Results for 'From Robert Linssen'

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  1. Is Zen Buddhism a philosophy? By Rosemont, Henry, Jr. Philosophy East & West V. 20 (1970).From Alan Watts & From Robert Linssen - 1970 - In Charles Alexander Moore, Philosophy--East and West. Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press. pp. 63-72.
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  2. Robert Nozick.From Robert Nozick - 1999 - In Nigel Warburton, Philosophy: Basic Readings. New York: Routledge.
  3. L'homme devant l'infini.Robert Linssen - 1942 - Bruxelles,: E. Vanderstichelen. Edited by Dayalshanti Ghose.
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  4. Darwin’s Metaphor.Robert M. Young - 1971 - The Monist 55 (3):442-503.
    It is not too great an exaggeration to claim that On the Origin of Species was, along with Das Kapital, one of the two most significant works in the intellectual history of the nineteenth century. As George Henry Lewes wrote in 1868, ‘No work of our time has been so general in its influence’. However, the very generality of the influence of Darwin’s work provides the chief problem for the intellectual historian. Most books and articles on the subject assert the (...)
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  5. Wide computationalism.Robert A. Wilson - 1994 - Mind 103 (411):351-72.
    The computational argument for individualism, which moves from computationalism to individualism about the mind, is problematic, not because computationalism is false, but because computational psychology is, at least sometimes, wide. The paper provides an early, or perhaps predecessor, version of the thesis of extended cognition.
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  6. Malfunction and Mental Illness.Robert L. Woolfolk - 1999 - The Monist 82 (4):658-670.
    For years a debate has raged within the various literatures of philosophy, psychiatry, and psychology over whether, and to what degree, the concepts that characterize psychopathology are social constructions that reflect cultural values. While the majority position among philosophers has been normativist, i.e., that the conception of a mental disorder is value-laden, a vocal and cogent minority have argued that psychopathology results from malfunctions that can be described by terminology that is objective and scientific. Scientists and clinicians have tended (...)
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  7. Collective memory, group minds, and the extended mind thesis.Robert A. Wilson - 2005 - Cognitive Processing 6 (4).
    While memory is conceptualized predominantly as an individual capacity in the cognitive and biological sciences, the social sciences have most commonly construed memory as a collective phenomenon. Collective memory has been put to diverse uses, ranging from accounts of nationalism in history and political science to views of ritualization and commemoration in anthropology and sociology. These appeals to collective memory share the idea that memory ‘‘goes beyond the individual’’ but often run together quite different claims in spelling out that (...)
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  8. The Mind Beyond Itself.Robert A. Wilson - 2000 - In Metarepresentations: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 31-52.
    This paper argues that the metarepresentational systems we posses are wide or extended, rather than individualistic. There are two basic ideas. The first is that metarepresentation inherits its width from the mental representation of its objects. The second is that mental processing often operates on internal and external symbols, and this suggests that cognitive systems extend beyond the heads that house them.
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  9. Normality as a biological concept.Robert Wachbroit - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (4):579-591.
    The biological sciences employ a concept of normality that must be distinguished from statistical or value concepts. The concept of normality is presupposed in the standard explications of biological functions, and it is crucial to the strategy of explanation by approximations in, for example, physiology. Nevertheless, this concept of normality does not seem to be captured in the language of physics. Thus attempts at explaining the methodological relationship between the biological sciences and the physical sciences by concentrating only on (...)
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  10. Meaning making and the mind of the externalist.Robert A. Wilson - 2010 - In Richard Menary, The Extended Mind. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press. pp. 167--188.
    This paper attempts to do two things. First, it recounts the problem of intentionality, as it has typically been conceptualized, and argues that it needs to be reconceptualized in light of the radical form of externalism most commonly referred to as the extended mind thesis. Second, it provides an explicit, novel argument for that thesis, what I call the argument from meaning making, and offers some defense of that argument. This second task occupies the core of the paper, and (...)
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    The impossibility of a morality internal to medicine.Robert M. Veatch - 2001 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 26 (6):621 – 642.
