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  1.  16
    Influence of personalism on Latvian theory up to the early twentieth century: substantiality and panentheism.Andris Hiršs - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-22.
    Influenced by the intellectual historical approach, scholars researching the history of Latvian philosophical thought have turned their attention to analyzing archival materials. Texts such as letters and diaries have become a research focus. While this tendency enhances the exploration of the history of philosophy, it also creates new challenges. As the complexity of the historical narrative in philosophy intensifies, it becomes increasingly difficult to understand these processes in a broader context. To alleviate the issue of fragmentation, one possible solution is (...)
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  2. The first Latvian philosopher Jēkabs Osis and the search for substance.Andris Hiršs - 2015 - TRAMES 19.
    Jēkabs Osis (1860–1920) is the first academically educated Latvian philosopher and one of the founders of the University of Latvia. However, Osis never worked there. His academic life was closely tied with the University of Tartu, where he studied theology, philosophy and eventually became a professor of philosophy. Inspired by his mentor, professor of philosophy, Gustav Teichmüller, Osis turned his attention to the works of Leibniz, most notably those about the nature of substance. Osis aspired to unify the understanding of (...)
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  3.  91
    The Visit of the Philosopher Rudolf Eucken (1846–1926) to Latvia – an Unfulfilled Mission.Andris Hiršs - 2023 - Reliģiski-Filozofiski Raksti 1.
    Many famous philosophers visited Latvia during its first period of independence (1918–1940). In 1924, philosopher Oswald Arnold Gottfried Spengler (1880–1936) gave a speech in Riga about Western civilization. German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) lectured in Riga in 1928. The same year, German psychologist and philosopher William Stern (1871–1938) conducted a series of lectures in Riga. Philosopher Rudolf Eucken (1846–1926) was one of the first influential philosophers to arrive in the newly founded country. The purpose of the article is to outline (...)
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  4.  44
    Latvijos filosofijos istoriografijos tendencijos.Andris Hiršs - 2023 - Problemos 104:21-35.
    Straipsnio tikslas – ištirti Latvijos filosofijos istoriografijos tendencijas per pastaruosius tris dešimtmečius. Autoriaus dėmesio centre dvi pagrindinės filosofijos istorijos rašymo prieigos – idėjų istorija ir intelektinė istorija. Iširus Sovietų Sąjungai Latvijos kultūriniame diskurse išpopuliarėjo terminas „idėjų istorija“. Filosofijos istorikai ėmėsi nušviesti glaudžius ryšius tarp Vakarų šalių ir Latvijos kultūrų. Tačiau pastarąjį dešimtmetį Latvijos filosofijos istorikai vis labiau renkasi intelektinės istorijos prieigą.
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    Persona un personālisms: pārdzīvojot ideālisma sabrukumu: pirmā Latviešu filosofa Jēkaba Oša dzīve un uzskati.Andris Hiršs - 2022 - Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds.
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  6.  13
    The Immediate Self-consciousness as the Basis of Personality in Metaphysics by Leibniz and Dorpat.Andris Hiršs - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 71:17-20.
    Dorpat personalism school starts its metaphysical inquary with the question of existence and analyzes the concept of subject through immediate self-consciousness as the basis of existence. As representatives of a school of critically-oriented thinkers, personalists develop new insights based on critical evaluation of preceding philosophical systems, emphasizing the importance of the history of philosophy. Therefore, to determine what is understood by the immediate self-consciousness as the basis of personality in metaphysics of personalism, this paper will describe personalist criticism of Leibniz’s (...)
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