Results for 'G. Clements'

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  1.  32
    Aufidienus Rufus, Castris Praefectus.G. Clement Whittick - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (3-4):209-210.
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    Petronius 44. 5.G. Clement Whittick - 1952 - The Classical Review 2 (01):11-12.
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  3.  40
    Tacitus, Annals, i. 35.G. Clement Whittick - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (01):11-.
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  4.  41
    The Latinity of Livy Konrad Gries : Constancy in Livy's Latinity. Pp. 176. New York: privately printed, 1949. Paper.G. Clement Whittick - 1951 - The Classical Review 1 (01):37-38.
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    Tacitus, Annals i. 28.G. Clement Whittick - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (01):7-.
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    The Budeaute; Herodotus.G. Clement Whittick - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (01):23-.
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    The Loeb Caesar - A. G. Way: Caesar, Alexandrian, African and Spanish Wars. With an English translation. (Loeb Classical Library.) Pp. xiv + 426; 6 maps. London: Heinemann, 1955. Cloth, 15 s. net. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1957 - The Classical Review 7 (02):128-130.
  8.  61
    Livy. With an English translation by Frank Gardner Moore. In fourteen volumes. Vol. VIII: Books XXVIII–XXX. (Loeb Classical Library.) Pp. xii + 562; 9 maps. London: Heinemann, 1949. Cloth, 15 s. net. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1951 - The Classical Review 1 (2):117.
  9.  34
    The Budeaute; Herodotus Ph.-E. Legrand: Hérodote. (Collection Budé.) (1) Histoires, livre ix: texte établi et traduit. Pp. 110 (double). (2) Index Analytique. Pp. 249. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1954. Paper, 800, 600 fr. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (01):23-24.
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    V. Gordziejew: Ludi scaenici et circenses quid in rebus publicis antiquorum valuerint. Pp. 114. (Universitas Iosephi Pitsudski Varsoviensis: Acta Facultatis Litterarum, 2.) Warsaw: Biblioteka Polska, 1936. Stiff paper. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (5-6):225-226.
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  11.  52
    W. Ormsby Gore: Illustrated Regional Guides to Ancient Monuments under the ownership or guardianship of H.M. Office of Works. Vol. III. East Anglia and Midlands. Pp. 72; 20 plates, 1 map. London: H.M. Stationery Office, 1936. Cloth, is. (post-free, is. id.). [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (04):150-.
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  12.  58
    Illustrated Regional Guides to Ancient Monuments under the ownership or guardianship offf.M. Office of Works. Vol. II : Southern England, by W. Ormsby Gore. Pp. 88 21 plates, 1 map. London : H.M. Stationery Office, 1936. Cloth, is. (post free, is. id.). [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (05):204-.
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  13.  37
    S. E. Winbolt: The Neptune and Minerva Stone, Chichester. Pp. 10; 1 drawing. Moore and Wingham, Chichester (for the author), 1935. Paper, 4d. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1935 - The Classical Review 49 (05):210-.
  14.  55
    Emanuel Kienzle: Der Lobpreis von Städten und Ländern in der älteren griechischen Dichtung. Pp. 107. Kallmunz: printed by M. Lassleben, 1936. Paper. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (06):239-.
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  15.  55
    The Archaeology of Yorkshire. (The County Archaeologies.) By F. and H. W. Elgee. Pp. xv+272; 12 plates; 42 illustrations in text; 2 maps. London: Methuen, 1933. Cloth, 10s. 6d. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1933 - The Classical Review 47 (04):153-.
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  16.  48
    The Budé Herodotus Hérodote: Introduction. Par Ph.-E. Legrand. Pp. 246. 20 fr. Hérodote: Histoires. Livre I. Texte établi et traduit par Ph.-E. Legrand. Pp. 206. 30 fr. Paris: 'Les Belles Lettres,' 1932. Paper, 20 and 30 fr. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1933 - The Classical Review 47 (04):134-135.
  17.  48
    Dinner at Trimalchio's. An extract from the Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter, translated by G.J. Acheson. Pp. 72. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press, 1950. Cloth. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1952 - The Classical Review 2 (1):50-50.
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  18.  43
    Een speciaal gebruik van de ablativus absolutus bij Caesar. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1957 - The Classical Review 7 (2):166-167.
  19.  29
    The Education of a Roman. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1952 - The Classical Review 2 (1):49-50.
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  20.  50
    Archaeology in England and Wales, 1914–1931. By T. D. Kendrick, M.A., and C. F. C. Hawkes, M.A., F.S.A. Pp. xix+371; plates, 123 illustrations in the text. London: Methuen, 1932. Cloth, 18s. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1933 - The Classical Review 47 (1):41-42.
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  21.  36
    Der Friedensgedanke in derantiken Welt. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (2):91-92.
  22.  30
    Hérodote, Histoires, Livre V. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1948 - The Classical Review 62 (3-4):160-160.
  23.  37
    Hérodote: Histoires, Livre viii. Texte établi et traduit par Ph.-E. Legrand. (Collection Budé.) Pp. 161 (double). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1953. Paper, 700 fr. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (2):195-196.
