Results for 'G. Cutting'

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  1.  22
    A new locus for dominant drusen and macular degeneration maps to chromosome 6q14.M. Kniazeva, E. I. Traboulsi, Z. Yu, S. T. Stefko, M. B. Gorin, Y. Y. Shugart, O'Connell Jr, C. J. Blaschak, G. Cutting, M. Han & K. Zhang - unknown
    PURPOSE:To report the localization of a gene causing drusen and macular degeneration in a previously undescribed North American family. METHODS:Genetic mapping studies were performed using linkage analysis in a single family with drusen and atrophic macular degeneration. RESULTS:The clinical manifestations in this family ranged from fine macular drusen in asymptomatic middle-aged individuals to atrophic macular lesions in two children and two elderly patients. We mapped the gene to chromosome 6q14 between markers D6S2258 and D6S1644. CONCLUSIONS:In a family with autosomal dominant (...)
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    Simulation, Theory, and Cut Elimination.G. Graham White - 1999 - The Monist 82 (1):165-184.
    This paper is concerned. with the contrast between simulation- and deduction-based approaches to reasoning about physical objects. We show that linear logic can give a unified account of both simulation and deduction concerning physical objects; it also allows us to draw a principled distinction between simulation and deduction, since simulations correspond to cut-free proofs, whereas deductions correspond to proofs in general.
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  3. Cut-elimination for simple type theory with an axiom of choice.G. Mints - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (2):479-485.
    We present a cut-elimination proof for simple type theory with an axiom of choice formulated in the language with an epsilon-symbol. The proof is modeled after Takahashi's proof of cut-elimination for simple type theory with extensionality. The same proof works when types are restricted, for example for second-order classical logic with an axiom of choice.
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    A Cut-free Proof System for Bounded Metric Temporal Logic Over a Dense Time Domain.Franco Montagna, G. Michele Pinna & Elisa B. P. Tiezzi - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (2):171-182.
    We present a complete and cut-free proof-system for a fragment of MTL, where modal operators are only labelled by bounded intervals with rational endpoints.
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  5. Elimination of Cuts in First-order Finite-valued Logics.Matthias Baaz, Christian G. Fermüller & Richard Zach - 1993 - Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics EIK 29 (6):333-355.
    A uniform construction for sequent calculi for finite-valued first-order logics with distribution quantifiers is exhibited. Completeness, cut-elimination and midsequent theorems are established. As an application, an analog of Herbrand’s theorem for the four-valued knowledge-representation logic of Belnap and Ginsberg is presented. It is indicated how this theorem can be used for reasoning about knowledge bases with incomplete and inconsistent information.
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    A call for more dialogue and more details.J. Cooper Cutting - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):194-194.
    Pickering & Garrod (P&G) argue that contemporary models of language use are inadequate. This has resulted largely because of an experimental focus on monologue rather than dialogue. I agree with the need for increased experimentation that focuses on the interplay between production and comprehension. However, I have some concerns about the Interactive Alignment model that the authors propose.
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    New Essays on Human Understanding Abridged edition.G. W. Leibniz - 1982 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is an abridgement of the complete translation of the New Essays, first published in 1981, designed for use as a study text. The material extraneous to philosophy - more than a third of the original - and the glossary of notes have been cut and a philosophical introduction and bibliography of work on Leibniz have been provided by the translators. The marginal pagination has been retained for ease of cross-reference to the full edition. The work itself is an acknowledged (...)
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    Cutting a gordian knot the solution to newcomb's problem.Corliss G. Swain - 1988 - Philosophical Studies 53 (3):391 - 409.
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    No short cuts to science.Bruce G. Charlton - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):889-889.
    Steven Rose regards oversimplification of biology as the supreme sin, inevitably leading to evil consequences, and requiring an unique distortion of scientific practice to avoid it. To avoid this, he proposes a short-cut to scientific knowledge by defining certain areas of biology that are intrinsically flawed. But this achieves only a subordination of science to politics. There are no general-purpose shortcuts for evaluating the validity of theories, and no substitutes for testing specific theories using relevant evidence.
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    Is tool-making knowledge robust over time and across problems?Sarah R. Beck, Nicola Cutting, Ian A. Apperly, Zoe Demery, Leila Iliffe, Sonia Rishi & Jackie Chappell - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:108248.
