Results for 'Frank Drews'

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    Culex.Tenney Frank & D. L. Drew - 1926 - American Journal of Philology 47 (3):294.
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    Cell phone-induced failures of visual attention during simulated driving.David L. Strayer, Frank A. Drews & William A. Johnston - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 9 (1):23.
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    The crosstalk hypothesis: Why language interferes with driving.Benjamin Bergen, Nathan Medeiros-Ward, Kathryn Wheeler, Frank Drews & David Strayer - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):119.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Brian J. Spittle, Samuel M. Vinocur, Virginia Underwood, Robert L. Leight, L. Glenn Smith, Harold M. Bergsma, Robert H. Graham, William M. Bart, George D. Dalin, Lyle S. Maynard, Fred Drewe, Theodore Hutchcroft, Francesco Cordasco, Frank Andrews Stone, Roy R. Nasstrom, Edward B. Goellner, Margaret Gillett, Robert E. Belding, Kenneth V. Lottich & Arden W. Holland - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (4):431-459.
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    European Intellectual History From Rousseau to Nietzsche.Frank M. Turner - 2015 - Yale University Press.
    One of the most distinguished cultural and intellectual historians of our time, Frank Turner taught a landmark Yale University lecture course on European intellectual history that drew scores of students over many years. His lectures—lucid, accessible, beautifully written, and delivered with a notable lack of jargon—distilled modern European history from the Enlightenment to the dawn of the twentieth century and conveyed the turbulence of a rapidly changing era in European history through its ideas and leading figures. Richard A. Lofthouse, (...)
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    The renewal of generosity: illness, medicine, and how to live.Arthur W. Frank - 2004 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Contemporary health care often lacks generosity of spirit, even when treatment is most efficient. Too many patients are left unhappy with how they are treated, and too many medical professionals feel estranged from the calling that drew them to medicine. Arthur W. Frank tells the stories of ill people, doctors, and nurses who are restoring generosity to medicine--generosity toward others and to themselves. The Renewal of Generosity evokes medicine as the face-to-face encounter that comes before and after diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, (...)
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  7. Hume Against Spinoza and Aristotle.Frank J. Leavitt - 1991 - Hume Studies 17 (2):203-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Against Spinoza and Aristotle1 Frank J. Leavitt It is always good to try to make peace, to try to resolve differences between whatsomebelieveare conflictingpoints ofview. Nevertheless, sometimes the points ofview which are believed to be opposed to each other really do oppose one another and so the most ingenious attempts at reconciliation turn out to have been ill-conceived. Wim Klever has brought considerable scholarship to bear in (...)
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    Richard Bradley's understanding of biological productivity: A study of eighteenth-century ecological ideas.Frank N. Egerton - 1969 - Journal of the History of Biology 2 (2):391-410.
    Bradley succeeded in conceptualizing biological productivity in terms—monetary investment vs. profit—that could be applied to organisms as different in form and habitat as trees, grapevines, and crayfish.41 This form of measurement was not precise enough to have served as a basis for actual comparisons of production rate. His way of thinking, however, could have been applied with other terms of measurement once the usefulness of such measurements had been realized. The realization that production rate is an important factor is implicit (...)
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    The Gödelian Inferences.Curtis Franks - 2009 - History and Philosophy of Logic 30 (3):241-256.
    I attribute an 'intensional reading' of the second incompleteness theorem to its author, Kurt G del. My argument builds partially on an analysis of intensional and extensional conceptions of meta-mathematics and partially on the context in which G del drew two familiar inferences from his theorem. Those inferences, and in particular the way that they appear in G del's writing, are so dubious on the extensional conception that one must doubt that G del could have understood his theorem extensionally. However, (...)
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    Legal Signs Fascinate: Kevelson’s Research on Semiotics.Jan M. Broekman & Frank Fleerackers - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag. Edited by Frank Fleerackers.
    This engaging book examines the origins and first effects of the concept ‘legal semiotics’, focusing on the inventor of the term, Roberta Kevelson. It highlights the importance of her ideas and works which have contributed to legal theory, legal interpretation and philosophy of language. Kevelson’s work is particularly relevant today, in our world of global electronic communication networks which rely so much on language, signs, signals and shortcuts. Kevelson could not have foreseen the 21st century, yet the story of her (...)
