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Gilda Ferreira [19]Gabriel Ferreira [13]Gustavo Augusto da Silva Ferreira [6]G. Ferreira [3]
George Gomes Ferreira [3]Giorgio Gonçalves Ferreira [2]Guilherme Ronan de Souza E. Ferreira [2]Gabriela Nunes Ferreira [1]

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  1.  23
    My Dream, My Rules: Can Lucid Dreaming Treat Nightmares?Tainá Carla Freitas de Macêdo, Glescikelly Herminia Ferreira, Katie Moraes de Almondes, Roumen Kirov & Sérgio Arthuro Mota-Rolim - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Atomic polymorphism.Fernando Ferreira & Gilda Ferreira - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (1):260-274.
    It has been known for six years that the restriction of Girard's polymorphic system $\text{\bfseries\upshape F}$ to atomic universal instantiations interprets the full fragment of the intuitionistic propositional calculus. We firstly observe that Tait's method of “convertibility” applies quite naturally to the proof of strong normalization of the restricted Girard system. We then show that each $\beta$-reduction step of the full intuitionistic propositional calculus translates into one or more $\beta\eta$-reduction steps in the restricted Girard system. As a consequence, we obtain (...)
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  3.  23
    A herbrandized functional interpretation of classical first-order logic.Fernando Ferreira & Gilda Ferreira - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (5-6):523-539.
    We introduce a new typed combinatory calculus with a type constructor that, to each type σ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\sigma $$\end{document}, associates the star type σ∗\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\sigma ^*$$\end{document} of the nonempty finite subsets of elements of type σ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\sigma $$\end{document}. We prove that this calculus enjoys the properties of strong normalization and confluence. With the aid of this star combinatory (...)
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  4.  92
    Commuting Conversions vs. the Standard Conversions of the “Good” Connectives.Fernando Ferreira & Gilda Ferreira - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (1):63-84.
    Commuting conversions were introduced in the natural deduction calculus as ad hoc devices for the purpose of guaranteeing the subformula property in normal proofs. In a well known book, Jean-Yves Girard commented harshly on these conversions, saying that ‘one tends to think that natural deduction should be modified to correct such atrocities.’ We present an embedding of the intuitionistic predicate calculus into a second-order predicative system for which there is no need for commuting conversions. Furthermore, we show that the redex (...)
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  5.  38
    A Refined Interpretation of Intuitionistic Logic by Means of Atomic Polymorphism.José Espírito Santo & Gilda Ferreira - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (3):477-507.
    We study an alternative embedding of IPC into atomic system F whose translation of proofs is based, not on instantiation overflow, but instead on the admissibility of the elimination rules for disjunction and absurdity. As compared to the embedding based on instantiation overflow, the alternative embedding works equally well at the levels of provability and preservation of proof identity, but it produces shorter derivations and shorter simulations of reduction sequences. Lambda-terms are employed in the technical development so that the algorithmic (...)
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  6.  37
    The Faithfulness of Fat: A Proof-Theoretic Proof.Fernando Ferreira & Gilda Ferreira - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (6):1303-1311.
    It is known that there is a sound and faithful translation of the full intuitionistic propositional calculus into the atomic polymorphic system F at, a predicative calculus with only two connectives: the conditional and the second-order universal quantifier. The faithfulness of the embedding was established quite recently via a model-theoretic argument based in Kripke structures. In this paper we present a purely proof-theoretic proof of faithfulness. As an application, we give a purely proof-theoretic proof of the disjunction property of the (...)
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  7.  12
    On the Relation Between Various Negative Translations.Gilda Ferreira & Paulo Oliva - 2012 - In Ulrich Berger, Hannes Diener, Peter Schuster & Monika Seisenberger, Logic, Construction, Computation. De Gruyter. pp. 227-258.
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  8.  25
    "Aforismos para a sabedoria de vida": uma obra de filosofia política?Gustavo Augusto de S. Ferreira - 2016 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 7 (1):155.
