Results for 'Freemasonry. '

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  1.  25
    Freemasonry: A Philosophical Essay.Leo Apostel - 1985 - Centrum Voor De Studie Van De Verlichting En Van Het Vrije Denken, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
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    Freemasonry the Parent.Edmund J. Stumpf - 1937 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 12 (3):490-491.
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    Freemasonry, Johan Amos Comenius and Joh. Val Andreae.Jb Zeijlemaker - 1967 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 19 (1):65-73.
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    Freemasonry, friendship and noblewomen: The role of the secret society in bringing enlightenment thought to pre-revolutionary women elites.Janet M. Burke - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (3):283-293.
  5. Freemasonry. A Philosophical Essay.[author unknown] - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49 (1):125-125.
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    The ‘school of true, useful and universal science’? Freemasonry, natural philosophy and scientific culture in eighteenth-century England.Paul Elliott & Stephen Daniels - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Science 39 (2):207-229.
    Freemasonry was the most widespread form of secular association in eighteenth-century England, providing a model for other forms of urban sociability and a stimulus to music and the arts. Many members of the Royal Society and the Society of Antiquaries, for instance, were Freemasons, while historians such as Margaret Jacob have argued that Freemasonry was inspired by Whig Newtonianism and played an important role in European Enlightenment scientific education. This paper illustrates the importance of natural philosophy in Masonic rhetoric and (...)
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    Pope Clement XII and Freemasonry.Herbert Thurston - 1927 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 2 (1):134-147.
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    JACOB’s LADDER: Reason, Liberty and Science. The Contribution of Freemasonry to the Enlightenment.Mădălina Calance - 2014 - Human and Social Studies 3 (2):111-136.
    The theme of the article relies to the particular contribution of Freemasonry in the initiation and development of modernity, focusing on science, religion and politics. We know that, during the late Middle Ages, the European society was obedient to the „Church-Tradition-Monarchy” trinity; this status-quo collapsed due to the rational way of thinking; also the establishment of the universal human rights belongs to the Enlightenment, whose theses were supported mainly by Freemasons. Many researchers have proposed to show the extent to which (...)
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    The Radical Enlightenment and Freemasonry: where we are now.Margaret C. Jacob - 2013 - Philosophica 88 (1).
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    Afghānī and Freemasonry in EgyptAfghani and Freemasonry in Egypt.A. Albert Kudsi-Zadeh - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (1):25.
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    Poe and the American Affiliation with Freemasonry.Robert Con Davis-Undiano - 1999 - Symploke 7 (1):119-138.
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  12. We apply these tools to our morals": eighteenth-century Freemasonry, a case study in teleology.Richard Berrman - 2019 - In William Gibson, Dan O'Brien & Marius Turda, Teleology and Modernity. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    David G. Hackett, That Religion in Which all Men Agree: Freemasonry in American Culture. [REVIEW]Bryan S. Turner - 2014 - Critical Research on Religion 2 (3):313-317.
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    John J. Robinson, Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry. New York: M. Evans, 1989. Pp. xix, 376. $18.95. [REVIEW]Charles Wood - 1991 - Speculum 66 (1):230.
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    That Religion in Which All Men Agree: Freemasonry in American Culture. By David G. Hackett. Pp. xii, 324, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2014, $50.00. [REVIEW]Peter Admirand - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (3):574-575.
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    The Lost Word of the Master. Building Blocks for a Cultural and Intellectual History of Freemasonry. [REVIEW]Mark McCulloh - 1988 - Philosophy and History 21 (2):192-194.
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    Skovoroda, Kovalynskyi And Mingard.Serhii Yosypenko - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:27-53.
    The article is devoted to the circumstances of Hryhoriy Skovoroda’s use of the pseudonym «Daniil Meingard» and the role played by Mykhailo Kovalynskyi in Skovoroda’s adoption of this pseudonym. The article reconstructs the biography of Pastor Daniel Mingard, whose name was adopted by Skovoroda, including refuted false information about him, widespread in Ukrainian-language literature; a brief description of the intellectual biography of his son, Pastor Gabriel Mingard, who, unlike his father, was a notable figure in the intel- lectual life of (...)
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    The Visit of the Philosopher Rudolf Eucken (1846–1926) to Latvia – an Unfulfilled Mission.Andris Hiršs - 2023 - Reliģiski-Filozofiski Raksti 1.
    Many famous philosophers visited Latvia during its first period of independence (1918–1940). In 1924, philosopher Oswald Arnold Gottfried Spengler (1880–1936) gave a speech in Riga about Western civilization. German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) lectured in Riga in 1928. The same year, German psychologist and philosopher William Stern (1871–1938) conducted a series of lectures in Riga. Philosopher Rudolf Eucken (1846–1926) was one of the first influential philosophers to arrive in the newly founded country. The purpose of the article is to outline (...)