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    Distinguishing Risk and Uncertainty in Risk Assessments of Emerging Technologies.Kevin C. Elliott & Michael Dickson - unknown
    Economist Frank Knight drew a distinction between decisions under risk and decisions under uncertainty. Despite the significance of this distinction for decision theory, we argue that there has been inadequate attention to the difficulties involved in classifying decision situations into these categories. Using the risk assessment of carbon nanotubes as an example, we show that it is often unclear whether there is adequate information to classify a decision situation as being under risk as opposed to uncertainty. We conclude by (...)
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  12. The Vienna Circle’s reception of Nietzsche.Andreas Vrahimis - 2020 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 8 (9):1-29.
    Friedrich Nietzsche was among the figures from the history of nineteenth century philosophy that, perhaps surprisingly, some of the Vienna Circle’s members had presented as one of their predecessors. While, primarily for political reasons, most Anglophone figures in the history of analytic philosophy had taken a dim view of Nietzsche, the Vienna Circle’s leader Moritz Schlick admired and praised Nietzsche, rejecting what he saw as a misinterpretation of Nietzsche as a militarist or proto-fascist. Schlick, Frank, Neurath, and Carnap were (...)
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    Bed-Sharing in Couples Is Associated With Increased and Stabilized REM Sleep and Sleep-Stage Synchronization.Henning Johannes Drews, Sebastian Wallot, Philip Brysch, Hannah Berger-Johannsen, Sara Lena Weinhold, Panagiotis Mitkidis, Paul Christian Baier, Julia Lechinger, Andreas Roepstorff & Robert Göder - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychiatry 11.
    Methods Young healthy heterosexual couples underwent sleep-lab-based polysomnography of two sleeping arrangements: individual sleep and co-sleep. Individual and dyadic sleep parameters (i.e., synchronization of sleep stages) were collected. The latter were assessed using cross-recurrence quantification analysis. Additionally, subjective sleep quality, relationship characteristics, and chronotype were monitored. Data were analyzed comparing co-sleep vs. individual sleep. Interaction effects of the sleeping arrangement with gender, chronotype, or relationship characteristics were moreover tested. Results As compared to sleeping individually, co-sleeping was associated with about 10% (...)
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  14. Die Entstehung des Christentums aus dem Gnostizismus.Arthur Drews - 1924 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 4 (9):107-108.
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  15. Die Religion als Selbstbewußtsein Gottes.Arthur Drews - 1927 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 6:33-33.
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  16. (1 other version)Psychologie des Unbewußten.Arthur Drews - 1927 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 6:141-141.
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    Rome of the Caesars.Robert Drews & Thomas W. Africa - 1967 - American Journal of Philology 88 (2):254.
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    Zersplitterte und gesammelte Gegenwart bei Augustinus: Das Verhältnis von physikalischer und psychologischer Zeit.Friedemann Drews - 2024 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 26 (2):387-415.
    This paper tries to ‘liberate’ Augustine’s view on time from certain modern prejudices, e.g. that the church father’s theory of time involves the modern dichotomy between subjectivism and objectivism (Ricœur), that his understanding of time can be seen as a precursor of modern phenomenology (Husserl, Heidegger), that Conf. XI lacks a coherent theory of time as such or that, at least, it falls short of the insights of Kant’s enlightened transcendentalism (Flasch). By contrast, the church father circumvents typically modern aporiai (...)
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    Lo verosímil en el “razonablismo” de Vaz Ferreira.Pablo Drews - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 51:123-136.
    El ensayo intenta conectar y defender el concepto de “verosímil” en la obra de Carlos Vaz Ferreira. Esto se justifica a través de la teoría del “Razonablismo” desarrollada en las obras de Lógica viva, Un paralogismo de actualidad y Conocimiento acción. Por tanto, con esto pretendemos una mejor comprensión de los conceptos de razón y acción.
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    Master Sorai's Responsals: An Annotated Translation of Sorai Sensei Tomonsho.Samuel Hideo Yamashita - 1994 - University of Hawaii Press.
    Master Sorai's Responsals was to eighteenth-century Japan what The Prince was to Renaissance Italy. Like Machiavelli, Ogyu Sorai was a humanist scholar who served a prince and drew on his experiences as a house philosopher and on his vast knowledge of history and political affairs in his work. In 1720, when he began to write the letters that comprise this text, the Tokugawa regime was more than a hundred years old and beset with grave administrative and fiscal problems, about which (...)
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    Stephen Rothman, pioneer of investigative dermatology.Frank G. Rothman & Allan L. Lorincz - 1994 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 39 (1):93-109.
  22.  23
    (1 other version)Mut zurzeit.Frank Ruda - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 8 (1):11-26.