    In three studies, we explored the retention and transfer of tool-making knowledge, learnt from an adult demonstration, to other temporal and task contexts. All studies used a variation of a task in which children had to make a hook tool to retrieve a bucket from a tall transparent tube. Children who failed to innovate the hook tool independently saw a demonstration. In Study 1, we tested children aged 4 to 6 years (N = 53) who had seen the original demonstration (...)
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    Towards a functionally humane organisation: synergy between Indian and Western human values.G. P. Rao - 2015 - Burlington, VT: Gower. Edited by Amita Srivastava.
    Human values, by their very nature, are situational and culture specific. It would, therefore, be unrealistic to think that we can 'transplant' or 'transport' values from one country or culture to another with ease. This text identifies suitable human values which cut across national boundaries and cultures to facilitate organisations wishing to advance their businesses and strategic management capabilities towards a functionally humane organisation (FHO).
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  12.  66
    A modal sequent calculus for a fragment of arithmetic.G. Sambin & S. Valentini - 1980 - Studia Logica 39 (2-3):245-256.
    Global properties of canonical derivability predicates in Peano Arithmetic) are studied here by means of a suitable propositional modal logic GL. A whole book [1] has appeared on GL and we refer to it for more information and a bibliography on GL. Here we propose a sequent calculus for GL and, by exhibiting a good proof procedure, prove that such calculus admits the elimination of cuts. Most of standard results on GL are then easy consequences: completeness, decidability, finite model property, (...)
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  13.  51
    Nonlinear Dynamics at the Cutting Edge of Modernity: A Postmodern View.Gordon G. Globus - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (3):229-234.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.3 (2005) 229-234 [Access article in PDF] Nonlinear Dynamics at the Cutting Edge of Modernity: A Postmodern View Gordon Globus Keywords nonlinear dynamics, modernity, postmodernity, quantum brain theory, free will, self-organization, autopoiesis, autorhoesis Although nonlinear dynamical conceptu-alizations have been applied to psychia-try for over 20 years,1 they have not had significant impact on the field. Unfortunately Heinrichs' very thoughtful contribution to the discussion is (...)
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  14.  13
    Magazines and the American Experience.G. Thomas Tanselle - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):463-464.
    The Grolier Club of New York has been mounting exhibitions of books and prints since 1884, and many of them are recognized as landmark treatments of their subjects. Most of them have also been accompanied by published catalogs or related books. A recent instance was the exhibition, in the early months of 2021, drawn from Steven Lomazow's vast collection of American magazines, consisting of over eighty-three thousand separate issues from 1731 to the present. The substantial and profusely illustrated book that (...)
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    New Ways to Cut through Ethical Gordian Knots.Edmund G. Howe - 2017 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 28 (4):257-268.
    Clinicians and ethicists routinely encounter complex ethical dilemmas that seem intractable, which have been described as ethical Gordian knots. How can they best assist patients and surrogate decision makers who are entangled in struggles around the capacity to make life-or-death treatment decisions? In this article I describe unconventional and unorthodox approaches to help slice through these dilemmas.
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  16.  26
    Different Routes to Lorentz Symmetry Violations.B. G. Sidharth - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (1):89-95.
    Recent observations of ultra high energy cosmic rays and gamma rays suggest that there are small violations of Lorentz symmetry. If there were no such violations, then the GZK cut off would hold and cosmic rays with energy ∼1020 eV or higher would not be reaching the earth. However some such events seem to have been observed. This has lead to phenomenological models in which there is a small violation of the Lorentz symmetry or the velocity of light. However recent (...)
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  17.  43
    Operating Through Hatred.Andrew G. Shuman - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (1):20-22.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Operating Through HatredAndrew G. Shuman“You’re not cutting my ***ing neck. The cancer is in my ***ing mouth.”While many patient encounters are memorable, Mr. K’s introduction to the head and [End Page 20] neck surgical oncology clinic is indelibly imprinted into the minds of all of the clinicians present on that certain autumn morning. This was, quite simply, a man who resonated hate. He was rude and disruptive. He (...)
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  18.  33
    UK clothing retailers squeezing suppliers.Alice G. Lewthwaite-Page - 1998 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 7 (1):17–20.
