Results for 'Francesco Costèro'

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  1.  10
    Nicolai Hartmann.Francesco Sirchia - 1969 - Milano,: Vita e pensiero.
  2.  27
    An analysis of informational power transformations: from modern state to the new regime of performativity.Francesco Abbate - 2023 - AI and Society:1-12.
    This paper examines the role and power of the state in modernity and its transformation throughout it and into the present. First, it recognizes the centrality of the role of information control for the modern state constitution, which allows sovereign power to extend to the national level. Secondly, it discusses the shift of state power from a purely informational power to an informational and bargaining power, as well as the gradual transformation of sovereignty into governmentality. Finally, it analyzes the transformations (...)
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  3. (1 other version)The Platonic Origins of Stoic Theology.Francesco Ademollo - 2012 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 43:217-243.
    In this article I investigate what the Stoic doctrine of the two principles, God and matter, owes to Plato. I discuss recent scholarly views to the effect that the Stoics were influenced by Old Academic interpretations of the Timaeus and argue that, although the Timaeus probably did play a role in the genesis of the Stoic doctrine, some role was also played by a dualist theory of flux set forth in the etymologies of the Cratylus. I also discuss Theophrastus’ account (...)
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    FriendshipL'Amicizia.Francesco Alberoni - 2016 - BRILL.
    In _Friendship_, Francesco Alberoni differentiates friendship from other interpersonal relationships and shows that the friendship encounter embodies justice and thus resists dehumanizing societal trends. The ideals of friendship enjoin us to realize the republican virtues in everyday life.
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  5. Cosmic and Individual Soul in Early Stoicism.Francesco Ademollo - 2020 - In Brad Inwood & James Warren, Body and Soul in Hellenistic Philosophy. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 113-144.
    After an introduction in which I rehearse some of the main elements of Stoic physics and psychology, I set out the evidence for the Stoic doctrine that the individual soul is both analogous to the cosmic soul and a part of it, as was held by the early exponents of the school (Section I). I argue that the doctrine threatened to land the Stoics in trouble, unless they were ready to qualify it by applying to it certain distinctions (Section II). (...)
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    The Anatomy of Primary Substance in Aristotle's Categories.Francesco Ademollo - 2021 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 60:145-202.
    This paper investigates two related aspects of Aristotle’s conception of primary substances in the Categories. In Section 1 I distinguish different interpretations of the relation between a primary substance and its accidental attributes: one (A) according to which a primary substance encompasses all of its attributes, including the accidental ones; another (B) according to which a primary substance encompasses only its essential attributes, whereas the accidental attributes are extrinsic to the substance, though related to it; and a third, intermediate one (...)
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    Rebus ab ipsis consequitur sensus. Il tempo in Epicuro.Francesco Verde - 2008 - Elenchos 29 (1):91-118.
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  8. (1 other version)The Principle of Bivalence in De interpretatione 4.Francesco Ademollo - 2010 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 38:97-113.
    In De int. 9 Aristotle argues that some declarative sentences are neither true nor false. This raises the problem of how we should understand the words of ch. 4, which introduces the declarative sentence as ‘that in which being true or being false holds’. In this paper I remove the contradiction by arguing that in ch. 4 Aristotle does not intend to claim that *all* declarative sentences are either true or false, but rather that *only* they are either true or (...)
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    On Plato's Conception of Change.Francesco Ademollo - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 55:35-83.
    In this paper I argue that in several passages Plato sympathizes with the following view: sensible particulars undergo continuous, pervasive physical change; as a consequence, where there seems to be one and the same object which is identical through time, there is in fact a succession of impermanent objects numerically distinct from each other but similar to each other. I illustrate the difference between this view—which invites interesting comparisons with modern and contemporary theories—and other, superficially similar views which Plato criticizes. (...)
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    Etica della libertà.Francesco Emmolo - 2021 - Milano: Jaca Book.