    "Der Beitrag verhandelt den Begriff des Muts und beginnt diese Verhandlung ausgehend von der Frage, wie eine Kategorie, die die Geschichte der Philosophie zu durchziehen scheint, gegenwärtig an Relevanz und Einfluss verlieren kann. Er identifiziert den Grund dafür in der aristotelischen Bestimmung des Muts als männlich-militärischer Tugend und setzt dieser Bestimmung in der Folge eine Neubestimmung entgegen, die zu denken versucht, was weiblicher Mut sein kann. The paper discusses the concept of courage, starting from the question of how it is (...)
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    Species Concepts in Biology: Historical Development, Theoretical Foundations and Practical Relevance.Frank E. Zachos - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    Frank E. Zachos offers a comprehensive review of one of today's most important and contentious issues in biology: the species problem. After setting the stage with key background information on the topic, the book provides a brief history of species concepts from antiquity to the Modern Synthesis, followed by a discussion of the ontological status of species with a focus on the individuality thesis and potential means of reconciling it with other philosophical approaches. More than 30 different species concepts (...)
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    Dancing feminist conversations: Never without materiality.Dana Mills & Sarah Drews Lucas - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (2):241-249.
  25. Wild Animals and Other Pets Kept in Costa Rican Households: Incidence, Species and Numbers.Carlos Drews - 2001 - Society and Animals 9 (2):107-126.
    A nationwide survey that included personal interviews in 1,021 households studied the incidence, species, and numbers of nonhuman animals kept in Costa Rican households. A total of 71% of households keep animals.The proportion of households keeping dogs is 3.6 higher than the proportion of households keeping cats . In addition to the usual domestic or companion animals kept in 66% of the households, 24% of households keep wild species as pets. Although parrots are the bulk of wild species kept as (...)
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  26. Brill Online Books and Journals.Carlos Drews - 2001 - Society and Animals 9 (2).
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    Die deutsche spekulation seit Kant.Arthur Drews - 1895 - Leipzig,: G. Fock.
    1. bd. Einleitung. Die Kantische philosophie als eingang in die deutsche spekulation des XIX. jahrhunderts. Der naive pantheismus. Ser spekulative thelsmus.--2. bd. Der speculative theismus (fortsetzung) Der atheismus. Der antitheistische pantheismus.
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    Ver ideengehalt von Richard Wagners: Oramatischen dichtungen im zu-sammenhange mit seinem leben un seiner weltanschauung.Arthur Drews - 1931 - E. Pfeiffer.
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    Estampas desde las trincheras: José Enrique Rodó y su lectura de la Gran Guerra.José Pablo Drews - 2013 - Thémata Revista de Filosofía 48:135-142.
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  30. (1 other version)Eduard von Hartmanns philosophische System in Grundriss.Arthur Drews - 1902 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 54 (2):202-204.
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    Geschichte der philosophie VI.Arthur Drews - 1920 - Leipzig,: W. de Gruyter & co..
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    Günstlingsdiskurse im Mittelalter.Wolfram Drews - 2016 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 49 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 49 Heft: 1 Seiten: 105-148.
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    Untersuchungen zur historischen Glaubwurdigkeit des Polybios.Robert Drews & G. A. Lehmann - 1969 - American Journal of Philology 90 (4):487.
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    Commentary on John R. Welch’s “Conclusions as hedged hypotheses”.Frank Zenker - unknown
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    (1 other version)European Intellectual History From Rousseau to Nietzsche.Richard A. Lofthouse (ed.) - 2014 - Yale University Press.
    One of the most distinguished cultural and intellectual historians of our time, Frank Turner taught a landmark Yale University lecture course on European intellectual history that drew scores of students over many years. His lectures—lucid, accessible, beautifully written, and delivered with a notable lack of jargon—distilled modern European history from the Enlightenment to the dawn of the twentieth century and conveyed the turbulence of a rapidly changing era in European history through its ideas and leading figures. Richard A. Lofthouse, (...)
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    Spatial and Temporal Reasoning.Oliviero Stock (ed.) - 1997 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Qualitative reasoning about space and time - a reasoning at the human level - promises to become a fundamental aspect of future systems that will accompany us in daily activity. The aim of Spatial and Temporal Reasoning is to give a picture of current research in this area focusing on both representational and computational issues. The picture emphasizes some major lines of development in this multifaceted, constantly growing area. The material in the book also shows some common ground and a (...)
