Results for 'French language Arabic.'

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  1.  49
    Cross-Language Modulation of Visual Attention Span: An Arabic-French-Spanish Comparison in Skilled Adult Readers.Faris H. R. Awadh, Thierry Phénix, Alexia Antzaka, Marie Lallier, Manuel Carreiras & Sylviane Valdois - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  2. Concepts in Physics: A Comparative Cognitive Analysis of Arabic and French Terminologies.Hicham Lahlou - 2021 - Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia Berhad (ITBM).
    This book offers substantial insight into students’ conceptualization of scientific terminology. The current book explores the commonalities and distinctions between Arabic and French physics terms, and the impact of the language disparities on students’ understanding of physics terms. This book adopts a novel approach to the problem of scientific terminology by exploring physics terms’ polysemy, prototypical meanings, and conceptual metaphor and metonymy, which motivates their extension of meaning. The book also investigates how the linguistic discrepancies and other variables (...)
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    Deep dyslexia in the two languages of an Arabic/French bilingual patient.Renée Béland & Zohra Mimouni - 2001 - Cognition 82 (2):77-126.
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  4. Culture and Conceptualisation of Scientific Terms: An Analysis of the Concepts "Weight" and "Mass" in Arabic and French.Hicham Lahlou & Hajar Rahim - 2016 - Kemanusiaan 23 (Supp. 2):19-37.
    Studies on difficulties in understanding scientific terms have shown that the problem is more serious among non-Western learners. The main reasons for this are the learners' pre-existing knowledge of scientific terms, their native language incommensurability with Western languages, and the polysemy of the words used to denote scientific concepts. The current study is an analysis of the conceptualisation of scientific concepts in two culturally different languages, i.e. Arabic and French, which represent a non-Western language and a Western (...)
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    Echolalias: On the Forgetting of Language.Daniel Heller-Roazen - 2005 - Zone Books.
    Just as speech can be acquired, so can it be lost. Speakers can forget words, phrases, even entire languages they once knew; over the course of time peoples, too, let go of the tongues that were once theirs, as languages disappear and give way to the others that follow them. In Echolalias, Daniel Heller-Roazen reflects on the many forms of linguistic forgetfulness, offering a far-reaching philosophical investigation into the persistence and disappearance of speech. In twenty-one brief chapters, he moves among (...)
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    Translation of Perso-Arabic loanwords from Hindi into Polish: A pilot study.Jacek Bąkowski - 2022 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 18 (2):289-302.
    In contemporary literary Hindi there is an abundance of Perso-Arabic loanwords which often function similarly to words of Sanskrit origin. Despite their semantic proximity, each of them can have different connotational meanings and cultural associations. Furthermore, depending on the context, one of them will be preferred to the other. This situation can become an issue when translating from Hindi into Polish. In this paper, I will investigate whether these loanwords should be considered as a third language in translation. If (...)
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  7. Linguistic Politics During the French Revolution.Jean-Yves Lartichaux - 1977 - Diogenes 25 (97):65-84.
    Rarely is the problem of the diversity of languages taken into account whenever population groups are formed into States. When the problem does come up, it is later, in a primarily political context which tries to find political solutions, such as we may presently see them in Canada or in Belgium for instance. These solutions are few and they deal with situations that may contain a host of nuances.Certain countries have chosen a vehicular language while keeping their local languages: (...)
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    Bilingual Legal Resources for Arabic: State of Affairs and Future Perspectives.Sonia A. Halimi - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (1):243-257.
    The context-based use of terminology and phraseology is one of the essential building blocks of legal translation. The contextual nature of both components has implications when it comes to designing resources that are adapted to the needs of translators. For Arabic legal translation, there are a multitude of different print and online resources available, however, they do not integrate the context-related parameter for term choice acceptability. In this article, we will describe the main features of certain bilingual legal dictionaries with (...)
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  9. A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of the Concept TEMPERATURE in English and Arabic.Hicham Lahlou & Hajar Rahim - 2013 - Arab World English Journal 2 (Special issue):118-128.
    For various historical, political as well as economic reasons, the English language is favoured as the universal language of science over other languages including French and German (Tardy, 2004). This naturally entails that students who are conversant in English have an advantage over those who are not in the acquisition of scientific knowledge. In relation to this, research on the misunderstanding of scientific terms in different languages shows that students who are speakers of non-western languages in particular (...)