    After distinguishing two different meanings of the notion of a morality internal to medicine and considering a hypothetical case of a society that relied on its surgeons to eunuchize priest/cantors to permit them to play an important religious/cultural role, this paper examines three reasons why morality cannot be derived from reflection on the ends of the practice of medicine: (1) there exist many medical roles and these have different ends or purposes, (2) even within any given medical role, there (...)
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    Spiritualité de la matière.Robert Linssen - 1966 - Paris,: Éditions Planète.
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  13. Individualism, causal powers, and explanation.Robert A. Wilson - 1992 - Philosophical Studies 68 (2):103-39.
    This paper examines a recent, influential argument for individualism in psychology defended by Jerry Fodor and others, what I call the argument from causal powers. I argue that this argument equivocates on the crucial notion of "causal powers", and that this equivocation constitutes a deep problem for arguments of this type. Relational and individualistic taxonomies are incompatible, and it does not seem in general to be possible to factor the former into the latter. The distinction between powers and properties (...)
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    Die philosophie der kraft.Robert Hessen - 1913 - Stuttgart,: J. Hoffmann.
    Excerpt from Die Philosophie der Kraft Seinen 'ruf unter hen bellenen erwarb er fich 018 23eumpfer her fogrnannten Sovhifieu. Ilnh wenn wir von einem her oberften bief er Rlaff e, von Sorgiae, erfahren, ha er einer Schrift hen Stitel gegeben habe: "dom 92 i d) t feienhen ober von her fo merten wir Mon, wa wir auch von bief em Gleatenjiinger gu halten haben. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more (...)
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    The ethics police?: the struggle to make human research safe.Robert Klitzman - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Protecting the people we experiment on --"Inside the black box" : becoming and being IRB members -- Weighing risks and benefits and undue inducement -- Defining research and how good it needs to be -- What to tell subjects : battles over consent forms -- From "nitpicky" to "user-friendly" : inter-IRB variations and their causes -- Federal agencies vs. local IRBs -- The roles of industry -- The local ecologies of institutions -- Trusting vs. policing researchers -- Bad behavior: (...)
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    Milton in Government.Robert Thomas Fallon - 1993 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    For students of the poet, Robert Fallon's _Milton in Government_ fills a gap in modern knowledge of his life, the ten years he labored as Secretary for Foreign Languages to the English Republic. For Interregnum historians, the book offers a study of the international affairs of the Republic from a unique perspective, as well as a detailed analysis of the government bureaucracy that conceived and articulated foreign policy during the 1650s. Milton's decade of public service to the English (...)
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  17. A puzzle about material constitution and how to solve it: Enriching constitution views in metaphysics.Robert A. Wilson - 2007 - Philosophers' Imprint 7:1-20.
    Are materially constituted entities, such as statues and glasses of liquid, something more than their material constituents? The puzzle that frames this paper stems from conflicting answers to this question. At the core of the paper is a distinctive way of thinking about material constitution that posits two concepts of constitution, compositional and ampliative constitution, with the bulk of the discussion devoted to developing distinct analyses for these concepts. Distinguishing these concepts solves our initial puzzle and enriches the space (...)
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    (1 other version)In Defense of Sentimentality.Robert C. Solomon - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):304-323.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Robert C. Solomon IN DEFENSE OF SENTIMENTALITY "A sentimentalist is simply one who desires to have the luxury of an emotion without paying for it." —Oscar Wilde, De Profundis. 66TA That's Wrong with Sentimentality?"1 That tide of Mark JefV V ferson's 1983 Mindessay already indicates a great deal notonly about the gist of his article but about a century-old prejudice that has been devastating to ethics and literature (...)
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  19. Abandon the dead donor rule or change the definition of death?Robert M. Veatch - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (3):261-276.
    : Research by Siminoff and colleagues reveals that many lay people in Ohio classify legally living persons in irreversible coma or persistent vegetative state (PVS) as dead and that additional respondents, although classifying such patients as living, would be willing to procure organs from them. This paper analyzes possible implications of these findings for public policy. A majority would procure organs from those in irreversible coma or in PVS. Two strategies for legitimizing such procurement are suggested. One strategy (...)
