Results for 'François Faucher'

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  1. The elephant in the room: What matters cognitively in cumulative technological culture.François Osiurak & Emanuelle Reynaud - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e156.
    Cumulative technological culture (CTC) refers to the increase in the efficiency and complexity of tools and techniques in human populations over generations. A fascinating question is to understand the cognitive origins of this phenomenon. Because CTC is definitely a social phenomenon, most accounts have suggested a series of cognitive mechanisms oriented toward the social dimension (e.g., teaching, imitation, theory of mind, and metacognition), thereby minimizing the technical dimension and the potential influence of non-social, cognitive skills. What if we have failed (...)
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  2. The Meta-Problem of Consciousness and the Evidential Approach.François Kammerer - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (9-10):124-135.
    I present and I implement what I take to be the best approach to solve the meta-problem: the evidential approach. The main tenet of this approach is to explain our problematic phenomenal intuitions by putting our representations of phenomenal states in perspective within the larger frame of the cognitive processes we use to conceive of evidence.
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    A Communicative Constitutive Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility: Ventriloquism, Undecidability, and Surprisability.François Cooren - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (1):175-197.
    Adopting a communication as constitutive of organization (CCO) perspective on ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) invites us to create the conditions of a dialogue, discussion, or debate between various stakeholders, who can then try to confront their respective positions on a given issue, and possibly come to a decision regarding how a situation should be evaluated and/or responded to. As shown in this article, getting human stakeholders to voice their concerns about a specific situation is a way not only (...)
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  4. Is Speciesism Wrong by Definition?François Jaquet - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (3):447-458.
    Oscar Horta has argued that speciesism is wrong by definition. In his view, there can be no more substantive debate about the justification of speciesism than there can be about the legality of murder, for it stems from the definition of “speciesism” that speciesism is unjustified just as it stems from the definition of “murder” that murder is illegal. The present paper is a case against this conception. I distinguish two issues: one is descriptive and the other normative. Relying on (...)
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    French Theory: How Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, & Co. Transformed the Intellectual Life of the United States.François Cusset - 2008 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Explores how the French theory of philosophy, which became popular during the last three decades of the twentieth century, spread to America and examines the critical practices that French theory inspired.
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    The work of the population policies committee.François Lafitte - 1939 - The Eugenics Review 31 (1):47.
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  7. Sorting Out Solutions to the Now-What Problem.François Jaquet - 2020 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 17 (3).
    Moral error theorists face the so-called “now-what problem”: what should we do with our moral judgments from a prudential point of view if these judgments are uniformly false? On top of abolitionism and conservationism, which respectively advise us to get rid of our moral judgments and to keep them, three revisionary solutions have been proposed in the literature: expressivism, naturalism, and fictionalism. In this paper, I argue that expressivism and naturalism do not constitute genuine alternatives to abolitionism, of which they (...)
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    Evolution by means of natural selection without reproduction: revamping Lewontin’s account.François Papale - 2020 - Synthese 198 (11):10429-10455.
    This paper analyzes recent attempts to reject reproduction with lineage formation as a necessary condition for evolution by means of natural selection :560–570, 2008; Stud Hist Philos Sci Part C Stud Hist Philos Biol Biomed Sci 42:106–114, 2011; Bourrat in Biol Philos 29:517–538, 2014; Br J Philos Sci 66:883–903, 2015; Charbonneau in Philos Sci 81:727–740, 2014; Doolittle and Inkpen in Proc Natl Acad Sci 115:4006–4014, 2018). Building on the strengths of these attempts and avoiding their pitfalls, it is argued that (...)
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    Epistemic Contributions of Models: Conditions for Propositional Learning.François Claveau - 2015 - Perspectives on Science 23 (4):405-423.
    . This article analyzes the epistemic contributions of models by distinguishing three roles that they might play: an evidential role, a revealing role and a stimulating role. By using an account of learning based on the philosophical understanding of propositional knowledge as true justified belief, the paper provides the conditions to be fulfilled by a model in order to play a determined role. A case study of an economic model of the labor market—the DMP model—illustrates the usefulness of these conditions (...)
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    Artificial versus Substantial Gauge Symmetries: A Criterion and an Application to the Electroweak Model.Jordan François - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (3):472-496.
    To systematically answer the generalized Kretschmann objection, I propose a mean to make operational a criterion widely recognized as allowing one to decide whether the gauge symmetry of a theory is artificial or substantial. My proposition is based on the dressing field method of gauge symmetry reduction, a new simple tool from mathematical physics. This general scheme allows one in particular to straightforwardly argue that the notion of spontaneous symmetry breaking is superfluous to the empirical success of the electroweak theory. (...)