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  24.  36
    Hérodote: Histoires, Livre VII. Texte établi et traduit par P. E. Legrand. (Collection Budé.) Pp. 12+235 (double). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1951. Paper. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1953 - The Classical Review 3 (2):116-117.
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  25.  36
    Hérodote, Histoires, Livre VI. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1950 - The Classical Review 64 (2):73-73.
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  26.  46
    Indirect Speech in Livy. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1948 - The Classical Review 62 (3-4):141-142.
  27.  47
    Langenscheidt's Greek-English Dictionary. By K. S. Feyerabend. Pp. viii + 420. 3rd ed.London: Methuen (Berlin: Langenscheidt), 1955. Cloth, 7 s. 6 d. net. - Langenscheidt's Latin-English Dictionary. By S. A. Handford. Pp. 348. London: Methuen (Berlin: Langenscheidt), 1955. Cloth, 7 s. 6 d. net. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1957 - The Classical Review 7 (2):176-177.
  28.  43
    Lucretius in English Hexameters. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1951 - The Classical Review 1 (3-4):177-178.
  29.  60
    R. E. Latham: Lucretius, The Nature of the Universe. Translated with an introduction. Pp. 256. West Drayton: Penguin Books, 1951. Paper, 2 s. 6 d. net. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1953 - The Classical Review 3 (3-4):202-203.
  30.  48
    Roman Britain and the English Settlements. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (2):77-78.
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  31.  58
    Roman Mining in Europe. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (4):143-144.
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  32.  44
    The Budé Herodotus, Book ii. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (4):121-122.
  33.  31
    The Budé Quintus Curtius. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1950 - The Classical Review 64 (2):56-58.
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  34.  41
    The Roman Fort at Cadder. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1934 - The Classical Review 48 (4):154-155.
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    Pile-ups in thin foils: application to transmission electron microscopy analysis of short-range-order.G. Saada, J. Douin, F. Pettinari-Sturmel, A. Coujou & N. Clément - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (8):807-824.
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    Different but complementary roles of action and gaze in action observation priming: Insights from eye- and motion-tracking measures.Clément Letesson, Stéphane Grade & Martin G. Edwards - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  37.  22
    Re-evaluation of solutions to the problem of unprofessionalism in peer review.Joshua A. Rash, Jeff C. Clements, Stephanie Avery-Gomm, Chi-Yeung Choi, Alyssa M. Allen Gerwing & Travis G. Gerwing - 2021 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 6 (1).
    Our recent paper reported that 43% of reviewer comment sets shared with authors contained at least one unprofessional comment or an incomplete, inaccurate of unsubstantiated critique. Publication of this work sparked an online conversation surrounding professionalism in peer review. We collected and analyzed these social media comments as they offered real-time responses to our work and provided insight into the views held by commenters and potential peer-reviewers that would be difficult to quantify using existing empirical tools. Overall, 75% of comments (...)
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  38.  23
    Quantifying professionalism in peer review.Joshua A. Rash, Jeff C. Clements, Chi-Yeung Choi, Stephanie Avery-Gomm, Alyssa M. Allen Gerwing & Travis G. Gerwing - 2020 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 5 (1).
    BackgroundThe process of peer-review in academia has attracted criticism surrounding issues of bias, fairness, and professionalism; however, frequency of occurrence of such comments is unknown.MethodsWe evaluated 1491 sets of reviewer comments from the fields of “Ecology and Evolution” and “Behavioural Medicine,” of which 920 were retrieved from the online review repository Publons and 571 were obtained from six early career investigators. Comment sets were coded for the occurrence of “unprofessional comments” and “incomplete, inaccurate or unsubstantiated critiques” using an a-prior rubric (...)
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  39.  67
    Perception: Facts And Theories.Clement W. K. Mundle - 1971 - London: : Oxford University Press,.
  40.  47
    Sensorimotor Learning during a Marksmanship Task in Immersive Virtual Reality.Hrishikesh M. Rao, Rajan Khanna, David J. Zielinski, Yvonne Lu, Jillian M. Clements, Nicholas D. Potter, Marc A. Sommer, Regis Kopper & Lawrence G. Appelbaum - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:302766.
    Sensorimotor learning refers to improvements that occur through practice in the performance of sensory-guided motor behaviors. Leveraging novel technical capabilities of an immersive virtual environment, we probed the component kinematic processes that mediate sensorimotor learning. Twenty naïve subjects performed a simulated marksmanship task modeled after Olympic Trap Shooting standards. We measured movement kinematics and shooting performance as participants practiced 350 trials while receiving trial-by-trial feedback about shooting success. Spatiotemporal analysis of motion tracking elucidated the ballistic and refinement phases of hand (...)
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  41. Étienne Balibar, Equaliberty: Political Essays, translated by James IngramÉtienne Balibar, Violence and Civility: On the Limits of Political Philosophy, translated by G.M. Goshgarian.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2018 - Derrida Today 11 (2):230-237.