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    Mental Time Travel and language evolution: a narrative account of the origins of human communication.Ferretti Francesco, Ines Adornetti, Chiera Alessandra, Serena Nicchiarelli, Rita Magni, Giovanni Valeri & Andrea Marini - 2017 - Language Sciences 63:105-118.
    In this paper we propose a narrative account for the origin of language. Such a proposal is based on two assumptions. The first is conceptual and concerns the idea that the distinctive feature of human language (what sets it apart from other forms of animal communication) has to be traced to its inherently narrative character. The second assumption is methodological and connected to the idea that the study of language origin is closely related to the analysis of the cognitive systems (...)
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    Dai presocratici a Platone: cinque studi.Francesco Fronterotta & Francesca Masi (eds.) - 2018 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
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    Not by thoughts alone: How language supersizes the cognitive toolkit.Hans IJzerman & Francesco Foroni - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (4):226-227.
    We propose that Vaesen's target article (a) underestimates the role of language in humans' cognitive toolkit and thereby (b) overestimates the proposed cognitive discontinuity between chimps and humans. We provide examples of labeling, numerical computation, executive control, and the relation between language and body, concluding that language plays a crucial role in.
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  14. Spontaneità e ragion sufficiente: determinismo e filosofia dell'azione in Leibniz.Francesco Piro - 2002 - Roma: Ed. di Storia e Letteratura.
    CONTENTS /(TITLES OF THE CHAPTERS) -/- Parte Prima: I PRINCIPI DI RAGIONE -/- Capitolo 1: LA VERSIONE CAUSALE DEL PRINCIPIO: LEIBNIZ E HOBBES 1. Quanti sono i principi di ragion sufficiente? 2. Gli antecedenti: causa sufficiente e causa totale 3. La teoria dei requisiti 4. Moto e azione 5. La contingenza e il primo principio di ragion sufficiente Scheda: Il giovane Leibniz e la teoria politica di Hobbes -/- Capitolo 2: LA VERSIONE DELIBERATIVA DEL PRINCIPIO: OPTIMUM, PERFEZIONE E PROBABILITA' 1. (...)
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    La casa della saggezza (Prov. 9, 1; 14, 1).Francesco Vattioni - 1967 - Augustinianum 7 (2):349-351.
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    L’etimologia di Monica.Francesco Vattioni - 1982 - Augustinianum 22 (3):583-584.
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    (1 other version)Miscellanea Biblica.Francesco Vattioni - 1966 - Augustinianum 6 (2):311-325.
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    Saggezza e creazione in Prov. 3,19-20.Francesco Vattioni - 1966 - Augustinianum 6 (1):102-105.
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    Ancora su Timasagora epicureo.Francesco Verde - 2010 - Elenchos 31 (2):285-318.
    The present contribution focuses on two testimonia regarding Timasagoras, who is generally regarded as an Epicurean dissident: Cicero, acad. ii 25, 80 and Aet. iv 13, 6, p. 403, 22 Diels. The two passages are remarkably different and the evidence from Cicero is far more complex. The context of the passage suggests that Cicero considers Timasagoras as an ``orthodox'' Epicurean. In order to shed light on Timasagoras' philosophical stance, it is necessary to examine briefly the notion of "Epicurean dissidence''. Timasagoras' (...)
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  20. From Aristotle to Strato of Lampsacus : the translatio of the notion of time in the early peripatetic tradition.Francesco Verde - 2012 - In Marco Sgarbi, Translatio studiorum: ancient, medieval and modern bearers of intellectual history. Boston: Brill.
  21. Ermeneutica filosofica, pluralismo e diritto.Francesco Viola - 2006 - Etica E Politica 8 (1):1-20.
    The purpose of this essay is to show that philosophical hermeneutics is particularly suited for facing problems of understanding among different cultural worlds. These issues are relevant even for legal interpretation that, now more than ever, is not up against culturally homogeneous societies and against legal systems shaped by a single source or by a steady hierarchy of sources. Therefore, philosophical hermeneutics’ approaches to intercultural dialogue can be useful to the present practice of legal interpretation, not by building new interpretative (...)