    As major clothing suppliers are being forced by competition to cut costs, is this inevitably leading their suppliers to cut corners in working conditions, and what ethical considerations are relevant? The author is completing her MBA at London Business School and has a background in the textile industry.
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    Isocrates and Civic Education (review).Robert G. Sullivan - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (2):174-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Isocrates and Civic EducationRobert G. SullivanIsocrates and Civic Education. Edited by Takis Poulakis and David Depew. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2004. Pp. x + 277. $50.00, hardcover.Henry Burrowes Lathrop, in his magisterial Translations from the Classics into English from Caxton to Chapman, adopted a distinctly apologetic tone for having included in that book a lengthy gloss of Isocrates' writings. He felt constrained to do so, noting, "This (...)
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  20.  29
    A normal form for logical derivations implying one for arithmetic derivations.G. Mints - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 62 (1):65-79.
    We describe a short model-theoretic proof of an extended normal form theorem for derivations in predicate logic which implies in PRA a normal form theorem for the arithmetic derivations . Consider the Gentzen-type formulation of predicate logic with invertible rules. A derivation with proper variables is one where a variable b can occur in the premiss of an inference L but not below this premiss only in the case when L is () or () and b is its eigenvariable. Free (...)
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  21. Reconsidering cultural selection theory.G. K. D. Crozier - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (3):455-479.
    This paper examines conceptual issues that arise in applications of Darwinian natural selection to cultural systems. I argue that many criticisms of cultural selectionist models have been based on an over-detailed reading of the analogy between biological and cultural units of selection. I identify five of the most powerful objections to cultural selection theory and argue that none cuts to its heart. Some objections are based on mistaken assumptions about the simplicity of the mechanisms of biological heredity. Other objections are (...)
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  22.  23
    Neural basis of decision-making and assessment: Issues on testability and philosophical relevance.G. C. Mograbi - 2011 - Mens Sana Monographs 9 (1):251.
    Decision-making is an intricate subject in neuroscience. It is often argued that laboratorial research is not capable of dealing with the necessary complexity to study the issue. Whereas philosophers in general neglect the physiological features that constitute the main aspects of thought and behaviour, I advocate that cutting-edge neuroscientific experiments can offer us a framework to explain human behaviour in its relationship with will, self-control, inhibition, emotion and reasoning. It is my contention that self-control mechanisms can modulate more basic (...)
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  23. Wittgenstein, the Vienna Circle, and physicalism: A reassessment.David G. Stern - 2007 - In Alan Richardson & Thomas Uebel, The Cambridge Companion to Logical Empiricism. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 305--31.
    The "standard account" of Wittgenstein’s relations with the Vienna Circle is that the early Wittgenstein was a principal source and inspiration for the Circle’s positivistic and scientific philosophy, while the later Wittgenstein was deeply opposed to the logical empiricist project of articulating a "scientific conception of the world." However, this telegraphic summary is at best only half-true and at worst deeply misleading. For it prevents us appreciating the fluidity and protean character of their philosophical dialogue. In retrospectively attributing clear-cut positions (...)
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  24.  50
    Lotze As a Process Philosopher.Paul G. Kuntz - 1979 - Idealistic Studies 9 (3):229-242.
    The reputation of Rudolf Hermann Lotze was high in the philosophic world, especially the English-speaking philosophic world, during the period 1880–1920. One encyclopedia of the period says that “in the U. S. his influence is stronger in academic philosophy, perhaps, than that of any other author.” In typical histories of philosophy Lotze is counted among the great successors in the tradition of Kant and Hegel. I have elsewhere sought to explain the reasons for his great influence. Writers contemporary to Lotze (...)
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  25.  26
    Cost-benefit analysis and medical ethics.G. H. Mooney - 1980 - Journal of Medical Ethics 6 (4):177-179.
    The issue of assessing priorities is one that has become the subject of much debate in the National Health Service particularly in the wake of various documents on priorities from central Government. It has become even more so with the prospect of real cuts in expenditure. Economists claim that their science, or perhaps more accurately art can assist in determining not only how best to achieve various ends but also whether and to what extent competing objectives should be pursued. Such (...)
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  26.  36
    A directly cautious theory of defeasible consequence for default logic via the notion of general extension.G. Aldo Antonelli - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 109 (1-2):71-109.