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    The philosopher in a freemasons' lodge.Marinko Lolic - 2004 - Filozofija I Društvo 2004 (24):51-70.
    Fichte's Philosophy of Freemasonry took as its object the culture of a secret society, quite influential and widespread but no less obscure in times of Enlightenment and early Romanticism. He tried clarify it from the perspective of classical German idealism, and to use it for his own purposes: through it, Fichte sought to realize the idea of man as citizen of the world and thus to influence the so-called or public society, as well as politics. Fihteova Filozofija masonstva predstavlja pokusaj (...)
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    Le Symbolique Et la Langue, Ou, la Langue Dans la Philosophie Maçonnique: Trois Essais Sur les Langues Naturelles.Albert Jonchery - 2007 - Diffusé Par Detrad.
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    Lo schiaffo a Benedetto Croce.Mauro Cascio - 2018 - Acireale: Tipheret.
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    Le Vénérable Et le Philosophe: Franc-Maçonnerie Et Mondialité.Jacques Demorgon - 2008 - Detrad-Avs. Edited by Jean Moreau.
    Un Vénérable et un Philosophe se rencontrent... L'" initié " et le " profane " disputent en amitié. Ils s'interrogent sans concession sur les mythes fondateurs de l'Ordre, sur la laïcité aux prises avec le religieux et, peut-être aujourd'hui, avec le politique, l'économique, le médiatique. Ils réfléchissent sur l'histoire maçonnique. Ils constatent que, défiant tout humanisme, l'économie prétend s'installer mondialement, réduisant les identités nationales. Les francs-maçons ont-ils pleinement conscience des dangers qui contredisent leurs valeurs : croissance des inégalités, crise de (...)
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    Storicismo e massoneria: libertà, uguaglianza e strategie di convivenza da Lessing a Croce.Valerio Meattini - 2021 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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  24. Corrupting the youth: a history of philosophy in Australia.James Franklin - 2003 - Sydney, Australia: Macleay Press.
    A polemical account of Australian philosophy up to 2003, emphasising its unique aspects (such as commitment to realism) and the connections between philosophers' views and their lives. Topics include early idealism, the dominance of John Anderson in Sydney, the Orr case, Catholic scholasticism, Melbourne Wittgensteinianism, philosophy of science, the Sydney disturbances of the 1970s, Francofeminism, environmental philosophy, the philosophy of law and Mabo, ethics and Peter Singer. Realist theories especially praised are David Armstrong's on universals, David Stove's on logical probability (...)
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    The Cambridge Handbook of Western Mysticism and Esotericism.Glenn Alexander Magee (ed.) - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Mysticism and esotericism are two intimately related strands of the Western tradition. Despite their close connections, however, scholars tend to treat them separately. Whereas the study of Western mysticism enjoys a long and established history, Western esotericism is a young field. The Cambridge Handbook of Western Mysticism and Esotericism examines both of these traditions together. The volume demonstrates that the roots of esotericism almost always lead back to mystical traditions, while the work of mystics was bound up with esoteric or (...)
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    Benedetto Croce e la mentalità massonica.Valerio Meattini - 2011 - Bari: L'arco e la corte. Edited by Benedetto Croce & Johann Gottlieb Fichte.
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    Les solidarités des élites politiques au Gabon : entre logique ethno-communautaire et réseaux sociaux.Axel Augé - 2007 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 123 (2):245.
    L’étude de 110 histoires de nominations individuelles dans l’administration publique au Gabon permet d’analyser l’importance des solidarités sociales situées en dehors d’une logique ethnique. Les relations individuelles qui prévalent au sein des réseaux des futures élites administratives montrent que la relation ethno-communautaire est latente dans le processus de sélection des élites de l’administration publique. Le lien ethnique devient actif dans le processus de nomination individuelle dès que s’ajoute un lien supplémentaire situé en dehors de l’affinité ethnique, comme les relations d’anciens (...)
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    Rethinking Gramsci’s Political Philosophy.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 41:68-73.
    This paper is a clarification and partial justification of a novel approach to the interpretation of Gramsci. My approach aims to avoid reductionism, intellectualism, and one-sidedness, as well as the traditional practice of conflating his political thought with his active political life. I focus on the political theory of the Prison Notebooks and compare it with that of Gaetano Mosca. I regard Mosca as a classic exponent of democratic elitism, according to which elitism and democracy are not opposed to each (...)
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    Rough Mason, Mason, Freemason, Accepted Mason.Oscar Patterson - 2017 - Hamilton Books.
    This book examines the history of Freemasonry beginning with the medieval guilds and tracing it through the formation of the first Grand Lodge. Included are chapters on the nature of history, education, ethics, and ritual.