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    Theism and Morality.Robert Young - 1977 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):341 - 351.
    In this paper I propose to give close attention to two recent discussions of the relation between theism and morality. It will be helpful first to sketch some of the considerations that have emerged from the many discussions of the relation between theism and morality and which form the background to the two recent contributions I shall discuss.
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    The fate of ideas: seductions, betrayals, appraisals.Robert Boyers - 2015 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Introduction -- Authority -- Pleasure -- Reading from the life -- Fidelity -- Saving beauty -- My "others" -- Politics and the novel -- Realism -- The sublime -- Psychoanalysis -- Modernism -- Judgment.
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    Bycie sobą a bycie tym samym: między chrześcijańską nadzieją a ewolucyjnym naturalizmem.Robert Grzywacz - 2021 - Principia 68 (Tom 68):65-83.
    Selfhood versus Sameness: between Christian Hope and Evolutionary Naturalism The present study examines the dialectical relationship between the two emblematic factors of human identity distinguished by Paul Ricoeur – character and keeping one’s word. The first part of the text will articulate objections to the philosophical significance of this distinction in the order of justification, as well as suspicions about its non-philosophical genesis and, consequently, regarding its philosophicality in the order of discovery. The second part of the article presents an (...)
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    Bifocal stance theory: An effort to broaden, extend, and clarify.Robert Jagiello, Cecilia Heyes & Harvey Whitehouse - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e275.
    The bifocal stance theory (BST) of cultural evolution has prompted a wide-ranging discussion with broadly three aims: to apply the theory to novel contexts; to extend the conceptual framework; to offer critical feedback on various aspects of the theory. We first discuss BST's relevance to the diverse range of topics which emerged from the commentaries, followed by a consideration of how our framework can be supplemented by and compared to other theories. Lastly, the criticisms that were raised by a (...)
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    Excerpt from Robert Speaight's biography of Belloc.Robert Speaight - 1992 - The Chesterton Review 18 (4):586-587.
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    Prescription Paternalism: The Morality of Restricting Access to Pharmaceuticals.Robert Veatch - 2017 - In Dien Ho, Philosophical Issues in Pharmaceutics: Development, Dispensing, and Use. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Many pharmaceuticals are available to patients only with a physician’s prescription. Although it is often not recognized as such, this is a classic example of paternalism in public policy. Pharmaceuticals are often perceived as carrying dangerous side effects. Access is restricted to protect patients from their own bad decisions. This chapter explores the moral justification for such paternalism and finds it wanting. It raises the question of whether there is adequate justification for this restriction. Consistency requires that pharmaceuticals posing (...)
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    Hospitals: N.Y. Appellate Court Denies Move to Privatize Public Hospital.Robert Chatham - 1999 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 27 (2):202-203.
    The Court of Appeals of New York held, in Council of the City of New York u. Giuliani, slip op. 02634, 1999 WL 179257, that New York City may not privatize a public city hospital without state statutory authorization. The court found invalid a sublease of a municipal hospital operated by a public benefit corporation to a private, for-profit entity. The court reasoned that the controlling statute prescribed the operation of a municipal hospital as a government function that must be (...)
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    Programs, models, theories, and reality.Robert I. Damper - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (6):1055-1056.
    The question “Are ‘biorobots' good models of biological behaviour?” can be seen as a specific instance of a more general question about the relation between computer programs and models, between models and theories, and between theories and reality. This commentary develops a personal view of these relations, from an antirealism perspective. Programs, models, theories and reality are separate and distinct entities which may converge in particular cases but should never be confused.
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    The Compatibility of Evolution and Thomistic Metaphysics: A Reply to Dennis F. Polis.Robert A. Delfino - 2021 - Studia Gilsoniana 10 (1):71–102.