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    Philosophie non-standard: générique, quantique, philo-fiction.François Laruelle - 2010 - Paris: Kimé.
    L'auteur consacre sa réflexion à l'amplification et à l'achèvement de la non-philosophie, en combinant science et philosophie qui sont considérées comme des variables définissant un espace ondulatoire et particulaire de l'opération de penser.
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    Classical Consequences of Continuous Choice Principles from Intuitionistic Analysis.François G. Dorais - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (1):25-39.
  13.  12
    Philosophy and Non-Philosophy.François Laruelle - 2013 - Minneapolis: Univocal Publishing. Edited by Taylor Adkins.
    Each generation invents new practices and new writings of philosophy. Ours should have been able to introduce certain mutations that would at least be equivalent with those of cubism, abstract art, and twelve-tone serialism: it has only partially done so. But after all the deconstructions, after Wittgenstein, Heidegger, and Derrida, this demand takes on a different dimension: What do we do with philosophy itself? How do we globally change our relation to this thought, which keeps indicating that it is increasingly (...)
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    Philosophie et non-philosophie.François Laruelle - 1989 - Liège: Editions Mardaga.
    Chaque époque invente de nouvelles pratiques et de nouvelles écritures de la philosophie. La nôtre aurait dû introduire dans celle-ci des mutations au moins équivalentes à celle du cubisme, de l’abstraction, du dodécaphonisme : elle ne l’a fait que très partiellement. Que faire de la philosophie elle-même? Comment changer globalement notre rapport à cette pensée qui se démontre de plus en plus conservatrice et répétitive? Ces deux raisons ensemble sont à l’origine de ce que nous appelons la "non-philosophie", qui n’est (...)
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    Complexity Results of STIT Fragments.François Schwarzentruber - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (5):1001-1045.
    We provide a Kripke semantics for a STIT logic with the "next" operator. As the atemporal group STIT is undecidable and unaxiomatizable, we are interested in strict fragments of atemporal group STIT. First we prove that the satisfiability problem of a formula of the fragment made up of individual coalitions plus the grand coalition is also NEXPTIME-complete. We then generalize this result to a fragment where coalitions are in a given lattice. We also prove that if we restrict the language (...)
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  16. (1 other version)How Rich is the Illusion of Consciousness?François Kammerer - 2019 - Erkenntnis 87 (2):499-515.
    Illusionists claim that phenomenal consciousness does not exist, but merely seems to exist. Most debates concerning illusionism focus on whether or not it is true—whether phenomenal consciousness really is an illusion. Here I want to tackle a different question: assuming illusionism is true, what kind of illusion is the illusion of phenomenality? Is it a “rich” illusion—the cognitively impenetrable activation of an incorrect representation—or a “sparse” illusion—the cognitively impenetrable activation of an incomplete representation, which leads to drawing incorrect judgments? I (...)
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  17. Self-building technologies.François Kammerer - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (4):901-915.
    On the basis of two thought experiments, I argue that self-building technologies are possible given our current level of technological progress. We could already use technology to make us instantiate selfhood in a more perfect, complete manner. I then examine possible extensions of this thesis, regarding more radical self-building technologies which might become available in a distant future. I also discuss objections and reservations one might have about this view.
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  18. Penser la Révolution française.François Furet - 1979 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 169 (4):483-484.
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    Une nouvelle loi thasienne : institutions judiciaires et fêtes religieuses à la fin du IVe siècle av. J.-C.François Salviat - 1958 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 82 (1):193-267.
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    Leibniz: le vivant et l'organisme.François Duchesneau - 2010 - Vrin.
    Les notions relatives au vivant jouent un rôle central dans l'économie interne du système de la nature selon Leibniz. Cet aspect est étudié ici, ainsi que son influence sur les théories qui ont ponctué le développement des sciences de la vie.
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    Theorems on the good news.François Laruelle - 2014 - Angelaki 19 (2):41-43.
    This is an experimental piece of writing by François Laruelle. Via its origins in both Greek and Judeo-Christian thought, philosophy has risen up from the abysses of the world and made its assault on human identity. Philosophy dominates man, and as long as he lives under the philosophical decision or ?Ontological Statute? he lives also within an impotence of thought and within an infinite culpability. Yet ultimately man is an inalienable reality, and nothing ? not even philosophy ? can (...)
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    Causal Generalisations in Policy-oriented Economic Research: An Inferentialist Analysis.François Claveau & Luis Mireles-Flores - 2016 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30 (4):383-398.