    This paper introduces a generalization of Reiter’s notion of “extension” for default logic. The main difference from the original version mainly lies in the way conflicts among defaults are handled: in particular, this notion of “general extension” allows defaults not explicitly triggered to pre-empt other defaults. A consequence of the adoption of such a notion of extension is that the collection of all the general extensions of a default theory turns out to have a nontrivial algebraic structure. This fact has (...)
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  27.  20
    Shamanism. [REVIEW]G. E. W. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (4):774-774.
    No religious phenomenon appears more bizarre to the modern mind than shamanism. Eliade's comprehensive study illumines the phenomenon, cutting away various accretions and modifications, distinguishing it from related phenomena and relating it to more basic and general ones. Genuine shamanism is a kind of mysticism involving institutionalized techniques of ecstasy, initiatory rites and public spectacles, and a fairly determinate social role. Eliade finds the shamanic ecstasy to be the primary phenomenon and relates it to the pervasive belief in a (...)
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  28.  7
    Zettel. [From German] Transl. by G. E. M. Anscombe. Ed. by G[ertrude]E[lizabeth] M[argaret] Anscombe, G[eorg]H[enrik] Von Wright. 2. Ed.Ludwig Wittgenstein, G. E. M. Anscombe & G. H. von Wright - 1981 - Oxford,: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by G. E. M. Anscombe & G. H. von Wright.
    Zettel is a collection of fragments which Wittgenstein cut from various of his typescripts and preserved for future use. More than half of the fragments were written in the years 1946-1948, after the completion of Part I and before the composition of Part II of the Philosophical Investigations. This collection may therefore be regarded as a companion volume to the Investigations, adding to both the scope and the Unity of Wittgenstein′s chef d′oeuvre. The fragments were kept in a box and (...)
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  29.  19
    The Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Prejudice: Concise Student Edition.Chris G. Sibley & Fiona Kate Barlow (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Prejudice: Concise Student Edition aims to answer the questions: why is prejudice so persistent? How does it affect people exposed to it? And what can we do about it? With cutting-edge research from top scholars in the field, the chapters present an overview of psychological models of prejudice and investigate key domains such as racism, sexism, and the criminal justice system. This student edition of the award-winning Handbook includes new pedagogical features such (...)
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  30.  20
    The moral proximity of rooting.Steven G. Smith - 2022 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 49 (3):351-365.
    Rooting, defined as a spectator’s demonstrative encouragement of a contestant’s effort, ideally has the morally positive aspects of benevolent concern and helpfulness but in practice strains against reasonable standards of conduct by being rude, excessively biased, exploitative, fanatical, and superstitious. Rooting may activate an atavistic, morally cogent sense of fighting for one’s group that is at odds with the universalism of civilized morality. The ‘merely play’ excuse can cut both ways, deflecting moral objections but also removing moral credit from rooting. (...)
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  31.  60
    Normal deduction in the intuitionistic linear logic.G. Mints - 1998 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (5-6):415-425.
    We describe a natural deduction system NDIL for the second order intuitionistic linear logic which admits normalization and has a subformula property. NDIL is an extension of the system for !-free multiplicative linear logic constructed by the author and elaborated by A. Babaev. Main new feature here is the treatment of the modality !. It uses a device inspired by D. Prawitz' treatment of S4 combined with a construction $<\Gamma>$ introduced by the author to avoid cut-like constructions used in $\otimes$ (...)
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  32.  24
    The logic of transitive and dense frames: from the step-frame analysis to full cut-elimination.S. Ghilardi & G. Mints - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (4):585-596.
  33. Is human reasoning about nonmonotonic conditionals probabilistically coherent?Niki Pfeifer & G. D. Kleiter - 2006 - In Niki Pfeifer & G. D. Kleiter, Proceedings of the 7 T H Workshop on Uncertainty Processing. pp. 138--150.
    Nonmonotonic conditionals (A |∼ B) are formalizations of common sense expressions of the form “if A, normally B”. The nonmonotonic conditional is interpreted by a “high” coherent conditional probability, P(B|A) > .5. Two important properties are closely related to the nonmonotonic conditional: First, A |∼ B allows for exceptions. Second, the rules of the nonmonotonic system p guiding A |∼ B allow for withdrawing conclusions in the light of new premises. This study reports a series of three experiments on reasoning (...)