    In this article the author discusses Dennis F. Polis’ defense of the compatibility of biological evolution and Thomistic metaphysics. Some of Polis’ methodological and metaphysical arguments are examined and it is explained why they are unfaithful to the Thomistic tradition of metaphysics. There is a discussion of why metaphysics can, within certain parameters, critique the science of evolutionary biology, as well as a discussion of the role of metaphysics in the hierarchy of the sciences. The relationship between biological species to (...)
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    Abstrakcja, obiekty i cywilizacja globalna.Robert Janusz - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 9 (1):203-216.
    The article is about an interaction between philosophy and informatics. The discussion is based on a complex example - a country, which has an evolving domain. In contemporary computer science very complex systems are modeled. However it would be impossible to model such systems with every detail, because it would be too difficult, it would be as complex as the reality itself. Frequently complex domains don't have an exact description of their behavior: some have an inadequate description, some have a (...)
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  30. Kantian irrealism.Robert N. Johnson - manuscript
    Kantian ethics can at times appear to defend the position that there is a unique sort of value that plays a foundational role in morality. For instance, Kant's most well known work in ethics, the Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals, begins by trying to establish that a good will is good without qualification' and then ends with a first statement of the fundamental principle that divides right from wrong, the Categorical Imperative.1 This presentation can make it seems as (...)
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    How Artistic Representation Can Inform Current Debates About Chimeras.Robert Klitzman - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (3):337-343.
    Researchers have increasingly been creating chimeras – combinations of cells from two species – raising profound ethical, social and scientific controversies. Such research could lead to the creation of animals such as pigs that contain human organs for transplantation, yet public fears have emerged. Scientists have thus called for enhanced public education and discussion, but these efforts require comprehension of the nature of public concerns. While arguments have viewed chimeras as either “good” or “bad,” artists have long depicted chimeras (...)
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  32. The cognitive approach to language and thought.Robert E. Lana - 2002 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 23 (1-2):51-67.
    It has been maintained that the so-called cognitive approach to explaining the nature of language and thought began as a reaction to the entrenched behaviorism of the 1950's. The reader will recall that during the period from roughly 1930 to 1957, strict behavioral interpretation of animal and human activities of all sorts was challenged both from within and without. Edwin Tolman - who called himself a behaviorist - spoke of "cognitive maps" developing in rats who were given certain (...)
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    Honor in the Modern World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives.Robert Lauer - forthcoming - The European Legacy:1-2.
    This is a superb anthology that questions the value and even the existence of honor in the contemporary world. Although readers have had the benefit of excellent works on this concept from mainly a...
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    Extended view of classical contact transformations.Robert H. Kohler - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (2):193-208.
    Classical contact transformation theory is reconstructed from the concept of explicit rather than implicit transformation equations. This proves the existence of contact transformations from any given Hamiltonian to any prescribed Hamiltonian (with the same number of degrees of freedom).
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    International Development, Paradox and Phronesis.Robert Kowalski - 2012 - ProtoSociology 29:183-205.
    Three out of five paradoxes previously identified within international development are considered to be the core challenges to professional practice and congruence. The first, that of fostering autonomy, is considered from the perspective of the role that language plays in maintaining inappropriate donor ascendancy taking the concept of participation as an exemplar. The second, based in determinism and free will, is discussed in terms of the gap between practitioners’ espoused theory and theory-in-use that creates a syndrome of dissonance that (...)
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    Imprimi potest: Roman Catholic censoring of psychology and psychoanalysis in the early 20th century.Robert Kugelmann - 2014 - History of the Human Sciences 27 (5):74-90.
    Because he was a Jesuit, Irish-born Edward Boyd Barrett (1883–1966) had to submit his writing to Jesuit censors, who were charged with making sure that nothing in the documents was contrary to Roman Catholic faith and morals. Drawing upon archival records, this article shows the complexities of the censorship process in the early 20th century. Boyd Barrett’s Motive Force and Motivation-Tracks (1911), an experimental study in will-psychology completed under Michotte, was threatened with withdrawal from circulation after an anonymous review (...)