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    Lexical polycategoriality: cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches.Valentina Vapnarsky & Edy Veneziano (eds.) - 2017 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    This book presents a collection of chapters on the nature, flexibility and acquisition of lexical categories. These long-debated issues are looked at anew by exploring the hypothesis of lexical polycategoriality –according to which lexical forms are not fully, or univocally, specified for lexical category– in a wide number of unrelated languages, and within different theoretical and methodological perspectives. Twenty languages are thoroughly analyzed. Apart from French, Arabic and Hebrew, the volume includes mostly understudied languages, spoken in New Guinea, Australia, (...)
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  11. Eros, Beauty, and Phon-Aesthetic Judgements of Language Sound. We Like It Flat and Fast, but Not Melodious. Comparing Phonetic and Acoustic Features of 16 European Languages.Vita V. Kogan & Susanne M. Reiterer - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:578594.
    This article concerns sound aesthetic preferences for European foreign languages. We investigated the phonetic-acoustic dimension of the linguistic aesthetic pleasure to describe the “music” found in European languages. The Romance languages, French, Italian, and Spanish, take a lead when people talk about melodious language – the music-like effects in the language (a.k.a., phonetic chill). On the other end of the melodiousness spectrum are German and Arabic that are often considered sounding harsh and un-attractive. Despite the public interest, (...)
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    The Influence of Language on Spatial Reasoning: Reading Habits Modulate the Formulation of Conclusions and the Integration of Premises.Thomas Castelain & Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:654266.
    In the present study, we explore how reading habits (e.g., reading from left to right in French or reading from right to left in Arabic) influence thescanningand theconstructionof mental models in spatial reasoning. For instance, when participants are given a problem like A is to the left of B; B is to the left of C, what is the relation between A and C? They are assumed to construct the model: A B C. If reading habits influence the scanning (...)
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  13. Muʻjam al-falsafī.Murād Wahbah - 1979
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  14. Common Sense without a Common Language? Peirce and Reid on the Challenge of Linguistic Diversity.Daniel J. Brunson - 2017 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 9 (2).
    A variety of commentators have explored the similarities between pragmatism and Thomas Reid’s Philosophy of Common Sense. Peirce himself claims his version of pragmatism either (loosely) is, or entails, a Critical Common-sensism, a blend of what is best in Kant and Reid. In this paper I argue for a neglected aspect of the relation between Peirce and Reid, and of each to common sense: linguistics. First, I summarize Peirce’s account of what distinguishes his common-sensism from Reid’s. Second, I argue for (...)
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    Russian and the Making of World Languages during the Cold War.Elena Aronova - 2017 - Isis 108 (3):643-650.
    This essay uses the case of Russian, in its relation to other languages, to look at the ways in which the architects of internationalism in the aftermath of World War II established a new hegemony of world languages, responding to the challenge posed by the rise of Russian as a scientific and political language. What was initially a campaign by the Soviet delegation at UNESCO for one cause—recognition of the status of the Russian language within the organization—was turned (...)
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  16. Langue coloniale, langue globale, langue locale.Rada Iveković - 2007 - Rue Descartes 58 (4):26-36.
    This paper is mainly about situating the French language within (its) history. It analyzes the nostalgia for a linguistic and cultural imaginary global dimension of French. Although there are different globalities for different purposes, the one most widespread global language is English. English works internationally as an international language, even where it was once the colonial language, now left in heritage to once colonised countries. But the situation of the French language is (...)
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    Politics of Appearances: Religion, Law, and the Press in Morocco.A. E. Souaiaia - 2007 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 4 (2).
    Since the last several years of the life of King Hassan II, Morocco slowly moved from authoritarian rule to a managed democracy. As a result of this gradual political liberalization, religious groups as well as secular ones formed political parties. Islamists have already won seats in the parliament and they are expected to gain nearly half the number of seats in the coming elections. Equally significant is the increased presence of human rights and non-government organizations and the emergence of independent (...)
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    The Energy of the Untranslatables: Translation as a Paradigm for the Human Sciences.Barbara Cassin - 2015 - Paragraph 38 (2):145-158.
    This article tells the story of a double adventure. Firstly, that of the Vocabulaire européen des philosophies: Dictionnaire des intraduisibles, which was published in 2004 by Editions du Seuil/Le Robert. This was an innovative tool that used the ‘untranslatables’ — defined as ‘not that which is not translated, but that which one never stops translating’ — in order to explore the key symptoms of the differences between languages in the philosophies of Europe. Secondly, that of the translations and transpositions of (...)
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  19. Henry Corbin and the Imaginal: A Look at the Concept and Function of the Creative Imagination in Iranian Philosophy.Ali Shariat - 1991 - Diogenes 39 (156):83-114.