    This essay examines Étienne Balibar's readings of Jacques Derrida and deconstruction. The text is framed as a review of two books by Balibar: 'Equaliberty' and 'Violence and Civility'. After describing the context of those readings, I propose a broader reflection on the ambiguous relationship between 'post-Marxism' and 'deconstruction', focusing on concepts such as 'violence', 'cruelty', 'sovereignty' and 'property'. I also raise methodological questions related to the 'use' of deconstructive notions in political theory debates.
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  42. Barton, C., 220 Bashford, A., 435 Bueno, O., 360 Cat, J., 75.P. Catton, D. S. Caudill, G. Clements, M. Crotty, M. Delehanty, J. Dettloff, J. Dupré, D. Edgerton, J. Forge & B. Fritscher - 2003 - Metascience 12:463-464.
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  43.  59
    Clement of Alexandria's Protrepticvs and the Phaedrvs of Plato.G. W. Butterworth - 1916 - Classical Quarterly 10 (04):198-.
    A very slight reading of Clement of Alexandria is enough to prove how deeply he is indebted to Plato both in respect of language and of thought. Quotations from Plato are to be found throughout Clement's works, and in many cases acknowledgment is made of their origin. In addition there are frequent allusions, which for the most part the student of Plato can easily recognize. Clement invariably shows a profound respect for the Greek philosopher, whom he looks upon as a (...)
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  44. R. G. Collingwood, The Idea of History. [REVIEW]Clement C. J. Webb - 1946 - Hibbert Journal 45:83.
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    Ethical Supernaturalism and the Problem of Evil.Clement Dore - 1972 - Religious Studies 8 (2):97 - 113.
    Consider the following argument for the non-existence of God: Some men are morally reprehensible for failing to perform certain actions, e.g. actions of abolishing suffering which is destructive of character. Concentrate, for simplicity, just on actions of this latter sort. If there is an omnipotent and omniscient being, then he, too, fails to perform actions of this sort, and, hence, he is also morally reprehensible unless some such difference obtains between him and the men mentioned in as his being unable (...)
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  46. Does the Phineas Gage Effect Extend to Aesthetic Value?Elzė Sigutė Mikalonytė & Clément Canonne - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    In the last twenty years, a large number of studies have investigated judgments of the identity of various objects (e.g., persons, material objects, institutions) over time. One influential strand of research has found that identity judgments are shaped by normative considerations. People tend to believe that moral improvement is more compatible with the continuity of identity of a person than moral deterioration, suggesting that persons are taken to be essentially morally good. This asymmetry is often referred to as the “Phineas (...)
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  47.  28
    Evolutionary Views of Tuberculosis: Indoleamine 2,3‐Dioxygenase Catalyzed Nicotinamide Synthesis Reflects Shifts in Macrophage Metabolism. [REVIEW]Melinda S. Suchard, Clement G. Adu-Gyamfi, Bridgette M. Cumming & Dana M. Savulescu - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (5):1900220.
    Indoleamine 2,3‐dioxygenase (IDO) is the rate‐limiting enzyme in conversion of tryptophan to kynurenines, feeding de novo nicotinamide synthesis. IDO orchestrates materno‐foetal tolerance, increasing human reproductive fitness. IDO mediates immune suppression through depletion of tryptophan required by T lymphocytes and other mechanisms. IDO is expressed by alternatively activated macrophages, suspected to play a key role in tuberculosis (TB) pathogenesis. Unlike its human host, Mycobacterium tuberculosis can synthesize tryptophan, suggesting possible benefit to the host from infection with the microbe. Intriguingly, nicotinamide analogues (...)
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  48.  59
    How Science Fiction Helps Us Reimagine Our Moral Relations with Animals.Jennifer Clements - 2015 - Journal of Animal Ethics 5 (2):181-187.
    Science fiction has often been at the forefront of popular renderings and exploration of various “subaltern” groups, including that of nonhuman animals. I argue that science fiction’s freedom from the boundaries of what is currently possible allows writers such as Mary Shelley, H. G. Wells, Philip K. Dick, Olaf Stapledon, Daniel Keyes, Octavia Butler, Cordwainer Smith, and H. Beam Piper to explore ethical possibilities regarding animals that are diverse from those of the context in which they wrote. It is also (...)
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  49.  14
    From Formation to Ecosystem: Tansley’s Response to Clements’ Climax.Arnold G. van der Valk - 2014 - Journal of the History of Biology 47 (2):293-321.
    Arthur G. Tansley never accepted Frederic E. Clements’ view that succession is a developmental process whose final stage, the climax formation, is determined primarily by regional climate and that all other types of vegetation are some kind of successional stage or arrested successional stage. Tansley was convinced that in a given region a variety of environmental factors could produce different kinds of climax formations. At the heart of their dispute was Clements’ organicist view of succession, i.e., the formation (...)
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  50.  39
    The Relations of Morality to Religion. By W. G. De Burgh. Annual Philosophical Lecture, Henriette Hertz Trust, British Academy, 1935. From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. XXI. (London: Humphrey Milford. 1935. Pp. 27. Price 2s.). [REVIEW]Clement C. J. Webb - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (42):225-.
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