Results for 'Franz G. Nauen'

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  1.  23
    Peter D. Fenves., Peculiar Fate: Metaphysics and World-History in Kant.Franz G. Nauen - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (2):116-117.
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    Introduction: The role of process metaphysics in our world of science.Franz G. Riffert & Timothy E. Eastman - 2008 - World Futures 64 (2):73 – 83.
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    Whitehead's Process Philosophy.Franz G. Riffert - 2003 - In Timothy E. Eastman & Henry Keeton (eds.), Physics and Whitehead: Quantum, Process, and Experience. Albany, USA: State University of New York Press. pp. 199.
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    Introduction: Process thought, science, and philosophy.Timothy E. Eastman & Franz G. Riffert - 2009 - World Futures 65 (1):1 – 6.
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    Revolution, idealism and human freedom: Schelling, Hölderlin and Hegel and the crisis of early German idealism.Franz Gabriel Nauen - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    CHAPTER I SETTING Hegel, perhaps the most self-questioning of all philosophers, was well aware that his thought was a response to intense social dislocation ...
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    Garve – ein Philosoph in der echten Bedeutung des Wortes.Franz Nauen - 1996 - Kant Studien 87 (2):184-197.
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    Kant as an Inadvertant Precursor of 18th Century Neospinozism. On Optimism (1759).Franz Gabriel Nauen - 1992 - Kant Studien 83 (3):268-279.
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    The Relationship between Ethics and Metaphysics in the First Edition of the Critique of Pure Reason.Franz Nauen - 1995 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress 2:621-629.
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    Das Fortleben der Antike im Islam.G. F. H. & Franz Rosenthal - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (2):289.
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    Kranich am Meer: Koreanische Gedichte.G. K. L., Peter H. Lee, Franz Wilhelm & Albert von Schirnding - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (2):189.
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    Action Experience and Action Discovery in Medicated Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease.Jeffery G. Bednark, John N. J. Reynolds, Tom Stafford, Peter Redgrave & Elizabeth A. Franz - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Franz Gabriel Nauen, "Revolution, Idealism and Human Freedom"; H. S. Harris, "Hegel's Development". [REVIEW]W. H. Werkmeister - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (3):416.
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    Franz Gabriel Nauen, Revolution, Idealism and Human Freedom: Schelling, Hölderlin and Hegel and the Crisis of Early German Idealism. [REVIEW]Michael Fox - 1973 - Dialogue 12 (3):533-536.
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    Remarks on G. C. Lichtenberg, Humanist-Scientist.Franz Mautner & Franklin Miller Jr - 1952 - Isis 43 (3):223-231.
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  15. (1 other version)Falter, G., Beitráge zur Geschichte der Idee. Teil I. Philon und Plotin.E. Franz - 1907 - Kant Studien 12:450.
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  16. A generalised model of judgment aggregation.Franz Dietrich - 2007 - Social Choice and Welfare 4 (28):529-565.
    The new field of judgment aggregation aims to merge many individual sets of judgments on logically interconnected propositions into a single collective set of judgments on these propositions. Judgment aggregation has commonly been studied using classical propositional logic, with a limited expressive power and a problematic representation of conditional statements ("if P then Q") as material conditionals. In this methodological paper, I present a simple unified model of judgment aggregation in general logics. I show how many realistic decision problems can (...)
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    Psychologie und Anthropologie oder Philosophie des Geistes: Beiträge zu einer Hegel-Tagung in Marburg 1989.Franz Hespe & Burkhard Tuschling (eds.) - 1991 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Inhalt: Vorwort - F. Chiereghin: Das griechische Erbe in Hegels Anthropologie - N. Waszek: Descartes und die 'Subjektivitatsphilosophie' in der Sicht Hegels - R. Brandt: Beobachtungen zur Anthropologie bei Kant (und Hegel) - E. Dusing: Zum Verhaltnis von Intelligenz und Wille bei Fichte und Hegel - M. Bienenstock: Der Wille bei Rousseau und beim Jenaer Hegel. Zur Entstehung von Hegels Philosophie des subjektiven Geistes - U. Rameil: Bewusstseinsstruktur und Vernunft - M. Wolff: Eine Skizze zur Auflosung des Leib-Seele-Problems. Analytischer Kommentar (...)
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  18. Propositionwise judgment aggregation: the general case.Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 2013 - Social Choice and Welfare 40 (4):1067-1095.
    In the theory of judgment aggregation, it is known for which agendas of propositions it is possible to aggregate individual judgments into collective ones in accordance with the Arrow-inspired requirements of universal domain, collective rationality, unanimity preservation, non-dictatorship and propositionwise independence. But it is only partially known (e.g., only in the monotonic case) for which agendas it is possible to respect additional requirements, notably non-oligarchy, anonymity, no individual veto power, or implication preservation. We fully characterize the agendas for which there (...)