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  9.  42
    Rasiowa–Harrop Disjunction Property.Gilda Ferreira - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (3):649-664.
    We show that there is a purely proof-theoretic proof of the Rasiowa–Harrop disjunction property for the full intuitionistic propositional calculus ), via natural deduction, in which commuting conversions are not needed. Such proof is based on a sound and faithful embedding of \ into an atomic polymorphic system. This result strengthens a homologous result for the disjunction property of \ and answers a question then posed by Pierluigi Minari.
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  10. De Dicto and De Re: A Brandomian experiment on Kierkegaard.Gabriel Ferreira - 2019 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 2 (7):221-238.
    During the last few decades, the historical turn within the tradition of the analytic tradition has experienced growing enthusiasm concerning the procedure of rational reconstruction, whose validity or importance, despite its paradigmatic examples in Frege and Russell, has not always enjoyed a consensus. Among the analytic philosophers who are the frontrunners of this movement, Robert Brandom is one of a kind: his work on Hegel as well as on German Idealism has been increasing interest in, as well as awareness of, (...)
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  11.  18
    (1 other version)Interpretability in Robinson's Q.Fernando Ferreira & Gilda Ferreira - forthcoming - Association for Symbolic Logic: The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.
    Edward Nelson published in 1986 a book defending an extreme formalist view of mathematics according to which there is an impassable barrier in the totality of exponentiation. On the positive side, Nelson embarks on a program of investigating how much mathematics can be interpreted in Raphael Robinson's theory of arithmetic Q. In the shadow of this program, some very nice logical investigations and results were produced by a number of people, not only regarding what can be interpreted in Q but (...)
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  12.  29
    Elementary Proof of Strong Normalization for Atomic F.Fernando Ferreira & Gilda Ferreira - 2016 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 45 (1):1-15.
    We give an elementary proof of the strong normalization of the atomic polymorphic calculus Fat.
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  13.  21
    The Russell-Prawitz embedding and the atomization of universal instantiation.José Espírito Santo & Gilda Ferreira - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Given the recent interest in the fragment of system $\mathbf{F}$ where universal instantiation is restricted to atomic formulas, a fragment nowadays named system ${\mathbf{F}}_{\textbf{at}}$, we study directly in system $\mathbf{F}$ new conversions whose purpose is to enforce that restriction. We show some benefits of these new atomization conversions: they help achieving strict simulation of proof reduction by means of the Russell–Prawitz embedding of $\textbf{IPC}$ into system $\mathbf{F}$, they are not stronger than a certain ‘dinaturality’ conversion known to generate a consistent (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Kierkegaard descends to the Underworld: some remarks on the Kierkegaardian appropriation of an argument by F. A. Trendelenburg.Gabriel Ferreira - 2014 - Cognitio 14 (2):235-246.
    Em 1845, ainda durante o período de redação da obra que seria o Pós-Escrito Conclusivo Não-Científico às Migalhas Filosóficas – trabalhado sob o título provisório de Problemas Lógicos –, Kierkegaard esboça em seus Papirer (IV A 145) um curioso esquete que se passaria nos Infernos – ou Submundo – envolvendo um diálogo entre Sócrates e Hegel. Neste diálogo acerca do famigerado problema do início da filosofia hegeliana, Kierkegaard descreve Hegel fazendo a leitura da página 198 do segundo volume das Logische (...)
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  15.  29
    A defense of an inferentialist historiography of philosophy: commitments, incompatibilities, and entitlements.Gabriel Ferreira - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e0240060.
    Resumo: Mesmo que neguemos qualquer tipo de excepcionalismo à filosofia como empreendimento intelectual (ver Williamson, 2007), parece fácil conceder que, pelo menos no que diz respeito às relações com sua própria história, a filosofia é diferente de outros campos do conhecimento (ver Williamson, 2018). No entanto, questões relacionadas ao escopo, papel e validade da história da filosofia para a atividade filosófica são tão antigas quanto a própria filosofia, além de se tornarem relevantes no chamado parting of ways entre as tendências (...)