    The phenomenological term “imaginal” was coined and introduced into the French language by Henry Corbin (1903-1978). Throughout his work, Corbin used the “imaginal” as his fundamental concept, as the very foundation of a Weltanschauung. Etymolo-gically, this new term was derived from the Latin phrase mundus imaginalis. As for its meaning, it is synonymous with several Persian and Arabic technical terms, such as alam al-mithal (the world of images, archetypical ideas), malakut (the subtle world of the souls), barzakh (interworld), (...)
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    Weak referentiality.Ana Aguilar-Guevara, Bert Le Bruyn & Joost Zwarts (eds.) - 2014 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    This volume brings together studies in the domain of weak referentiality, the phenomenon that a definite or indefinite noun phrase lacks its usual referential force. Several papers investigate syntactic or semantic properties of indefinite noun phrases, such as modality, number neutrality, narrow scope, incorporation, predication, and case marking, and that in a range of languages (Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, German, Papiamentu, Russian). Other papers deal with weakly referential definite noun phrases in various languages (Basque, Dutch, English, French) involving scrambling, (...)
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    The Translation Process of Bible to Turkish and the Importance of Wojciech Bobowski’s Translation.Salih Çi̇npolat - 2020 - Dini Araştırmalar 23 (59):425-446.
    The translation of the Bible into Turkish as a whole was made in Istanbul in 1665-1666 by Wojciech Bobowski (Ali Ufki Bey), who was of Polish origin, spoke 17 different languages, later became a Muslim, served in the Ottoman palace for many years. Among the languages he could speak were mainly Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Polish, English, French, Italian, Arabic, Turkish. He is also known as Albert Bobowski and Albertus Bobovius in European sources. The translation was planned by a group (...)
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  22.  15
    Midwest Studies in Philosophy, Figurative Language.Peter A. French & Howard Wettstein (eds.) - 2001 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Analytic philosophy was born from philosophic reflection on logic and mathematics. It has been at its strongest in these and related domains of reflection, domains that are friendly to definition and analytic clarity. From time to time, analytic philosophers, some very distinguished, have produced fine work on literature and the arts. But these areas remain underexplored in the analytic tradition. This volume is focused upon language that does not fit within the usual analytic paradigms. It's highlights include two pieces (...)
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    Foretelling the Future: Arabic Astrology and English Medicine in the Late Twelfth Century.Roger French - 1996 - Isis 87 (3):453-480.
  24. Tadrīs al-falsafah bi-al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah fī Tūnis (1948-1981).Abd Al-Karim Marraq, Tawfiq Sharif & Rida Bin Rajab - 1982 - Tūnis: Manshūrāt al-Maʻhad al-Qawmī li-ʻUlūm al-Tarbiyah. Edited by Tawfīq Sharīf & Riḍā Bin Rajab.
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  25. Choosing French: language, foreignness, and the canon (Beckett/Némirovsky).Susan Rubin Suleiman - 2010 - In Christie McDonald & Susan Rubin Suleiman, French Global: A New Approach to Literary History. Columbia University Press.
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    (1 other version)Contemporary Perspectives in the Philosophy of Language.Peter A. French, Theodore Edward Uehling & Howard K. Wettstein (eds.) - 1979 - University of Minnesota Press.
    This volume, an expanded edition of the philosophy of language issue of the journal Midwest Studies in Philosophy (1977), includes essays by some of the ...
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  27. Identity and Alterity in French-Language Literatures.David Murphy & Aedín Ní Loingsigh - 2002
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  28. Realism about Structure: The Semantic View and Nonlinguistic Representations.Steven French & Juha Saatsi - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (5):548-559.
    The central concern of this article is whether the semantic approach has the resources to appropriately capture the core tenets of structural realism. Chakravartty (2001) has argued that a realist notion of correspondence cannot be accommodated without introducing a linguistic component, which undermines the approach itself. We suggest that this worry can be addressed by an appropriate understanding of the role of language in this context. The real challenge, however, is how to incorporate the core notion of `explanatory approximate (...)
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    Crossing Borders: Love between Women in Medieval French and Arabic Literatures (review).Cary Howie - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1):156-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Crossing Borders: Love between Women in Medieval French and Arabic LiteraturesCary Howie (bio)Sahar Amer, Crossing Borders: Love between Women in Medieval French and Arabic Literatures. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2008, xii + 254 pp.Sahar Amer’s Crossing Borders adds to the expanding bibliography on medieval sexualities by showing the resonances between certain female same-sex relationships in medieval French literature and analogous, though generally more explicit, (...)