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    La defensa de la persona humana en la era tecnológica.Francesco Viola - 2007 - In Jesús Ballesteros & Encarna Fernández, Biotecnología y posthumanismo. Cizur Menor (Navarra): Editorial Aranzadi. pp. 47--62.
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  23. L'autorità'come principio.Francesco Viola - 1982 - Aquinas 25 (2):331-348.
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    Documentalità o della grammatologia quale scienza positiva. Ferraris e l’eredità di Derrida.Francesco Vitale - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 50:365-376.
    The author proposes to read Documentalità constantly referring to Jacques Derrida’s work, which is one of its main sources. This comparative reading develops through a double move: on the one hand, it attempts to explain Derrida’s famous sentence “there is nothing outside the text” taking into account the criticism elaborated in Ferraris’ work. On the other hand, it suggests an understanding of the theory of document as a development of Derrida’s project of a “Grammatology as a positive science”. The articulation (...)
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    Let the Witness Speak: From Archi-writing to the Community to come.Francesco Vitale - 2009 - Derrida Today 2 (2):260-270.
    The paper aims to present a reading of the question of Testimony rising in Derrida's later works (from Faith and Knowledge to Poetics and Politics of Witnessing): the experience of Testimony as the irreducible condition of the relation to the Other, of every possible link among living human singularities and, thus, of the thinking of a community to come. This thinking is able to divert the community from the economy grounding and structuring it within our political tradition governed by the (...)
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    Realtà e astrazione: scuola polacca ed epistemologia post-positivista.Francesco Coniglione - 2011 - C.U.E.C.M.
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    Parlare di oggetti: teorie del senso e del riferimento.Michele Di Francesco - 1986 - Unicopli.
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  28. Storia della filosofia italiana.Francesco E. Marcianò - 1959 - Roma,: Edizioni cremonese.
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    Izabrani politički spisi.Francesco Patrizi - 1998 - Zagreb: Narodne novine. Edited by Vladimir Premec.
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    Esemplarità e imitazione. Gloria e vergogna nell'Etica di Spinoza.Francesco Toto - 2016 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 71 (2):221-242.
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    Ethics, Rationality, and Economic Behaviour.Francesco Farina, Frank Hahn & Stefano Vannucci (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    The connection between economics and ethics is as old as economics itself, and central to both disciplines. It is an issue that has recently attracted much interest from economists and philosophers. The connection is, in part, a result of the desire of economists to make policy prescriptions, which clearly require some normative criteria. More deeply, much economic theory is founded on the assumption of utility maximization, thereby creating an immediate connection between the foundations of economics and the philosophical literature on (...)
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  32.  60
    Cratylus 393b–c and the Prehistory of Plato's Text.Francesco Ademollo - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):595-602.
    I discuss a textual problem at Cratylus 393bc and, after establishing the correct text, argue that the MSS readings point to the existence of a textual variant in the margin of an ancestor of the common source of our MSS, presumably an ancient edition of the dialogue. Then I make the further hypothesis that both readings originated as alternative attempts to interpret Plato's ambiguous orthography.
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  33. De Interpretatione 3 on isolated verbs.Francesco Ademollo - 2023 - In Ricardo Santos & Antonio Pedro Mesquita, New Essays on Aristotle's Organon. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Pseudo-Plato on Names.Francesco Ademollo - 2017 - Phronesis 62 (3):255-273.
    The pseudo-Platonic Definitions seems to ascribe to ὄνοµα, ‘name’, the function of signifying two kinds of predicate. This is problematic, and I propose an emendation of the text, arguing that a definition of ῥῆµα, ‘verb’, has fallen out.
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    Sophroniscus’ son is approaching: Porphyry, Isagoge 7.20–1.Francesco Ademollo - 2004 - Classical Quarterly 54 (1):322-325.
