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  1.  81
    The Neural Dynamics of Seeing-In.Gabriele Ferretti - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (6):1285-1324.
    Philosophers have suggested that, in order to understand the particular visual state we are in during picture perception, we should focus on experimental results from vision neuroscience—in particular, on the most rigorous account of the functioning of the visual system that we have from vision neuroscience, namely, the ‘Two Visual Systems Model’. According to the initial version of this model, our visual system can be dissociated, from an anatomo-functional point of view, into two streams: a ventral stream subserving visual recognition, (...)
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  2.  70
    Through the forest of motor representations.Gabriele Ferretti - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 43:177-196.
  3.  63
    Solving the Interface Problem Without Translation: The Same Format Thesis.Gabriele Ferretti & Silvano Zipoli Caiani - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (1):301-333.
    In this article, we propose a new account concerning the interlock between intentions and motor representations (henceforth: MRs), showing that the interface problem is not as deep as previously proposed. Before discussing our view, in the first section we report the ideas developed in the literature by those who have tried to solve this puzzle before us. The article proceeds as follows. In Sections 2 and 3, we address the views by Butterfill and Sinigaglia, and Mylopoulos and Pacherie, respectively, and (...)
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  4. Semantic and pragmatic integration in vision for action.Silvano Zipoli Caiani & Gabriele Ferretti - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 48:40-54.
    According to an influential view, the detection of action possibilities and the selection of a plan for action are two segregated steps throughout the processing of visual information. This classical approach is committed with the assumption that two independent types of processing underlie visual perception: the semantic one, which is at the service of the identification of visually presented objects, and the pragmatic one which serves the execution of actions directed to specific parts of the same objects. However, as our (...)
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  5.  76
    Pictures, action properties and motor related effects.Gabriele Ferretti - 2016 - Synthese 193 (12):3787-3817.
    The most important question concerning picture perception is: what perceptual state are we in when we see an object in a picture? In order to answer this question, philosophers have used the results of the two visual systems model, according to which our visual system can be divided into two streams, a ventral stream for object recognition, allowing one to perceive from an allocentric frame of reference, and a dorsal stream for visually guided motor interaction, thus allowing one to perceive (...)
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  6.  82
    A distinction concerning vision-for-action and affordance perception.Gabriele Ferretti - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 87:103028.
  7.  86
    Out of our skull, in our skin: the Microbiota-Gut-Brain axis and the Extended Cognition Thesis.Federico Boem, Gabriele Ferretti & Silvano Zipoli Caiani - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (2):1-32.
    According to a shared functionalist view in philosophy of mind, a cognitive system, and cognitive function thereof, is based on the components of the organism it is realized by which, indeed, play a causal role in regulating our cognitive processes. This led philosophers to suggest also that, thus, cognition could be seen as an extended process, whose vehicle can extend not only outside the brain but also beyond bodily boundaries, on different kinds of devices. This is what we call the (...)
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  8.  52
    Two visual systems in Molyneux subjects.Gabriele Ferretti - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (4):643-679.
    Molyneux’s question famously asks about whether a newly sighted subject might immediately recognize, by sight alone, shapes that were already familiar to her from a tactile point of view. This paper addresses three crucial points concerning this puzzle. First, the presence of two different questions: the classic one concerning visual recognition and another one concerning vision-for-action. Second, the explicit distinction, reported in the literature, between ocular and cortical blindness. Third, the importance of making reference to our best neuroscientific account on (...)
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  9.  59
    Are Pictures Peculiar Objects of Perception?Gabriele Ferretti - 2017 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 3 (3):372-393.
    ABSTRACT:Are face-to-face perception and picture perception different perceptual phenomena? The question is controversial. On the one hand, philosophers have offered several solid arguments showing that, despite some resemblances, they are quite different perceptual phenomena and that pictures are special objects of perception. On the other hand, neuroscientists routinely use pictures in experimental settings as substitutes for normal objects, and this practice is successful in explaining how the human visual system works. But this seems to imply that face-to-face perception and picture (...)
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  10.  79
    Visual phenomenology versus visuomotor imagery: How can we be aware of action properties?Gabriele Ferretti - 2019 - Synthese 198 (4):3309-3338.