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  30.  49
    Systems Language and Organisational Discourse: The Contribution of Generative Dialogue.Petia Sice, Erik Mosekilde & Ian French - 2008 - Philosophy of Management 6 (3):53-63.
    Any approach to the study of managerial situations undertaken without reflection on the underpinning philosophy is flawed because it limits our ability to question the validity of the knowledge claimed in the analysis. The paper considers this issue and presents a philosophical reflection on the use of a systems approach to the modelling of human enterprises. It draws on insights from systems thinking, cognitive science, autopoiesis, communication theory and non-linear dynamics. These are interpreted within the context of social systems as (...)
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  31.  40
    Michael W. Dols & Adil S. Gamal, eds. Medieval Islamic Medicine. Ibn Ridwan's Treatise ‘On the Prevention of Bodily Ills in Egypt’. Translated and introduced by M. W. Dols, with Arabic text by A. S. Gamal. Berkeley and London: University of California Press, 1984. Pp. xv + 186 + 63. ISBN 0-420-04836-9. $28. [REVIEW]Roger French - 1986 - British Journal for the History of Science 19 (2):211-212.
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    In the Mood for S4: The Expressive Power of the Subjunctive Modal Language in Weak Background Logics.Rohan French - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (2):239-263.
    Our concern here is with the extent to which the expressive equivalence of Wehmeier’s Subjunctive Modal Language and the Actuality Modal Language is sensitive to the choice of background modal logic. In particular we will show that, when we are enriching quantified modal logics weaker than S5, AML is strictly expressively stronger than SML, this result following from general considerations regarding the relationship between operators and predicate markers. This would seem to complicate arguments given in favour of SML (...)
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  33.  18
    The Arabic Book.George Saliba, Johannes Pedersen, Robert Hillenbrand & Geoffrey French - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (2):346.
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    The Undecidability of Quantified Announcements.T. French, H. Ditmarsch & T. Ågotnes - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (4):597-640.
    This paper demonstrates the undecidability of a number of logics with quantification over public announcements: arbitrary public announcement logic, group announcement logic, and coalition announcement logic. In APAL we consider the informative consequences of any announcement, in GAL we consider the informative consequences of a group of agents all of which are simultaneously making known announcements. So this is more restrictive than APAL. Finally, CAL is as GAL except that we now quantify over anything the agents not in that group (...)
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    Succinctness of Epistemic Languages.Barteld Kooi, Wiebe van der Hoek, Petar Iliev & Tim French - unknown
    Tim French, Wiebe van der Hoek, Petar Iliev and Barteld Kooi. Succinctness of Epistemic Languages. In: T. Walsh (editor). Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-11), pp. 881-886, AAAI Press, Menlo Park.
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  36. Keeping quiet on the ontology of models.Steven French - 2010 - Synthese 172 (2):231-249.
    Stein once urged us not to confuse the means of representation with that which is being represented. Yet that is precisely what philosophers of science appear to have done at the meta-level when it comes to representing the practice of science. Proponents of the so-called ‘syntactic’ view identify theories as logically closed sets of sentences or propositions and models as idealised interpretations, or ‘theoruncula, as Braithwaite called them. Adherents of the ‘semantic’ approach, on the other hand, are typically characterised as (...)
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    Maintenance and loss of minority lan.Catalan French, Macedonian Polish, Romany Welsh, Quechua Swahili & Turkish Finnish - 1994 - In Stephen Everson, Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press.
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    (1 other version)Les mots voyagent et se transforment.Foued Laroussi - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 63 (2):, [ p.].
    À travers des exemples d’emprunts linguistiques arabo-français, ce texte met l’accent sur la perméabilité des frontières linguistiques. Ceux-ci ont toujours joué un rôle capital dans le rapprochement des peuples ; ce sont des voyageurs qui n’ont besoin ni de visa ni de passeport pour franchir la frontière. Ils ne sont pas un signe de contamination linguistique, comme pourraient le concevoir certains puristes de la langue, mais de vitalité et de dynamisme des langues. Aussi, ils constituent le vrai moteur du changement (...)
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    The russian influence on the literary and critical writings of Mikhail Naimy.M. L. Swanson - 2017 - Liberal Arts in Russia 6 (1):44-66.