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    Minds and Bodies: An Introduction with Readings.Robert Wilkinson (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    _Minds and Bodies_ is a clear introduction to the mind-body problem. It requires no prior philosophical knowledge and is ideally suited to newcomers to philosophy and philosophy of mind. Robert Wilkinson carefully introduces the fundamental components of the philosophy of mind: Descartes's dualist account of mind and body; monist views including eliminativism; computer science and artificial intelligence. Each chapter is linked to a reading from key thinkers in the field, from Descartes to Paul Churchland.
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    Preface.Robert Bernasconi & Jacob Dahl Rendtorff - 2020 - Eco-Ethica 9:5-5.
    This article is based on an exchange between Peter Kemp and Jacob Dahl Rendtorff on the occasion of Peter Kemp’s seventieth birthday in 2007. It presents the development of Kemp’s ethical philosophy from his philosophy of technology and technology ethics to his philosophy of bioethics and biolaw. It also discusses Kemp’s relation to Existentialism, hermeneutics, phenomenology, and Marxism with the development of a critical hermeneutic philosophy of engagement. This is related to Kemp’s work on humanistic ethics of technology in (...)
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    Guy Debord: Revolution in the Service of Poetry.Robert Bononno (ed.) - 2006 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Writer, artist, filmmaker, provocateur, revolutionary, and impresario of the Situationist International, Guy Debord shunned the apparatus of publicity he dissected so brilliantly in his most influential work, _The Society of the Spectacle_. In this ambitious and innovative biography, Vincent Kaufmann places Debord's very hostility toward the inquisitive, biographical gaze at the center of an investigation into his subject's diverse output-from his earliest films to his landmark works of social theory and political provocation-and the poetic sensibility that informed both his (...)
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    DSA's Religion and Socialism Commission: A Social Movement Analysis.Robert M. Bosco - 2018 - Critical Research on Religion 6 (2):151-167.
    This article examines religious socialism as an American social movement. It focuses on the most recent iteration of this tradition, the Religion and Socialism Commission, formed in the 1970s as a subgroup of the Democratic Socialists of America. Drawing on concepts from social movement theory such as frame alignment and political opportunity structure, it argues that the Religion and Socialism Commission ultimately failed in its attempt to transition from an organization into a social movement. It then considers various (...)
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    Language, Logic and Method.Robert S. Cohen & Marx W. Wartofsky (eds.) - 2012 - Springer, Dordrecht.
    Fundamental problems of the uses of formal techniques and of natural and instrumental practices have been raised again and again these past two decades, in many quarters and from varying viewpoints. We have brought a number of quite basic studies of these issues together in this volume, not linked con ceptually nor by any rigorously defined problematic, but rather simply some of the most interesting and even provocative of recent research accomplish ments. Most of these papers are derived (...) the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science during 1973-80, the two exceptions being those of Karel Berka (on scales of measurement) and A. A. Zinov'ev (on a non-tradi tional theory of quantifiers). Just how intriguing these results (or conjectures?) seem to us may be seen from some brief quotations: (1) Judson Webb: ".... the abstract machine concept has many of the appropriate kinds of properties for modelling living, reproducing, rule following, self-reflecting, accident-prone, and lucky creatures... the a priori logical results relevant to the abstract machine concept, above all Godel's, could not conceivably have turned out any better for the mechanist. " (2) M. L. Dalla Chiara: "... modal interpretation (of quantum logic) shows clearly that it possesses a logical meaning which is quite independent of quantum mechanics. " (3) Isaac Levi: (as against Peirce and Popper) "... infallibilism is con sistent with corrigibilism, and a view which respects avoidance of error is an important desideratum for science. (shrink)
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    Reasonable partiality for compatriots and the global responsibility gap.Robert Der Veevann - 2008 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 11 (4):413-432.
    According to David Miller, duties of domestic national and global justice are of equal importance, given that nationhood is both intrinsically valuable and not inherently an unjust way of excluding outsiders. The consequence of this?split?level? view is that it may be reasonable to prioritize domestic justice in some cases, while letting demands of global justice take precedence in others, depending on a weighting model which seeks to account for the relative urgency of domestic and global claims and the extent to (...)