    Here is a crucial question in the contemporary philosophy of perception: how can we be aware of action properties? According to the perceptual view, we consciously see them: they are present in our visual phenomenology. However, this view faces some problems. First, I review these problems. Then, I propose an alternative view, according to which we are aware of action properties because we imagine them through a special form of imagery, which I call visuomotor imagery. My account is to be (...)
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  11.  64
    Anti-intellectualist motor knowledge.Gabriele Ferretti - 2020 - Synthese 198 (11):10733-10763.
    Intellectualists suggest that practical knowledge, or ‘knowing- how’, can be reduced to propositional knowledge, or ‘knowing-that’. Anti-intellectualists, on the contrary, suggest, following the original insights by Ryle, that such a reduction is not possible. Rejection of intellectualism can be proposed either by offering purely philosophical analytical arguments, or by recruiting empirical evidence from cognitive science about the nature of the mental representations involved in these two forms of knowledge. In this paper, I couple these two strategies in order to analyze (...)
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  12.  46
    On the content of Peripersonal visual experience.Gabriele Ferretti - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (3):487-513.
    In a recent paper, ‘Peripersonal perception in action’ (Synthese, 2018), Frédérique de Vignemont tackles the problem of defining what is peculiar to the visual perception of objects falling within the peripersonal space of the observer, i.e. the space immediately surrounding the body, and which is commonly described as the space in which action takes place. In this paper, I first discuss the proposal offered by de Vignemont about what characterizes peripersonal perception. Then, I suggest an extension of this account that (...)
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  13.  56
    Pictures, Emotions, and the Dorsal/Ventral Account of Picture Perception.Gabriele Ferretti - 2017 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (3):595-616.
    Everyday life suggests that picture seeing is sometimes infused by an emotional charge. However, nobody has addressed the importance of explaining this emotional charge in picture perception. Even our best model of picture perception, the dorsal/ventral account of picture perception, which integrates the most important empirical results coming from our best model on vision in neuroscience, the two visual systems model, lacks a reference to this emotional charge. The aim of the present paper is to offer an account of picture (...)
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  14.  52
    (1 other version)Why the Pictorial Needs the Motoric.Gabriele Ferretti - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):1-35.
    Does action play any crucial role in our perception of pictures? The standard literature on picture perception has never explicitly tackled this question. This is for a simple reason. After all, objects in a picture seem to be static objects of perception. Thus, it might sound extremely controversial to say that action is crucial in picture perception. Contrary to this general intuitive stance, this paper defends, for the first time, the apparently very controversial claim, never addressed in the literature, that (...)
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  15. Molyneux’s Question and the History of Philosophy.Brian Glenney & Gabriele Ferretti (eds.) - 2020 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    In 1688 the Irish scientist and politician William Molyneux sent a letter to the philosopher John Locke. In it, he asked him a question: could someone who was born blind, and able to distinguish a globe and a cube by touch, be able to immediately distinguish and name these shapes by sight if given the ability to see? -/- The philosophical puzzle offered in Molyneux’s letter fascinated not only Locke, but major thinkers such as Leibniz, Berkeley, Diderot, Reid, and numerous (...)
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  16.  28
    (1 other version)Visual Feeling of Presence.Gabriele Ferretti - 2016 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (7–8):112-136.
    Everyday visual experience constantly confronts us with things we can interact with in the real world. We literally feel the outside presence of physical objects in our environment via visual perceptual experience. The visual feeling of presence is a crucial feature of vision that is largely unexplored in the philosophy of perception, and poorly debated in vision neuroscience. The aim of this article is to investigate the feeling of presence. I suggest that visual feeling of presence depends on the visual (...)
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  17.  82
    Why Trompe l'oeils Deceive Our Visual Experience.Gabriele Ferretti - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (1):33-42.
    Philosophers suggested that usual picture perception requires the simultaneous occurrence of the perception of the surface and of the depicted object. However, there are special cases of picture perception, such as trompe l'oeil perception, in which, unlike in usual picture perception, the object looks like a real, present object we can interact with, of the kind we are usually acquainted with in face-to-face perception. While philosophers suggested that usual picture perception and trompe l'oeil perception must differ with respect to the (...)
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  18.  47
    Between vision and action: introduction to the special issue.Gabriele Ferretti & Silvano Zipoli Caiani - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 17):3899-3911.