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  16.  48
    Confined modified realizability.Gilda Ferreira & Paulo Oliva - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (1):13-28.
    We present a refinement ofthe bounded modified realizability which provides both upper and lower bounds for witnesses. Our interpretation is based on a generalisation of Howard/Bezem's notion of strong majorizability. We show how the bounded modified realizability coincides with our interpretation in the case when least elements exist . The new interpretation, however, permits the extraction of more accurate bounds, and provides an ideal setting for dealing directly with data types whose natural ordering is not well-founded.
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  17.  20
    Herbrandized modified realizability.Gilda Ferreira & Paulo Firmino - 2024 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (5):703-721.
    Realizability notions in mathematical logic have a long history, which can be traced back to the work of Stephen Kleene in the 1940s, aimed at exploring the foundations of intuitionistic logic. Kleene’s initial realizability laid the ground for more sophisticated notions such as Kreisel’s modified realizability and various modern approaches. In this context, our work aligns with the lineage of realizability strategies that emphasize the accumulation, rather than the propagation of precise witnesses. In this paper, we introduce a new notion (...)
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  18.  24
    A sociedade da informação e o niilismo do século XXI.Gabriel Bonesi Ferreira - 2023 - Griot 23 (3):66-78.
    Byung-Chul Han escreve sobre uma nova forma de niilismo que emerge principalmente a partir do século XXI na _sociedade da informação_. A partir disso, analiso como esse niilismo decorre da eliminação da verdade como critério orientativo individual e coletivo. Para Han, isso decorreria da emergência da informação como o novo critério de conhecimento, que se impõe como um dispositivo da sociedade atual por meio de sua grande produtibilidade rápida e quantitativa, voltada à aceleração, produção e exploração. Desse modo, as informações (...)
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  19.  20
    Ética Na Educação a Partir da Noção de “Ensinamento” Como Acolhimento Do Outro Em Lévinas.George Gomes Ferreira - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 29 (29):234-251.
    Em Totalidade e Infinito, Lévinas descreve cuidadosamente a separação do Mesmo e do Outro, recorrendo diversas vezes ao termo “ensinamento” para definir o acolhimento num Eu interior, daquilo que lhe é exterior. Mas para Lévinas, na absoluta alteridade, o outro é Outrem, outra pessoa, irredutível à minha posse, exterioridade absoluta que me encara a partir de um rosto, como um ser que me fala e, por isso, é o único capaz de me ensinar. Acolher outrem, nesse sentido, é responder-lhe e, (...)
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  20.  23
    Essência e Existência: Duas Ordens de Causalidade, Dedução Dos Modos Finitos e a Liberdade Em Espinosa.Giorgio Ferreira - 2023 - Cadernos Espinosanos 48:41-74.
    O presente artigo tem por meta analisar a possibilidade de conciliação entre a determinação e a liberdade em Espinosa. Dessa maneira, o artigo iniciará tratando das duas séries causais indicadas por Espinosa no §100 do TIE: a “série das coisas fixas e eternas” e a “série das coisas singulares mutáveis”. A abordagem dessas duas séries causais tem por meta compreender o que as distingue e as implicações dessa distinção para a filosofia de Espinosa. Em seguida analisar-se-ão as noções de essência (...)
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  21.  15
    Oakeshott e a gênese do racionalismo moderno.Gabriel Ferreira - 2023 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 68 (1):e44546.
    O pensamento do filósofo britânico Michael Oakeshott é frequentemente recrutado no debate entre conservadorismo e posições progressistas, no qual algumas de suas distinções e explicitações são postas a serviço da crítica a determinados aspectos dessa última. Um de seus principais movimentos argumentativos consiste em apontar que posições políticas fundamentalmente revolucionárias pressupõem certa concepção de racionalidade que, por sua vez, estaria em desacordo com uma visão clássica acerca da faculdade intelectiva humana ao mesmo tempo em que privilegia tal concepção em relação (...)
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  22.  7
    Kant among French, English and Germans.Gabriel Martins Ferreira - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):459-486.