    The most common way of analysing the meaning of causal generalisations relies on referentialist semantics. In this article, we instead develop an analysis based on inferentialist semantics. According to this approach, the meaning of a causal generalisation is constituted by the web of inferential connections in which the generalisation participates. We distinguish and discuss five classes of inferential connections that constitute the meaning of causal generalisations produced in policy-oriented economic research. The usefulness of our account is illustrated with the analysis (...)
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  23. ‘That’-clauses as existential quantifiers.François Recanati - 2004 - Analysis 64 (3):229-235.
    Following Panaccio, 'John believes that p' is analysed as 'For some x such that x is true if and only if p, John believes x'. On this view the complement clause 'that p' acts as a restricted existential quantifier and it contributes a higher-order property.
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  24. Situations and the Structure of Content.François Recanati - 1999 - In Kumiko Murasugi & Robert Stainton (eds.), Philosophy and linguistics. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 113--165.
    An investigation into 'Austinian semantics'. Every utterance is said to express an 'Austinian proposition' consisting of a situation and a fact the situation is presented as supporting. A more recent statement of the theory is to be found in *Oratio Obliqua, Oratio Recta: an Essay on Metarepresentation* (MIT Press/Bradford Books, 2000).
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    Network Analysis in the History of Economics.François Claveau & Catherine Https://Orcidorg Herfeld - 2018 - History of Political Economy 50 (3):597–603.
    We present social network analysis as a complement to other methods in the history of economics. We first discuss why social network analysis is especially promising for the study of the history of recent economics. We then use an example of research using it to highlight some of its characteristics.
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    The TruTh According To hermes: Theorems on The secreT And communicATion1.François Laruelle - 2010 - Parrhesia 9:18-22.
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    A Proposed Research Agenda for Ethical, Legal, Social, and Historical Studies at the Intersection of Infectious and Genetic Disease.François Cholette & Paul J. McLaren - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (2):456-458.
    Over the past two decades there has been a rapid expansion in our understanding of how human genetic variability impacts susceptibility and severity of disease. Through applications of genome-wide association studies, genome and exome sequencing, researchers have made thousands of discoveries of genetic variants that impact risk of common and rare disorders affecting millions of people. Although these techniques have been primarily applied to highly prevalent chronic disorders such as diabetes1 and cardiovascular disease2, infectious diseases have proven to not be (...)
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    Comparing the Strength of Diagonally Nonrecursive Functions in the Absence of Induction.François G. Dorais, Jeffry L. Hirst & Paul Shafer - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (4):1211-1235.
    We prove that the statement “there is aksuch that for everyfthere is ak-bounded diagonally nonrecursive function relative tof” does not imply weak König’s lemma over${\rm{RC}}{{\rm{A}}_0} + {\rm{B\Sigma }}_2^0$. This answers a question posed by Simpson. A recursion-theoretic consequence is that the classic fact that everyk-bounded diagonally nonrecursive function computes a 2-bounded diagonally nonrecursive function may fail in the absence of${\rm{I\Sigma }}_2^0$.
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    Naledi: An example of how natural phenomena can inspire metaphysical assumptions.Francois Durand - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
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    Approche historique de la lutte contre les épidémies et les pandémies par les « pouvoirs publics ».François Vialla - 2020 - Médecine et Droit 2020 (163):81-87.
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  31. Qui peut sauver la morale? Essai de métaéthique.François Jaquet & Hichem Naar - 2019 - Paris: Ithaque. Edited by Hichem Naar.
    Vous pensez peut-être que la peine de mort est injuste ? Ou que l’avortement est moralement acceptable ? Se pourrait-il alors que vous vous trompiez ? C’est en tout cas l’avis des théoriciens de l’erreur. D’après ces philosophes, tous les jugements moraux sont faux parce qu’ils présupposent à tort l’existence de faits moraux à la fois objectifs et non naturels. Organisé autour de ce défi nihiliste, le présent ouvrage aborde les principales théories métaéthiques comme autant de tentatives, plus ou moins (...)
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    A mood for Philosophy.François Laruelle & Anne-Françoise Schmid - 2017 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19 (2):14-21.
    _A mood for Philosophy_ __ _ _ _In this dialogue with Francois Laruelle Anne-Françoise Schmidt suggests that Laruelle's non-philosophy, which begins with an indecision, could be conceived as something that in the history of painting has been called figura serpentinata, "serpentine line". This line, which produces a kind of music by the use of concepts, is visible according her trough his whole work: from his first book on Ravaisson, _Phenomenon and Difference,_ through to his last one, _The Last Humanity: A (...)
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    The Creation of the World, or, Globalization.François Raffoul & David Pettigrew (eds.) - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    _Philosophical reflections on the phenomenon of globalization._.