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  19. Probabilistic Opinion Pooling.Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 2016 - In Alan Hájek & Christopher Hitchcock (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Probability and Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Suppose several individuals (e.g., experts on a panel) each assign probabilities to some events. How can these individual probability assignments be aggregated into a single collective probability assignment? This article reviews several proposed solutions to this problem. We focus on three salient proposals: linear pooling (the weighted or unweighted linear averaging of probabilities), geometric pooling (the weighted or unweighted geometric averaging of probabilities), and multiplicative pooling (where probabilities are multiplied rather than averaged). We present axiomatic characterisations of each class of (...)
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  20. Sulla portata logica della classificazione dei fatti mentali proposta dal prof. Franz Brentano.G. Vailati - 1901 - Rivista di Filosofia 2:1.
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  21.  28
    V. Franz G. Müller-Lyer.Wilhelm Börner - 1917 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 30 (1-4):95-97.
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    Christliche Theologie.John Hennig, Ernst Offner, Julius Gross, Georg Franz-Willing, Schalom Ben-Chorin, Gustav Mensching, F. W. Kantzenbach, Michael Thomas, Niels-Peter Moritzen, Hans G. Klemm & Gerhard Müller - 1975 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 27 (1-4):256-268.
  23. (1 other version)Hegel, G. W. F., Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Weltgeschichte. [REVIEW]Franz Rosenzweig - 1922 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 27:183.
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  24. Hempel’s logic of confirmation.Franz Huber - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 139 (2):181-189.
    This paper presents a new analysis of C.G. Hempel’s conditions of adequacy for any relation of confirmation [Hempel C. G. (1945). Aspects of scientific explanation and other essays in the philosophy of science. New York: The Free Press, pp. 3–51.], differing from the one Carnap gave in §87 of his [1962. Logical foundations of probability (2nd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.]. Hempel, it is argued, felt the need for two concepts of confirmation: one aiming at true hypotheses and another (...)
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    Franz Hampl: Alexander der Grosse. Pp. 92. Göttingen: Musterschmidt, 1958. Paper, DM. 3.60.G. L. Cawkwell - 1960 - The Classical Review 10 (01):80-81.
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    J.G. Herder’s World Picture. Attempted Interpretation. [REVIEW]Rolf-Dieter Franz - 1970 - Philosophy and History 3 (2):140-140.
  27. Welfarism, preferencism, judgmentism.Franz Dietrich - manuscript
    In a single framework, I address the question of the informational basis for evaluating social states. I particularly focus on information about individual welfare, individual preferences and individual (moral) judgments, but the model is also open to any other informational input deemed relevant, e.g. sources of welfare and motivations behind preferences. In addition to proving some possibility and impossibility results, I discuss objections against using information about only one aspect (e.g. using only preference information). These objections suggest a multi-aspect informational (...)
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  28. Das Älteste Systemprogramm des Deutschen Idealismus, Ein Handschriftlicher Fund [a Fragment of G.W.F. Hegel].Franz Rosenzweig - 1917
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    Evolutionsmodelle in der Erklärung menschlicher Denkstrukturen im 19. Jahrhundert.Franz M. Wuketits - 1983 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 6 (1-4):115-122.
    Since the 19th century the theory of evolution has been the guide not only of biological research, but of the explanation of man's psychic and mental abilities, too. In particular Herbert Spencer's and Charles Darwin's works gave rise to an evolutionary view of human mind (evolutionary psychology). This view was generalized to the explanation of epistemic structures like science and was adopted by many philosophers and scientists, e. g. Boltzmann, Mach, and others. Under the influence of Darwin's theory of natural (...)
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  30. Oskar Kraus "Franz Brentano". [REVIEW]G. Dawes Hicks - 1923 - Mind 32:491.
  31.  39
    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Charles Strickland, Nancy R. King, Alan H. Jones, Germaine M. Reed, Margaret Glllett, William J. Reese, Robert H. Bremner, Elizabeth Ihle, Geraldine Joncich Clifford, Louis R. Harlan, Frederick M. Binder, Harvey G. Neufeldt, Earle H. West, E. V. Johanningmeier & Harold J. Franz - 1982 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 13 (3&4):336-387.
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    Uwe G. Fabritzke: Gelber Drache Schwarzer Adler. Bertelsmann Verlag München 1973. 320 pp. [REVIEW]Georg Franz-Willing - 1974 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 26 (2):186-187.
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  33. The Logic of Confirmation and Theory Assessment.Franz Huber - 2005 - In L. Behounek & M. Bilkova (eds.), The Logica Yearbook. Filosofia.
    This paper discusses an almost sixty year old problem in the philosophy of science -- that of a logic of confirmation. We present a new analysis of Carl G. Hempel's conditions of adequacy (Hempel 1945), differing from the one Carnap gave in §87 of his Logical Foundations of Probability (1962). Hempel, it is argued, felt the need for two concepts of confirmation: one aiming at true theories and another aiming at informative theories. However, he also realized that these two concepts (...)