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  19.  32
    For an Epistemology of Stereopsis.Gabriele Ferretti - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-18.
    Philosophers and cognitive scientists try to understand, from different perspectives, the nature of the experience of reality. Given this shared, interdisciplinary interest, it would be beneficial to have a coherent story about the experience of reality, in which there is reciprocal contribution from both philosophy and cognitive science. This paper wants to pave the way for this shared enterprise on the investigation of the experience of reality. I first distinguish between two indicators of reality. (1) The experience of availability to (...)
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  20.  17
    An all-purpose framework for affordances. Reconciling the behavioral and the neuroscientific stories.Gabriele Ferretti & Silvano Zipoli Caiani - 2024 - Synthese 204 (1):1-29.
    Research on the concept of affordance generated different interpretations, which are due to different stories aimed at describing how this notion accounts for visually guided motor behaviors. On the one hand, _dispositional accounts of affordances_ explain how affordances emerge from the encounter of the agent’s perceptual-motor skills, with an object offering possible interactions, as _behavioral dispositional properties_. On the other hand, _cognitive neuroscience_ explains what neural mechanisms are required for agents to detect affordances, resulting from an internal _processing_. As the (...)
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  21.  12
    Philosophical implications of derealization disorder.Gabriele Ferretti - 2024 - Synthese 205 (1):1-34.
    The present paper offers an analysis of _derealization disorder_, a disorder in which the experience of reality is altered. In this respect, usually, real objects are experienced as _mind-independent_ and as _offering motoric interaction_. These two features seem to be responsible for our experience of objects in quality of _real objects_. Then, a crucial question is the following: what aspect of the experience of reality is derealization, in quality of a disorder of reality, about? This paper suggests that, in the (...)
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  22.  46
    Do Trompe l'oeils Look Right When Viewed from the Wrong Place?Gabriele Ferretti - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (3):319-330.
    Picture perception and ordinary perception of real objects differ in several respects. Two of their main differences are: Depicted objects are not perceived as present and We cannot perceive significant spatial shifts as we move with respect to them. Some special illusory pictures escape these visual effects obtained in usual picture perception. First, trompe l'oeil paintings violate : the depicted object looks, even momentarily, like a present object. Second, anamorphic paintings violate : they lead to appreciate spatial shifts resulting from (...)
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  23.  20
    Understanding reality and presence in dreams through imagery.Gabriele Ferretti - forthcoming - Analysis.
    It is generally said that dreams are experienced as real. But the notion of reality is often used, in the philosophical literature, along with that of presence. A big problem, in this respect, is that both these terms may assume different meanings. So understanding the nature of presence and reality in dreams depends on the way we conceive these two notions. This paper contributes to the literature on dreaming by describing the experience of presence and reality in dreams in a (...)
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  24.  9
    Molyneux’s question today: Introduction to the special issue.Gabriele Ferretti & Brian Glenney - 2024 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 5.
    Few topics in the philosophy of perception have received more attention than Molyneux’s question: would a person with congenital blindness, able to identify cubes and spheres by touch, immediately or even eventually identify these shapes by sight alone, if made to see? This special issue focuses on the new developments concerning the answers to this question, as well as on the new questions in the light of the results of the results from the sciences of the mind.
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  25.  72
    How Knowing-That and Knowing-How Interface in Action: The Intelligence of Motor Representations.Gabriele Ferretti & Silvano Zipoli Caiani - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (3):1103-1133.
    What mental states are required for an agent to know-how to perform an action? This question fuels one of the hottest debates in the current literature on philosophy of action. Answering this question means facing what we call here The Challenge of Format Dualism, which consists in establishing which is the format of the mental representations involved in practical knowledge and, in case they are given in more than one format, explaining how these different formats can interlock. This challenge has (...)
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  26.  81
    Habitual Actions, Propositional Knowledge, Motor Representations and Intentionality.Gabriele Ferretti & Silvano Zipoli Caiani - 2021 - Topoi 40 (3):623-635.
    Habitual actions have a history of practice and repetition that frees us from attending to what we are doing. Nevertheless, habitual actions seem to be intentional. What does account for the intentionality of habitual actions if they are automatically performed and controlled? In this paper, we address a possible response to a particular version of this issue, that is, the problem of understanding how the intention to execute a habitual action, which comes in a propositional format, interlocks with motor representations, (...)