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    Der „Alleszermalmer“: Zur dominanten Rolle Kants für das Philosophieverständnis an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen.Frank Brosow & Patrick Maisenhölder - 2019 - Kant Studien 110 (4):618-621.
  38. Die Einrichtung der Provinz "Gallia Cisalpina".Frank Ausbüttel - 1988 - Hermes 116 (1):117-122.
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    Dialectic.Frank Binder - 1932 - London,: E. Partridge ltd. at the Scholartis Press.
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    Handbook of research in online learning: insights and advances.Trey Martindale, Tonya B. Amankwatia, Lauren Cifuentes & Anthony A. Piña (eds.) - 2024 - Boston: Brill.
    As we navigate post-pandemic educational recovery and future-oriented design, the Handbook of Research in Online Learning: Insights and Advances emerges as a scholarly authority to illuminate existing questions and catalyze conversations on imperative transformations in education. Tailored for researchers, designers, educators, administrators, and stakeholders, this handbook delves into the nuanced landscape of online learning. Curated by leading experts, each chapter provides a deep exploration of critical online teaching and learning dimensions. Whether you're navigating the complexities of instructional design, exploring the (...)
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  41. Dennis J. Schmidt, The Ubiquity of the Finite: Hegel, Heidegger, and the Entitlements of Philosophy Reviewed by.Frank Schalow - 1989 - Philosophy in Review 9 (3):114-117.
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    Seduction, Community, Speech: A Festschrift for Herman Parret.Frank Brisard, Herman Parret, Michael Meeuwis & Bart Vandenabeele - 2004 - John Benjamins.
    This volume unites various contributions reflecting the intellectual interests exhibited by Professor Herman Parret (Institute of Philosophy, Leuven), who has continued to observe, and often critically assess, ongoing developments in pragmatics throughout his career. In fact, Parret's contributions to philosophical and empirical/linguistic pragmatics present substantive proposals in the epistemics of communication, while simultaneously offering meta-comments on the ideological premises of extant pragmatic analyses. In a lengthy introduction, an overview is provided of his achievements in promoting an integrated, "maximalist" pragmatics, as (...)
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    Gefässformen bei Autoren des 5. Jhdts. v. Chr.Frank Brommer - 1987 - Hermes 115 (1):1-21.
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    Moderne Theorien praktischer Normativität: Zur Wirklichkeit und Wirkungsweise des praktischen Sollens.Frank Brosow & T. Raja Rosenhagen (eds.) - 2013 - Münster: mentis.
    Was ist und wie funktioniert praktische Normativität? Können Soll-Sätze aus Ist-Sätzen abgeleitet werden? Gibt es so etwas wie objektive Werte und moralische Tatsachen? Oder beziehen sich normative Aussagen in Wirklichkeit auf mentale Vorgänge in den Subjekten? Welchen Geltungsanspruch haben normative Überzeugungen im Allgemeinen und moralische Überzeugungen im Besonderen? Welche Rolle spielen Wünsche, Emotionen und die (reine) praktische Vernunft? Erkennen wir moralische Regeln und Eigenschaften intuitiv? Beruht alle Moral nur auf Übereinkunft? Diese und weitere Fragen und Probleme sind heute Gegenstand einer (...)
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  45. Beyond Human Motivation and Ethics.Frank Kodman - 1982 - Journal of Thought 17 (1):11-14.
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  46. F31. Informed consent in pediatric genetic screening.Frank J. Leavitt & Dina Pilpel - forthcoming - Bioethics in Asia: The Proceedings of the Unesco Asian Bioethics Conference (Abc'97) and the Who-Assisted Satellite Symposium on Medical Genetics Services, 3-8 Nov, 1997 in Kobe/Fukui, Japan, 3rd Murs Japan International Symposium, 2nd Congress of the Asi.
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  47. Psychophysiological evidence for binding and unbinding arithmetic knowledge representations.Frank Rosler, Kerstin Jost & Niedeggen & Michael - 2006 - In Hubert D. Zimmer, Axel Mecklinger & Ulman Lindenberger, Handbook of Binding and Memory: Perspectives From Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press.
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  48. From a phenomenology of the reciprocal nature of habits and values to an understanding of the intersubjective ground of normative social reality.Frank Scalambrino - 2014 - Phenomenology and Mind 6:156-167.
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    Infinite Regress and the Sense World in Plato.Frank J. Yartz - 1975 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):17-28.
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    Radical philosophy: An introduction.Sarah Drews Lucas - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (1):144-146.
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