Results for 'Francis Mercury'

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  1.  45
    A quaker-kabbalist controversy: George fox's reaction to Francis mercury Van helmont.Allison Coudert - 1976 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 39 (1):171-189.
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    Francis Robin Houssemayne Du Boulay 1920-2008.C. H. Lawrence - 2011 - In Lawrence C. H., Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 166, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, IX. pp. 161.
    Francis Robin Houssemayne Du Boulay, historian of England and Germany in the later Middle Ages, is remembered with admiration and affection by his colleagues as a fine scholar, and as a witty, charitable, and sometimes mercurial companion. Many professors of history and writers in Britain and the USA can testify to Boulay's inspiring gifts as a teacher. His unique historical vision, which is most powerfully communicated in his books on England in the later middle ages and Piers Plowman, offers (...)
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    Anne Conway and Her Circle on Monads.Jasper Reid - 2020 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (4):679-704.
    The goal of this article is to counter a belief, still widely held in the secondary literature, that Anne Conway espoused a theory of monads. By exploring her views on the divisibility of both bodies and spirits, I argue that monads could not possibly exist in her system. In addition, by offering new evidence about the Latin translation of Conway's Principles and the possible authorship of its annotations, I argue that she never even suggested that there could be such things (...)
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  4. Anne Conway: A Woman Philosopher (review).Eileen O'Neill - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (1):122-124.
    Eileen O'Neill - Anne Conway: A Woman Philosopher - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:1 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.1 122-124 Sarah Hutton. Anne Conway: A Woman Philosopher. Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Pp. viii + 271. Cloth, $75.00. In 1690 a Latin translation of a philosophical treatise, originally written in English by Anne Conway , was published anonymously. The English manuscript did not survive, but in 1692 the Latin version of Conway's text was translated into (...)
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  5. Leibniz and the Kabbalah.Christia Mercer - 1995 - The Leibniz Review 5:27-28.
    Anyone interested in Leibniz, the Kabbalah, the Cambridge Platonists, Gnosticism, Platonism, or seventeenth-century metaphysics will want to read Allison P. Coudert’s Leibniz and the Kabbalah. Coudert argues that core features of Leibniz’s mature philosophy were directly influenced by the Kabbalah in general and Francis Mercury van Helmont’s Lurianic Kabbalah in particular. This is a provocative thesis to which Coudert brings an impressive amount of scholarly detective work. Her argument in brief goes as follows: there are important differences between (...)
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    Princess Elisabeth and Anne Conway : The Interconnected Circles of Two Philosophical Women.Sarah Hutton - 2021 - In Sabrina Ebbersmeyer & Sarah Hutton, Elisabeth of Bohemia (1618–1680): A Philosopher in Her Historical Context. Springer Verlag. pp. 71-86.
    Princess Elisabeth and Anne Conway were contemporaries whose lives present many striking parallels. From their early interest in Descartes’ philosophy to their encounter with Van Helmont and the Quakers in their maturity, both were brought into contact with the same sets of ideas and forms of spirituality at similar points in their lives. Despite their common interest in philosophy, and their many mutual acquaintances, it is difficult to ascertain what either knew about the other, and whether either knew anything about (...)
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    Literatur.Francis Joseph Kovach - 1961 - In Die Ästhetik des Thomas von Aquin. Berlin,: De Gruyter. pp. 267-270.
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    Mr. F. C. Russell Still Demurs.Francis C. Russell - 1909 - The Monist 19 (4):620-627.
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    Examining ethics and intercultural interactions in international relations.Francis Sigmund Topor (ed.) - 2020 - Hershey: IGI Global Disseminator of Knowledge.
    "This book examines international collaboration through intercultural communication and an exchange of data, ideas, and information on a range of topics, including but not limited to ethics in academics, business, medicine, government, and leadership"--Provided by publisher.
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    How Judicare Came into the Creed.Francis Lee Utley - 1946 - Mediaeval Studies 8 (1):303-309.
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    Structural linguistics and the literary critic.Francis Lee Utley - 1960 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 18 (3):319-328.
  12.  13
    Difference and Subjectivity: Dialogue and Personal Identity.Francis Jacques - 1991
    This prize-winning book, first published in France in 1982 and now available in an English translation, investigates the question of human subjectivity.
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    Humor.Francis P. Donnelly· - 1934 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 9 (2):286-295.
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  14. The Life and Thought of Aurel Kolnai.Francis Dunlop - 2002 - Philosophy 77 (302):634-638.
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    Negotiating Rapture: The Power of Art to Transform Lives.Richard Francis, Homi K. Bhabha, Yve Alain Bois & Museum of Contemporary Art - 1996
    Bhabha, Georges Didi-Huberman, David Morgan and Lee Siegel, as well as a series of focused contributions by Yve-Alain Bois, Wendy Doniger, Kenneth Frampton, Martin E. Marty, John Hallmark Neff, Annemarie Schimmel, and Helen Tworkov consider how rapture resonate's both in a cultural context and within the experience of a single human being.
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  16. Privacy, Employment, and Dignity.Leslie Francis & John Francis - 2018 - In Mark Navin & Ann Cudd, Core Concepts and Contemporary Issues in Privacy. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    The Settlement of Sardis after the Fall of Achaeus.Francis Piejko - 1987 - American Journal of Philology 108 (4).
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    Histoire et théologie.Francis Rapp - 1996 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 70 (3):426-428.
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    No many is not a one (for the case is a comparison).Francis Schwanauer - 1981 - Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
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  20. Modern Philosophy from Descartes to Schopenhauer and Hartmann.Francis Bowen - 1878 - Mind 3 (9):118-124.
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    Matters of life and death.Francis E. Camps & Edward Shotter (eds.) - 1970 - London,: Darton, Longman & Todd.