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  27.  50
    Visual attention in pictorial perception.Gabriele Ferretti & Francesco Marchi - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):2077-2101.
    According to the received view in the philosophical literature on pictorial perception, when perceiving an object in a picture, we perceive both the picture’s surface and the depicted object, but the surface is only unconsciously represented. Furthermore, it is suggested, such unconscious representation does not need attention. This poses a crucial problem, as empirical research on visual attention shows that there can hardly be any visual representation, conscious or unconscious, without attention. Secondly, according to such a received view, when looking (...)
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  28.  54
    Seeing Entities without Seeing N-Entities.G. Ferretti & F. Marchi - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (1-2):57-70.
    When seeing a jaguar, we can see all the spots on its mantle without seeing a determinate number, N, of spots on the mantle. How is this visual phenomenon possible? Philosophers have tried to provide a reliable answer to this question, by recruiting evidence from vision science about the way attention works. Here we push this idea forward, by suggesting that an alternative and less complex solution, with respect to the one proposed in the literature, is possible. In particular, we (...)
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  29.  11
    Walking-related locomotion is facilitated by the perception of distant targets in the extrapersonal space.Sara Di Marco, Annalisa Tosoni, Emanuele Cosimo Altomare, Gabriele Ferretti, Mauro Gianni Perrucci & Giorgia Committeri - 2019 - Scientific Reports 9:9884.
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  30.  36
    Evolutionary Dynamics and Accurate Perception. Critical Realism as an Empirically Testable Hypothesis.Adriano Angelucci, Vincenzo Fano, Gabriele Ferretti, Roberto Macrelli & Gino Tarozzi - 2021 - Philosophia Scientiae 25:157-178.
    Mathematical models can be profitably used to establish whether our perception of the external world is accurate. Donald Hoffman and his collaborators have developed a promising mathematical framework within which this question can be addressed and which is based on an exhaustive taxonomy of the different possible relations between perceptual representations and the external world. After reformulating their framework by means of an improved formal system, we discuss their application of evolutionary game theory, which appears to show that an essentially (...)
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  31.  31
    Neurophysiological States and Perceptual Representations: The Case of Action Properties Detected by the Ventro-Dorsal Visual Stream.Gabriele Ferretti - 2006 - In Lorenzo Magnani & Claudia Casadio, Model Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Logical, Epistemological, and Cognitive Issues. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
    Philosophers and neuroscientists often suggest that we perceptually represent objects and their properties. However, they start from very different background assumptions when they use the term “perceptual representation”. On the one hand, sometimes philosophers do not need to properly take into consideration the empirical evidence concerning the neural states subserving the representational perceptual processes they are talking about. On the other hand, neuroscientists do not rely on a meticulous definition of “perceptual representation” when they talk about this empirical evidence that (...)
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  32. The Senses and the History of Philosophy.Brian Glenney, José Filipe Silva, Jana Rosker, Susan Blake, Stephen H. Phillips, Katerina Ierodiakonou, Anna Marmodoro, Lukas Licka, Han Thomas Adriaenssen, Chris Meyns, Janet Levin, James Van Cleve, Deborah Boyle, Michael Madary, Josefa Toribio, Gabriele Ferretti, Clare Batty & Mark Paterson (eds.) - 2019 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    The study of perception and the role of the senses have recently risen to prominence in philosophy and are now a major area of study and research. However, the philosophical history of the senses remains a relatively neglected subject. Moving beyond the current philosophical canon, this outstanding collection offers a wide-ranging and diverse philosophical exploration of the senses, from the classical period to the present day. Written by a team of international contributors, it is divided into six parts: -/- Perception (...)
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  33. Molyneux’s Puzzle: Philosophical, Biological and Experimental Aspects of an Open Problem.Gabriele Ferretti - 2018 - Aphex 19.
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  34.  37
    The Rationality and Flexibility of Motor Representations in Skilled Performance.Gabriele Ferretti & Silvano Zipoli Caiani - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (5):2517-2542.
    Philosophers and cognitive scientists have been debating about the nature of practical knowledge in skilled action. A big challenge is that of establishing whether and how practical knowledge (knowledge-how) is influenced by, or related to propositional knowledge (knowledge-that). This becomes even more challenging when trying to understand how propositional and motor representations may cooperate in making action performance flexible, while also remaining rational. In this paper, we offer an account that explains how practical knowledge leads to the execution of our (...)