    This paper aims to establish theoretical guidelines for understanding the relationship between ethics and anthropology in Kant's thought. Contrary to a particular line of interpretation dominant in specialized research on Kant, this article seeks to promote a historical-philosophical investigation, which contextualizes in Kant's thought the moment when three philosophical currents intersected, causing the guidelines of his debate about the concept of autonomy and perfectibility, namely: the philosophies of Hutcheson, Wolff and Rousseau. In this first part, Kant's discussion with Hutcheson and (...)
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  23.  3
    Kierkegaard´s Epistemological Impasse: Subjective Thinker and Reality of Thought.Gabriel Ferreira - 2021 - Dissertatio 52:165-184.
    Kierkegaard is usually read as a defender of some kind of relativism due to his frequent statements on subjectivity. Nevertheless, if we go deeper into his works, it is possible to see that his position is much more puzzling. In fact, if it is true that the concept of subjectivity plays a central role in his thought, it is also true that the Danish philosopher does not endorse a relativistic view on knowledge, but he argues for a realistic understanding of (...)
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  24.  17
    Arte e estética: o debate contempor'neo a partir de George Dickie.Guilherme Ronan de Souza E. Ferreira - 2011 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 3 (1):22-35.
    No artigo O mito da atitude estética, dentre outros trabalhos, o filósofo George Dickie se opõe a teses que circunscrevem a apreciação das obras de arte a determinados estados psicológicos centrados na noção de desinteresse prático e que fundamentariam o único espaço onde elas teriam significado enquanto tais. Nosso propósito aqui, num primeiro momento, será explicitar um dos aspectos pontuais desta crítica, qual seja, a análise e objeção ao conceito de “atitude estética” defendido por Jerome Stolnitz. Num segundo momento, questionaremos (...)
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  25.  2
    A Expressão Perceptiva da Poesia Na Metafísica da Carne.Gilmar Leite Ferreira - 2012 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 4 (7):320-331.
    O artigo reflete sobre a expressão perceptiva da poesia na metafísica da carne. Nele, busca se a compreensão do entrelaçamento corpo e poesia transformando a existência, onde a palavra poética se mostra de maneira encarnada. O trabalho reflete a revelação do corpo por intermédio da poesia se mostrando ao mundo por meio da experiência estética e da criação poética. Nele, mostra-se a compreensão entre a arte poética e o corpo, num diálogo sensível, que ontologicamente se revela ao mundo na expressão (...)
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  26.  24
    Atomic polymorphism and the existence property.Gilda Ferreira - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (12):1303-1316.
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  27.  23
    Counting as integration in feasible analysis.Fernando Ferreira & Gilda Ferreira - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (3):315-320.
    Suppose that it is possible to integrate real functions over a weak base theory related to polynomial time computability. Does it follow that we can count? The answer seems to be: obviously yes! We try to convince the reader that the severe restrictions on induction in feasible theories preclude a straightforward answer. Nevertheless, a more sophisticated reflection does indeed show that the answer is affirmative.
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  28.  15
    Esculpir em Argila: Albert Camus: uma estética da existência.G. Ferreira - forthcoming - Philbrasil.
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  29.  33
    Fé e Razão: uma relação de completude e verdades.Gustavo Augusto da Silva Ferreira - 2015 - Revista de Teologia 9 (15):144-154.
    This study was aimed at exposing the proximity and not agonizing and not antagonistic relationship between themes and concepts as popularly known and often mistakenly understood in their relationships, such as "science" and "religion", "faith" and "reason, "" “empirical search” and “subjective understanding”. "For us, the relationship established between these concepts is a relation of completion, parallel, and not in opposition. Through a theistic argument based on history, philosophy, theology and sciences, we intend to present the misconception about the issue (...)
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  30.  38
    Harrington’s conservation theorem redone.Fernando Ferreira & Gilda Ferreira - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (2):91-100.