  22. The Popes and the Economy.Francis Canavan - 1997 - Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 11 (2):429-444.
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    Empowering the poor through property rights.Francis Cheneval - 2008 - In [no title].
  24.  9
    Jesus in Asia.Francis X. Clooney - 2021 - Common Knowledge 27 (2):311-312.
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    Parāśarabhaṭṭas TattvaratnākaraḥVātsya Varadagurus Traktar von der Tranzendenz des Brahma in der kontroverstheologischen Tradition der SchuleYādavaprakāśa, der vergessene Lehrer RāmānujasDas "Innere Lenker" : Geschichte eines TheologemsZur Lehre von der ewigen vibhūti GottesParasarabhattas TattvaratnakarahVatsya Varadagurus Traktar von der Tranzendenz des Brahma in der kontroverstheologischen Tradition der SchuleYadavaprakasa, der vergessene Lehrer RamanujasDas "Innere Lenker" : Geschichte eines TheologemsZur Lehre von der ewigen vibhuti Gottes.Francis X. Clooney & Gerhard Oberhammer - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4):920.
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    The interreligious dimension of reasoning about God's existence.Francis X. Clooney - 1999 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 46 (1):1-16.
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    Transfer of learned discrimination from peripheral to central auditory stimulation in cats.Francis B. Colavita - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (2):109-110.
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    Telling a story in context; or, what's wrong with social history?Francis G. Couvares - 1980 - Theory and Society 9 (5):674-676.
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    Plato on Not-Being.Francis Jeffery Pelletier - 1983 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 8:35-65.
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  30. ‘Being Children of the Resurrection’: Ultimate Experience and Existence in Luke-Acts.Francis Giordano Carpinelli - 1997 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 20 (1):3-22.
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  31. Utrum omnia eveniant de necessitate. Textedition und Studie der gleichnamigen Quaestio von Thaddeus von Parma.Francis Cheneval - 1988 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 35:175-199.
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    Raum-zeitliche Vermittlung der Transzendenz: Zur "sakramentalen" Dimension religiöser TraditionRaum-zeitliche Vermittlung der Transzendenz: Zur "sakramentalen" Dimension religioser Tradition.Francis X. Clooney, Gerhard Oberhammer, Marcus Schmücker & Marcus Schmucker - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (4):632.
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    The Visitor: André Palmeiro and the Jesuits in Asia.Francis X. Clooney - 2016 - Common Knowledge 22 (2):325-325.
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  34. (1 other version)Readings in political philosophy.Francis W. Coker - 1926 - New York,: The Macmillan company.
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    The New Pedantry.Francis X. Connolly - 1951 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 26 (1):135-141.
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  36. Czy filozofia jońska była naukowa.Francis M. Cornford - 2001 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 38 (2):5-15.
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    S'orienter dans la vie: une valeur suprême?: essai d'anthropologie de la formation.Francis Danvers - 2009 - Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses universitaires du septentrion.
    [t. 1] Liste des questions, 1-500 -- t. 2. De la 501e à la 600e consideration.
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    Juvenal 7. 242 f.Francis Davey - 1971 - The Classical Review 21 (01):11-.
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    An essay on the physiology of mind.Francis Xavier Dercum - 1922 - Philadelphia and London,: W. B. Saunders company.
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    The Hermeneutical and Rhetorical Nature of Law.Francis J. Mootz Iii - 2011 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 8 (2):221-254.
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    Les conditions dialogiques de la compréhension ou le paradoxe de Narcisse.Francis Jacques - 1981 - In Herman Parret & Jacques Bouveresse, Meaning and understanding. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 353-386.
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    L'arbre du texte et ses possibles.Francis Jacques - 2007 - Vrin.
    Le philosophe parle de phenomenes et de noumenes. Pourquoi ne donnerait-il pas son attention a l'etre du livre, au bibliomene? Cette suggestion de Gaston Bachelard est ici reprise et prolongee. Voue aux fondations, le present ouvrage dresse une correspondance entre textualite et interrogativite, assez puissante pour indexer les modalites du pensable sur les grands types de textes, de la science a la theologie et a la poesie. L'auteur s'adresse a ceux qui ecrivent des textes. Comme a ceux qui s'interrogent sur (...)
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    La responsabilité des théologiens (1).Francis Jacques - 2003 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 77 (1):97-110.
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    Mission, dialogue et médiatisation. Comment s'entretenir sur la foi.Francis Jacques - 2002 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 76 (3):348-370.
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    Le problème moral et la pensée de Sartre: Lettre-préf. de Jean-Paul Sartre. Suivi de un quidam nommé Sartre (1965).Francis Jeanson - 1976 - Paris,: Éditions du Myrte.
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    1897 - Letters CXLV.Francis W. Newman - forthcoming - Letters of Francis William Newman, Chiefly on Religion:244-245.
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    A problem for Goldman on rationality.Francis Jeffry Pelletier - 2000 - Social Epistemology 14 (4):239 – 245.
    The central concern of Knowledge in a Social World is to restore the notion of Truth to the rightful place of glory that it had before the onslaught of those pragmatic, cultural-studying, social constructing, critical legalistic and feministic postmodernists (PoMo’s, for short). As G sees it, these PoMo’s have never put forward any “real” arguments for their veriphobia; and, well, how could they, since their position is committed to the “denial of Truth” and hence committed to denying that there is (...)
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    A Recent Study of the Universal.Francis Augustine Walsh - 1930 - New Scholasticism 4 (1):37-45.
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  49. Autonomy, reduction and the artificiality of mental properties.Francis X. Williamson - 1998 - South African Journal of Philosophy 17 (1):1-7.
  50. Communicabilité et référence.Francis Jacques - 1983 - In François Bousquet, La Vérité. Paris: Beauchesne.
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