    In the article, the author studies the Russian influence on the literary, philosophical and critical works of Mikhail Naimy, the world renowned figure in modern Arabic literature. His writings contributed to changing its topics, language and style. Numerous researchers have studied the impact of British, American and French cultures and literatures on the writings of Naimy and his colleagues from the Pen Association, the literary league founded in New York by several young Arab-American emigrants. Meanwhile, it was Russian (...)
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  40. Uehling, and Howard K. Wettstein, editors.Peter A. French & E. Theodore - 1979 - In Peter A. French, Theodore Edward Uehling & Howard K. Wettstein, Contemporary Perspectives in the Philosophy of Language. University of Minnesota Press.
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  41.  11
    Studies in the philosophy of language.Peter A. French, Theodore Edward Uehling & Howard K. Wettstein (eds.) - 1977 - Morris: University of Minnesota, Morris.
  42.  49
    Is There a Feminist Aesthetic?Marilyn French - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (2):33 - 42.
    Literary art that is identifiably feminist approaches reality from a feminist perspective and endorses female experience. A feminist perspective demystifies patriarchal assumptions about the nature of human beings, their relation to nature, and the relation of physical and moral qualities to each other. To endorse female experience, the artist must defy or stretch traditional literary conventions, which often means offending or alienating readers. Traditional literary conventions are rooted in philosophical assumptions several thousand years old and still widely current. A third (...)
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  43. The Reasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics: Partial Structures and the Application of Group Theory to Physics.Steven French - 2000 - Synthese 125 (1-2):103-120.
    Wigner famously referred to the `unreasonable effectiveness' of mathematics in its application to science. Using Wigner's own application of group theory to nuclear physics, I hope to indicate that this effectiveness can be seen to be not so unreasonable if attention is paid to the various idealising moves undertaken. The overall framework for analysing this relationship between mathematics and physics is that of da Costa's partial structures programme.
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    Spatial biases in mental arithmetic are independent of reading/writing habits: Evidence from French and Arabic speakers.Nicolas Masson, Michael Andres, Marie Alsamour, Zoé Bollen & Mauro Pesenti - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104262.
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    Midwest Studies in Philosophy: The Concept of Evil.Peter A. French & Zachary J. Goldberg - 2012 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    __The Concept of Evil__ is dedicated to the analysis of the concept of evil. The term "evil" is used widely in ordinary language and yet philosophers have disagreed on what, if anything, distinguishes an evil act from a wrong act or an evil person from a bad one. Is "evil" a distinct and important moral category? Which agents and acts can and should be classified as "evil"? In which areas of practice does evil arise? These questions indicate three essential (...)
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    A dialogical route to logical pluralism.Rohan French - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 20):4969-4989.
    This paper argues that adopting a particular dialogical account of logical consequence quite directly gives rise to an interesting form of logical pluralism, the form of pluralism in question arising out of the requirement that deductive proofs be explanatory.
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    Contemporary Perspectives on the History of Philosophy.Peter A. French, Theodore Edward Uehling & Howard K. Wettstein (eds.) - 1983 - U of Minnesota Press.
    Contemporary Perspectives on the History of Philosophy was first published in 1983. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions. The authors of the 27 appears in Volume 8, Midwest Studies in Philosophy,have established reputations as historians of philosophy, but their vantage point, here, is from "contemporary perspectives" - they use contemporary analytic skills to examine problems and issues considered by past philosophers. The (...)
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  48. Bálint’s syndrome, Object Seeing, and Spatial Perception.Craig French - 2018 - Mind and Language 33 (3):221-241.
    Ordinary cases of object seeing involve the visual perception of space and spatial location. But does seeing an object require such spatial perception? An empirical challenge to the idea that it does comes from reflection upon Bálint's syndrome, for some suppose that in Bálint's syndrome subjects can see objects without seeing space or spatial location. In this article, I question whether the empirical evidence available to us adequately supports this understanding of Bálint's syndrome, and explain how the aforementioned empirical challenge (...)
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  49. Remodelling structural realism: Quantum physics and the metaphysics of structure. [REVIEW]Steven French & James Ladyman - 2003 - Synthese 136 (1):31-56.
    We outline Ladyman's 'metaphysical' or 'ontic' form of structuralrealism and defend it against various objections. Cao, in particular, has questioned theview of ontology presupposed by this approach and we argue that by reconceptualisingobjects in structural terms it offers the best hope for the realist in thecontext of modern physics.
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  50. Theodore Uehling, jr and Howard Wettstein (eds)(1979).Peter French - 1979 - In Peter A. French, Theodore Edward Uehling & Howard K. Wettstein, Contemporary Perspectives in the Philosophy of Language. University of Minnesota Press.
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