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  34.  14
    Catholic Moral Philosophy in Practice and Theory: An Introduction.Bernard G. Prusak - 2016 - New York: Paulist Press.
    Cutting across the boundary of philosophy and theology, this book serves as an introduction to the living tradition of Catholic moral philosophy.
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    A note on full intuitionistic linear logic.G. M. Bierman - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 79 (3):281-287.
    This short note considers the formulation of Full Intuitionistic Linear Logic given by Hyland and de Paiva . Unfortunately the formulation is not closed under the process of cut elimination. This note proposes an alternative formulation based on the notion of patterns.
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    Planar and braided proof-nets for multiplicative linear logic with mix.G. Bellin & A. Fleury - 1998 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (5-6):309-325.
    We consider a class of graphs embedded in $R^2$ as noncommutative proof-nets with an explicit exchange rule. We give two characterization of such proof-nets, one representing proof-nets as CW-complexes in a two-dimensional disc, the other extending a characterization by Asperti. As a corollary, we obtain that the test of correctness in the case of planar graphs is linear in the size of the data. Braided proof-nets are proof-nets for multiplicative linear logic with Mix embedded in $R^3$ . In order to (...)
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  37. Degree supervaluational logic.J. Robert G. Williams - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (1):130-149.
    Supervaluationism is often described as the most popular semantic treatment of indeterminacy. There’s little consensus, however, about how to fill out the bare-bones idea to include a characterization of logical consequence. The paper explores one methodology for choosing between the logics: pick a logic thatnorms beliefas classical consequence is standardly thought to do. The main focus of the paper considers a variant of standard supervaluational, on which we can characterizedegrees of determinacy. It applies the methodology above to focus ondegree logic. (...)
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  38.  12
    Embedding classical logic into basic orthologic with a primitive modality.G. Battilotti - 1998 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 6 (3):383-402.
    In the present paper we give the first proof-theoretical example of an embedding of classical logic into a quantum-like logic. This is performed in the framework of basic logic, where a proof-theoretical approach to quantum logic is convenient. We consider basic orthologic, that corresponds to a sequential formulation of paraconsistent quantum logic, and which is given by basic orthologic added with weakening and contraction, in a language with Girard's negation. In the paper we first consider a convenient cut-free calculus for (...)
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  39.  51
    Toynbee and His Critics.G. A. Birks - 1950 - Philosophy 25 (95):336 - 340.
    New ideas are seldom received with moderation. When Spengler's Decline of the West appeared it was greeted with wild enthusiasm, which collapsed like a pricked bubble under criticism. Now that Toynbee, a generation later, has taken up the theme, there seems to be a determination not to be caught a second time. His critics have no wish to be unfair, and much of what they say is true enough; but to anybody who has a sympathetic understanding of what he is (...)
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    Atheist Identities - Spaces and Social Contexts.Lori G. Beaman & Steven Tomlins (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    The essays in this book not only examine the variety of atheist expression and experience in the Western context, they also explore how local, national and international settings may contribute to the shaping of atheist identities. By addressing identity at these different levels, the book explores how individuals construct their own atheist-or non-religious-identity, how they construct community and how identity factors into atheist interaction at the social or institutional levels. The book offers an interdisciplinary comparative approach to the analysis of (...)
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    The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Volume 3: Phenomenology of Cognition.Ernst Cassirer & Steve G. Lofts - 2020 - Routledge.
    "In his Phenomenology of Cognition, Cassirer provides a comprehensive and systematic account of the dynamic process involved in the whole of human culture as it progresses from the world of myth and its feeling of social belonging to the highest abstractions of mathematics, logic and theoretical physics. Cassirer engages with the most sophisticated and cutting-edge work in fields ranging from ethnology to classics, egyptology and assyriology to ethology, brain science and psychology to logic, mathematics and theoretical physics. His command (...)
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    Experience and Ethics at the “Cutting Edge”: Lessons From Maternal–Fetal Surgery for Uterine Transplantation.Virginia L. Bartlett, Mark J. Bliton & Stuart G. Finder - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):29-31.
    Bruno and Arora (2018) present a range of important ethical issues emerging from the development of procedures for uterine transplant (UT). They approach those issues by drawing on parallels to oth...