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  35.  17
    Habits, Motor Representations and Practical Modes of Presentation.Gabriele Ferretti & Silvano Zipoli Caiani - 2023 - In Raffaela Giovagnoli & Robert Lowe, The Logic of Social Practices II. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 177-191.
    Habits usually come in the form of skilled action. Then, accurately explaining the nature of habitual actions requires to say something on skilled actions. Here we focus on the debate on skilled actions in the philosophical literature informed by motor neuroscience. The main question in the literature is whether practical knowledge can be reduced to propositional knowledge and, if not, how these different forms of knowledge can be related when skilled motor performance is in play. But this, ipso facto, also (...)
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  36.  18
    Realism and antirealism in metaphysics, science and language. Festschrift for Mario Alai.Adriano Angelucci, Vincenzo Fano, Gabriele Ferretti, Giovanni Galli, Pierluigi Graziani, Gino Tarozzi, Mario Alai, Matteo Morganti, Ilkka Niiniluoto, Dennis Dieks, Michel Ghins, Evandro Agazzi, Fabio Minazzi, Allen Stairs, Flavia Marcacci, Alberto Cordero, Marco Buzzoni, Massimo Dell'Utri, Giorgio Volpe, Francesco Orilia, Ernesto Napoli & Stephen Stich - 2024 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
    Great scholars in philosophy possess a keen analytical mind, excel in logical reasoning, and exhibit meticulous attention to detail. They rigorously define terms, avoiding ambiguities and errors. Originality and the willingness to challenge conventions are their hallmarks. They make significant contributions across various philosophical fields. They transparently address the exact aim of their research, and what it is not. Finally, they anticipate the impact of their theories on the current literature, and how such an impact should blossom across the future (...)
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  37. Due recenti opere italiane su Ernst Bloch.G. Ferretti - 1978 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 70:421.
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  38. Estetismo.Giuseppe Luigi Ferretti - 1940 - Palermo,: Trimarchi.
    Sezione 1. Sullo sviluppo del concetto di creazione. L'idealismo magico. Creation, idealism and a new aestheicism.--sezione 2. Estetismo assoluto-una teoria della scienza. Coscienza ed energia-sul problema del rapporti tra psicologia e fiscia. Le monde n'est-il qu' un rêve? Vie et esthéticité. Aestetismus und der Ernst des Lebens (aus zwei Briefen).
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  39. Ermeneutiche della finitezza: atti del settimo Colloquio su filosofia e religione, Macerata, 16-18 maggio 1996.Giovanni Ferretti (ed.) - 1998 - Macerata: Università degli studi di Macerata.
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  40. Forme dell'argomentazione metafisica: tre nuclei problematici.Giovanni Ferretti - 2006 - Giornale di Metafisica 28 (2):509-520.
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  41. Fenomenologia e teoria della conoscenza in Max Scheler.G. Ferretti - 1966 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 58:25.
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  42. Gli sviluppi della concezione fenomenologica scheleriana.G. Ferretti - 1967 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 59:64.
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  43.  8
    Il bene al-di-là dell'essere: temi e problemi levinassiani.Giovanni Ferretti - 2003 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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  44. II. "Religione e rivelazione personale di Dio".G. Ferretti - 1970 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 62:398.
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  45. Il VI Congresso tomistico internazionale.G. Ferretti - 1965 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 57:665.
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    Linguaggi dell'ontologia: atti dell'VIII Colloquio su filosofia e religione, Macerata, 13-15 maggio 1999.Giovanni Ferretti (ed.) - 2003 - Pisa: Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali.
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  47.  14
    La filosofia di Levinas: alterità e trascendenza.Giovanni Ferretti - 2010 - Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier.
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  48. La filosofia della religione come antropologia metafisica in un'opera di Karl Rahner.G. Ferretti - 1964 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 56:96.
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  49. Love, otherness and transcendence in the phenomenology of Max Scheler.Giovanni Ferretti - forthcoming - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica.
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  50.  12
    La trascendenza dell'amore: saggi su Max Scheler.Giovanni Ferretti - 2014 - Milano: Mimesis.
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