  36. Thinking and Calculating.Francesco Ademollo, Fabrizio Amerini & Vincenzo De Risi (eds.) - 2022 - Springer.
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    Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini: CPF: testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina.Francesco Adorno (ed.) - 1989 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
    pt. I. Autori noti. V. 1* [Academici-Cyrenaici] V. 1*** in 2 vols. (v. 2(?): Nicolaus Damascenus-PLatonis Fragmenta; pt. 1. 2. Cultura e filosofia (Galenus-Isocrates) (2 v.); v. 3(?) : Platonis Testimonia-Zeno Tarsensis) -- pt. 3. Commentari -- pt. 4.1. Indici -- pt. 4.2. Tavole (I.1 e III). Tavole (I.2 Galenus-Isocrates).
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    Introduzione a Platone.Francesco Adorno - 1978 - Bari: Laterza.
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    Il pensiero greco.Francesco Adorno - 1969 - Bari,: Laterza.
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    L'efficacia Della Volontà Nel Xvi E Xvii Secolo.Francesco Paolo Adorno & Luc Foisneau (eds.) - 2002 - Rome, Italie: Edizioni di Storia E Letteratura.
  41.  58
    Rethinking Human Enhancement: Social Enhancement and Emergent Technologies.Francesco Paolo Adorno - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (3):247-250.
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    MOOC and NEET? Innovative paths towards the social and economic inclusion of vulnerable young people.Francesco Agrusti, Raffaella Leproni, Fabio Olivieri, Lisa Stillo & Elena Zizioli - 2021 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 25 (60):63-80.
    This paper shows the state of the art regarding the possibilities of intervention for the economic and social inclusion of young people Not engaged in Employment, Education, or Training through Massive Open Online Courses in the countries of the European Union, in order to identify and compare good practices and didactic models aimed to contrast the social and economic vulnerabilities of young people. The systematic review, carried out on both generalist and more properly educational databases, has revealed the poor relationship (...)
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  43.  4
    Le basi teoretiche della fisica nuova.Francesco Albergamo - 1940 - Padova,: CEDAM, Casa ed. dott. A. Milani.
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  44. Le ragioni del bene e del male.Francesco Alberoni - 1981 - Milano: Garzanti.
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    La speranza.Francesco Alberoni - 2001 - Milano: Rizzoli.
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    Valori.Francesco Alberoni - 1993 - Milano: Rizzoli.
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    Riflessioni critiche intorno alla soggettività giuridica: significato di un'evoluzione.Francesco Alcaro - 1976 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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    The ethical imperative in Edmund Husserl.Francesco Saverio Trincia - 2007 - Husserl Studies 23 (3):169-186.
    Husserl develops his reflection on ethics mainly in his lecture courses. These lectures can be divided into two parts, according to a principle that is both chronological and pertaining to content, and following thus the respective editions in the Gesammelte Werke.1 The common aspect of the two different phases of Husserl’s research can be detected in the critical confrontation with Kant’s practical philosophy, starting with the question concerning the formality.
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  49.  21
    Heidegger Beyond Heidegger: An Interview with Rodolphe Gasché.Francesco Vitale & Rodolphe Gasché - 2022 - Diacritics 50 (2):84-96.
    Abstract:Francesco Vitale discusses with Rodolphe Gasché the history of Heidegger reception in France and Germany, and more.
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    Mendelssohn and Kant:: a singular alliance in the name of reason.Francesco Tomasoni - 2004 - History of European Ideas 30 (3):267-294.
    Metaphysics is a field where the positions of Kant and Mendelssohn differed significantly, from the essays for the Academy of Sciences right up to their last works. While Kant is increasingly doubtful of the objective validity of metaphysics and comes to admit only its subjective significance as a reflection of insuppressible human need, Mendelssohn continues to defend its objective validity with respect to sciences and natural theology. After reducing the valid proofs for the existence of God to the ontological argument, (...)
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