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    Zen Pathways: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Practice of Zen Buddhism (禅道の千路) by Bret W. Davis (review).Steve G. Lofts - 2023 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 9 (1):159-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Zen Pathways: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Practice of Zen Buddhism (禅道の千路) by Bret W. Davis (review)Steve G. LoftsBret W. Davis, Zen Pathways: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Practice of Zen Buddhism (禅道の千路)There is no shortage of books on Zen from almost every imaginable angle. And so, what makes Zen Pathways: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Practice of Zen Buddhism (禅道の千路) by Bret W. Davis unique (...)
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  44. Money and Monetary Policy in Early Times (History of Civilisation Series). By A. R. Burns. Pp. xii + 517 ; 16 half-tone plates, some cuts ; map. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1927. £1 5s. [REVIEW]E. S. G. Robinson - 1928 - The Classical Review 42 (04):153-.
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  45. Systematic construction of natural deduction systems for many-valued logics.Matthias Baaz, Christian G. Fermüller & Richard Zach - 1993 - In Unknown, Proceedings of The Twenty-Third International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, 1993. IEEE Press. pp. 208-213.
    A construction principle for natural deduction systems for arbitrary, finitely-many-valued first order logics is exhibited. These systems are systematically obtained from sequent calculi, which in turn can be automatically extracted from the truth tables of the logics under consideration. Soundness and cut-free completeness of these sequent calculi translate into soundness, completeness, and normal-form theorems for natural deduction systems.
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  46. The changing architecture of politics: structure, agency, and the future of the state.Philip G. Cerny - 1990 - London: Sage Publications.
    A landmark study in the field of political science, The Changing Architecture of Politics charts the profound structural changes taking place in the late twentieth-century state. Looking at both theory and practice, Cerny argues that political structures--states in the broadest sense--are the key to understanding both the history and the future of modern politics. Included for discussion are such salient topics as the problem of locating institutional and structural theory within political and social science, how to describe and classify the (...)
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    What Is the Minimal Competency for a Clinical Ethics Consult Simulation? Setting a Standard for Use of the Assessing Clinical Ethics Skills (ACES) Tool.Katherine Wasson, William H. Adams, Kenneth Berkowitz, Marion Danis, Arthur R. Derse, Mark G. Kuczewski, Michael McCarthy, Kayhan Parsi & Anita J. Tarzian - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (3):164-172.
    Background: The field of clinical ethics is examining ways of determining competency. The Assessing Clinical Ethics Skills (ACES) tool offers a new approach that identifies a range of skills necessary in the conduct of clinical ethics consultation and provides a consistent framework for evaluating these skills. Through a training website, users learn to apply the ACES tool to clinical ethics consultants (CECs) in simulated ethics consultation videos. The aim is to recognize competent and incompetent clinical ethics consultation skills by watching (...)
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    Moral Psychology: A Multidisciplinary Guide.Tor Tarantola & Benjamin G. Voyer (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This fascinating and timely volume explores current thinking on vital topics in moral psychology, spanning the diverse disciplines that contribute to the field. Academics from cognitive science, evolutionary biology, anthropology, philosophy, and political science address ongoing and emerging questions aimed at understanding the thought processes and behaviors that underlie our moral codes-and our transgressions. Cross-cutting themes speak to individual, interpersonal, and collective morality in such areas as the development of ethical behavior, responses to violations of rules, moral judgments in (...)
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  49. Cosmetic Surgery and the Internal Morality of Medicine.Franklin G. Miller, Howard Brody & Kevin C. Chung - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9 (3):353-364.
    Cosmetic surgery is a fast-growing medical practice. In 1997 surgeons in the United States performed the four most common cosmetic procedures443,728 times, an increase of 150% over the comparable total for 1992. Estimated total expenditures for cosmetic surgery range from $1 to $2 billion. As managed care cuts into physicians' income and autonomy, cosmetic surgery, which is not covered by health insurance, offers a financially attractive medical specialty.
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  50.  54
    The Finality and Instrumentality of Value in a Way.Andrés G. Garcia - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (3):681-692.
    Final value accrues to objects that are good for their own sakes, while instrumental value accrues to objects that are good for the sake of their effects. The following paper aims to show that this distinction cuts across some surprising areas of the evaluative domain. This means that there may be some unexpected types of value that can come in a final or instrumental form. The argument proceeds by looking at two prominent types of value, namely kind-value and personal value. (...)
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