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  34.  15
    Franz Segbers: Die Hausordnung der Tora. Biblische Impulse für eine theologische Wirtschaftsethik.Hans G. Nutzinger - 2000 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 44 (1):231-235.
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    Review of Franz Brentano: The Origin of Our Knowledge of Right and Wrong[REVIEW]G. E. Moore - 1903 - International Journal of Ethics 14 (1):115-123.
  36. Franz Volkmar Reinhard und "das Schicksal, bald vergessen zu werden".Kenneth G. Appold - 2018 - In Walter Sparn, Joar Haga, Sascha Salatowsky, Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann & Wolfgang Schoberth (eds.), Das Projekt der Aufklärung: philosophisch-theologische Debatten von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart: Walter Sparn zum 75. Geburtstag. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
  37.  32
    Ueber Das an lebewesen im allgemeinsten beobachtbare biophysikalische gesetz, zugleich eine zusammenfassung meiner, sich auf die den entwicklungsgang der lebewesen lenkenden biophysikalischen faktoren bestehenden bisherigen forschungen.Franz Kövessi - 1935 - Acta Biotheoretica 1 (1-2):113-132.
    Author cultivated fermenting cells (Scccharomyces spec.) in must of grapes and measured the various vital phenomena. The data thus received described in a rectangular co-ordinate as a function of time, found three kinds of characteristic curves in every vital phenomenon (whether belonging to the group of feeding, growth or that of increase): I. the curve described bySachs in 1873 and called the curve of the great period of evolution (Fig. 1:s). 2. the one described byM. G. Harting in 1845, and (...))
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  38. Stegmeyer, Franz, Immanuel Kant, Der Traum vom ewigen Frieden. [REVIEW]S. G. S. G. - 1947 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 57:104-109.
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    Environmental preferences of adolescents within a low ecological footprint country.Franz X. Bogner & Bosque Rafael Suarez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:894382.
    As Cuba achieves one of the lowest per capita ecological footprints in the world, the country’s overshoot day was on 1 December 2019, while some European countries already reach this limit in February (e.g., Luxembourg), monitoring the environmental preferences of the Cuban younger generation may offer valuable behavioral or pedagogical insights into such a society. As accepted standardized measures exist in the scales of 2-Major Environmental Values (2-MEV) and the General Ecological Behavior (GEB), both measures are following the necessary psychometric (...)
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  40. The Social message of the gospels.Franz Böckle (ed.) - 1968 - New York,: Paulist Press.
    Preface, by F. Böckle.--Articles: Empirical social study and ethics, by W. Korff. What does a non-Christian expect of the church in matters of social morality, by R. Garaudy. Social cybernetics as a permanent function of the church, by C. Wagner. World trade and international cooperation for development, by A. Ferrer. How can the church provide guidelines in social ethics? by P. Herder-Dorneich. Races and minorities: a matter of conscience by J. Musulin. The modern sexual revolution, by G. Struck. Prudence and (...)
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    The Vienna Ringstrasse as iconography: Socio-political history and Baukunst during the era of Franz Joseph i of Austria.G. V. Strong - 1986 - History of European Ideas 7 (4):377-388.
  42. LEIBNIZ: Generales Inquisitiones de Analysi Notionum et Veritatum . Lateinisch-Deutsch. Hrsg. v. Franz Schupp. [REVIEW]G. H. R. Parkinson - 1983 - Studia Leibnitiana 15:120.
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    Franz Brentano's Phenomenological Transformation of Aristotle's Theory of Judgment.Biagio G. Tassone - 2011 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 42 (3):305-328.
  44. Büchner, Franz, Das Menschenbild der modernen Medizin. [REVIEW]S. G. S. G. - 1947 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 57:510-511.
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  45.  54
    Franz Wieacker: Cicero als Advokat. Pp. 27. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1965. Paper.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (01):118-119.
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    Tradition, Aufbau und Fortbildung der Tugendlehre Franz Brentanos innerhalb seines gesamten philosophischen Schaffens.Alfred G. Scharwath - 1967 - Meisenheim a. Glan,: Hain.
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    From Psychology to Phenomenology: Franz Brentano's 'Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint' and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind.Biagio G. Tassone - 2012 - Houndmills, Basingstroke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Biagio Tassone's study From Psychology to Phenomenology offers an in depth exploration of Brentano's seminal work as an example of a still relevant approach to philosophy of mind.
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  48. Geschichte AlS kritische wissenschaft band III. Probleme der römischen geschichte und antiken historiographie sowie ein grundsätzlicher rückblick. By Franz hampl. [REVIEW]R. G. R. G. - 1981 - History and Theory 20 (1):107.
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  49. Franz, L. - Die Muttergöttin Im Vorderen Orient Und In Europa. [REVIEW]G. Furlani - 1939 - Scientia 33 (65):336.
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  50. Hemlein, Josef, Die Kritik der Offenbarung bei Franz Brentano. [REVIEW]S. G. S. G. - 1947 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 57:404-405.
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