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    “Nanostandardization” in Action: Implementing Standardization Processes in a Multidisciplinary Nanoparticle-Based Research and Development Project.François Roubert, Marie-Gabrielle Beuzelin-Ollivier, Margarethe Hofmann-Amtenbrink, Heinrich Hofmann & Alessandra Hool - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (1):41-62.
    Nanomaterials have attracted much interest in the medical field and related applications as their distinct properties in the nanorange enable new and improved diagnosis and therapies. Owing to these properties and their potential interactions with the human body and the environment, the impact of nanomaterials on humans and their potential toxicity have been regarded a very significant issue. Consequently, nanomaterials are the subject of a wide range of cutting-edge research efforts in the medical and related fields to thoroughly probe their (...)
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    Figures de pensées: vingt-cinq portraits de lucidité et de courage.François Charbonneau (ed.) - 2014 - Montréal: Liber.
    Qu'ont en commun Cioran, Simone Weil, Curzio Malaparte, Denis de Rougemont et les autres intellectuels et écrivains dont l'oeuvre et la vie sont évoquées dans ces pages? Il apparaît que, pour la plupart, ce sont des témoins d'une époque à bien des égards exceptionnelle, ne serait-ce que par la profondeur et l'intensité des malheurs qui y ont connu les hommes et les femmes. Mais alors pourquoi avoir choisi parmi tous les témoins possibles ceux qui, sans être inconnus dans les cercles (...)
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  36. Contribution au débat sur le cours du capitalisme à la fin du XXè siècle.François Chesnais - forthcoming - Actuel Marx. Actualiser L’Économie de Marx. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.
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  37. L'assise de l'ontologie critique. « L'esthétique transcendantale ».François-Xavier Chenet - 1996 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 186 (3):413-413.
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    Rediscovering God with Transcendental Argument: A Contemporary Interpretation of Monistic Kashmiri Śaiva PhilosophyRediscovering God with Transcendental Argument: A Contemporary Interpretation of Monistic Kashmiri Saiva Philosophy.François Chenet, David Peter Lawrence & Francois Chenet - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (3):521.
  39. Pytanie Pascala.François Chirpaz - 1999 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 30 (2):105-114.
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  40. Réalités des relations et relations causales.François Clementz - 2004 - In Jean-Maurice Monnoyer (ed.), La Structure Du Monde. Vrin, Paris.
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    Actes de langage et argumentation.François Cooren - 1997 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 95 (3):517-544.
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    The last humanity: a new ecological science.Francois Laruelle - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Anthony Paul Smith.
    A internationally renowned philosopher - Francois Laruelle - takes on the perennially important topic of what is means to be human and the place of humanity within ecological and post-humanism concerns.
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  43. Talk about Fiction.Francois Recanati - 1998 - Lingua E Stile 33 (3):547-558.
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    Theories of Osteogenesis in the Eighteenth Century.François Delaportex - 1983 - Journal of the History of Biology 16 (3):343 - 360.
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    The Philosopher and Technics: From the Work of Pierre Ducassé.François-David Sebbah & Daniel Wilson - 2014 - Diacritics 42 (1):6-21.
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    L’eugénisme solidariste de la puériculture d’Adolphe Pinard.François Secco - 2023 - Astérion 28 (28).
    This paper examines the relationship between the puericulture of Adolphe Pinard and Léon Bourgeois’ solidarism. In an attempt to create a progressive and humanistic form of eugenics, Pinard links the science he was developing with the imperatives of social justice advocated by Bourgeois. This results in, on the one hand, the subordination of puericulture to principles of equality and fundamental rights for all individuals and, on the other, the idea of the need for a biological enhancement of the population as (...)
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    Le corps multiple et un.François Dagognet - 1992 - Le Plessis-Robinson: Institut Edition Synthelabo.
    D'abord, la philosophie l'a longtemps délaissé ou abaissé. La pensée religieuse, sans doute mal comprise, lui a prêté son concours : le corps, source de plaisir et de péché, y était tenu alors en suspicion. Le philosophe lui a toujours opposé l'esprit. Il lui préfère " les états de conscience ". Pour lui, il lui semble plus aisé de se connaître (l'ego) que le corps. Il ne rompt pas facilement avec le mentalisme. Il abandonne volontiers le corps aux anthropologues, aux (...)
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    Il est où, le bonheur.François Ruffin - 2019 - [Paris]: Éditions Les Liens qui libèrent.
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    Addenda samothraciens.François Salviat - 1962 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 86 (1):268-304.
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    Le b'timent de scène du thé'tre de Thasos.François Salviat - 1960 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 84 (1):300-316.
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