    Leo Harrington showed that the second-order theory of arithmetic WKL 0 is ${\Pi^1_1}$ -conservative over the theory RCA 0. Harrington’s proof is model-theoretic, making use of a forcing argument. A purely proof-theoretic proof, avoiding forcing, has been eluding the efforts of researchers. In this short paper, we present a proof of Harrington’s result using a cut-elimination argument.
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  31.  19
    Imagem E imaginação na ética: Por Uma teoria dinâmica da imaginação em espinosa.Giorgio Gonçalves Ferreira - 2020 - Cadernos Espinosanos 42:125-149.
    O artigo discute as noções de imagem e imaginação na Ética de Espinosa. A análise iniciará elencando passagens nas quais Espinosa se refere às imagens como afecções do corpo e às imaginações como afecções da mente. Em um segundo momento, o texto se encaminhará para EII P17 cor., a partir do qual será analisada a geração das imagens. Nesse momento, será posto em evidência o fato de que é o movimento — e não o vestígio — aquilo que constitui a (...)
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  32.  54
    On bounded functional interpretations.Gilda Ferreira & Paulo Oliva - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (8):1030-1049.
  33.  39
    Revisão do pensamento conservador: ideias e política no Brasil.Gabriela Nunes Ferreira & André Botelho (eds.) - 2010 - São Paulo: FAPESP.
    'Revisão do Pensamento Conservador' apresenta alguns resultados do Projeto Temático Fapesp 'Linhagens do Pensamento Político-Social Brasileiro' desenvolvidos por seus integrantes e outros pesquisadores interlocutores do projeto. O livro procura oferecer uma visão de conjunto das configurações assumidas pelo pensamento conservador em diferentes momentos da vida intelectual brasileira, em algumas tradições políticas e em diferentes autores, como Visconde do Uruguai, José de Alencar, Alberto Torres, Gilberto Freyre, Gustavo Corção e outros.
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    Substance, attribute and mode in Descartes’ philosophy: a tour through its definitions, problems and ambiguities.Giorgio Gonçalves Ferreira - 2025 - Griot 25 (1):80-99.
    In this article, the notions of substance, attribute and mode in Cartesian metaphysics and the problems that revolve around these notions will be analyzed, whether in their definitions or in the relationships they establish between them. Initially, the different definitions that the notion of substance has and the problems arising from these definitions will be analyzed. Next, the same treatment will be given to the notions of attribute and mode. Once this is done, the analysis will focus on the relationships (...)
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  35.  27
    Schopenhauer frente à coisa em si.Gustavo Augusto Da Silva Ferreira - 2015 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 6 (1):184.
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  36.  22
    Sobre uma Existentiel-Videnskab: o conceito de Inter-Esse no Pós-Escrito.G. Ferreira - 2011 - Pensando: Revista de Filosofia 2 (4).
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  37.  18
    The computational content of atomic polymorphism.Gilda Ferreira & Vasco T. Vasconcelos - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (5):625-638.
    We show that the number-theoretic functions definable in the atomic polymorphic system are exactly the extended polynomials. Two proofs of the above result are presented: one, reducing the functions’ definability problem in ${\mathbf{F}}_{\mathbf{at}}$ to definability in the simply typed lambda calculus and the other, directly adapting Helmut Schwichtenberg’s strategy for definability in $\lambda ^{\rightarrow }$ to the atomic polymorphic setting. The uniformity granted in the polymorphic system, when compared with the simply typed lambda calculus, is emphasized.
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  38.  14
    Understanding animal abuse and how to intervene with children and young people: a practical guide for professionals working with people and animals.Gilly Mendes Ferreira & Joanne M. Williams (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Understanding Animal Abuse and How to Intervene with Children and Young People offers a positive, compassion-based and trauma-informed approach to understanding and intervening in animal abuse. It provides an accessible cross-disciplinary synthesis of current international evidence on animal abuse, and a toolkit for professionals working with people and/or animals to help them understand, prevent, and intervene in cases of animal abuse. With contributions from experts in the field, this essential text offers ten user-friendly chapters with questions for reflection and key (...)
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