libre pensée: XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles = Philosophy and free thought.Lorenzo Bianchi, Nicole Gengoux & Gianni Paganini (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
    À l’origine de ce recueil, un double colloque international, l’un à Lyon, l’autre à Naples, a réuni des spécialistes de philosophes du XVIIe siècle et du XVIIIe siècle pour traiter de l’apport des courants dits "libertins" et, plus largement, de la libre pensée à ceux qu’une historiographie traditionnelle, mais encore vivace, reconnaît comme seuls "philosophes": Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza, Pascal, Bayle, Leibniz, Kant... Il s’agit donc, d’une part, de reconnaître l’apport de la libre pensée à l’évolution des idées et, d’autre part, (...)
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  29. Le Edizioni Dei Testi Filosofici E Scientifici Del '500 E Del '600 Problemi di Metodo E Prospettive di Ricerca.Guido Canziani, Mario Dal Pra, Gianni Paganini & Michela Pereira - 1986 - Franco Angeli.
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  30. An Introduction.Barbara Carnevali & Gianni Paganini - 2009 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 1 (2):461-467.
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  31. Compendium absolutissimum totius Summae Theologiae D. Thomae Aquinatis.Ludovico Carbone, Paganino Thomas, Giovanni Paganini & Varisco - 1620 - New York: Georg Olms. Edited by Thomas.
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    Introduzione.Barbara Carnevali & Gianni Paganini - 2008 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 21 (3):643-648.
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  33. Des Morales et des œuvres.Jean-Charles Darmon, Philippe Desan & Gianni Paganini (eds.) - 2017 - Hermann.
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  34.  11
    Scepticisme et pensée morale: de Michel de Montaigne à Stanley Cavell.Jean-Charles Darmon, Philippe Desan & Gianni Paganini (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Hermann.
    Les transformations des philosophies hellénistiques constituent, dans l'histoire de la pensée morale entre Renaissance et Lumières, un phénomène d'une fécondité extraordinaire, capital à beaucoup d'égards pour l'étude des "transferts" entre mondes antiques et Europe de la première modernité. Le cas du scepticisme offre de ce point de vue un terrain d'investigation de premier ordre. Or les relations entre scepticisme et pensée morale envisagées dans la longue durée et dans la multiplicité de leurs variations, entre philosophie et littérature, n'ont pas été (...)
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  35.  9
    Skepticism and political thought in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.John Christian Laursen & Gianni Paganini (eds.) - 2015 - Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
    Published by the University of Toronto Press in association with the UCLA Center for Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Studies and the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.
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  36.  13
    Skepticism in the Modern Age: Building on the Work of Richard Popkin.José Maia Neto, Gianni Paganini & John Christian Laursen (eds.) - 2009 - Boston: Brill.
    This book reassesses the role and impact of skepticism in early modern philosophy, revisiting and reinterpreting the positions of some of the main early modern philosophers in relation to this tradition and showing its relevance to others who have not previously been connected to skepticism.
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  37. Pierre Bayle et la République des Lettres. Philosophie, religion, critique.Anthony McKenna & Gianni Paganini (eds.) - 2004
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  38. Introduction.José R. Maia Neto, Gianni Paganini & John Christian Laursen - 2009 - In Maia Neto, José Raimundo, Gianni Paganini & John Christian Laursen (eds.), Skepticism in the modern age: building on the work of Richard Popkin. Boston: Brill.
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    Skepticism in the modern age: building on the work of Richard Popkin.Maia Neto, José Raimundo, Gianni Paganini & John Christian Laursen (eds.) - 2009 - Boston: Brill.
    This book reassesses the role and impact of skepticism in early modern philosophy, revisiting and reinterpreting the positions of some of the main early modern ...
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  40. Aesthetic and moral of the 17th and 18th century: Philosophy of 'sentiment'.Gianni Paganini - 2007 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 3 (3):535-538.
  41.  19
    Alle origini del Mortal God: Hobbes, Lipsius e il Corpus Hermeticum.Gianni Paganini - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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  42.  11
    Art of Writing or Art of Rewriting?: Reading Hobbes’s De motu against the Background of Strauss’ Interpretation.Gianni Paganini - 2015 - In Winfried Schröder (ed.), Reading Between the Lines - Leo Strauss and the History of Early Modern Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 99-128.
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  43. A Story in the History of Scholarship: The Rediscovery of Tommaso Campanella.Gianni Paganini, Cecilia Muratori & Germana Ernst - 2016 - In Gianni Paganini & Cecilia Muratori (eds.), Early Modern Philosophers and the Renaissance Legacy. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  44. Brill Online Books and Journals.Gianni Paganini, Martin A. Bertman, Bernard Gert, Brian Trainor & Juhani Pietarinen - 2001 - Hobbes Studies 14 (1).
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  45. Charron et le scepticisme Des modernes.Gianni Paganini - 2008 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 55:231-249.
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  46.  21
    Condillac historien et penseur politique. Luxe, propriété et contrat social dans le Cours d’études.Gianni Paganini - 2019 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 128 (1):111-136.
    La théorie politique de Condillac est contenue dans sa conception de l’histoire, et toutes deux se distinguent de la philosophie de Rousseau. On ne devrait pas croire, pour autant, que la position caractéristique de Condillac soit celle d’un « modéré » pur et simple. On peut douter que Condillac ait jamais envisagé une révolution complète de la société et de la politique françaises. Il est certain, en revanche, qu’il a jugé possible et même souhaitable une réforme assez radicale des principes (...)
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  47.  11
    Doubt and Skepticism in Antiquity and the Renaissance by Michelle Zerba.Gianni Paganini - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (3):603-605.
  48.  28
    De Bayle à Hume: tolérance, hypothèses, systèmes.Gianni Paganini - 2023 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
    Ce livre naît de la conviction qu'il est impossible de saisir le sens de la philosophie de Pierre Bayle sans la mettre en contexte dans les grands débats du siècle. Dans cette perspective, le scepticisme n'était pas pour lui incompatible avec le rationalisme, si l'on entend le premier comme raison critique exigeante et le second comme recherche qui fait éclater tout dogmatisme. C'est la notion et la méthode d'hypothèse qui gagnent du terrain, en fondant la tolérance et annonçant la polémique (...)
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  49. Umanesimo e "Denkstil". Su una storia recente dell'etica umanistica italiana.Gianni Paganini - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (3):661.
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  50. Denis Kambouchner, Les Meditations metaphysiques de Descartes, t. I: Introduction generale. Premiere Meditation.Gianni Paganini - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (4):835.
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