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    Western esotericism and consciousness.Arthur Versluis - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (6):20-33.
    This article introduces the relatively new field of religious studies devoted to Western esotericism, or Western esoteric traditions including alchemy, various magical traditions, Christian theosophy, Rosicrucianism and other secret or semi-secret groups. In it Versluis also argues that Western esoteric traditions as a whole rely on the power of the written word or image in order to convey and perhaps generate changes in consciousness. Thus Western esotericism tends to see and use language in a fundamentally different way than many of (...)
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    Petite philosophie de l’Art Royal. Analyse de l’alchimie franc-maçonne.Michel Weber - 2015
    Michel Weber, Petite philosophie de l’Art Royal. Analyse de l’alchimie franc-maçonne, 2015. (ISBN 978-2-930517-48-3, 312 pp., 20 €) -/- On propose ici une ellipse philosophique définie par les deux foyers de l’Art Royal : l’Alchimie et la Franc-Maçonnerie. Ces trois territoires seront de plus recoupés par la psychologie analytique de Jung. Au nombre de nos conclusions, on trouve les thèses suivantes : primo, le Philosophe est l’héritier d’une tradition ascétique et gnostique ; secundo, l’Adepte n’a rien du chercheur d’or et (...)
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    Kant Trouble: Obscurities of the Enlightened.Diane Morgan - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    _Kant Trouble_ offers a highly original and incisive reading of some of the lesser known aspects of Kantian thought. Throughout Morgan challenges the widely held view of Kant as the exponent of concrete and rigid rationality and argues that his airtight 'architectonic' mode of reasoning overlooks certain topics which destabilise it. These include temporary forms of architecture, such as landscape gardening; examples which undermine the autonomy of the Kantian subject, for example, freemasonry; and the concept of radical evil, all of (...)
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  33.  20
    Esoterismo. Giornata di studi intorno al volume 25 degli Annali della Storia d’Italia Einaudi.Carolina Castellano, Francesca Sofia, Luisa Simonutti, Maria Conforti, Maurizio Cambi, Silvia Caianiello & Gian Mario Cazzaniga - unknown
    [Esotericism. One-day Workshop about the Annale n. 25 of the Storia d'Italia Einaudi]. This section contains the proceedings of the one-day workshop on the book Esoterismo, published as the Annale n. 25 in the collection "History of Italy" by Einaudi. The workshop was organized by ISPF on the October 26, 2011 to promote the discussion on the significance of Western esotericist traditions in Italian history. S. Caianiello’s introduction highlights some major concepts and goals of the recent field of studies about (...)
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    A Primer on German Enlightenment, With a Translation of Karl Leonhard Reinhold’s the Fundamental Concepts and Principles of Ethics.Paul Franks & Sabine Roehr - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (1):141.
    The first part of this book provides the best short overview of the German Enlightenment available in English. Although, as the author says, she “sheds no new light on the German Enlightenment but follows current views”, those views are largely unavailable in English. With admirable lucidity, Roehr covers topics such as the nature of enlightenment, theology, Freemasonry, responses to the French revolution, and moral philosophy.
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    Vestige of the Third Force: Willem Bilderdijk, Poet, Anti-Skeptic, Millenarian.Joris van Eijnatten - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (2):313-333.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.2 (2001) 313-333 [Access article in PDF] Vestige of the Third Force: Willem Bilderdijk, Poet, Anti-Skeptic, Millenarian Joris van Eijnatten One of the unfortunate consequences of Babel is that only the Dutch read Dutch poetry. 1 Although English-speaking historians may have heard of the seventeenth-century poet Joost van den Vondel, who generally qualifies as the greatest literary artist of the Netherlands, virtually no (...)
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  36. Rossii︠a︡ i gnozis: materialy konferent︠s︡ii, Moskva, VGBIL 23 marta 1999 goda.T. B. Vsekhsvi︠a︡tskai︠a︡ & A. G. Petrov (eds.) - 1998 - Moskva: "Rudomino".
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    Taking Newton on tour: the scientific travels of Martin Folkes, 1733–1735.Anna Marie Roos - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Science 50 (4):569-601.
    Martin Folkes (1690–1754) was Newton's protégé, an English antiquary, mathematician, numismatist and astronomer who would in the latter part of his career become simultaneously president of the Royal Society and of the Society of Antiquaries. Folkes took a Grand Tour from March 1733 to September 1735, recording the Italian leg of his journey from Padua to Rome in his journal. This paper examines Folkes's travel diary to analyse his Freemasonry, his intellectual development as a Newtonian and his scientific peregrination. It (...)
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  38.  14
    Examples of Sociological Explanation in Terms of Methodological Individualism.Raymond Boudon - 2023 - In Nathalie Bulle & Francesco Di Iorio, The Palgrave Handbook of Methodological Individualism: Volume II. Springer Verlag. pp. 203-224.