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    Our two-track minds: rehabilitating Freud on culture.Robert A. Paul - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Critically examines and revises many of Freud's seminal ideas about culture from the perspective of contemporary anthropology, psychoanalysis, evolutionary theory, and literature and the arts.
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    Der Schatten der Liebe: Die Rolle der Eifersucht in Prousts À la recherche du temps perdu.Robert Pippin - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (2):280-306.
    There is an unusual link between the two most prominent themes in Proust’s In Search of Time Past: the psychological dimensions of love and the experience of lived temporality. Each experience is shadowed by, and intensified by, even seems to require, absence. The absence of the beloved is the source of jealousy, and that experience is treated as inseparable, and sometimes as indistinguishable, from love itself. And the absence of reliable access to the past, or the vanishing of the (...)
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    Nietzsche's Ethics and His War on 'Morality' (review).Robert Wicks - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (3):450-451.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.3 (2001) 450-451 [Access article in PDF] Simon May. Nietzsche's Ethics and His War on 'Morality.' New York: Oxford University, The Clarendon Press, 1999. Pp. xi + 212. Cloth, $45.00. When Friedrich Nietzsche reviewed his career during his final year of intellectual activity, he wrote in Ecce Homo (1888) that his "campaign against morality" began with the publication of Daybreak (1880) eight years (...)
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  46. Persons, social agency, and constitution.Robert A. Wilson - 2005 - Social Philosophy and Policy 22 (2):49-69.
    In her recent book Persons and Bodies1, Lynne Rudder Baker has defended what she calls the constitution view of persons. On this view, persons are constituted by their bodies, where “constitution” is a ubiquitous, general metaphysical relation distinct from more familiar relations, such as identity and part-whole composition.
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    Nishida Kitarô’s Studies of the Good and the Debate Concerning Universal Truth in Early Twentieth-Century Japan.Robert W. Adams - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 24:1-6.
    When Nishida Kitarô wrote Studies of the Good, he was a high school teacher in Kanazawa far from Tokyo, the center of Japanese scholarship. While he was praised for his intellectual effort, there was no substantive agreement about the content of his ideas. Critics disagreed with the way he conceived of reality and of truth as contained in reality. Taken together, I believe that the responses to Nishida's early work give us a window on the state of Japanese philosophy (...)
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  48. 양상논리 맛보기 (Tasting Modal Logic).Robert Trueman, Richard Zach & Chanwoo Lee - manuscript - Translated by Chanwoo Lee.
    이 책자는 형식 논리의 일종인 양상논리에 입문하고 싶으신 분들을 위한 짧은 교재입니다. “양상논리 맛보기” 라는 말마따나, 이 책자는 양상논리에 관심은 있지만 아직 본격적으로 공부를 시작하진 않은 분들께서 ‘맛보기’를 하기에 적합한 안내 책자입니다. 아무쪼록 이 책자가 양상논리를 공부해나가시는데 유용한 첫 발판이 될 수 있기를 바랍니다. / This booklet is a Korean adaptation and translation of Part VIII of forall x: Calgary (Fall 2021 edition), which is intended to be introductory material for modal logic. The original text is based on Robert (...)
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    (1 other version)1001 Ideas That Changed the Way We Think.Robert Arp (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Atria Books.
    A comprehensive guide to the most interesting and imaginative thoughts from the finest minds in history. Ranging from the ancient wisdom of Confucius and Plato to today's cutting-edge thinkers, it offers a wealth of stimulation and amusement for everyone with a curious mind."--Front jacket flap.
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    Exposure versus Susceptibility in the Epidemiology of "Everyday" Beliefs.Robert Aunger - 2002 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 2 (2):113-157.
    This paper shows that epidemiology, an approach developed to study the social communication of biological information, can be instructively applied to the diffusion of "endemic" cultural beliefs. In particular, I examine whether exposure to information, or susceptibility to belief is more important in determining the distribution of food taboos in an oral society from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Matrix regression techniques are used on optimally scaled cultural similarity data to infer which social and psychological characteristics of the participating (...)
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