    In this chapter, typical examples of methodological individualism explanation are borrowed from Raymond Boudon’s writings. They respectively aim at answering the following questions:Why did Athens’ allies defect in the Peloponnesian War?When does social organization aim at eliminating unintended effects?Why does the rule of unanimity often prevail in traditional village societies?Why do members of an unorganized group tend to defect?Why are collective powers often governed by the iron law of oligarchy?Why did capitalist agriculture develop much more slowly in France than in (...)
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    Om de menselijkheid van de cultuur: het streven naar cultuurvernieuwing bij Comenius, in relatie met rozenkruisers en vrijmetselaars.H. E. S. Woldring - 2021 - Eindhoven: Damon. Edited by E. Ruijsendaal.
    In dit boek neemt de Tsjechisch-Nederlandse geleerde Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670) een centrale plaats in. Met zijn filosofie en onderwijsleer wilde hij de menselijkheid in de samenleving bevorderen. Hij kwam ervoor op dat mensen met verschillende levensbeschouwelijke visies konden samenwerken om dit doel te helpen realiseren. Ook komen rozenkruisers en vrijmetselaars aan de orde, die reeds in de zestiende en zeventiende eeuw van zich lieten horen. Anders dan de kerken deden, manifesteerden zij een onafhankelijkheid van denken en een streven naar (...)
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    Epistemologies and the Limitations of Philosophical Enquiry: Doctrine in Madhva Vedanta (review). [REVIEW]Christopher Bartley - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (1):126-128.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Epistemologies and the Limitations of Philosophical Enquiry: Doctrine in Madhva VedantaChristopher BartleyEpistemologies and the Limitations of Philosophical Enquiry: Doctrine in Madhva Vedanta. By Deepak Sarma. London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2005. Pp. xiii + 101.Epistemologies and the Limitations of Philosophical Enquiry: Doctrine in Madhva Vedanta, by Deepak Sarma, purports to discuss the possibility of philosophical evaluation of a tradition of thought and practice, in this case the Dvaita (...)
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  41. 500 years of gnosis in Europe: exhibition of printed books and manuscripts from the gnostic tradition, Moscow & St. Petersburg.Carlos Gilly & M. I. Afanasʹeva (eds.) - 1993 - Amsterdam: 'In de Pelikaan'.
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    Rossii︠a︡ i gnozis: Trudy Mezhdunarodnoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, Moskva, VGBIL im. M.I. Rudomino.A. L. Rychkov (ed.) - 2015 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatelʹstvo RKhGA.
    Tom 1. Rannekhristianskiĭ gnosticheskiĭ tekst v rossiĭskoĭ kulʹture (21 i︠a︡nvari︠a︡ 2011 g.) -- Tom 2. Sudʹby religiozno-filosofskikh iskaniĭ Nikolai︠a︡ Novikova i ego kruga (15-17 okti︠a︡bri︠a︡ 2012 g.).
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  43. Wendy's Risky Role-Play and the Gory Plot of the Okefenokee Man-Monster.Bo C. Klintberg - 2012 - Philosophical Plays 2 (1-2):1-238.
    CATEGORY: Philosophy play; historical fiction; comedy; social criticism. -/- STORYLINE: Katherine, a neurotic American lawyer, meets Christianus for a philosophy session at The Late Victorian coffee shop in London, where they also meet Wendy the waitress and Baldy the player. Will Katherine be able to overcome her deep depression by adopting some of Christianus’s satisfactionist ideas? Or will she stay unsatisfied and unhappy by stubbornly sticking to her own neti-neti nothingness philosophy? And what roles do Baldy, Wendy, and the Okefenokee (...)
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    Tashkīl al-ʻaql al-Ṣihyūnī: al-saʻy naḥwa Yahūdīyat al-dawlah.Yāsir Khazāʻilah - 2017 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Khalīj.
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    Hipólito da Costa. His political thought.João Pedro Rosa Ferreira - 2006 - Cultura:319-338.
    Hipólito da Costa (1774-1823) foi o redactor do primeiro periódico liberal de língua portugue­sa, o Correio Braziliense, e é considerado o patriarca do jornalismo brasileiro. Exilado em Lon­dres, desenvolveu no Correio um corpus doutrinal que culminou num Projecto de Constituição para o Brasil, tributário dos valores do modelo constitucional inglês. Anti-absolutista, anti-es­clavagista e anti-democrático, o seu liberalismo tem a marca do gradualismo como método pre­ferencial de evolução política e social.
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    Illuminismo e massoneria nel pensiero politico di Tommaso Natale.Cettina Laudani - 2017 - Acireale: Bonanno editore.